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Apelfröjd and Sternad EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications andNetworking 2014, 2014:100

RESEARCH Open Access

Design and measurement-based evaluationsof coherent JT CoMP: a study of precoding,user grouping and resource allocation usingpredicted CSIRikke Apelfröjd* and Mikael Sternad


Coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission provides high theoretic gains in spectral efficiency with coherent jointtransmission (JT) to multiple users. However, this requires accurate channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT)and also user groups with spatially compatible users. The aim of this paper is to use measured channels to investigateif significant CoMP gains can still be obtained with channel estimation errors. This turns out to be the case, butrequires the combination of several techniques. We here focus on coherent downlink JT CoMP to multiple userswithin a cluster of cooperating base stations. The use of Kalman predictors is investigated to estimate the complexchannel gains at the moment of transmission. It is shown that this can provide sufficient CSIT quality for JT CoMP evenfor long (>20 ms) system delays at 2.66 GHz at pedestrian velocities or, for lower delays, at 500 MHz, at vehicularvelocities. A user grouping and resource allocation scheme that provides appropriate groups for CoMP is alsosuggested. It provides performance close to that obtained by exhaustive search at very low complexity, low feedbackcost and very low backhaul cost. Finally, a robust linear precoder that takes channel uncertainties into account whendesigning the precoding matrix is considered. We show that, in challenging scenarios, this provides large gainscompared with zero-forcing precoding. Evaluations of these design elements are based on measured channels withrealistic noise and intercluster interference assumptions. These show that high JT CoMP gains can be expected, onaverage over large sets of user positions, when the above techniques are combined - especially in severely intraclusterinterference limited scenarios.

Keywords: Coordinated multipoint; Channel predictions; User grouping; Resource allocation; Robust precoding

1 IntroductionShadowed areas and interference at cell borders pose chal-lenges for future wireless broadband systems. A poten-tially powerful remedy would be coordinated multipoint(CoMP) transmission, using remote radio heads or coor-dination between cellular base station sites. It can over-come interference limitations in cellular radio networksand also provide coverage gains. The first steps towardssupport for CoMP have recently been added to the 3GPPLTE standard in Release 11 [1].

CoMP techniques for downlink transmission are oftencategorized into two groups [2,3]. With joint transmission

*Correspondence: rikke.apelfrojd@signal.uu.seSignals and Systems, Uppsala University, Box 534, Uppsala 751 21, Sweden

(JT), sometimes referred to as joint processing, userdata is transmitted via several access points. The secondgroup uses coordination for interference avoidance with-out sharing user data, using, e.g. joint scheduling (JS)and/or joint beamforming (JB) (see, e.g. [4]). The latertechniques are often considered to require less backhaulcapacity and to be more robust to inaccurate channel stateinformation at transmitters (CSIT). Joint transmission canprovide higher potential gains in spectral efficiency at fullload (see, e.g. [3,5]), by converting harmful interferencepower into useful signal power. For example, coherent JTCoMP was in [6] found to have the theoretical poten-tial to multiply the spectral efficiency at 10% outage bya factor of 5 for terminals and base stations with single

© 2014 Apelfröjd and Sternad; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.

Apelfröjd and Sternad EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:100 Page 2 of 20

antennas. These gains are especially important for users atcell edges [7].

However, much less spectacular results are provided byrecent system level simulations. Evaluations of coherentJT CoMP within 3GPP have resulted in gains in aver-age spectral efficiency of below 27% for homogeneousdeployments using 4 × 2 MIMO transmission [8].

These large discrepancies raise questions that havemotivated our research: What reduces the large potentialgains of JT CoMP? Can large improvements be obtainedfor most users, or only for a small subset of users, e.g.those close to cell edges? What combinations of schedul-ing strategies and beamforming algorithms are efficientfor realistic coordination topologies, propagation condi-tions and CSIT quality?

Answering such questions requires a joint study ofmultiple aspects of the problem and their interactions,in particular the assumed propagation environment, thecooperation architecture, the CSIT quality, physical layertechniques, scheduling and the grouping of users whoparticipate in cooperation. We here investigate an impor-tant subset of these issues for downlinks of orthog-onal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems,mainly considering frequency-division duplexing (FDD).One focus is the effect of imperfect CSIT due to mobil-ity. To obtain results for realistic propagation conditions,we mainly use measured channels from channel sound-ing signals in an urban environment for 20-MHz OFDMdownlinks. The measurements use simultaneous trans-missions from three single antenna sites to a moving ter-minal. Large numbers of combinations of user positionsare investigated and CSIT is obtained by Kalman chan-nel predictors. These provide the best attainable quality ofimperfect channel estimates.

Preliminary results obtained under these conditionswere reported in [9]. A robust linear precoder performedjoint coherent transmission from the three single antennabase stations to three single antenna terminals. Thesemoved along randomly selected segments along the mea-sured route at pedestrian velocities. The performancewas here improved greatly for a minority of user sets byusing JT CoMP, as compared to using conventional cellu-lar transmission. However, the average spectral efficiencyover all investigated sets of user positions was reduced.Such rather pessimistic results (obtained with imperfectCSIT) would be consistent with those recently reportedin [8] that assumed perfect CSIT.

New results presented here are significantly more posi-tive for the potential of JT CoMP: Large gains are obtainedfor a large majority of investigated user positions.

1.1 ContributionsWe investigate and develop a transmit strategy for coher-ent JT CoMP by a step-by-step evaluation of its various

components and interactions, leading to the followingmain conclusions and results.

First, one issue with CoMP is that significant coor-dination delays over backhaul links might eliminate thepotential for CoMP gains. We show that channel predic-tion enables large average performance gains when usinglinear coherent joint transmission at pedestrian veloci-ties for total delays of over 20 ms at 2.66 GHz. For lowerdelays, the same conclusion holds for higher-mobilityusers. CoMP would, e.g. remain possible at 500 MHz car-rier frequencies for velocities up to 120 km/h, if the totaldelays are 5 ms.

Second, two parts of a JT CoMP design that are cru-cial for the average performance gains are the meansfor resource allocation over frequency-selective OFDMdownlinks and the user grouping, i.e. the formation ofgroups of users who will share a particular time-frequencyresource block.

