request for records disposition authoriy€¦ · requet 1 atol rhs and rors aminiaon r ods dlaln...

Post on 11-Jun-2020






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NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Dlapoelllon Aulhcrlty Records Sohedule DAA-AU-20170008

Request for Records Disposition Authority

Records Schedule Number DM-AU-2017-0006

Schedule Status Approved

Agency or Establishment Department of the Anny

Record Group I Scheduling Group Anny Undifferentiated

Records Schedule epplles to Department-wide

Schedule Subject Anny Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency (AMCOM-COE)

Internal agency concum1nces will No be provided

Background Information AR 700-143 Packaging of Hazardous Material establishes uniform policy for packaging Hazardous Materials (HAZMA T) for safe efficient and legal storage handling and transportation The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff G-4 In support of AR 700-143 AMCOM submits for disposition the AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency

Item Count

Number of Total Disposition Items

Number of Permanent Disposition Items

Number of Temporary Disposition Items

Number of Withdrawn Disposition Items

0 1 0

GAO Approval

Page 1 ol8 PDF C_ on 111132017

NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Autho ty Records Schedule DAA-AUa1NJDD8

Outline of Records Schedule Items for DAA-AU-2017-0006

Sequence Number

1 AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System

11 AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System Master File RN 700-143aACRS 700A (0-6) Disposition Authority Number DAA-AU-2017-0006-0001

Electronic Records Archives Page2of6 PDF Created on 111312017


for Records Dlspos111on Records Schedule DAA-AUZ0170006

Records Schedule Items

Sequence Number



AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System The purpose of the AMCOM-COE is to provide a method of accessing a complete and accurate collection of Certificate of Equivalency data which includes a Certificate of Equlvalency Competent Authority Approvals and Special Permits The data Is entered and updated by users via a web front-end Interface The data Is stored maintained and modified In the database which assists in managing and maintaining the various certificates approvals and permits in one central repository These forms together certify that the proposed packaging design equals or exceeds the comparable requirements of 49 CFR for the commodity being shipped and is authorized for use on International shipments If moved on a military controlled airlift Input records covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0001 Item 10 for hard copy and analog and by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0004 Item 20 for electronic inputsource records Output ad-hoc records are covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0005 Item 30 and output data file records are covered by DM-GRS-0001-0006 Item 31 System documentation as defined in DMshyGRS-2013-0005-0003 is covered by Item 51

AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System Master File RN 700-143aACRS 700A (0-6)

Disposition Aulhority Number DM-AU-2017-0006-0001

The master file includes but is not limited to Certificates of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals Special Permits and memoranda

Final Disposition Temporary

Item Status Active

Is this Item media neutral Yes

Do any of the records cOllered by this item currently eicist in electronic fo1TT1al(s) other than e-mail and word processing


Do any of the records covered by this Item exist as structured electronic data


Manual Citation Manual Title

AR 25-400-2 The Army Records Information Management System

Paga3of6 PDF Crealed on 11132017

Authority NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Dlsposldon Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017middot0008

Disposition Instruction

Cutoff Instruction

Retention Period

Additional Information

GAO Approval

TE6 Event Is when a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required Keep until event occurs and then until no longer needed for conducting business but not longer than 6 years after the event

Destroy 6 year(s) after a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required

Not Required

Electronic Records Archives Page 4 DI B PDF Creeled on 111312017



NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Disposition Auhorlly Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017-0008

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am autholized to act for this agency In mailers pertaining ID the disposition of Ha records and that the records proposed for disposal in this achedule are not now needed for the buslnaas of the agency orwll not be needed afterthe retanUon periods specified

Signatory Information

Date Action Title Organization

012612017 Return to Submitte r

Shir1ey KinsonJones

Management Analys t

Army -ReCQrds Management and Declassification Agency

01262017 Certify Shirley KlnsonJones

Management Analys t

Army - Records Management and Declassification Agency

1 1 012017 Submit for Concur ranee

Robyn Dexter Apprasial ArchMst National Archives and Records Administration -RDTP2

11022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servic es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Serivces

1 1 022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servlc es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Ser1vces

1 1 062017 Approve David Ferrlero ArchMst of the Unite d States

Office of the Archivist -Office of the Archivist

Page5of8 PDF Creeled on 11132017




Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Autho ty Records Schedule DAA-AUa1NJDD8

Outline of Records Schedule Items for DAA-AU-2017-0006

Sequence Number

1 AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System

11 AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System Master File RN 700-143aACRS 700A (0-6) Disposition Authority Number DAA-AU-2017-0006-0001

