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Note: The reports contained within this agenda are for consideration and should not be construed as Council policy

unless and until adopted. Items in the agenda may be subject to amendment or withdrawal at the meeting.

I hereby give notice that a meeting of Horizons Regional Council will be held on:

Date: Time: Venue:

Tuesday, 28 March 2017


Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council 11-15 Victoria Avenue Palmerston North



MEMBERSHIP Chair Cr EB Gordon JP Deputy Chair Cr PW Rieger, QSO JP Councillors Cr JJ Barrow Cr LR Burnell, QSM Cr DB Cotton Cr RJ Keedwell Cr PJ Kelly, JP Cr GM McKellar Cr NJ Patrick Cr BE Rollinson Cr CI Sheldon Cr WK Te Awe Awe Michael McCartney

Chief Executive Contact Telephone: 0508 800 800 Email: Postal Address: Private Bag 11025,

Palmerston North 4442

Full Agendas are available on Horizons Regional Council website

for further information regarding this agenda, please contact:

Julie Kennedy, 06 9522 800

CONTACTS 24 hr Freephone : 0508 800 800


CENTRES Kairanga Cnr Rongotea & Kairanga-Bunnythorpe Rds, Palmerston North

Marton Hammond Street

Taumarunui 34 Maata Street

Woodville Cnr Vogel (SH2) & Tay Sts



Palmerston North 11-15 Victoria Avenue

Wanganui 181 Guyton Street

DEPOTS Levin 11 Bruce Road

Taihape Torere Road Ohotu


ADDRESS Horizons Regional Council, Private Bag 11025, Manawatu Mail Centre, Palmerston North 4442

FAX 06 9522 929

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3 PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS 5 Public Speaking Rights must be connected to an item in the Agenda





Regional Council meeting, 28 February 2017 7



9.1 Authority to Resolve Appeals of Palmerston North District Plan Change 15D Decisions on Behalf of Horizons

Report No: 17-47 29

9.2 Process for Approval of Horizons' Submission on the Ministry for the Environment "Clean Water" 2017 Consultation Document

Report No: 17-48 31

9.3 Presentation by Department of Conservation on the draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

Report No: 17-49 33

9.4 Consultation - Department of Conservation Draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

Report No: 17-50 35 Annex A - Wellington CMS region and place boundaries 38 Annex B - Horizons draft submission to DOC draft

'Wellington Conservation Management Strategy'. 39

9.5 Councillors' Workshop Attendance - 22 February 2017 to 22 March 2017

Report No: 17-52 43 Annex A - Councillors' Workshop Attendance 44


10.1 Report of Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 7 March, 2017 45

10.2 Report of Strategy & Policy Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 14 March, 2017 51


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12.1 Procedural motion to exclude the public 57

PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 28 February 2017

PX2 Rural Upgrade Project – Contracts 2016/01 and 2016/18

PX3 Chief Executive Interim Performance Review

Report No: PX17-51

PX4 Council to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain, and define the extent of the release.

PX5 Members’ Questions

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At the close of the Agenda no apologies had been received.


Notification to speak is required by 4pm on the working day prior to the meeting. Further information is available by phoning 0508 800 800.


To consider, and if thought fit, to pass a resolution to permit the Committee/Council to consider any further items relating to items following below which do not appear on the Order Paper of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with the public excluded.

Such resolution is required to be made pursuant to Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended), and the Chairperson must advise:

(i) The reason why the item was not on the Order Paper, and

(ii) The reason why the discussion of this item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.


Members are reminded of their obligation to declare any conflicts of interest they might have in respect of the items on this Agenda.


Deputations: Written notice (fewer than 150 words) concerning the nature of the deputation must be lodged with the Chief Executive at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting and subsequently approved by the Chairperson.

Petitions: Written notice to the Chief Executive is required at least 2 working days before the date of the meeting.

Further information is available by phoning 0508 800 800.

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Minutes of the fifth meeting of the tenth triennium of Horizons Regional Council held at 10.02am on Tuesday 28 February 2017, in the Tararua Room Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

PRESENT Crs EB Gordon JP (Chairman), JJ Barrow, LR Burnell QSM, DB Cotton, RJ Keedwell, PJ Kelly JP, GM McKellar, NJ Patrick, PW Rieger QSO JP, BE Rollinson, CI Sheldon, WK Te Awe Awe.

IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive Group Manager Corporate and Governance Committee Secretary

Mr MJ McCartney Mr C Grant Mrs JA Kennedy

ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting:

Dr J Roygard (Group Manager Natural Resources & Partnerships), Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation), Mr R Strong (Group Manager River Management), Mr G Shirley (Group Manager Regional Services & Information), Mrs L Macdonald (Chief Financial Officer), Mr R Standish (Management Accountant), Ms C Morrison (Media & Communications Manager), Mr T Bowen (Manager Policy & Strategy), Mr R Standish (Management Accountant), Mr S Mancer (Management Accountant), Mrs A Calman (Management Accountant), Mrs K Robinson (Rates Coordinator), members of the public, and a member of the press.

WELCOME The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited Cr Wiremu Te Awe Awe to open the meeting with a Karakia.

APOLOGIES There were no apologies.

PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS There were no requests for public speaking rights.

SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS A Supplementary Agenda plus a Notice of Motion item had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting.

17-54 Moved Sheldon/Cotton

That the Council receives:

a. The Supplementary agenda containing a report of the Passenger Transport Committee meeting, 21 February 2017; Report No. PX17-32, Variation to Contract No. 2016/05-Rangitikei River Control Works;

b. Notice of Motion from Cr Wiremu Te Awe Awe.


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MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared.

PETITIONS / DEPUTATIONS There were no petitions/deputations. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES

17-55 Moved Rieger/Kelly

That the minutes of the Regional Council meeting held on 20 December 2016 as circulated, be confirmed as a correct record.


17-56 Moved Rieger/Keedwell

That the minutes of the Extraordinary Regional Council meeting held on 15 February 2017 as circulated, be confirmed as a correct record.



The Chief Executive presented his report, referred Members to the annexed information and responded to Members’ questions. Ms Morrison (Media & Communications Manager) presented a powerpoint showing the photographs entered in the ‘Swim, Splash and Share your Region’ photo competition, and updated Members on the results to date for the ‘Spruce up our Swim Spot’ campaign.

17-57 Moved Gordon/Patrick

That the Chief Executive’s report be received.



This item sought the adoption of the Supporting Information to the Consultation document (Supporting documentation) and 2017-18 Consultation Document (Consultation Document) for public consultation as per Sections 82 (principles of consultation in relation to an Annual Plan) and 82A (Information requirements for consultation in relation to an Annual Plan) of the Local Government Act (LGA) 2002. Mrs Macdonald (Chief Financial Officer) gave a brief overview of the item, noted that the proposed average rate increase was 4.37%, commented on the Community Engagement process for the Consultation Document, and noted the timeline for adoption of the Annual Plan 2017-18. Cr Keedwell asked for the words ‘in some rivers’ to be inserted on page 33 of the Supporting Information to the Consultation Document.

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17-58 Moved Te Awe Awe/Sheldon It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-17 and Annex;

b. adopts the Supporting Information to the Consultation Document, as amended, by inserting the words ‘in some rivers’ on page 33, second paragraph, at the end of the sentence commencing “Good progress is being made,…”.

c. adopts the Consultation Document for public consultation.



This report sought to ensure Horizons could properly participate in processes to resolve appeals of Palmerston North Council Plan Change 15B Landscapes and Windfarms (PC15B) decisions. Mr Bowen (Manager Policy & Strategy) introduced the item and in response to Members’ questions explained why the delegation was needed, including the level of delegation for Janson Jones to act on behalf of Horizons Regional Council.

17-59 Moved Sheldon/Patrick

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-19, and

b. in accordance with section 34A(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, delegates authority to Jason Jones of Resource Management Group Ltd to act on behalf of Horizons Regional Council in the Palmerston North Plan Change 15B (Windfarms and Landscapes) appeal proceedings, including (but not limited to) the power to make decisions with regard to the appeal, to agree on terms of settlement, and to approve or execute any related agreement, memoranda and/or orders, conditional on consultation with the Group Manager Strategy and Regulation or external counsel.


The Chief Executive said applications for the Freshwater Cleanup Fund were now open with applications closing on 13 April 2017. Dr Roygard (Group Manager Natural Resources and Partnerships) and the Chief Executive outlined the work being undertaken to get funding applications underway and responded to Members’ questions.


This paper proposed changes to the approach to managing allocation of grant expenditure within the Freshwater Programme, in order to better manage overall expenditure and ability to achieve work targets. Dr Roygard (Group Manager Natural Resources and Partnerships) introduced the item and explained that the approach proposed was the same as had already been approved by Council for the Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) and the Manawatu Accord Work. In response to Members’ questions he commented on the unallocated target rate reserves of $236,000 explaining that the reserves had built up through grant projects which were not completed. He further explained that the proposal suggested a way to minimise the under

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expenditure in the freshwater work programme and would increase the amount of work it could complete. Following consideration of the recommendations, it was suggested that the words “…of up to $100.000…” be added to recommendation (b). Members provided their reasons why they would or would not support the motion. The recommendations were put separately.

17-60 Moved Barrow/Rollinson

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-20.


17-61 Moved Barrow/Rollinson

b. approves the allocation of up to $100,000 of the available targeted reserves for the Freshwater programme to projects within the Freshwater grant programmes within each financial year.


The Chairman then put the original recommendation (b).

17-62 Moved Keedwell/Sheldon

b. approves the allocation of the available targeted reserves for the Freshwater programme to projects within the Freshwater grant programmes within each financial year.