We here introduce and evaluate a user grouping schemewith very low complexity, ‘User groups provided by cel-lular scheduling’. This user grouping strategy is based onlocal scheduling in the base stations, and it can (but doesnot have to) utilize already existing scheduling algorithms.In many papers with 2 to 3 base stations and single-carrier transmission, the authors have intuitively used auser grouping scheme similar to this, often with all usersplaced at the same distance to their nearest base stationsite. However, to the best of our knowledge, this has neverbeen compared with other schemes nor is it usually moti-vated by the authors using it. At much lower complexitythan, e.g. greedy user selection, this strategy providesspatially good (although not optimal) user groups thatimprove the sum rate performance when using linear pre-coding. It preserves multiuser diversity gains and alsorequires less feedback and less backhaul capacity thanalternative strategies proposed previously. For systemswith many users, the backhaul demand for transmissioncontrol can even be significantly lower than that for JS/JBCoMP. Using this scheme, JT CoMP can improve the sumcapacity for essentially all investigated combinations ofuser positions. On average over random sets of user posi-tions, it is increased by up to 54% as compared to cellulartransmission, with imperfect CSIT at full system load.

Third, a main mechanism behind the sometimes dis-appointing performance of JT CoMP is highlighted: Thedifferent distances involved from sets of transmitters tothe different receivers will often generate hard-to-invertjoint channel matrices. This results in precoders withlarge differences in the scaling of their elements. A jointlinear precoding design under a per-antenna power con-straint is then forced to reduce the transmit powers ofthe closest base station to a user far below the allowedpower to obtain a balanced solution. This effect reducesthe total transmit power for a cluster of transmitters that

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participate in joint transmission, often with the result thatout-of-cluster interference and noise reduce performancebelow that of single-cell transmission. The proposed usergrouping strategy alleviates this problem.

Finally, since the CSIT is uncertain, robust techniquesfor joint precoder design are of interest. The robust linearprecoder (RLP) design, introduced in [9], is here inves-tigated further and is developed into a versatile tool fordesign of linear joint precoders. Robust design is mosteasily performed for mean square error (MSE) criteria.The RLP is here designed to optimize more general cri-teria by using a low-dimensional iteration over weightingmatrices in a closed-form robust precoder design. We hereprovide sufficient conditions for the closed-form robustdesign to minimize a weighted sum of intracluster inter-ference and transmit powers under imperfect CSIT accu-racy for known second-order moments of the statisticaluncertainties. We also show that imperfect CSIT due toquantization is straightforwardly included into the design.We investigate under what conditions a robust JT designprovides benefits by comparing to a simple zero-forcing(ZF) design. Also, we observe that the interplay betweenchannel prediction errors, opportunistic scheduling andprecoder design increases the multiuser scheduling gainwhen using CoMP, relative to single-cell transmission.

These results, taken together, in our opinion indicatethat large performance gains are indeed possible by usinglinear JT CoMP techniques that can be designed withreasonable computational complexity.

1.2 Assumptions, design choices and related workThe potential for coherent JT CoMP was shown in [10]to be highest for low-mobility users, as compared to jointscheduling and to the use of noncoherent JT CoMP. Wetherefore here focus on coherent JT CoMP, also referredto as network multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) ormulti-cell MIMO (see, e.g. [5,6,11,12]), for low-mobilityusers.

Although, the largest gains are achieved with nonlin-ear precoding techniques such as dirty paper coding [6],complexity currently makes nonlinear precoding unfeasi-ble for most realistic systems. We here focus on a low-complexity linear precoding solution. Zero-forcing linearprecoders [13] are here a frequently studied alternative.

Coordination over a very wide area would provide thehighest performance, but would be unrealistic due tocomputational complexity, delay constraints and capac-ity constraints in the fixed network. Therefore, we con-sider the use of CoMP within limited coordinated sets(clusters) of N transmitters distributed over NB cells. Incellular transmission, the transmitters belonging to eachcell are coordinated, but they are uncoordinated to thetransmission in other cells. In CoMP that uses clusteredjoint transmission, the aim is to suppress the intracluster

interference when jointly transmitting to Mg users. Withperfect CSIT, the intracluster interference can then beeliminated by phase cancellation when N ≥ Mg .

The cluster size, i.e. the number of cooperating cells percluster, involves a trade-off. A larger size ideally provideslarger gains relative to cellular transmission, since a lowerfraction of users are then located at cluster edges, butintroduces a higher computational burden. Investigationsin [11,14] show that a cluster size above 7 to 9 cells willnot provide large additional gains for systems with MIMOlinks. In [15], for few base station antennas, a cluster thatused transmitters at three separate sites was adequate toattain most of the achievable CoMP gains (see also [16]).Our evaluations in Sections 6 and 7 focus on a cluster sizeof three sites, partially motivated by the results of [15] andpartially due to the limitations of our measurements.

An important aspect is to limit the remaining interclus-ter interference. An interesting scheme proposed in [14]and further evaluated in [17] uses cluster-specific antennatilting and power control for this purpose. We have inour investigations adjusted the interference statistics toapproximate the one that would be generated by thescheme of [14].

Near accurate CSIT is important for multi-userMIMO [18] and for coherent JT CoMP [19]. We hereevaluate schemes under the imperfect CSIT that wouldbe due to the main unavoidable causes: noisy estimatesand outdated CSIT due to signaling delays. Users areassumed to move at pedestrian velocities at 2.66 GHz.This setting results in large channel estimation errors dueto outdating when channel prediction is not used. It haspreviously not been clear if the use of channel predictionhelps CoMP performance in a significant way. Promisingresults based on simulations were reported in [19], usingadaptive recursive least squares prediction. A preliminarysimulation study in [20] investigated a two-user, two-cellscenario. The recent paper [21] investigated this questiontheoretically, in the limit of large numbers of antennas perbase station, but did not use a per-base station transmitpower constraint, so it is hard to draw conclusions fromthese results.

Channel predictors are here assumed to be located inthe user terminals. They report the predictions to theirstrongest base station. The base stations then transmit thereports over a backhaul link to a central control unit (CU)for the cluster which jointly designs the beamformers.

