regulations and laws of the lyceum medicum londinense;...regulations and laws of thk lyceummedicum...

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Page 11, line 5, between the words and and from the followingwords are to be inferted—“ after the Jeffion fubfequent to that“ in which his paper has been read,”

REGULATIONS.The Lyceum Medicum Londinense, wasinftituted for the advancement of medical know-ledge, January 25,1785,under the patronageofDr.Fordyce and Mr. Hunter, when the following rc-folutions were unanimoufly agreed to :

I.No gentleman can be ele&ed a member of the

Society who is not a ftudent or practitioner in fomcof the branches of medicine.

11.The Society fhall confift of honorary, corres-

ponding, and ordinary members.

111.The honorary members fhall confift of teachers

of the different branches of medicine in London;and fhall be limited to fix in number.

IV.The correfponding members fhall confiftof pub-

lic teachers, and of phyficians and furgeons to pub-lic charities.


The ordinary members fliall be divided intothree clafles.

The firft dafs fliall be compofed of fuc.h gentle-men as have taken a degree in phyfic, are membersof the the furgeons or apothecaries company, or areeftabliflied in practice in forgery, pharmacy, orchemiflry.

Members of the fecond clafs muft have attendedan hofpital, one courfe of ledures on anatomy,andthe prad ice ofphyfic.

The third dafs fh 11 confift of thofe who haveonly entered upon a courfe of medical ftp dies.

VI.The members of the two ciades (hall be re-

quired to read to the Society, dillerta.tionson tomefubjed conneded with medicine, in the order oftheir names upon the lift.

VII.The members of the third clafs fliall have no

vote in the Society; but when qualified, fliall beconfideredas members of the fecond clafs.

VIII.Themembers ofthe fecond clafs, when qualified,


fhall, upon paying an additional half-guinea, beadmitted as member of the firft clafs.

IX.The meetings of the Society, after the prcfent

feffion of 1793-4, {hall be held at Dr. Baillie’sTheatre, in Windmill- ftreet; and {hall commence,annually, on the fecond Friday in O&ober, andbe continued on every fucceeding Friday, until thebeginning; of May.

X.At each meeting,the prefident fhall take the chair

at half paft eight o’clock ; and adjourn the Societyprecifely at eleven.

XI.The bufinefs fhall be conducted in the follow

ing order :

The minutes of the former meeting are to be readThe names of the members to be called over, and

fines collected.Certificates, propofing new members, to be re

ceived and read.New members to be ballottcd for.Vifitors to be Introduced.The prefident fhall then Inquire for medical

news.At half paft nine the differtation is to be read

and difculfed.


At five minutes before eleven the lift of mem-bers is again to be called.

XII.No bufinefs relative to the private concerns of

the Society can.Jae brought forward at the generalmeetings.

An extraordinary meeting may be moved for at

anytime; fpecifying for what purpofefuch meetingis convened. If the motion be feconded and agreedtoby a majority of the Society, the meeting flialltake place on the fucceeding Wednefday.

Every motion made and feconded, unlefs with-drawn, muft be entered on the minutes of the Soci-ety, with the names of thofe who have made andfeconded it.

Every member of the firft clafs, after the dif-cuffion of his paper, fliall be exempted from wri-ting papers in future ; and after the feftion fubfe-quent to that in which his paper has been read,from all fines for non-attendance.

The author of every diifertation difeuffed in theSociety, fhr.ll, within one month after its difeufli-on, depolit a correct copy of it in the library, un-

der the penalty of one guinea.Members ot the firft clafs who have not written

differtat ions, and the members of the fecond, are

liable to the ufual fines for abTenting themfelvesfrom this meeting.


PRESIDENTS.The prefidents are to be four in number •, elecledannually, by ballot, from the members of the firfhclafs, on the firft Friday in November. The fameperfons are not eligible, as prefidents, for two fuc-ceflive years.

The prefidents are to take the chair in rotation,according to feniority.

In the abfence of the prefident, for the evening,the next in order is to take the chair. Ifall theprefidents are abfent, the chair is to be taken bythe fenior member prefent.

TREASURER.The prefident who fhall have the greatefi; num-

ber of votes as prefident, fhall be treafurer forthe year, and fhall be refponfible for the fumsreceived.

ADMISSION of MEMBERS.The members of the Society are eledled by

ballot; and the approbation of two-thirds of themembers prefent, is necelfary for their admiflion.

8 LAWSThe cand : dates for each clafs are to be ballotted

for colk&ively ; but, in cafe of a deficiency of fuf-frages for eitherof the daffies, each member of thatclafs (hall be ballotted for feparately.

The name of any perfon defifous of becoming amember of the Society, is to be prefentedto thepre-fident, in a letter, figned by at leafl members ;

and he is to be ballotted for at tile fccond meetingfubfequent to that on which he was proposed.

Members propofed, are to have the liberty of be-ing introduced as vifitors till ballotted for.

Every member liable to fines is required to fur-nilh the fecretary with his addrefs, and with everychange of his addrefs, under a penalty of five fhil-Hngs.


fiohofary and cbrrcfpondingmembers, haVe theprivilege of attending the meetings of the Society.

ORDINARY MEMBERS.Every ordinary member, upon his admiffion, af-

ter fubferibing his name to the regulations of theSociety, and paying the admilfion fees, mull be introduccd in form to the pfefident.

Any member withdrawing his name from thfebooks of the Society, cannot be re-admitted


A membergoing into the country, muft notify hisintention to the fecretary, otherwife he is liable tothe ordinary penalties for non-attendance.

