representation of disablitiy in film posters

Post on 10-Nov-2015






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media coursework


PowerPoint Presentation

Tom cruise is shown as walking as a casual guy unlike Dustan Hoffman, this could connote a sense of isolation since Hoffman is shown as completely different to tom cruise. So disability is shown to isolated due to differences in this film poster.The clothes they are both wearing also connotes difference since tom cruise is wearing more casual wear and the sun glasses show that he is shown as a cool guy unlike Hoffman he is shown as wearing completely different clothes to cruise and wears more strange clothes. So disability is represented as different and maybe strange in this film poster.The facial expressions of tom cruise compared to Dustan also makes the two look completely different, Dustan is shown with more of a straight face and is looking straight forward unlike tom, he is looking up and looks confident. This could show that people who are disabled are maybe more blunt and plain unlike other characters.The two walking together could show a connection between the two since they are both walking in sync, this could show that disabled people are not fully isolated and that there is someone e there for them most of the time, so this could show that people who are disabled can fit in with the public.This poster does not convey anything offensive that is obvious however some people may realise that the poster is conveying that they are trying to make Hoffman look different so this may cause offense to some people because they know what is being shown.The poster does communicate with the viewers however this is to an extend since the communication isn't so obvious, this is because the image shown isn't as obvious. The messages within this poster are mainly visualised due to no tag line or poster conveying the message.

One of the characters are blind and one of the characters are deaf so this shows disability.The title see no evil, hear no evil also connoted the disability and since there is pictures in the title of an eye and an ear also back this up.The facial expressions of the two show that they seem to be shocked but not in a serious way, this could connote that disabled people as shown not to take situations seriously so this also shows a different.The quotes the blind guy couldn't see it and the deaf guy couldn't hear it shows that disabled people are shown as to be more innocent due to their disability, this is shown from the word murder so their disability may be shown as their innocence.The fact that they killed a man shows that they are not the same in society since they are now murderers and since they are shown not to be aware of what they have done means that they do not know how society works.The dead person and them knowing that they may not have killed him could show that disabled people are shown as confused or dont know what to do most of the time.This poster may cause offence since the poster depicts that people that are blind or deaf are not in control of their actions and that they are not fit for society. This film poster communicates well if the audience because they poster clearly shows that disability is involved from the title and tagline.The messages in this poster are mainly verbal but some are visualised since you can not visually see the message.

The three characters are shown to be linked together this could represent that the three could have something in common which could represent disability as something that people can relate to, so disability can be represented as relatable.This quote could represent that the main character is involved with the two other men, this could represent disability is that the person can interact with other people and can fit in with everyday life.The quote based on a true story shows that the disability is represented as serious and it should be taken seriously.The expression on their faces does not look different to other peoples unlike other posters, the characters have a blank expression on their faces which could show they are represented as serious.All characters in the poster look well dressed which could represent them as rich. This could show that disabled people in this poster are represented as well off and although they have a disability then can still have a good life and be successful.This poster may not cause any obvious offense however so people may find that this poster also convey difference due to look of poster, this may cause offense to some viewers.This film poster does not communicate as well with the audience because no real message seems to be as obvious here and the picture of disability is not shown as well.The messages in this poster are mainly visualised and not so much verbal.

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