reliance r‘li nc—e near off. express...1 sale of energy (net of rebate) 5,230-22,748-27,978 2...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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Reliance Centre

NC—e Near PrabhatColOny,A 1'

. Off. Western Express Highway,

. _

Santacruz (East),Reliance Power LI-mIted Mumbai _ 400055, India



7CIN. L40101MH1995PLCO8468 Tel:- +91 22 33031000Fax:+91 22 3303 3662|

July 07, 2019

The Manager' '



The Asst Vice. President

Dept. of Corporate Services Listing DepartmentBSE Limited -

National Stock Exchange of india Ltd,

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza, Cv—i, Block G .. g},Dalal Street

' ‘ """ '

.Bandra—Kurla Complex, Ban-drafEast)" '

Mumbai 400 001 Mumbai 400 051

,BSE Scrip Code : 532939 NSE Symbol : RPOWER

Dear Si1r(s),

'Sub.: Half:- yearly disclosure on Related Party Transactions

Pursuant to Regulation 23(9) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing.

Obligations and DiSclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, weenclose herewith details of

Related Party Transactions, underdrawn on a consolidated basis, in accordance with

applicable accounting standards for the half —

year ended March 31, 2019.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

For Reliance PoWer Limited

Murli Man-ohar Purohit

Compliance Officer

Enc‘l.:‘ As Above.

Registered Office : H Block, tst Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Navi Mumbai 400 710

Reliance Power Limited

Disclosure of Related Party Transactions on Consolidated basis for half year ended March 31, 2019

| List of related parties with whom transactions have taken place

(i) CompanyReliance Infrastructure Limited

(ii) Individual

Shri Anil D. Ambani (Chairman)Other related parties with whom transactions have

taken place during the year

Enterprises over which Companies/ individual described in

(i) clause (A) above and clause (B) (ii) has control / significantinfluences.

(a) BSES Rajdhani Power Limited

(b) BSES Yamuna Power Limited

(c) Mulla & Mulla and Carigie Blunt & Caroe

(d) Reliance Capital Limited

(e) Reliance Commercial Finance Limited

Investing Parties/Promoters having significant influence

on the Group directly or indirectly (ii)





Key Managerial Personnel

For Parent CompanyShri K. Raja Gopal (Chief Executive Officer and Whole-time-Director)Shri Shrenik Vaishnav (Chief Financial Officer)Shri MurIi M. Purohit (Company Secretary)

Entities over which parent/ group is having significant influence

RPL Sun Power Private Limited

RPL Photon Private Limited

RPL Sun Technique Private Limited

(f) Reliance Home Finance Limited

II Transactions during half year and closing balances at the year end :

Rs. In lakhs

S N Nature of transactions Investing Key managerial Enterprises over Associates Total

parties personnel which Companies]

having individual described

significant in clause (A) above

influence. have control/

significant influences

1 Sale of energy (net of Rebate) 5,230 - 22,748 - 27,978

2 Interest income on inter corporate deposits 998 - - - 998

Remuneration to key managerial personnel - Short term employee3 benefits - - 172 - 172

4 Reimbursement of expenses- 2 - - 2

5 Rent expenses 286 - - - 286

6 Interest expenses towards Intercorporate deposits and non-

5,633 _ 2,122 _‘ 7,755covertibles debentures

7 Material and services received 1,347 - - - 1,347

8 Short term borrowing received 42,197 - 5,795 - 47,992

9 Short term borrowing refunded 25,260 - 4,000 - 29,260- - 1,512 — 1,512._\ O Trade receivables written off

top related