request for proposal: no. rfp2015/664 for …drtv related services supporting a client with the...

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DATE: 22/04/2015





CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 18/05/2015 – 23:59 hrs CET


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by

the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action

to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights

and well-being of refugees. It also has a mandate to help stateless people.

In more than five decades, the agency has helped tens of millions of people restart their lives. Today, a staff

of some 8000 people in more than 126 countries continues to help individuals forcibly displaced as a result of

prosecution, conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations. To help and protect some of the

world’s most vulnerable people in so many places and types of environment, UNHCR must purchase goods

and services worldwide. For further information on UNHCR, its mandate and operations, please see


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Division of External Relations

(DER), invites qualified service providers to make a firm offer for the provision of consultancy support for its

international Direct Television (DRTV) programme referred to hereinafter as “Services”.


Terms of Reference (ToR) are detailed in Annex A of this document.

It is strongly recommended that this Request for Proposal and its annexes be read thoroughly. Failure to

observe the procedures laid out therein may result in disqualification from the evaluation process.

Note: this document is not construed in any way as an offer to contract with your firm.



The following annexes form integral part of this Request for Proposal:

Annex A: Terms of Reference (TORs)

Annex B-C-D: Financial Offer Forms

Annex E: Vendor Registration Form

Annex F: UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Services – 2010

Annex G: Questions formats

Annex H: Calendar of Activities


We would appreciate your informing us of the receipt of this RFP by return e-mail to as to:

- Your confirmation of receipt of this invitation to bid

- Whether or not you will be submitting a bid


Bidders are required to submit any request for clarification or any question in respect of this RFP by

using Annex G and sending it via e-mail to Israel Carrizales, Supply Officer at The

deadline for receipt of questions is 23:59 hrs CET on 29/04/2015. Bidders are requested to keep all

questions concise and in the format defined in Annex G.


Please note that Bid Submissions are not to be sent to the e-mail address above.

UNHCR will compile the questions received and plans to respond to questions shortly after the query

closing date. UNHCR may, at its discretion, copy any reply to a particular question to all other invited

bidders at once.


Your offer shall be prepared in English.

Please submit your offer using the Annexes provided. Offers not conforming to the requested

formats may be not taken into consideration.


Inclusion of copies of your offer with any correspondence sent directly to the attention of the responsible

buyer or any other UNHCR staff other than the submission e-mail address will result in disqualification of the

offer. Please send your bid directly to the address provided in the “Submission of Bid” section 2.6) of this


Your offer shall comprise the following set of documents:

- Technical offer

- Financial offer(s)

- Vendor Registration Form (Signed)

- UNHCR General Conditions of Contracts for the Provision of Services – 2010 (Signed)

2.4.1 Content of the TECHNICAL OFFER


No pricing information should be included in the Technical offer. Failure to comply may risk disqualification.

The technical offer should contain all information required.

The Terms of Reference (TORs) of the services requested by UNHCR can be found in Annex A. Your technical

offer should be concisely presented and structured in the following order to include, but not necessarily be

limited to, the following information:

a) References

Please provide 3 recent client references in projects where your firm has been involved in delivering

DRTV related services supporting a client with the requirements set out in the Terms of Reference,

including client names and contact details.

b) Description of the company and the company’s qualifications

A description of your company with the following documents: company profile, registration

certificate and last audit reports:

• Year founded;

• If multi location company, specify headquarters location;

• Total number of clients;

Any information that will facilitate our evaluation of your company’s substantive reliability, financial and

managerial capacity to provide the services.

c) Project team - Provide information on proposed skilled resources for the consultancy support (e.g.

Resumes/Curriculum Vitae, availability).

The bidders have to show that they can provide the required skilled personnel to assume the

responsibilities and perform the range of tasks included in the TORs for which your firm is applying.

No substitutions will be made without prior written consent from UNHCR. Please note that it is the

responsibility of the service provider for the provision of the relevant visa and work permits for the

proposed resources. The company shall guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted for the

duration of the contract. Absences due to an emergency situation need to be approved by UNHCR

and a solution agreed so that the on-going project is not adversely affected.

d) Account management approach

Please detail overall account management approach and any additional activities/ services related to

the project based on their experience delivering services for which your firm is applying. The bidder

is expected to provide an account plan with sufficient detail on the approach to delivering the

services detailed in annex A.

The bidder is expected to propose an Account Manager who would work in-close collaboration with

the UNHCR Global Fundraising Officer overseeing the international DRTV programme. Please provide

information about the proposed Account manager (e.g. Resumes/Curriculum Vitae, availability)

e) Company and project team skills and experience

1. Description of the firm's qualifications and recent experience working on projects of similar

nature and scale in the not-for-profit sector.

2. Firms are asked to elaborate on their expertise of fundraising DRTV and to provide details of

their specific experience for the area(s) they are presenting an offer.

3. Description of the firm’s experience in the specified markets where you are seeking to support

UNHCR with its DRTV programme.

4. Provide number of similar client relationships/projects currently underway;

5. List of the firm’s partners/third party suppliers, if any, who would be invited to work on this

project, may they be production, and/or media agencies.

6. Agencies are invited to include at least two examples (show reels) produced recently that are

seen as the firm’s best work and which matches most of the criteria described as desired by

UNHCR in this bid.

UNHCR will give favourable consideration to responses from companies with demonstrable experience of

delivering DRTV/digital experiences for international organizations.

Describe previous involvement in projects within the UN system or with other similar international or non-

governmental organizations if any.

Note: The successful bidder is required to have relevant recent experience and a proven track record in

supporting international DRTV programmes in large global organisations.

We will consider companies that have limited international experience if they can demonstrate clearly in

their response how they will approach this and/or how their expertise can bring added value to a larger

agency partnership to support UNHCR International DRTV programme.

Describe your approach to the deliverables outlined in the TORs, and clearly stipulate for which area of the

UNHCR DRTV programme your firm is providing an offer. Please refer to Annex A, page 8 and 9, for more


f) Vendor Registration Form: If your company is not registered with UNHCR, you should complete, sign

and submit with your technical proposal the Vendor Registration Form in the annexes.

g) UNHCR General Conditions for Provision of Services: Your technical offer should contain your

acknowledgement of the UNHCR General Conditions for Provision of Services by signing it and send it


2.4.2 Content of the FINANCIAL OFFER

Your separate Financial Offer must contain an overall offer in a single currency, either in US Dollars

or in the currency of your company’s country.

