reports - supreme court

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VOL. I . .






• • •

• THE ·








"i:-EAR 1790 TO 1843 •



Not Current - 1843



!.-FEBRUARY 3, 1790.

Ordered, That JOHN 'fucKER, Esq., of Boston, be the Cler I{ of this Court.

That he reside and keep his office at the seat of the National

Governn1e11t, and that he do not practise either as an Attorney

or Counsellor i11 this Co11rt \vhile he shall continue to be Clerk

of the same. •

• II. - FEBRU ARY 5, 1790 .

Ordered, That (t1ntil f11rther orders) it shall be reqt1isite to the admission of Attorneys or Counsellors to practise in this Court,

that they shall have been such for three years past in the SL1-

preme Cot1rts of the State to which they respectively belong,

and that their private a11d professional character shall appear to

be fair.

III. FEBRUARY 5, 1790.

Orde1·ed, That Counsellors shall not practise as Attorneys, nor

Attorneys as Cot111sellors, in this Court. (See Rule 14.) •

IV. FEBRUARY 5, 1790.

Ordered, That they sl1all respectively take the following oath, viz.: ''I do solemnly s\vear that I \vill demean iny­

self (as an attorney or Cot1nsellor of the Co11rt) uprightly, and

according to law; and that I will st1pport the Constitution of the

United States.'' (See Rule 6.)

Not Current - 1843


V. - FEBRUARY 5, 1790.

01~derecl, 'fl1at (t1nless ancl l1ntil it sl1all otl1erwise be provided by la\v) all process of this Cot1rt shall be i11 the name of the

Preside11t of tl1e U11ited tates.

VI. FEBRUARY~ 7, 1791 .

• Qrde1·ed, Tl1at the Cot111sellors a11d Attorneys admitted to prac­

tice in tl1is Cot1rt shall take eitl1er an oath, or i11 proper cases,

an affirn1atio11, of the tenor prescribed by the rule of 11is Cot1rt

011 tl1at st1bj ect, n1ade Febrt1ary Term, 1790, viz.: ''I do solem11ly s\vcar (o r affir1n, as tl1e case i11ay be ) tl1at I ,,,ill

demea11 inyself, as an .f ttor11ey or Cot1nsellor of tl1is Cot1rt, t1p­

rig~1tly, a11d according to ]a\v; a11d tl1at I \Vill st1pport tl1e Co11-

stitution of the United ta tes.''

"\711.- GU Ts, 1791.

Tl1e Cl1ief .JL1stice, i11 a11s\ver to tl1e n1otio11 of tl1e Attorney

e11eral, 111ade yeste rda)', i11for111s l1i111 a11d tl1e Bar, tl1at tl1is

Co11rt co 11sider tl1e practice of tl1e Cot1rts of l itJg s 1 e11cl1, a11d of hai1cery, i11 E11gJa[1d, as affordi11g ot1tli11cs for tl1e pract ice of tl1is CoL1rt, a11d tl1at tl1cy \\rill, frorn time to ti111e, 1nake sucl1

al teralio11s tl1erei11 as circun1sta11ces n1ay re11der i1 ecessary.

r 1 I I. - F-~ 131" Il T 4, 1 795.

1,11e court gi\7e 11otice to tl1e ge11tlen1e11 of tl1e ar, tl1at 11ere­

a~ter tile}' ''rill e "'()eCt to be ftll'llisJ1ed \ ritll a Slate111e11t Of l~le

111aterial poi11t of tl1e case fron1 ti e ot111sel 01 eacl1 side of a ca se. ( ee lltlle 29.)

- 1 7 17 5. •

l1e ot1rt clared, tl1at all e i er ce 011111otio11 for a di cl1arge t1po11 bail lllll t be by ''a}' of d 710 ilio12 a11d 1 ot iva oce.

-• l i9 .

1·d r d l1at l1e1 roce at 01111 011 a \V, or i11 • t11 y l1aJl 1 Leo. 111 ta l te, tl e ai c sl1all be ser d 01 tl e o-

Not Current - 1843


vernor, or Cl1ief Executive Magistrate, and Attorney General of

s11cl1 State. Ordered, That process of subpcena, isst1ing ot1t of this Cot1rt,

in any st1it in Equity, shall be served 011 the defendant sixty

days before the rett1rn day of the said process; and further, that

if the defendant, on such service of the si1bpcena, shall not appear

at the return day contained therein, the complainant sl1all be at

liberty to proceed ex parte.

. XI.-FEBRUARY 13, 1797.

