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Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New DelhiJuly, 2015/Ashadha, 1937 (Saka)





(Presented to the Rajya Sabha on the 21th July, 2015)(Laid on the Table of Lok Sabha on the 22nd July, 2015)


Pollution in Tier-II Cities ofPunjab-Ludhiana and Amritsar




Pollution in Tier-II Cities ofPunjab-Ludhiana and Amritsar

(Presented to the Rajya Sabha on the 21st July, 2015)(Laid on the Table of Lok Sabha on the 22nd July, 2015)

Rajya Sabha Secretariat, New DelhiJuly, 2015/Ashadha, 1937 (Saka)

Hindi version of this publication is also available




1. COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ....................................................................................... (i)-(ii)

2. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... (iii)

3. ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................ (iv)

4. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ................................................................................................ 1—23

5. RECOMMENDATIONS/OBSERVATIONS - AT GLANCE ................................................................ 24—27

6. MINUTES ............................................................................................................................... 28—34

7. ANNEXURE ............................................................................................................................ 36—54



(Constituted on 1st September, 2014-15)

1 . Shri Ashwani Kumar — Chairman

RAJYA SABHA2. Shri Anil Madhav Dave3. Shri Prem Chand Gupta4 . Shri C.P. Narayanan5. Shri Paul Manoj Pandian6. Dr. T. Subbarami Reddy7. Shri Arvind Kumar Singh8. Shri Bhupinder Singh

9. Shrimati Bimla Kashyap Sood10. Shri Ronald Sapa Tlau

LOK SABHA11. Shri Badruddin Ajmal12. Shri Muzaffar Hussain Beig13. Shrimati Bijoya Chakravarty14. Shri Pankaj Chaudhary15. Shri Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan16. Kum. Sushmita Dev17. Shri Ninong Ering18. Shri Laxman Giluwa19. Dr. K. Gopal20. Shri Daddan Mishra21. Shri Shivaji Adhalrao Patil22. Shri Nana Patole23. Shri Nagendra Kumar Pradhan24. Shri Harinarayan Rajbhar25. Shrimati Sandhya Roy26. Shri Kirti Vardhan Singh27. Shri Nagendra Singh28. Shrimati Renuka Sinha29. Shri Vikram Usendi30. Shrimati Vasanthi M.

*31. Shri Chirag Paswan

* Nominated w.e.f. 25th March, 2015.



Shri M.K. Khan, Joint Secretary

Shri Rohtas, Director

Shri V.S.P. Singh, Joint Director

Shri Rajiv Saxena, Assistant Director



I, the Chairman of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee onScience & Technology, Environment & Forests, having been authorized by the Committee topresent the Report on its behalf, present this Two Hundred and Sixty-first Report on ‘Pollutionin Tier-II Cities of Punjab-Ludhiana and Amritsar’.

2 . During its study visit to Ludhiana and Amritsar from 13th to 15th February, 2015, theCommittee heard the views of the various Central and State Government Officials, Experts andCivil Society Organisations/NGOs on pollution related issues in Ludhiana and Amritsar.

3 . The Committee expresses its thanks to the Central and State Government Officials,

Experts and Civil Society Organisations/NGOs for rendering their valuable views/replies toclarifications sought by the Committee.

4 . In its meeting held on 24th June, 2015, the Committee considered the draft report andadopted the same.

ASHWANI KUMARNEW DELHI; Chairman,June 24, 2015 Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee onAshadha 3, 1937 Science and Technology, Environment and Forests

Rajya Sabha



PSIEC : Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation Ltd.

TDS : Total Dissolved Salts

GLADA : Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority

LIT : Ludhiana Improvement Trust

LMC : Ludhiana Municipal Corporation

PSIDC : Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation

PUDA : Punjab Urban Development Authority

HOUSEFED : House Building Societies Ltd.

UASB : Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket

BOD : Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand

ElL : Engineers India Limited

BOO : Build Operate & Own

ASPT : Activated Sludge Process Technology

JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency

SBR : Sequencing Batch Reactor

HCFs : Health Care Facilities


The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology,Environment & Forests under the Chairmanship of Shri Ashwani Kumar had decided to takeup the issue of pollution levels of some of the Tier-II cities of the country. In that series,the Committee undertook its study visit to Ludhiana and Amritsar from 13th to 15th February,2015.


2. On 13th February, 2015, the Committee visited Ludhiana where it first visited BuddhaNallah. The Chairman and Member Secretary, Punjab Pollution Control Board alsoaccompanied the Committee.

2.1 The Committee found that the condition of Buddha Nallah was a cause of graveconcern as an environmental challenge. Water of the Nallah was dark black, contaminated witheffluents and garbage, emitting strong odour. The Committee found that untreated municipalsewerage and animal waste was draining into the Nallah. On being enquired about the reasonsfor such a situation of the Nallah which runs through the most populous town of Punjab, theCommittee was informed by representatives of the Punjab Pollution Control Board that thoughthe Board had taken up the matter of unauthorized discharge of solid and liquid municipalwaste into the Nallah with local authorities, the situation had not improved. MunicipalCorporation of Ludhiana had a proposal to install STPs to treat the sewage generated in thetown.

3 . The Chairman lamented that Buddha Nallah which used to be a fresh water streamgetting over flow from River Sutlej had turned into an open sewer line rather than a stream.Once the precious asset to the city of Ludhiana, the Buddha Nallah has become a curse posingserious health hazard to the public.

4 . The Chairman, expressing his deep anguish over the sorry state of affairs of the Nallah,commented that notwithstanding the promises and assurances of action by the officials for solong, the condition of Buddha Nallah continued to deteriorate year after year owing to a callousand casual approach of the authorities responsible for conserving and cleaning it. The situationhad gone from bad to worse over the years and it was time that some concrete and resultbearing efforts were made by the state administration to improve its condition.

5 . Thereafter, the Committee visited the Haibowal Dairy Complex. The Committee wasinformed that there were about 550 dairies in the complex having a total number of about25,000 cattle. The estimated discharge from Dairies into Buddha Nallah was about 15 MLD.The Committee was also informed that about 550 MTD cattle dung was generated out ofwhich about 170 MTD was used in a biogas power plant of 1 MW capacity. To preventdischarge from drains into Buddha Nallah, the Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana and PunjabEnergy Development Agency had prepared a scheme for installation of another biogas powerplant to absorb/utilise the remaining quantity of cattle dung, floor washings and cattlewashings.


6. When the Chairman asked about the progress made with regard to the setting up ofbiogas power plant, it was informed that a Detailed Project Report had been prepared andsubmitted to the Govt. of Punjab. On being asked if any financial allocation for the projecthad been made, the concerned Authority answered in the negative. The Chairman desired thatall necessary steps required to be taken to stop discharge from Dairies into Buddha Nallahneeded to be taken in right earnest. The Committee expressed its total dissatisfaction with theapproach of the Municipal & State Government authorities. The Chairman said that the peopleof Ludhiana cannot be expected to wait endlessly for the Government to act.

7 . The Committee thereafter held a meeting with NGOs/civil society members on 13th

February, 2015 at Ludhiana.

8 . In his opening remarks, the Chairman underlined the need to strike a fine balancebetween environment and development as these were supplementary and complementary toeach other but in our zeal for rapid development, environmental concerns often got overlookedleading to environmental degradation and ecological imbalances.

9 . The Chairman also pointed out that Ludhiana was identified by the Central PollutionControl Board in 2009 as one of the most critically polluted industrial clusters in the countrywith the score of 81.66 on the Comprehensive Environment Pollution Index. He thereafterasked members of civil society organisations and representatives of non-governmentalorganisations to apprise the Committee of the environmental challenges faced by Ludhiana andthe manner in which these could be addressed within a timeframe. They were also asked tosuggest measures that could be taken to effectively control pollution & ecological degradationin Ludhiana.

10. Members of the NGOs1/civil society raised a number of issues pertaining to theenvironmental status of Ludhiana. Some of the views expressed by the NGOs were asfollows:-

(i) The President, The Ludhiana Electroplaters Association informed the Committeethat their Association as a challenge took up the task of installing the CommonEffluent Treatment Plant for electroplating industries being set up by PunjabSmall Industries and Export Corporation Ltd. (PSIEC). A Special PurposeVehicle in the name of Ludhiana Effluent Treatment Society was created in 2006and the treatment plant was started in 2007, after installing additionalequipments as the plant was not meant for electroplating industries. All theparameters of Punjab Pollution control Board were met at the time of installationbarring Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) which was achieved in 2008. The plantwas running on a zero liquid discharge technology with a RO plant and MultipleEvaporator System which treated about 300 Kilo Liter of effluent per day. Thisplant was unique and first of its kind in India. He further added that with theexpansion of electroplating industry, the existing area in which the industrieswere located, had become inadequate. There was no further scope of expansionof the industry. Therefore, there was an urgent need to relocate existingelectroplating industries to some bigger cluster. He suggested that approximately

1 A copy each of the representations received is at Annexure-I


100 acre vacant land at Bhatian may be considered for shifting electroplatingindustries.

