report on special vendor development program for micro ... · report on special vendor development...

Post on 31-Dec-2019






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Report on

Special Vendor Development Program for Micro & Small Enterprises

(Owned by SC/ST Entrepreneurs)

Contracts & Materials Management Wing Kaiga Generating Station, Kaiga.

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Contract and Materials Management Wing of Kaiga Site has organised the Special Vendor

Development Programme for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) exclusively for SC/ST

Entrepreneurs to give awareness about extent of benefits under the Public Procurement Policy & to

encourage their participation in NPCIL’s Project / O&M procurement program. The programme was

conducted at Seminar Hall of Kaiga Township on 4th February 2018.

More than 45 vendors took active participation from business locality area of

Belgaum, Hubli and Karwar. Apart from the vendors, Shri Uvaraj, Assistant

Director, MSME, Hubli and Shri Anand Kumar, Sr. Branch Manager, NSIC,

Belgaum also participated in the meet as special invitees.

The Program has been inaugurated by Shri Sanjay Kumar, Site Director,

Kaiga Site alogwith Shri J. R. Deshpande, Station Director, KGS 3&4 and

Shri V.K.Rishi, General Manager, F&A.

(Site Director, Kaiga Site inaugurates the Program)

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(Dignitaries on dais)

Shri Imran A. Siddavatam, Head, C&MM welcomed the dignitaries and participants.

During his welcome address, he emphasized the need of such special program

exclusively for SC/ST Entrepreneurs and also explained about the user friendly

infrastructure of NPCIL to participate in NPCIL’s e-tendering process.

(Head, CMM, KGS 1-4 welcomes all )

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Shri Sanjay Kumar, Site Director, Kaiga Site, in his inaugural address, has well explained about Vision & Mission of NPCIL and its rapid growth in the

sector of electricity generation. He also emphasized the need of active participation of MSE vendors in NPCIL’s growth. The participants have been

motivated highly with the opportunities available with KGS and as well as NPCIL.

(Inaugural Address by Site Director, Kaiga Site)

Special Guests Shri Yuvraj, Asst. Director, MSME, Hubli and Shri V. Anand Kumar, Sr. Branch Manager, NSIC, Belgaum, in their address appreciated

the efforts taken by KGS in conducting this special program for SC/ST Entrepreneurs.

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Shri Hardik Katariya, Manager (C) and Shri Aman K Joshi, Manager (C) have conducted a technical session. Registration in NPCIL’s E-portal and

participation in tenders of NPCIL through E-mode has also been well explained and Participants were allowed to register their firm on Spot.

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Participants were encouraged for open interaction on various doubts and all the questions have been well answered by Head, C&MM and GM, F&A to the

best satisfaction of the participants

(During Interaction with Vendors )

The participants were also taken for a site visit. The program was successful and fruits of the same will be reaped during the upcoming tenders. The

vendors have lauded the arrangements made by C&MM Team and also assured that they will develop proper infrastructure in future and their

participation in NPCIL business.

Group Photo

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(C&MM Team, with Dignitaries)

The program has been well organized by Shri Nagaraj K. Bhat, DGM, CMM

with the team members of C&MM, KGS. The program has been compared by Shri Shivanand B Rathod, Sr. AG-II(M), CMM. Shri A.S.Jain, SM, C&MM

conveyed vote of thanks.

Compiled by Approved By


Sd/- (Nagaraj K. Bhat) (I.A. Siddavatam)


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