It is ordered by the Court, that the Clerk of the Court to wl1ich

any writ of error shall be directed may make rett1rn of the same,

by trar1sn1itting a true copy of the record, and of all proceedings

in the causp,, t1nder his hand and the seal of the Cot1rt. ( ~"ee Rule 31.)

XII. AUGUST 7, 1797.

It is ordered by the Co11rt, that no record of the Court be suf­

fered by the Clerl{ to be take11 011t of his office but by the conse11t

of the Court; otherwise, to be responsible for it. (See Ritle 35.)

XIII. AUGUST 15, 1800.


Ordered, That the plai11tiff in error be at liberty to show, to

the satisfactio11 of this Court, that the matter i11 disp11te exceeds

the sum or value of t\VO thousand dollars, exclusive of costs; this

to be made appear by affidavit, on days' notice

to opposite party, or their Counsel in Georgia.

Rule as to affidavits to be mt1tt1al.

XIV.-AUGUST 12, 1801.

Ordered, That Cousellors may be admitted as Attor11eys in this Cot1rt on taking the usttal oath. (See Rttle 3.)

XV.-DECEMBER 9, 1801.

It is ordered, That in every case \vhere the defenda11t in error .

Not Current - 1843


fails to appear, the plai11tiff ma)r 1)roceed ex 7Ja1·te. (See Ritles


XVI. - FEBRU RY TERl\1, I 03.

It is orde1·ecl, That \vl1ere tl1e \vrit of error issl1es \Vitl1i11 tl1irty

days before t ~1 e n1 e e ti 11 g of t l 1 e Co t1 rt, th e def e 11da11 t i 11 error is at

liberty to enter l1is appeara11ce, and proceed to trial; otl1er\vise,

tl1e cat1se ml1st be co11ti11ued. (See Ritles 19 a11d 30.)

,. \ TI I.-FEBR RY TERl\i, 1 03.

In all cases \vhere a \\'rit of error s}1all dela)' tl1e proceedi11gs

011 tl1e jt1dgme11t of tl1e Circt1it Cot1rt, a11cl sl1all a1)pear to l1ave

bee11 sued OLl t merely for deln)r, damages sl1all be a \varded, at tl1e rate of t e1z pe1· ce1ilz1112 JJer a1i11it11i 011 tl1e al11ol11 t of tl1e

judgme11t. (' ee Ru le 20. )

T Ill.-FJ~BR R T TEI{ f' I 03.

J11 st1cl1 cases, \\'l1ere tl1ere eAists a real CO J)lro\rer y, tl1e cla­

n1ages sl1all 011ly be at tl1e 1·ate of six per ce12ti1112 JJer· a1i1itt112.

111 botl1 cas s tl1e it1tercst is to be co1npl1t d as I>art of tl1e cla-1nages. ( s ee l)u le 20.)

l{ r TEI :\1, l o .

II cat1se tl1e records i11 \\1 l1icl1 sl1all be deli\1ered to tl1e lerl\ 011 or f)efl re tl1e i./'tl1 da}' of a t~r11, l1all be co11 id red

as for trial i11 tl1e cot1r e of ti at ter111. ' l1er~ tl1e record sl1all be deli\rere<l after tl1e si .. ·tl1 da)' of tl1e terrn, eitl1er lJarty :-.rill be et1t1lled to a cot1ti11t1a11ce. 1 11 all ca \Vil re a '\'ri of error sl1all

ea uper ed as to a jL1clg111e11t re11der i11 a11)1 irc11it ot1rt of tl1e -ri1t ~tat e .. ·cciJ tl1al for tl1e i trict of ol11111b1a, at I a t

tl111 t} d }' J'lre\ i tl to tl1e con111l 11cer11e11t of all}' terr 1 of tl1i

ot1rt it I all be tl1 Llt} of Ll1e })latt tiff 111 rror to lodg a COIJ}'

of tl1 cor '' 1tl1 tl1e I rlr o tl11 otirt \V1tl11r1 tl1e fir t 1 a} f Lil t r111· a11d If J1e 11 11 fa1] 0 to do tl1c defCll I t 111 error

liall be I ~ ftcr'' ar to lod a CO()} of tl1e r cor ''lll1

tl1c a11 tt1e cat1 11 II ta11 for trial 111 111\ r11a11 r

a 1 o r I 1 a c l p \ t l I 111 t 11 e 1 t t a } · o r I e 111 a }'',

Not Current - 1843


on producing a certificate from the Clerk stating the cat1se, and

that a writ of error has been st1ed out, which operates as a super­

sedeas to the judgment, have the said writ of error docketed and

dismissed. This rt1le shall apply to all judgments rendered by

the Cot1rt for the District of Columbia at any time prior to a ses­

sion of this Court.

