replenishing care overview september 21 2016 strategic partner pdf

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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YOUR cells will love you for it!

Vision: make ascending wellness available to ALL so they may bring best performance to ALL they do.


– turnkey, standardized client care system:

• STACKS 9 cellular health technologies together.

• ADAPTS to strengths, needs, goals of each person

• WORKS with whatever you have to work with:

– the well become more well,

– athletes often record personal bests,

– executives have more energy, drive and focus,

– (virtually) ALL see systemic improvement and symptomatic relief,

– (virtually) ALL become more resistant to illness or injury.

The Next “BIG THING”• RC is completely “win/win”:

• AMPLIFIES benefits of healthy lifestyle practices (e.g. nutrition, exercise);

• ELEVATES benefits of professional care or coaching, and

• USES, AMPLIFIES and ELEVATES body’s own ability to heal itself.

STACKING the 9 technologies• enhances wellness outcomes - each contributes a

unique and specific benefit to healing process;

• amplifies respective contributions – they are synchronistic so more effective when used together,

• creates overlap on key quality of life factors: more energy, better sleep, less pain, reduced inflammation, better range of motion, reduced stress, improved mental clarity, anti-aging, greater sense of well-being, weight loss, injury recovery, and disease/injury prevention (without redundancy!!!).

• reduces the time YOU need to deploy them

How RC is Delivered? Delivered via proprietary best practice protocols combining:1. IN-Replenishing Care-CENTER Sessions:

• 12 high performance cell rejuvenation sessions over a 6 week period.

• 4 powerful cellular health tools delivered using proprietary RC protocols.

2. Home Tool Kit

• 6 component home tool kit to keep the momentum going and extend the benefits of the 12 In-Center appointments between appointments and post-program.

3. Maintenance Program (optional)

• Option to participate in 3 additional high performance sessions over next 6 week period – to bridge their wellness gains into a lasting circumstance

How RC Works? Delivered via proprietary best practice protocols combining:1. IN-Replenishing Care-CENTER Session benefits INCLUDE:

• recharging your cells’ electric power; reducing pain and inflammation; increasing range of motion; increasing tensile strength in ligaments; enhancing capillary formation; accelerating injury/wound recovery and aiding functional recovery; reducing tissue necrosis; accelerating training; increasing aerobic capacity (VO2 max); increasing red blood cells; releasing stress; aiding in detoxification and clearing of metabolic waste; up-regulating mitochondrial cellular respiration; increasing oxygen to the brain and all vital organs; flushing lactic acid; erasing stress-triggered congestion that limits blood flow, strength and endurance; erasing muscle brownouts that limit performance; increasing metabolism and weight loss; increasing cardiovascular capacity; improving mood and clarity of thinking; eliciting the Tonic Vibration Reflex (TVR) to relax muscle cramps, spasms and muscle guarding; floating the fascia (allowing muscle fibers to separate and easily glide); reducing Hypoxia; and balancing the pelvis and spine and reducing wear and tear injury.

RC Works? Delivered via proprietary best practice protocols combining:2. Home Tool Kit benefits INCLUDE: improving immune system; assisting weight loss; increasing energy, performance and stamina; regulating organs and glands; reducing/preventing inflammation; correcting pelvic balance and reducing wear and tear injury; improving cardiovascular health factors (regulating blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol; helping regulate blood sugar); improving brain function; improving bone strength; helping improve sleep; assisting vision; reducing sinus and nasal congestion; disrupting pathogens; identifying/releasing emotional triggers of physiological illness.

Where Replenishing Care Fits? • BEST CASE Health Care circumstance:Managing a disease after it has emerged and/or become established involves healthcare approaches that are sometimes known as secondary or tertiary prevention. Much more preferable in terms of health benefits is primary prevention or intervening to stop disease from developing in the first place. The best case of all is “primordial prevention” or avoiding the risk factors in the first place. The health benefits of a concerted campaign to reduce risk factors will be seen across a whole range of potentially debilitating chronic diseases. (The Winning Legacy: BC Healthy Living Alliance, February 28, 2005)

• Replenishing Care is a BEST CASE “game-changer”: – RC delivers secondary and/or tertiary prevention with existing illness, – RC delivers primary prevention (intervention) with developing disease, and– best of all, RC delivers primordial prevention to eliminate/disrupt risk factors

and underlying disease causes before they begin to develop into illness.

