religions in sw asia unit 8 - sw asia and n africa

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Religions in SW AsiaUnit 8 - SW Asia and N Africa

• Three of the major world religions began in Southwest Asia

Judaism• Judaism is the religion of the Jews

• It began in Palestine about 3,000 years ago.


• Jews were the first to believe in a single God (monotheism)

Judaism• The rules of behavior and the history of their people are written in their holy book the Torah.

• The Old Testament of the Christian Bible and the Torah include the same books and writings.

Judaism• Jews believe that a Messiah will come to the earth and save their people


• Christianity developed from Judaism


• Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, believed to be the Son of God and the Messiah.

Christianity• The New Testament of the Christian Bible contains the teachings and accounts of Jesus’ followers.


• Islam has the same roots as Judaism and Christianity.

• All three religions go back to the God of Abraham


• Islam is based on teachings of Muhammad, believed to be a prophet of God

Islam• Muslims believe that Jesus was also a prophet of God, but not the Son of God

Muslim• A Muslim is a person who follows Islam


• The Qur’an (Koran) is Islam’s sacred book of writings.

• Muhammad’s words are written here.


• A mosque is an Islamic place of worship.

Islam - Two Branches• There are two major branches of Islam: Sunni (85%), and Shiite (15%).

• There is a lot of conflict between these two branches.

Fundamentalism• There is a small group of Muslim fundamentalists that have traditional beliefs about behavior and appearance.

• They believe in family unity, male dominance over women and children, and no outside (non-religious) influences.

the Five Pillars

• Muslims follow religious duties, called the Five Pillars.

Faith• Faith in God and in Mohammed as the messenger of God


• Prayer five times each day, facing Mecca (the holiest city of Islam)


• Charity - giving money to the less fortunate

Fasting• Fasting - not eating or drinking between sunrise and sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.

Pilgrimage• Pilgrimage (hajj) a journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime

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