Kalman prediction of MIMO OFDM channels, outlinedin Section 3 and Appendix 1 has been investigated in,e.g. [22,23]. We here investigate its use in a CoMP setting,focusing on two requirements that are peculiar to this set-ting: (1) Transmit antennas located at different sites willbe at different distances while their channels, with differ-ing signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR), have tobe estimated jointly. The weakest signals will in general

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be estimated with the lowest accuracy. The effects ofthis on the choice of pilots, the resulting precoder matri-ces and capacity performance need to be understood. (2)Channels may need to be predicted over long predictionhorizons, due to the coordination delays.

Since significant model errors will be present, the pre-coder (the set of joint beamformers) should furthermorebe designed to be robust with respect to (w.r.t.) theexpected errors. Implementation without unrealistic com-putational complexity is here in focus, so we will restrictattention to linear precoders. We mainly use a versatilescheme with reasonable design complexity, the iterativelyadjusted RLP introduced in [9] and further developed inSection 5 and in Appendix 2. This averaged robust designis used since it is less conservative than the minimaxschemes in, e.g. [24,25]. A useful property of the RLP isthat the channel uncertainty in the form of covariancematrices that are provided by Kalman predictors can bedirectly used in its adjustment.

In the optimization of a criterion such as the weightedsum capacity for the involved terminals, the RLP designutilizes the analytical solution to an MSE-optimal linearrobust precoder and iteratively optimizes over criterionweights used by this design. This MSE-optimal analyticalsolution constitutes a special case of robust feedforwardcontrol filters for dynamic (frequency-selective) systems,previously developed in [26-28]. Robust linear precodersthat minimize MSE by averaging over CSIT uncertaintyhave more recently been highlighted for multiple-inputsingle-output (MISO) transmit schemes by [29,30] andfor multiuser and MIMO downlinks in [24,31]. Very fewsolutions have been proposed for robust linear precoderdesign for more general performance criteria.

Many proposals form user groups for CoMP, as,e.g. [32,33], by first forming the user group and then allo-cating it to a transmission resource. This can providegroups with spatially compatible users, but may sacrificesome of the potential multiuser scheduling gain, since thefrequency-domain variability of channels to users is nottaken into account. Another approach is to use a greedyalgorithm as in, e.g. [34-36] that assigns one user at atime to a given resource, forming a near-optimal solutionboth in terms of spatially compatible users and exploit-ing multiuser diversity. This, however, requires repeatedpre-evaluation of beamformers, resulting in a high com-plexity. Greedy user grouping will in Section 7 be com-pared to the user grouping scheme we propose, but due tohigh complexity, we use a block-fading model rather thanthe whole measured channel statistics for this particularcomparison.

NotationsIn the following, E [·] averages over the distribution of

channel model errors, E [·] averages over the statistics of

noise and message symbols, ‖·‖ denotes the 2-norm ofa vector, tr (·) is the trace of a matrix, Re (·), (·)T and(·)∗ denote the real part, the transpose and the Hermi-tian transpose of a matrix, respectively. The unit matrixis denoted I. For simplicity, we shall enumerate the userssuch that users

{1, . . . , Mg

}are in the selected user group

for the subcarriers considered. The Kronecker delta func-tion is denoted δij. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, (·)jndenotes element

(j, n)

and (·)j denotes column j of amatrix or the jth element of a vector. The indices i andm are user indices, j and n are base station indices, t andτ are time indices and k and q are subcarrier indices. Weshall denote the base station that, on average over all sub-carriers and over the small-scale fading, has the strongestchannel gain to a user as that user’s master base station.

2 Channel modelWe assume an OFDM downlink with K subcarriers, overwhich M single antenna users are served by a coordinatedcluster of N transmitters controlled by NB base stations,where each base station may control several transmitantennas. If Mg ≤ M users are selected to be servedjointly on the kth subcarrier at OFDM symbol τ , then theirreceived signals yk(τ ) ∈ C

Mg×1, after OFDM receiverprocessing, are

yk(τ ) = Hk(τ )uk(τ ) + nk(τ ). (1)

Here, nk(τ ) ∈ CMg×1 is the sum of noise and out-

of-cluster interference (we will henceforth call it noise),modeled as independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)white noise with zero mean and known variance, uk(τ ) ∈C

N×1 is the vector of transmitted signals and Hk(τ ) ∈C

Mg×N is the channel matrix where Hkij(τ ) is the complex

channel gain from transmitter j to user i. The assumptionthat nk(τ ) can be modeled as i.i.d. white noise with knownvariance is a simplification. It is relatively reasonable inthe here considered downlink, since the intercluster inter-ference consists of contributions from many base stations,that each transmit to many users. The resulting averag-ing of contributions would tend to stabilize the varianceof nk(τ ) and to make it predictable. (The assumption ofa knowable noise variance would be more problematic inthe uplinks, where intercluster interference could be dom-inated by bursty transmission from a few user terminals).There exist methods for noise floor estimation [37].

Time and frequency synchronization with respect to allN transmitters is assumed to be adequate, in the sensethat any intersymbol and intercarrier interference can bemodeled as parts of the noise nk(τ ). It is also assumedthat any frequency errors, causing rotation of elements ofHk(τ ) over time can be handled by the tracking ability ofthe (Kalman) channel estimation.

The true channel is a sum of the reported predictedchannel matrix Hk(τ ) ∈ C

Mg×N , the prediction error

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�Hk(τ ) ∈ CMg×N and the quantization error �Hk

quant(τ )

of Hk(τ )

Hk(τ ) = Hk(τ ) + �Hk(τ ) + �Hkquant(τ ). (2)

3 Channel predictionsFor mobile users, the delays created by link adap-tion and CoMP processing will cause the CSIT to beoutdated. This can partially be compensated by usingchannel predictions. To investigate the effectiveness ofthe channel prediction in a CoMP setting, we utilizeKalman predictors, which provide minimum mean squareerror (MMSE)-optimal predictions if the channel fadingstatistics are known. Therefore, E

[�Hk(τ )

] = 0 andE[Hk(τ )

(�Hk(τ )

)∗] = 0 [38]. Kalman prediction can beperformed either in the time domain (for channel impulseresponse components) or in the frequency domain for thecomplex channel gains Hk

ij(τ ). These provide comparableaccuracy [22] and we have chosen the frequency domainapproach.