VISITORS.Theprefident for the evening fhall have a power

of introducing any number of vifitors: the mem-ber, whofe paper is under difcuflion, two; andevery other member, one ; by delivering on thepreceding evening the names of thofe whom theywifti to introduce, in writing, to the prefident,during the private bufinefs. Tickets, with the vi-ctors’ name, figned by the prefident, are then tobe given out; which muft be produced by the vi-fitors on their admiftion, and their names read tothe Society.

On the firft meeting of every feffion, every mem-ber may introduce a vifitor without a ticket.

No gentleman can be introduced, as a vifitor,oftener than three times in a feafon, without theapprobation of the Society.

MEDICAL NEWS.Medical news is to confift of cafes and obferva-

tions on any fubjeft connected with medicine.All cafes, and obfervations, which are fufficientlymterefting, are to be entered, in a book kept forthat purpofe, by the fecretary.

10 LAWSThe Society ihall appoint a committee to exa-

mine the cafes and obfervations upon their mi-nutes, with a powder to fend fuch as they thinkproper to Dr. Simmons, to be publifhed in his pe-riodical medical work, entitled Medical Fails andObfervations ; with an official letter from the fe-cretary ; the authors giving theirconfent.

PAPERS,May be written on any fubjeil connected with

medicine, which has not been previoufly treated ofduring that feafon. Each author mull inform theprefident of the fubjeft which he has chofen, a fort-night, at lead, before the paper is given in.

Each differtation is to be read by the author, im-mediately after the medical news,on the evening inwhich it is prefented ; and on the enfuing eveningby the prefident, in order to be difculfcd; providedthat the difeuffion of the former paper be finlfhed,and the author prefent. No paper can be difeuffedin the abfence of the author.

There fhall be always two papers before the So-ciety, for difeuffion.

If the author of the paper under difeuffion isunable to attend his duty in the Society, he fhallendeavour to procure the next member, wffiofe pa-per has been read, to attend in his dead; but if

Slaws.they are both abfent, the former becomes liable toa fine of five {hillings.

member of the firft clafs, aftdr the ejifeufi-fionAof ms papar^(halt be exempted from writingpapeAfi all limes fo| non-a\ten\danceX \

The author of every diflertation difeufled in theSociety, {hall depofit a correft copy of it in the li-brary, under the penalty of one guinea, within onemonthafter its difeuffion.

COMMITTEES.The prefidents for the time being, and thofe of

the preceding year, {hall conftitute a {landing com-mittee, for the purpofe of auditing the treafurer’saccounts, managing the funds, regulating the li-brary of the Society; any three of whom may aft.

To conftitute an extraordinary committee on anyprivate bufinefs, it is necelfary that one prefident,two members of the firft, and four, either of thefirft or of the fecond clafs, Ihould be prefent.

Committees are open to all members.

SECRETARY.The fecretary {hall be annually elefted by ballot,

at the time of the election of prefidents : he {ballhave a falary per annum ; and during his

12 LAWS.

office ffiall not be confidered as a member of theSociety.

In the abfence of the fecretary, any member ofthe fecond clafs may be appointed, by the prefi-dent, to perform his duty for that meeting.

FEES OF ADMISSION.Gentlemen admitted into the firft clafs are to

pay one guinea upon their admiffion.Gentlemen admitted into the fecond and third

dalles are to pay half a guinea; and, when receiv-ed into the firft clafs, are to pay an additionalhalf-guinea.

All members, defied into the Society, are to fignthe obligation-book,pay the admiffion fees, and beintroduced to the prefident within the four firftmeetings after their election ; unlefs a further timeis allowed, upon an application being made to theSociety, in failure of which they ffiall not be con-fidered as a member of the Society.

FINES.The prefident who is abfent on the night when

he ffiould take the chair, ffiall be fined half a crown,unlefs he has procured another prefident to fupplyhis place.


All ordinary members who are abfent when theirnames are called, fhall be fined fixpence, and noexcufe (hall be admitted. All members wholeavethe Society before eleven o’clock, without firftpublicly afking and obtaining leave of the prefi-dent, fhall be fined fixpence. No more than fixcan have leave to withdraw on the fame evening.

Members who do not deliver in their papers atthe appointed time, are, for the firft omiffion, to befined five fhillings ; if they fhould negledl to deliverit at the next meeting, to be fined ten fhillings; atthe next again, twenty fhillings ; and if the fameneglefl fhall happen at the fourth meeting, to beexpelled.

The fecretary negle&ing to attend any meetingof the Society, or any committee, is to be fined onefhilling, unlefs he afligns a reafon which fhall bedeemed fufficient by a majority of the Society.

The prefident fhall have a diferetionary powerof fining any member for irregularity.

All difputes concerning fines fhall be referred to,and fettled at the next extraordinary meeting.

Such members as refufe to comply with the lawsof the Society, or omit paying their fines for threemonths fucceflively, having official information offuch omiffion from the fecretary, are to be expelled.



I.The patrons of the Society fhall annually pro-

pofe a medical or philofophical fubjedt or queflion,on which every member fhall be permitted to givein a differtation.

11.The author ofthe moft approved differtation fliall

be rewarded with a gold medal, value five guineas.

111.The merits of the paper fhall be determined, and

the prize adjudged by a committee, confifling of thefix honorary members of the Society.

IV.The Prize fhall be publicly delivered to the fuc-

cesful candidate, by one of the patrons of the So-ciety, on the firff meeting in January.