The financial offer must cover all the services to be provided (price “all inclusive”).

The Financial Offer is to be submitted as per the Financial Offer Forms provided (Annex B, C, D if

relevant to your offer). Bids that have a different price structure may not be accepted. Notice

repetitive concepts in the different sections in the form. If your annual/monthly subscription or

setup fee covers various sections of your offer, please be sure to repeat this on every section as

these will be individually evaluated in case single sections go to different vendors.

UNHCR is exempt from all direct taxes and customs duties. In this regard, price has to be given

without VAT.

You are requested to hold your offer valid for 120 days from the deadline for submission. UNHCR will

make its best effort to select a company within this period. UNHCR’s standard payment terms are

within 30 days after satisfactory implementation and receipt of documents in order.

The cost of preparing a bid and of negotiating a contract, including any related travel, is not

reimbursable nor can it be included as a direct cost of the assignment.


2.5.1 Supplier Registration:

The qualified supplier(s) will be added to the Vendor Database after investigation of suitability based

on the submitted Vendor Registration Form and supporting documents. The investigation involves

consideration of several factors such as:

• Financial standing;

• Core business;

• Track record;

• Contract capacity.

2.5.2 Technical and Financial evaluation:

For the award of this project, UNHCR has established evaluation criteria which govern the selection

of offers received. Evaluation is made on a technical and financial basis. The percentage assigned to

each component is determined in advance as follows:

The Technical offer will be evaluated using inter alia the following criteria and percentage

distribution: 70% from the total score.

1. Company qualifications MIN MAX

2. Quality of approach: Understanding of ToR / methodology

3. Company and project team skills and experience

4. Project management approach

5. References

TOTAL 45 70

Remark: The Technical Offer will be evaluated using the above criteria: 70% from the total score.

Bidders must have a minimum technical threshold of 45 out of 70 points in the technical proposal in

order to be considered further for the financial evaluation process.

UNHCR will draw up a short list of the top bid proposals for individual presentations; this will be

based on the technical proposal (by obtaining at least the minimum required 45 points) and will be

invited to present their proposals if further clarifications are required. No new elements are to be

presented nor required and no financial information can be revealed during this interviews.

The Financial offer will use the following percentage distribution: 30% from the total score.

The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price offer that is opened and

compared among those invited firms. All other price offers will receive points in inverse proportion

to the lowest price; e.g., [total Price Component] x [US$ lowest] \ [US$ other] = points for other

supplier’s Price Component.

For evaluation purposes only, the offers submitted in currency other than US Dollars will be

converted into US Dollars using the United Nations rate of exchange in effect on the date the

submissions are due.


The offers must bear your official letter head, clearly identifying your company.

Bids should be submitted by e-mail and all attachments should be in PDF format. (Copies of the PDF

format documents may, as an addition, be included in Excel or other formats etc.).

The Technical and Financial offers shall be clearly separated.

Bid must be sent by e-mail ONLY to:


The technical offer and financial offer are to be sent in separate documents. Failure to do so may result in


Deadline: 18/05/2015, 23:59 hrs CET.


Any bid received after this date or sent to another UNHCR address may be rejected. UNHCR may, at its

discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective bidders


It is your responsibility to verify that all e-mails have been received properly before the deadline. Please be

aware of the fact that the e-mail policy employed by UNHCR limits the size of attachments to a maximum of

7 Mb so it may be necessary to send more than one e-mail for the whole submission.

Please indicate in e-mail subject field:

- Bid RFP/2015/664

- Name of your firm with the title of the attachment

- Number of e-mails that are sent (example: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3).

UNHCR will not be responsible for locating or securing any information that is not identified in the bid.

Accordingly, to ensure that sufficient information is available, the bidder shall furnish, as part of the bid, any

descriptive material such as extracts, descriptions, and other necessary information it deems would enhance

the comprehension of its offer.


UNHCR reserves the right to accept the whole or part of your bid.

UNHCR may, at its discretion, increase or decrease the proposed content when awarding the contract and

would not expect a significant variation of the unit rate submitted. Any such increase or decrease in the

contract duration would be negotiated with the successful bidder as part of the finalization of the Purchase

Orders for Services.

UNHCR may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, by notifying all prospective

suppliers in writing. The extension of the deadline may accompany a modification of the solicitation

documents prepared by UNHCR at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a

prospective supplier.

Please note that UNHCR is not bound to select any of the firms submitting bids and does not bind itself in any

way to select the firm offering the lowest price. Furthermore, the contract will be awarded to the bid

considered most responsive to the needs, as well as conforming to UNHCR’s general principles, including

economy and efficiency and best value for money.


Any Purchase Order (PO) issued as a result of this RFP will be made in the currency of the winning

offer(s). Payment will be made in accordance to the General Conditions for the Purchase of Services

and in the currency in which the PO is issued. Payments shall only be initiated after confirmation of

successful completion by UNHCR business owner.


Please note that the General Conditions of Contracts will be strictly adhered to for the purpose of

any future contract. The Bidder must confirm the acceptance of these terms and conditions in


Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,

Israel Carrizales

Supply Officer

Procurement Management and Contracting Service (PMCS)

Division of Emergency, Security and Supply







UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, seeks to contract one or several specialized company(ies) to pursue the development of its global direct television (DRTV)

fundraising programme. The appointed agency(ies) will need to be on board working with the UNHCR private sector international team based in Copenhagen, and potentially

with national teams in Australia, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, the Gulf and the USA as of the 1st July 2015.

UNHCR is seeking to contract with one or multiple agencies for two years with the

possibility of extension for a third year.

Firms are invited to apply either for the entire international DRTV programme or parts of it, either regionally, or based on special expertise.

The opportunity

This is an opportunity not only to work with a well respected global U.N. organization but also to play an active role in UNHCR’s ambitious private sector fundraising programme. The contracted agency(ies) will work with UNHCR internationally and with other appointed specialized suppliers to help Private Sector Fundraising (PSFR) achieve its vision to 2018 and to continue to develop DRTV as an as an important regular (monthly) donor acquisition channel for UNHCR in most of the markets where the organization is actively fundraising. The selected firm(s) will work with UNHCR staff to continue to establish best practice in DRTV and to push the boundaries of the technique to achieve integration with other important UNHCR fundraising channels and projects, especially with digital techniques, with the ultimate aim to help PSFR achieve its global “Digital First Strategy”.

UNHCR Vision

A world in which people forced to flee their homes can rely on protection and support until they can return home or build new lives in a place of safety.


