research into cvs and business cards

Post on 26-Sep-2015






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CVs and Business Cards


  • CV

    To prepare for creating my CV, I researched different types of CVs online, in University and from people I know. I found this particularly helpful as I could analyse how to approach making a CV of my own and what to include in it. Overall, I have produced several CVs in order to be best suited for the job role I am applying for. Mainly, I have based my CV on animating jobs as that is the career that I would like to gain after my degree.

    Firstly, the first type of CV that I looked at was Traditional Cvs which are also known as Chronological CVs. I found out that these types of CVs are used when you match your qualifications, work experience and skills to the criteria of the role and employer. These types of CVs are also ordered in reverse order so the most recent information ( for e.g. education and work experience) would go first. I found that this structure would be quite effective as it allows you to state clearly what you have studied, what work experience you have done, skills and its in a clear layout so its easier for the employer to look through. Although, I found that if there is any information missing or if the details do not fit the criteria of the job/company you are applying for, then it will not get their attention.

    Examples of Traditional CVs can be found in the images below.

    I have also created a traditional CV of my own which can be found after the examples.

    Overall, even though I think this CV is effective and easiest/clearest to see and understand, I think that for the career that I am aspiring to, a creative CV may be better to portray myself.

  • Websites that I looked at for CVs


  • The next type of CV that I looked at was the skills based CV also known as the

    functional CV. This type of CV seemed to be quite useful for people who have

    not had a lot of employment history/ limited experience or are applying for a

    job that was not related to their degree. Also, as it is a skills based CV, it means

    that you can just solely depend upon the skills you have developed in various

    points in your life.

    Examples of skills based CVs can be found below.

    Finally, with regard to different types of CVs, I looked at creative CVs. I found

    that creative CVs contained all of the information that the other types did but

    just conveyed them in a more personalised, creative way.

    Examples can be found below

  • In response to the creative CV research, I have created an example of my own.

    I think that this was a good approach to do as it displays my artistic side.

    Creating my CV

    Firstly, to create my background I opened a new document and made sure it was A4.

    Next, I created a rectangle using the rectangle tool and changed the colour on the palette to fit my colour scheme of blues. On the rectangle, I created a heading using the type tool and typed my name and curriculum vitae. In order to make the rectangle more appealing, I clicked on the brush definition tool bar and selected the watercolour brush. Similarly to create my other headings for my skills, education etc I used the same technique in order for consistency.

    On the other rectangle headings that I created, I made the boxes larger in order to put more information in it. Also, I changed the colour of the text in order to highlight or make the words clearer.

    Next, I created an image on my CV by making it transparent in another programme (Microsoft Word) and transferred it across into Illustrator by copying and pasting it in. However, the image size was slightly too large so using the free transform tool, I was able to scale it to the appropriate size and place it onto my CV. I included this particular image as I wanted to convey my illustrating ability and also it is relevant to my university

  • projects. In addition, I think that it was a good image to use as it uses the colour scheme as my CV.

    For some of the content of particular headings, for e.g. skills, I had a bit of an issue fitting all of it onto the page so I had to reduce the size of the text and occasionally the actual rectangle the text was in.

    Overall, I think that the creative CV was successful as it is illustrative, yet still clear to see and read. If I had to improve it, I think that I would slighly change some of the colours of the text boxes and the size of the fonts. Also, I found illustrator to be easier to do for the business cards as there wasnt as much information and was more illustrative based.

    Content for the CV

    Education Details of most recent education (degree) and then list A Level and GCSEs and where I studied them. Portsmouth University, Highcliffe 6th Form, Highcliffe School. Briefly describe the grades you got, for example, for GCSEs I got 12 A* to C grades. Also, only list relevant subjects, for example Art.

    Employment Include details of work experience at Tesco, and Morris Holdings and talk about my role at the work place. Also, include the skills I had gained from the experience and how that is relevant to my CV. In addition, I could include my experience at University for working for a client (The Boy Who Lost His Name) and talk about my role within the group. Again, talk about the skills gained and how this can apply to my CV. The main skills that I gained were team work, communication and organisation skills.

    Skills In the skills section of my CV, include skills I had gained from University as this is the most recent thing I have gained, then include skills I have developed over the years but make sure they are relevant. For skills that I have gained at University, mention the content that I am learning, for e.g. Animation Principles, Character Animation and Performance, colour theory etc and then talk about the softwares that I have learnt and what I am most competent in. Bullet point this to make it clearer and not too busy.

  • Hobbies and Interests For the hobbies and interests, mention things that I do in my free time that can be applied to my application. For e.g. because I am into 3D animation, mention that I take tutorials and practise on the software (Maya). Furthermore, mention that I am into illustration and art so I like to draw and take classes outside of my degree. Also, talk about outside activities/events that I go to, like London Comic Con every May and October where people from the industry go there and talk. A final point of how I would like to get a career in the gaming industry will also be a good point to make due to my keen interest in it.

