religion should not be mixed with politics

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Upendra Singh Panwar said: (Sun, Jan 29, 2012 05:32:22 PM)     

Religion and politics are two different aspect of a well civilized society. One is related to faith on divine thoughts and another one on behalf of law and rules. Mixture of politics with religion is just a method of getting attention among politicians. Misguiding people is their target for vote bank.

Any country or society is stable if there is unity among citizens of that country. Now there is a point that I like to mentioned if the politicians are saying about unity and peace in country, while on other hand they are dividing people by their religions and giving weightage to a particular religion, then how it is possible that there will be piece among people.

Second thing it is obvious from history that several riots and wars happened for religion and land. These riots are started by those people who are mislead by their master for religious belief. Number of affected people in these riots are mostly.

Innocent people. Apparently everyone knows that mixing of politics with religion is a tactics of politician for their own advantage.

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Amrit said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 05:32:18 PM)     

I would say even the front line political parties are also instrumentalizing religion for vote bank. Friends Indian population are self centric, not secular, radical on their religious part and always seek their own benefit rather than the benefit of mass. Politics based on religion can only capture people who are away from national development, who sees self gain and place national gain way behind. I think govt should ban religion based political party in India. Or discourage other parties to stop alluring people on various promises on religious benefit. It is only leading to communal disturbances. So our politics should be clean, secular and based on values that aims at integrated development of citizens of our nation irrespective of religions.

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Chandra Prakash said: (Sat, Jan 28, 2012 04:18:02 PM)     

Our India is known for different cultures live together and work together, friends religions should not be mixed with politics, if any politicians doing this that simply means doing for there own or party benefits friends we will be more strong if we live together. What actually is happening political parties asking for vote on the basic of religions and saying we will give you "RESERVATION" it's just a tool for politicians (reservation must be in our country but on the basic of economic or finance condition not on the basic of cast and communities) and we know the results of this divides and weak.

Friends politics is made for us to unite the peoples and solve the problems together rather then to divides. Jai Hind Jai Bharat.

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Akanksha Pachori said: (Fri, Jan 27, 2012 06:47:04 PM)     

Religion is the power of our nation if you mind with the politics then the power of our nation mixed with the politics. There is only one religion that is huminity so at last we may say.''WE LIVE IN INDIA, WE ARE INDIANS''THANKS TO ALL.

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Sxgd said: (Fri, Jan 27, 2012 12:04:41 AM)     

Religion is the power of our nation if you mixed with the politics then the power of our nation should be decreases. It is only the factor to increase the castisism and secularism.

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Ravi Vedwan said: (Wed, Jan 18, 2012 06:44:18 PM)     

I respect the views of my friends. In my opinion religion should not be mixed with politics. The first obligation of the politics is to give a platform for the betterment of the nation and the aim of the politicians is to look at the whole country by closing the eye of caste, creed, cult, community and RELIGION.

If we give birth to a party based on particular religion (ex. HINDU) then I think there will be no strong opposition in the parliament because more than 70% hindu lives in our country and you can realise what power would be held by the other religion.

If it happens, there will be no democracy but autocracy whose leader will be the one from bigger religion.

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Smrity said: (Mon, Jan 16, 2012 08:50:00 PM)     

Religion cannot be kept away from politics because politics and religion both are a part of our society and life so we cannot draw a line between religion and politics, our Indian society is

divided on the basis of religion, politicians play religion game to pamper a particular section of society and attack votes so we have to frame our system so that every religion gets its due respect, every member of society is above any religion but to take care of them there are schemes and programs required from the side of government, some sections have been really ill treated and discriminated in the society so they need uplifting.

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Rasika said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 11:22:15 AM)     


As we all know great sociologist 'Max Weber' has given the strong relation between the society and it's religion through his work. Religion is reflected in each and every fields of society not only in political sphere but also in economic, cultural, social etc. And in case of India, even after making thousands of attempts we would not be able to separate religion and politics as two different bodies. Today, religion is seen as one of the strong tool to claim political power. Perhaps, after giving such sociological explanations in order to have a logical talk, we should not mix religion with politics. But religion is that institution who shapes human mind, thoughts and finally guides his actions. Religion gives birth to the closed system of 'caste & sub-castes' and finally gives birth to "politics".