The differtations, which are to be written inEnglilh, but not in the author’s hand,lhall be de-livered to the fecretary of the Society, on or beforethe firft of November.

VI.Each candidate mud inferibe his diflfertation

with a motto, tranfmitting along with it a fealedletter, bearing the fame motto, and containing hisname and addrefs, in order that the names of theauthors may remain concealed till the prize is ad-judged, and the names ofall, except the fuccefsfulcandidate, remain unknown, by the dllfertation,and letter, which is unopened, being laid afide tillcalled for, or totally deftroyed, according to thedefire of the -writer.



FOR THE YEAR X787.“ The Properties of Pus; particularly thofe

Which diftinguilh it from other fubftances: TheCafes in which it is formed: The Time it’s For-mation requires ; and the Effects it has upon theBody.”

FOR THE YEAR iyBß.“ In what Manner are Cavities, whether formed

hy Suppuration, Wounds, or otherwifefilled up?What are the appearances of their filling up pro-perly? In what Manner is the new Skin formed?Wfiat are the Symptoms of it’s forming properly?In what Cafes, and in what manner are the Parts,which were deftroyed, reftored?”

FOR THE YEAR 1789.“ It is known that Bile confifts of Water united

with a Matter which is folid; if the Water is eva-porated from it by gentle Heat, and that the folid

18 THESIS.Part confifts of a Subftance fimilar to a vegetableRefm united with another fubftance ; What is thatother Subftance ; and what Effect has it in the Di-geftion, or otherwife, on the Conftitution ?

FOR THE YEAR 1790.<c TheNature and Properties of the Fluid which

is exhaled from the external Surface of a livingAnimal-Body, called Perfpiration; and the Ad-vantages the Conftitution derives from it’s Re-moval?”

FOR THE YEAR 1791.<( Is the bitter Part of Peruvian Bark different

in it’s Qualities from the bitter Part of Gentian,Wormwood, and otherVegetables havingthePowerof flrengthening the Syftem. If the Bitter be thefame in all thefe, does it differ from aftringentMatter, fuch as is found in Oak-bark, Tormen-tel, and fuch other Plants as contain aftringentJuices; and what are the various Effetfts of allthefe Subftances in Medicine ?”

FOR THE YEAR 1792.“ The beft Mode of treating compound Frac-

tures, according to the Injury done to the Limb.”


FOR THE YEAR 1793.“ What are the Experiments and Obfervations

which fhow whether Medicines thrown into theStomach a£l on different Parts of the Body, with-out being carried to thefe Parts? Or, whether aMedicine muft be carried in Subftance to the Partson which it produces an Effeft ?”

FOR THE YEAR 1794.“ In what Cafes are Vapours preternaturally

Contained in the Cavities of the body ; and whatVapours are found in a preternatural State in thedifferent Cavities?”



I.No volume is allowed to be taken out of the li-

brary, without an equivalent fum of money for thewhole fet being depofited; the librarian being ac-countable for all the books intruded to his charge.

11.The books are to be borrowed from the librarian,

and returnedinto the library, during the winter, onFriday evening only, from eight o’clock tillhalfpadeight; and in the fummer, at fuch times as are de-termined upon at the laft meeting of the feafon.

111.Folios and quartos may be kept a fortnight; all

other books only a week.Any member wifhing tokeep abook longer than

the time allowed, mull make an application to thelibrarian for that purpofe; which cannot be com-

LIBRARY.plied with, fhould any other member wirti to havethe fame book.

IV.If any book be materially injured, it muft be re-

placed, or the depofit forfeited.




FOLIO.Albinus’s Tables. Lond. 1749.Avicennas Opera. Venet. 1608.Bidlow’s Anatomy. Amft. 1685. Prefented byjslis.

Home.Cyclopaedia, 4 Vols. and i Plates. Lond. 1786.

Pref. by the Patrons.Collins’s Syftem ofAnatomy, 2 Vols. Lond. 1685.

Pref. by Mr. Franks.Denman’s (Dr.) Colle&ion of Engravings, tending

to illuftrate the Generation and Parturition ofAnimals, and of the Human Species, 2 Parts.Lond. 1787. Pref. by the Author.

Diafcorides Opera, 1598.Euftachius’s Tables. Lond. 1743.Freindi Opera omnia Medica. Lond. 1733’Galeni Opera, 5 Vols. Venet. 1565.Gaffendi Opera, 6 Vols. Lugd. 1658. Pref. by Dr



Hippocratis Opera, 2 Vols. Genev. 1672.Hoffmann! Opera, 6 Vols. Genev. 1761.Hunters (Dr.) Gravid Uterus. Binning. 1774.Morgagni de Sedibus Morborum. Venet. 1761.Parey’s Works. Lond. 1649.Vetinum Medicorum Chirurgica et Ant. Cocchio.

Florent. 1754-

QUARTO.Cruikfhank’s (Mr.) Anatomy ofthe abfbrblng Syf-

tem. Lond. 1786. Pref. by the Author.HalleriDirputationesMedicas,"s Vols.Lankan. 1755

Opera Minora, 3 Vols. Laufan. 1736.Bibliotheca Eotanica, 2 Vols. Lond, 1771.

Haller’s Phyfiology, 8 Vols. Laufan. 1757.Harvey’s Works, 2 Vols. Lond. 1766.Heifter’s Surgery, 7th Edit. Lond. 1759.Hunter’s (Dr.) Medical Commentaries, 2d Edit.