The purpose of this item was to present the existing Triennial Agreement for endorsement. Mr Grant (Group Manager Corporate & Governance) introduced the item and noted the statutory timeline of 1 March 2017 for all councils in the Region to sign the agreement. In discussing the Agreement an amendment was noted on page 50, ‘Works proposed this triennium’, first paragraph, amend ‘2015-16’ to read ‘2016-17’. Cr Keedwell asked that Members be given more time in future to read the Agreement and, if required, suggest amendments.

17-63 Moved Sheldon/McKellar

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-21 and Annex.

b. notes that all the signatory councils have been asked to sign the new Triennial Agreement by 1 March 2017;

c. endorses the existing Triennial Agreement (updated in regard to names, legislative changes, and dates), as amended:

Page 50, ‘Works proposed this triennium’, first paragraph, amend ‘2015-16’ to read ‘2016-17’.


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This report determined Members’ attendance at the 2017 Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Conference. Crs Kelly, McKellar and Te Awe Awe expressed their interest to attend the Conference.

17-64 Moved Gordon/Patrick It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-22.

b. approves the attendance of the Chairman of Council and up to three Councillors, Crs Kelly, McKellar, and Te Awe Awe, with expenses paid, and the Chief Executive, at the 2017 Local Government New Zealand Conference at Auckland from 23-25 July 2017, and includes any regional pre tour.



This item presented for Council’s consideration, the current Local Governance Statement (LGS) for the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council (Trading as Horizons Regional Council) which had been revised as a result of legislative and organisational changes. Mr Grant (Group Manager Corporate & Governance) introduced the report. He highlighted a number of administrative changes to the LGS on pages 14, 19, and 20. In commenting on the LGS, further changes were noted for pages 1, 12, 15, and 20. Mr Grant responded to Members’ questions of clarification.

17-65 Moved Kelly/Rieger

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-16 and Annex.

b. acknowledges the legislative requirements to update its Local Governance Statement; and

c. receives the revised Local Governance Statement for the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council, (trading as Horizons Regional Council) at Annex A, amended as follows:

Page 1, para 2, Regional Council future goals, first bullet point, delete ‘promote’ and add ‘…facilitate regional…’.

Page 12, para 10.3, Council Committees, 6th bullet point, amend ‘meets 3 to 4 times a year’ to ‘meets 3 times a year’.

Page 14, para 11.2, Special Consultative Procedure, delete ‘or Annual Plan’.

Page 15, para 11.2, Horizons Regional Council’s vision, add ‘science’.

Page 19, para 15.1.3, delete ‘Policy on Partnerships between Horizons Regional Council and the private sector’ and ‘Consultation Policy’.

Page 20, para 15.2, Environmental Plans, first paragraph to read ‘The Regional Council Environmental Plans are operative’.

Page 20, para 15.3, Other Plans and Strategies, delete ‘Asset Management Plans’, add ‘Infrastructure Strategy’, and ‘Regional Public Transport Plan’.


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This report presented the Interim Six Month Financial Statements of Manawatu-Wanganui Local Authority Shared Services Limited (MW LASS) to the shareholders of the Company as required by the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). Mrs Macdonald (Chief Financial Officer) introduced the report for Members’ information and responded to questions of clarification.

17-66 Moved Rollinson/Burnell

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-23 and Annex.



This report presented the interim six monthly report to 31 December 2016 of Manawatu-Wanganui regional Council Holdings Limited (MWRCH) to the shareholders of the Company as required by the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). Mr Standish (Management Accountant) introduced the report and clarified Members’ questions. The Chairman clarified questions about Duddings Lake Limited.

17-67 Moved Rollinson/Rieger

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-24 and Annex.



This item presented Members with the Interim report for Regional Software Holdings Limited (RSHL). Mrs Macdonald (Chief Financial Officer) introduced the report for Members’ information. The Chief Executive explained the IRIS software programme and its objectives.

17-68 Moved Rieger/Rollinson

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-25 and Annex.


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17-69 Moved Sheldon/Rieger

THAT the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 and section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

PX4 Legal update - One Plan Declaratory Proceedings

s7(2)(g) - the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.

The information discussed in this item is legally sensitive and could prejudice Council's position in any further legal action. The declaratory process has not yet concluded.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

The meeting adjourned to the Public Excluded part of the meeting at 11.30am and resumed at 12.11pm.

The meeting adjourned at 12.12pm.

The meeting reconvened at 1.00pm.


The purpose of this paper was for Members to consider a recommendation from the Chief Executive that Council revoke a previous resolution, namely resolution 13-500 b. iii. made by Council on 25 June 2013. The Chief Executive (CE) introduced the item, took it as read, and invited questions. In response to a query, the CE explained that resolutions passed by Council were under the Local Government Act and not the Resource Management Act (RMA). Dr Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation) clarified that resource consents would continue to be issued in accordance with the One Plan and in accordance with the RMA, which had been the practice throughout the process. In responding to questions about the approach taken by Council in 2013 to implement the One Plan, and the validity of information provided, the CE explained that information was based on the best information available at the time. He said the intention to revoke resolution 13-500 b. iii. was an appropriate course of action to take in the best interests of Council and the community. He could not predict what, if any, future challenges the One Plan

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would face. He commented on the positive gains and achievements made through implementation of the One Plan. Members fully considered and discussed the recommendations and provided their comments.

17-70 Moved Burnell/Barrow

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-18 and Annex.

b. notes that officers have relied on the One Plan and the Resource Management Act to make decisions on resource consents processed under rule 14-2 of the One Plan.

c. notes that to avoid any impression that Horizons Regional Council is relying on the resolution 13-500 b. iii of 25 June 2013 as the basis for granting consent, Officers recommend that Council formally revokes resolution 13 500 b. iii of 25 June 2013.

d. notes that according to Standing Orders, paragraph 23.6 ‘Revocation or alteration by recommendation in report’, the local authority may revoke part or all of a resolution passed by a previous meeting on recommendation by the Chief Executive.

e. revokes the resolution 13-500 b. iii of 25 June 2013 which reads as follows:

iii. where an activity is considered as a restricted discretionary activity and the numbers in table 13.2 are no longer applicable then:

An existing intensive farming activity that provides a trajectory of N reduction that is achievable on the farm or has low N loss or the farm operating system is economically and environmentally efficient (no low cost options are available) will be given a consent term of 15 to 20 years.

An existing intensive farming activity where there is no willingness to reduce N loss but mitigation is both possible and efficient will be given a consent term of 3 to 5 years. Guidance will be provided by HRC to industry who will work with the farmer to assess mitigation options through the term of the consent, with a view to incorporating mitigation options at re-consenting time.

A conversion to an intensive farming activity will be assessed against the policies in Chapter 13.

f. notes that Officers are working with DairyNZ to ensure that the advice to farmers in the document ‘Dairy Farming under the One Plan’ does not reflect resolution 13-500 b. iii of 25 June 2013.


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This paper reported on documents to which Horizons Regional Council’s Common Seal had been affixed.

17-71 Moved Patrick/Kelly That the Council:

a. acknowledges the affixing of the Common Seal to the below mentioned documents. Forestry Right Request to alter Trustees on Grantor’s land for Forestry Right: Grantee: Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Grantor: BJ & ON Thompson Family Trust

Request to alter Trustees on Grantor’s land for Lease (Lease for retirement of bush land)

Grantee: Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Grantor: BJ & ON Thompson Family Trust

Warrant Card Enforcement Officer Samuel Fuchs



This item noted the Councillors’ Workshop Attendance from 15 December 2016 to 21 February 2017.

17-72 Moved Patrick/Kelly

It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-26 and Annex.




17-73 Moved Cotton/McKellar That the Council endorses and adopts the resolutions and recommendations of the Catchment Operations Committee meeting held on 15 February, 2017.


Matters Arising:

Cr Barrow referred to the recommendations (page 137) in regard to manuka and the application of a Memorandum of Encumbrance. He believed the practice could potentially be a disincentive for the programme.

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17-74 Moved Keedwell/Patrick That the Council endorses and adopts the resolutions and recommendations of the Passenger Transport Committee meeting held on 21 February, 2017, as amended below:

Page 9, Members’ Question, first question, include the word ‘Ashhurst’ - “to the Ashhurst morning service…”.


Matters Arising:

Cr Keedwell commented positively about the new membership structure of the Passenger Transport Committee.


Cr Te Awe Awe introduced the Notice of Motion, spoke in support of the recommendations, and noted the strong support from iwi representatives and the community for the ‘h’ to be included when referencing Manawatu-Wanganui Council and Wanganui City. Cr Patrick thanked Cr Te Awe Awe for bringing the matter forward and highlighted her support. Members fully considered the recommendations. In response to Members’ questions, Mr Grant (Group Manager Corporate & Governance) explained the process and potential cost involved to change the regional name with the New Zealand Geographic Board. Members generally spoke in favour of the recommendations. Crs Gordon and Cotton were neither for, nor against, the motion and explained they would abstain.

A division was asked for to ensure clarity.

17-75 Moved Te Awe Awe/Patrick

That the Council:

revokes the following motions confirmed at the Council Meeting dated 23 February 2016:

i. 15-339 That the Council: a. does not commence the process necessary to make a proposal to the New

Zealand Geographic Board to alter its territorial authority regional name from Manawatu-Wanganui Region to Manawatu-Whanganui Region.


ii. 15-340 That the Council: b. does not formally use the ‘h’ when referencing Wanganui City. Against: Crs Keedwell, Guy, Barrow CARRIED

Abstain: Crs Gordon and Cotton

For the motion: Crs Barrow, Burnell, Keedwell, Kelly, McKellar, Patrick, Rieger, Rollinson, Te Awe Awe, Sheldon


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It was suggested that recommendation (c) be amended to read “notes there may be a cost…”.