(ii) The representative of PEHAL-The Beginning stated that with his experience bothas a councilor and as a representative of non-governmental organisation,actively involved with the environmental issues faced by Ludhiana, he was ofthe view that the problem could not be solved by the Govt. alone. Peoples’active participation in making the City neat and clean was very vital. Hementioned that after social/religious gatherings, heaps of thermocol plates arethrown out in the open, which got littered on the streets/roads which presenta very shabby picture of the City. Since these plates are non-biodegradable,they continue to be environmental hazard for fairly long time. He, suggestedthat thermocol plates, tumblers, etc. may be banned. He further stated that themunicipal authorities of Ludhiana were also responsible for the pitiableconditions of Buddha Nallah, because municipal waste both solid and liquid wasbeing dumped by them. Whenever there was a hue and cry by the public, thegarbage collected at one site of the Nallah was pushed to the other municipalward. He suggested that there was an urgent need for holistic development ofBuddha Nallah. He suggested that green belts all along the Buddha Nallahneeded to be developed/ improved. He also informed that in the absence oflining of Buddha Nallah, a lot of municipal solid, plastic, and other hazardouswastes were lying along its banks. Even some slum dwellings had come up atvacant places on the banks of the Nallah. He suggested that the side walls/banks of Buddha Nallah may be concretized, so that hazardous industrialeffluents/sewage did not seep into the ground water and pollute it. He alsopointed out that heaps of construction material/ debris are dumped here andthere along the roads, thus creating a lot of problem for the traffic. This alsoadded to the pollution problem of the City. He suggested that local authoritiesshould take necessary action on these issues.

(iii) The Chairman, Indian Institute of Architect, Ludhiana Centre pointed out thatunplanned growth of Ludhiana was the main reason for its present state of beingone of the most polluted cities in the country. There was no long-term MasterPlan for the city, no proper plan for industrial growth and no proper transportpolicy. Buildings in the City were being constructed without involving thearchitects. There were multiple agencies involved in the development of Ludhianaviz. Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority (GLADA); LudhianaImprovement Trust (LIT); Ludhiana Municipal Corporation (LMC); Punjab StateIndustrial Development Corporation (PSIDC); Punjab Urban DevelopmentAuthority (PUDA); the Punjab State Federation of Cooperative; House BuildingSocieties Ltd. (HOUSEFED), etc. For any project to take off, one has to seekpermission/NOC from all these agencies which resulted in delay in completion ofthe projects and therefore suggested that there should be one agency for Ludhianaon the lines of DDA in Delhi. He also suggested that involvement of architectsin preparing master plan and its implementation must be ensured so that adequateprovisions for recreational facility/open green space was made in the master plan.


(iv) The representative of Bharat Jan Gyan Morcha informed the Committee thatParyavaran Vahini, a forum which used to facilitate interaction of members ofcivil society with local district administration/authorities, has been disbanded.As a result, the channel of communication between the two had been broken.Neither the local problems of the people reached the local administration nor didthe steps taken by local administration for control of pollution involve theparticipation of the civil society members. He asserted that the participationand cooperation of the people in the efforts of the Government for makingpollution mitigation measures effective was necessary. He, therefore,emphasised that Paryavaran Vahini needed to be revived. He also lamented thatcrores of rupees have been spent on Sutlej River and Buddha Nallah revivalplan, but no concrete results had been achieved. He, therefore, suggested thatefforts made in this direction needed to be result oriented so that visible resultswere achieved in a time bound manner.

(v) The President, Rotary Club, Greater Ludhiana suggested that the adequateparking area needed to be developed in order to contain vehicular pollution. Inthe absence of parking area, vehicles were parked on the road causing trafficjam and chaos and giving rise to the air pollution. He suggested that to containnoise, the local administration should put blanket ban on honking and also issuechallan for making noise pollution.

(vi) The representative of Sambhav Foundation informed the Committee that hisorganisation had successfully planted over 1,85,000 trees in 2014. He alsoinformed that in the year 2015, the organisation proposed to plant 1 crore treesall over Punjab. Highlighting the reasons for the pathetic condition of BuddhaNallah, he pointed out that despite installation of STPs, reckless discharge ofdomestic sewerage, industrial effluents, waste water from dairies/ butcheries,etc. into the Buddha Nallah continued unabated mainly because all of them hadnot been linked to STPs. He also emphasised that to deal with the aboveproblem, the number of STPs needed to be increased and for that purpose theCentral Govt. and State Govt. should provide relief/funds and technology to theindustries/ Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana. He also brought to the notice ofthe Committee the fact that despite Punjab & Haryana High Court ban on dieselpowered auto rickshaws, approximately 20,000 auto rickshaws were plying inthe City which contributed hugely to the air pollution of the City. He suggestedthat necessary efforts were needed to be made for installation of adequatenumbers of LPG/CNG filling stations in the City, so that vehicles running onthese clean fuels are encouraged.

(vii) The representative of VMAD pointed out that despite a ban, the burning ofwaste of Jhona rice was a major source of air pollution in Punjab, whichneeded to be effectively tackled. It was also suggested that Punjab PollutionControl Board should declare their annual targets of pollution control in the Cityand then they should work in close cooperation with the NGOs to achieve thesame. They should ensure visible results. It was also suggested that a dedicated


fund was needed to be created exclusively for creating awareness and educatingyoungsters about environment so as to foster the spirit of enlightened citizens.Polythene and poly bags were adding to the garbage causing a lot of problemfor the civic authorities as they choked sewerage and drains. She was of theview that production of polythene needed to be banned. Roadside taps runningall the time and wasting precious and scarce water needed to be handled.

(viii) Shri Arvind Goel, Resident of Aggar Nagar, Ludhiana raised the issue of solidwaste dumping site, Jamalpur at Tajpur Road, Ludhiana for which he claimedthat Municipal Corporation of Ludhiana got clearance from the Union Ministryof Environment and Forests by misleading and concealing the facts. He claimedthat 30 meter wide green belt was to be provided all along the boundary of thedump site and it was supposed to be 20 kms. away from airport and the wastewas to be covered at the end of each working day with a minimum of 10 cm.of soil. He urged upon the Committee to get the matter looked into.

(ix) Shri Ayush Jain, a Social Activist, claimed that most of the environmental rules/norms were being violated with impunity. To support his claim, he cited theinstance of illegal mining of sand in Sutlej River and also that some bigindustrial Houses were discharging contaminated water straight into the groundwater through bore well.

11. The Committee also had an interaction with factory owners and officers of the Govt.of Punjab/local authorities of Ludhiana on issues of air, water and noise pollution, haphazardurbanisation, solid waste management, sewerage treatment, etc.

12. The Chairman informed that the Committee was visiting Ludhiana to discuss issuesrelated to air, water and noise pollution, haphazard urbanisation, solid waste management,sewage treatment, etc. in Ludhiana. The Chairman pointed out that it was disturbing to notethat Ludhiana, as per a study conducted by WHO in 2011 had earned the dubious distinctionof being not only one of the most polluted cities in the country but also the fourth mostpolluted city in the world. Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change hadimposed a moratorium on the establishment of new industrial units in the City in 2010, it beingincluded in the list of 43 critically polluted cites in the country. The Committee had acquiredfirst hand information on the condition of Buddha Nallah and was shocked to observe its stateof affairs and the overall environment and ecology of Ludhiana. Keeping in view the alarmingsituation, the Committee directed that the Punjab Pollution Control Board, local civicauthorities, law enforcement agencies and all other stakeholders must make collective andconcerted efforts within a realistic timeframe to meet the challenge. The Chairman added thata comprehensive Environmental Action Plan be formulated to control pollution in Ludhiana. Heasked those present to apprise the Committee of the extent to which qualitative and quantitativeimprovements had been noticed in the pollution level of Ludhiana as a result of that Plan. TheCommittee also sought to be apprised of the latest updates, particularly on the proposedinstallation and commissioning of two common effluent treatment plants for dyeing clusters,improvement in public transport system, etc. The Committee also wanted to know from theindustrialists present about the incentives/cooperation, they received for adopting environmentfriendly technologies and taking other measures to mitigate pollution caused by the industries.


13. The Chairman, Vardhman Spinning & General Mills submitted that rapid urbanisationand industrialisation had resulted in generation of huge quantity of organic and inorganic wasteswhich were generally dumped on land or discharged into water bodies without adequatetreatment. This caused a lot of environmental pollution and health hazard. The need thereforewas to adopt suitable waste processing and treatment technologies which while giving energyalso reduced the need for land for their disposal and also suitably reduced transportation ofwaste to land fill site.

14. The Committee was informed by representatives of BARC that a 2 MT per day capacityNisarguna biogas plant developed by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre was set up in theVardhman Textile Unit at Baddi, Himachal Pradesh for processing both municipal and othersolid waste generating bio gas and manure therefrom.

15. The representative of Bahadur Ke Textile and Knitwear Association raised the issue ofdifficulties being faced in setting up of 15 MLD common effluent treatment plant with zeroliquid discharge system and 10 MW captive power plant at a cost of Rs. 148.86 crore fordyeing industries. He informed the Committee that for the plant an application for a loan ofRs. 108 crore from a consortium of banks consisting of the State Bank of Patiala; ExportImport Bank; and Small Industrial Development Bank of India and also for financial assistancefrom Govt. of India under the centrally sponsored scheme of common effluent treatment plantsfor Rs. 20 crore and also for Rs. 5 crore from State Govt. of Punjab was made. TheCommittee was also informed that no financial assistance from the Govt. or loan from theBanks had been given for the plant.

16. On the issue, presenting the viewpoint of Govt. of India, Advisor, Ministry ofEnvironment, Forests and Climate Change informed that since the project proposal was sentdirectly to the Govt. of India, it could not be processed because as per procedure, it had tobe routed through State Pollution Control Board. He further assured that the project would beexpeditiously examined in case it is sent through State Pollution Control Board.