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Ranjit Biswal said: (Tue, Dec 13, 2011 11:45:36 PM)     

I really feel politician are not belonging to any religion they are simply separating human being and getting them into fight against neighbour it some time shed bloods of own friends politician are simply using us to get some votes.

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Shalini said: (Tue, Nov 8, 2011 06:21:42 PM)     

No, I don't think that politics should be mixed with religion. Religion has its own belief where as politics is shear strategy. Politics can be questioned, but would a person like questioning his/her own belief?That is religion-one's belief, the inherit quality of oneself, that should not be mixed with a strategical game-politics.

Mixing religion with politics will just give an extra advantage to the politicians to manipulate the voters on the basis of their belief, provoke them for wrong fights on the name of religion. Mixing religion will make the voters a shear puppet in the hands of the politicians and using them for their own welfare. Religion can not be mixed up with politics until the politicians does not stop their habit of using people for their own benefits and for settling their personal quarrels. Mixing of religion with politics require self control on oneself, being unbiased, ability to differentiate between right and wrong and most importantly the will to do some thing for nation and its countrymen and not just for him/herself. Unless this dedication and attitude generates in the politicians of a country, mixing religion with politician is like handing a gun

to a culprit and expecting him not to shoot.

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Suraj said: (Fri, Oct 28, 2011 07:24:51 PM)     

No religion should not be mixed with a politics. Politics leader are selected to serve the people of all religion. If we mix it there will me misunderstanding among the people. So its divide the people.

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Keerthi said: (Thu, Oct 13, 2011 06:12:22 AM)     

Hi all, I too will say that, religion should not be mixed up with politics. Because as India is a multicultural country and is following "Unity in Diversity", it is not at all appreciable to mix up the religion. If we do so, then only people who are belonging to a certain religion would get benefits and the other people won't. As India is a democratic country, every person have right to rule and if every one thinks about religion while they are in ruling, then the meaning of democracy will be lost. Already, at present, some parties are doing the same thing and I think every one about it.

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Sachin Mehta said: (Thu, Sep 22, 2011 11:47:46 PM)     

Firstly I just want to say that RELIGION is different thing and POLITICS is different. But what personaly I think that politics invading in religion because in India there are much number of different kind of religions and it helps them indiretly way and they trying to earn and filling their bank balance. And also they have choose this way for the elections. Religion become ladder to success for politicians and politics should basicly for the development of country. And in India religion is vital cause for the separation and boundaries between human beings. I don't know wheather politics should mix with religion or not but lastly I just want to say that we are responsible for the boundaries and erasing unity word from dictionary. So be in one.

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Sandeep Phadke said: (Tue, Sep 20, 2011 11:10:14 AM)     

It is not legal to drag some person, religion through the mud. Nowadays, In politics the situation is of the same. For the sake of the benefits, the political parties tries to divert the minds of the people into the unhealthy practice.

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Dheeru Bhai said: (Mon, Sep 19, 2011 08:58:12 PM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics. Because in a country like India there are numerous religions. What is happening today is the politicians are using these different religions for their vote bank. Sometimes they also provocate the people by their speeches which results then in communal disharmony which is simply dangerous for the unity of our country. Besides, the people must understand that they do not elect such people who try to divide them in the name of religion. Instead we must elect such candidates who vow to work for the peace and the development of the nation.

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Souvik Mishra said: (Mon, Sep 19, 2011 08:29:10 PM)     

India is a very critical country where religion plays a very crucial role. India is a nation where there are multiple religions and discrimination has been there on the basis of religion and caste. Politics on the basis of religion has been a major cause of concern which has led to several communal riots in the past. Some vested people have tried to make benefits out of our multi cultural society where religion comes first. It is very well known that in India where mu of of religions multiple number of religions reside differences among people is is there and there have been some people who want benefit out of it.

So politics in religion is certainly a major cause of concern which has claimed lives of many and is still prevalent. This has not only increased terrorism in our our country b has made our society a one of the most unsafe of all.

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Divya Sareen said: (Sat, Sep 17, 2011 12:01:42 PM)     

Religion is the sacredness that a single supreme power rules all the people. And that supreme power is worshiped in its various forms according to the beliefs of the people. Politics, on the other hand, is merely playing with the mindsets of the people to get into power, by hook or by crook.

