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Registration Regulation of Country Code Top-Level

Domains (ccTLD), State of Kuwait

21 December 2016



Chapter Subject Page

Chapter One Definitions 3

Chapter Two General Provisions 6

Chapter Three Registry – Registrar Model 7

Chapter Four Application Requirements 8

Chapter Five Registration Guarantees 8

Chapter Six Documents of Registrants 9

Chapter Seven Banned Activities 9

Chapter Eight Registration of Domain Names 10

Chapter Nine Reserved Domain Names 10

Chapter Ten Amendment of Registration Information 11

Chapter Eleven Transferring Domain Names 12

Chapter Twelve Rejecting Applications, Deleting and Suspending Domain Names 12

Chapter Thirteen Accessibility to Registrant Information to Others 13

Chapter Fourteen Financial Return 13

Chapter Fifteen Complaints 13

Chapter Sixteen Communication 13

Chapter Seventeen Amendment 14


Chapter One: Definitions: The terms and standards defined in the executive regulation of Communication and

Information Technology Regulatory Authority CITRA shall have the same

respective meaning included in this document when used in this regulation. In

addition, words and expressions included herein shall have their definitive meanings.

1. Regulatory Body for Managing Internet Domain Names and it is

Abbreviated by CITRA’s name:

It is the organization responsible for operating Country Code Top-Level Domains

ccTLD for the interest of all beneficiaries. This role is represented in

Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority CITRA which

is responsible for managing Country Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD and

applicable standards in this field to ensure efficiency, justice and transparency for

the beneficiaries. This includes control and implementation of all regulations,

policies and procedures related to operation of Country Code Top-Level Domains

ccTLD in addition to supervision on its registration system.

2. Registry:

The registry is responsible for Central Registry maintenance for Country Code Top-

Level Domains ccTLD. On behalf of his registered clients, the registry performs the

tasks of registration, renewal or amendment of domain names in the registry. This

role is represented in Communication and Information Technology Regulatory

Authority CITRA.

3. Accredited Registrars:

These are persons or entities that provide integrated registration services to those

who want to register domain names through a contract with the registry. An

accredited registrar represents the Public Front-End that provides registration

services for registrants and resellers.

4. Resellers:

Accredited registrars may appoint resellers to sell domains to clients and provide

them with services. These resellers buy domain names and manage domain name

registries for their clients via an interface that connects them with their registrars.

Mediators do not have the authority of direct enforcement of the registry.


5. Registrant:

This is a natural or legal person who registers a specific domain name directly or

through another party. This person or entity maintains the right of using his domain

name for a limited period of time provided that he commits to registration policies

and procedures and registration fees payment. In addition, this person or legal entity

is considered committed to the relevant service agreement signed with the accredited

registrar or reseller concerning Country Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD.

6. Country Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD for State of Kuwait:

These are the top level domains supervised and managed by CITRA and include:

Kuwaiti-Latin Top Level Domain: it is a symbol consisting of two Latin letters

(.kw) represented in the first Latin syllable on the right of ant Kuwaiti-Latin

domain name.

Kuwaiti-Arab Top Level Domain: it is a word symbolizing the abbreviated

name of State of Kuwait (Kuwait) and represented in the first Arabic syllable

from the left to any Kuwaiti-Arabic domain name.

7. Kuwaiti Domain Name:

It is any Arabic domain name or Latin domain name that is located within Country

Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD for State of Kuwait and it is abbreviation called


8. Latin Domain Name:

It is a name consisting of multiple Latin syllables separated by points and takes either

of the following forms:

8.1. Latin domain name with two Latin syllables such as ( as .kw

is the first Latin syllable from the right.

8.2. A Latin domain name with three Latin syllables such as (

as the first and second syllables from the right are one of the main branches

of the top level Kuwaiti-Latin domain such as (,

9. Latin Syllable:

It is A series of symbols (Latin letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, the hyphen

(-) and there is no difference in small or big Latin letters). The Latin syllable is used

to create a Latin domain name.


10. Arabic Syllable:

It is a series of symbols (i.e. Arabic alphabets, numbers and the hyphen (-)) used to

create an Arabic domain name without distinction of letters through punctuation

marks, Hamza and the feminine ta’.

11. Arabic Domain Name:

It is called on either of the following two standard formula or both as used to

represent domain names in Arabic language according to international standards

related to international domain names as follows:

11.1. First formula in Arabic language: it is a domain name consisting of two

syllables in Arabic separated by a dot (.Kuwait) as .Kuwait shall be the

first Arabic syllable from the left.