17. Thereafter, Secretary, Science & Technology and Environment made a Power Pointpresentation covering the issues raised by the Chairman. Some of the major highlights of thepresentation were as follows:-

(i) The total length of Buddha Nallah was about 51 Kms., out of which 16.76 Kms.was upstream of Ludhiana, 14 Kms. within Ludhiana City and the balance about21 Kms. downstream of Ludhiana. Ludhiana City generated domestic wastewater in the range of 600 to 740 MLD per day. There were 5 STPs workingin Ludhiana with a total installed capacity of 466 MLD. A joint surveyconducted by Punjab Pollution Control Board; Municipal Commissioner,Ludhiana; and Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board in May, 2014 foundthat 16 unauthorised outlets were discharging untreated municipal sewage to thetune of 265 MLD into Buddha Nallah.

(ii) About 80 MLD effluents were entering in STP Jamalpur as against its designedcapacity of 48 MLD. Because of overloading of the STP and its oldtechnology, namely, Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB), the treatment


efficiency was considerably low. The STP was proposed to be upgraded usingnew Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology. An additional STP of 70MLD capacity was also proposed to be setup at Jamalpur with an estimatedcost of Rs. 70 Crore.

(iii) Technology upgradation of the existing Bhatian STP of 111 MLD capacity wasalso proposed by using new technology at a cost of Rs. 48 crore. An additionalSTP of 100 MLD capacity at a cost of Rs. 90 crore was also proposed to besetup at Bhatian. Punjab Pollution Control Board had been regularly monitoringthe quality of water flowing in Buddha Nallah. Bio Chemical Oxygen Demand(BOD) level in the city area of the Nallah ranged from 150 Mg per liter to 250Mg per liter, while, chemical oxygen demand varied from 450 Mg per liter to750 Mg per liter.

(iv) A pilot project for the ecological restoration of water quality of Buddha Nallahusing an in-situ bioremediation technique funded by Ministry of Environment,Forests and Climate Change was being installed at a cost of Rs. 15.28 Crore.Green infrastructure, Pune was executing the project. This project involvedbuilding of 5 porous green bridges to treat the sewage. Out of the proposed5, 3 green bridges had been commissioned. The work on the remaining twogreen bridges were going on.

(v) The BOD level downstream of green bridges varied from 54 Mg per liter to 150Mg per liter, which was far more improved.

18. The Committee was informed that the feasibility of cementing of banks of Nallah wasbeing explored. A DPR in this regard was expected to be submitted by March, 2015 and thetotal cost of the project would be around Rs. 280 crore. The Committee suggests that theviability of covering the 14 Km. stretch of Buddha Nallah within Ludhiana City may beexplored so as to build a road on it. It might save the citizens of the City from healthhazards posed by the highly polluted Nallah and also the possibility of dumping of filth,garbage, etc. into the Nallah could be obviated. The Committee was informed thatMaster Plan Ludhiana 2021, was finalised in 2007 and the same was in the process ofbeing reviewed.

19. The Committee recommends that the local/municipal authorities carry out acomprehensive survey and identify encroachments on public land so that, encroachmentscould be removed to make way for open spaces in accordance with the Master Plan.Open spaces in the form of parks & play grounds need to be developed for the benefitof the elderly and for the Children. It is of the view that all the District authoritiesshould promote and encourage interaction and engagement of the Govt. authorities withthe civil society/NGOs on pollution mitigation measures.


20. With regard to sewage, the Committee was informed that M/s Engineers India Limited(EIL) was engaged by the Govt. of Punjab as consultant, which was in the process of


preparing a DPR with regard to identification of the possibilities to stop the discharge ofuntreated effluent into Budha Nallah and to divert the same to an STP for treatment. This DPRis expected to be submitted by 31.03.2015 on pollution mitigating measures.

21. The Committee recommends that the proposed DPR be prepared/approved withinthe given timeframe and steps be taken on priority to complete the projectexpeditiously. The outlets carrying untreated sewage and falling into Buddha Nallahmust be closed or discharge be treated in a time bound manner and an Action TakenReport be submitted to the Committee. Time was of the essence in this regard andpending the use of additional STP’s etc., immediate action regarding the covering ofNallah, developing green belts and vigorous enforcement of norms by the PPCB fordischarge of waste & dumping of garbage in the Nallah must be undertaken immediatelyunder intimation to the Committees within one month.

22. In this respect Committee has been informed that there were 17 outlets of MunicipalCorporation, Ludhiana which were discharging waste water into Budda Nallah, out of whichfollowing 4 outlets have been plugged permanently:

(i) Disposal of EWS Colony near Geeta Nagar Bridge along Tajpur Road;

(ii) MC Disposal near Atam Nagar/Sunder Nagar;

(iii) MC Disposal near New Shivpuri (Opp. Shani Mandir);

(iv) MC Disposal at the backside of RamSharnam Satsang Bhawan.

Preliminary DPR for installation of 2 new STPs, has been submitted by M/s Engineers IndiaLimited (EIL) to the Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board and the report is under activeconsideration of Government of Punjab to finalize the same


23. Regarding the Dairy Complex, Haibowal, the Committee was informed that there is aproposal to shift these dairies to a suitable place and to install effluent treatment plant to treatliquid waste generated by the dairy complex. M/s Engineers India Limited has been engaged bythe Govt. of Punjab as consultant and is in process to preparation of DPR in this regard whichis expected to be submitted by 31.03.2015.

24. In this respect Committee has also been informed that:

(i) Preliminary DPR for installation of ETPs to treat the liquid waste of the dairiesat Tajpur Road and Humbran Dairy complex has been submitted by M/sEngineers India Limited (EIL) to Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board andMunicipal Corporation, Ludhiana. The report is under active consideration ofGovernment of Punjab to finalize the same.

(ii) PEDA has prepared the DPR on Build Operate & Own (BOO) basis for installationof Bio-Methanation Plant for generation of 1 MW electricity or 12000 Cubicmeter of Bio-CNG to handle 235 ton of cow dung at Tajpur Road DyingComplex. E-tender has been floated for 18.05.2015 for getting technical bids.


25. The Committee feels that shifting of dairies may not be a viable solution of thepollution caused by these dairies. It is hoped that the proposal to install an STP hassince been submitted. The Committee would like to know whether DPR has since beenapproved and what further steps have been initiated by the State/Municipal Authoritytowards the actual operationalisation of the STPs. The Committee would like to beinformed about the date of installation of the plants and the award of work under therespective procedures for the aforesaid purpose.


25.1 In this respect, the Committee has been informed that:

(i) PSIEC has taken procession of 15 Acre of vacant land at Tajpur Road adjoiningto the upcoming CETPS. The development of Industrial Focal Point in this 15acres of land has been started. The PSIEC has reserved this Industrial FocalPoint exclusively for the shifting of 67 Scattered dyeing units presently locatedin scattered area of Ludhiana.

(ii) DTP, Ludhiana vide its letter dated 13.05.2015 has informed that 273 acres ofland has been proposed for establishment of industries, which will be a part ofplanning of Aeropolis City, Sahnewal. For this project, land will be acquired byGLADA.

25.2 The Committee recommends that land should be developed and made availableexpeditiously for relocation of tiny/small scale electroplating industries operating in thenon designated area of Ludhiana. The Committee would like a time frame to be fixedfor the purpose under intimation to the Committee. This may be done within threemonths.

25.3 In order to prevent throwing/dumping of waste into the canal /river, thecommittee feels that there should be a railing of suitable height on each bridge as wellas along the sides of the canal/river within the city reach. There could also be a waterenclosed mess for puja material so that it should not go in the canal/river. From thismess, the waste puja material can be shifted to waste disposal plant. There should bea provision of imposing heavy fine for throwing garbage/plastic bags in canals/rivers,which should be actively and purposively enforced.

25.4 The Committee feels that for effective implementation of a ban on burning ofpaddy. Govt. should launch a massive awareness campaign amongst farmers andincentives should be given to them for collection of paddy straw at one place orpromoting its alternative use. In this respect, the Committee was informed that thefarmers are made aware regarding the preparation of compost/organic manure from thefarm waste. Every year two camps are organized at District Block and Village Level inorder to educate the farmers regarding the ill effects of stubble burning and to promotenew techniques like happy seeder, zero till drill machines. Apparently, much moreneeds to be done. A detailed plan should be submitted in this regard to the CPCB andthe Committee.


25.5 The Committee has been informed that the Punjab Pollution Control Board is creatingawareness among the people and educating them to use jute bags instead of plastic bags forcarrying vegetables from the market. The advertisements are being given in the leading newspapers of the state of Punjab.

25.6 The Committee feels that there is need to encourage people to use jute bagsinstead of plastic bags for carrying vegetables/household items from the market. TheCommittee is of the view that the farmers should be made aware regarding thepreparation of compost/organic manure from the farm waste. Every year two campsare organized at District Block and Village Level in order to educate the farmersregarding the ill effects of stubble burning and to promote new techniques like happyseeder, zero t i l l dri l l machines. The rain water harvesting system should beencouraged.

25.7 Besides this, the Committee recommends that (i) Parking areas as well as noparking zones in the city should the earmarked. The pressure horn in automobilesshould be banned; (ii) Municipal Corporation should start a project through whichcorporate bodies can be encouraged along with Municipal Authorities to develop vacantland for landscaping of Ludhiana; (iii) Emphasis should be laid on exploring thepossibility of using STP sludge as manure and to produce gas; and (iv) Provision shouldbe made for providing funds to the special purpose vehicle to install CETPs fortreatment of effluent from the industries of the States, whose water supply schemesare based on river/canal water. Specific action with respect to these measures shouldbe decided upon at the earliest under intimation to the Committee.