– RC mitigates need for/lifelong dependence on drugs and thereby mitigates collateral illness caused by drugs - for

every US$ 1.11 spent on prescription drugs US$ 1.77 is needed to treat the harm caused. (Vitality Magazine April 2002)

Replenishing Care …….. • Makes clients “HAPPY”…….






RC Competitive Advantage • Marketplace “littered” with clinics doing bits and pieces:

– E.G. Naturopath, or Chiropractor (etc.) providing eclectic/often redundant set of technologies (from years of trade shows) as augment to normal practice therapies;

– Practitioner often has little or no training for individual technologies – nor how to best combine to create most beneficial and efficacious clinical system.

– Patients/clients “get” an organic (almost random) treatment plan

• People are confused by “like-sounding” options: – RC takes the confusion (and redundancy) away

– RC results are predictable (to an almost certainty): RC helps 95% of people 95% of time

– RC sets a game-changing standard

• RC is comprehensive with best practice approach:– Client-focused corporate culture and (staff) training

– Network-wide protocols, standards and consistency

– Clients know what to expect

• RC sets a game-changing wellness delivery standard:– places the individual in the driver’s seat of his or her own health.

– helps individual, help his or her cells, help themselves – and Replenishing Care Centers/Staff hold their hand along the way.

Replenishing Care Market entry • People seeking Optimal Wellness and/or whose

careers rely on Optimal Performance: – Executives (many of whom will have been screened by preventive health

services but given only drug/nutrition/exercise options to address pending health conditions)

– Athletes (wanting legal competitive advantage to excel

plus chance to extend careers and/or retire on own terms)

– “Healthy” (who want to continue enjoying the good life)

– PROVE it then Bridge to mainstream so ALL can Benefit!

• Predictable RC “side benefits”:– weight loss; anti-aging; reduced stress; pain

relief; improved sleep; improved focus and concentration; lessened risk factors of illness; symptomatic relief from illness; enhanced athletic/mental capacity

RC Market Expansion Strategy– PHASE ONE: Fall 2016 - 2017

– Proof of Concept

• Establish first RC Center in Downtown Toronto

• Affirm Replenishing Care Efficacy & Business Model

• Model already proven on a component basis

– Develop/fine-tune RC Center, Brand and Systems

– Seek rapid addition of 1 to 5 additional RC Centers

• New locations operational within 30-60 days

• Begin investigating accelerated growth opportunities – (e.g. acquisition of existing gym, spa or retail/health network)

– Ideal partner has expertise/capability/connections to help facilitate/lead rapidly-accelerated growth and expansion

RC Market Expansion Strategy– PHASE TWO: 2017 - 2020

– Launch aggressive network expansion effort

• Ontario-wide, Vancouver, Calgary, Halifax

• By-opportunity into US (Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, LA)

• Investigate existing network acquisition

– Build Replenishing Care Brand and Systems

– Fine-tune RC Model

• Possible addition of other synergistic high-impact methods

• Possible adjustment of pricing model

– Build case for PHASE 3

• data and war chest

• Political champion

• Philanthropic backing

RC Market Expansion Strategy– STAGE THREE: 2021 - 2026+

– Bridge to mainstream health systems

– Opportunity (MORE SO the NEED) is staggering

• Canada’s Health System ranked 30th in World; US Health System is ranked 37th

(World Health Report 2000, WHO)

» Canada/US lead world in per capita spending on drugs(Canada Institute for Health Information, Drug Spending in 2014)

» Every $1.11 spent on drugs causes the need for a further $1.77 worth of drugs to address collateral illness (Vitality Magazine)

