regulation no. 161-2009 coffee quality control and · pdf filei1ftii t: n :i)u{a i. ut: \10ci<...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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  • ,

    ~~IrA ., ,;JI,:'" ;JtLlI] FEDERAL NEGARlT GAZETA

    I1fTI I t: n : I)U{A I. Ut: \10CI< ATI C RFl'unUCOt' f:TIl!OPI ,o.

    />.I"/. 1111""" >;' 'h .... ) .,,'1', : i\'1 M:li'A-, U..I.-'I'I! "'.'!""l,I..1\..r'C t.Tllf\), ". ), .. ~,~n ~~, '1'1: 11"' ,/, '1 'M ~,.. 1 .... -!JnlM~"f 1"I1t; fl..). ""H&J' rn .... ' I""" \'111'" .~ f ),'I'~ ot."l'f: fJ!lfMrolfff III"'~' ~; ],,; IIIV; '1''':+' "" 1I'r.~ "M'l, .. l- ",.Y, ..,..,'C \lrlJ"1i. /I'H'II' "I(~ ) """'1.-). r.UT) /:111 M,-r:l: tI"


    b'1."C coo

    II,:!' b~ ",.,.

    y.u ' ,"HI .. """Im) 'III!!> I'j,tlt'I ~ "tI 1'-1,,(1(1 I"'~:{,' )Y" " II ..

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    R.ptl.tIOn ,,, 161 ,'201)9 CO/'f'EE \lUll/IT! CO~'TR()I A ,"(J /RA \'i.l( 'r/().\'


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  • II ) tltl",)I', tl'H'I" ~ 1"/"J""h 'l'Ir~ 'h:' I "'~ 1'11\.11 ,1',' ... 1 iI~.'II)l"!I" N, 'I"'I,~')' I'.'/'tl/',,", I;

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    . ) I\fln),:",,/.,!' .... 1.)1 I'll"; "/'lIP,')' "'''1.Y,I.''/ " "'~'. MH'", I'),:'IA,,,", (1" "

    '''MIl'\ 'I ' "follY,'" I

    \'f,.l\:/l tl ~ ,,~ .. 'r' ~Ild U\11~~ " I)lpl,,'r~ ~.ItI!1,',1 1 III,' tr~d lllil C~Tll~r

    ~) II ~uppllcr 11110 ~u~, I\'d th~n) or c

    ~) 'n~ mcmb..'T 01 Ihe I_xch,ang< ,;hall be allo .. ~'(/

    10 buy or la ic coff~" Dt the 1 ~"hang.e o"l~ lipon rn:~nI~"oo ora \':Iild (cmficalc of comrctcn~

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    'PI oy,~ I'htlr,.,", tltn>(.~ h/t\"ltI~l 1""""::1"1'/ "nil") ~'.'r(;I1;1l\ ::

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    I''I.;J-p':r ~, '''' .'1.1' ') "'1fl.fWJ M:rll "UII~I'I.1': ,,"M, ::

    h~:A ""I'l.~.

    nMI .. ~+ '''It.:n...,. I'romu: m(~ ;i: 1'11.~l "'It.:J'I~~' 1'V"0l1t: ... fl&1:/J}

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    " r!!.,'lI.r(.n.H' 1'11""~1.;.r1~ ?"tlhf: mu) I'f}'; l\:t>t.n.~l I'fI."' ) "'11..:1'1""1. I'l"'nltr. (111.-4'+

    \'''Ulm/l~ """Ailf,:

    fo. "'0.1'1'1:( j'm")m') 1'tII~.h uu(l,(.C) 1""1..1''',"''1

    Ilfltlfl')o)')' rYllfl~ m,l'.r IlIll.,f'. ~A ..... ",(..}. /1Y'('I'I''>' lU"/'J f11(1~ 1'11''1 ",/h"~1

    '''',:J1I'} 1 l'n'I /'r K,lr' .. ", ::

    (e) hc d.-a,\ 6no.! t('n\cnoeOl fll' ,nformatloll

    r"c!\n(llo)!y licrVIC,'S

    ~l J"hc Qtg~1l In rhargr 'lradmllll~lenng llIe Ir.MIm!;

    rlacr s of ,I I'tJmal) tr:>n5aCLiQIl C~lT!r' sh311t~lt lh~ lI~ce5sa') lI\easur~~ t(} eftan tlicill [Tum

    rn,,,onmenal ~1I~(ls Ihal mal ~rr""'l ~r

    quality of cofl"'C


    U~R71F1(ilT UI- COMP71 .. ,\C

    R R,,/u/I "n'r'" QI C """ji.:.tJlf! of C"'''ptle",,' An} Colice ,uppher nponcr. \\hulcs~ICT, r()ll~Lcr

    I'roussor or co1Te~ "arrhouse operntor sllall (llllalll a ccn,(ic".alc M competencc i.,ued in accordance