26. On 14th February, 2015, the Committee visited Amritsar and discussed issues of air,water and noise pollution in Amritsar with Members of civil society organisations/NGOs.

27. At the outset, the Chairman underlined the importance of environment, the preservationof which is a national imperative raising issues of inter and intra-generational equities. Theneed of the hour, therefore, was to ensure a collective national enterprise to ensure asustainable development model which could ensure inter-generational equities throughpreservation of the necessary ecological balance. He said that the Committee was visitingsome of the Tier-II Cities to discuss their status on environmental parameters and in thatprocess, the Committee proposed to discuss issues of urban renewal including air, water andnoise pollution, haphazard urbanization, solid waste management, sewerage treatment, etc. inAmritsar–a city which was facing huge environmental challenges.

28. He emphasized that in view of the alarming situation, it was imperative that Govt.officials/law enforcement agencies and all other stakeholders took urgent measures to addressthe situation purposively by fixing a realistic timeframe. He further pointed out thatrepresentatives of civil society organisations/ NGOs keep a close watch on environmentalissues confronting the holy city of Amritsar and vigorously act towards ensuring a clean andhealthy environmental in Amritsar and the surrounding areas.


29. The representatives2 of civil society/NGOs raised a number of issues pertaining to theenvironmental status of Amritsar. Some of the significant and prominent views expressed wereas follows:-

(i) Dr. Balvinder Singh, Social Activist, emphasised on the need for devising aproper and effective Master Plan for the City. He pointed out that there wasnot enough open space/parks for the children to play nor was there any stadiumto organise sports events, etc. in the City. There was absolute lack of parkingspace in the City as a result of which vehicles are parked on the roadside ina haphazard manner giving rise to traffic chaos and air pollution. The groundwater table was going down day by day, but local civic authorities did notbother to create any awareness for rain water harvesting. There was no propersystem for garbage collection. Heaps of debris giving dirty look to the citycould be seen lying here and there. There was, therefore, an urgent need fordeveloping debris handling and recycling facilities in the City. He also pointedout that there was no sewage treatment plant in the City. Local authorities hadbeen giving fake assurances of setting up of sewage treatment plants withoutmaking any allocation for the purpose. While, summing up, he emphasised thata proper and purposive town planning was badly required to address theproblem of pollution in Amritsar.

(ii) The representative of Fortis Hospital submitted that to maintain cleanliness andhygiene in the City, there was an urgent need for providing sufficient numberof dustbins in each and every mohalla of the City. In the absence of thedustbins, people are forced to throw their domestic garbage on roads andstreets. He also laid emphasis on strengthening the mechanism of collection anddisposal of biomedical wastes. He also suggested that the practice of changeof land use needed to be discontinued, so that, no polluting units come upwithin the residential areas.

(iii) The President, Barkat Welfare Society, asserted that diesel run vehicles andthree-wheelers plying in the city were the main contributors to air pollution inthe City. Solid waste disposal and management rules were not beingimplemented due to laxity on the part of the law enforcement agencies. Hedesired that rain water harvesting should be made mandatory for all the newbuildings for recharge of ground water. He opined that mass transport systemneeded to be encouraged so as to discourage people from using their ownprivate vehicles. He was of the view that instead of going for a long-term highcapital intensive mass rapid transport system, Metro-rail Project, the fleet ofCNG buses could be added to the transport system of the City as a short-termmeasure. He was of the view that wide roads were not necessarily required fordoing away with the problem of traffic congestion. What was, in fact, neededwas to regulate the traffic in a more scientific and effective manner. He alsofelt that to make the City neat and clean waste collection and their scientificdisposal was required. He also suggested that to address the environmentalchallenges of the City participation of NGOs and civil society members wasneeded. He pointed out that disposed of animal carcasses at the land fill sites,


transportation of solid waste in open trucks needed to be discouraged. Thepractice of irrigating fields with the untreated sewerage and polluted water, bebanned as such a practice caused contamination of vegetables and agriculturalproducts with heavy metals and other deadly pollutants. People are forced todefecate and urinate in the open mainly because of the fact that public toiletswere filthy. Local municipal authorities should keep the public toilets clean andhygienic so as to encourage people to use it.

(iv) The representative of All India Pingalwara Charitable Society, mainly focused onthe problem of noise pollution and said that there was lack of enforcement ofnorms in this regard. The menace of noise pollution, particularly, during festiveseasons aggravated as it continued till late in the night and sometimes even tillearly in the morning. Running of gensets which are around 16 lakhs in number,when the electricity supply was off not only added to noise but alsoconsiderable air pollution. She emphasised that diesel gensets needed to bereplaced with electric or gas run gensets.

(v) The representative of Conservator of Nature Missionary Khudai Khidmatgaranstated that his organisation had planted approximately 1.22 lakh plants in theCity. Survival rate of these plants go upto the extent of 85 per cent. Hesuggested that more and more trees needed to be planted to check thedeterioration in the environmental condition of the City and also to give a cleanand green look. He proposed that road crossings, particularly, the areas aroundmajor crossings and red lights should be landscaped. Toilets should beconstructed alongwith the footpaths. He also suggested that since theunderground water was contaminated water treatment plants needed to beinstalled.

(vi) The representative of Amritsar Swadeshi Woolen was of the view that anawareness programme to educate all those industries which were dischargingeffluents in the water bodies, needed to be launched so as to discourage themfrom doing so. He also suggested that sludge generated from the industrialunits might be used for making bricks and cement as it did not contain anyhazardous pollutants like heavy metals, etc. To address the challenge posed bythe menace of plastic and polly bags, he also suggested that their collection andrecycling needed to be ensured. He also emphasised on the need of rain waterharvesting. For the successful and effective running of sewage treatmentplants, he suggested that instead of electricity, they should be run on methanegas, which could be harnessed from the treatment of sewage. By doing thisuninterrupted running of sewage treatment plant could be ensured.

(vii) The representative of Voice of Amritsar voiced her concerns by saying that oneof the main reasons for increasing vehicular pollution was encroachment uponmajor part of the city roads upon which hampered smooth flow of traffic. Shewas also of the view that manual sweeping/cleaning of roads was also one ofthe factors contributing to air pollution in the city. In the process of sweeping,micro dust particles get stirred and mixed with air and gradually goes down in


our lungs as we breathe. Thus, dust did not get removed through sweepingrather it gets relocated and resettled. She, therefore, suggested that instead ofmanual cleaning, vacuum cleaning should be introduced. She also pointed outthat gensets were also causing air pollution in the City. To make the city cleanand green, she emphasised on need for planting more trees in the City.

(viii) Dr. Charanjit Singh Gumtala raised the issue of solid waste treatment plantproposed to be setup at Bhagtanwala, Amritsar which was only 1800 metersaway from the Golden Temple. He pointed out that solid waste treatment plantsgenerate a number of pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, particulatematter containing heavy metal compounds and dioxins which were extremelyhazardous for the people leaving around the area. He also informed theCommittee that more than 50,000 residents of the nearby areas had beenprotesting against the dump yard and demanding its shifting but to no avail. Herequested the Committee to undertake a visit to the site for on the spotassessment.

(ix) The representative of Amritsar Vikas Manch drew attention of the Committee touranium content (carcinogenic element) beyond the prescribed limit inunderground water of Amritsar. He quoted a newsitem in which it was reportedthat 87 out of 142 potable water samples collected from various parts of theCity contained more Uranium elements than the prescribed limit. Out of the 87samples, 19 had uranium content of more than 60 micrograms per liter, while58 samples, uranium content of 30 to 60 micrograms per liter. The permissiblelimit of uranium content was 30 to 60 microgram per liter as per the AtomicEnergy Regulatory Board of India, while the WHO limit of uranium content wasfrom 15 to 30 micrograms.

(x) The representative of Department of Botanical & Environmental Sciencesinformed the Committee that the proposal of Municipal Corporation to setupsewerage treatment plants was only on paper and no substantial work on theground had been undertaken. Further, Municipal Corporation had not conductedany pilot study to check the efficiency of the proposed sewerage treatmentplant. He was of the view that it was impossible to treat BOD (organic matter)in the milligram level when industries were discharging effluents in kilograms.To buttress his claim, he stated that the sewerage treatment plants at Ludhianawere not able to achieve the desired efficiency due to mixing of industrial wastewith the sewerage. He also raised his concern on the setting up of solid wastemanagement plant at Bhagtanwala where solid wastes including animal carcasseswere being dumped in most unscientific manner.

(xi) The representative of the Joint Agitation Committee (Regd.), Amritsar raised theissue of dumping of municipal solid waste at Bhagtanwala dump site which wassurrounded by residential areas and grain market and a proposed solid wastemanagement plant at the location. He informed the Committee that lakhs ofmetric tonnes of solid waste was lying in the open which was causing diseasesin the nearby colonies. He opined that with the completion of the proposed


municipal solid waste management plant, apart from the Golden Temple, severalother holy places like Gurudwara Santokh Sar, Durgiana Temple, GurudwaraBibeksar, Ram Bagh Church, Town Hall Masjid, Jama Masjid and other heritagesites like Jaliyanwala Bagh, Quila Govindgarh and other would be adverselyaffected.