17-76 Moved Te Awe Awe/Cotton

That the Council:

a. directs the Chief Executive to commence the process necessary to make a proposal to the New Zealand Geographic Board to alter its territorial authority regional name from Manawatu-Wanganui Region to Manawatu-Whanganui Region;

b. formally uses the ‘h’ when referencing Whanganui City;

c. notes that there may be a cost up to the vicinity of $10,000 for the process of altering the territorial authority regional name with the New Zealand Geographic Board;

d. changes sign-writing, stationery and other printed materials that do not currently have an ‘h’ in Whanganui, as and when the need arises.

Abstain: Crs Gordon and Cotton

For the motion: Crs Barrow, Burnell, Keedwell, Kelly, McKellar, Patrick, Rieger, Rollinson, Te Awe Awe, Sheldon



17-77 Moved Rollinson/Rieger

THAT the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 and section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 20 December 2016

s7(2)(g) - the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

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PX2 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 15 February 2017

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX3 Report of Catchment Operations Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations – 15 February 2017

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX5 Rural Upgrade Project Property Matters (PRD 07 16 18)

s7(2)(a) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.

The reason for this report being heard in public excluded is to protect the privacy of the individuals named in it.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX6 Presenting Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Holdings Limited 2017-20 Statement of Intent

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

These performance measures are draft and subject to change post feedback to MWRCH Board by Council. The final measures will be included in the Statement of Intent and therefore be available to the public at that time..


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX7 Regional Software Holdings Limited 2017-20 Draft Statement of Intent

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

These performance measures are draft and subject to change post feedback to RSHL by Council. The final measures will be included in the Statement of Intent and therefore be available to the public at that time.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

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Council / Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain and define the extent of the release

PX9 Members’ Questions

The meeting adjourned to the Public Excluded part of the meeting at 1.37pm and resumed at 2.32pm.

The meeting closed at 2.33pm.


_________________________ ______________________________ CHIEF EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN

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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Michael McCartney – Chief Executive

Introduction 1. Attached, at Annex A, is a more detailed round-up of the main organisational activities.

Members are asked to view the upcoming events and advise us on any meetings/events they may have an interest in.

Planning and Policy 2. The February Council meeting marks an important milestone in the promulgation of the 2017-

18 Draft Annual Plan (DAP). The DAP honours the intent and direction articulated in year three of the Long-term Plan (LTP). The most important aspect of the process, namely the public consultation awaits, and we look forward to receiving views from our constituents regarding the DAP proposals.

3. Thinking is already underway regarding next years LTP. Once the 2017-18 Annual Plan is concluded we will commence preparations for the strategy session with Council as a foundation for the LTP.

4. The declaratory proceedings surrounding the One Plan concluded earlier this month with the hearing lasting two days. We now await the decision from the Environment Court. Once that decision is received Officers will formally report to Council on the outcome and any potential consequences.


5. With the Christmas break behind us and business activity in the Region returning to normal

the work demands on the Regulatory Team continue to mount. Some of the more noteworthy activities in the consenting area include:

AFFCO Feilding Discharge Consent

Foxton Wastewater Treatment Plant (Matakarapa) Direct Referral Consent

Levin Landfill Conditions Review

Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) He Ara Kotahi Bridge Consent

Whakapapa Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Consent

6. Given the complexity and public interest in a number of consents, especially for territorial authority (TA) infrastructure, we expect an increase in cases before the Environment Court.

7. Importantly over the next five years 27 of our TA wastewater treatment plants are due for consent renewal. Not only will this place demands on Horizons from a process viewpoint, but also the demands on TAs and the ratepayers will be significant. Given the rapidly growing interests in water quality the public pressure for low impact systems will be very real and that means cost – cost to ratepayers.

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8. Equally, we predict a ground swell for work for the compliance monitoring team as we see

more complex consents being issued with increasing numbers of conditions. The outcomes from the Havelock North enquiry may well lead to increased compliance demands on local government.

Swimmability 9. The Swim Spots Programme is in its final week. While the initiative has been hampered by

erratic weather this summer the initiative in management’s view has been worthwhile. The degree of public interest in the swimmability of our waterways is ever increasing. That interest will grow even further with announcements by Central Government (Prime Minister) last Thursday on the swimmability state of many of New Zealand’s Rivers. A full report on those findings will be presented to Council in due course. For our Region however the important message is one of our “direction of travel”. To that end I would like to take a couple of minutes to provide some comparative analysis of the changes over time in terms of our water quality on those rivers assessed in the Government’s report.

River Management 10. On Wednesday last week we attended a workshop session with Wanganui District Council to

discuss the flood risk challenges with respect to the City. The risks arising from the Matarawa catchment have assumed a high priority and hence provision is being made in the DAP to seek views from the community on flood mitigation risk options.

11. The capital works and maintenance programme this summer has been interrupted by the variable weather and compromised ground conditions. As a consequence there is a possibility the programme will come under budget and potentially incomplete this year. That said if fine weather conditions begin to emerge over an extended period construction works may well catch up.

12. Manawatu District Councillors were hosted at the Makino control gates earlier this month where the operating procedures for the facility were explained.

13. The first quarter of the calendar year marks the season for scheme meetings. A full calendar of meetings has been added to the Bulletin. As with last year the intent is to provide information on organisational wide activities at these meetings – the details of which will be worked through with the Council Chair and Committee Chair.

Health and Safety 14. The Executive Team received their regular Health and Safety (H&S) report at its meeting last

week. There is a great deal going on in this space including reviews of Hazard Management Plans and staff training, including a flood water safety course attended by approximately 40 staff. Pleasingly, there have been no notifiable injuries/illnesses for the reporting period. A more detailed H&S update will be given to the Audit, Risk & Investment Committee.

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15. The staff turnover rate has risen slightly over the past four months with a number of

resignations. The turnover rate is still within the acceptable range of under 15%.

16. Last Friday we held the first All Staff meeting for 2017. The key topics talked about are outlined in Annex B.

17. I am pleased to advise that Jon Bell has been appointed to the Investigations and Design Manager role following the departure of Peter Blackwood. We are currently recruiting for a Biodiversity/Biosecurity Partnerships Manager in Dr Roygard’s Group.

Regional / National Issues

18. On 9 February 2017 the Region's Local Government Chief Executives held their regular

meeting at PNCC. The agenda for that meeting is provided at Annex C. The following Monday the Manawatu-Wanganui Local Authority Shared Services (MW LASS) Directors met. At that meeting we received a briefing from insurers for a number of councils (including a representative from Lloyds of London) on the current market trends. The MW LASS Directors will be holding their strategy session in April.

19. The Regional and Unitary Council Chief Executives’ (RCEO) Group met in early February, following the annual Regional Sector Special Interest Group Plenary. A copy of the RCEO agenda is provided at Annex D. Key topics for discussion surrounded freshwater management, biodiversity and implications for local government in a post Treaty settlement world. A more detailed RCEO Group update on key topics was presented to the Regional Sector meeting on 17 February 2017, a copy of that update is provided at Annex E while Annex F outlines the wider agenda topics covered at that Regional Sector meeting (attended by the Chair and myself).


Annex A Council Update Annex B All Staff meeting Talk Points – February 2017 Annex C Regional Chief Executives’ Forum meeting agenda – February 2017 Annex D RCEO Group meeting agenda February 2017 Annex E RCEO Group update to Regional Sector meeting – February 2017 Annex F Regional Sector meeting agenda – February 2017

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From 1 January 2017 to 28 February 2017



Natural Resources & Partnerships

1. Ngati Rangi are currently contracted to complete swim spot monitoring in the northern area of the Region. This will continue until the end of April.

2. Staff attended a Wai gathering to discuss non-regulatory initiatives in the Whangaehu Catchment. 3. Staff completed the first official release of the moth and beetle biological control agents for Tutsan

on a farm near Ongarue.

River Management

4. Staff have been working on supporting information to be sent to Taringamotu Scheme ratepayers, intended to encourage turnout to the Catchment Community meeting in late March, where the future direction of the scheme will be discussed.

5. Staff attended the Wai Group meeting on 9 February 2017.

Strategy & Regulation

6. Staff have been involved in the Wai group meeting to discuss a number of pending applications.


Natural Resources & Partnerships

7. Staff and Councillor Patrick attended a strategy session for Bushy Park on 18 February.

River Management

8. River Management and Communications staff have been preparing for the discussions with the Whanganui community around flood protection.

9. Staff attended the Whanganui Water Safety and Navigation meeting in Whanganui on 31 January 2017.

Regional Services & Information

10. Regional Civil Defence Public Information Managers’ (PIM) workshop hosted by Horizons in Whanganui. PIM attendance from across the Region.

11. Manager Emergency Management Office attended Whanganui Navigation & Water Safety Group meeting.

12. Wanganui to Palmerston North commuter bus commenced 7 February 2017.

Strategy & Regulation

13. A meeting of the Technical Advisory Group for Te Awa Tupua was held on 24 February 2017.


River Management

14. Makino diversion structure control cabin has been replaced with a more appropriate structure. This gives staff the ability to remotely control the gates.

15. Oroua River stopbank realignment is now complete at Rangiotu where Turks Poultry factory site has been purchased, the building demolished and the site cleared.

16. Oroua River stopbank upgrade in progress downstream of Awahuri Bridge (works visible from State Highway 3).

17. Manawatu River stopbank upgrade approaching completion at Longburn along Kiwirail corridor land.

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18. Manawatu District Councillors were given a tour of the Makino control gate structure on 8 February 2017.

19. Staff met with Ngati Kauwhata representatives on 18 January 2017 to discuss a decision-making model for allocating Pohangina-Oroua gravel extraction royalties to environmental enhancement projects following the winding up of He Tini Awa.