    \\,,11 this Rl.'gulahon !,nor to appl}'tng lor a trndc


    A coff~e surplier'; certificate of cmnpctcncc ,hall

    bt: w-al111:d upon aKcrtai~in! 111.11 the "3prhc>lnl

    I r O .... II~ or ha$ p'OCIl,cd from I IhmJ pany throLlgh a I~a.e coflllaCI 11 \\JI"\'~u!CflOIlatc1y:

    6) (J\\"n~ a SC"r\lct c~ltttng office In a ITI&1ItlC.'t to be obit 10 p,o"lde the I\I:c,vieeJI; ~nd

    7) ha. pcrmanrntl) d~plu) c.:1 a ,,(air ~ulfklc 'll r} qLt

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    I , ' ' I ~' !ii'i.~.~;1;t i.,.Y .. t 1:\. ~.7(.f ,'JIL") 'I! 'f'l: ?t~ ' I' e ?!':/, .f"} ;;7Ui 'n-~, ~'~.:ilcr.lI=xcg ;trit Gaid:f _ Nil. :!~ Fi:hrlr:u)" .. tI.-2()()Q Page"' -"6)-

    \'11' t", I,

    -lUl l l~'iJff~1! ,(pO/"l ..;r 's ( '1!I', ijiwlo of Gqmpetellc(! .J J ,1"1 I

    i , 1'!l-lt.lJ h,~) ' r il,t')' "!l':>'/'!fI- .r!"'M~C, ml'~ ') ' ,

    ' \' 01f.tuno," nootV.:'::

    -th~\ 't n'q L ., n ., \' inA . coffee ~xportcr ' s cert ifica\c o ~ co.mpetence shall , " r-:'I ~e)&r,ntpQ upon ascertaining that the applicant :

    '\'f1S "'h,~~ Yil:t'),I, "'Il':>'/ ~' I'Y''M,C (IlL,H' ,

    "' ~ , Yh'JoCM' n'~"1 M>-(.I.l, ' ,in!' nll':>:~" I" \"''1:/~'/AnT n'IM .. ) ,',.) ' r,rllo>- m:r,Y"

    ftuui\h I r...._ rll, ~. o I owns or has leased from a third

    .f 10" ('fhh ,,. " ;1.. > , . , m"G\ t'!ODIJll .. l h(l{'H'- M t X I. 'JI"'"

    n ( " . I ',' , f f . t'tf., UD''tt.fJD"1', J'fI ) ool"" ! n..A A "l" O)A'ns or ~s/)e sed from a third part W Ighmg 1 Irlll! ",'< , ,. I f"f)

    j{ ~ ( On..).r.[, , t'"rt. l'.' .t'.l)1~~::I: fll'l/ ...... """)") ri\ f\ scale and a , mois.t ure ca lib~ation instrument r ''''r.roflhlft} oli~ n.}'~} ' r fll(l}' OJf.9" Oh.t,Y. ! '''''' Ii cert ified. b)l the Quality and Standards Authority ..... , i' ~ , '('I\ ffi\'t: ", />., t' (f)-l\ nou'l'}' ht'i'H 'r,: (I} 'n f,1m, UIJ.tI')'i , o f Et hiop ia; \) \

    ,/"; I ' "tlt1b "hC'l'O'}' no.,~"rlmt.r oo"lt.r ,rl'l:':')' ootf~ '! I " \ ,

    ., 11 J f 'l~~ ) arranges op,eratjonai processf~ ' as c, firmed\ by .. " 'I " n"'l ~ -n ./ r) nlt'rc' h' ~Il' " , 1: , ' , 1 ;.1,.'. .... . " . I , I ('1 the cbmpetent aut hority. that can p ispose wastes

    oX',~n,a>- n"'l:l''' "'IUnl~il mf,'/" O"lMil, m,:a'}' "y. ', -p.,}, n"'1,rilh'} ' t.\ nl):).'} 4Ii'ii'i '} without causing harm to the env ironment. the t",..,/lOJ'It. rUIJ.J' il':t' t\ nl.JIt ,C 5'1'1:0)' uolf'i! ~\(' . ,')f" public or individua ls: ~' I

    n;""1 r, Ann n ' / ' ~lIlo>- hl ,tI Y'/' l ':>'/IIM 'h .~ ,m~' v 4) has a information flow mechanism through \' I \ "'.ft\; ... \,,... , , ' 'r If'" ',"n"

    ~,wh i(' h he can in fo r'l' Ihe Mj ni.stry ,a least at the 'lot" ,"Tfo,!" 'II ' 1;'\.. ~I u ~ k"'\#-!!. OJ.f.o)o"t" ~nc ( l'I:uy"h " 'I'lm-')': fI "f:'?"!'t

    ~ ':>F, Yi'imo>- 'I~' noo':>lrI r'~lo"'l end of every month. about the type and quanti ty

    ro.c, \ ').>'''(1\) ,I-. ,',',H'I .. .. , . , " ;1.(\,' ... \ / "II,' ,Lof,. coffee, ,Purchased ror eXP9rt sold to ) ~ ,~,