Electronic Records Archives Page2of6 PDF Created on 111312017


for Records Dlspos111on Records Schedule DAA-AUZ0170006

Records Schedule Items

Sequence Number



AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System The purpose of the AMCOM-COE is to provide a method of accessing a complete and accurate collection of Certificate of Equivalency data which includes a Certificate of Equlvalency Competent Authority Approvals and Special Permits The data Is entered and updated by users via a web front-end Interface The data Is stored maintained and modified In the database which assists in managing and maintaining the various certificates approvals and permits in one central repository These forms together certify that the proposed packaging design equals or exceeds the comparable requirements of 49 CFR for the commodity being shipped and is authorized for use on International shipments If moved on a military controlled airlift Input records covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0001 Item 10 for hard copy and analog and by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0004 Item 20 for electronic inputsource records Output ad-hoc records are covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0005 Item 30 and output data file records are covered by DM-GRS-0001-0006 Item 31 System documentation as defined in DMshyGRS-2013-0005-0003 is covered by Item 51

AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System Master File RN 700-143aACRS 700A (0-6)

Disposition Aulhority Number DM-AU-2017-0006-0001

The master file includes but is not limited to Certificates of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals Special Permits and memoranda

Final Disposition Temporary

Item Status Active

Is this Item media neutral Yes

Do any of the records cOllered by this item currently eicist in electronic fo1TT1al(s) other than e-mail and word processing


Do any of the records covered by this Item exist as structured electronic data


Manual Citation Manual Title

AR 25-400-2 The Army Records Information Management System

Paga3of6 PDF Crealed on 11132017

Authority NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Dlsposldon Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017middot0008

Disposition Instruction

Cutoff Instruction

Retention Period

Additional Information

GAO Approval

TE6 Event Is when a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required Keep until event occurs and then until no longer needed for conducting business but not longer than 6 years after the event

Destroy 6 year(s) after a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required

Not Required

Electronic Records Archives Page 4 DI B PDF Creeled on 111312017



NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Disposition Auhorlly Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017-0008

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am autholized to act for this agency In mailers pertaining ID the disposition of Ha records and that the records proposed for disposal in this achedule are not now needed for the buslnaas of the agency orwll not be needed afterthe retanUon periods specified

Signatory Information

Date Action Title Organization

012612017 Return to Submitte r

Shir1ey KinsonJones

Management Analys t

Army -ReCQrds Management and Declassification Agency

01262017 Certify Shirley KlnsonJones

Management Analys t

Army - Records Management and Declassification Agency

1 1 012017 Submit for Concur ranee

Robyn Dexter Apprasial ArchMst National Archives and Records Administration -RDTP2

11022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servic es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Serivces

1 1 022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servlc es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Ser1vces

1 1 062017 Approve David Ferrlero ArchMst of the Unite d States

Office of the Archivist -Office of the Archivist

Page5of8 PDF Creeled on 11132017




Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected



for Records Dlspos111on Records Schedule DAA-AUZ0170006

Records Schedule Items

Sequence Number



AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System The purpose of the AMCOM-COE is to provide a method of accessing a complete and accurate collection of Certificate of Equivalency data which includes a Certificate of Equlvalency Competent Authority Approvals and Special Permits The data Is entered and updated by users via a web front-end Interface The data Is stored maintained and modified In the database which assists in managing and maintaining the various certificates approvals and permits in one central repository These forms together certify that the proposed packaging design equals or exceeds the comparable requirements of 49 CFR for the commodity being shipped and is authorized for use on International shipments If moved on a military controlled airlift Input records covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0001 Item 10 for hard copy and analog and by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0004 Item 20 for electronic inputsource records Output ad-hoc records are covered by DM-GRS-2013-0001-0005 Item 30 and output data file records are covered by DM-GRS-0001-0006 Item 31 System documentation as defined in DMshyGRS-2013-0005-0003 is covered by Item 51

AMCOM Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) System Master File RN 700-143aACRS 700A (0-6)

Disposition Aulhority Number DM-AU-2017-0006-0001

The master file includes but is not limited to Certificates of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals Special Permits and memoranda

Final Disposition Temporary

Item Status Active

Is this Item media neutral Yes

Do any of the records cOllered by this item currently eicist in electronic fo1TT1al(s) other than e-mail and word processing


Do any of the records covered by this Item exist as structured electronic data


Manual Citation Manual Title

AR 25-400-2 The Army Records Information Management System

Paga3of6 PDF Crealed on 11132017

Authority NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Dlsposldon Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017middot0008

Disposition Instruction

Cutoff Instruction

Retention Period

Additional Information

GAO Approval

TE6 Event Is when a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required Keep until event occurs and then until no longer needed for conducting business but not longer than 6 years after the event

Destroy 6 year(s) after a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required

Not Required

Electronic Records Archives Page 4 DI B PDF Creeled on 111312017



NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Disposition Auhorlly Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017-0008