In cases not put to issue at the At1gt1st term, it shall be the

dt1ty of the plaintiff in error, if errors shall 11ot have been assigned

in the Cot1rt below, to assign them in this Cot1rt at tl1e commence­

me11t of the term, or so soon tl1ereafter as the record shall be filed

with the Cieri{, and the cat1se placed on the docket; and if he

shall fail so to do, a11d sl1all also fail to assign them \Vhen the

cause shall be called for trial, the writ of error may be dismissed

at his c-0sts; and if the defendant ·shall reftlse to plead to issue,

and the cat1se shall be called for trial, the cottrt may pr,oceed to

hear an argume11t on the part of tl1e plaintiff, and to give j udg­ment according to the right of the cause; a11d tl1at where there is

no appearan,ce for the plaintiff in erro,r, the d.efendant may have

the plai11tiff called, and dismiss the writ of error; or ·may open the record, and pray for a11 affirmance. In st1eh a ease costs go

of course. Montalet vs. Mt1rray. (See Rules 30 and 43.)


It 1:s ordered, That where damages are given by the rule passed i11 February term, 1803, the said damages shall be cal­

culated to the <lay .of the affirmance of t11e judgme.nt in this

Court. (See Rules 11 and 18.)


1st. Ordered, That all parties of tl1is Cot1rt, i1ot being resi­

. dents of the lJnited States, shall give sect1rity f0r the costs

accrt1ing in this Court, to be entered on the record.

2d. Ordered, 'fhat upo11 the Clerk of tl1is Cot1rt produci11g

satisfactory evidence, by affidavit, or the aclc110\vledg1ne11t of the

parties or t11eir s11reties, of having ser\Ted a copy of t11e lJill of

costs due tl1em respectively,.i11 this Court, on such parties or their

Not Current - 1843


st1reties, an attachment shall isst1e against st1ch parties or sure­

ties respectively, to compel payme.11t of said costs.

XXII.- FEBRU J{Y TER f, 1810.

Ordered, That i1pon the reversal of a judgment or decree of

the Circuit Court, the party in \Vhose fa\70tlr tl1e reversal is sl1all recover l1is costs in the Circt1it Court.

XXIII. - FEBR ARY TER ... 1, 1812.

it is ordered, That only t\VO Co1111sel be permitted to argue

for each party, plaintiff and defendant, in a cause.

RY TERl\'I, I 12.

Tl1ere having been t\vo ssociate JL1stices of t~1e Cot1rt ap-poi11ted since its last session, lt is orde1 .. ed, tl1at tl1e follo\virig

allotme11t be made of the Cl1ief J tl tice a11d t}1e ssociate Justices

of tl1e said upre111e ourt, a1no11g tl1e circt1its, agreeably to tl1e act of 011gress i11 Sl1ch case 1nade a11d provided; a11d tl1at sucl1

allot1ne11t be e11tered 011 record, viz.:

I~ or tt1e first circuit-tile !Jon. Jo EPH ~ Ton ".

For tl1e seco11d circuit-tl1e I 011. Bnocx110L T L1,r1 "G TON.

or tl1e tl1ird circuit-tl1e I 011. '"'HROD ' 7 • e1 ~GTo •

or tl1e fourtl1 circuit-tl1e I 011. nnIEIJ Du'' LL.

or ti1e fiftl1 circ 1it-tl1e I 011. J 011 " n LL, C. J. ~or tl1e si .. tl1 circt1it-tl1e 011. 7 i J 1 ~

~or tl1e se e11tl circuit- l1e 011. T o 1 0 •


Jt .. order d by tile ouri 111a i11 all cases iVl1ere ft1rtl1 r

roof is ordered by tl1 otJ1rt tl1 d J)O itio11 \VI ic~1 sl1al[ ake11 11 11 be ) a con 1 1 i 1 to lle i fro1 tl1i Ol rt or

ro1 all}7 1rc111L OLtrt of t~1e 11ite tat s. ( ee 1 ttle 7.)

Th I on on rnbl II. l ITl-1 110 IP 0 ha in b n appo1nl d • o 1 le of ll1 1pr m t rt ID h pl of lll I on r bl R IJOl

I I d f th nil d • l t o I 11n

n lT Ul b n 1n Lr m n d I lh d of • • Oil \l1ou l 11t liuo r n \ nl ·lhr •

Not Current - 1843



Whenever it sl1all be necessary or proper, ir1 the opinion of

the presidir1g judge in any Circt1it Cot1rt, or District Court exer­

cising Circuit Court jt1risdiction, that origi11al papers of a11y kind

shot11d be inspected in the St1preme Court, t1pon appeal, st1ch

presiding jt1dge n1ay make st1ch rt1le or order for tl1e safe l{eep­

ing, transporti11g, and ret11rn of st1ch original papers, as to him

n1ay seem proper; and this Cot1rt will receive and consider st1ch

original papers in connection \Vith the transcript of tl1e proceed-• 1ngs.