    References References could be included at the end although it is not essential. Maybe just put references upon request. Business Cards

    The following examples are of business cards that I have looked at

    for reference for my own. I think that the creative business cards

    would be effective to use as you are able to display your creativity

    although there is the risk of going overboard or including

    illustrations that are not relevant to your job role. Out of the

    examples that I have included above, I like the label looking one as it

    is associated with clothes and its not a complicated design. I

    thought of going with this approach for my business card.

  • Content of a Business Card

    How to contact you email, telephone number

    What you do title, 3D animator, character animator and illustrator

    How to find out more websites, blogs, emails

    Who you are university student, animator

    Why they should remember you eye catching business card

    - Layout Thinking about the 1/3 rule and not making the card look too busy. For my business card I will keep it consistent with my CV so I will stay with the colour theme of blues and use the image of the boy character that I am currently developing for my final project.

    - Typography For the typography of the business card, I will use the same fonts that I used on the CV for it. This will stick with the consistency and will perhaps look more professional. Also, I will have to consider the kerning, leading and tracking of the fonts. Kerning = space between letters Tracking = space between words Leading = space between lines of text

    - Fonts For the fonts, consider the kerning, tracking and leading to see if they are clear and easy to read for the reader. Consider if the fonts are serifed or sans serifed too.

    - Images As I explained earlier, I will use the same image that I used on my CV for consistency although it may need to be slightly altered, for e.g. the size to fit the buisness card layout. I will need to make sure as well that there will be space on the card for the employer in case they need to write on the business card. Furthermore, with regard to the layout of the image on the business card, I will have to make sure that it doesnt overlap too much with the text and that the text is still readable over the image if it ends up overlapping. QR codes could be used on my business card but I dont think that I will include it on mine as I think its not very eye catching.




    The following websites are some of the sites that I used for reference when looking at different creative business cards. Creating my Business Card

    - Firstly, to create my buisness card, I created a new document on illustrator and used the templates of different business cards. After choosing a business card size, I inserted the image of the boy onto it and resized it.

    - Once I had done this, I created numerous versions of buisness cards to see what would go with it the best.

    With this variation of the card, I had created a texture behind the

    rectangle in order to get a paper and traditional animating mood to it. Then I

    added a thick border line in the middle to separate the image from the text.

    Even though I think this design looked good, there was a bit of an issue with

    the free space so thats why I did not choose this example.

  • Next, I wanted to explore the idea of making it a post it note. I thought that

    this might be an interesting idea to do as post it notes are associated with

    memos being remembered. Also, remembering my previous mistake of not

    leaving enough space on the other business card, I tried to do it on this one.

    The text is also fairly similar to the other one too and I used the same image

    for consistency. Overall, I liked this approach to the business card although I

    felt that it was a bit plain and didnt really strike me.

    Lastly, the final experiment that I did for the business cards was this one,

    where I played about with a black and white colour scheme as I thought this

    looked smart and was used a lot on business cards I looked at. If I didnt use my

    final business card idea, I would have used this one as I think that its clear,

    easy to read, and not too busy. Also, it has white space for people to write on it.

    If there was something that I was going to improve on this card, it would be

    the leading of the text as they are a bit too close together.

  • Finally, this is my final design for the business card.

    To create this:

    - I created another rectangle and matched the colour to the main image

    of the boy to make it look like it was in a room with shaded areas.

    - Then, I got the type tool, and inserted the heading, sub headings and

    details about me. The fonts were kept the same, just edited to fit on the

    page and the colours are slightly different depending on the type of

    information. Also, some information has been made bolder, for e.g. the

    heading as that is one of the most important aspects that the employer

    will be looking for on a business card.

    - Next, I added the logo for the axis in Maya onto the business card so

    that the reader can associate it with animation. In addition, it could also

    be interpreted that it is being used to animate the picture of the boy.

    - Lastly, I tried to include space so that it could be written on, although I

    think that this aspect could be improved.

    Feedback for Business Card/CV and Cover Letter

    Application: Initial thoughts. Business card is attractive, although I did struggle to read the URL/email without glasses, this was OK as secondary info. Overall a good impression and its clear what you are/who you are etc.

    Layout of heads on the back seemed a little awkward and I would suggest looking at this again.. this points to a compositional weakness - which was then backed up by the front - but a very subtle, but somehow annoying feature - the wall that effectively subdivides the card, with the

  • image in the background is not quite vertical - its close enough to look like it should be and therefore should be corrected - or change it so that it isn't so close to look like a mistake..