Regional Services & Information

20. Emergency Management Office attended Manawatu Emergency Management Committee meeting.

21. Child restraints check with Police and Plunket – 8 February 2017.


Natural Resources & Partnerships

22. Staff accompanied Councillors Cotton and Burnell on a tour of the Woodville Nursery to discuss the future of that site. John Jamieson from the land team provided an overview of the regional production of poplars for our programme and the role of the Woodville nursery. Grant Cooper discussed the potential for increased poplar planting in the region and how that might be achieved. Also visited a Greater Wellington Regional Council nursery and were provided with some numbers around their erosion control programme and the nursery production, costs, budgets etc.

23. Staff presented to the rural community at two Fonterra farmer workshops in Tararua on 1 February 2017.

River Management

24. KiwiRail’s underpinning project at Ngawapurua is now well underway; however the constantly fluctuating river levels have slowed progress.

25. Staff and Councillor Barrow are working with Tararua District Council (TDC) and a private landowner to address a concern that the landowner has in regard one of TDC’s pipe bridge structures.

26. Works to maintain the Akitio boat ramp are underway and this is being done in accordance with the maintenance consent that was granted at the time of construction.

Regional Services & Information

27. Tararua Road Safety Action Plan and Tararua Road Safety Group meetings – 28 February 2017.

28. Fatigue Stop for Wellington Anniversary Weekend – Woodville – 20 January 2017.

Strategy & Regulation

29. Te Kāuru visited Horizons on 23 January 2017 to present their recently completed Taiao Management Strategy. A wānanga to familiarise council staff with the document will follow.

30. Staff met with TDC to progress the Eketahuna and Pahiatua Wastewater Treatment Plant consents. A hearing for both consents has been scheduled and will be heard in the coming months.

Palmerston North City

River Management

31. Staff are liaising with Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) on the construction of the walkway underpasses beside the Mangaone Stream at Botanical Road and Highbury Avenue.

32. Staff attended the He Ara Kotahi Working Party meeting on 14 February 2017. 33. Staff met with TMI staff on 1 February 2017 to discuss the Tu Te Manawa project and potential

implications for the Lower Manawatu Scheme.

Regional Services & Information

34. Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Welfare Coordination Group meeting hosted by PNCC.

35. Regional CDEM Officers meeting hosted by Horizons. 36. CDEM Coordinating Executive Group meeting hosted by Horizons.

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37. New PN bus service improvements commenced 7 February 2017 (increased frequencies for Fernlea, Milson and Cloverlea suburbs).

Strategy & Regulation

38. Staff have been preparing for the upcoming hearing for the PNCC He Ara Kotahi bridge consent.


Natural Resources & Partnerships

39. Staff attended a Te Mana O Te Wai Governance Group meeting at Horowhenua District Council on 25 January 2017.

River Management

40. The Foxton Loop Working Group met on 2 February 2017.

Regional Services & Information

41. Emergency Management Office attended Horowhenua Emergency Management Committee meeting.

42. Support RYDER young driver education programme in Horowhenua – provided resources on seatbelts – 15 February 2017.

43. Investment Logic Mapping exercise for Otaki to Levin Road of National Significance. 44. Older Person’s Network meeting – 16 February 2017.

Strategy & Regulation

45. Staff attended a day of Court appointed mediation for the Foxton Wastewater Treatment Plant.


Natural Resources & Partnerships

46. Staff attended a Ngā Puna Rau Rangitīkei Governance Group meeting on 3 February 2017.

River Management

47. Staff attended the Tutaenui Rural Water Supply Governance Group meeting on 1 February 2017.


48. Councillors’ Workshop – Draft Annual Plan #4 held 31 January 2017. 49. Audit, Risk and Investment Committee Financial Briefing held 31 January 2017. 50. Accelerate25 Lead Team meeting held 31 January 2017. 51. Councillors’ Biodiversity site visit and combined meeting with Ruapehu District Council held 7 and

8 February 2017. 52. Councillors’ Workshop – One Plan Evaluation and Draft Annual Plan #5 held 14 February 2017. 53. Councillors’ site visit, hosted by Manawatu District Council, to Feilding Wastewater Treatment

Plant held 15 February 2017. 54. Catchment Operations Committee meeting held 15 February 2017. 55. Extraordinary Council meeting held 15 February 2017. 56. Passenger Transport Committee Workshop held 21 February 2017. 57. Passenger Transport Committee meeting held 21 February 2017. 58. Joint Whanganui District Council/ Horizons Regional Council workshop on the future of flood

protection for Whanganui Township held 22 February 2017. 59. Whanganui Community Consultation held 22, 25 and 27 February 2017. 60. Accelerate25 Lead Team meeting held 23 February 2017. 61. Council meeting held 28 February 2017. 62. Audit, Risk and Investment Committee Financial Briefing held 28 February 2017. 63. Annual Plan process is proceeding well with Council expecting to adopt the Consultation

Document and Supporting Documentation on 28 February 2017 for public consultation.

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Number of FTEs 64. The total number of FTEs is: 222.


Natural Resources & Partnerships 65. Staff attended the Regional Sector SIG Plenary in Wellington on 1 February 2017. 66. Staff attended the Collective Biosolids Strategy – Inaugural Governance Group Meeting at

Horizons on 2 February 2017. 67. Staff attended the Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre conference on 9-11 February 2017. 68. Staff attended a Land and Water Forum small group meeting in Wellington on 13 and 14 February

2017. 69. Staff presented to a Beef and Lamb conference in Wellington on 14 February 2017. 70. Staff presented to Federated Farmers in Wellington on 15 February 2017. 71. Staff attended "Good Practice Guide for the Beneficial Use of Organic Waste Products on Land"

hosted by Water NZ on 22 February 2017.

72. Staff attended a biodiversity monitoring and reporting workshop hosted by Landcare Research in Wellington on 23 February 2017.

River Management

73. Staff attended a meeting of Regional Council river engineering technical staff in Wellington on 16 February 2017 discussing use of the flood scheme condition assessment tool and ways in which the tool could be improved.

74. River Management staff, along with other staff from across the organisation, attended meetings with prospective suppliers of Asset Management software. This also included a staff visit to other nearby councils using those software packages.

Regional Services & Information

75. EM Office attended Hawkes Bay CDEM Group tsunami project workshop. 76. EM Office planning a marine oil spill exercise to be held in Whanganui 29 March 2017. 77. EM Office attended a planning forum for a National Search & Rescue exercise to be held in

Palmerston North 16 March 2017. The Office will participate in the exercise which will involve exercising the Central Police Mass Rescue Operation Plan.

78. Horizons' PIM Lead representative attended Ministry of Civil Defence workshop on national comms strategy 23 February 2017.

Strategy & Regulation 79. Staff attended the Fertiliser and Lime Research Conference at Massey University on 7-9 February

2017. 80. Staff met with Federated Farmers representatives on 20 February 2017. 81. Policy and iwi relationship staff from Lower North Island regions met in Palmerston North on

23 February 2017 to explore opportunities for cross-regional efficiencies.


Natural Resources & Partnerships 82. Guided tour of the Fern Walk at Totara Reserve Regional Park on 12 March 2017 as part of the

Manawatu Walking Festival. 83. The SLUI Advisory Group are scheduled to meet on 23 February 2017. 84. The next meeting of the Te Apiti Manawatu Gorge Governance Group is on 23 March 2017. 85. Treasured Natural Environment group for Rangitikei is meeting on 22 March 2017.

River Management

86. Whanganui community engagement around flood protection, 22 February 2017 to 4 March 2017. 87. Programme of Catchment Community Meetings beginning 15 March 2017 and concluding 3 May


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Communications and Promotions

88. Horizons' Foxton Beach Clean Up, Foxton Beach 3 March 2017. 89. Horizons and DOC's Whanganui Beach Clean Up, 4 March 2017. 90. AgriFood Investment Week 13-17 March 2017. 91. Accelerate25 Hackathon 13 March 2017. 92. Accelerate25 water reticulation workshops 16 and 17 March 2017. 93. Central Districts Field Days, 16 - 18 March.

Regional Council

28 March 2017

Authority to Resolve Appeals of Palmerston North District Plan Change 15D Decisions on Behalf of Horizons

Page 29



Report No. 17-47

Decision Required



1.1. This report seeks to ensure Horizons can properly participate in processes to resolve our appeal of Palmerston North City Council Plan Change 15D Flood Hazards (PC15D) decisions.


It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-47; and.

b. in accordance with section 32A(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991, delegates authority to Barry Gilliland, Senior Policy Analyst to act on behalf of Horizons Regional Council in the Palmerston North Plan Change 15D (Flood Hazards) appeal proceedings, including (but not limited to) the power to make decisions with regard to the appeal; to agree on terms of settlement; and to approve or execute any related agreement, memoranda and/or orders, conditional on consultation with the Group Manager Strategy and Regulation or external counsel.


3.1. Costs associated with these proceedings will be met with existing budgets.


4.1. This is a procedural formality that does not require community engagement.


5.1. No significant business risk impact is anticipated as a result of this report.


6.1. Horizons made a submission on Palmerston North City Council’s (PNCC) District Plan Change 15D in relation to rules in Chapter 22 Natural Hazards. One aspect of the submission sought to ensure that the District Plan would give effect to the One Plan, in particular Policy 9-2 which addresses development in areas prone to flooding.

6.2. During the plan hearings, PNCC’s consultant planner recommended further changes to the District Plan rules in an addendum to his evidence, based on discussion with Horizons’ planners and other submitters. Horizons agreed that these recommendations would provide the relief sought in our submission and give effect to Policy 9-2. However, the hearing panel overlooked the addendum report in making their decision. Horizons has therefore appealed this aspect of PC15D to the Environment Court.