Lond. 1777.lntroductory Ledlure. Lond. 1784.(Mr.) on the Teeth, 2d Edit. Lond. 1778.

Pref. by Mr. Hunter.three Papers, printed In the Philofopical

Tranfadtions for 1784. Pref. by Mr. Hunter.Hunter’s(Mr.) Obfervations on certain Parts of the

Animal CEconomy. Lend. 1786. Pref. by theAuthor.


Horatianus (Odlavus). Argent. 1532.Lewis’s Materia Medica, 3d Edit. Lond. 1784.Lord Bacon’s Works, 5 Vols. Lond. 1778.Memoirs de I’Academic d’Ghirurgie, 5 Vols. Par-

is, 1761.Monro’s (fen.) Works. Edin. 1781.Pott’s Works. Lond. 1775. Pref.hy Mr. Houlfton.Taliacotic Chirurgie. Venet. 1597.Vanfwieten’s Commentaries, 5 Vols. Paris, 1747*Window’s Anatomy, 3d. Edit. Lond. 1749.Whytt’s Medical Works. Edin. 1768.

OCTAVO.Bell’s Surgery, 5 Vols. 2d Edit. Edin. 1786.Bergman’s Chemical Eflays, 2 Vols. Lond. 1784.

Eledlive Attractions. Lond. 1785.■ Sciagraphia. Lond. 1783Buffon’sNatural Hiftory. By Smellie, 9 Vols. 2d

Edit. Lond. 1785.Blane on the Difeafes of Seamen. Lond. 1785.Gavello’s MedicalEledfricity. 2d Edit. Lond. 1781.Clarke (Dr.) on Midwifery.Cullon’s Firft Lines, 4 Vols. 4th Edit. Edin. 1784.

Nofologia, 2 Vols.lnftitution ofMedicine. 3d Edit, Edin. 1785-

Cullen on Cold.


Cullen’s Letter to Lord Cathcart, Lond. 1776*Celfus.Coleman on fufpended Animation.Difcours prononce aux Ecoles de Medecine pouf

I’ouverture folomnelle des Ecoles de Chirurgie.Paris, 1778. Pref. by Dr. Andry.

Duncan’s Medical Commentaries, 6 Vols.Denman on Midwifery. Lond. 1787.Edinburgh Medical Elfays, 6 Vols.Fordyce’s (Dr.) Elements of Agriculture, 3d Edit.

Lond. 1779. Pref. by the Author.■ Pra£liceof Phyfick r sth Edit. Lond. 1784.Ferri’s EfTays on Milk. Pref. by the Author.Gaubii InftitutionesPathologiaeMedicinalis. Leid.

i 763.Home on the Efficacy and Innocency of Solvents.

Lond. 1783.Houlfton’s (Dr.) Obfervations on Poifons. Lond.

1784. Pref. by Mr. Houlfton.Huxham de Acre, 2 Vols. Lond. 1773.Joannis Brunonis Elementa Medicinas, 2 Vols.

Edin. 1784. Pref. by Mr. Murray.Jackfon on Medical Sympathy, 2d Edit. Lond,

1787. Pref. by the Author.Jamiefon on Diluents. Pref. by the Author-Locke on Human Underftanding, 2 Vols. 17th

Edit. Lond. 1775.

27CATALOGUE OF BOOKS.Lind on the Difeafes of Hot Climates, 2d Edit.

on Seamen’s Difeafes. Lond. 1774.■ on the Scurvy, 3d Edit. Lond. 1772.

Lond. 1771.Macquier’sChemiftry,2 V. 4thEdit. Lond. 1787.Mead’s Works. Edin. 1775.Medical TTranfaftions, 3 Vols. Lond. 1785.Medical Obfervations, 6 Vols. Lond. 1757 to 84.Moffat’s Aretasus, Lond.Ofborn’s Midwifery. Lond. 1792. Pref. by the

Author.Prieftly on Air, 3 Vol. Lond, 1777.Prieftly’s Natural Philofophy, 3Vols, Birm. 1781.Pringle’s Six Difcourfes. Lond. 1783.• Difeafesofthc Army, 2d Edit. Lond. 1753.

Pref. by Mr. Home.Richter on the Cataraft. Lond. 179.1. Pref,

by Dr. Crichton.Roedererii Elementa artis ObftetriciiE. Gothin.

1766.Sydenham’s Lugdem. 1754.Skete on the Ufe of Bark, Lond. 1791. Pref. by

the Author.Tranfadlions of a Society for the Improvement of

medical and chirurgical Knowledge. LoikL1792. Pref. by the Society.

an Swietens Commentaries, 8 Vols. Lond. 1744.

CATALOGUE OF BOOKS.Wifcman’s Surgery, 2 Vols. 6th Edit. L0nd.1734,Zimmerman on Experience in Phyfic, 2 Vols.

Lond. 1792.

DUODECIMO.Black’s (Dr.) Experiments on Magnefia Alba, &c*

to which is added, Cullen on Cold. Edin. 1782.Boerhaavii Prele&iones. Ed. A. Haller, 7 Vols.

Gothin. 1743.Beaume’s Manual of Chemiftry, 2d Edit. War-

ring. 1786.Matiere Medicale, 3 Vols. Paris, 1770.Recherches fur la Rage. Paris, 1780 PreJ. bj

Dr. Andry.