(xii) The representative of Pollution Control Committee while expressing his viewsthrough power point presentation, stated that there was no sewerage treatmentplant nor any solid waste management facility in the City. He also said thatthere was lack of proper system of collection and disposal of used batteries andelectric wastes; non-implementation of plastic waste management rules, trafficcongestion, encroachment on roads and public places, absence of carcassutilisation centre for dead animals; unscientific slaughtering of sheep and goats,etc. These were some of the issues adding to the environmental challenges ofthe City. With regards to water pollution, he informed the Committee that thethree storm water open drains maintained by Drainage Deptt., namely, TungDhala Drain, City Outfall Drain and Chabba Drain which fell in River Ravi,through Hudiara Drain, were carrying untreated municipal and industrial sewagewhich was badly affecting underground water quality. Contamination of waterwas getting manifested in a number of ways. Vegetables had been found tocontain heavy metals; water having uranium content and soil upto 1 feet depthcontained heavy metals, etc. as per a study conducted by Guru Nanak DevUniversity.

30. The next meeting of the Committee was held with representives of Government bodiesand local authorities.

31. The Chairman, while welcoming the Secretary, Science & Technology and Environment,the Principal Secretaries, Punjab Urban Planning and Development Authority, Housing andUrban Development, Govt. of Punjab, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Amritsar;Chairman and Member Secretary, Punjab Pollution Control Board, representatives of UnionMinistry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and other officials to the meeting,highlighted that in view of the alarming situation that confronted Amritsar, all responsibleauthorities and stakeholders ought to make collective endeavours and take the needed measuresto address the situation urgently and purposively, within a given time frame. He further statedthat the Committee was informed in the morning session by civil society members/ NGOs thatthe main contributors of pollution in Amritsar were industries, hospitals, municipal solid waste,plastic waste, vehicular pollution, etc. Untreated municipal sewerage was being discharged intothe water bodies. Municipal solid waste was being dumped in the open at a land fill site whichwas located in a residential area. Hazardous wastes and animal carcasses were also beingdumped at the land fill site. He asked Govt. officials to apprise the Committee of the varioussteps taken by different agencies to address these environmental issues. He also asked theauthorities to inform the Committee of the manner in which the Committee could help theauthorities in their endeavours to improve the environmental parameters of the City of Amritsar.

32. The Secretary, Science & Technology and Environment made a PowerPoint presentationon the sources of various types of pollution in Amritsar and the efforts made by various Govt.


Authorities/ Bodies to mitigate them. The Committee was informed that the sectorscontributing to environment pollution in Amritsar were mainly industries and urban local bodies,i.e., Municipal Corporation of Amritsar and the biomedical wastes generated by healthcarefacilities. The Committee was informed that in Amritsar, there were mainly two types ofindustries – (i) Textile dyeing industries and (ii) Electroplating industries. Out of the 35 dyeingindustries, 11 had upgraded their effluent treatment plants; 8 units had completed 90 per centand 16 units 50 per cent of the upgradation work. All the 37 medium and small-scaleelectroplating industries had joined the common effluent treatment plant setup at phase VIIIFocal point Ludhiana.

33. He further added that Amritsar generated about 217 MLD of domestic waste water butadmitted that presently there was no sewage treatment plant operational to treat the wastewater. However, 3 sewage treatment plant had been proposed to be setup at 3 differentlocations with a total installed capacity of 217.5 MLD. Work on two treatment plants of 95MLD capacity each with Activated Sludge Process Technology (ASPT) funded by JapanInternational Cooperation Agency (JICA) was in progress. For the third STPs of 27.5 MLDcapacity with sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology works have been tendered. Thetotal cost of the entire project was Rs. 160 crore.

34. With respect to the municipal solid waste, the Secretary informed the Committee thatabout 655 metric tonnes, solid waste was generated per day in the jurisdiction of MunicipalCorporation of Amritsar. An action plan had been initiated for segregation and collection ofwaste. So far as the disposal of municipal solid waste was concerned, it was informed thatpresently the Municipal Corporation was dumping the municipal solid waste at a new site, i.e.,Village Fatahpur, Chabhal Road, Amritsar and not at Bhagtanwala.

35. As regarding Bio-Medical Waste Management, the Committee was informed by PunjabPollution Control Board that the Board had checked 69 Health Care Facilities (HCFs) out ofwhich 61 HCFs were found complying with Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling)Rules, 1998. Action had been initiated against the 05 HCFs and Bank guarantees as anassurances have been deposited by these HCFs and action was under process against 03 HCFs.In addition to above, the Board held also initiated legal action by way of launching prosecutionagainst 08 violating HCFs in the calendar year 2014.

36. There were two air quality monitoring stations in Amritsar installed under National AirQuality Monitoring Programme. As per the ambient air quality data, with respect to SO2 andNO2, the pollution level had been found to be within the national ambient air quality standardsduring the last 3 years, i.e., 2011-12 and 2013, except the PM10 level which had also showna declining trend during the above period. From 2010 in 2011, PM10 level came down to 202in 2012 and 180 in 2013. So far as, air pollution control measures were concerned all thelarge-scale units have installed air pollution control devises for controlling their emissions.

37. The Committee was further informed that a Solid Waste Management Plant for Amritsarwas in the process of being setup and it was expected to be completed by the end of 2016.The Chairman desired that Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Amritsar must ensure that thesolid waste management plant was installed within the given timeframe. The Committee alsodesired that the grievances of the residents against the land fill site at Bhagtanwala needed tobe sympathetically looked into by the local authorities, so as to arrive at an amicable solution.


38. In response to a query regarding noise pollution, the Committee was informed that thePunjab Pollution Control Board had monitored 06 nos. marriage palaces situated at Village -Khassa on National Highway-1 leading to Attari. During a visit, the noise generated from thesemarriage palaces were found beyond the prescribed limits laid down under Noise PollutionControl Rules, 2000. Accordingly, these marriage palaces were heard by the SeniorEnvironmental Engineer of the Board wherein it was decided that the marriage palaces shallensure that the contribution of noise from the marriage palace would not increase beyondpermissible limits prescribed for the area. The Committee also desired that DeputyCommissioner, Amritsar ensure that noise pollution norms were strictly enforced.

39. The Department of Atomic Energy made a presentation on the waste treatment plantdeveloped by Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. The Committee was informed that theNISARGRUNA Technology has been developed for the urban and rural waste management,energy conservation, better environment and restoration of soil fertility. The technology offersa comprehensive solution for handling the biodegradable waste materials. The process involvescombination of aerobic and anaerobic degradation of the biodegradable waste materials. Theaerobic phase is aided by the addition of hot water to support the growth of efficientthermophilic and thermoduric microbes. The anaerobic phase results in formation of biogasand organic manure, which can help in obtaining the self rest inability of the project. The firststep of the NISARGRUNA Technology involves the processing of waste before putting it intoa predigester tank. The waste is then converted into slurry in the predigester tank. This helpsin first stage of methanogenesis viz. hydrolysis. There will be no scum formation and noclogging. The next stage involves use of thermophilic/thermoduric microbes for fasterdegradation of the waste which is assured by mixing the waster with hot waste andmaintaining the temperature between 45-50o C. The hot water supply is from a solar heater.In all these phases, the main objective is to digest proteins and low molecular weightcarbohydrates to produce volatile fatty acids.

40. After the predigester tank, the slurry enters the main tank where it undergoes mainlyanaerobic degradation by a consortium of archaebactria. The biogas is generated, separatingout water in an underground tank and also a finely divided power gets settled in the tank andafter a month, high quality manure can be dug out from the settling tanks.

41. Thus, technology offered by Department of Atomic Energy, Nisargruna helps in:-

(1) Decentralized processing of biodegradable waste

(2) Achieving the dream of zero garbage and zero effluent

(3) Reduction in transportation costs

(4) Maintenance of biogeochemical elemental cycles

(5) Generation of by-products which can give financial support and motivation forthe operators

(6) Employment generation in lower economic strata of society

(7) Reduction dumping yard menace


(8) Quality improvement in dry waste as the wet and degradable portion is removedfrom that

(9) Benefits in carbon credits

(10) Benefits in health sector.

42. The Committee recommends that to mitigate the pollution of Amritsar, action onfollowing points be taken immediately under intimation to the CPCB and theCommittee:

(i) The Department of Local Government and Department of Transport mustlook into the issues namely disposal and transportation of carcasses ofslaughtered animals, disposal of municipal solid waste, enforcementsystem to implement the rainwater harvesting mechanism in theconstruction projects.

(ii) Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar must ensure that the Noise PollutionControl Rules, 2000 are implemented effectively.

(iii) Interaction of Municipal and other authorities with NGO’s and other stakeholders regularly is needed to have not only better understanding of theissues for their better solution. The Department of Science, Technology &Environment must take lead on the issue by constituting the DC’sCommittees with NGOs/Civil Society participation under the Chairmanshipof concerned DCs.

(iv) In house treatment of Municipal Solid Waste must be encouraged as itwill produce methane gas to use in the household kitchens for cookingpurposes. A pilot study needs to be initiated by the Department of LocalGovernment for having a demonstrative effect for others.

[The Committee was informed that the PPCB has encouraged an industryto produce the Bio-Gas & Bio-Fertilizers by using Cow dung, PoultryLitters etc. and has granted consent to establish (NOC) to M/s WadalaEnergies, Village-Wadala Bhittewad, Distt-Amritsar to produce the Bio-Gas@ 2,400 KLD & Bio-Fertilizers @ 56,00 LKD. The industry is inconstruction phase and soon it will be commissioned.]

(v) The transport authorities of the district must ensure that the auto-rickshaws to be operated on CNG based fuel and their routes must befixed and not allowed to stop anywhere on the road except prescribedstoppages.

(vi) The use of high sound pressure horns by the vehicles, causing noisepollution, running in the city, must be prohibited and prohibition must beenforced directly.