We consider FDD system downlinks, so predictions arebased on downlink measurements of known antenna spe-cific reference symbols (RS), or pilots. We will assume thatthe RS have regular time and frequency spacing, �τ and�f . The predictors are here assumed to be localized inthe user terminals. For every RS-bearing subcarrier, theith terminal predicts its channels from several base sta-tions within the cluster. Depending on the choice of usergrouping strategy, described in Section 4, all M users thatmight potentially use a resource then report either the fullCSIT and/or some Channel Quality Indicator (CQI), suchas SINR, to their master base station.

3.1 Short-term fading modelsThe Kalman predictor requires statistical models of thecorrelation properties of the channels over time and fre-quency to adjust the channel estimate according to theshort-term fading. For this, we use autoregressive (AR)models of order na. The AR models at w RS-bearing sub-carriers of the channels from the N transmitters to the Musers can then be realized in state space form. The dynam-ics of each complex channel gain is then modeled by usingna state variables. At user i,

x(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Be(t),h(t) = Cx(t).


Here, the integer t represents time steps spaced by �τ ,x(t) ∈ C(w·na·N)×1 is the vector of state variables, e(t) ∈C(w·N)×1 is the zero mean process noise with covariancematrix Q, and

h(t) =[Hqw

i1 (t), . . . , H(q+1)w−1i1 (t), Hqw

i2 (t), . . . , H(q+1)w−1iN (t)



for Kalman predictor number q = 0, . . . ,⌊



KCRS is the number of RS-bearing subcarriers. Note thatthe superscript index qw, qw + 1 . . . in (4) represents afrequency spacing of �f , while k in (1) represents a fre-quency spacing of �f /nCRS where nCRS is the RS spacingin number of subcarriers. The prediction accuracy can beimproved by increasing the number w of subcarriers thatare predicted jointly, by averaging the noise. However, thiscomes at a cost of higher computational complexity whichgrows as O

(w3) [22].

The matrices A, B, C and the covariance matrix Q canbe updated based on past channel estimates at an intervalthat is related to the time constant of the shadow fading(see [23] and chapter 4 of [22]).

3.2 Kalman predictorBased on the AR fading models (3), each user is assumedto have a set of Kalman filters that provide filter esti-mates x(t|t) of the state vector in (3) and also covariancematrices

P(t|t) = [(x(t) − x(t|t)) (x(t) − x(t|t))∗] .

Please see Appendix 1 for further aspects on the filterdesign.

MMSE-optimal predictions of the states x(t) and chan-nel component vector (4) can then be calculated from thefilter estimates. The required prediction horizon is ϑ�t,where ϑ ∈ N. It corresponds to the delay of the entiretransmission control loop, including channel predictions,feedback, scheduling, joint precoding and any additionaldelays. The vector of channel predictions for a time hori-zon ϑ RS ahead, h(t + ϑ), at the ith user is obtainedfrom the filter estimate x(t|t) by extrapolation in time.Equation (3) is iterated ϑ steps and future noise termse(t + 1), . . . , e(t + ϑ − 1) are set to their average values ofzero. This gives

h(t + ϑ) = Cx(t + ϑ |t) = C (A)ϑ x(t|t). (5)

The state prediction error covariance matrix is com-puted recursively starting with the covariance matrixP(t|t) of the filter estimate:

P(t + ϑ |t) = AP(t + ϑ − 1|t)A∗ + BQB∗. (6)

Covariances of the prediction error �h(t) of the chan-nels to one user can be described by the matrix


] = CP (t + ϑ |t) C∗. (7)

As mentioned above there is a trade-off in the choice ofthe number w of subcarriers estimated by each Kalmanfilter. We here keep this parameter low and, in a secondstep, reduce prediction errors further by Wiener smooth-ing over estimates for all subcarriers. The true predictionerror covariances then differ from those of (7) due totwo effects. First, the AR models (3) are imperfect which

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increases the errors. Second, Wiener smoothing over fre-quency decreases the errors. In our studies, these twoeffects leave the variance of the prediction error slightlyless than that given by (7). The use of the accurate covari-ance instead of (7) would cause only minor noticeabledifference in precoder performance and only for systemswith very low noise power. We shall therefore use (7) inthe precoder design in Section 5.

4 UE allocation and schedulingAppropriate user grouping is important if CoMP is toimprove the rates for all participating users. Out of Musers, Mg ≤ N users will be selected for JT withina resource block. In [9] a preliminary investigation wasperformed where groups of three users were formed byrandom placement along a route for which measuredchannels from three sites were available. Figure 1 illus-trates the received powers from the three sites along themeasurement route. It then became evident that single-cell (SC) transmission in many situations outperformedcoherent JT CoMP since JT might help some users but notall within the group simultaneously.

A subsequent analysis showed that for most of theCoMP groups that led to SC transmission outperform-ing CoMP, all three users had poor channels to the samebase station. This led to a poorly conditioned channelmatrix H, which forced the precoder design to reduce thetotal transmit power to fulfill a per-base station powerconstraint. This reduced the SNR as compared to SCtransmission.

To solve this problem, we here propose to performscheduling decisions locally at each base station and willshow that this automatically creates good (although notoptimal) CoMP groups. This scheme has the benefitsthat it has very low complexity and would be easy toimplement in existing systems. It can furthermore uti-lize already existing scheduling algorithms. It generates noextra control signaling backhaul load since all decisionscan be made locally at every base station. The proposedsolution will in Section 7 be compared to the use ofrandom user groups, to a Greedy user grouping (GUG)algorithm described below and to the optimal solution.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400




Time [s]



d po




Figure 1 Signal powers. Power of the received signals transmittedfrom the base stations (full lines) and the three noise floors of −130to −110 dBm used for simulations (dotted lines).