» Medical error 3rd leading cause of death in Canada and US (US: Health Care IT News, July 18, 2014; Canada: The Huffington Post: October 24, 2015)

» Adverse reactions to drugs taken as prescribed 4th leading cause of death in Canada and US (Drug Safety Canada, Health January 2012)

Make a Difference • Model developed; demonstration facility in Niagara-on-the-Lake

• Validation of model efficacy

• Copyrighting RC proprietary protocols/model & publishing of best practice methodology

• First OFFICIAL RC Location:– Medical-grade space in Downtown Toronto

• Between: Bloor Street (north); Harbour Front (south); Jarvis Street (east), and University Avenue (west)

• to be identified/furnished with RC Brand-specific signage and decor

• 800 to 1000 sq ft @ 6 spaces:

– client waiting area

– male and female client change rooms (with showers)

– PEMF room @ portable chiropractic table (Pelvic Correction)

– EWOT room with treadmill and spin bike

– Consultation room (with a small storage area/closet)

• RCC will model “Tim Hortons” in creating a network of identical Centers across Canada, the US and (by opportunity) the World

NOTE: Can be done in 10’ x 10’ space and operational in 48 hours with 10 clients

Be the Difference that makes a Difference!

World Health Organization ranks

Canada’s health system 30th US 37th

This is at best: Mediocre

What if Canada and the US were

ranked 30th and 37th best at


“LOL”: We’d never let that happen!

Here’s why Canada is 30th

• Canada’s Health System costs $ 207 billion annually. (Health Canada) Canadians complain about waiting times, access to primary care, inadequate home care and drug costs.

• The (US) FDA and American Pharmaceutical Association report: the cost of serious drug side effects in North America is US$ 177 billion annually; for every US$ 1.11 spent on prescription drugs another US$ 1.77 is needed to treat the harm caused. (Vitality April 2002)

• In 2013, Canadians spent $34.5 billion on prescription drugs. Applying the FDA statistic Canadians will need to spend an additional $55.0 billion fixing the problems caused by this use of drugs which will, in turn, necessitate even more expenditures on prescription drugs. (CIHI, Prescription Drug Spending in Canada 2012, Page 9)

• An estimated 30,000 Canadians die from medical errors each year. (Huffington Post: 10/24/2015)

• Poorer Canadians have increased vulnerability to early death; if the death rates of the highest income group for all causes of death applied to all Canadians, more than one-fifth of all years lost before age 65 could be prevented. (Second Report on the Health of Canadians)

• The UN reports “Canada has significant problems of poverty and (its) progress in human development has not been evenly distributed”. (Second Report on the Health of Canadians)

• In short, despite value statements and rhetoric to the contrary, Canada has a multi-tiered health care system in which those with the capability to pay (as in most other facets of society) are able to access better health services.

How can causing more problems be the “gold standard” of ANYTHING?

COMMON side effects of Lyrica – often prescribed for diabetic nerve pain: • Accidental injury; bloating or swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet; blurred vision;

burning, tingling, numbness or pain in the hands, arms, feet, or legs; change in walking and balance; clumsiness; confusion; delusions; dementia; difficulty having a bowel movement (stool); difficulty with speaking; double vision; dry mouth; fever; headache; hoarseness; increased appetite; lack of coordination; loss of memory; lower back or side pain; painful or difficult urination; problems with memory; rapid weight gain; seeing double; sensation of pins and needles; shakiness and unsteady walk; sleepiness or unusual drowsiness; stabbing pain; swelling; tingling of the hands or feet; trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordination; unusual weight gain or loss. (

Additionally, there are a multitude of other LESS COMMON ones:• Anxiety; bloated or full feeling; burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and

needles", or tingling feelings; chest pain; cold sweats; coma; cool, pale skin; cough producing mucus; decrease or change in vision; depression; excess air or gas in the stomach or intestines; eye disorder; false or unusual sense of well-being; general feeling of discomfort or illness; increased hunger; joint pain; loss of appetite; loss of bladder control; loss of strength or energy; muscle aches and pains; muscle twitching or jerking; muscle weakness; nausea; nervousness; nightmares; noisy breathing; pain; passing gas; rhythmic movement of the muscles; runny nose; seizures; shivering; slurred speech; sweating; trouble sleeping; twitching; uncontrolled eye movements; vomiting. (

A continuing problem Dear Mr. Comerford:

Thank you for sending along the “Health Form Action Plan” dealing with the question of (what is now) replenishing care.