The politicians of our country are well versed with the public and they know how to increase their vote banks. So the most easily adopted method of these politicians is to play with the fickle mind of the people in the name of religion.

Though no religion teaches discrimination, and no religion is considered superior or inferior to any religion but these clever minded politicians frame their so-called "bhashans" in such a manner that attracts people of the same caste and religion.

But it also becomes the duty of all the people as responsible citizens of the society not to be driven by these mantras adopted by politicians, and vote for the person who can actually run our country and drive it on the road to success. Rather than just blindly voting for the person of the same religion.

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Aditi Anand,Gitam University said: (Fri, Sep 16, 2011 08:44:00 PM)    


Hi as we all know India is a multiculture nation so its unique from other county its has its own value, we Indian respect every religion people, so when a question arise "should religion mix with politics" I would say it should not because it divide the people who are living in a society and they are dependent on each other as like in an ecosystem each and every spices survival is important if it is not thre it effect ecological balance same is for the development for India people shlould be united, politics should be there on a universal based not on caste because the aim of politice is to develop a society not to put a quarrel among people so we the young generation should give vote to those politcs who are elgible but on the base of religion.

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Bharat Jha said: (Tue, Aug 30, 2011 09:43:13 AM)     

Mixing of religion in the politics is very dangerous for the nation. Because it is just like the british policy that is "divide and conquer". It divides the people and create miss understanding between them. Since we are a democratic nation it should decrease our moral values.

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Leonidas The Spartan King said: (Mon, Aug 22, 2011 02:29:02 PM)     

Religion and politics should not be mixed as we know that in India there are politician . some are highly qualified and some are even dudwala,panwala,etc . the are bribe and so they do to people. 70-80% of indian voters are from village who are uneducated due to which they are made victims by giving them the bribe of there religions.....

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Shruti said: (Thu, Aug 18, 2011 04:59:02 PM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics, politicians use this tag religion to gain the votes of people. This is only damaging our political system, the person who can and who have that potential of rising the indias growth is curbed due to this religion biased system, and since most of our population is rural they easily get influenced by politician and give them that power. Even people who are literate because of their bigot nature favour their religious political party. This way this is becoming a reason for our country to be "DEVELOPING" INSTEAD OF "DEVELOPED" country, relegion biasing only causes havoc like we witnessed ayodhya pact which is isnt setteled yet. So it shouldnot be mixed with politics.

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Bharat Kumar said: (Fri, Aug 5, 2011 09:30:25 PM)     

Hi Friends.

I Agree that Religion should not be mixed with politics. But people are habituated to vote

their religion members because of constitution. Our constitution gave so much reservations for some castes/religions, so people are started to convert because of only such benefits. This makes other religions anger they start to give benefits as much as possible to only their religion people.

For this Constitution has to replace with new constitution with differentiating people only on their financial stability not on any other basis poor people need help not the people who belongs to the ruling party this can be done only be educating the people and major changes in constitution.

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Raushan said: (Fri, Aug 5, 2011 04:24:43 PM)     

Well, India is a country of where people of diferent caste and cultural reside. Unity in diversity is its symbol and has a unique place in the world for this. Due to some vote and to fulfil individual desires, some politian are dividing the people in the name of caste. It not only increase the danger in society but also damage the heart of different religion people. Now bomb blast is increased in any political election to divert the heart of Indian mind and point it toward religious sources. So pol. Itics should never be mixed with the religion.

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Easwer said: (Mon, Aug 1, 2011 06:58:34 AM)     

Definitely it should not be mixed with politics, if there is a party member belonging to some different religion other than its party parent religion there may be some conflict and indifference amongst the members. If there is no unity among them, then how they induce peace to the nation.

Other than that every religion has some beliefs and principles which may not be liked by opposite parties, so if the other party teases their beliefs and their God there will quarrels among them like Hindu Muslim conflict in our country. Which arised the Babar mosque problem, for which till we are fearing and still it is not ending.

Political parties should be universal and should not encourage any religion specially.