4.1 User groups provided by cellular scheduling (CUG)This is our main proposed strategy to create diagonal-dominant channel matrices that then become relativelyeasy to invert in the CoMP precoder design. We firstpresent this scheme, denoted as cellular user grouping(CUG), for single antenna base stations. All users with thesame master base station are then locally scheduled onorthogonal subcarriers by a scheduler connected to theirmaster base station, as shown in the example in Figure 2.This scheduling is based on a CQI metric. For the sched-ulers explored in this paper, the CQI for user i at resourceblock b, CQIb,i, is given by the average estimated channelgains from all antennas at that user’s master base station.

On each resource block, the scheduled Mg ≤ N userswithin the cooperation cluster (with equality if each basestation is the master base station of at least one user) willthen form a CoMP group. These users, which all belongto different cells, are to be served jointly by all base sta-tions in the cluster, including base stations that are not themaster base station of any of these users. The full CSITused in the precoder design then only needs to be fed backand transmitted over backhaul by the users that have beenscheduled and only for a scheduled resource. Two-stepfeedback approaches such as this have been investigatedin [39] for multiuser MIMO and in [40] for CoMP.

The score-based (SB) scheduler proposed in [41] willbe used in evaluations. It represents a fair scheduler inthe sense that all users belonging to the same masterbase station are given approximately the same amount ofresources. For each user, a score is computed for eachresource block that indicates the ranking of its CQI rela-tive to those of other resource blocks. Assuming schedul-ing over b = 1, . . . , B resource blocks, block l will for useri have a score of


(CQIl,i > CQIb,i

). (8)

Here > denotes a logical comparison resulting in 1 iftrue and 0 otherwise. The user with the highest score willbe allocated to the resource block l. The use of score-basedscheduling to create the user grouping will be denoted SB-CUG.

A second scheduler to be used is a close to optimal sumrate scheduler that always chooses the user with the high-est estimated rate for every frequency resource. It is herebased on the rate a user would have in a cellular systemin which no other users within the cluster is served on thesame resource

ri = log2

⎛⎜⎝1 +



σ 2n


⎞⎟⎠ ,

Apelfröjd and Sternad EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 2014:100 Page 7 of 20

Figure 2 Example of cellular user grouping. Example on how to form CoMP groups based on cellular scheduling. Here, the three single-antennabase stations BS1-3 have scheduled their users on orthogonal frequency resources within each cell (table to the right). Users UE1, UE2 and UE3 willthen be served jointly on subcarrier 1, users UE2, UE4 and UE5 will be served jointly on subcarrier 2 and so on.

with Pjmast:i,max being the power constraint for the anten-nas of the master base station of user i. It is denotedbest rate CUG (BR-CUG). The use of this metric to com-pare attainable rates presupposes that a well-functioningCoMP scheme will suppress intracluster interference.

For multiantenna base stations with NA antennas, cel-lular scheduling proceeds similarly but may allocate up toNA users per frequency resource and base station, usingcell-specific beamforming.

4.2 Greedy user grouping (GUG)Here, for every frequency resource the CU uses, an algo-rithm first searches for the user that, given a specificcriterion, has most to gain from entering the group. Then,it searches amongst the remaining users for the user thatwould provide the largest increase of the criterion valueand adds that user to the group. It continues until noneof the remaining users can increase the criterion value oruntil Mg = N . We here use the specific criterion function


αi log2

(1 + E


E[E[PI,i]]+ E

[E[PN ,i


. (9)

Here, PS,i, PI,i and PN ,i are the powers of the signals, theinterference and the scalar noise powers at the receiverantenna i = 1, .., Mg , respectively. Calculations of theexpected values of the powers based on the predictionerror statistics is discussed in Appendix 3 . If αi = 1 forall i the sum rate is maximized. We shall denote this GUGwith best rate (GUG-BR). If instead αi = 1/ri with ri beingthe average throughput of user i over already scheduledresources, we get a proportional fair scheduler [42], whichwill be denoted GUG with proportional fair scheduling(GUG-PF).

GUG should provide better system performance thanCUG which generates its user grouping without explicitlytaking the resulting performance into account. However,this comes at several costs.

1. Higher feedback requirements. For CUG, localscheduling can be carried out using only a local CQI

as, e.g the estimated channel gains to users fromantennas at their master base station. Scheduledusers then only need to complement with the fullCSIT for the resources they are allocated. WithGUG, full CSIT is needed for all M users consideredover all resources.

2. Higher backhaul demand. CUG only requires theMg · N complex channel gains to be transmitted overthe backhaul links for the Mg users that are actuallyscheduled on a resource. With GUG, the CU needsknowledge of all M users; hence, M · N complexchannel gains per scheduled resource slot must betransmitted over backhaul.

3. Higher computational complexity, since greedy usergrouping requires repeated design and evaluation ofa joint precoder. With simplified CQI andperformance metrics suggested above, this is notnecessary when using the CUG strategy.

5 PrecodingA CU for the cluster is assumed to have full informationof the reported predicted channels and of the covariancesof the prediction and quantization errors of the sched-uled users. It designs precoding matrices R ∈ C

N×Mg forall utilized time-frequency resource blocks. The blocksconsists of adjacent OFDM symbols and subcarriers, withat least one resource slot dedicated to a reference sym-bol. All transmitted symbols within such a resource blockwill normally be exposed to close to identical channels asat the RS position and can therefore use the same pre-coder. In the following, time and subcarrier indices withina block are excluded: Hij � Hk

ij(t), Hij � Hkij(t + ϑ),

n � nk(t), u � uk(t) and y � yk(t).On each subcarrier and for each OFDM symbol within

the resource block, the transmitted signal vector, u ∈C

N×1, is generated by a linear precoder

u = 1c

Rs, (10)

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where c is a scalar scaling factor and s ∈ CMg×1 is the

message symbol vector, assumed to be white, have zeromean, covariance matrix I and to be uncorrelated withthe noise n. We assume that per-antenna transmit powerconstraints, Pj,max, apply to each subcarrier individually.The scaling factor c in (10) is selected to assure that thetransmit powers at the N antennas satisfy


] ≤ Pj,max for j = 1, . . . , N , (11)

where uj is the jth element of the transmit vector u. (Areasonable modification would be to have a sum powerconstraint over all subcarriers. With a sum rate crite-rion, this would lead to a water filling power allocationas described in [17], which slightly increases the sum rateperformance).