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am autholized to act for this agency In mailers pertaining ID the disposition of Ha records and that the records proposed for disposal in this achedule are not now needed for the buslnaas of the agency orwll not be needed afterthe retanUon periods specified

Signatory Information

Date Action Title Organization

012612017 Return to Submitte r

Shir1ey KinsonJones

Management Analys t

Army -ReCQrds Management and Declassification Agency

01262017 Certify Shirley KlnsonJones

Management Analys t

Army - Records Management and Declassification Agency

1 1 012017 Submit for Concur ranee

Robyn Dexter Apprasial ArchMst National Archives and Records Administration -RDTP2

11022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servic es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Serivces

1 1 022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servlc es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Ser1vces

1 1 062017 Approve David Ferrlero ArchMst of the Unite d States

Office of the Archivist -Office of the Archivist

Page5of8 PDF Creeled on 11132017




Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


Authority NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Dlsposldon Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017middot0008

Disposition Instruction

Cutoff Instruction

Retention Period

Additional Information

GAO Approval

TE6 Event Is when a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required Keep until event occurs and then until no longer needed for conducting business but not longer than 6 years after the event

Destroy 6 year(s) after a hazardous material item without DOT specification packaging is ready to ship certification required

Not Required

Electronic Records Archives Page 4 DI B PDF Creeled on 111312017



NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Disposition Auhorlly Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017-0008

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am autholized to act for this agency In mailers pertaining ID the disposition of Ha records and that the records proposed for disposal in this achedule are not now needed for the buslnaas of the agency orwll not be needed afterthe retanUon periods specified

Signatory Information

Date Action Title Organization

012612017 Return to Submitte r

Shir1ey KinsonJones

Management Analys t

Army -ReCQrds Management and Declassification Agency

01262017 Certify Shirley KlnsonJones

Management Analys t

Army - Records Management and Declassification Agency

1 1 012017 Submit for Concur ranee

Robyn Dexter Apprasial ArchMst National Archives and Records Administration -RDTP2

11022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servic es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Serivces

1 1 022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servlc es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Ser1vces

1 1 062017 Approve David Ferrlero ArchMst of the Unite d States

Office of the Archivist -Office of the Archivist

Page5of8 PDF Creeled on 11132017




Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected




NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION for Records Disposition Auhorlly Records Schedule DAA-AU-2017-0008

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am autholized to act for this agency In mailers pertaining ID the disposition of Ha records and that the records proposed for disposal in this achedule are not now needed for the buslnaas of the agency orwll not be needed afterthe retanUon periods specified

Signatory Information

Date Action Title Organization

012612017 Return to Submitte r

Shir1ey KinsonJones

Management Analys t

Army -ReCQrds Management and Declassification Agency

01262017 Certify Shirley KlnsonJones

Management Analys t

Army - Records Management and Declassification Agency

1 1 012017 Submit for Concur ranee

Robyn Dexter Apprasial ArchMst National Archives and Records Administration -RDTP2

11022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servic es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Serivces

1 1 022017 Concur Margaret Hawkins

Director of Records Management Servlc es

National Records Management Program - ACNR Records Management Ser1vces

1 1 062017 Approve David Ferrlero ArchMst of the Unite d States

Office of the Archivist -Office of the Archivist

Page5of8 PDF Creeled on 11132017




Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected





Executive Summary

Retllrda Schedule DAA-AU4017 08

The Department of the Army requests disposition authority for the Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equlvalency The system generates points of the certificate to include permits approvals and ensure complianceThe files are temporaiy because they have little to no historical value and do not document significant actions of Federal officials






Permanent Item Numbers

Federal Register Notice

Publication Dale

Coples Re9uested

Comments Received

Eleclronlc Records Anhlves Pege6ol6 PDF Creeled on 10l302017

-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


-- bullk--- middot

NATIONAL t Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgtARCf IV

DAA-AU-2017-0006 2messages

Robyn Dexter ltrobyndexternaragovgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 1154 AM To Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA(US) ltshlrteyajones48clvmaUmDgt


Attached are the suggested edits for this schedule Ive added the GRS language spelled out some acronyms and moved some things to the system description If you approve Ill make the edits in ERA and push it along



Robyn Dexter Appraisal Archivist National Archives and Records Admin 8601 Adelphi Road Rm 2200 College Park MD 20740-6001 301-837-2903 Office MonWedFri 301-278-2844 Telework TuThu

II) Suggested Edits DAAU4017-0006docx 68K

Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA (US) ltevegrobertsclvmaUmilgt Wed Aug 9 2017 at 341 PM To Robyn Dexterltrobyndexternaragovgt Cc Jones Shirley A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) ltthlrteyaJones48clvmallmDgt