[In response, the Committee has been informed that the District TransportOfficer, Amritsar and Traffic Police, Amritsar had challaned owners of 1093and 199 vehicles respectively for using pressure horns during 2014-15]


(vii) The municipal solid waste generated by the marriage palaces must bedisposed off in an environmentally sound manner.

[The Committee has been informed that in the harvest season, there is verylimited nos. of marriages/functions organized in the Marriage Palaces atdifferent times. No complaint was received regarding mismanaged disposal ofMunicipal Solid Waste generated by the Marriage Palaces. The Punjab PollutionControl Board regularly keeping strict vigil that Marriage Palaces not to disposetheir Municipal Solid Wastes in an unsound environmentally manner.

(viii) A drive may be started to plant more trees along road side and in vacantplaces to make the city green and clean.

(ix) Proper fencing may be provided around the Municipal Solid Wastedumping site to avoid the entry of stray animals.

(x) The cremation grounds existing within the city should as far as possiblebe shifted outside to reduce pollution generated from it.

(xi) No D.J. System and loudspeakers be allowed after 10 p.m., which causesnoise pollution in the locality.

(xii) The sewage treatment plants installed by MES and other EducationalInstitutions must be operated efficiently.

[In response, the Committee has been provided the details of functioning ofSTPs installed by the MES and Educational Institute which are as under:-

S.No. Name & Address Date of Domestic ResultsEffluent

1 . Guru Nanak Dev University, 4/12/2014 Within limitsG.T. Road, Amritsar

2 . Garrison Engineers, Amritsar 9/12/2014 Within limitsCantt (Old), Amritsar

3 . Garrison Engineers (NAMS), 9/12/2014 Within limitsKhasa Cantt, Chheharta, Amritsar

The Committee was also informed that the outlet of these STPs towards theTung Dhab Drain have been got permanently plugged and at present there is nodischarge in to drain.]

(xiii) In the walled city of Amritsar, the electricity operated three wheelers maybe allowed and vehicles running without pollution control certificatemust be challaned.

(xiv) Bio Medical Waste must be properly handled and disposed of in anenvironmentally sound manner.


(xv) The huge amount of debris generated by construction activities in thecities must be disposed off effectively in an environmentally soundmanner. Concerned Municipal Corporation must deploy adequate trucksto clear the debris from the construction sites considering that debris ismain pollutant of the air we breathe.

(xvi) Rain water harvesting projects must be implemented to conserve thewater.

(xvii) For executing the work of STP in Amritsar, the assistance for fundingmust be given by the Central Government or by the internationalagencies. State Government should approach the Central Government fornecessary funds for the purpose.

(xviii) A Pilot study may be carried out to use plastic waste for the constructionof roads in the city.


1. The Committee suggests that the viability of covering the 14 Km. stretch ofBuddha Nallah within Ludhiana City may be explored so as to build a road on it. Itmight save the citizens of the City from health hazards posed by the highly pollutedNallah and also the possibility of dumping of filth, garbage, etc. into the Nallah couldbe obviated. The Committee was informed that Master Plan Ludhiana 2021, was finalisedin 2007 and the same was in the process of being reviewed. (Para 18)

2 . The Committee recommends that the local/municipal authorities carry out acomprehensive survey and identify encroachments on public land so that, encroachmentscould be removed to make way for open spaces in accordance with the Master Plan.Open spaces in the form of parks & play grounds need to be developed for the benefitof the elderly and for the Children. It is of the view that all the District authoritiesshould promote and encourage interaction and engagement of the Govt. authorities withthe civil society/NGOs on pollution mitigation measures. (Para 19)

3 . The Committee recommends that the proposed DPR be prepared/approved withinthe given timeframe and steps be taken on priority to complete the projectexpeditiously. The outlets carrying untreated sewage and falling into Buddha Nallahmust be closed or discharge be treated in a time bound manner and an Action TakenReport be submitted to the Committee. Time was of the essence in this regard andpending the use of additional STP’s etc., immediate action regarding the covering ofNallah, developing green belts and vigorous enforcement of norms by the PPCB fordischarge of waste & dumping of garbage in the Nallah must be undertaken immediatelyunder intimation to the Committees within one month. (Para 21)

4 . The Committee feels that shifting of dairies may not be a viable solution of thepollution caused by these dairies. It is hoped that the proposal to install an STP hassince been submitted. The Committee would like to know whether DPR has since beenapproved and what further steps have been initiated by the State/Municipal Authority.towards the actual operationalisation of the STPs. The Committee would like to beinformed about the date of installation of the plants and the award of work under therespective procedures for the aforesaid purpose. (Para 25)

5 . The Committee recommends that land should be developed and made availableexpeditiously for relocation of tiny/small scale electroplating industries operating in thenon designated area of Ludhiana. The Committee would like a time frame to be fixedfor the purpose under intimation to the Committee. This may be done within threemonths. Non designated area of Ludhiana. The Committee would like a time frame tobe fixed for the purpose under intimation to the Committee. This may be done withinthree months. (Para 25.2)


6. In order to prevent throwing/dumping of waste into the canal/river, thecommittee feels that there should be a railing of suitable height on each bridge as wellas along the sides of the canal/river within the city reach. There could also be a waterenclosed mess for puja material so that it should not go in the canal/river. From thismess, the waste puja material can be shifted to waste disposal plant. There should bea provision of imposing heavy fine for throwing garbage/plastic bags in canals/rivers,which should be actively and purposively enforced. (Para 25.3)

7. The Committee feels that for effective implementation of a ban on burning ofpaddy. Govt. should launch a massive awareness campaign amongst farmers andincentives should be given to them for collection of paddy straw at one place orpromoting its alternative use. In this respect, the Committee was informed that thefarmers are made aware regarding the preparation of compost/organic manure from thefarm waste. Every year two camps are organized at District Block and Village Level inorder to educate the farmers regarding the ill effects of stubble burning and to promotenew techniques like happy seeder, zero till drill machines. Apparently, much more needsto be done. A detailed plan should be submitted in this regard to the CPCB and theCommittee. (Para 25.4)

8 . The Committee feels that there is need to encourage people to use ,jute bagsinstead of plastic bags for carrying vegetables/household items from the market. TheCommittee is of .the view that the farmers should be made aware regarding thepreparation of compost/organic manure from the farm waste. Every year two camps areorganized at District Block and Village Level in order to educate the farmersregarding the ill effects of stubble burning and to promote new techniques like happyseeder, zero t i l l dri l l machines. The rain water harvesting system should beencouraged. (Para 25.6)

9 . Besides this, the Committee recommends that (i) Parking areas as well as noparking zones in the city should the earmarked. Tube pressure horn in automobilesshould be banned; (ii) Municipal Corporation should start a project through whichcorporate bodies can be encouraged along with Municipal Authorities to develop vacantland for landscaping of Ludhiana; (iii) Emphasis should be laid on exploring thepossibility of using STP sludge as manure and to produce gas; and (iv) Provision shouldbe made for providing funds to the special purpose vehicle to install CETPs fortreatment of effluent from the industries of the States, whose water supply schemes arebased on river/canal water. Specific action with respect to these measures I should bedecided upon at the earliest under intimation to the Committee. (Para 25.7)

10. The Committee recommends that to mitigate the pollution of Amritsar, action onfollowing points be taken immediately under intimation to the CPCB and theCommittee:

(i) The Department of Local Government and Department of Transport mustlook into the issues namely disposal and transportation of carcasses ofslaughtered animals, disposal of municipal solid waste, enforcementsystem to implement the rainwater harvesting mechanism in theconstruction projects.



(ii) Deputy Commissioner, Amritsar must ensure that the Noise PollutionControl Rules, 2000 are implemented effectively.

(iii) Interaction of Municipal and other authorities with NGO’s and other stakeholders regularly is needed to have not only better understanding of theissues for their better solution. The Department of Science, Technology &Environment must take lead on the issue by constituting the DC’sCommittees with NGOs/Civil Society participation under the Chairmanshipof concerned DCs.

(iv) In house treatment of Municipal Solid Waste must be encouraged as itwill produce methane gas to use in the household kitchens for cookingpurposes. A pilot study needs to be initiated by the Department of LocalGovernment for having a demonstrative effect for others.

(v) The transport authorities of the district must ensure that the auto-rickshaws to be operated on CNG based fuel and their routes must befixed and not allowed to stop anywhere on the road except prescribedstoppages.

(vi) The use of high sound pressure horns by the vehicles, causing noisepollution, running in the city, must be prohibited and prohibition must beenforced directly.

(vii) The municipal solid waste generated by the marriage palaces must bedisposed off in an environmentally sound manner.

(viii) A drive may be started to plant more trees along road side and in vacantplaces to make the city green and clean.

(ix) Proper fencing may be provided around the Municipal Solid Wastedumping site to avoid the entry of stray animals.

(x) The cremation grounds existing within the city should as far as possiblebe shifted outside to reduce pollution generated from it.

(xi) I No D.J. System and loudspeakers be allowed after 10 p.m., which causesnoise pollution in the locality.

(xii) The sewage treatment plants installed by MES and other EducationalInstitutions must be operated efficiently.

(xiii) In the walled city of Amritsar, the electricity operated three wheelers maybe allowed and vehicles running without pollution control certificate mustbe challaned.

(xiv) Bio Medical Waste must be properly handled and disposed of in anenvironmentally sound manner.

(xv) The huge amount of debris generated by construction activities in thecities must be disposed off effectively in an environmentally sound


manner. Concerned Municipal Corporation must deploy adequate trucks toclear the debris from the construction sites considering that debris ismain pollutant of the air we breathe.