5.1 Target systemThe system model used for precoder design is shown inFigure 3. Here, u ∈ C

N×1 is the transmit signal vector,and z = 1

c Ds ∈ CMg×1 is the desired received vector.

Its desired properties are modeled by a target matrix Dwhich is diagonal, representing the ideal of a completeinterference suppression. In a generalization to multi-ple receiver antennas, D would be block-diagonal. Thedistances between terminals and transmitters will differsubstantially in a CoMP setting. It would therefore beunrealistic to demand equal received power at all usersby setting D = I. Instead, the targeted received signalmagnitudes (the diagonal elements of D) should be set torealistically attainable levels. This can be done in differentways. We here adjust the targeted received signal magni-tudes to the amplitude of the strongest channel for eachuser

Dii = maxj

|Hij|, i = 1, . . . , Mg . (12)

This is a very simple way of choosing D. For channelmatrices with a dominant diagonal, which often appear,e.g. if all users in a CoMP group have different master basestations, (12) provides a sum rate close to the sum rate thatis obtained if D is optimized.

Figure 3 System. System model used for precoder design.

Alternatively, in [43] all users are given the same fractionof the transmit power in combination with zero-forcingprecoding. This corresponds to an alternative strategy foradjusting the diagonal elements of D. We have investi-gated both that alternative and numerical optimization ofD with respect to the sum rate. We then found little differ-ences in the end result as compared with the use of (12).(However the use of D = I, which is commonly usedin zero-forcing precoders for single-cell multiuser MIMOproblems, would cause a large loss in system performancein CoMP settings).

5.2 Robust linear precoder (RLP)The RLP scheme uses the closed-form solution to a robustlinear quadratic (LQ) optimal feedforward control prob-lem presented in [26,27] as its basic element. It minimizesgeneral robust performance criteria by iterating over ele-ments in penalty matrices of the robust LQ design. Therobust LQ design generates a precoder matrix R thatminimizes a scalar criterion J. In our case, the crite-rion includes a weighted difference between target andnoise-free received signals, ε = 1

c (HR − D) s (describingthe remaining intracluster interference) and a weightedtransmit power term. These terms are averaged over alluncertainties and transmit symbol statistics

J = E[E ‖Vε‖2 + E ‖Su‖2] . (13)

Here, V is a diagonal positive definite matrix and S isa positive semidefinite matrix, both real-valued. The useof these weighting matrices in the design is discussed inSections 5.2.1 to 5.2.3 below.

Theorem 1. For a transmission system (1), model(2) and linear precoder (10), assume that E [�H] =E[�Hquant

] = 0, that E[�H∗V ∗V�Hquant

] = 0, thatS ∈ RN×N has full rank and that s in (10) is white. Then,the precoding matrix R minimizing J by (13) exists and isgiven uniquely by


H∗V ∗V H + S∗S + E[�H∗V ∗V�H

]+ E[ �H∗


)−1H∗V ∗VD.


For a proof, see Appendix 4 .

After obtaining the precoder matrix RRLP by (14), thescale factor c is adjusted to fulfill the transmit power con-straint (11). This scales the criterion (13) but does notaffect the minimizing precoder matrix.

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The third and fourth terms in the inverse in (14) can beevaluated from the channel error statistics,(

E[�H∗V ∗V�H

])jn = E


j V ∗V�Hn]

= E[tr(�H∗

j V ∗V�Hn)]

= tr(

V ∗V E[�Hn�H∗




Here, �Hn refers to column n of either the predic-tion error �H (for the third term) or the quantizationerror �Hquant (for the fourth term). For prediction errors,E[�Hn�H∗

j ] is obtained using the covariance matricesCP (t + ϑ |t) C∗ for each of the Mg users provided bytheir Kalman predictors. Since the terminals are assumedto predict the channels independently, E[�Hij�H∗

mn] =0 when i �= m. Therefore, the matrix E[�Hn�H∗

j ] isdiagonal, where element (i, i) is given by the ith users((

CP (t + ϑ |t) C∗)k)nj

. (16)

Here (·)k denotes the submatrix of (CP (t + ϑ |t) C∗)from (3), (6) and (7) for relevant subcarrier k.

The matrix element j, n of the fourth term, describingthe quantization error covariance of reported predictions,is by (15) determined by E



]. This

matrix will be diagonal if all channel components arequantized independently. The design works for any spec-ified CSI quantization and feedback schemes, as long aserrors introduced by them can be modeled and quantified.For example, assuming individual linear quantization witha properly set maximum power, the diagonal elements ofthis matrix are given by δ2

step/12 where δstep is the stepsize of the quantizer, which may be adjusted individuallyfor each channel component. If the quantization granu-larity (step size) is individually controlled by the standarddeviation of the prediction error, then the quantizationerror term in (2) can be kept small relative to the predic-tion error term in an efficient way. The quantization errorswould then have negligible impact on the performancemetric.

As a comparison to the RLP, we have also investigatedthe zero-forcing (ZF) precoder with gain control. WhenMg ≤ N , the minimum norm pseudo-inverse generatesthe ZF precoder matrix



D, (17)

to be used in (10). (When Mg < N , other generalizedinverses exist that provide better performance under per-antenna power constraints than (17) (see [44])). The ZFsolution is commonly used and is simple to compute, butmodel errors are not taken into account. Furthermore, ill-conditioned matrices H generate precoders RZF with large

elements. This results in the use of a large scaling factorc in (10) to fulfill the power constraint (11). The resultingreduction of transmit power decreases the SNR. This isreferred to as the power normalization loss problem.

Three ways of using the weighing matrices V and Sin (13) are outlined below.

5.2.1 Minimizing intracluster interferenceConsider V = I and S = εI in (13), using a very smallreal-valued regularization term S∗S = ε2I in (14), withε �= 0 to preserve full rank in the inverse. Then, the trans-mit powers are almost not penalized and the errors atall receivers are considered equally important. This setupminimizes the sum of intracluster interference powers. Itis related to ZF, but takes the channel uncertainty intoaccount. Note that when Mg = N , H−1 exists, V = I,ε → 0 and �H = �Hquant = 0, then (14) and (17) reduceto the same solution, R = H−1D.