UNHCR Background

UNHCR is the leading frontline global organization saving lives, protecting the rights and finding solutions for millions of refugees, displaced and stateless people around the world. UNHCR has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize twice for its humanitarian work – in 1954 and 1981. The organization was initially established in 1951 after WWII, to resolve the post-war refugee situation in Europe. Since then, it has grown exponentially to match the growth in refugees globally - now at the highest level in a decade.

UNHCR is uniquely mandated under its 1950 Statute and the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees – an international agreement on the rights of refugees - to protect refugees globally. UNHCR is also mandated to help countries reduce statelessness under the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. UNHCR is entirely humanitarian and non-political. The organization is headquartered in Geneva and works in over 126 countries. Over 80 percent of its 8,000 staff are in the field, often living in difficult and dangerous environments, working directly with refugees and displaced people. Most of our staff are employed locally and know the local languages and culture. UNHCR strongly believes that collaborative efforts with partners are a powerful force for overcoming the challenges of the world’s forcibly displaced and works with over 800 partners worldwide to build better futures for refugees, the displaced and stateless.

By the end of 2013, 51.2 million individuals were forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations. Of these, some 16.7 million people were refugees and 33.3 million were internally displaced in their own country. Close to 1.2 million were asylum-seekers. UNHCR’s forthcoming Global Trends 2014 report, due in June 2015, will provide a complete picture of global displacement in 2014.

UNHCR is almost entirely funded by voluntary contributions from governments and private donors and needs support to help the million people that depend on the organization. 97% of our funding comes from voluntary sources – mostly from governments but the support from private sector donors – individuals, corporations and foundations – is increasingly needed to help the organization deliver aid for ever increasing important humanitarian emergencies. For more information on UNHCR and our humanitarian work around the world over the last 60 years please refer to

UNHCR Private Sector Fundraising (PSFR)

UNHCR international Private Sector Fundraising (PSFR)’s unit is now based in Copenhagen, Denmark. PSFR’s purpose if to maximize private sector funds for UNHCR and to amplify voices for refugees UNHCR is currently the fastest growing global PSFR programme in the world, with the highest level of central investment in private sector fundraising. Private sector


fundraising efforts - through Leadership Giving (LG) and Individual Giving (IG) programmes - are undertaken in 27 countries around the world, through a network of UNHCR country offices and six national fundraising partners.

PSFR’s vision is to raise US$1 billion from 5 million donors. 10 million supporters in 100 countries will raise their collective voice for refugees. By the end of 2018, PSFR will be halfway to achieving the US$1 billion vision, raising US$500 million from 2.5 million donors.

PSFR aims to reach 1 billion people across 50 countries via a combination of national fundraising operations and remote pure digital fundraising through global language hubs. As part of its vision, PSFR must always be prepared to launch a global emergency appeal decisively and quickly, using all PSFR outreach channels – digital, corporate and media partners, face to face, direct mail, and of course DRTV.

Digital will play a major role in delivering our vision. As part of our plans, digital, which

includes television, will underpin 50% of UNHCR’s individual giving revenue by the

end of 2018. Digital will play a major role in engaging 5 million supporters in 50 countries. PSFR’s approach to all engagement and fundraising opportunities will be “digital first”. Our Digital First vision: We will look for digital opportunities in everything we do, locally and globally, and transform every aspect of how we work by 2018. Our global investment will prioritise digital outreach and digital connections that bring supporters and leadership partners closer to refugees and UNHCR’s work. Our digital mind-set will ensure that our campaigns, products and messages are authentic, immediate, honest, simple and easy to understand. Everyone in the PSFR team will understand the power of digital and it will be woven throughout all fundraising delivery and support programmes. In order to achieve this, the PSFR international unit is seeking one principal specialized direct response fundraising television (DRTV) firm, to work closely with us and our national markets, and other specialized agencies in support of delivering our DRTV programme and help us achieve our DRTV/digital first vision. Much efforts will be needed to bring our television fundraising programme to a “Digital First” level. We are envisioning an agency partnership, supporting our DRTV programme, which will be called upon to provide support internationally and/or to national fundraisers who are based in over 15 UNHCR/PSFR markets where PSFR has a physical presence, among which are: Australia, Canada, Greece, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Japan, Spain, South-Korea, Sweden, Thailand, the Gulf countries and the USA. The agency partnership could also be called upon to help UNHCR develop DRTV in markets where we have no PSFR presence. As part of our vision, the international PSFR team and the national PSFR markets involved in DRTV will be working closely with the appointed agency(ies) over the coming years, to continue to develop a “state-of-the-art” and scalable DRTV programme seamlessly integrated with UNHCR’s digital efforts. The main aim of our DRTV


programme is to pursue PSFR’s objective of continuing to acquire quality regular donors, with minimum attrition, while furthering UNHCR’s communication strategy which focuses on protection, humanitarian emergency response and solutions for millions of refugees and forcibly displaced.

Specific information on UNHCR Current DRTV programme

1) UNHCR currently works with a series of four DRTV creative in most of the eight markets where the technique has been tested and launched. A sample of the Australian version of “Still Children” “One Minute” “Ella” and “Protect them” adverts are available for viewing. Please write to Israel Carrizales at to obtain a copy. All adverts have been created with existing UNHCR footage, with the exception of “Protect them” which combines pre-existing and specific footage gathered during a one-week filming mission to Lebanon. The goal of the mission was to gather footage that would allow to further personalize the advert for each market. Except for “Protect them” generally, the difference between the various markets’ DRTV adverts mainly pertains to the voice over (language) and the ask level.

2) DRTV was first tested in Italy in autumn 2008 and has since been tested and

launched in Spain, Sweden, Australia, Hong Kong, Korea, Germany, Japan and the U.K..

3) Currently each market is working with its own national media buying agency and call centre which were appointed in collaboration with our current global DRTV agency.

4) In most markets, the entire DRTV campaigning process from media buying

through to campaign analysis is supported by a joint working relationship between the UNHCR national office, the global DRTV agency and PSFR International. In most cases the media agency relationship is “owned” by the DRTV agency. However this is slowly changing as some of our markets are getting more experienced with the technique. Spain and Italy are engaged in a process of owning the relationship with their media agency. Thus the pricing model presented by agencies must be flexible to adapt to various markets and circumstances depending on their level of maturity with the technique.

5) We are currently working with DRTV adverts of 25, 30, 60, 90 and 120 seconds.

Generally, the longer the ad the better the ROI. We are interested at exploring longer form DRTV as of 2016.