PAPERS, THESIS, &c.Andry fur la Melancholic.Baillie’s (Dr.) Account of a particular Change oi

Structure in the human Ovarium.Baillie’s (Dr.) Account of the remarkable Tranf

pofition of the human Body.Bardefley (Dr.) de Somno.Barton de Dyfenteria contagiofa.Blagden’s (Dr.) Experiments on the Point qf Con'

gelation.Clarke (Dr.) on the Epidemic Difeafes of Lying'

in Women, of the Years 1787 and 1788.


Clarke’s (Dr.) Defcription of an extraordinaryProdu(slion of human Generation.

Ferris de Sanguinis Putridine.Garthfhore’s (Dr.) Remarks on a Cafe of nume.

rous Births.Hunter’s (Dr. John) Obfervations on the Heat of

Wells and Springs in Jamaica,Hunter’s (Mr.) Dire&ions for preferving Animals

and Parts of Animals for Examination.Hunter’s (Mr.) Obfervations on Bees.Home’s (Mr.) Obfervations on certain Horny Ex-

crefcences of the human Body.Letters to Sir Jofeph Banks on the Subjedl of

Cochineal Infedls.Luzuriaga’s (Dr.) de reciproca atque mutua Syfte-

matis Sanguinei et Nervofi A&ione.Redfearn (Mr.) de Phthifi Pulmonalis.Oratio habita in Capitolio Gulielmopolitano in

Comitiis Univerfitatis Virginias.Rapport des CommillaireS pour faire Pexamin du

Magnetifme Animal.May de Typho.Young on Vifion.



1785 fDr. George Fordyc e.l ATBoNS _Jan.2o. J 9^^ c J JFeb. 18. Dr. Thomas Denman.

25. Dr. William Ofborn.March 11.Dr. William Saunders.May 6. Mr. William Cruiklhank.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS.May 6. Dr. Andrew Duncan, Teacher of the

Pra&iCe of Phyfic, Edinburgh.Dr. John Storer, Phyfician to the Not-

tingham Infirmary.Dr. Percival, Phyfician to the Manchefier

Infirmary.Dr. B. Parr, Phyfician to the Exeter

Infirmary.Mr. Charles White, Surgeon to the

Manchester Infirmary,oa . 21. Dr. Lind, Phyfician toHaflar HofpitaL


Mr. Thomas Thackeray, fen. Surgeorito the Cambridge Infirmary.

Mr. Andrew Fife, Demonflrator ofAna-tomy, Edinburgh.

Dec. 23. Dr. Houlfton, Phyfician to the LiverpoolHofpital.

1786. "I Dr. JohnMiller, Profeffor of the Pra&iceJan.21. J of Phyfic, Copenhagen.Ocl. io. Mr. Atkinfon, Surgeon to the York In-

firmary.Nov. 10.Mr. Geach, Surgeon to the Royal Hof-

pital, Plymouth.Dec. 8. Dr. Stephen Dickfon, Profeffor of the

Practice of Phyfic, Dublin.29. Dr. Jofeph Clarke, Phyfician to the Ly-

ing-in-Hofpital, Dublin.1787. *1 Dr. Walter, fen. Profeffor ofAnatomy,

May. 2.J Berlin.Nov. 13. Mr. Boer, Profeffor of Midwifery, Vi-

enna.1788. "1 C. L. F. Andry, Do£lor Regent of the

Nov. 17. J Faculty of Phyfic, Fellow of the Roy-al Medical Society, and Phyfician tothe Foundling Hofpital, at Paris.

J. F. Cofte, M.D. Firft Phyfician to theArmy, and Infpe&or of the MilitaryHofpitals of France. Paris.

list of members.

17S8. -i Mr. Ac/air, Surgeon to his Majefty’sNov. 17 . /Garrifon of Gibraltar.

1780. \Dr. Smith, PhyficiantotheNottingharaNov - i 9-J Infirmary.

26. Dr. Andrew Coventry, Profeffor ofAgriculture in the Univerfity otEdinburgh.

1 794-* 1 Dr. Robert Sproat, Royal Hofpital,Jan. 10. / Black River, Mufquito Shore.


Dr. Baillie. 1Dr. Clarke. I~ „. , >PRESIDENTSDr. Crichton. |

Mr. Home. J1 7®J*

Jan. 25 Dr. Samuel Ferris.Mr. Miles Partington.Mr. Richard Atkinfon.Mr. William Adair.Mr, James Moor.Mr. William Morris.Mr. William Houlfton.Mr. Thomas Young.Mr. Charles Wild Evans,Dr. S. H. Jackfon.Dr, George Pearfon.Dr. Spence.Mr. James Darley.Dr. Fowler.

Feb. 18


Dec. .2


1786.Jan. 21. Mr. A. Ford.May 5. Mr. Jeremiah Taylor,O&. 20. Mr. George Wilfon.

27. Mr. George Spence.C£l. 24. Mr. Daniel Gib.

Mr. Alex. P. Bucchan.Mr. James Wilfon.Dr. F. A. Walter.Mr. John O’Donnel.

Nov. 3. Dr. William Scot.Mr. Thomas Jamiefon,Mr. A. D. Stone.

10. Dr. James Cleghorn.Dr. Ignatius Luzuriaga,Mr. Arthur Tegart.

Dec.7. Mr. J. Graham.Mr. Thomas Smith.

19. Dr. Smith.26. Mr. Jofeph Adams.

>eb. 3. Mr. William Babington.24. Dr. S. A. Bardlley.

May 6. Dr. William James Mac Neven r

Dr. James Mac Leod.o£l. 12. Mr. Charles Montagu.

Mr. Richard Ogle.