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Ramakant said: (Sun, Jul 31, 2011 08:59:07 PM)     

See acording to me it should not be mixed. Because both the things are totally different. There is no reason to mix them because if you will see the history nowhere in the world mixing of " RELIGION AND POLITICS" has positive results.

I would also like to glow about the corruption even in our country the coruption should be stopped because it is enabling us from development.

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Deepak said: (Wed, Jul 20, 2011 10:31:34 PM)     

Yes. I totally agree with "religious should not be mixed with the politics. ". Because it may lead to more and more war between the any religions. And now if we look over our country. Their is need of equality to fight against the worst situation like bomb blast in Dadar. And India is country known for equality and people's love for each other so finally it will affect our country only.

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Gaurav Jain said: (Mon, Jul 18, 2011 10:59:05 AM)     

See, religion and politics are different parameters. Or we can say counter-parts. Religion have its own importance from the ancient period. We are quite aware of its influence and power. Humanity is possible just because of religion. Whereas Politics is quite familiar term. And I think politics and religion should not be mixed.

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Banureka.V said: (Thu, Jun 23, 2011 05:34:03 AM)     

Religion is the thing which makes the mankind to involve in particular activity by without knowing the impact of that. On the basis of regions the gain for the people is less only. In spite of that they suffered a lot like terrorism. If we introduce the religion's thought into the politics the entire thing will collapse. We will not suppose to get a good leader for the country. Already we're in the path of that. If it goes like this our government will destroy by fore-coming years. Again we'll become slave for other countries. So, religion should not mix with politics.

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Gaurav said: (Sat, May 28, 2011 05:14:50 AM)     

About India it is true but not imposable to keep different politics and religion in our life for example Bihar and Gujrat. Indian people are too much allergenic towards his religion and this allergenic affect our political decision. In Gujarat now people moving to wades a progressive leading and develop state so people now forgetting Gujratrote and use his energy to mack a well civilized Society. In Bihar people realized and fell that in a peacefully and healthy society we can enjoy our religion and faith. So people moving and searching a secular politics. Thus our think can differentiate politics and religion our thing can change with our needs our preferences.

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Sanjay M said: (Tue, May 24, 2011 01:10:30 PM)    


I think religion and politics are different things, if it mixed up then it might be a bad effect of our society, I think the whole political system could be changed as one-sided so religion should not be mixed with politics.

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Sadik Ns said: (Tue, May 3, 2011 02:45:14 AM)     

I would say religion should not mix with politics. In India illiteracy rate is decreasing day by day but still people are voting on the basis of religion. One of the reason, still India becoming developing country is poor political condition. People select those guise doesn't even know write their name. It is mainly happening because religion. So we can remove all these thing by forgetting religion and vote for right person.

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Rakhi said: (Tue, Apr 19, 2011 03:48:34 AM)     

Religion and politics are entirely different from each other. religion is the faith and belief that one posses, where as politics is a mind game that is played for power and authority. some play it for the welfare of the society and some uses it for their own welfare. to talk about religion some use it to bring the good in a man but some use it as a key to play politics. its better not to mix religion with politics, as it may doom the faith and believe one has and it will increase violence which will result to the end of humanity.

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Abcd said: (Sat, Apr 16, 2011 12:09:40 PM)     

Religion can be mixed with politics but keeping in mind the positive things which may bring equality among people. Each and every religion talks about unity and this is what should be learnt from religions and not dividing ourselves with the names of religion. The leader of the political party should try extract and combine principles from religions and try to bind people through them. If this was done before itself there would have been no loss of innocent people in religious wars like in Bombay. None of the religion should be considered inferior neither superior. And this lies in the hands of the leaders to understand this fact themselves first and then spreading it to the people.

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Shweta said: (Fri, Apr 8, 2011 05:42:32 AM)     

Religion should not at all be mixed with politics since both of them are entirely different aspects. On the one hand where religion symbolizes the common human values and virtues and the spiritual goodness, politics on the other hand is all about working for the people and country. Hence we are a secular country since we are so diverse in our cultures and religion but all together we are Indians which binds us as one country. Hence people in politics should

keep this in mind and should work for the development of the country.

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Hari said: (Wed, Mar 30, 2011 09:44:21 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics:.