5.2.2 Optimization w.r.t. an arbitrary criterionThe robust MSE solution of Theorem 1 can be used as atool for adjusting the precoder matrix R w.r.t. a generalcriterion



, E[E[PI,i]]

, E[E[PN ,i

]], i = 1, . . . , Mg



Here, PS,i, PI,i and PN ,i, are the powers of the signals,the interference, and the scalar noise powers at receiverantenna i = 1, .., Mg . Calculations of the expected valuesof the powers based on the prediction error statistics isdiscussed in Appendix 3.

Diagonal penalty matrices V and S in (13) providesignificant flexibility, and optimization of their elementsw.r.t. (18) provides a flexible tool for adjusting the pre-coder matrix by a low-dimensional numerical search.Here, the elements of V mainly affect the weighting andfairness between users, while the elements of S affect thepower balance between transmit antennas.

One particular case is when (18) is set to approximatean unweighted sum rate criterion. Then, the use of afixed V = I is appropriate. The use of S = εI, with ε

being a very small scalar, would then approximately min-imize the intracluster interference, but not the sum rate.This is because the noise in (1) is not taken into accountin (13) and its impact might be enhanced by the scaling tomeet the power constraint through (10). The performancew.r.t. (18) is then for most cases improved significantly byiteratively adjusting a few real-valued diagonal elementsof the transmit power penalty matrix S, to re-balance thereceived powers, interference and noise. This procedure isoutlined in Appendix 2.

The solution will be suboptimal but, in a comparativestudy in [17], we showed that the precoder of (14) per-formed close to a near optimal linear precoder [45] found

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through a high-dimensional search of all the complexelements of R.

In the evaluations, the RLP will be designed iterativelyto maximize



(1 + E


E[E[PI,i]]+ E

[E[PN ,i


, (19)

an approximation of the sum rate for a given precoderR. This iterative scheme has been found to perform wellcompared to investigated alternatives.

5.2.3 Addressing user fairness by utilizing the penaltymatrix V

User fairness can be incorporated in (18), e.g. by using aweighted sum rate. In a low-complexity optimization thatiteratively uses (13), the weighting matrix V can then beused to place a high weight on the interference at someusers. These users will then be allocated a larger fractionof the transmit power and experience a higher SIR whichdirectly affects the per-user performance. However, userfairness is also affected by the choice of scheduling cri-terion as well as the scaling of the target matrix D. Thebalancing of user fairness by these tools is an interestingtopic but has been left out of the scope of the presentwork.

6 Evaluations based on measured channels6.1 Channel measurementsAll simulations in this section are based on chan-nel sounding measurements carried out by EricssonResearch. Three omnidirectional single-antenna base sta-tions, located at different sites with 350- to 600-m dis-tance, were used to transmit channel sounding orthogonalRS to a measurement van in an outdoor urban envi-ronment in central Kista, Stockholm. The measurementparameters are presented in Table 1, and the received sig-nal powers from the base stations are plotted in Figure 1.The measurements are of high quality and can hence beassumed to represent the true complex channel gains inspace. For a detailed description of the measurements andchannels, see [46,47].

Table 1 Measurement and simulation parameters

Parameter Value for Value formeasurements simulations

Carrier frequency 2.66 GHz 2.66 GHz

Number of base stations 3 3

RS spacing in time �t 5.3 ms 1.3 ms

RS spacing in frequency �f 45 kHz 45 kHz

Maximum velocity 30 km/h 5 km/h

6.2 Simulation method and assumptionsTo simulate velocities of pedestrian users, and to make themodel more 3GPP-LTE like, the data has been upsampled25 times in time resulting in the parameters presented inthe right-hand column of Table 1. The upsampling is doneusing the fast Fourier transform to ensure that no extrafrequency components are added.

In the present investigation, we have focused only on theprediction error part in the error model (2).

6.2.1 Prediction assumptionsThe downlink channels from the NB = 3 single-antennabase stations are predicted for the entire measurementroute in Figure 1. For this, the fading statistics in timeand frequency, represented by fourth-order AR models,are estimated periodically every 1 s. The use of higher ARorder than 4 would not significantly improve the predic-tion performance for this data set. The AR models arebased on noise-free channel data, i.e. on perfect CSIT,from the past 1 s. From studying the measured data, wehave found that this time interval is appropriate withrespect to the long-term fading. It is short enough toensure that the statistics of the Doppler spectrum staysfairly constant within the interval. It is also long enoughto provide appropriate prediction performance statisticsand CoMP performance statistics for each interval. Forhigh-mobility users, the interval might need to be shorter.

Signal measurements with an appropriate range of SNRsare created by using (21) in Appendix 1 with a transmitpower of P = 1 and additive white Gaussian noise ofthree different power levels, σ 2 (see Figure 1). On aver-age over all three noise levels, the median SNR is 24 dBat the investigated positions. The SNR CDF is similarto that obtained when applying the intercluster interfer-ence mitigation framework of [14,17,48]. That proposalforms overlapping static clusters that use different time-frequency allocations and further controls interference byusing different antenna downtilts and transmit powers tothe outside and to the inside of each cluster. The noise isi.i.d. over subcarriers for all users.

The channel correlation over frequency determines thecovariance matrix Q = E [ee∗] for each user in (3). Itis estimated as the sample mean of hk (hk+κ

)∗ for k =1, . . . , KCRS − w, κ = 1, . . . , w − 1 and i = 1, . . . , M.Computational complexity increases with w, so we usea low value of w = 4. The channels are predicted for144 RS-bearing subcarriers using prediction horizons ofϑ = 0, 4, 8, 12 and18 RS. These correspond to dis-tances dλ = 0, 0.06, 0.13, 0.19 and 0.28 wavelengths ortime horizons of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 23 ms for the systemdefined in Table 1. The results for prediction distances dλ

are scalable and could be interpreted as predictions fortime horizons of dλ · λc/v at a carrier wavelength of λcand a user moving at velocity v. For these simulations,

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the Kalman filters are updated in each RS-bearing symbolwith �t = 1, 3 ms. However, after approximately ten iter-ations (i.e. after 13 ms), they converge to a constant valuefor each AR model. This could be utilized in a commercialsystem to keep complexity low.

