remote test execution using tfs 2015 (rc2 and beyond)

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Step 1

Let’s create a machine group

Step 1

Click the ‘+’ icon on the top left corner

Enter your machine details with the admin creds for each machine

As you can see I am using 2 machines here


Each machine should

a. Be domain joined

b. Have win7sp1 or higher. With Win7sp1 you would need to install .net 4.5 manually.

c. Have greater than 1GB RAM and atleast 20GB free

d. Have powershell remoting enabled

powershell -command "& Enable-PSRemoting -force" winrm quickconfig

Step 1

Voila your machine group has been created

Step 2

Create a simple build definition by using the “Visual Studio” build definition

Step 2

Let’s work with the default values for now.

You can save this build definition as “New Visual Studio definition 1”

Step 3

Now lets add in the tasks related to remote testing

Click ‘+ Add build step’

Go to the “Test” tab

“Add” the “Visual Studio Test Agent Deployment” and “Visual Studio Test using Test Agent” tasks

Step 3

“Add” the “Windows Machine File Copy” task

We will use this task to copy the build binaries from the build machine to the target test machines.

Step 3

Lets configure the tasks we just added

Step 3

Step 3

Save your build definition after you have entered all the details

Step 4

Queue Build

Step 4

Step 5


Here is a view of the build summary page. The test run is reported against the build and you have a link to the test run details view.

The build summary shows me a summary of my code coverage as well.

Step 5


On clicking the test run link from the build summary page you are taken to the test run summary view.

My .trx and .coverage files are available for download

Step 5

I can drill down further by clicking on the “Test results” node

The test result list is available and as you can see the tests were distributed across the two machines in my machine group.

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