    The way the contents of the envelope were included should be addressed - when opening it, I got the business card first - ok, then the skills sheet - inside out, but then the cv was folded so that the second page came first, and the covering letter folded inside out - or rather there was nothing on the outside to see what it was - therefore both should have been folded so that the first thing seen was the covering letter - and this should be done so that the role being applied for is seen from the outset - not your address or the addressing of the recipient - these are good to have there, but change the layout to make it easier on the person opening the contents...

    Covering letter- overall the contents are ok, but there are a few attention to detail things. There is a comma in the wrong place where you have listed software.. I also think you need to address the content to a certain degree - as per normal, consider the audience - saying you have learned about software used in industry does not mean you have learned the software... there is a distinction so be careful.. It also reads a little forced - and staccato. Above all it should be on one sheet of paper - its an introduction, not an essay...

    CV is Ok; its clear and easy to read and easy to find the contents. I'm not sure about the blue, or the amount of boxes - using this kind of device can make it look like each piece of information is a separate thing - disconnected from the rest of the text - I might have more to say in the interview/or had, depending on when you get this. Having said this, don't be disheartened, its a very good start.

    About the Traditional CV

    In response to the feedback that I received, I reviewed the design and content

    of my business card and CV in order to improve the appearance and clarity of

    the information on them. Also, as well as this, I decided to prepare another

    type of CV that adopted more of a traditional approach as I am thinking on

    getting a another job in the time being that doesnt necessarily involve

    animation. Using the template CV examples that are listed above, I used this in

    order to produce my own and included details of my education, employment,

    skills etc that would be relevant for the position that I am applying for.

  • New CV and Business Card


    Firstly, in terms of the new design that I went for in the CV, I wanted to include

    the new character designs that I had completed for my final project as this was

    important. Also, I re-adressed the colour schemes used on the CV and buisness

    card in order to reflect the colour palette of the boy character displayed. I

    thought that by displaying this in the form of a border around the page would

    look more professional to my previous design and it links to the image. In

    terms of the boxes that contain the information, I wanted to keep the design

    the same as it looks quite illustrative and effective. The only changes I made

    there were the colour of the boxes so that they all looked the same and

    remained consistent. I made this change because in my feedback, it was said

    that the different colours could be distracting and separates the text.

    Furthermore, another change that I made was the appearance of my name and

    job role in an oval as I thought this would make the information stand out

    more. Also, I tried to include a colour scheme that would fit with the overall

    layout of the CV and business card. Lastly, in the top right corner of the CV,

    there was a large gap that I didnt like so I thought that I would include my

    contact details there instead so that it can be easily accessible.

    Business Card

    In terms of the business card design, I applied the same approach as I did with

    the CV and that was mainly through re-addressing the appearance of it.

    Similarly with the CV, I included the same image of the boy on it and decorated

    the outside of the business card with a border of the colour palette. In addition,

    for the background of the CV and business card, I used a blue gradient and I

    think this is a lot better than my previous design as it is a lot simpler and looks

    more professional and not too cluttered. In terms of the fonts used, I tried to

    use the same fonts as the CV. For the title of my name and job role however, I

    may change this so that it looks the same as the information in the oval shape

    in the CV. Replacing the facial expression sheets that were included in the

  • previous design of my business card, I decided that I would change this to the

    new turnaround of the boy character that I did instead. I think this looks better

    in terms of the drawing and colour schemes that I used.

    Also, in the final design of the business card, I did try and add the brown oval

    shape on the title animator but it looked a bit cluttered so I took it out.

    Looking back to my previous design for the business card and CV, I think that

    this design is a lot better and looks a lot more professional.

  • Poster

    In relation to the image above, I have included the design that I created for the

    poster that I will display in the inside of my portfolio. For the design, I looked at

    what I had done for the CV and business card and incorporated this into the

    poster. I thought that for the details, I would include some from the CV and

    some from the business card, for example, I used the brown oval shape for the

    title that was from the CV and the turnaround image of the boy from the

    business card, in order to balance it out a bit. I did this because I didnt want to

    just use the same image of the boy for everything as this may be abit repetitive.

    Although, for consistency, I still included this but added other illustrations of

    him. In addition, on the poster, as well as the titles and images, I included the

    same blue gradient and colour scheme boxes for the border and I included

    relevant text at the bottom that includes my contact details. Again, for the font

    and colour of the text used, I tried to use the same as my CV and business card

    in order to be consistent. I think this is a good font to use as its clear and easy

    to read. The colour helps with this too. If I had to improve this, I may just move

    the title down a bit as it is quite far at the top of the page. Although, when I

    organised this page, I did try to align everything together and keep the spacing

    the same in order to look good.

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