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Authority to Resolve Appeals of Palmerston North District Plan Change 15D Decisions on Behalf of Horizons

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6.3. Due to the confined nature of our appeal, we anticipated the matter would be settled prior to formal mediation. The Court has, however, directed appellants and interested parties to participate in alternative dispute resolution (mediation). It is hoped that appeals relating to these provisions are sufficiently discrete that agreement will be able to be reached between PNCC, the appellants and all interested parties that gives effect to the One Plan, without the need for a Court hearing.

6.4. For mediation processes, it is expected that parties will be represented by someone with the authority to settle the dispute. The mediator has the power to exclude a party that is represented by someone without this authority (see section 5.1(h) of the Environment Court of New Zealand Practice Note). Agreements between parties are generally documented through memoranda of counsel and consent orders. At present, the authority to reach agreement and sign these documents has been delegated to the Chief Executive, the Group Manager Strategy and Regulation, and the Group Manager Regional Services and Information. The holder of one of these positions would need to be actively involved in the PC15D process for Horizons to participate in the way that the Court and other participants expect.

6.5. While the need to have a representative with full authority to act on Council’s behalf is currently the Environment Court’s expectation and is considered best practice rather than a legal requirement, the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill is likely to make this mandatory in the very near future.

6.6. Councillors will recall (paper 17-19) similar delegations being sought in relation to PNCC Plan Change 15B (Landscapes and Windfarms). More appropriate delegations of this power to staff will be proposed as part of the wider review of delegations in progress.


7.1. Members of the Policy and Strategy team have been closely involved in the PC15D proceedings, including presenting planning evidence at the Hearing and responsibility for managing Horizons’ appeal with advice from the Group Manager Strategy and Regulation, and external legal counsel (Shannon Johnston). We request that Council delegate Mr Gilliland the authority to resolve this appeal on Horizons’ behalf, in particular the powers to agree terms of settlement, and approve or (where appropriate) execute any related memoranda, agreement and consent orders. This will allow Mr Gilliland and Ms Johnston to represent Horizons’ at the forthcoming mediation proceedings, scheduled for 11 April 2017.


8.1. Consultation in not necessary in relation to this matter.


9.1. This is not a significant decision according to the Council’s Policy on Significance and Engagement.



There are no attachments for this report.

Regional Council

28 March 2017

Process for Approval of Horizons' Submission on the Ministry for the Environment "Clean Water" 2017 Consultation Document

Page 31



Report No. 17-48

Decision Required



1.1. This report sets up a process for Council’s approval of Horizons’ submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s “Clean Water” consultation document within existing committee meeting arrangements.


It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-48.

b. delegates to the Strategy and Policy Committee the authority to approve Horizons’ submission on the “Clean Water” consultation document on behalf of the Regional Council.


3.1. There is no financial impact on existing budgets arising from this report.


4.1. This is a procedural matter that does not require community engagement.


5.1. No significant business risk impact is anticipated as a result of this report.


6.1. Government released a package of freshwater reform proposals “Clean Water” in February 2017. A brief introduction to the package was presented to the March Strategy and Policy Committee (Report No 17-43). Public consultation on this package will close on 28 April 2017. A further item and draft submission on the proposals will be presented at the 11 April 2017 Strategy and Policy Committee meeting.


7.1. Given that there will not be a full Regional Council meeting between presentation of the draft submission and the close of the consultation period, it is recommended that the Strategy and Policy Committee be delegated authority to approve the submission and to direct the Chief Executive to sign the submission on behalf of Council. This will ensure that all members have the opportunity to discuss and provide feedback on the draft, and that Horizons is able to participate in the consultation process effectively.

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Process for Approval of Horizons' Submission on the Ministry for the Environment "Clean Water" 2017 Consultation Document

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8.1. Consultation on “Clean Water” will continue to be managed by the Ministry for the Environment.


9.1. This is not a significant decision according to the Council’s Policy on Significance and Engagement.



There are no attachments for this report.

Regional Council

28 March 2017

Presentation by Department of Conservation on the draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

Page 33



Report No. 17-49

Information Only - No Decision Required



1.1 Department of Conservation staff Reg Kemper (Director Operations Lower North Island) and Allanah Irvine (Operations Manager, Manawatu District) will make a presentation to the Regional Council on the draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy. The presentation will be at 11.30am.


It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the presentation from Reg Kemper (Director Operations Lower North Island) and Allanah Irvine (Operations Manager, Manawatu District) from the Department of Conservation.


3.1. This is not a significant decision according to the Council’s Policy on Significance and Engagement.



There are no attachments for this report.

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28 March 2017

Consultation - Department of Conservation Draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy

Page 35



Report No. 17-50

Decision Required



1.1. This report provides Members with a brief overview of the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (CMS). It presents a draft submission on the CMS for approval.


It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-50; and

b. directs the Chief Executive to make the attached submission to the Department of Conservation in response to the draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy.


3.1. No direct financial impact is likely to result from this report.


4.1. DOC is engaging with the community about the development of its Wellington CMS.


5.1. There is no significant business risk impact identified as a direct result of this report. However, once adopted, the priorities identified in the Wellington CMS may provide additional partnership opportunities for Horizons, or prompt reconsideration of where our resources can have the greatest impact.


6.1. DOC has developed a draft CMS for its Wellington region, an area encompassing Horowhenua, Manawatu, Rangitikei and Tararua Districts and Palmerston North, as well as Greater Wellington (see attached map as Annex A). The document is available on the Hub under Tabs 02. Meetings > 01. Council / 28 March Council Agenda and online at

6.2. The CMS is part of the broader policy, strategy and management framework for DOC’s activities. It implements the Conservation General Policy within DOC’s Wellington region, and sets objectives, policies and milestones for integrated management of resources (natural and historic resources including natural features and landscapes, and species managed by DOC) and for activities (recreation, tourism and other conservation purposes). Together with conservation legislation, these documents direct DOC’s management of

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public conservation land and waters, and guide its advocacy for conservation values for other areas.

6.3. The draft CMS begins with a number of overarching objectives, policies and milestones for the whole region. The region is then divided into seven ‘places’, areas “identified for the purposes of integrated conservation management and which require some specific management direction” (p. 65). Five of the places are within the Manawatu-Whanganui Region:

i. Central Spine Place - which includes the Ruahine and Tararua Ranges (the Forest Parks and adjacent public conservation land) and the Manawatū Gorge Scenic Reserve;

ii. Manawatū-Rangitikei Place - land north west of the Tararua Ranges including much of the Rangitikei and Manawatū River catchments (excluding the coastal area)

iii. Wairarapa Place - which contains the bulk of the Tararua District (including Pukaha Mount Bruce and Cape Turnagain);

iv. Coastal Dunes Place - coastal land and marine areas between the Turakina River mouth and Waikawa Beach;

v. Coastal and Marine Place - the coastal marine area from south of Waikawa Beach on the west coast to Cape Turnagain on the east coast (excluding Kapiti, Mana and Wellington Harbour Islands within the Greater Wellington Region).

6.4. The map attached as Annex A shows the place boundaries. Each place has its own objectives, policies and milestones. Public conservation land is identified on accompanying maps as detailed in Volume II of the draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (on the Hub under Tabs 02. Meetings > 01. Council / 28 March Council Agenda and online at along with ‘priority ecosystems’ – the specific areas that DOC intends to mainly focus its efforts on.


7.1. Officers have prepared a draft submission on the draft Wellington CMS (attached as Annex B) for Council’s approval. The submission generally supports the preparation of a CMS, and strongly supports the emphasis on partnerships between DOC and iwi, local authorities, community groups, private landowners and the public. We have mainly focused on those activities and areas where DOC’s and Horizons’ responsibilities and interests overlap or align. Much of the submission requests further improvements in clarity, particularly around the relationship between the draft Wellington CMS and local authority policy and planning documents.

7.2. While the submission acknowledges that DOC operates with limited resourcing, it raises concerns about the constraints this places on DOC’s ability to deliver and participate in programmes across public conservation and private land in the Horizons Region. It also seeks that DOC have an ongoing role in projects led by conservation partners, to ensure the CMS’s outcomes are achieved.


8.1. The consultation process for the draft Wellington CMS is being managed by DOC.

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9.1. The consultation period closes on 4 April 2017. DOC will hear submissions in May - June 2017, and a revised draft CMS is due to be presented to the Wellington Conservation Board on 14 August 2017. The Board may make further revisions before presenting it to the New Zealand Conservation Authority for approval.


10.1. This is not a significant decision according to the Council’s Policy on Significance and Engagement.



A Wellington CMS region and place boundaries

B Horizons draft submission to DOC draft 'Wellington Conservation Management Strategy'.