11.2. Second formula in Latin language: it is a domain name consisting of two

syllables in Latin opposing to the Arabic language (encoded Unicode) as

the first syllable is Latin from the right “xn-mgbg8edvm” opposing to the

Top level Kuwaiti-Arabic domain: .Kuwait for example, the Arabic

domain name of “123.Kuwait” matches the following encoded Unicode:


12. Opposing Latin Syllable (Encoded Unicode)

It is a series of Latin symbols used to represent the Arabic syllable in the formula

ASCIII for any domain name online. It always starts with four symbols (_xn) created

according to international standards related to the use of Internationalized Domain

Names (IDN) through which we can shift correctly from Arabic syllable to the Latin

encoded Unicode or vice versa.

13. New gTLDs

These are top-level Latin domains accredited by the Internet Corporation for

Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) since 2013:

Social. / technology. / academy.

14. Objection Parties:

These include the objecting and the objected against parties or any person related to

the dispute parties.

15. Reserved Domain Name:

It is a word or phrase that is banned from use within Kuwaiti domain names

according to the policies set by CITRA.


16. The List:

A list of names reserved and prepared according to these procedures.

Chapter Two: General Provisions: 17. This regulation determines rules, terms and conditions of registering domain

names within Country Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD for State of Kuwait.

18. Providing registration services is limited to the following:

18.1. A natural non-minor person with Kuwaiti nationality or resident with a

valid residence in State of Kuwait.

18.2. An NGO licensed by the concerned authorities in State of Kuwait to

practice its activity.

18.3. An owner of a local trade mark or trade name registered at Ministry of

Trade & Industry in State of Kuwait.

18.4. An international trade name registered at Ministry of Trade & Industry in

State of Kuwait.

19. It is allowed to register Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) with two or

three syllables as accredited by ICANN by any natural or legal person

according to policies and procedures set by CITRA. Names of some domains

are as follows:

19.1. .kw






20. It is also allowed to register what is called New Generic Top-Level Domains

(New gTLDs) according to policies and regulations issued by CITRA.


Chapter Three: Registry-Registrar Model 21. Roles Related to this Model:

CITRA adopts the best world practices in the field of domain names management.

This is represented in adopting the Registry-Registrar Model) by ICANN and other

world organizations operating in the field of Top-Level Domain names TLD. In the

annex, there are attached diagrams showing the relations and registrations between

parties of the relation. This model includes the following roles:

21.1. Regulatory body.

21.2. The registry.

21.3. Accredited registrars.

21.4. Reseller.

21.5. Registrant.

22. Certificate of Accredited Registrars by CITRA:

An accredited registrar provides services to registrants and keeps domain names of

registrants in the registry system. An accredited registrar also commits to provide

services of information registration and updating for registrants and he is authorized

to collect fees form registrants in return for these services according to contract

conditions with CITRA. An accredited registrar may also provide additional services

besides registering domain names such as web hosting, email series or cloud

services. To obtain the Accredited Registrar certificate from CITRA, the following

steps should be followed:

The Accredited Registrar Agreement covers the technical requirements that should

be found for him to integrate with the registry system and it includes his

responsibilities as an accredited registrar towards commitment to CITRA’s policies.

After accrediting the registrar, he can get direct access to registry database operated

by CITRA and offer his services according to the Accredited Registrar Agreement

with commitment to domain name management policy of CITRA.

23. An accredited registrar or reseller provides registrants with registration

services, information updating and dealing with complaints according to

CITRA’s regulation. A registrant shall agree on collecting his information by

CITRA to allow it to perform its responsibilities.

1- Passing special technical & administrative


2- Paying application and

license fees

3- Signing the Accredited Registrar



Chapter Four: Application Requirements 24. A registrant who wants to register a certain domain name should apply for an

Accredited Registrar Application or any of the resellers according policies and

procedures set by CITRA noting that the registration application shall contain

complete, correct and updated information.

25. The registrant commits to all policies and procedures issued by CITRA

concerning registration application and he shall be deemed recognizing terms

and conditions of this regulation and accepting them without reservations. He

shall also be responsible for any error in the registration application.

26. An accredited registrar commits to receive documents required from the

registrant according to policies and procedures set by CITRA.

27. CITRA or the accredited registrar are allowed to set procedures to verify the

documents and information included in any registration application, current

registration or verify application adequacy or registration with terms and

conditions of this regulation, other regulations and policies issued by CITRA.

Chapter Five: Registration Guarantees: 28. When applying for domain name registration, a registrant commits to confirm

being among the categories specified in paragraph 2.2 herein.