I write to confirm what I told you on the phone that I thought your Health Reform Action Plan to be an excellent piece of work and I support all efforts taken in this direction for improving the Canadian health system and raising the standard of health care in Canada.

I believe the present Canadian health care system to be totally inadequate and I agree that following the lead of the “Romanow” Commission is bound to lead to another failure and tremendous wastage of funds. The status quo is certainly not desirable and we should be doing everything possible to introduce some competition within the health care system just as they are doing in Sweden.

Please pass on to your Team my congratulations! These are the kind of approaches that are badly needed in the Canadian health care system. You are certainly right when you say that the political will that is required is not simply to spend more money but to start spending the money wisely.

(Hon) John C. CrosbieFormer Minister Justice Former Minister International TradeGovernment of CanadaJanuary 12, 2005

Vicious CycleThere’s no money available to fund research into non-drug or non-traditional methods; if a request is received for (as an example) 3 new surgical units the Minister will (first ask if it’s really necessary, and if so) figure out how to get it done. Outside of these types of requests, there’s not enough money to cover all that’s needed.

Mr. John G. Abbott former CEO of the Health Council of Canada, former Deputy Minister of Health for Newfoundland and Labrador, and former Chair of Eastern Health (i.e. St. John’s) Hospital BoardJune 7, 2015 (personal meeting)

We don’t have enough money to pay for everything we have to pay for; putting money into something unproven is out of the question (even if politicians say it’s a good idea). My suggestion is go prove it and come back – then we can seriously talk about it.

Mr. Andy HazelwoodAssistant Deputy MinisterMinistry of Health, British Columbia(telephone conversation at suggestion of then BC-Premier Gordon Campbell) August, 2005

Break the vicious cycle and redirect tax dollars to broader needs

• Every $1.11 spent on drugs causes the need for a further $1.77 worth of drugs to address collateral illness (FDA, reported in Vitality Magazine April 2002)

• Canadians spend $34.5 billion/year on drugs (Health Canada)

• based on FDA we need to spend an additional $55.0 billion fixing the problems caused by the first $34.5 billion which will, in turn, mean more expenditures on prescription drugs –causing further problems. Now that’s a business model!!!

• Imagine what could be done with an extra $55 Billion per year to: reduce poverty, improve health and education systems, roads/infrastructure and global competitiveness.

• We remain like a hamster on a wheel until we end over-reliance on products that cause more problems and the need for more of those very products!

James G. Comerford• Poster Child for Replenishing Care:

– From wheelchair @ Guilain Barre Syndrome (at 40) to 2nd in age category in 5K non-professional race (at 60)

– Grateful to modern medicine for GBS (urgent) care but found no answers there for true/complete recovery

– Used RC physiological components to heal body; used RC emotional release methods to balance energy/remove hidden emotional triggers of physiological illness resident in cells

– Used RC to return to full workout 9 days after hernia surgery at 60

– Passionate to share story, knowledge, experience to help others and improve health options James G Comerford LinkedIn

• Created RC over 10+ years:– Has successfully used RC components @ 1000+ clients– Ran a health solutions clinic (in Colorado) for 4+ years– Used 15+ year best practice consulting/training experience

to define RC’s proprietary client processes and standards

• Network Leadership Experience:– Led company-owned/operated network: $250 million revenue in today’s $; 150 staff

– 1 of 9 national Canadian Chrysler trainers responsible for achieving customer and sales satisfaction results – through people/process effectiveness initiatives – in 1990s