(xvi) Rain water harvesting projects must be implemented to conservethe water.

(xvii) For executing the work of STP in Amritsar, the assistance for fundingmust be given by the Central Government or by the internationalagencies. State Government should approach the Central Government fornecessary funds for the purpose.

(xviii) A Pilot study may be carried out to use plastic waste for the constructionof roads in the city. (Para 42)



The Committee met at 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, the 24th June 2015 in Room No.139,First Floor, Parliament House Annexe, New Delhi.


1. Ashwani Kumar - Chairman


2. Shri Prem Chand Gupta

3 . Shri C.P. Narayanan

4. Shri Arvind Kumar Singh

5. Shri Bhupinder Singh

6. Shrimati Bimla Kashyap Sood

7. Shri Ronald Sapa Tlau


8. Shri Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan

9. Kum. Sushmita Dev

10. Shri Ninong Ering

11. Shri Laxman Giluwa

12. Shri Daddan Mishra

13. Shri Nagendra Kumar Pradhan

14. Shri Harinarayan Rajbhar

15. Shri Nagendra Singh

16. Shrimati Renuka Sinha


Shri M.K. Khan, Joint Secretary

Shri Rohtas, Director

Shri V.S.P. Singh, Joint Director

Shri Rajiv Saxena, Assistant Director


*** Relate to other matters.

Representatives of Ministrv of Environment, Forest & Climate Change

1. Shri Ashok Lavasa, Secretary

2. Shri S.S. Garbyal, Director-General (Forests) & Special Secretary

3. Dr. S.S. Negi, Additional Director-General (FC)

4. Shri M.S. Negi, Inspector-General Forest (FC)

5. Shri B.K. Singh, Director

6 . Shri H.C. Chaudhary, Director

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17. Theeafter, the Committee, considered the draft 261st Reort on ‘Pollution in Tier-II Citiesof Punjab-Ludhiana and mritsar’, and adopted the same.

18. * * *

19. A verbatim record of the proceeding was kept.

20. The meeting of the Committee aduourned at 12.45 P.M.




Representatives of Civil Society Organizations/NGOs at Ludhiana

1. Shri Joginder Kumar, President, The Ludhiana Electroplaters Association

2. Shri Tanveer Singh Dhaliwal, Councillor & Smt. Neelam Sodhi, PEHAL-The Beginning

3. Shri Sanjay Goel, Chairman & Shri Rakesh Tagri, Indian Institute of Architect,Ludhiana Centre

4 . Shri Krishan Lal Malik and Maj. S.S. Aulakh, Bharat Jan Gyan Morcha

5. Shri Amanpreet Singh Arora, President, Rotary Club, Greater Ludhiana

6. Shri Rahul Verma, Sambhav Foundation;

7 . Shrimati Baljeet Kaur, VMAD

8. Shri Arvind Goel, Aggar Nagar, Ludhiana

9. Shri Ayush Jain, Social Activist, Ludhiana



Representatives of Civil Society Organizations/NGOs at Amritsar

1. Dr. Balvinder Singh, Social Activist

2 . Dr. M.P. Singh, Fortis Hospital, Amritsar

3 . Shri Randeep Singh Kohli, President, Barkat Welfare Society

4 . Dr. Inderjit Kaur, All India Pingalwara Charitable Society

5 . Shri P.S. Bhatti, Conservator of Nature Missionary Khudai Khidmatgaran

6. Mr. Sachin Khanna, Amritsar Swadeshi Woolen

7. Shrimati Indu Arora, Voice of Amritsar

8 . Dr. Charanjit Singh Gumatala

9 . Shri Kulwant Singh Ankhi, Amritsar Vikas Manch

10. Shri Manpreet S. Bhatti, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Botanical & EnvironmentalSciences

11 Shri Sandeep Kurl, Joint Action Committee

12. Shri Prabhdial Singh Randhawa, Pollution Control Committee



(Incorporated Under Companies Act, 1956)

President Off.: 2678881. Secretary Off.: 2532224Resi.: 2432327, Resi.: 2503321Mobile: 9915083800 Mobile: 9915646790

Reqd. Office:E-312 Phase IV-A, Focal Point,Ludhiana

lEA/LDH/103/15 DATE: 09.02.2015Shri M.K KhanJoint Secretary,Rajya SabhaSecretariat,New Delhi.

Reg: Visit of Parliamentary Standing Committee of Ministry of Environment and Forest.

Dear Sir,

We have been given to understand that Parliamentary Standing Committee is visiting ludhianaon 13.02.2015.

We have to inform you that Our Association, registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956,since 1966 is the only stakeholder of electroplating industry in Punjab.

The Association has been effectively taking up. various issues’with PPCB since, 1985 and hadorganized various seminars with PPCB. .

Common Effluent Treatment Plant for Electroplating industries was setup by PSIEC in 2004-05, which can’t be operationlised.

The Association was directed by Principal Secretary Industries and Commerce Punjab, in Sept,2006 to operationalise CETP. It took it as a challenge and SPV in the name ot LudhianaEffluent Treatment Society was registered in Dec, 2006. The undersigned was nominated as‘F’Qunder’CEO along with 5 other Directors.

The operator took over CETP ‘on as and where condition’ o’n 1-06-2007, which was notmeant for electroplating industries. The addition’al equipments were installed and parameters ofPPCB were met with barring TDS in Dec, 2007. TDS was achieved in Dec, 2008. Zerd liquiddischarge was achieved on 31-03-2~109 by installing RO System with Multiple evaporatorsystem, which is unique and first of its kind in India.

We seek Appointrnent with the Committee.

An early action in matter shall highly be appreciated.

Thanking You;Yours Faithfully,(Joginder Kumar)






Pollution (Industry Vehicles, Autos Etc.)

Water Pollution (Industry, Buddha Nallah)

Noise Pollution (Traffic Congestion, Industry Ete.)

Traffic Congestion (More Vehicles, Less Roads Encrochments)

Unplanned Everything

Very Poor Implementation of Building Bye Laws

Location and Less Number of Bus Stands

Congested and Outdated Railway Station

Congested and Outdat D Airport

Poor Planning of Proposed Metro

No Proper Local Transport So Far

Not Sufficient Open Recreational Spaces

Nq Ring Road In Last 20 Years

City Still Not Railway Crossings Free

Haphazard Growth All Around

Proper Network of Water Supply and Sewerage Missing

City Centre Hanging for Last 20 Years

Single Flyover Still Not Complete in 20 Years (Lakkad Pul)

Underpasses Not Properly Planned and in Use At Many Places

Poor Designsof in Use Elevated Roads, Flyover Ete.

Poor Rain Water Disposal System

Losing Green Cover Daily

Very Poor Layout of Electric Poles,’ Cabtes, Transformers Ete.

Budhha Nullah: Most Serious Health Problem Reason

Encroachments Everywhere

Political Interference Too Missing

No Free Hand To Town Planners, Architects Ete.

So Many Implementing Agencies...................Why? No Coordination!



First of All, Ludhiana Must Have Excellent Future Master Plan Atleast Upto 2050-2060Free From Political Interference.

Local Architects From Iia Must Be Taken Into Local Bodies for Better Decission.

Ludhiana Must Have Single Development Agency (Llke Delhi-DDA) Like LudhianaDevelopment Authority-LDA Instead of So Many Existing Agencies Like Lmc, Glada,Puda, LIT Housefed


Dear Sir/s,

It gives me immense pleasure and pride to introduce to you Sambhav, an NGO workingtowards improving the quality of life of people of Ludhiana. But before I put before you allthe details about Sambhav and its various Objectives, let me thank you all for taking out timefrom your busy schedule to learn more about Sandbhav and the many causes it has pledgeditself to.


Sambhav is a non government organization committed towards making a positivedifference in the lives of people of Ludhiana. With the motto -‘We own our city and we willbe responsible for its uplift’ we have been running this organization for fifteen years now,undertaking philanthropic activities across the city of Ludhiana.

Sambhav is a professionally run, registered NGO, and includes in its governing bodyprominent city residents who are devoted to public service. We arc a non-political, non-religious organization and take pride in our not-for-profit work ethics and transparentfunctioning.


> Project Earth Hour. Plantation Drive

One of the major problems that plague the city of Ludhiana is pollution. Owing to itbeing an industrial hub, the city residents are perpetually bogged down by health issues arisingout of pollution. To tackle this menace, we initiated Project Earth Hour Plantation Drive lastyear. Under this project, on 20th July 2014, over I lakh tree saplings were planted across thecity in one hour, a feat that was also an attempt at creating a world record. The whole citycame forward to be a part of this initiative, with educational institutions, corporate bodiesand.government organizations too pitching in with overwhelming support.

By the end of the drive, we were successful in planting over 1,85,000 trees, which initself was a world record. I must mention here that the project also kept in consideration thepost plantation requirements such as irrigation facilities and assigning people to tend to the newsaplings.


> Project Hum Banenge Crorepati

The successful execution of the Project Earth Hour Plantation Drive has now inspiredand motivated us to go a step further and dream of planting more trees this year. And toachieve this dream, we are working on another project — Earth Hour Plantation Drive 2015:Hum Banenge Crorepati. As the project name suggests, we aspire to plant 1 crore trees all overPunjab.

The day chosen to execute this project is 19th July 2015. On this day, the entire state ofPunjab will come together to help make the state a greener and thus a cleaner place to livein. The state denizens are looking forward to the day and I must add, this project is alreadyinspiring them to contribute their bit to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swachh Bharatmission.