LIST OF MEMBERS. 37Oft. 12. Mr. James Leflie.Nov. 9. Mr. Thomas Glover Holt.Dec. 6. Mr. Henry Fearon.Dec. 14. Mr. Thomas Scarman.

21. Dr. James Curry.1788.Jan. 4. Mr. J. Slmpfdn. •

9. Mr. Edward Tonge.15. Mr. J. Peake.22. Mr. Samuel Orange.

Dr. William Blackburne.•April 4. Mr. Jofeph Venour.

29. Mr. William F. Shrapnell.July 4. Mr. E. Coleman.Oft. 10. Mr. James Upton.

7, Mr. James Moultrie.Mr. John Franks.

Dec. 4. Mr. John Ramfay.Mr. Blair.Mr. Abraham Wintexbcttom,Mr. Philip dc Bruyn.Mr. Champneys.Mr. John Abernethle.

1790.Jan. 2. Mr. Alexander Oglevic.

22. Mr. Thomas Mainwaring,Mr. John Haighton,

LIST OF MEMBERS.Oft. 22. Mr. Thomas Newel.

Mr.- James Higgins.Nov. 12. Mr. Thomas Chevalier.

Mr. Edward Coleman.19. Mr. William Weldon.

Mr. Peter Travers.Mr. William Turnbull.

T 79 l *

Oft. 14. Mr. Aftley Cooper.Mr. James Haftie.Dr. Alexander Purcell Anderfon

1792.Nov. 2. George Sandy.

Dr. Edward Bradley.Mr. William Port.

9. Mr. Charles Wilkinfon.16. Mr. P. Grant.21. Mr. Thomas Nixon.

Mr. ■ Paumiere.Dec. 7. Mr. Robert Hooper,

1 793* T /.

Feb. 15. Dr. John Saunderfon.Mr. Steel.

Dec. 13. Mr. John Gale Jones.1794.

Jan. 10, Mr. P. Mac Lean.*Feb. 14. Mr. Hobbes.



*785.J an . 25. Mr. Thomas Haden.

Mr. Thomas White.eb. 18. Mr. Thomas Thackeray, jun.

Mr. John Halliburton.Mr. Henry Locock.Mr. James M‘Millan.Mr. William Evans.Mr. Edmond Bond Proffer.Mr. John Inglis.

25. Mr. John Hunter.Ocl. 24. Mr. George M‘Lamburgh.

2b. Dr. Vigarous.Dec.i6. Mr. William Otto.

Mr. J. Jefferfon.Mr. J. Rogerfon.

23* Mr. Francis Goddard,Mr. James Douglafs.,Mr. Tofeph Shebbeare.

1786.J an * 6. Mr. Samuel Chilvers,

14* Mr. J. Stevens.Mr. Reid.

L an « 21, Mr. Francis Boftock.


Jan. 21. Mr. Thomas Cropley.Feb. 10. Mr. Robert Williams.March 3. Mr. Samuel Pitts. ,

24. Mr. Charles Burke.April 14. Mr. Matthew Heather.

Mr. Jacob Lloyd.Mr. Henry Rumfey.Mr. George Mather.Mr. Benjamin Sandiford.Mr. John Lear.

Ocl. 20. Mr. Daniel Price,Mr. H. Morris.Mr. Henry Smith Brice.Mr. Robert Kingflake.Mr. Richard Dinmore.Mr. James Monteath.Mr. Thomas Edmund Dolphin.

27. Mr. Thomas Dent.Nov. 3. Mr. Philip Henry Poor.

10. Mr. Robert Edwards.Mr. David Hadow.Mr. Samuel Bennet.Mr. Nathaniel Seacombe.Mr. Peter Heaums.

Dec. 7. Mr. John Warne.Mr. Robert R. Pennington.Mr. William Hannaford.

LIST OF MEMBERS?. 41ec * 15. Mr. Charles Delborough.

Mr. John Cadell.Mr. John Stone.

1787.Jan. 5. Mr. John Chaffey.

Mr. Thomas Seagrum.Mr. William Lambe.

19. Mr. Charles Shebbeare.26. Mr. Andrew Wiefenthal.

Mr. George Stephenfon.Mr. Paul Mechew.

eb. 3. Mr. Charles Mac Lean.Mr. William Rogers.Mr. Thomas CaTarCole.Mr. James Lacy.Mr. J. Hague.Mr. A. A. Peters.Mr. James Dunlop.

9. Mr. James Laidlaw.Mr. William Marfon.Mr. J. Edmunds.

l2. Mr. T. D. Ledway.Mr. William Campion.Mr. Jofeph Daniel.Mr. George Edmonfon.Mr. Nicholas B. Avent.Mr. George Days.

LIST OF MEMBERS.May 12. Mr. James Wheeler.

Mr. John Butt.Mr. Fellows.Mr. George Grant.

Nov. 7. Mr. William Stevens.Mr. John Kerrick.

9. Mr. John Redman.Mr. Samuel Williamfon,Mr. Yeld.Mr. George Crook.Mr. John Studdert.

Dec. 6. Mr. J. William Wye.Mr. Benjamin Smith.Mr. Henry Jeflbn.Mr. Leopold Benamor.Mr. Theophilus Blackall.Mr. William Barthrop.Mr. Johnfon Boutflower.Mr. Chriftopher Pegge.

Nov. 7. Mr. William Young.Mr. John Upton.Mr. George Holden.Mr. James Giffard.Mr. John Lane.Mr. William Ewhank.Mr. George Hollings.Mr, John Nott.

