relevance of spirituality in the modern era

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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A small article giving an outline of whether spirituality still holds the relevance in the modern world


Relevance of Spirituality in the Modern Era

- Sukhvinder Singh Bhatia

 “Spirituality-the quality of being concerned with religion or the human spirit”

This is how the Oxford describes spirituality. But it is only paradoxical that nowadays we people are concerned about every other thing viz. our apparel, our behaviour, our social status except the thing which really matters and that is our inner self.

Religion is slowly losing its original meaning. It has now been reduced to the status of a hypothesis which is presently at the mercy of our so called leaders who leave no stone unturned in leading the masses on a path which is nothing but a mirage. These modern day pedagogues make us believe that god is this and that. But all of us forget, that wasn’t god there when we were kids, when we were ignorant of the great words of these religious leaders?

The answer is very simple. Religion is nothing but a path that leads a human being to the divine and supreme energy. Even if one shuns the concept of religion it does not mean that the person is an atheist. An atheist, in my opinion, is a misnomer as it is not possible that a man shuns everything and treats himself as the sole master. There is something somewhere which reminds him that there is an energy that is stronger than the strongest on this earth.

Coming back to the original point of discussion, that is the relevance of spirituality, we see that today the rat race for better status of living has left all of us in a whirlpool of worries. The traditional values postulated by our tangible as well as intangible heritage have now been modified. A simple instance would be “neki kar dariya main daal” which has now been translated to “me first me first!!” But isn’t it more sensible to visualize oneself before others??? Many will ask that if god resides inside everyone than why a man shouldn’t care for himself more than anyone else. Point taken. However the definition of virtuous life still remains very much simple.

Even if we don’t find time to do charity or do small little things for others, we shouldn’t make things difficult or miserable for others. Even if we don’t find time to pray we shouldn’t practice evil or commit crimes. Even if we are unable to think positively we shouldn’t let the pessimism evade our lives.

The fact that relevance of spirituality is under question is itself questionable. Universal truths are never questioned. I wouldn’t sound dogmatic if I suggest that for the modern man to seek peace, the trinity of body, mind and soul is a must. Paulo Coelho –the man behind alchemist

highlighted the same in his bestseller The devil and Miss prim. He wrote that even evil is a device fabricated by the god to demonstrate that the good ultimately prevails.

In light of above I would like to share a three point strategy with the readers which is a must for survival not in materialistic but in spiritual sense.

Make a point to repeat the name of that supreme energy, if not possible; just meditate so that the toxins present in the body are suppressed.

Remember that lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride are your biggest enemies and not someone who is your colleague or a competitor.

Just be true to yourself. So that when you look into the mirror, the satisfaction if not, happiness will automatically enlighten your soul.

 I shall submit with the following words.

“We need not sell our Ferraris in order to be a monk”

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