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< Date > Wellington CMS Submissions Department of Conservation Private Bag 3072 Hamilton 3240 Dear Sir or Madam

File ref: ROA 05 01 PAT:KMW

HORIZONS REGIONAL COUNCIL SUBMISSION ON DRAFT WELLINGTON CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission on the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) Draft Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (CMS). Horizons Regional Council (Horizons) has responsibilities and interests within the Manawatu-Whanganui Region that align and overlap with DOC’s interests and responsibilities. This is particularly the case for protection of indigenous biodiversity and pest management, and protection of significant natural features and landscapes. Our submission is focused mainly on these topics. Overall, Horizons supports the development of a CMS for the Wellington region. On a practical note, we feel that the structure and design of the document will generally make it much easier to use than previous versions. We note that the draft CMS emphasises working with partners to achieve its policies, and includes opportunities, policies and milestones that will occur in or affect areas beyond public conservation land. Horizons therefore considers that it would be helpful and responsible to acknowledge the regional and district policy and planning frameworks (such as resource management and pest management plans) and explain the relationship between the CMS and these local authority plans. This could be included within the Introduction. Adding regional and territorial authority boundaries to maps would also assist CMS users to understand when they may need to consider these other plans. We note the inclusion of Regional General Policy 5.1.4, which focuses on when DOC’s activities will be exempt from the requirements of district and regional resource management plans. Given that DOC also engages in activities and proposals that do require resource consent, Horizons would like to see a policy included that acknowledges DOC’s responsibility to obtain consent and meet consent conditions under the Resource Management Act 1991. Horizons acknowledges that DOC is subject to resourcing constraints, the appropriateness or otherwise of which is beyond the scope of this consultation process. However, as a result of these constraints there are many areas of public conservation land in the Manawatu-Whanganui Region that are not being, and will not be, actively managed by DOC during the life of the CMS. For example, there are only two areas identified as priority ecosystems within the Central Spine Place in the Manawatu-Whanganui Region; the Natural Values Year 10 Milestone relies on the combined efforts of DOC, Post Settlement Governance Entities and tangata whenua and conservation partners, and aspires to carrying out sustained pest control over only 50% of the Place. While Horizons strongly supports the recognition of regional pest management plans within National Policy, “Support relevant agencies in the implementation of pest management plans (subject to any good neighbour rules)…”, in practice we recognise that this support will be limited. Horizons cannot justify extensive ongoing management of areas adjacent to unmanaged public conservation land and has consequently

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x B




focused many of its resources to areas where our efforts will have a positive impact on the Region’s indigenous biodiversity. We strongly support the inclusion of policies that provide for DOC to work with a range of conservation partners including local authorities, private land owners, community groups and the public. There is the potential for enormous social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits for all parties through increased involvement in DOC’s activities. However, Horizons is concerned that some of the milestones indicate that DOC may wish to collaborate with a view to devolving responsibility entirely to external partners. For example, milestones for natural values in the Coastal Dunes Place (page 102) show a progression from establishing partnerships in Year 3, to increasing Post Settlement Governance Entities’, tangata whenua and conservation partners’ involvement by Year 6, to enabling these groups to lead pest plant management and restoration projects by Year 10. There are also significant risks associated with devolving important, long-term activities to individuals and groups that may not have sustained and stable resourcing, capability and capacity over time. Ultimately, we consider that DOC will need to continue to manage and monitor these partnerships carefully, to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. Given the limited resourcing available, we are concerned that DOC may not be able to maintain the necessary level of attention required to ensure this approach is sustainable. Horizons supports the inclusion of Regional Policy As regional councils have responsibility for the coastal marine area, it would be appropriate to amend this policy to refer to both district and regional coastal plans. Also in relation to heritage, we note that the Hydrabad wreck site, in the coastal marine area at Waitarere Beach, has not been recognised in the Historic Values section of the Coastal Dunes Place. This is a Historic Place Category 2 site (reference number 9559 on Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga’s List). Horizons understands that Appendix 8, Significant Geological Features, Landforms and Landscapes in the Wellington CMS region, is intended to record all internationally, nationally and regionally significant areas, regardless of whether they are on public conservation or privately owned land. We note that while Objective d) refers only to these areas “where they are on public conservation lands and waters”, Policy appears to enable advocacy for any of the areas listed in Appendix 8, regardless of land ownership. It would be helpful DOC’s intentions could be worded more explicitly. Schedule G of the One Plan lists and describes the values of regionally outstanding natural features and landscapes (ONFL) in the Manawatu-Whanganui Region. These ONFL must be spatially defined by territorial authorities as they review their district plans. They are located on land that is in both public and private ownership. We suggest that Policy could be expanded along the lines of Regional Policy

Work with territorial authorities through their district plan review processes, to ensure identification and protection of significant geological features, landforms and landscapes.

We note that there are three ONFL in One Plan Table G.1 that have not been included in the Draft CMS:

f) The skyline of the Puketoi Ranges defined as the boundary between the land and sky as viewed at a sufficient distance from the foothills so as to see the contrast between the sky and the solid nature of the land at the crest of the highest points along the ridges;

g) Mount Aorangi - Awarua; and

o) Cape Turnagain.

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There are also a number of other ONFL described in Table G.1 that are located within the Wellington Conservancy, and appear to coincide or overlap with the features in Appendix 8. We request that, if the intention is to record a comprehensive list of significant geological features, landforms and landscapes, DOC ensures that all the ONFL (within the Wellington CMS region) described in the One Plan are recognised in the CMS. A copy of Table G.1 is attached to this submission. Horizons acknowledges Part Three – Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting, and the clear intentions it sets out with regard to reporting against achievement of milestones to assess the CMS’s implementation. However, we note that not all objectives and policies have milestones associated with them; this means there will not be any reporting on the progress of their implementation. Also, the reporting described in Policy 13.1 is focused on outputs only, not on evaluating whether the outcomes sought in the CMS’s objectives have been achieved. Horizons suggests it would be helpful to include a description of how DOC proposes to approach any such evaluation. We have identified two other aspects to the document’s appendices that we feel could be clearer. The first relates to the statement at the beginning of Appendices 2, 4, 5 and 10 that the contents may be amended or reviewed during the term of the CMS. Horizons understands that factual or minor amendments can be made without formality, while any changes that would impact on DOC’s management would require a review. It would be both helpful and more transparent if this background, and information on how amendments and reviews will be initiated, were included in Part Three – Implementation, Monitoring and Reporting. The final aspect we draw your attention to is the reference to ‘management criteria’ throughout Appendix 6 (in relation to the management response to threats or pests and wild animals). It is unclear where these criteria are recorded and whether they are publically available. Horizons requests the opportunity to engage with the Hearings Panel in support of this submission. Yours sincerely Michael McCartney CHIEF EXECUTIVE

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28 March 2017

Councillors' Workshop Attendance -22 February 2017 to

22 March 2017

Page 43



Report No. 17-52

Information Only - No Decision Required



1.1. This item is to note the Councillors’ Workshop Attendance from 22 February 2017 to 22 March 2017.


It is recommended that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-52 and Annex.


3.1. This is not a significant decision according to the Council’s Policy on Significance and Engagement.



A Councillors' Workshop Attendance

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Councillors' Workshop Attendance -22 February 2017 to

22 March 2017

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x A






(for the period)

22 February 2017 to 22 March 2017

Date / Time


Councillor Attendance

10.00am 1 March 2017

Pest Plan Present: Cr L Burnell Cr EB Gordon Cr R Keedwell Cr P Kelly Cr G McKellar Cr NJ Patrick

Cr P Rieger Cr B Rollinson Cr C Sheldon Cr WK Te Awe Awe Apology: Cr J Barrow Cr D Cotton

10.00am 14 March 17

Ipad Training Present: Cr L Burnell Cr D Cotton Cr EB Gordon Cr R Keedwell Cr P Kelly Cr G McKellar Cr NJ Patrick

Cr P Rieger Cr B Rollinson Cr C Sheldon Cr WK Te Awe Awe Apology: Cr J Barrow

Regional Council

28 March 2017

Report of Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 7 March, 2017

Page 45



Report of the second meeting of the tenth triennium of the Regional Transport Committee which opened at 10.30am, adjourned at 10.31am and recommenced at 11.26am, on Tuesday 7 March 2017, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

PRESENT Crs EB Gordon JP (Chair), RJ Keedwell, Mayor M Feyen (Horowhenua District Council), Mayor H Worboys (Manawatu District Council), Ms L Rossiter (New Zealand Transport Agency), Mayor G Smith (Palmerston North City Council), Mayor A Watson (Rangitikei District Council), Mayor D Cameron (Ruapehu District Council), Mayor T Collis (Tararua District Council), Mayor H McDouall (Whanganui District Council), Mr H Clarke (KiwiRail), Ms C Cheyne (Active Transport/Public Transport), Inspector B Calkin (New Zealand Police), Mr S Walker (Road Transport Association), Mr E Christiansen (Road Users).

IN ATTENDANCE Councillors Group Manager Regional Services and Information Manager Transport Services Committee Secretary

P Kelly, P Rieger Mr G Shirley Mr P Hindrup Mrs JA Kennedy

ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting:

Mrs A Gulliver (Transport Planner), Ms J Anderson (Transport Planner), Ms J Boost-Turner (Road Safety Coordinator), Ms L Shirley (Senior Transport Planner), Mrs G Leitao Road Safety Coordinator, Mrs D Webster (Road Safety Coordinator), Ms C Morrison (Media & Communications Manager), Mr R I’Anson (New Zealand Transport Agency), various territorial authority roading / asset managers, Mr M Guy (ratepayer), and members of the public.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the meeting had been opened, then adjourned to allow for a Regional Transport Committee workshop.

The Chairman introduced Ms Lisa Rossiter (New Zealand Transport Agency) who was in an acting role until a permanent appointment as Director Regional Relationships had been made by the New Zealand Transport Agency. He also introduced Mr Henare Clark (KiwiRail). Mr Henare outlined his role and explained the area he represented.

APOLOGIES There were no apologies.

PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS The Chairman introduced Mr Murray Guy, former Horizons Regional Council Councillor, who had been granted speaking rights.

Mr Guy said he was speaking as a ratepayer of the Region rather than as a former Horizons Regional Council Councillor. He referred to an intersection between SH57 and the Pahiatua Track, explained why he believed it was unsafe, and why it required immediate attention. Through earlier discussions with Mr I’Anson (New Zealand Transport Agency), Mr Guy said an indication had been given that the intersection would be attended to by the end of the current financial year.

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Report of Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 7 March, 2017

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SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS Supplementary item, Report No. 17-41, Variation to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025: SH1 Taupo to Waiouru Short Term Improvements, was tabled for Members’ consideration.


This item considered a request from the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) to vary the operative Regional Land Transport Plan (2015-25 (LTP)). The Variation was to include a programme of short-term safety improvements to improve safety, resilience and reliability of the corridor. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) introduced the item. The Chairman commented on his support for the Variation.