LIST OF MEMBERS. 43Nov. 7. Mr. Harry Grant.

Mr. John Mofley.Mr. James Fryer*Mr. Charles Lane.Mr. William Thompfpn.Mr. Chriftopher Bowes.Mr. William Beefton.Mr. Thomas James Vickers.Mr. John Williams.Mr. Jolh, Deacoti.Mr. Benjamin Watfon.Mr. Thomas MichelLMr. John Salt.Mr. William FowlenMr. James Trcvoffo.Mr. Robert TurnerMr. Edward Jenkins.Mr. James Calverly,Mr. William Pilkingtbn*Mr. Thomas Turner.Mr. George Venables.Mr. John Allen.Mr. Thomas Jones.Mr, John Cribb.Mr. Thomas Williams,Mr. John Hathway.Mr. JoliahRobins.

list of members.Nov. 7. Mr. Samuel Gurney Edmonds.

Mr. Samuel Landon.Mr. James Wawn.Mr. John Warburton.Mr. John Anderfon.Mr. Thomas Hunt.Mr. Alexander Abercrombie Peters.Mr. P. P. Staple.Mr. Richard Mathews.Mr. Thomas Hackerby.Mr. John Smith.Mr. John Phythian.Mr. George Budden,Mr. Walter Mills.Mr. William Lampriere.Mr. Thomas Dixon.Mr. Fr,ederic Adye.Mr. Francis Lowndes.Mr, William Aeywood.Mr. Hobart Anderdon.Mr. Kedle.Mr. William Howard.Mr. Ralph Green.Mr. Charles Woolcombe.Mr. Wdlliam Pippen.Mr. Richard Heath.Mr. Nalh,


Nov. 7. Mr. Thomas Wales.Mr. John Bower.Mr. Jofeph Whicher.Mr. Robert Bingley.Mr. J. Flamank.Mr. William Berryman.Mr. A. Page.Mr. Edward Wigley.Mr. Richard Wagftaff.Mr. Mathur Webber.Mr. John Fleming.Mr. John Mackinder.Mr. J. Karkeek.Mr. John Williams,Mr. John Hunter.Mr. John Lawrence.Mr. G. A. Sherman.

1788.Nov. 7. Mr. Adam Blackader.

Mr. William Blackett.Mr. John Mellis.Mr. Jofeph Smith.Mr. R. D. Hicks.Mr. John Courtney Chichefter.Mr. Jofeph Jermyn.Mr. Edward Rudge.Mr. Thomas Pierce.

46 LIST OF MEMBERSDec. 4* Mr. Richard Powell.

Mr. John Johnftone.Mr. Patrick Keir.Mr. Francis Spencer Hobbs.

1789.Oct. 9. Mr. Mathews.

Mr. Thomas Nicoll.Mr. Thomas Milwood OliverMr. Richard Fowler.Mr. John Gillman.Mr. James Woodham.Mr. John Holdrich.Mr. Henry Somerville.Mr. Henry Denny.Mr. William Wood*Mr. Francis Goodwin.Mr. John Kidftone.Mr. Thomas Tench.Mr. John Ramfbotham.Mr. Charles King.Mr. Edward Houfe.Mr. Robert Hamilton.Mr. Robert Allen.Mr. F. Biddulph.Mr. Thomas Oxley.Mr. Thomas Pnrton.Mr. William Tudor.


O&.g* Mr. M. N. Henriques,Mr. Filkin.

Nov, 6. Mr. James Haworth.Mr. Henry Helfham.Mr. Alexander Ogilvy,Mr. PhilipMr. John Seward.Mr. Chriftopher Pemberton.Mr. Thomas Brown.Mr. James Mofs.

27. Mr. John Shaaff.Mr. James Ruflell,

Dec. 11. Mr. Hanay Wall.Mr. William Perry.

1790.Jan. 9. Mr. Henry Marlh.

Mr. Thomas Howell,Mr. Henry Ormerod.Mr. William Maflingham.Mr. William Hyde WoollaftonMr. John Radcliff.Mr. James Perrall.Mr. Richard R. H. Steel.

Jan. 15. Mr. John Mullis.21. Mr. Edward Vail'ie.29. Mr. Thomas Howden,

Feb. 5. Mr. William Fowle.

48 LIST OF MEMBERS.Feb. 12. Mr. William Clement,

19. Mr. B. W. How.26. Mr. Lewis Flanaghan.

March 12. Mr. Francis Plingefton.Oct. 8. Mr. William Moorcroft.

Mr. Thomas Sherwood.Mr. Richard Stoup.Mr. Charles Carr.Mr. Anthony Carlifle.Mr. Jenkin Jones.Mr. Philip Paumier.Mr. Martin Bree.Mr. Richard Hill.Mr. William Mac KillopMr. William Bollock.Mr. Samuel Deacon.Mr. Thomas Hope.Mr. John Andrews.Mr. Samuel Hicks.Mr. Robert Henry,Mr. Edward Digby.Mr. Hugh Blackmore.Mr. Richard Heallop.Mr. George Fitzgerald.Mr. Wallhall.

29. Mr. William Anfell.Nov. 12. Mr. Samuel Judd.


Nov. 12. Mr. Edward Sutleffe.Mr. James Franck.Mr. William Roberts.

19. Mr. T. L. Jones.Mr. William Lawlefs.Mr. William Poftlethwaite.Mr. Thomas Henry.Mr. Amos Cottle.

- Mr. George Fletcher.Mr. William Sharp.