In all cases of admiralty and inaritime jt1risdiction, \vhere ne\V

evidence shall be admissible in this Cot1rt, the evidence by tes­

timo11y of witnesses shall be take11 t1ndcr a commission to be

isst1ed from this Court, or from any Circuit Cot1rt of the United

States, under the direction of any judge thereof; and no st1ch

commission shall issue but upon interrogatories to be filed by

the party applying for the commission, and 11otice to the opposite

party or t1is agent or attorney, accompanied witl1 a copy of the

interrogatories so filed, to file cross interrogatories \Vithin t\venty

days from the service of such notice: Provided, however, that

nothing ir1 this r11le shall prevent any party from giving oral

testimo11y in open court in cases \vhere, by la \V, it is admissible.

(See R ,uze 25.) !·


Whenever, pending a writ of error or appeal in this Cot1rt

either party sl1all die, the proper representatives in the personalty

or realty of tl1e deceased party, according to the nature of the

case, may volt1ntarily come in ahd be admitted parties to the

~uit, arid theret1pon the cause sl1all be heard and determined as

in other cases; and if st1ch representatives shall 11ot volt1ntarily

become parties, then the other party may sl1ggest the death on

the record, and tl1ereupon, on motion, obtain an order, tl1at t1nless

such representatives shall become parties ·\vithi11 the first te11


Not Current - 1843


da)7S of the e11st1i11g ter111, tl1e party moving for sucl1 order, if def e i1 d a t1 t in error, s l 1 al 1 be e 11 tit I e d to ha' e t 11 e 'v r it of error or a1)1)eal dismissed; a11d if tl1e part}l' so i110,1 i11g sl1all be plai11tiff i11

error, l1e shall be entitled to ope11 tl1e record, at1d on l1eari11g l1ave

tl1e same reversed if it be erro11eous: P1·ovided, lzoioeve1·, tl1at a co11y of every sucl1 order sl1all be pri11ted i11 so1ne 11e\vspaper at

t11e scat of Gover11me11t i11 \vl1icl1 tl1e la \VS of tl1e 11ited tat es

. 1all be pri11ted by at1tl1orit~r, for tl1ree st1cccssive '''eel1s, at least sixty days before the begit111i11g of tl1e tern1 of ti1e ltpre111e Cot1rt tl1cn next e11sL1it1g.-111(t7·c/i 8, 1821.

7 .Lr I r. - F }!:; J3 R . RY TE R l\ ' 1 2 1.

01·dered, r. fter tl1e prese11t t er111 110 cat1se sta11dil1g for argt1-111 e11t 'vill be 11eard ), tl1e ot1rt t111til tl1e parties l1all l1a\re

ft1r11 isl1ed ll1e Cot1rt '''itl1 a }Jri11ted brief or abstract of tl1e cat1se, co11tai11i11g tl1e substarice of all tl1e 111aterial pleadirlg , facts, a11d

doct11ne11ts 011 ''r}1icl1 tl1e JJarties rel)r a11d tl1e Jloi11ts of la\v a11d fact i11te11ded to be prese11ted at tl1e argt1r11e11t. Jctr·cli IO, I 21.

( e e R i1 le 8. )

\1 1 T · I .

1 11 all cases \\1 l1ere a '''rit of error or a11 appeal sl1all be brot1gl1t to tl1is ou1rt fro111 a11}r jttdg111~11t or decree re11dered t~1irt)' da)' l)eCi re tl1e ter111 to \\'l1icl1 ~ticl1 \Vrit of error or a11~Jeal l1all be

1etltr1 able it sl all be tl1e dt1ty f tl1e Jllai11tiff i11 error or a111Jel­la11t a tl e ca e rnay lJ , to docl<et tl1e cau e a11 file tl1e recor tl1 1 eof 'Vlll1 tl1 l rk of tJ11 Cot1rt ' itl1i11 tl1e fir t i.1· da}1s of tl1 ler111; 011 f~ 1lure t lo \\1 l11cl tl1e defe11 a11t i11 rror, or a[J­

Jlcll C a Ll1e ca e 111a}' l>e, 11 ) d C~\ t tl1e ca a11 file a COf>y of tl1 r c r l \\ ill1 tl1 I rl- a11 tl1 1 llJ1 11 tl1e cat1 e l1afl ta11

r tr1 l ll 111 e 111 1111er a if tl1 r cord l1a 1 e11 11l}r file \ 1ll111 tl1e fir t 1 of tl1e tcr~11· or at 111 I t1011 11 111a}'

J tl1c nt1 d I\ t at d 1111 t11lo11 Ir Ll 111rr c r-t r 11 t I l r I I l 1 r

I I r at I t 1 a1

' l rr r n I I 11 11 ll} ltl a11

- .. J 1 cli l . l Jl t l l a II l 1 . )

Not Current - 1843


• XXXI.-l\1ARCH 14, 1823 .

