research, development & innovation 2014 - 2020. contents scope of r&d&i framework gber...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Research, Development & Innovation

2014 - 2020


• Scope of R&D&I framework

• GBER aid for R&D&I

• Research Organisations and State aid

Scope of R&D&I framework

• Research and knowledge dissemination organisations

• Indirect state aid via publicly funded research organisations

• Public procurement of research and development services

• Individual aid awards outside of the GBER

GBER Aid for R&D&I

• R&D projects and feasibility studies

• Research Infrastructure investment

• Innovation cluster investment & operating aid

• Innovation support for SMEs

• Process & organisational innovation

• Local infrastructure investment aid

• (Young innovative SMEs finance)

Article 25 R&D projects

• Notification thresholds doubled for all types of research

• Repayable advance = add 50% to threshold and 10% to max aid intensity

• Revenues from commercially usable prototypes & pilots – no longer deductible

• Feasibility studies simplified at 50% (+SME bonuses)

Article 29 Process & organisational innovation

• Mainly for SMEs, but smaller amount available for collaborating large companies

• For introduction of new and significantly improved processes & methods of working

• Must be able to show the change is not driven by usual business cycle / pressures

Eligible costs for Art. 25 & 29

Must be directly incurred for the project and eligible only to the extent used for the project:•Personnel costs•Costs of instruments and equipment•Costs of buildings and land•Additional overheads •Other operating expenses, including materials, supplies and similar products

Article 26 Research infrastructure• Only applies to research structures (partly) used for

economic purposes

• Allows 50% aid for the economic part (and 100% for non-economic part)

• Industrial partners contributing at least 10% can get preferential access - must be proportionate & terms publicly available.

Article 27 Innovation clusters

• For investment & operational costs

• Investment costs – 50% of construction or upgrade of facilities

• Operating costs - 50% for up to 10 years Personnel & admin costs of:

– Start up costs of knowledge sharing & business support activities

– Marketing

– Management of facilities, training programmes & conferences

Article 28 Innovation aid for SMEs

• Single category covering:

– Creating and defending IPR

– Secondment of highly qualified personnel

– Costs for innovation advisory & support services

• 50% aid intensity

– Can provide 100% for old Article 36 up to De minimis level

Research Organisations and state aid

• “Research and knowledge-dissemination organisation”

• Considered outside of state aid rules when:

– If 100% public funded, economic activity <20%

– If public & private funded, public funding does not exceed costs of non-economic activities.

• Otherwise, public funding of economic activities by research organisations are subject to state aid rules

– Need to identify beneficiary and exemption

Economic & non-economic activities

• Economic activities:– Renting out infrastructure– Contract research– Supplying goods or services

• Non-economic activities:– Public education– Independent or collaborative research– Wide knowledge dissemination

Avoiding in-direct aid

• Market price

• Collaborative projects

– Joint project (design, division of labour, access to results) with shared risks

– Terms & conditions must be set before start

• IPR must be held by Research organisation and may be widely disseminated unless paid for by industrial collaborative partner

Further Sources of Info

• European Commission website–



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