    119"1+ fl'W, )'h' nou," '1 M.'r, n,n~ J'" '

    m'm... ,"'.?-;, "" Ii \ )'\, t., 'l ooQ.1.l71 ~f. ~ "'I,),~ ,~ ,;, r"'l, .r~a>-'Jon-l ' YOUlJl

    ~:~,), P;C;1\;l- rIll.:> \",If)" o " !i, Y'Mfr ~ut OIf,'/" F,l:'. f~:l'a>- rn,

    manner to be able to provide the 'rlecessary I f.\' 'I.'t "\ t'. ~.(

    services; and h,\~ ).l" \'C"'.\P' +. " ('I" .,

    7) has permanently deployed a staff su{1ifiently

    qualifi t,!,d in coffee quality matters, , :'J'~ O.,(..7'IT '.If'il\ , :: . i"'.", HL~'", IHI'. - \' .. ~l'.


    , I r I I - mf.'/" hM/'''' OI-n' , ' Oh.t.'. J"J1m' t'UlJhUIJ;.t: OV;.1II')(i ro.lj\ .).., .. warehouse; a coffee pU lping. washing. drying.

    UD~.l\t-.r i UlJrnn.J' ! UlJY:l-l!J': 'lOmt.,f" Iii sifting ' !dR-i:I b ther machI nes that ' meet the (\fI .. ':f flp't,(J)' Ailt-A". gp''1t5'P'':t, f fl J ' A .... "'r technica l standard.s set by the Ministry; ~,

    , , oolY., i ,tt ~.n n ~. I I.~ ~ "iAn"". f . .

    " _ r.f" ~), o}Vn\ PI serviCe 'lcatenng 0f1i;~ organized III a r. "ilt-A'I.m-} nIt.\.,~,} ~ tl.uoilrn'}~ nUIJ.ffl:-;l\ man ner ... to be able to I ~rovide [he 'necessary

    ooAII Y' I'Y,t,~: n'/A"M," ) ' uoll~1. n,C' J'~a> ',I j ....

    oolf., : A (fi').. 0 -1I\fll'lun , , ., 'I j ~ t .. , oJl " .. ~ t:. hO'IC,' '-rt} ;JC .... n"'ffll n.f: 6m-''''} - 5'1Iffl! 11 4J)' has JpermanentlY'

  • .,~. ~i'i.~~ ;-~.,! ~)_./.-A " _7{.-) .?tLITl '1'C X'~ ' IT !'IX ""} !{7i.i! 'UI". Federal Negaril Gazela _ No. 22 February 4'" 2009 Page 4464

    ii . r;hnO OS 1>1\;'>;:' Illn "'Ofr~';' - J'm"1o>') r'~II)Jl ooIlJ.Cj' f",/,J''''.~ Oq~n.'h,j r J'IIO> 01$'.9" 00>.:1 ""oJ'l ,j' ""'II'I'~' mn J"/"io> 1:"'/. ~:Il ,j ' 'qM> 01')11 (flf.'1" O't o>~ o"'/.'/''Io ,j' n;J' V"'/:I'I VO., ",/II,'~ 1':0+ ff&m- (I'D 1Y'1 ' i

    , ./1

    4) in case of a washed coffee processor: ... ownsor

    H " ik9s~d fl-om' a" third party ' a coffee proces.sing~~~ plant '" th llt \>. f meet~ ( 1 p'peratiopal

    standards set by the Ministry and is located l .~ ,

    al.ong1a pee anept rlraina.2e, basin or a sufficient ~ - ~ .1 'fr}"i. t" . -j .. " \

    I 1.1'1 :' ?i.'AY V'I't'h y.ol!"~' q~P'.:I"1') ,,( ,

    f-,-ouf'lhlt"l-l - (nfl"n .. }~} l ffll(J)- ' en'.?" nh.t'. I ')1 ! 5) owns1or has ieasedlfrOhl a third party'a washing supply oflr:aleri'h .J ". ".

    , . (f}.l\ UDo'l'}' hy-'IHIj~ (I)',-} f'/1m- 01],11')'1 1" 1/ f ... \ sca le "iand a moisture .ta librat ion instrument f"C~rn'}' UD'lI-tTJfIltf UD'1t..r f('l--}' UDtf.,-: : 'Ullll\'" certide'ct I5y theQu~\itY Net Stand~ds Xuthority

    );. n(,-) n,?II.?':}- V.i.-} nhf.'rc n'lfln.! x,..!\n" drEthio'pi~_ 1\.. :- ',!,' _, n" 001]:/~ OtJiJOln.ff m,."" 0'11l"11' \ ll"u '\' "(~ 'I~ \"U\) , o~,)) ,j ~ f.' 'I 'J\'j' o"'/f.'nllj.:I ' I.h" ') .JI7i7i'I ' "I' J 6) arranges op' O,,omen 0116"\ Y-'-l ,.:J'lmfl-}- _ ,I_,I I W\thp,ut causing harm to he enVIr

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