No cat1se \Vill hereafter be heard t1ntil a complete record, con­taining in itself, \Vithot1t references a liitnde, all tl1e papers, exhibits, depositions, and other proceedi11gs \\1 l1ich are necessary to the hearing in this Cottrt, shall be filed. (See Rule 11.)


There 11avi11g been one Associate Jt1stice of the St1preme Cot1rt appointed since its last session, It i.~ ordered, that the fol­

lowir1g allotment be made by the Chief J t1stice and the Associate Jt1stices of the said St1prerr1e Cot1rt among the circuits, agreeably to the act of Congress in such case made and provided; and tl1at such allotment be entered on record, viz.;

For the first circt1it-tl1e Ho11. J osEPH STORY. For the second circuit-the I-Ion. SMITH '"fHOMPSON. For tl1e third circt1it-the Hon. BusHROD \V ASHINGTON. For the fo11rth circuit-the Hon. GABRIEL Du\rALL. For the fifth circuit-the Ho11. J oHN MARSHALL, C. J. For the sixth circt1it-the Hon. WILLIAM JonNsoN.

For the seventh circuit-the Hon. THOMAS ToDD.


No certiorari for di1ni11t1tio11 of tl1e record shall be hereafter a warded in any cat1se, t1nless a motion therefor sl1all be made

in \Vriting, and the facts on \Vhicl1 the same is founded shall, if not admitted by the other party, be verified by affidavit. And

all motions for such certiorari shall be 1nade at the first term of the entry of the cat1se; otherwise, the same shall 11ot be gra111ed, unless t1pon special cause sl10\vn to tl1e Cot1rt, accot1nti11g satisfac­torily for the delay.


In all cases of eqt1ity and admiralty jt1risdiction heard i11 this Court, no objection shall hereafter be allo\ved to be taken to the

adn1issibility of any deposition, deed, grant, or other exhibit found in the record as evidence, objection was taken


Not Current - 1843


thereto in the Court belo\V and e11tered of record; but tl1e sa1ne

shall other\vise be deemed to have been admitted by co11sent.


On Satt1rday of eacl1 week dt1ring tl1e sitti11g of tl1e Cot1rt,

n1otions i11 cases not reqt1ired by tl1e rt1les of the Court to be

pt1t t1pot1 tl1e doclret shall be entitled to prefere11ce, if st1cl1 motio11s sl1a ll be inade before tl1e Cot1rt shall l1a ve entered tl po11 the hear­ing of a cause upon tl1e docket.

·x T .-FEBR ARY TER 1, is25.

Or·de1·ell, 1'11at after tl1e prese11t tern1 no origi11al record sl1all be take11 from tl1e upreme Cot1rt Room, or fro1n tl1c office of tl1e

Clerk of tl1is Court.-Febr·i1a1~y 19. ( ee Rltle 12.)

J ... T IiY TER i, 1827.

Tl1ere l1a\ri11g bee11 011e ssociate JL1stice of the ll{)Te111e ot1rt

appoi11ted si11ce its last sessiot1, It is ordered, tl1at tlie follo\vi11g allotme11t be inade of tl1e Cl1ief .J t1stice a tld ti1e ssociate J llstices

of ll1e said t1pre1ne Cot1rt ar11011g tl1e circl1its, agreeabl}' to tl1e

act of 0[1gress i11 sucl1 case 111ade at1d pro\rided; a11d tllal st1cl1 allotn1e11t be 11tered 011 record, ''iz.:

• "or t 11 e fi rs t circuit - t l 1 e I Io r1 . Jo E P II Ton\.,..

J• or tl1e scco11d circtlit-tl1e llo1i . SM1'r1 Ti o IPSO ~.

1 or tl1e t~1ird circ it-tl1e !Jori. 11noD ' 1 111 ~ To . or tl1e foL1rtl1 circt1it tJ1e 1011. J\BR EL ., LL.

i or tl1e fi ftl1 ci rcL1 it-ti1e I 011. J 011 ~ I n 11 .. LI.. . J. 4 or t ~le i. · t ~1 c i re tl i t - t ~1 e o 11. 1 or tl1e se 1 e11t~1 circl1it-tl1e 011.