Robyn Please make your suggested changes

Thank you Eve

--Original Message--From Jones Shlrtay A CIV USARMY HQDA OAA (US) Sent Wednesday August 09 2017 334 PM To Roberts Eve G CIV USARMY HQDA(US)ltevegrobertscivmallmilgt Subject FW [Non-DoD Source] OAA-AU-2017()006


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


bullSee Robyns suggested edits


Shirley (QuoledaxhlddenJ

Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


Army Command ofEguivalencv


Date Appraiser Agency Subject

080212017 Robyn Dexter ACNR Department of the Army DAA-AU-2017-0006




COLLEGE PARK MD 20740-6001

www rchlvesgov


Schedule Overview Army Materiel Command Certificate of Equivelency

Backgroond Information AR 700-143 establishes Army authority for the regulation of packaging storage handling and transportation of hazardous materials

Additional Backgroond Information In accordance with AR 700-143 the Army Materiel Command (AMCOM) Certificate of Equivalency (AMCOM-COE) master files sets create the various components of a Certificate of Equivalency These include but are not limited to the Certificate of Equivalency Competent Authority Approvals and any Special Permits That certificate is what ensures compliance with the safe and compliant handling of ha7ardous materials

Overall Recommendation I recommend approval of the attached schedule


Item 1 Materiel Certificate

Proposed Disposition Temporary

Appropriateness of Proposed Disposition Appropriate

Appraisal Justification Has little to no research value Does not document the significant actions of Federal Officials

Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


Adequacy of Proposed Retention Period Adequate from the standpoints oflegal rights and accountability

Media Neutrality Yes


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


lot11 ADAPT bull Response DAA-AU-20l7-0006 Tagsamp

Initial Review form

Assigned to1 Eleanor Saxton lob Number DAA-AU-2017-0006 SHU Unit RDTPA

Response Due By 3302017 Apraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned DatB 392017 210 PM

Response Dam 3152017 646 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes An there any partkular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No Coreother SHU wishes to partlclpabl In review (check box it yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appralSal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Orpnlzatlon(s) creating the records ls dear Not Selecbd


2 Serles descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information (crouwalk) dearly spell out all the records covered by each Item Not Selected


4 Dou schedule or supplemental lnfonnatlon (ClOllllWalk) provide adequate Information on format and media l11SUes Not Selected


s Ant proposed dispositions appropriate Not Selected


6 Ant proposed disposition statements dear Not Selected


7 Is age of transfer for permanent recordS acceptable Not Selected


8 For permanent records volumedate -n information present Not Selected


g For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexbull present If existing Not Selected


10 Addltional commentssuggestions Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


Tagsamp Nntoc

w ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Richard Stonelob Number DAA-AU-2017bull0DD6 SHU Unit RDEP Response Due By 3302017

Appraiser Robyn Dexter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM Response Date 3152017 941 AM

Appraiser Comments

I wlll get the input and output language edited es well es the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any particular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes)

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Check box If yes)

1 Organization(bull) creilting the reconl5 Is desr Yes


2 Series de1ctlptlana adequate and dear Yes


3 Do big bucket Itemamp or supplemental Information (crosswalk) dearly spell out all the records COVllllld by each Item NA


4 Does schedule or supplemental lnfonnmtion (crosswalk) provide adequate Information on fonnat and media l115Ues No__ bullbull


s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Yes


6 Are proposed disposition statements cleat Yes


7 Is - of transfer for permanent records acceptable NA


s for pennanent records volumedate span Information present NA


9 For pennanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If existing




10 Additional eotnmentasuggestlons Yes

m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


m ADAPT Response DAA-AU-2017-0006

Initial Review form

Assigned to Silvia Arguellolab Number DAA-AU-2017-000111 SHU Unit AF

Response Due Ely 3302017 Appraiser Robyn Deeter Assigned Date 392017 210 PM

Response Date 3142017 156 PM

Appraiser Comments

I will get the Input and output language edited as well as the acronyms and some wording changes Are there any parbcular thoughts on the cutoff Instructions

No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In review (check box If yes) No CoreOther SHU wishes to participate In appraisal visit (Dleck box If yes)

1 Organlzatlon(s) crutln9 the recordbull Is dear Not Selected


2 Selfea descriptions adequate and dear Not Selected


3 Do big bucket Items or supplemental Information ( lk) dearly spell out all the recants covered by each Item Not Selected


4bull _schedule or supplemental Information (cr-walk) provide adequate Information on format and macla lssuea Not Sejected Commentssuggestions

s Are proposed dispositions appropriate Not


Cl Are proposed disposition statements d1111r Not Selected


7 ls age of transfer for permanent records accaptable Not Selected Commentssuggestions

a For permanent records volumedate span Information present Not Selected Commentssuggestklns

9 For permanent records are related finding aidsIndexes present If ulstlng Not iefected


10 Addltlonal comment5suggesttons Not Selected


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