RT 17-6 Moved Gordon/Keedwell

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-41;

b. recommends that the Regional Land Transport Plan be varied to include the SH1 Taupo to Waiouru Short Term Improvements.


MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared.


RT 17-7 Moved Watson/Cameron

That the Committee:

confirms the minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting held on 6 December 2016 as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by the Council on 20 December 2016.



This item updated the Committee on the ongoing review of the Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) and confirmed the proposed wording drafted for the regional issues, objectives and strategic priorities as part of the review of the RLTP. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) introduced the item. He said a draft of the proposed wording changes for the issues, objectives and strategic priorities of the RLTP, as a result of the Regional Transport Committee workshop on 7 March, would be emailed to Members. Members were asked to provide their feedback via email, for confirmation at the June RTC. Mr Hindrup explained the Targeted Review Process as set out in paragraph 8, and Mr Shirley (Group Manager Regional Services & Information) referred Members to the Process and Timeframes outlined in paragraph 9, and explained that the final date for approval of the RLTP by the RTC was in March 2018, with adoption by Horizons Regional Council in April 2018. In discussing the recommendations, several Members asked that the

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Report of Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 7 March, 2017

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wording signalling there would no public consultation process (recommendation (c)) be deleted until a final decision on the content of the RLTP had been made. Members agreed to delete recommendation (b). The amended recommendation (c) then became recommendation (b).

RT 17-8 Moved McDouall/Collis

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-33.

b. confirms the approach for a targeted review.



The purpose of this item was to update the Committee on implementation of the current Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) referred Members to the table at paragraph 7.2 and explained the progress to date for each project. Mr Shirley (Group Manager Regional Services and Information) updated Members on the transport initiatives advanced through the Acclerate25 programme, displayed a map depicting the target area for unlocking central New Zealand, and explained the work underway to prepare a Business Case to advance the Regional Rural Ring Road project. He noted that rail was fundamental to the movement of freight within the Region.

RT 17-9 Moved McDouall/Collis

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-34.



This report provided an update on road safety trends in the Region and advised Members of road safety education activities undertaken by Horizons Road Safety Coordinators over the previous six month period. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) introduced the report and referred Members to the six monthly report (Annex A) which detailed the work undertaken, district by district, within the Region. He highlighted the focus and programmes in place to provide learner licence education. Inspector Calkin (New Zealand Police (NZP)) noted the close working relationship NZP had with Road Safety Coordinators and said their efforts were greatly appreciated.

RT 17-10 Moved Worboys/Collis

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-35 and Annex.


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This item considered a request from Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) to vary the operative Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-2025 (RLTP). The Variation was to include a programme for the provision of financial assistance for proposed Bikes in Schools programmes at Palmerston North schools, and also supported various education and promotion activities related to walking and cycling. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) introduced the item. Mr Lane (Palmerston North City Council (PNCC)) summarised the background to the Bikes in Schools implementation programme and explained that further funding was required in order to advance the programme to include more schools. Members congratulated PNCC on the initiative and noted their support for the programme.

RT 17-11 Moved Smith/McDouall

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-37.

b. recommends that the Regional Land Transport Plan be varied to include the Bikes In Schools programme and education and promotion activities relating to walking and cycling.



This item informed the Committee that the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2018/19 – 2027/28 (GPS 2018) had now been released for public engagement. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) introduced the item. A copy of the draft GPS 2018 and information on the One Network Road Classification (ONRC) Performance Measures was handed out to Members. Mr Hindrup took Members through a powerpoint presentation providing an overview of the draft GPS 2018 and its objectives, highlighted the increase in funding for all categories except local road improvements, and noted that submissions would close on Friday 31 March 2017. He said a draft submission would be circulated to Members seeking their feedback. Mr Leitao (Whanganui District Council) explained the importance of the ONRC information, noting that the GPS 2018 made reference to material contained it.

RT 17-12 Moved Worboys/Collis

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-38 and Annex.


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This report provided Members with an update on the New Zealand Transport Agency’s (NZTA) regional and national activities. Ms Rossiter (Acting Director Regional Relationships NZTA) provided a brief background and update on developments within NZTA, explained how the organisation was transforming to make the most of future opportunities for New Zealand, outlined the ‘regional relationship zones’ throughout New Zealand and explained that the lower North Island area was now a more manageable area. Ms Rossiter updated Members on the delivery of the current National Land Transport Programme, with Mr I’Anson (NZTA) providing an update on progress with “Accessing Central New Zealand - Business Case”, the Whirokino Trestle and Manawatu River Bridge, the Whakaruatapu Bridge Replacement, and progress with Maintenance and Operations. Mr Walker (Road Transport Association) commented on the benefits of councils signing up to the 7 axle (45 tonnes) and 8 axle (46 tonnes) Memorandum of Understanding with NZTA. He said he was happy to discuss the matter further after the meeting. In response to Members’ queries, Ms Rossiter explained the rationale for the Regional Relationship Zones.

RT 17-13 Moved Gordon/McDouall

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-39 and Annex.



This report updated Members on significant regional roading, public transport, road safety and planning activities within the Horizons region. Mayors and representatives of the local authorities in the region introduced their reports and highlighted activities of note.

Cr Keedwell (Horizons Regional Council) commented on the successful launch of the Levin to Waikanae bus service on 7 March 2017.

Mayor Worboys (Manawatu District Council) commented on the Feilding to Palmerston North cycle way, and the indicative business case to determine if the Mangaweka Bridge should be strengthened or replaced.

Mayor Smith (Palmerston North City) commented on the Maintenance, Operations and Renewals section of the report, highlighted the Walking and Cycling projects, and noted the work underway on a Strategic Business Case as part of “Accessing Central New Zealand”.

Mayor Watson (Rangitikei District Council) commented further on the indicative business case to determine if the Mangaweka Bridge (a shared bridge between Manawatu and Rangitikei) should be strengthened or replaced, and highlighted the extensive works being undertaken at Majuba Bluff to widen narrow sections of the road.

Mayor Cameron and Mr Furner (Ruapehu District Council (RDC)) commented on the bridge renewals programme, and said they were in negotiations with Kiwirail in regard to approvals for bridge renewals. Mr Furner commented on the challenging issues associated with damage to roads and bridges as a result of the forestry industry.

Mayor Collis (Tararua District Council) commented on the emergency works at Akitio rock wall on the Coast Road, and the Saddle Road Upgrade.

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Report of Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 7 March, 2017

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Mayor McDouall (Whanganui District Council) expressed his congratulations to the New Zealand Transport Agency for the Walking and Cycleway funding. He referred to a picture (page 66) of damage to roading as a result of forestry logging trucks.

Mayor Feyen (Horowhenua District Council) commented on the Foxton Main St redevelopment project, the shared pathway on Fairfield Road Levin and the associated stormwater and roading upgrades. Mr I’Anson (New Zealand Transport Agency) responded to questions about cycleway provisions for the Whirikino Trestle Bridge.

RT 17-14 Moved Gordon/Watson

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-40 and Annex.



This item provided an update to Members on the work of the Passenger Rail Working Party meeting held on 16 February 2017 to consider a request from Horizons Regional Council (Horizons) to vary the operative Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-25 (RLTP to allow for the development of a business case for a future Palmerston North to Wellington passenger rail service. Mr Hindrup (Manager Transport Services) and the Chairman spoke to the item. It was noted that patronage numbers on the Capital Connection had remained stable over the past 12 months. The working party therefore resolved that development of a business case was justified to consider options for the retention of a passenger rail service post June 2018. In response to a query, Mr Hindrup commented on the working relationship between Greater Wellington Regional Council staff and Horizons Regional Council staff, and undertook to promote an opportunity for a joint Regional Transport Committee meeting or joint workshop opportunity to discuss strategic connections between the two regions.

RT 17-15 Moved Smith/Keedwell

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-36;

b. agrees to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan to approve funding for the development of a business case for a Palmerston North to Wellington passenger rail service;

c. notes that a Business Case is to be completed that comprehensively updates the previous Business Case completed in 2012.



There were no Members’ questions.

The meeting closed at 12.51pm. Confirmed

_________________________ ______________________________ CHIEF EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN

Regional Council

28 March 2017

Report of Strategy & Policy Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 14 March, 2017

Page 51



Report of the third meeting of the tenth triennium of the Strategy and Policy Committee held at 11.02am on Tuesday 14 March 2017, in the Tararua Room, Horizons Regional Council, 11-15 Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

PRESENT Crs EB Gordon JP (Chairman to 11.48am), JJ Barrow, LR Burnell QSM, DB Cotton, RJ Keedwell, PJ Kelly JP, GM McKellar, NJ Patrick, PW Rieger QSO JP (Chairman from 1.05pm), BE Rollinson, CI Sheldon, WK Te Awe Awe.

IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive Governance Coordinator Committee Secretary

Mr MJ McCartney Mrs K Booth Mrs JA Kennedy

ALSO PRESENT At various times during the meeting:

Dr J Roygard (Group Manager Natural Resources & Partnerships), Dr N Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation), Mr R Strong (Group Manager River Management), Mrs L Macdonald (Chief Financial Officer), Mr T Bowen (Manager Policy & Strategy), Ms C Morrison (Media & Communications Manager), Mrs C Hesselin (Communications Advisor), Mrs M Smith (Communications Officer).

The Chairman welcomed everyone and invited Cr Te Awe Awe to open the meeting with a Karakia.

APOLOGIES The Chairman advised he would be leaving the meeting early to attend a funeral. Cr Rieger would assume the role of Chairman for the afternoon part of the meeting.

The Chairman noted that the meeting would be adjourned at approximately 11.45am to address community members of “Bung the Bore” Rally and for the Chief Executive and Chairman to meet with the rally leader.