., 0 ERT l ~IJLE.

\_ l ] , I I so.

Ol rt a ll()Oi11t 11 c it la l

~oc1ate J~1 tices of tl1e L1prcr11e

"' .... ...,10~1 It · 01·d 1· d tl1at ti e ~ I-I o \\ 11 i a Io l 11 t I 111 ad o f t l1 c

act o a1

Oil Pf

L1prer1 Oll t a1

Ill 'IC~l ca lll

J ll ti e a 11 t 11

11g tl1e cir t11t

e a11 11ro l c I a 11 l 11 o 1 t e 1 t r o 11 rec o r , ~ z . :

Cl te

r eabl }' · a 11 t l1 t

Not Current - 1843


·For the first circuit-the Hon. J osEPH STORY.

For the second circuit-the Hon. SMITH THol\tPsoN. For the third circt1it-the Hon. HENRY BALDWIN. For the fourth circuit-the Ho11. GABRIEL Duv ALL. For the fifth circt1it-the Hon. J oHN l\tlARSHALL, C. J. For the sixth circ11it-the Hon. WILLIAM JOHNSON.

For the seventh circuit-the Hori. JoHN McLEAN.


• •• XXXlll

The Co11rt, on the second day in each term hereafter, will com­mence calling the cases for argument in the order in \Vhich tl1ey stand on the docket, and proceed from day to day dt1ri11g the terrn, in the same order; and if the parties, or either of them,

shall be ready when the case is called, the same will be heard; and if neither party shall be ready to proceed in the argument, the cause shall go down to the foot of the docket, unless some good and satisfactory reason to the contrary shall be shown to the Court. That ten cat1ses only shall be considered as liable to be called on eacl1 day dt1ring the term, i11cluding the one under argument, if tl1e same shall not be concluded on the preceding day. No cat1se shall be taken up out of the order 011 the docket, or be set down for a11y particular day, except under special and peculiar circt1mstances to be sho\vn to the Court. Every cause \V hi ch shall have been twice called i11 its order, and passed, and pt1t at the foot of the docket, shall, if not again reached during the term it was called, be conti1111ed to the next term of the Court.


1. 111 all cases the Clerk shall take of the plaintiff a bond with competent security, to respond to costs, in the penalty of two ht1ndred dollars; or a deposite of that amount to be placed in bank st1bject to his draft.

2. In all cases the Clerk shall have fifteen copies of the records pri11ted for tl1e Court, provided the Gover11n1ent will admit the item in the expenses of the Cot1rt .

3. In all cases the Clerk shall deliver a copy of the printed record to eacl1 party. And in cases of dismission (except for

Not Current - 1843


ant of jurisdiction) or affirmance one copy of he ecord hall be ta ed again the plaintiff, which cbal'ge includes the ch rge fo the copy furni bed h·m.

n case of reversal and di mission for ant of jurisdiction,

each party shall be charged ith one-half the legal fees for a


111.-J U R TE , 1832.

It is ordered !Jy the Court, That hereafter the Judges of the Circuit and District Courts do not allo any bill of e ceptions,

hich shall contain the charge of the Court at large to the jury in trials at common law, upon any general e ception o the hole

of uch charge. But tl1at the party e cepting be equired to

tate distinctly the several matters of la in s11ch charge to hich

e e cepts; and that such matters of la , and tho e o ly, be in­ae ted in the bill of e ceptions, and allowed by the ou t •

... , ... I . J U TE , SSS.

• lt ia ordered /Jy the Court, That d ring the se ion of he 011rt, any gentleman of the bar having a ca se on the docket,

a d ishing to use any book or books in the a ibrary, hall eat liberty, upon application to the Clerk of the Co rt, to ecei e

orde to take the same (not e ceeding at any one time h e) he ibrary, e being thereby respon ible for the doe e n

e e itbin a reasonable time, or he required by e nd it hall be the duty of the Clerk o keep i book

o tha p rpose, a record of 11 book o deli ered, hich a e o charged i t he party recei ing he nd in case

e e h 11 not be so ret r ed the p y i ing e e 11 be e po ible for and forfeit an y ice e I e

e o · I o e doll e d yfo e ch e io beyo d e 1· ited i e.