29. The accredited registrar commits to all terms and conditions included within

this regulation besides the decisions, policies and regulations issued by

CITRA in addition to all documents and correspondence related to the domain

name, subject of registration.

30. It is a condition for using domain names by registrants that they declare that

the domain name does not conflict with policies and regulations issued by


31. The registrant declares that all information related to the domain name are

complete, correct and updated and commits to inform CITRA or the

accredited registrar for any updating or change that may happen on

information according to CITRA’s policies and procedures.

32. The registrant declares his correct receipt of any notification or message sent

from CITRA or the accredited registrar if sent to the address provided to

CITRA or the accredited registrar. In addition, CITRA or the accredited

registrar is not responsible for not reaching the notice or message.

33. The registrar agrees that information he submitted to CITRA or the accredited

registrar related to the domain name will be available for public access

through (Whois) registrar information service or any other means.


34. The accredited registrar commits to regulation, procedures and policies issued

by CITRA in relation to complaint on Kuwaiti domain names.

35. A registrant agrees to be responsible for ensuring renewal of domain name

license within a maximum of three days since the expiry date of domain

registration with commitment to pay renewal fees imposed according to

policies and regulations issued by CITRA.

36. The accredited registrar commit to notify the registrants of approaching expiry

date of the domain registration and the need to renew it within a specific

period of time according to policies and regulations issued by CITRA.

Chapter Six: Documents of Registrants: 37. In addition to information included in the domain name registration

application, CITRA is allowed at any time to request from registrants to

submit additional documents or information within the time period, the form

and means determined by CITRA. In addition, CITRA may reject, cancel or

suspend the registration application in case of registrant’s non-commitment.

38. Communications, e-mails, documents or letters exchanged between CITRA,

the accredited registrar and the registrant in processing the domain name

registration application and other records saved by CITRA and deemed

argument on their owners.

Chapter Seven: Banned Activities: 39. A registrant is not allowed to register, use, keep the domain name or submit a

suspended service application of the following:

39.1. Activities or acts that violate policies and regulations issued by CITRA or

helping on doing them. For example: phishing to obtain personal financial

information, sending spam, hosting pornographic contents or harmful


39.2. Publishing contents that violate applicable laws in State of Kuwait.

39.3. Decisions issued by CITRA concerning some banned activities.


Chapter Eight: Registration of Domain Names: 40. Requirements that should be found in the Latin domain name to be registered:

40.1. Syllabus length shall not be less than one Latin symbol (review).

40.2. First and last symbols of the syllable shall be either a Latin letter or


40.3. The Latin syllabus shall not include two consecutive hyphens (-).

40.4. The Latin domain name shall not conflict with regulations issued by


41. Requirements that should be found in the Arabic domain name to be


41.1. Arabic syllabus length shall not be less than one letter.

41.2. Arabic syllabus shall have a correct matching Latin syllabus representing

the matching formula of the Arabic syllabus (encoded Unicode) according

to international standards using Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).

41.3. Arabic syllabus shall not begin and end with a hyphen (-) and does not

include two consecutive hyphens (-).

41.4. Arabic domain name shall not conflict with regulations issued by CITRA.

42. It is a condition to find a link between domain name, the registrant or his

activity. CITRA is entitled at any time to require related evidence from the


43. It is not allowed to register domain names included in the “Reserved Domain

Names” list unless for authorized entities according to policies and regulations

issued by CITRA.

Chapter Nine: Reserved Domain Names44. CITRA may establish lists of reserved syllables or these ones unavailable for

registration in domain names. They include, but not limited to, syllabuses that

represent names of public figures, numbers or names that contradict with laws

and regulations in these countries, against public interest or improper for


45. CITRA is entitled to set policies and procedures that govern creation and

management of reserved domain names list.

46. When removing a name from the reserved domain names list, it will be

available for registration according to policies and procedures set by CITRA.


47. List of Reserved Domain Names:

47.1. CITRA puts the list which includes reserved domain names within the

following categories:

47.1.1. Geographic names: such as names of cities, governorates, areas and


47.1.2. Ambiguous names: these include sensitive or general words or phrases

that can be explained in more than one means and they may lead to a

semantic ambiguity such as (ministry-), (Kuwaiti-), (-bank), etc.

47.1.3. Religious names: these include names of religions, doctrines and sacred


47.1.4. Violating names: these include words and phrases that form a violation

of applicable laws and regulations in State of Kuwait, against public ethics

or harming habits and traditions.

47.1.5. Names related to card registration service: these include all words and

phrases reserved pursuant to international standards related to domain

name registration service.