Now a days, Religion and politics are like a DNA structure, there are a mixture. Politics survives only by the sake of religion banner. At present, even in education and job opportunities, places are allocated based on caste wise. Not only in education system but also in society, there are inequalities because of the caste priority system. So, in every aspects of a Human, the caste plays a major role. Thus, that forms a obstacle in the society preventing mingling of all as one.

As we all are remembered everywhere by the caste, it forms a barrier in everyone's heart. This prevents social equality. The politicians are making use of this barrier and they are forming a community only based on the caste or religion. That community is supported only by their caste and not by others. This widens the barrier.

We are in a democratic country. But still we are bonded under the chain called religion and caste. India is a country of diversity. But the diversity's are widening the diversity's still more.

Practical case is Andhra Pradesh, there people are arguing for the separation of telangana from parent state, its master piece of politicians who all are of one group. Such groups are formed by the name of Religion or Caste.

Thus, Politics is completely rooted on the Religion and if the Religion barrier is abetted, not only Politics but also our Nation will be clean.

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Anuj Sharma said: (Wed, Mar 23, 2011 02:32:42 PM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics. Even before the independence people from different religion used to live together, but to bring down the integrity of India british played with our religious thoughts. They divided s on the basis of religion which brought biggest shame for India causing deaths of thousands of ppl. Still our politicians just for their own benefits use to divide us, history speaks that whenever politics is done with religion it brought very dangerous results for eg. Ayodhya case, godhra case etc. Still politicians have not got any idea for eg. Varun gandhi is known for his redical hindu beliefs. Rahul gandhi talks about internal hindu terror. Etc.

Though our literacy rate is going high still there are ppl who easily comes in influence of thse politcians and forget that India s a secular country.

At the end I will say religion is meant to provide path to individuals to meet god and to live life happily.

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Gauri said: (Wed, Mar 23, 2011 01:40:05 PM)     

I think mixing in practical life, in any area is not good. And religion is sacred issue it should not have anything with politics because it always brings pain to people as we Indians have witnessed the destrution, violence an mass killing while partion and 1985 when politics was mixed with religions.

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Sourab Salotra said: (Thu, Mar 3, 2011 08:18:17 AM)     

India is a secular country. There need to be no point of difference between the religions as they are all the same. About 70% of the population of India lives in rural areas. So, by taking adventage of this point, Politicians are making mess of religious ethics of the concerned. And in reality, this political propoganda is absolving the democracy form its root. Instead of filling the bags with currency, Politicians need to concentrate on the GDP and growth of the country and not by dividing the people in religious dogmas by saying. "". Please vote for me as I am hindu and muslims will do welfare of only there community nt ours "". Look at the Religious perspectives in J&K. See whts going on! CM Umar Abdullah is the 8th CM of j&k and the rest 7 were also muslims. Even though CM is pushing hard for the welfare and harmony of the state but people felt discriminated in the name of rligion. So, instead of mixing the religion with politics, we need awareness and education as to look at the matter precisely. So, These two will not be mixed.

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Aamir Malik said: (Tue, Mar 1, 2011 01:47:54 AM)     

Religion is very sacred thing and it is being used as a source of violence by some political elements of our country for their own benefit.

The literacy rate of our country is growing year by year but today also people of our country are becoming fool on the name of religion. Mixing religion with politics leads to a great deal of activities of violence, terror and aggression.

Today, people instead of being educated gives vote based on the religion of candidate but not on his potential and we know this is wrong and this mixing of politics and religion should be evaded from our soul and mind otherwise it will surely slow down the process of development of us.

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Ankit Choudhary said: (Mon, Feb 21, 2011 03:46:03 AM)     

There is only one religion in the world, that is huminity. We aii must be an human then to be

a devider to the society. If a politicion mixes the religion with politics then it should be creticies. We must know that "WE LIVE IN INDIA, WE ARE INDIANS" THANKS.

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Sandy said: (Wed, Feb 2, 2011 02:58:16 AM)     

I believe that religion should be mixed with politics. This is because if there is no mixing then how will the politicians win elections. Politicians win elections mainly because of the divide they create among people. How will people of one religion get favors. Consider India itself, our ancestral political party Cangress (Congress) plays religion politics every time. Mr Rahul Gandhi always says Cangress is secular. What the hell is Secular, when you are always creating controversies in the country by talking about Hindu terror, when terrorism has no religion. What did Mr. Manmohan Singh do in a election rally in some Muslim area when he said, a piece of land first belongs to government, then to Muslims and then to others.