Taming the Traffic Snarl

Sambhav is also actively involved in tackling traffic snarl issues in the city and therebyhelping in control pollution caused by traffic. One of our major initiatives in this regardincluded closure of unwanted road medians and repositioning of telephone and electric poles.Sambhav also played a significant role in Jagraon Bridge Traffic Decongestion, wherein thebridge has now transformed into a no-stop intersection with the help of Traffic Police,Ludhiana. Our volunteers now regularly man this crossing to ensure smooth flow of traffic.

Project Clean Buddha Darya

Budha Darya, unfortunately now known as Budha Nullah is our other major concern,which once was an asset to the city, but is now source of public nuisance and poses a serioushealth hazard. Untreated domestic and industrial sewerage of the city is emptied into BuddhaDarya. The darya, in turn, empties into the mighty Sutlej flowing nearby, which depicts thatBuddha darya is a health hazard for the people of Ludhiana, but also to the bordering townsand villages on the banks of river Sutlej.

While the untreated water flowing from various industries is one of the sources ofpollution in the darya.

Besides, unchecked diversion of sewerage water and solid plastic waste has added tothe darya’s pollution woes. Dairies and butcheries operating along the darya too have beenthrowing their waste into the dary.

To tackle the domestic wastage into the daryaa sewage treatment plants (STP) havebeen set up at Bhattiyan, Balloke and Jamalpur in Ludhiana. STPs are now being enhanced soas to cater to escalating rate of domestic wastage in the city.

It is pertinent to mention here that and adequate amount of untreated sewage, whichhas not yet been linked to STP’s is directly flowing into the stream, rather it should go throughSTP only.

The dyeing industries are located in the following clusters: Focal Point, Tajpura Road,Bahadur Road and scattered areas and they are setting up new CETP’s to treat industrialeffluents.

Sambhav Foundation, SCO 31F, 1st Floor, Above Quiznos, BRS Nagar Market, Behind OrientCinema, Ludhiana, Punjab, India 141001

Common Effluent Treatment Plant has been set up in Focal point, phase 8 to treat thedischarge of toxic chemical released by the electroplating industries but there are somespattered indtlstI1es wretch are still not linked to CETP. Various units located in inner partsof the city, need to be relocated with new CETP.

To deal with untreated domestic and industrial sewerage effectively, some more CETP”sand STP’s are being installed which requires government funding and monitoring. Anemergency planning should also be done to eradicate dairy waste from the stream. If all thearrangements will be conducted efficaciously, Buddha darya can be pollution free within theSpan of 2 years and it can again be removed from the tag of “bane in the city”

The central government and the state government should set up a nodal agency tofacilitate dyeing industries, Electroplating industries and Municipal Corporation f0f funds andtechnology both.


Number of pending & projects in Ludhiana are leading to increase in traffic chaos andpollution woes as well. It is unfortunate to say that one of the to say that one of the project“Lakkar Bridge” took 14 years to complete and still some portion of it is on board.

Work on NHl, was clogged up from last 3 years is now in continuance but at a slowerpace. Dust caused to delayed constructions is hiking air pollution in the city and adjoiningareas.

It is also to bring to your notice that honorable Punjab and Haryana High issued orderto not to permit diesel powered auto-rikshaws with registration numbers of Ludhiana andhaving permit of Samrala, Khanna, Jagraon, are being driven in our city, even after the year209. This again contributes to more of air pollution in the city.

It is nothing to blame on auto-riskshaw drivers for this act, as government itself hasalso failed to provide with-LPG/CNG’s filling stations in. the city. So, to encourageenvironment friendly auto rikshaws, proper installation of LPG/CNG filling stations should bedone.

Sambhav Foundations.Rahul Verma



Myself Baljeet Kaur, Vmad

Making a difference a training Organisation of Leadership Skills, Life skills for youngsters andwomen. Last year on 20th July 2014 we planted 1 lakh plants in one ho are with SAMBHAV.N.GO. This year we are going to plant 1 crore plants in Punjab. Here are some Ideas I wantto share about pollution and Environment.

1975- A law was passed that No Farmer can such the waste of “JHONA-Rice” which actuallyburns nutrients of the land and then to regain it farmers we “POTASH” and other chemicals.So a strict action is required as it is polluting health of the humanity. we as a N.G.O. are readyto support Administration for this cause.

Pollution Control deptt. Should declare their annual targets of pollution in the City and thenthey should work with conerned N.G.O’s and Create visible results we should never forget the“Power of declaration and tan work.”

There should be a fund which can be used to aware and educate our youngsters aboutEnvironment so that we can create better entrepreneurs.

There is a gabage at every draw when there is rain, It gets mixed and gets into soil whichcreates sole pollution.

I take the opportunity to forwad your attention towards the use of polythins. It adding thegabage like anything. I suggest Govt. should talk the strict actions and should baan It. Punjabis Suffering with “Shortage of water” Its water level is getting low and low day by day. weshould take the strict action for taps which are placed on road, which are running all the timeand people. Who are washing cars should be punished.

Training of sweepers is very much required.

Thank you


Baljeet Kaur

Director Vmad.Trustee Sambhav.


The Chairman Sahib,

Dear Sir,

Ludhiana is Among the 10most Polluted Cities in the World. Thanks to MCL’, Who With theHelp of PPCB is Contributing to Enhance Pollution Levels in Ludhiana.

Example is the case of solid waste dumping Site, Jamalpur Attajpur road Ludhiana Ministry ofEnvoirment, forests and climate control. New Delhi has issued environmental clearance forsetting up of solid waste fv1anagement facility at Jabalpur Ludhiana to melon 31 an 2013.[Copy Attached]’. All rules being not followed are highlighted.

In this Regard I want to tell you that MCL got this clearance certificate by Misleading MinistryCDF environment and till date also they are not following rules. This going on with the helpof PPCB.

I am giving written complaints to PPCB in this regard [Copies attached but they are not takingany action against MCL MCL is giving PPCB Fake reports of following rules at dumping siteand PPCB is accepting such reports. Instead PPCB Should Look after such violations at therelevel and take strict action against MCL when contacted personally with PPCB officials, theyasked me where to dump the sold waste.

I Strongly recommend you to please look into the matter and send some centeral team toconduct a inquiry in this regard.

Following are some rules not being followed.

1 . No 30 Meter side green bet is provided all along the boundry of site let thegreen belt on one side, even boundrywall has not been made.

2 . According to rules a dumping site should be minimum 20 kms away from anyairport. But this site is 10 kms from Ludhiana airport at sahnewal anymishapening happens due to birds flying will be sole responsibility of mal ans

3 . All the waste should be covered at the end of each working day with minimum10 cm of soil. This has never been done. But in report this rule is beingfollowed. (copy of annual report submitted my MCL to PPCB attached:)

You are requested to please save. Common people of ludhiana from mence ofpollution and recommend strict action against guilty officials who are not doingtheir duty and making fake reports and accepting such reports. PLS intimate mein thia regard.

I shall be very thankful to you.

Yours Sincerely

Arvind Goel



The Hon’ble Chairman,Parliamentary Committee for Environment, New Delhi.

Stlb: Representation for the Environmental Projects held up due to delay - Central Assistance.

Dear Sir,

Most respectfully it is submitted that we have heard that you are here along with the teammembers to eradicate the so called “Urban Decay” from our city as well as to improve thesanitation of the urban areas. In Ldhiana the total urban infrastructure including seweragedisposal, solid waste management, sanitation and roads are in state of collapse. At the top ofall is the management of effluents of maltreatment and dyeing, effluent treatment, which ispolluting the water bodies and the ground cuter as a who’e and cal1singh? voc. We are tryingto take a little step towards the handling and treatment of dyeing effluents being 9ischargedat the Baliadurke Road dyeing industrial cluster. It is submitted as under:

1 . That we are Bahadur ke Textile and Knitwear Association, Ludhiana. We have formeda SPV for bringing up neat and clean Ludhiana.

2 . That we are bringing up a prestigious project by setting up of 15 MID CommonEffluent Treatment Plant with Zero Liquid Discharge system with 10 MW co-generationcaptive power plant with steam distribution system.

3 . That-the total project cost is Rs.148.86 crores.4 . That this project is for treatment of effluent of dyeing industries and will recycle the

treated water thus will save ground water upto 85% of the present quantity. 5. That we have applied for loan component of Rs. 108 crores from consortium of banks

viz. State Bank of Patiala as lead bank with two other FI’s/lenders as Export ImportBank (EXIM Bank) and Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI).

6 . That we have completed all the required formalities asked by the banks, but thedisbursement of the Joan is still awaited. ,

7 . That we have request your goodself to expedite the disbursement process of the bankto bring up the project at an early date.

8 . That this project is also eligible for the financial assistance from the Gol under RevisedGuidelines for the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Common Effluent Treatment Plantsfor. Rs.20 crores along, with assistance from the State Govt. for Rs.5 crores.

9 . That we have already applied to the MoEF Gol as well as to the Govt. of Punjab forthe grant of their respective shares, but till today the grant is only moving in doldrums.

10. That it is humbly requested to expedite the, process of issue of grant by the Gol andby Govt of Punjab to bring up this project at an early date.Sir, we hope that you will be kind enough to consider our most genuine request andwill solve our banking and Grant in aid issues at an early date to bring up our longdesired project to eradicate, dyeing effluent problems from Bahadur ke Road area ofLudhiana.

Thanking you,Yours SincerelyBahadurke Textile and Knitwear Association


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