47.2. When preparing a list, CITRA is entitled to use applicable lists in domain

name registration entities in other countries.

47.3. It is not allowed to register a name reserved under Kuwaiti domains.

47.4. CITRA has the right to reject registration or deletion or a domain name if

it includes a reserved name.

47.5. CITRA has the right to publish the list, part of it or its classifications in the

manner it deems suitable.

47.6. Any natural or legal person is allowed to provide an application to add,

delete names to the list or use it as exceptions by a decision issued from


Chapter Ten: Amendment of Registration Information: 48. A registrant has the sole right and authority in amendment of registration

information such as the e-mail or phone number through the domain’s control

panel at the accredited registrar of registry’s information.

49. CITRA has the right to request from the accredited registrar to amend his

information or verify it at any time.


Chapter Eleven: Transferring Domain Names 50. CITRA has the right to allow to transfer domain names to other party provided

that both the registrant and other party, to whom the domain name was

transferred, match the terms and provisions of this regulation, other policies

and regulations issued by CITRA.

51. CITRA has the right to request documents from both parties as it deems

necessary to complete the transfer process.

52. CITRA has the right to reject any request of domain name transfer because of

not submitting the required documents or for any other reason deems

appropriate by CITRA.

Chapter Twelve: Rejecting Applications, Deleting and Suspending

Domain Names 53. The accredited registrar or reseller is allowed to submit an application to

CITRA to omit or suspend a current domain name and CITRA has the right

to reject the application of registering domain names in the following cases:

53.1. If it is proved to CITRA that any of the submitted information from the

registrant is incorrect, incomplete or non-updated.

53.2. If the registrant does not provide the documents required for domain


53.3. If the registrant fails in renewing the domain name.

53.4. If the registrant does not confirm registration information after CITRA’s


53.5. If CITRA accepted a submitted objection related to the domain name.

53.6. If CITRA received a judicial order.

53.7. If CITRA received a notice from any natural or legal person informing that

domain name registration or use is violating regulations and laws in State

of Kuwait or regulations issued by CITRA and this was proved correct.

53.8. If the registrant, registration application or domain names are against any

of terms and provisions of this regulation or other regulations issued by


53.9. If CITRA decides to reject the application of registration, deletion or

suspension of a current domain name with the aim of public interest

protection or for any reason it deems appropriate.

54. CITRA shall inform the applicant with the decision of rejection, deletion or

suspension with reasons.

55. CITRA is allowed to cancel the suspension of domain names after removing

reasons for suspension.


Chapter Thirteen: Accessibility to Registrant Information to Others 56. CITRA has the right to collect information and documents about the registrant

with the purpose of doing its responsibilities and tasks. It is also entitled to

collect other technical information such as the electronic visits registry of the

registrant’s website on the Internet.

57. CITRA has the right to provide specific information of any domain name in

general and publish it on CITRA’s online website.

58. A registrant or any other person are allowed to benefit from publicly

accessible registrant’s information provided that this shall be only for the

following purposes:

58.1. Verifying availability of a certain domain name.

58.2. Receiving registration information of a certain domain name.

Chapter Fourteen: Financial Return: 59. CITRA shall receive a financial return for domain name registration services

according to policies, procedures and prices set by CITRA.

Chapter Fifteen: Complaints: 60. Any related party to Country Code Top-Level Domains ccTLD registration in

State of Kuwait has the right to submit a complaint to CITRA being the entity

that is responsible for regulating and operating these domains. CITRA also

has the right to deal with complaints submitted according to its applicable

regulations in this respect.

Chapter Sixteen: Communication: 61. CITRA is allowed to communicate with the registrant concerning domain

name services via e-mail or other proper means selected by CITRA.

62. A registrant is the sole responsible person for ensuring that communication

information he receives as included in any domain name registration

application he submitted or registered is correct, accurate and updated at all

times. CITRA is not responsible in case of non-receiving any notice or

message forwarded to the registrant through its communication information.


Chapter Seventeen: Amendment: 63. This regulation and any of its terms and provisions are amendable from time

to time by CITRA without prior notice.

64. CITRA is allowed to issue independent policies, procedures and decisions in

cases not treated in this regulation.

65. A registrant commits to changes that are made in this regulation, any other

relevant regulation, policy or procedure. Such changes shall prevail thirty

days after their publication date on CITRA’s online website.

66. The registrant’s continuation of using any domain name is deemed as his

acceptance of changes made on this regulation, any other relevant regulation,

policy or procedure. In case of registrant’s refusal of committing to these

changes, he should submit a request to CITRA of deleting the domain

registered by his name.

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