6) With creative rolling-out in seven markets, there is a regular need for

development of new effective DRTV adverts. Currently adverts are developed centrally and adapted to countries. PSFR International is aiming at developing new innovative and effective concepts as of 2015. The appointed agency(ies) will play a key role in providing strategy advice in creative development. UNHCR is


inviting agencies with strong experience of fundraising DRTV creative development in English speaking markets, or any of the specific markets previously mentioned, to present their offer, even if only applying to the creative portion of this proposal.

7) In the last year PSFR International, in collaboration with the UNHCR Geneva Video unit, installed a system (CATDV) which allows the team to access and search in the entire organization’s video archives. PSFR hopes this will help facilitate the creation of DRTV adverts from existing footage. For more information on the products currently being produced by the UNHCR video unit please refer to

8) PSFR is interested in further developing integrated offline/online approaches and

DRTV models where digital, SMS and other digital response mechanisms are being used as additional and alternative cost effective response to telephone. This has to become a key component of the future DRTV programme. Agencies with solid track record of DRTV/Digital integration and measurement of ROI in multi-channels environments, even if not related to fundraising, are strongly invited to present their offers.

9) Over the past years, efforts have been made to develop an emergency DRTV

programme where a basic DRTV advert (30 seconds in length) made mainly with still photography can be developed and produced in the space of three days when a new emergency arises. While the model worked relatively well when the DRTV programme was small (three countries), with the expansion of the DRTV programme to seven countries using the technique, and more to join in soon, PSFR feels that a new model is needed to be on air in most, if not all, of our markets in the space of three days of a new emergency. As part of this proposal, agencies are invited to describe how they could support the effective launch of emergency DRTV adverts within 72 hours of a new emergency in seven to ten countries.

10) PSFR is hoping to further develop the case for engaging celebrities for its DRTV

programme either internationally or nationally. Agencies with good experience of working with celebrities for fundraising DRTV are invited to provide offers.

11) PSFR is also interested at exploring the development of remote DRTV models to

tackle markets where we are not envisaging having a (PSFR) physical presence. Firms are invited to describe their experience in this area.

12) PSFR national offices are providing budgets for national DRTV programmes tests and roll-out. Donor acquisition budgets go through a stringent internal competitive process where acceptance of submissions are dependent on market development strategy, testing ambitions and rationales, overall ROI and other metrics such as long-term value, attrition, etc. Offices which can demonstrate the best ROI and KPIs are often the most likely to obtain the funds. A stellar DRTV


programme which performs exceedingly well, and which can clearly demonstrate impact onto other donor acquisition programmes will obtain more international funding.

Criteria for success for the UNHCR DRTV programme

1) While UNHCR teams are starting to have a better understanding of the uplift to

digital performance and to other types of campaigns brought by DRTV, television as a donor acquisition tool, is often compared to alternative acquisition methods in each of the markets where it is being tested and rolled-out. Although DRTV has its specific KPIs, often a comparison to national face-to-face and digital programmes KPIs is being done – good ROI, minimal attrition, and comparable long term value -- will determine the level of investments DRTV will get in a specific market.

2) Criteria to evaluate DRTV’s success as an acquisition technique in any given

markets are: return on investment (ROI), volume of incoming calls, sellable rates, conversion rates, cost of recruitment of monthly donor, average monthly gift, attrition rates, long term value, uplift to website traffic, volume of online donation driven by DRTV.

3) When creating new concepts, transferability of basic approach internationally is

seen as clear criteria for success.


Specific deliverables

UNHCR seeks one or several agencies which will help us build upon the extensive and successful work which has been done on DRTV since 2008. We are looking for one principal agency which will support our international DRTV programme and potentially a number of additional agencies which could bring additional expertise to our DRTV programme. The agency partnership will:

1) Provide general advice on all aspects of DRTV campaigns including strategy, concept and creative development, media buying; call centre management, back-end management, programme analysis, television production and legal compliance issues with relevant authorities in the specified markets. As of July 1, the appointed agencies are expected to work closely with our teams in Australia, Denmark (PSFR Int’l), Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Hong Kong, Korea and the Gulf. Agencies will be expected to first embrace current national DRTV programmes with an aim to continue testing and roll-out and continue to improve national DRTV programmes performance as an effective monthly donor acquisition method.

2) Work with UNHCR/PSFR and other relevant agencies to bring digital

innovation to the DRTV programme and develop a truly integrated approach to DRTV and Digital with the aim to help PSFR achieve its “Digital First” strategy.

3) Work with PSFR international and selected markets to present new DRTV concepts and produce new DRTV adverts to be tested and measured against our current control adverts. This will involve developing a central concept which can be tailored to various countries.

4) Bring innovation to our international approach to emergency DRTV, which will

allow UNHCR to be on air within 72 hours of a declared emergency in relevant markets (7 to 10 – and more to come) where DRTV has proven an effective donor recruitment method.

5) Work with PSFR national teams to launch informal selection processes with the

aim to select and train reliable, flexible and pro-active national partners –including media agencies, call centres and back-end agencies-- who contribute to the enhancement of national DRTV programmes. Work closely with each of these partners.

6) Work with national markets to select appropriate voice over artists to lend their

voice to our work and proceed to recording of local versions. 7) Provide detailed budgets and critical paths per market. Provide clear invoices to


each market as per budget and test phases. 8) Work with national PSFR teams and selected partners to deliver precise and

clear ROI analysis per DRTV phase – including performance per channel, per creative, per test, and which can be compared globally.

9) Provide general advice on international and national DRTV response

mechanisms, may this be online, sms, telephone with the aim to improve DRTV performance.

10) Provide strategic advice to PSFR international and national teams to continue to

develop DRTV and television in general as an effective donor acquisition tool for UNHCR.

11) In collaboration with PSFR International provide strategical guidance on the selection of key new markets where DRTV can be tested and launched in the future, be it in collaboration with our national teams or through remote models.


UNHCR is envisaging bringing its DRTV programme to a new level in the coming years, working with several agencies partnering to help push the boundaries of the technique. To that aim, we are seeking to contract with a principal DRTV agency which will support the development of our DRTV programme internationally, but would welcome the addition of strong agency partners with either a geographical focus or excellent track record in areas of Fundraising DRTV creative development, digital/TV integration, econometrics, SMS response, DRTV and social media, working with celebrities, etc. PSFR is especially interested in bringing to the table partners who will contribute to the programme’s growth and help us achieve our “digital first” vision.

