renewable energy we have to reduce our co2 emissions and our consumption of fossil fuels

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Solar Energy• From the sun

• Has existed for a long time (calculators)

• Uses PV (photovoltaic) batteries to capture sun rays which heats up electrons and they make energy

• Germany, Spain, Japan, and the US are the 4 countries which produce the most



• Costs between $35 000-50 000 for installation

• Takes about 10 years to recoup the costs

• You can connect the the regular power lines and sell the energy you don’t use back to the power company

• Efficiency is difficult to predict because of the weather

Solar products…

• Charge your phone or laptop

• A lunch bag that can heat or keep cold your food

• Deck lights

• Build a solarium or a greenhouse

• Heat the water in your pool

• They are working on creating a solar car

Hydro energy

• From water

• We build dams and when water goes through, it creates energy

• 20% of the worlds energy (Canada is second in production)

• In 1879 the first dam was built at Niagara Falls

• The biggest dam in the world is on the Yangtze River in China

Advantages and disadvantages

• Easy to make more or less depending on need

• A lot less CO2 emissions produced

• Costs only 3 cents per kWh = 28$ per month for a house

• Building resevoirs destroys ecosystems

• Sometimes people are displaced because companies need the land

Geothermic energy

• From the Earth

Wind Energy• From the wind

• Denmark gets 25% of their energy from wind power

• After installation ($50 000-80 000), about 1-5 cents per kWh

• Difficult to predict the quantity of power you will get

Nova Scotia

• We have 176 turbines which produce 7-8% of our total energy

• If a turbine is placed 350m away from a house, the noise you hear is the same as a fridge


• Used for electricity and for fuel

• The US and Brazil produce the most

• Is used a lot in NS in households because a lot of people burn wood for heat

• 3% of our total energy

• A plant in Port Hawkesbury

• Denmark produces 12% of it’s energy from biomass

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