26. Mr. Robert Smith Fayerman,Dec. 10 Mr. Charles George.

Mr. Collins.Mr. Lynn.Mr. Charles Gilchrift.Mr. Paggen Wm. Mayo.Mr. Charles Francis.Mr. Newland.Mr. G. C, Bifpham,

1 7 9i.

Jan. 21. Mr. Wm. Weale Darke.28. Mr. John Wordingham.

March 4. Mr. John Cope.Odt. 14. Mr. Thomas Tooley,

Mr, Richard Poole.Mr. James Powell,Mr. Sully.

LIST OF MEMBERS.061. 14* Mr. Walker.

Mr. James Percival.Mr. Andrew Douglafs-Mr. Thomas C. James.

Nov. 11. Mr. Charles Heiley.Mr. George Alderfon.Mr. Edward Mills.Mr. Ray. Bellman.

18. Mr. C. Rogers.Mr. John Taylor.Mr. Timothy Ball.Mr. Richard Hufkiflbn.

Dec. 2. Mr. George Bower.Mr. J. MelTer.Mr. J. Bailey.Mr. Charles Long.

9. Mr. Robert Mackwcll.Mr. William Twemlow,Mr. Thomas Williams.

23. Mr. Metcalf Eggington.Mr. Henry Richard Gaflin.

30. Mr. S. S. Salmon.1792.Jan. 13. Mr. Thomas Comyns Cole.

20. Mr. L. Curtis.Feb. 24. Mr. S. Blackader.

Mr. Willim Travis,


Feb. 24. Mr. Wybrow.Mr. John Favel.Mr. Brown Shelton.Mr. Thomas Beckett.Mr. Henry Jehner.Mr. Richard Meagher.

April 14. Mr. George Roope.Mr. Leigh Thomas.Mr. James Payne.

Oft. 26. Mr. William Penn Gafkell.Nov. 2. Mr. Williams.

Mr. Bloxbam.Mr. T. Tanner.Mr. James Cade.Mr. William Thackeray.Mr. John Skoulding.Mr. Wm. Lomas.Mr. F. Thackeray.Mr. David Slow.Mr. P. B. Adams.Mr. William Major.Mr. Alex. Lynn Fmmerfon.Mr. Francis Huger.Mr Thomas NiccolayMr. Charles Thompfon.Mr. John Thomfon.Mr. Jofeph Eaton.

LIST OF MEMBERS.Nov. 9. Mr. Edward Bevan.

Mr. John Ovington.16. Mr. William Morr

Mr. John White.Mr. Burton Brown.

23. Mr. Waite.Mr. Alexander Hutton.

Pec. 7. Mr. Raphael Gillum.Mr. George Jordan.Mr. William Wright.Mr. John Brewer.Mr. John Mould.Mr. John Arfcott.Mr. Henry Robinfon.Mr. Henry Lynch.Mr. Edward Fofbrooke.

Dec. 17, Mr. George Albert.Mr. W. G. Robinfon.

2i. Mr. James Hanfon.Mr. W. A. Williams.Mr. Richard LlewellynMr. George Cockle.

28. Mr. Richard Walker.Mr. Henry Jackfon.

1 793*Jan. 11. Mr- Frank Conrttt.

Mr. A. Rofs.


Jan. i£. Mr. R. Cappe.Mr. R. Fortefcue.Mr. William P. Greaves.

25. Mr. Y. Bellott.x 793-

March. 8. Mr. Samuel Mingcfton,Mr. Thomas Young,Mr. James Fellows.

22. Mr. H. Charlton.Nov. 15. Mr. John Ford Davis.

Mr. Bracy Clark.22. Mr. James Williams.

Mr. Robert Craig.Mr. John Syer.Mr. James Matthews.

29. Mr. Stephen Chalk.Mr. Samuel Cleverly.

Dec. 6. Mr. William Bethel.Mr. Charles Locock.

13. Mr. John Chapman.20. Mr. Hugh Salvm.

Mr. George Lipfcomb,Mr. Richard Wyche.

1794.Jan. 3. Mr, William Edwards.

10. Mr. Samuel Smith.Mr. Wentworth Malim,


Jan. 10. Mr. Wm, Andrew WeftcoleMr. J. Edwards.

17. Mr. George Mc. Ilwain.

Feb. 21. Mr. Jonas Kaye.Mr. Cumberbatch.

28. Mr. M. Boetefeur.March 7. Mr. Andrew Matthias.

Mr. William Shirtliffe.Mr. Duncan Campbell.Mr. John Davies.Mr. Thomas Chapman.Mr. G. J. Hanning.Mr. Edward Goate.Mr. Thomas Chapman.Mr. Richard Tookey.Mr. William Defborough.Mr. James Gofs.Mr. Richard Jones.Mr. Richard Reece.Mr. Smart.Mr, John Utting.Mr. John Crane.Mr. James Wilmanton.Mr. S. Beckwith.Mr. Henry P. Pyfinch.Mr. Ely Crump*



March 8. Mr. Ifaac Wyke.Dec. 6. Mr. John Mills.

Mr. William Mr. Richard Lowes Hole*

1794-Jan. 3. Mr. Robert Mc Craven,

Mr. Lowes Darcy.Feb. 7. Mr. William Cox.

Mr. Richard Alton.14. Mr. John Chapman.

March 7. Mr. Robert Lloyd j ones,

TREASURER.Dr. Matthew Baillie.

LIBRARIAN and SECRETARYMr. Charles Whiimore.

IHK *N»*

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