• l · ordered /Jy tM, h d ring e ·o of he

he of fro e tb 0 boo h. oper he be· bl fo e

Not Current - 1843



Whereas, It has been represented to the Court, that it \Vo11ld

in many cases accommodate Counsel, and save expense to parties,

to submit causes t1pon printed arguments. It is therefore

Ordered, That in all cases brot1ght here on appeal, writ of error,

or other\vise, the Col1rt will receive printed argt11nents, if the

Co11nsel on either or both sides shall choose so to st1bmit the


XLI. 1834.

Ordered, That the original opi11ions of the Cot1rt, delivered to

the reporter, be filed in tl1e office of the Clerk of the Cot1rt for

preservatio11 as soon as the volume of Reports for the term, at

\Vl1ich they are delivered, shall be published.


All tl1e opinions delivered by the Court since the comrr1ence~

ment of the term shall be forth\vith delivered over to the Clerk

to be recorded.

A11d all opinions hereafter delivered by the Court shall i1n­

mediately, t1pon the delivery tl1ereof, be in like ma11ner delivered

over to tl1e Clerk to be recorded. And it shall be the duty of

the Clerl{ to cause the same to be forthwith recorded, and to

deliver the originals with a transcript of the judgment or decree

of the Court thereon to the reporter, as soon as the same sl1all

be recorded.

A11d all the opinio11s of the Court, as far as practicable, be

recorded during the term, so that the p11blication of the reports

may i1ot be delayed tl1ereby.


1. I11 all cases where a \Vrit of error, or an appeal, shall be

brot1gl1t to this Cot1rt fron1 any judg1nent or decree re11dered

thirty da)rs before the comme11cement of the ter1n, it sl1all be tl1e

dt1ty of tl1e plait1tiff in error, or nppella11t, as the case may be,

to docl{et the cause a11d file the record tl1ereof \Vith the Clerlr of

Not Current - 1843



Whereas, It has been represented to the Court, that it \Vo11ld

in many cases accommodate Counsel, and save expense to parties,

to submit causes t1pon printed arguments. It is therefore

Ordered, That in all cases brot1ght here on appeal, writ of error,

or other\vise, the Col1rt will receive printed argt11nents, if the

Co11nsel on either or both sides shall choose so to st1bmit the


XLI. 1834.

Ordered, That the original opi11ions of the Cot1rt, delivered to

the reporter, be filed in tl1e office of the Clerk of the Cot1rt for

preservatio11 as soon as the volume of Reports for the term, at

\Vl1ich they are delivered, shall be published.


All tl1e opinions delivered by the Court since the comrr1ence~

ment of the term shall be forth\vith delivered over to the Clerk

to be recorded.

A11d all opinions hereafter delivered by the Court shall i1n­

mediately, t1pon the delivery tl1ereof, be in like ma11ner delivered

over to tl1e Clerk to be recorded. And it shall be the duty of

the Clerl{ to cause the same to be forthwith recorded, and to

deliver the originals with a transcript of the judgment or decree

of the Court thereon to the reporter, as soon as the same sl1all

be recorded.

A11d all the opinio11s of the Court, as far as practicable, be

recorded during the term, so that the p11blication of the reports

may i1ot be delayed tl1ereby.


1. I11 all cases where a \Vrit of error, or an appeal, shall be

brot1gl1t to this Cot1rt fron1 any judg1nent or decree re11dered

thirty da)rs before the comme11cement of the ter1n, it sl1all be tl1e

dt1ty of tl1e plait1tiff in error, or nppella11t, as the case may be,

to docl{et the cause a11d file the record tl1ereof \Vith the Clerlr of

Not Current - 1843


tt1is Court 'vithin tl1e first six da}'S of the tern1. If l1e sl1all fail so to do, tl1e defendant in error, or appellee, as the case may be, ma)r docket the cause a11d file a copy of tl1e record witl1 the Clerk, in \vhich case it shall sta11d for argume11t at tl1e term; or at l1is option 11e may have tl1e cat1se doclreted a11d disn1issed t1pon prodt1ci11g a certificate fro1n tl1e Clerlr of tl1e Cot1rt, '''here­in tl1e j t1dgment or decree \Vas re11dered, stating tl1e ca t1se, a11d certifyi11g tl1at s11ch \vrit of error, or appeal, l1ad bee11 duly sued ot1t a11d allo\ved.