I want to opinion from people in the group. My question is 'Are the current politicians like the above mentioned good for the country?' or 'Should religion be mixed with politics or vice versa?'. I am sure answers to both the question will be the same.

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Deepakss said: (Mon, Dec 27, 2010 09:05:28 AM)     

America is developed country because of single religion, single language,single state.So India should also recognized by single religion. That's any other then Hinduism, a great religion than any other and scientifically proved religion. Then our India will be shining in future.

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Deepaks1224 said: (Mon, Dec 27, 2010 08:56:41 AM)     

Religion should not be included with politics. But constitution must consider the religion as a part of the constitution. Example america is not a secular country so for its single religion, single language america had grown up. In India, Hinduism should me consider a part of constitution, then India will be grow up more successful than america.

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Gowri said: (Fri, Nov 12, 2010 04:08:40 AM)     

Yes, religion should not be mixed with politics. Because politicians are to serve people who may be hindu or muslim or christian.

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Goshin said: (Thu, Nov 11, 2010 01:42:11 PM)     

Ofcourse not. Politics and religion are totally different thing. Politics is something to the development of a country, while religion is a belief where human race is running from many generation. If both are mixed, not only violence in religion but the integrity of a country is badly affected. And in the past the intermixing of these two do not have any positive result.

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Rashmi said: (Thu, Oct 28, 2010 09:44:13 AM)     

As we all are aware of politicians use religions and customs as a tool to build up their political position and increase their vote count. Leaders like Raj Thakre who separate people under the name of customs increase promote violence in the country.

And create disturbance and a feeling of hatred among people of various religions just.

For their selfish motives.

I also personally feel more than politicians people are guilty as they don't understand the trap of these leaders and blindly follow them. Firstly, people should understand that the no religion says to fight with each other and promote violence. They should understand that religion only says to do good and be good.

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Priti said: (Sat, Oct 2, 2010 06:44:54 AM)     

There is no question that religion is frequently used by politician as definite weapon for their own progress. There are many examples in India the violence done on the issue which produced by religion mixed with politics. So in my opinion religion should not be mixed with politics at all as mixture forms a poison.

There may be chances that this mixture can do any positive and good work. But it is much risky because people often are much sensitive in the case of religion.

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Suman Samui said: (Thu, Sep 30, 2010 10:51:30 AM)     

Yes, in my point of view, religion should not be mixed with politics. Religion is something that varies person to person and it may be some personal beliefs and some activities that people like to follow in their own way.

Sometimes we saw in real life that some politician tries to use the emotion of people regarding their religious belief and tries to incite the people to go against some other group of people who does not pursue the religious belief in their life. I think that people should not fall into this type of provocation and we should always keep in our that whatever

discrimination we make in our life are all meaningless. Above all we are all human beings.

We are living under the same sky. So whatever we do, we will do favour of mankind. So if some selfish, unscrupulous people tries to ignite our mind against any other people to fulfil their mean interest, we must protest.

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N.Karthikeyan said: (Fri, Sep 24, 2010 01:39:46 PM)     

Everyone is saying that religion should not be mixed with politics, why should not we mix with the politics, all foreign countries are believing that India is a good country religious country, even someone is saying that pal Thackeray is a mad, but according to my point of view, he is a good person because he only is having a religious patriotism and country patriotism and we should all have like that, we should not leave our country as a foreigners do.

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Prateek Mishra said: (Sun, Sep 5, 2010 11:49:20 AM)     

Well we all know religion is a sacred thing and mixing of it with politics had result in violence. But as for as I concern it should be mixed because it will definitely increase the Integrity of any nation means. Means illiteracy is the only reason that even today politician are able to divide us. Unity can be increased by this way politics is a good platform to exchange the religious thought.

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Tushar Ramteke said: (Mon, Aug 30, 2010 02:31:40 AM)     

Religion should not mixed with politics because politicians are chosen for the development of the country, and the well being of the peoples.