PUBLIC SPEAKING RIGHTS There were no requests for public speaking rights.

SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMS There were no supplementary items to be considered.

MEMBERS’ CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There were no conflicts of interest declared.

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Report of Strategy & Policy Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 14 March, 2017

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SP 17-9 Moved Cotton/Burnell

That the Committee:

confirms the minutes of the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting held on 13 December 2016 as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by the Council on 20 December 2016.



This item sought a resolution by Council that was required as a procedural matter in relation to the changes to the National Policy Direction for Pest Management 2015 (NPD), and also provided a brief update on the process for the review of the Pest Management Plan and asked Council to provide direction on the level of further consultation to undertake with stakeholders, following the Council workshop on the latest draft of the revised Pest Management Plan (referred to as the draft amended proposal). Dr Roygard (Group Manager Natural Resources and Partnerships) explained the requirement of Section 100E of the Biosecurity Act 1993 and said the resolution by Council in relation to the changes to the NPD was required to be made by 24 March 2017. Dr Roygard responded to Members’ questions of clarification and explained the aim of the engagement initiated with key stakeholders as outlined in paragraph 2.7. There was discussion around whether recommendation (e) was warranted with Members providing their views and comments either for, or against, the motion. The Chairman put recommendation (e) separately.

SP 17-10 Moved Burnell/Keedwell

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-42;

b. determines as required by section 100 D of the Biosecurity Act 1993 that the Regional Pest Management Strategies, that were developed prior to the National Policy Direction (NPD) on Pest Management 2015, are inconsistent with the NPD;

c. determines as required by section 100 D of the Biosecurity Act 1993 to review the Regional Pest Management Strategies to produce a Regional Pest Management Plan that is not inconsistent with the National Policy Direction on Pest Management 2015. This review initiated under section 100 D of the Biosecurity Act 1993 will be incorporated into the review of the Regional Pest Management Strategies that is already underway;

d. directs the Chief Executive to write to the Ministry of Primary Industries to advise them of the resolutions above and to update on the process for the review of the Regional Pest Management Strategies that is underway; and


SP 17-11 Moved Burnell/Keedwell

e. directs the Chief Executive to write to all submitters to the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan to update them on the process.


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This item outlined the implications of the Government’s Clean Water reform package. Mr Bowen (Manager Policy & Strategy) introduced the item, took Members through the five main elements of the package, identified the positive aspects of the proposal, commented on areas of concern, and noted the resourcing implications required to meet the proposed regional swimming targets by October 2017 and finalised swimming targets by March 2018. There was full discussion with questions of clarification around the details of the proposed package and annexed information, and several Members provided their views and suggestions around particular areas of the proposal for consideration in a draft response. Mr Bowen and Dr Roygard responded to Members’ questions which included the proposed shift to ‘swimmable’ targets and how it would be measured, the government funding package for Freshwater Improvements, and there was discussion around the monitoring and reporting requirements.

The meeting adjourned at 11.48am.

The meeting reconvened at 1.05pm.

Cr Rieger assumed the position of Chairman at 1.05pm.

Members continued discussing details of the proposed package, sought clarification and offered their comments. Clarification was sought around the data displayed on the Land Air Water Aotearoa website, with discussion around the stock exclusion regulations, the effects of forestry harvesting and stormwater, and discussion around an approach to deal with adverse events on ‘swimmability’ targets.

SP 17-12 Moved Kelly/Te Awe Awe

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-43;

b. agrees that a draft submission on the Clean Water proposals be presented for consideration by the Strategy and Policy Committee on 12 April 2017.



This paper updated Members on the implementation of the Manawatu-Whanganui Economic Action Plan, which occurred under the banner of Accelerate25. Dr Peet (Group Manager Strategy & Regulation) commented on the composition of the Accelerate25 Lead Team (Governance Group) noting that Ruma Karaitiana had replaced Sir Mason Durie, and Traci Houpapa was an additional member of the Governance Group to represent Iwi interests in the northern part of the region. Dr Peet commented on the presentation from Ministry of Social Development to the Accelerate25 Lead Team in February 2017 (Annex B) and highlighted the investment in training programmes to promote employment. He commented on the Whanganui Port revitalisation project, expanded on progress with projects being carried in the Primary Sector, the Distribution and Transport Enabler, and progress with the Digital Enabler.

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Report of Strategy & Policy Committee Meeting - Receive and Adopt Resolutions and Recommendations - 14 March, 2017

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SP 17-13 Moved Kelly/Sheldon

That the Committee recommends that Council:

a. receives the information contained in Report No. 17-44 and Annexes.



The Chairman’s Report was distributed to Members’ prior to the meeting.

SP 17-14 Moved Rieger/Burnell

That the Committee receives the Chairman’s Report.



Cr Patrick’s report had been distributed to Members prior to the meeting. Media Presence: Fortnightly newspaper column, Refugee solidarity rally, Social enterprise opportunity, Government’s freshwater package, Rivercity Press profile. Activities: Attended all Horizons meetings, workshops and field trips, met with Velodrome roof proponents (30 Jan), visited the Hopkins’ dairy farm at Nukumaru (1 Feb), Nga Puna Rau Rangitikei meeting (3 Feb), visit to Putiki Native Reseve and wetland (14 Feb), participated in Bushy Park Trust’s strategic planning day (18 Feb), attended Horizons’ public meetings on Whanganui flood risk (22 & 27 Feb) and river traders’ market (4 Mar), visited Te Aroha Marae and Kai Iwi to discuss Mowhanau Stream sewerage spills (23 Mar), hosted climate change panel, “The Flood” (23 Feb), participated in South Beach clean up with Horizons and DOC for Sea Week (4 Mar), spoke as individual at EPA hearings into seabed mining (7 Mar), hosted social enterprise workshop with Nga Tai o Te Awa, then Business with Heart panel discussion with the Chamber of Commerce (8 Mar), attended Zone 3 meeting at Linton and Ohakea (9-10 Mar), met with Castlecliff rejuvenation lead on Whanganui river mouth management issues (12 Mar). Looking Forward: Cr Patrick provided details of events and meetings she was hoping to attend in the future.

Cr McKellar – Attended a local Manawatu Federated Farmers meeting, the Rural Games, and visited the Tongariro Crossing.

Cr Kelly’s report had been distributed to Members prior to the meeting. Attended the usual Council meetings and Workshops, went on a biodiversity tour and attended a Ruapehu District Council Meeting (7-8/2), attended a welcome for Jerald Twomey (Horizons new Iwi/Policy Analyst) (8/2), attended the Fertiliser Quality Council Network Meeting (9/2), attended Philips Search and Rescue Helicopter Trust Open Day (11/2), visited the Manawatu District Council’s WastewaterTreatment Plant (15/2), attended a joint Whanganui District Council and Horizons Regional Council Workshop (22/2), involved in Foxton Beach clean-up (3/3), attended Zone 3 meeting (9-10/3), attended the Norwood/New Zealand Rural Sports Awards Dinner (10/3).

Cr Cotton’s report had been distributed to Members prior to the meeting. Attended the normal meetings and workshops, article Rivercity Press, management meeting with Dr Jon Roygard, Ramon Strong, 17/1 P Nth sign off tender meeting, 17/1 Jon Roygard, Grant Copper, Lindsay Burnell; Site visit to Woodville Nursery / Masterton Nursery. This was a very worthwhile day, gained a better understanding of the issues to run a nursery, Wgtn Regional Council Nursery management of planting, use of contractors, variety of poplars, costs and monitoring programs, 18/1 Ramon Strong site visit Palmerston Nth, Feilding, stop banks spillway,

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7-8/2 Northern tour, 15/2 Grant Cooper, Pat Kelly site visit to Bulls Nursery. Also, inspected land adjacent, potential to expand nursery. Met with Ian Brown who helps run the nursery and could provide information regarding flooding, 17/2 Federated Farmers meeting Wanganui, 19/2 Rod Pearce flooding Castlecliff Wanganui, 22/2 Ramon, Cara interview Wanganui Chronicle flood protection, WDC workshop, Chair public meeting flood control, 23/2 Chair SLUI Advisory Group P Nth, 24/2 Wanganui River Traders Market stall, flood protection Ramon, Cara; 27/2 Harry Matthews Fed Farmers Chair Wanganui, Chair public meeting flood control, 6/3 Grey Power meeting flood protection.

Cr Barrow attended the One Plan Declaratory Proceedings held in Wellington.


SP 17-15 Moved Rieger/Cotton

THAT the public be excluded from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 and section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 13 December 2016

s7(2)(g) - the withholding of the information is necessary to maintain legal professional privilege.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


Council / Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain and define the extent of the release

PX3 Members’ Questions

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PX SP 17-8 Moved Kelly/Keedwell

That the Committee:

Confirms the pubic excluded minutes of the Strategy and Policy Committee meeting held on 13 December 2016, as a correct record, and notes that the recommendations were adopted by Council on 20 December 2016.


PX SP 17-9 Moved Kelly/McKellar

That the Committee moves out of public excluded.


The meeting adjourned to the Public Excluded part of the meeting at 2.10pm and resumed at 2.12pm.

The meeting closed at 2.13pm.


_________________________ ______________________________ CHIEF EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN

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28 March 2017

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Public Excluded Section


That the public be excluded from the remainder of the Council meeting as the general subject matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

PX1 Confirmation of Public Excluded Meeting held on 28 February 2017

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX2 Rural Upgrade Project – Contracts 2016/01 and 2016/18

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX3 Chief Executive Interim Performance Review

s7(2)(h) - the withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

This report should remain confidential because it includes information about the performance and employment terms of an identifiable individual.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

PX4 Council / Committee to consider whether any item in the Public Excluded minutes can be moved into the public domain and define the extent of the release

PX5 Members’ Questions

top related