Guillain Barre Syndrome• Autoimmune disorder - immune system

attacks peripheral nervous system– antibodies crossover, eat myelin sheath off nerve axons

(carry nerve signals) and/or the axons

– Muscles can’t respond to commands from brain

– Brain receives fewer signals from body

– Inability to feel textures, heat, pain, sensations

– Brain gets wrong signals: crawling, tingling, pain

– Ascending paralysis (feet – legs – arms first)

– Life-threatening: lungs, heart, blood pressure

– NOTE: an image of Guillain Barre Syndrome is World War II US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt whose deteriorating health, and sudden death in 1945 historians now report was related to chronic GBS. (Famous people with Guilain Barre,

GBS Support Group)

Guillain Barre Syndrome Onset

• In 10 days James G Comerford:– went from running 50 miles per week,

– to not being able to stand up for 50 seconds

• Within 30 days James G Comerford:– Hospitalized 2X

– Needed wheelchair

– Nerve conduction testing revealed minimal reflex activity

– Neurologist thought GBS would prove chronic

Guillain Barre Recovery• In next 9 months James G Comerford:

– Walked 4 miles (-15 C) 1 day after hospital

– July: set personal best in 10 mile run

– September: Ran only 26.2 mile marathon

• Neurologists amazed

• JGC noticed, was concerned about and wanted answers to Residual Effects:– Run upstairs easier than walk

– Treadmill: heart felt as if about to explode

– Muscle tremors

– Systemic and “mechanical” changes

– Loss of muscle memory for routine activities

Guillain Barre Recovery• When asked Neurologist:

– consider yourself lucky ….expected wheelchair

• When asked Internist:– GBS treatment is like splicing a wire and wrapping it in

duct tape: works but not the same

• In short, traditional medicine:– Brilliant during urgent care phase

– No answers to full recovery

– Almost surprised by the request

System blind to needs and CAUSE

James G. C’s GBS Pathology


in the room

MENSA or IQ Test Question• What word goes with each of following?

– Panic attacks

– Adolescent alcoholism (started at age 14: he stopped in 1985)

– OCD, paranoia, depression (heightened by alcohol)

– Addictive tendencies

– Resting heart rate of 48 during day ….. and often waking up with freight train (racing heart) in chest

– A 40 year-old man not training for the Olympics running 2 to 3 times many days

– Guillain Barre Syndrome without trauma or infection

MENSA or IQ Question Answer

ANXIETY !!!!!• James G. Comerford’s Guilain Barre Syndrome was a case

of physiological illness resulting from emotional triggers captured in cells!!!

– JGC used RC Emotional Release Methods at age 56 to see/end years of “anxiety” at the cause. This anxiety was the cause of panic attacks, adolescent alcoholism, OCD, paranoia, depression, and ultimately GBS; it was completely missed by family doctors.

• Imagine a health care system with the resources/mindset to focus on real needs instead of “putting out fires” and creating new fires (through over-use of drugs).

– In Canada’s current system and way of thinking this is impossible; almost like imagining small handheld devices that communicate without wires all over the world. Wait, didn’t someone from Canada help figure out how to do that?

Guillain Barre and James G. Comerford

• Happened FOR him (1996):

• 1. Career– Put into field of alternative wellness

– Laid foundation for life purpose

• 2. Life– saved him from the massive EMOTIONAL heart attack

that would have killed him and (inevitably) been misdiagnosed as “family cardiovascular history”

• 3.Health– Opened his eyes to real question:

• 15 years to understand true cause/pathology (2011)

• 3 more years to remove cause - using Emotional Release Methods (2014)

RCC Corporate Culture

Will actualize James G Comerford’s personal

mantra of “Lucky”…….



–Consciousness, and

–Knowledge for

–You!!!!!AND using related knowledge to help others

Replenishing Care

RCC is



individuals who

wish to be part of

the solution.

Expressions of Interest or questions:

James G. Comerford, President/COOReplenishing Care Corporation

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