UNHCR understands that not all agencies are truly international in scope, or can provide the entire breath of services described here. In that light, we are very interested in receiving and evaluating offers that would address the global DRTV programme or parts of it. Agencies who are not in a position to help support the entire international DRTV programme are thus invited to apply for portions of this RFP.

More specifically, we are hoping for strong offers in the following areas:


1. Solid international fundraising DRTV experience, including experience in all or most of the countries mentioned in this RFP. Firms providing offers for this section are applying to be UNHCR’s “main DRTV agency.” They should have a very well-rounded international experience of fundraising DRTV including, all aspects of creative development, media buying, data analytics, emergency DRTV, call centre and back-end management. Please present

your agency, answer relevant questions of pages 10 and 11, describe what

your agency can bring to our DRTV agencies partnership vision and

present your financial offer by filling-in Annexes B, C and D.

2. DRTV Creative Development: we are inviting firms with solid experience of

developing effective DRTV adverts in English or in any other languages relevant to the markets presented in this document to respond to this section of the RFP by providing example and results of relevant creative they have developed. Agencies do not need to be international in scope to provide offers for the creative development section of this RFP. Firms who can contribute effectively to our emergency DRTV programme, have strong experience working with celebrities for DRTV, or can bring innovation by using TV as part of a larger port-folio of products are also invited to respond under Creative Development. Please present your agency and what you can offer

to UNHCR’s DRTV programme. Answer relevant questions of pages 10

and 11, tell us what your agency could bring to our DRTV agencies

partnership vision and present your financial offer by filling-in annexes C

and D.

3. Strategic and analysis aspect of TV and digital integration: we are inviting firms with solid experience of DRTV and digital integration (even if from the commercial sector) to provide an offer under this section. Firms who can contribute to mobile marketing and/or social media strategies in the context of DRTV, or digital innovation such as tailored advertising with technologies such as SKY Adsmart, can also apply to this section of the RFP. Experience does not need to be international, but transferable. Please present your

agency and what you can offer to UNHCR’s DRTV programme. Tell us

what your agency could bring to our DRTV agencies partnership vision.

Answer relevant questions of pages 10 and 11 and present your financial

offer using annexe D.

4. Fundraising DRTV experience in specific countries such as:

a. Japan, b. the USA, c. the Gulf countries, d. Latin America.

If your agency would like to apply only for specific markets, please present your agency and what you can offer to UNHCR’s DRTV


programme. Tell us what market (s) your agency could cover with

expertise and what you could bring to our DRTV agencies

partnership vision. Please answer relevant questions of pages 9, 10

and 11 and present your financial offer using annexes B, C and D.

In responding to this RFP, if relevant for the part they are applying to, firms are

invited to describe:

1. Their experience at providing general advice on specific or several aspects of UNHCR’s fundraising DRTV programme including strategy, concept and creative development, television production, media buying, call centre management, back-end management, data management and analysis, econometrics, strategy on integration with digital and social media, and legal compliance issues with relevant authorities in the specified markets.

2. Their experience and success at building international and national DRTV

programmes as an effective regular donor acquisition tool.

3. How they would approach embracing the current international and national DRTV programmes with an aim to continue testing and improving DRTV programmes performance as an effective monthly donor acquisition method. Kindly note that UNHCR measures the success of its DRTV programme on return on investment (ROI), both on “Media only ROI” and “Total ROI” (including all costs).

4. Their approach to DRTV creative development and production, considering

UNHCR’s current international approach. Ideally firms would present examples of creative successes in relevant markets. The aim of creative development is to create new adverts to keep our portfolio fresh and to improve DRTV performance. Agencies with DRTV long form experience are invited to demonstrate their experience in this area.

5. The specific markets they are applying for, if any, and how they could support

PSFR’s aim to continue to test and develop DRTV in new markets. How they would work in collaboration with PSFR international to provide strategic guidance on the selection of key new markets where DRTV can be tested or re-launched. Current markets which are being considered are Japan, USA, Mexico, Argentina, the Gulf countries. If relevant, firms should present a vision of where their experience could be useful to UNHCR in the development of markets yet untouched by our DRTV programme – UNHCR is especially interested in tapping onto remote markets with DRTV and Digital. Please describe any experience in this area, even if from the commercial sector.


6. If relevant, their commitment and strategic approach to emergency DRTV, which will allow UNHCR to be on air within 72 hours of a declared emergency in markets where DRTV has been proven an effective donor recruitment method. Firms are invited to develop on this topic from a strategic, creative and media standpoint. Firms applying for Emergency DRTV should provide a specific budget for this programme using Annex C.

7. Our current programme model is based on an international approach to DRTV

with the support of national suppliers for media buying and call centres. Firms applying to be UNHCR’s main agency and those applying to support specific markets are invited to present an alternative model and/or on the assumption of embracing the current model, how they would work with PSFR national teams to launch informal selection processes with the aim to select and train reliable, flexible and pro-active national partners –including media agencies, call centres and back-end agencies. Firms are also invited to describe how they would work with these partners.

8. How they would work with the international and national teams to develop

our portfolio of celebrity endorsed DRTV adverts. Firms are invited to provide concrete examples of success in this area.

9. How they would work with national PSFR international to improve our

understanding of integrated campaigns, including tracking methodology, analysis, and the development of econometric models to further our understanding of the role of DRTV on other channels’ response, and help determine the ultimate media investment per channel and country.

10. Their approach to deliver precise and clear ROI analysis per DRTV phase –

including performance per channel, per creative, per test, and which can be compared globally.

11. Agencies are invited to explain the reality of the client/agency relationship

considering the distance and the likelihood that the firm may not be in the same city/country as UNHCR staff – both the international team and the national country team.

12. Finally, firms are invited to describe how they can bring added value to the PSFR “Digital First” vision.

Consultancy support.

The UNHCR PSFR Copenhagen headquarters team will manage the international DRTV programme. This team will ensure the strategic development of the programme internationally and will endeavour to push the boundary of the technique to achieve


PSFR’s digital first vision, DRTV programme analysis, econometrics models, new creative development in line with UNHCR’s brand, footage gathering, specific DRTV filming missions and specific test products/programmes which can be used internationally. The PSFR international team will work in close collaboration with all of its national teams where DRTV programme is tested and launched.


UNHCR is seeking to engage in this new partnership approach at the latest as of July 1st 2015 Depending on their specialty and the scope of their experience, the selected agency will be expected to engage effectively with PSFR International and all or some of our national teams in Australia, Hong Kong, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Spain, Sweden, USA and the Gulf region as of the first days of July 2015. This may include working with existing national partners (media agencies, call centres and back-end agencies).