2. I o \vrit of error or appeal shall be docl{eted, or t11e record of the cat1se filed by the plai11tiff i11 error, or appellant, afiter tl1e

first six days of tl1e tern1, except t1po11 tl1e tern1s tl1at tl1e cause sl1all sta11d for argt1me11t d11ri11g tl1e terr11, or be co11ti11t1ed at tl1e

optio11 of tl1e defe11da11t i11 error, or a1)pellee. BL1t i11 no case

sl1all tl1e plai11tiff in error, or ap1)ella11t, lJe el1titled to docket tl1e cat1se a11d file tl1e record, a~ter tl1e sa1ne sl1all l1a ve bec11 docl~eted

a11d disn1issed i11 tl1e 111a1111er provided for i11 tl1e precedi11g rt1Je, t111less by order of tl1e ourt or \\1 itl1 tl1e co11se11t of tl1e op1Josite

party. 3. 111 all cases \Vl1ere tJ1e ca11se l1all 11ot be doclreted a11d tl1e

record filed \\ritl1 tl1e lerlr by eitl1 r IJart)r 1111t1l after ti1irty da}YS

fro111 tl e co111111e11ce111e11t of tl1e t rr11 tl1e ca11 e l1all sta11d co11-

ti11t1ed LJ111til tl1e 11ext ter111. (See Jlitles 19 a1id 30.)

.1. I..11 7.-1 37.

11 11 a pri11ted arrrt1n1 11t. i1all be fit for 011e or botll }larties,

tl1 ca e l1all ta11d 01 tl1e sa111e foot111g a if tl1ere \ ere a11 a1l-p ara11ce b} ou11 c).

s \vl1ere a11} t it liall I di 111i a 11 tl11 ot1rt

·cc1Jt '' l1~r ll1e c.i1 111 1 t1all l fl 1 '' a11t of JL111 d1 t1 11 ~o t

11 l l lJ 1 \ \ d fi r t I 1 11 l 111 rr r 0 r a pr• 11 n l ll a

a 111 n 111 l 11 r l' l l t t I 1 I 1 t 1 •

1 a I f n o 11} J L 1 1 1 11 t r cl J 1 J t 111

tl r 1 l l t t I 1 l 1 i 1 t i 11 rr r r a I I tl1e c 11 u1 otl1er\ or r Ll1 urt.


Not Current - 1843


111 all cases of reversals of a11y jt1dg1ne11t or decree i11 tl1is Cot1rt, except \vhere the reversal shall be for \Vant of jt1risdictio11, costs shall be allo\ved i11 tl1is Court for the plai11tiff in error or appellant, as the case 1nay be, l1nless other\vise ordered by tl1e Co11rt.

Neither of the foregoing rt1les shall apply to cases \Vhere the U11ited States are a party; but ir1 such cases i10 costs shall be allo\ved ir1 this Cot1rt for or against the United States.

In all cases of the dismissal of any st1it i11 this Cot1rt, it sl1all be the duty of the Clerl{ to issue a mandate, or other proper pro­cess, in tl1e nat11re of a procedenuo, to the Court belo\v, for the

pt1rpose of informing sucl1 Cot1rt of the proceedings i11 tl1is Court, so tl1at ft1rther proceedi11gs may be had in sucl1 Court as to la\v and justice may appertain.

When costs are allo\ved in this Cot1rt, it shall be the dt1ty of tl1e Clerk to insert the a1nount tl1ereof in the body of the man ... date, or other proper process, sent to the Cot1rt be lo \V, and anr1ex to tl1e same the bill of items taxed in detail.

XLVI. 1838.

All inotions hereafter made to the Cot1rt shall be reduced to 'vriting, and shall contain a brief statement of the facts and ob­jects of the motion.


The Cot1rt \Vill, at every ft1tl1re session, annot1nce 011 \Vhat day it 'vill adjourr1 at least ten days before the tin1e \Vhich sl1all be fixed llpon; and the Court \vill take t1p no case for argt1ment, nor receive a11y case t1pon printed briefs, \Vithi11 three days next before the day :fixed 11pon for adjot1rn1nent.


Ordered, That the Clerl{ take charge of tl1e Books of tl1e Court, together \Vi th such of the dt1plicate Ia \V books as Co11gress may direct to be tra11sferred to tl1e Cot1rt, and arra11ge them i11 tl1e co11ference room, \Vhich he sl1all have fitted t1p in a proper man-


Not Current - 1843

••• RULE A. TD ORDER ' &c. XXX\"lll

11er; a11d that 11e do 11ot pern1it st1ch books to be take11 therefro1n by a11y 011e except tl1e Judges of the cot1rt.

LI. . 1842.

01·dered, That pri11ted argu1ne11ts will 11ot be received under tJ1e fortietl1 rt1le of tl1e cot1rt, t111less filed \Vithi11 forty days fro111 the commencen1e11t of tl1e term, except i11 cases \vl1icl1 are reacl1ed i11 tl1e regt11ar call of tl1e docl{et.

Not Current - 1843

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