In India many peoples live together, and religious politics never lead to the development of the country, our past tells that it had always lead to the quarrels, violence and disturbance in the society. If is everyone beliefs and the politicians don't have the rights to hurt anyone beliefs or make issue of it for their own sake of just voting and winning the election.

This is the only obstruction in our development. So, its our responsibility to think over it.

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Prams said: (Sun, Aug 1, 2010 10:46:51 AM)     

Religious should not mixed with politics because in India all are equal, if some religions persons are in politics then they earn money but they dont serve to the people and also they

are highly developed in stete/nation and remaiming religious are back in India. So, religions are not mixed with politics.

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Tasneem Shaikh said: (Mon, Jul 12, 2010 04:17:04 AM)     

Religion is holy. It is serene. Many politicians for their mutual benefit try to amalgam politics and religion. It is one of the dirty games played by some of the loathsome people. Politics and religion should never be mixed up, if we want to live a peaceful life.

India is a secular state. No one has the right to ignite the spark of hatred in the hearts of the people in the name religion. And those who do it are the real wretches and should be punished properly. Meanwhile, the common people should also realise the aftermath of mixing politics with religion. No one should encourage it. Religion should never become a reason to break up the society in pieces.

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Sudheer Kumar said: (Thu, Jul 8, 2010 01:49:49 AM)     

Nowadays politics are very bad manner, if anybody interested to come to the politics, only for money . The main aim of politicians is to get a seat what they wanted (CM or PM or MLA or MLC). For that purpose they distribute money or wines to the people and they include religious also, after they get what they want, they don't care the people. So all of them understand this situation.

A small story:

In my village three persons are nominate for the panchayati elections. All of them are distribute wine & money and sariees to the ladies and some one includes religious also. The person who distribute highest money that person elected as president. One day one persons wants to the president signature for the application. But he said you can pay 500 ruppes for the sign because you take Rs.100 per vote. Then the understand what mistake they have done.

[Note: I am saying not for all the politicians.]

My suggestion is elect the people who are serve the people too.

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Faisal said: (Sat, Jul 3, 2010 01:55:08 AM)     

I strongly ex cogitate that religion should be mixed with politics(but never be used as an agent to win elections) because religion (be it islam, hinduism, christianity or any other religion)is obviously the foremost thing which calls upon us to respect as well as take care of all kinds of values (and never mandates anyone to get indulged in any kind of violence)of the

persons living in a society, state or country.

But in india what we come across very often is that none of our leaders follow their religion, no matter whichever religion do they belong to. i conclude, that followers of any particular religion should always be accused of violence in lieu of religion, because anyone who wholeheartedly imitates any religion will always want to do good to his people.

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Sandhya said: (Wed, Jun 30, 2010 05:22:54 AM)     

Religion should not mixed with the politics. Because, suppose one person is there, who who was highly developed in the politics. Then he takeup all his family members into the politics one by one. Then there is no chance for new persons.

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Phanindra said: (Sat, Jun 26, 2010 11:17:35 PM)     

Yes,religion should not mixed with the politics,the thing is,it in our scope to understand what religion is? as viveikananda said do good and be good that is the whole of the religion,that means we formed different meaning to religion,we made religion as community that means the mistake is not only with the politicians but also within us.Support the religion but not as a community but as a service.I think now we understood that religion is not a community but a service section now think whether we can mix the religion with politics or not.Hence now i say religion should mix with the politics.

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Vjnreddy said: (Sat, Jun 26, 2010 06:23:28 AM)     

The one more problem is by mixing the politics and fight for the nation we loss our state/country history from the neighbor state /country.

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Vjnreddy said: (Sat, Jun 26, 2010 06:11:21 AM)     

Every one rare ready to show their popularity their state ranking but no one politician are not thinking about their state/nation.

They wont bother about their public and nation they need to get the popularity in the society.


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Saketh Sharma said: (Sat, Jun 26, 2010 01:31:53 AM)     

India is a religious country, n religion is something which is a cultural system, which is a belief and may be supernatural too. so i feel religions should not mixed up with politics.

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Subhash said: (Fri, Jun 25, 2010 06:57:10 AM)     

Religion should not be mix with politics there is only aim to earn more money nothing else that is the reason they want to mix politics.