Required Elements in the proposal: 1. A detailed description of your firm. 2. A detailed description of the section(s) of the DRTV programme for which your firm

is offering support. This is crucial for understanding your suggested pricing model. Firms can apply to more than one section if relevant.

3. Please refer to Annex A page 9 and provide responses to the relevant questions of

pages 10 and 11. 4. All firms are invited to describe the experience of your team related to the options(s)

for which you are applying and provide the hourly rates of the proposed consultants to deliver these services using annex D. If you are offering your services in more than one specific area and the hourly rates of your consultants differ from one area to the other please ensure to provide hourly rates for the consultants for each of the areas you are applying for. Use as many copies of Annex D as needed. Simply label them differently to represent the section it relates to. Ex: Annex D - Main International DRTV agency. Annex D –DRTV Creative Development, etc. Please ensure to include the cost for travelling (or your traveling costing model) for your staff for any element of your proposal which may involve travelling.

5. For firms applying for the creative development of the DRTV programme, including

firms applying as main agency and those applying to specific geographical areas please also describe your approach, methodology, timing, outputs and fees for the following elements (using Annex C):

o Development and production of a new 120 seconds DRTV advert ready for testing and broadcast for November 1st 2015 in all or any of the seven current markets for DRTV. If you are applying only for specific markets for creative development please ensure to specify the market(s).

o Please provide two prices for developing the advert: one for an avert produced exclusively from existing footage and another for an advert developed with a combination of existing and new footage gathered during a two-week filming mission organized in collaboration with UNHCR and your firm. Please ensure to include your staff cost related to the mission, including travel time.

o Please describe your firm’s approach to realize this new product both in terms of creative development and testing.

o If your firm is applying for creative development for all markets, the pricing presented should include the final production of a master tape in English (to be used for our Australian market) as well as the unit cost of adaptation in another language, plus the average unit cost for dubs and tapes and shipping to stations.

o If your firm is applying for one or several specific market(s), please provide the cost for development of the master for this market and the unit cost for tapes and shipping to stations. You may also provide the cost of adaptation for other markets if you find this relevant to your offer.


6. If your firm is applying to help us with the development of a strategic approach to

DRTV emergency fundraising, including firms applying as “main Agencies” Please describe the approach taken to realize this model and product both in terms of development and testing and use Annex C to provide your financial offer. Our objective is to have an emergency DRTV advert ready to be on-air within 72 hours of a declared emergency. Please describe how your could help towards being on air with a DRTV advert in the seven current markets within that time frame, and provide the fee structure for managing this programme and delivering on this objective. Your offer should include the cost of development of a 30 second DRTV advert for testing with the first emergency of the year 2016 – the DRTV emergency programme is to be effectively in place from 1st January 2016. Make as many copies of Annexe C as needed.

7. If your firm is applying to help us with any other aspects of DRTV please ensure to

provide hourly rates for the consultant who will be assigned to this(ese) project(s) as per Annex D.

RFP 664 - Annex B

ANNEX B - RFP/2015/664Financial Offer Form - International Fundraising DRTV agency & specific markets

Firms who are applying for "UNHCR's main DRTV agency" and those applying for specific markets should fill-in this form.

Costs presented here should represent one month of support for any country where the UNHCR DRTV programme has been launched and will be supported by the agency.

Company name:


UN exchange rate date:

Applying for International agency: Yes or No

Cost $ Notes/comments

Media Media managing (Firms are invited here to provide their monthly cost for their time working with media agencies).

Media Agency Fee (%). Firms are invited here to provide the percdentage of media cost they may charge for

administrating and invoicing media).

Response Analysis - Cost for one month reponse analysis.

Call Centre cost Firms are invited to provide cost for one-month of call center activity, if relevant.

Informal Media RFP Full - Cost for handling an informal DRTV media agency Request for proposal for a specific country on behalf of UNHCRPartial (if existing relationship exists and agency need to evaluate potential)

Informal Call Centre RFP Full - Cost for handling an informal DRTV call center Request for Proposal for a specific country on behalf of UNHCR.Partial (if existing relationship exists and agency need to evaluate potential)

Production Use Annexe B to provide cost for development of 120 second DRTV advert and local adaptation.Transmission Copies costs provided are for each version ( as per annexe B)Dubs costs provided are for each version. (as per annex B)

Agency Time per country in test mode Call Centre Planning & Training, review of results 1 day per monthWeekly Media Planning & Invoicing (should be quoted as a percentage of monthly media budget) % of media spendcall conferences with Retained ConsultancyUNHCR, Media & Call Centre Performance ReviewIn country meetings

Agency Time per country in roll-out mode Call Centre Planning & Training, review of results 1 day per qtr2 weekly Media Planning & Invoicing (should be quoted as a percentage of monthly media budget) % of media spendcall conferences with Retained ConsultancyUNHCR, Media & Call Centre Performance ReviewIn country meetings

Travel costs allowance Firms are invited here to describe how they charge for travel.Including travel costs and travel time.

Additional costs (if any)

-$ Please provide explanation about additional costs (if any) in column E for comments, or through notes at the bottom referenced through colomn E.Please add lines to this excel sheet if needed.


Applying for specific markets. Please name markets:

Annex C - RFP 664 - DRTV RFP - New Creative Budget

ANNEX C - RFP/2015/664Financial Offer Form - New 120' Creative Budget

Use as many Annex C as needed.

Company's name:


UN exchange rate date:

Applying for:

We are looking for a fixed cost for developing a 120 second DRTV advert in English.

Please ensure to provide a cost for each of the sections in yellow.

day(s) Comments day(s) Comments

Offline edit/digitise/

Online edit

Voice over Guide voice in English for approval.

Music Comissioned music

Footage (if needed) Cost per second Sound Studio

Graphics /post


Broadcast Clearance

Creative feeAdditional cost (if any)

Total excluding Dubs $0 $0

Transmission copies each

Dubs to channels each

Additional costs(if any)

excludes VAT

Additional costs, if any.

Please provide explanation about aditional costs (if any) in column G for comments.

Please add lines if needed.

Travel costs: Firms are invited here to describe how they charge for travel.

Agencies applying for "International DRTV agency," for "DRTV creative development," and agencies applying for"

Emergency DRTV" and those with a "specic geographical focus" should fill-in this form.Please indicate all prices in USD (using thelatest UN exchange rate which can be found at

and without VAT or other taxes.

The product is not brought to final stage in English, but rather used as a guide to bring to completion the creative for countries with other

languages. The voice over is normally done Nationally.


Cost for Original

Creative in English


Cost for local

Adaptation per

country - final


Page 1 Annex D - RFP 664 - DRTV RFP - Price proposal form - Hourly rates

ANNEX D - RFP/2015/664

Financial Offer Form - Consultancy /daily rates.

All firms submitting offers for this RFP should be filling-in this annex.

Please provide daily rate in USD using the most recent UN exchange rate at

Please provide rate date below.

Use as many Annex D as needed.

Company's name:


UN exchange rate date:

Applying for:

Fixed daily rate perconsultant category

Provide daily rate Provide daily rate Provide daily rate Comments:

Profile Category Strategic consultation Creative DevelopmentDigital


Senior Consultant


Analyst/ Specialist

Creative Director

Account Executive

Account Manager

Other/Please specify:

Please explain your travel cost model:




Section 1: Company Details and General Information

1. Name of Company: 2. Street Address: 3. P.O. Box and Mailing Address: Postal Code: City: Country: 4. Tel: 5. Fax: 6. Email: 7. WWW Address: 8. Contact Name and Title: 9. Email: 10. Parent Company (Full legal / officially registered company name): 11. Subsidiaries, Associates - name, city, country (attach a List if necessary): 12. International Offices/Representation (Countries where the Company has local Offices/Representation): 13. Type of Business (Mark one only): Corporate/ Limited: Partnership: Other (specify): 14. Nature of Business: Manufacturer: Authorised Agent: Trader: Consulting Company: Other (specify): 15. Year Established: 16. Number of Full-time Employees: 17. Licence no./State where registered: 18. VAT No./Tax I.D: 19. Technical Documents available in: English French Spanish Russian Arabic Chinese Other (specify) _________________ 20. Working Languages: English French Spanish Russian Arabic Chinese Other (specify) _________________

Section 2: Banking Information

21. Bank Name: 22. Branch Name: 23. Branch Address: 24. Tel. number:

25. Fax number:

26. Bank Account Number: 27. Account Name: 28. Account currency: 29. Swift/Bank Identifier Code (BIC): 30. International Bank Account Number (IBAN): 31. Routing Bank details (if applicable): full details to be provided as per above If multiple bank accounts exist that may be relevant to UNHCR, please provide details for each account.


Section 3: Technical Capability and Information on Goods / Services Offered 32.. Quality Assurance Certification (e.g. ISO 9000 or Equivalent) (please provide a Copy of your latest Certificate): 33. For Goods only, do those offered for supply conform to National/International Quality Standards? Yes No 34. List below up to a maximum of ten (10) of your core Goods/Services offered: Description (one Line for each Item) National/International Quality Standard to which Item conforms

Section 4: Experience

35. Annual Value of Total Sales for the last 3 Years: Year ______: USD___________ Year ______: USD___________ Year ______: USD___________ 36. Annual Value of Export Sales for the last 3 Years: Year ______: USD___________ Year ______: USD___________ Year ______: USD___________ 37. If available, please provide a copy of the company's latest annual or audited Financial Report. Please note that the latest audited financial report

may be requested in case of a contract with UNHCR. Do you have outstanding bankruptcy, judgment or pending legal action that could impair operating as a going concern? Yes No

If available, please provide Credit Rating by Dun and Bradstreet or equivalent:

38. Recent Contracts with the UN and/or other International Aid Organizations: Organization: Value: Year: Goods/Services Supplied: Destination: USD ________________________ _ USD ________________________ USD ________________________ USD ________________________ 39. To which Countries has your Company exported and/or managed Projects over the last 3 Years?


Section 5: UN Global Compact Initiative 40. Is your company aware of the UN Secretary General‟s Global Compact initiative, which can be viewed at Yes No If yes, have you signed up to this initiative or are you going to sign up to? Please state:

Section 6: Environment 41. Does your Company have a written Statement of its Environmental Policy? (If yes, please attach a Copy) Yes No 42. Write down the name, qualification and contact details of your company‟s environmental focal point. Name: ______________________ Qualification: ____________ Telephone: ______________________ Email: _________________ 43. Does your organisation hold any accreditation such as ISO 14001 related to the environment? Yes No If yes, please attach a copy.

Section 7: Anti Personnel Mines

44. By signing this VRF, potential vendor warrants and represents that neither it, its parent entities (if any), nor any of its subsidiary

or affiliated entities (if any) is engaged in the sale or manufacture, either directly or indirectly, of anti-personnel mines or any components produced primarily for the operation thereof. Please confirm by answering Yes or No below. Yes No Any breach of this clause may lead to the termination of all contracts your Company may have with UNHCR and removal from the approved vendor database.

Section 8: Child Labour 45. By signing this VRF, potential vendor warrants and represents that it is not engaged in any practice inconsistent with the Rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of Child which requires that a child shall be protected from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child‟s education or to be harmful to the child‟s health and physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development. Do you agree with this? Yes No Any breach of this clause may result in the termination of all contracts your Company may have with UNHCR and removal from the approved vendor database.

Section 9: Official not to benefit

46. By signing this VRF, potential vendors confirm that they have read, understood and will comply with the UNHCR policy on the “zero tolerance” that strictly prohibits the acceptance of any type of gift and/or hospitality by UN staff members participating in the procurement process. Please confirm. Yes No Any breach of this clause may lead to the termination of all contracts your Company may have with UNHCR and removal from the approved vendor database.

Section 10: Others 47. Please list any Disputes your Company has been involved in with UN Organizations over the last 3 Years: 48. List any National or International Trade or Professional Organizations of which your Company is a Member.

49. Is your company already registered with the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM)? If so, please provide registration number.

50. Certification: I, the undersigned, hereby accept the UNHCR General Conditions, a copy of which has been provided to me, and warrant that the information

provided in this form is correct and, in the event of changes, details will be provided as soon as possible:

51. Self Declaration: I, the undersigned, declare that: (a) Our company is not involved in any fraudulent or corrupt activities and has not been in the past, and is not currently under any investigation for

any such activities which would render our company unsuitable for business dealing with UNHCR. (b) Our company is not on, or associated with a company or individual, groups, undertakings and entities that are on the consolidated list

established and maintained by the committee established by the UN Resolution No. 1267 ( (c) Our company is not on, or associated with a company or individual that are subject to the list of Independent Inquiry Committee into United

Nations Oil-for-food programme ( (d) Our company is not currently removed, invalidated or suspended by any other UN Headquarters, or Field Offices or any other UN Agencies

(including the World Bank) Name: Functional Title: Signature: Date:


Please mail completed form to*:

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Supply Management Service HQSF00

Chief, Procurement & Contracts Section

Ipoly utca 5a/b/c

1133 Budapest


*Registration form to be returned to the relevant UNHCR Office

Companies that are registered with UNHCR and that have no purchase history over three years shall beinactivated. UNHCR may require new

registration documentation from suppliers in case new business opportunity appears.