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Shweta said: (Fri, Jun 25, 2010 06:29:38 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics because politician from one community seperate out them from another,result of this is nothing but formation of many groups within India itself and it straightly affect on the progress of country and enhance this crule politicians.

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Subhasish said: (Fri, Jun 25, 2010 01:07:58 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed up with politics. Religion is something which people believes from their heart and politician are don't consider any religions.

So any comment can make fuel for a war. So always in any country it is depend upon people to choose their own religion.politics on the other hand for rule the country and give people their own demand. So these two are best thier own position.

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Ratnavelu said: (Thu, Jun 24, 2010 10:28:54 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics.Many politicians use religion as their party symbol.It should be not be allowed.In the name of religion not only politics but also other use of it must be condemned.

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Surendra said: (Mon, Jun 21, 2010 12:00:53 PM)     

Religion should be mixed with the politics.This will help for the growth of that particular religion.But the mixing of religion in the politics has to be limited.

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Rohini said: (Mon, Jun 21, 2010 08:07:33 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics. A politician should do good things to the people, not by considering the religion.even the educated people are doing the same mistake.people are well brainwashed by the politicians. That is why the terrosist also taking advantage over this religion. This should be avoided.otherwise india will be immersed in the religious pond.

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Saransh said: (Sun, Jun 20, 2010 09:56:50 AM)     

Religion is very sacred thing and it is being used as a source of violence by some political elements of our country for their own benefit.

The literacy rate of our country is growing year by year but today also people of our country are becoming fool on the name of religion. Mixing religion with politics leads to a great deal of activities of violence, terror and aggression.

Today, people instead of being educated gives vote based on the religion of candidate but not on his potential and we know this is wrong and this mixing of politics and religion should be evaded from our soul and mind otherwise it will surely slow down the process of development of us.

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Smita Kejriwal said: (Sun, Jun 20, 2010 07:21:07 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with politics because it creates problem and this problem give rise to terrorism.

We live in India and we all are Indian. we should not discriminate between ourselves by taking religion in account.

We should be aware of a saying that "UNITED WE STAND AND DIVIDED WE FALL".

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Venu said: (Fri, Jun 18, 2010 07:05:14 AM)     

Politics is only for the purpose of administration of the country and religion is individual beleif, and politicians use this has a tool to get a vote bank and finally use and throw once its they have got what they want from the induvidual , I personally feel that its the responsibility of the induvidual to know the fact that who is using them and who is working for them and behave judisuiously.

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Yathish said: (Mon, Jun 14, 2010 06:52:12 AM)     

...there should not be any religious mixed with politics.. we all indians.. we all belonging to the same nation.. we have different languages, different cultures..

..but any disastour happened in north means,people from south will come to help us without seeing communities or etc.. at that time if we see religious means,we wont be an Indian...

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Ankisha said: (Sun, Jun 13, 2010 08:14:43 AM)     

we all know from our past that whenever religion is mixed with politics it had result in violence...or badly effected many communities..but in my opinion it can provide a good result for e.g= if a south indian politician made a lord shiva 's temple..or b a part of their will improve integrity in india..

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Azhar said: (Sat, Jun 12, 2010 02:32:09 AM)     

i may say that it is not a technical discussion , but i think the political members are very much interesting in mixing the religion into politics to gain there profits in to the politics like winning the CM or PM Or MLA or MLCs they not even bother about the people after winning the is very much loss to the people of all religions.

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Amit said: (Fri, Jun 11, 2010 03:55:55 AM)     

Obviously religion should not mix with the politics, because if we remember past many crises are example of this either in bihar or in U.P. the major effect can see the telangana. where their demand of new state as religious ,what after this the whole religion will demand new state as their religion,then what happen as religion states will be known as his religion.

The disadvantage of this power of states will be less, unity affect and helping manner will decrease than what as British came in India, now China will try to do same after dividing the India as small states,

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Sri Ram said: (Fri, Jun 11, 2010 12:06:09 AM)     

Religion should not be mixed with the politics, religion is one thing which separates people

into some groups. mixing of religions into politics may help the politicians but it causes damage to countries integrity, so religion should not be mixed with politics.

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