The form should be typewritten in uppercase and completed clearly and accurately ensuring that all questions are answered. The numbers below correspond to item numbers on the registration form: Section 1:

1. Full name of company.

2. Full street address.

3. Full mailing address (including P.O. Box, if any).

4. Telephone number, including correct country and area codes.

5. Fax number, including country and area codes.

6. Email address.

7. WWW Address.

8. Provide name of person (including title) or department to whom correspondence should be addressed.

9. Provide email address of contact person.

10. Full legal name of parent company, if any.

11. Please provide, on a separate sheet if necessary, names and addresses of all subsidiaries & associates if any.

12. Please provide countries where the company has local offices or representation.

13. Please tick one box. If other; please specify.

14. Please tick one box. If other; please specify. If the company is a manufacturer of some products and a trader/agent of others which they do not manufacture, both boxes should be ticked.

15. Indicate the year in which the organization was established under the name shown in Item 1.

16. Indicate the total number of full-time personnel in the company.

17. Provide the license number under which the company is registered, or the State where it is registered.

18. Provide the VAT number or Tax I.D. of the company.

19. Please tick the boxes for which languages the company is able to provide technical documents. Please specify other languages.

20. Please tick the boxes for which languages the company is able to work in. Please specify other languages.

Section 2:

21. Full name of bank.

22. Name of branch.

23. Address where branch is located.

24. Telephone number, including correct country and area codes.

25. Fax number, including country and area codes.

26. Number of the company account.

27. Name in which the account is held (important: tis should be the company name).

28. Currency of the account.


29. Swift code for the account.

30. International Bank Account Number (IBAN).

31. Should a routing be required for international payments, please provide full details of intermediate bank(s).

Section 3:

32. List any Quality Assurance Certificates (e.g. ISO 9000 series) that have been issued to your company and provide a copy of the latest certificates.

33. Indicate whether the company's products conform to national/international standards. If yes please attach copies of the certificates.

34. Please list up to 10 of the core goods/services offered. For each item, list the National/International Quality Standard to which it conforms.

Section 4:

35. Provide the total annual sales for the organization for the last 3 financial years in USD.

36. Provide the total export sales for the organization for the last 3 financial years in USD. 37. Please provide a copy of your most recent annual report or audited financial report. Please tick „yes‟ or „no‟ to reflect whether your company has

any outstanding bankruptcy, judgment or pending legal action that could impair operating as a going concern? If available, provide a rating by Dun and Bradstreet or equivalent (specify which).

38. Enter the name(s) of UN organizations which your company has dealt with recently. Provide the value and the year of the contract, the goods/services supplied and the country of destination of each contract. If you have had more than 5 of such contracts, please attach a separate sheet indicating the others. Documentary evidence of such contracts may be required, e.g. copies of purchase orders.

39. List export markets, in particular, all developing countries to which your company has exported over the last 3 years.

Section 5:

40. Please confirm if your company is aware of the UN Global Compact Initiatives – ten universally accepted principles of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption – by marking Yes or No. Also, please state if you have signed up to this initiative or you intend to do so.

Section 5:

41. The Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, emphasised the necessity to protect and renew the earth's limited resources. Agenda 21 was adopted by 178 governments and lays an emphasis for the UN to exercise leadership, i.e. towards promoting environmental sensitive procurement policies for goods and services. Please indicate whether your company has a written statement of its Environmental Policy and, if so, please provide a copy.

42. Provide the name, qualification and contact details (e-mail and telephone) of your environmental focal point.

43. Please indicate if your organisation holds any accreditation such as ISO 14001 related to the environment. If so, please enclose copies of such certification.

Section 7:

44. UNHCR expects all suppliers with whom it does business with to obey with the non-engagement in the sale or manufacture of anti-personnel mines or components utilized in the manufacture of anti-personnel mines. Please mark yes if you are in agreement and no if otherwise.

Section 8:

45. UNHCR expects all suppliers with whom it does business with to obey with the non-engagement in any practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Minimum Age Convention or the Prohibition and Immediate Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention. Please mark yes if you are in agreement and no if otherwise.

Section 9:

46. Official benefits: UNHCR adopted “zero tolerance” policy that strictly prohibits the acceptance of any type of gift and/or hospitality by UN staff members participating in the procurement process. Please confirm your acceptance by answering Yes or No if otherwise.

Section 10:

47. List all disputes with UN organizations which your organization has been involved in over the last 3 years. If more space is required, please use a separate sheet.

48. Provide details of all national and international trade or professional organizations to which your company belongs.

49. UNHCR accepts UNGM-registered companies into its database, subject to submitting a hardcopy of a complete set of vendor registration form with necessary attachments. The registration number provided by UNGM should be given.

50. Please read carefully the enclosed UNHCR General Term and Conditions, as signing of the form signifies acceptance. The form should be signed by the person completing it and their name and title should be typed, along with the date.


51. Please sign a self declaration stating that:

(a) Your company is not involved in any fraudulent and corrupt activities and has not been in the past, and is not currently under any investigation for such activities which would render your company unsuitable for business dealing with UNHCR.

(b) Your company is not on, or associated with a company or individual, groups, undertakings and entities that are on the consolidated list established and maintained by the committee established by the UN Resolution No. 1267 (

(c) Your company is not on, or associated with a company or individual that are subject to the list of Independent Inquiry Committee into United Nations Oil-for-food programme (

(d) Your company is not currently removed, invalidated or suspended by the UN Headquarters or any of its field offices or any other UN agency Headquarters or any of their field offices.

RFP/2015/664 DRTV Services at UNHCR

Q# Question Answer




































Annex H

Calendar of activities

Task Due date

RFP sent out to bidders 22th

April 2015

Deadline to receive questions from bidders 29th

April 2015

Deadline to respond to bidders question 4th

May 2015

Deadline for receipt of proposals 18th

May 2015

top related