Orthogonal RS are used in all results below. The noisepowers at the RS-bearing resources might in general differfrom those on the payload-bearing resources. In evalua-tions, we will here use the same power for both cases.

The prediction performance will be evaluated using thenormalized mean squared error (NMSE) for the channelfrom the jth transmitter to the ith user

NMSEij =∑T

τ=1 |Hkij(τ ) − Hk

ij(τ )|2∑Tτ=1 |Hk

ij(τ )|2 , (20)

where T is an appropriate averaging interval. The NMSE(20) is averaged in decibels over each 1 s interval for everysubcarrier separately.

6.2.2 Scheduling and precoding assumptionsIt is assumed that the active users within a cluster havedata to receive. The scheduling and precoding methodsare evaluated at full system load for two cases. First withM = N = 3 users and second with M = 9 users. Thesingle-antenna users are randomly scattered over the mea-surement route. At every time slot of length 1.3 ms, theusers are grouped and scheduled over the resource blocks,represented by the 144 subcarriers, based on the predictedCSIT. Precoding is then carried out at each time slot as theusers move along the route for 0.5 s. A one-dimensionalsearch in the penalty matrix S by (23) in Appendix 2 isused by the RLP scheme to optimize the approximatedsum rate (19). The obtained sum rate

∑log (1 + SINR)

is then averaged over the 0.5 s for each subcarrier. Thisis repeated for 1,000 different sets of user starting posi-tions along the measurement route. The same noise powerlevels as those for the predictions are used. The powerconstraint is Pmax = 1 for each transmitter and for eachsubcarrier.

User grouping results are compared to a random usergrouping with round robin scheduling denoted RUG-RR.In that scheme, all M users are randomly subdivided intouser groups of size Mg ≤ N , with equality (Mg = N = 3)in these simulations. Groups are scheduled in a roundrobin (RR) fashion over frequency, so all M users areserved within a time slot.

Precoding results are compared to SC transmission withfrequency reuse one. Then, each of the three base stationsserves its own users on orthogonal resources, transmittingat full power with no base station cooperation. When SCtransmission is compared to RUG-RR, users within a cellare scheduled with RR and when it is compared to SB-CUG, SB scheduling is used.

6.3 Prediction performanceThe average NMSE of the predictions obtained by theexperiments outlined above are presented in Table 2. Forcomparison, the NMSE achieved if the outdated estimateis used as a predictor is presented in the last (fifth) col-umn. As the prediction horizon increases so does thebenefit of using predicted CSIT as opposed to outdated.Due to high transmission delays (>5 ms), current systemswould need ϑ > 4 for JT CoMP under the assumptionsof Table 1. Therefore, the use of predictions instead ofoutdated estimates is very important.

For JT CoMP, assume that an interfering scalarcomplex-valued channel is given by g = g + �g,with g known, E

[�g] = 0, E

[g�g∗] = 0 and an

NMSE E[∣∣�g

∣∣2] /E[∣∣g∣∣2]. If this interference is to be

canceled by receiving another channel component h,from another base station, then the resulting interfer-ence power E

[∣∣g + h∣∣2] is minimized by setting h = −g

resulting in E[∣∣g + h

∣∣2] = E[∣∣�g

∣∣2]. Therefore, the max-imum attainable relative dampening factor would become

Table 2 Prediction performance

ϑ σ 2n Predicted channels Outdated CSIT

(dBm) NMSE all NMSE for weakest NMSE all BS (dB)BS (dB) BS (dB)

0 −110 −17.8 −7.1 −17.8

−120 −23.9 −12.7 −23.9

−130 −30.9 −20.0 −30.9

4 −110 −12.8 −5.9 −10.5

−120 −15.3 −9.4 −12.5

−130 −17.6 −13.3 −14.0

8 −110 −11.0 −4.8 −6.9

−120 −12.9 −7.4 −7.9

−130 −14.8 −10.3 −8.6

12 −110 −9.6 −4.0 −4.4

−120 −11.2 −5.9 −5.0

−130 −12.8 −8.2 −5.3

18 −110 −7.9 −3.0 −1.8

−120 −9.2 −4.1 −2.1

−130 −10.3 −5.4 −2.2

The average over all measurement locations and all subcarriers of the NMSE forprediction horizons of ϑ = 0 (filter estimate), 4, 8, 12 and 18 RS samples in timeor 0, 0.06, 0.13, 0.19 and 0.28 λ in space, for the three noise levels. Results areaveraged in decibels over all base stations (third column) and the weakest basestation only (fourth column). Fifth column: the NMSE when using outdatedestimates.

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E[∣∣g∣∣2] /E

[∣∣�g∣∣2]. Hence, a channel error with an NMSE

of −x dB indicates that we can reduce the interferencefrom that base station by at most x dB. For example, at aprediction horizon of ϑ = 18, the interference from theweakest base station at a given user can on average onlybe suppressed by 3 to 5 dB. The prediction performanceof the weakest base station is far below that of the averageperformance over all base stations. These poor predic-tions might become ‘bad apples’ that infect the quality ofthe total precoding solutions.

A closer study of the effect of using different noise floorsand RS SNRs is shown in Figures 4 and 5. As expected,a low noise floor increases the prediction performance.The impact of the RS SNR is largest at short predictionhorizons. This is because at long prediction horizons thefading statistics, rather than the noise, is the main limit-ing factor of the prediction performance, as also discussedin [22].

6.4 Precoding performanceIn Table 3 the per-cell sum rates are presented for the pre-coding schemes when M = 3 and when the channels for1,000 sets of user starting positions are predicted with aprediction horizon of ϑ = 8. When using random usergrouping and round robin scheduling (RUG-RR), we seethat the two JT CoMP schemes, RLP and ZF, provide smallgains as compared to SC transmission. In fact, ZF trans-mission performs much worse than SC transmission forthe most difficult user groups (the 5% percentiles). Com-paring ZF with RLP for these user groups, which can beregarded as the toughest CoMP groups, RLP outperformsZF by almost a factor of 3. There are two reasons forthis, the first being that RLP considers the CSIT inaccu-racy in the design process and the second being that RLPperforms power adjustments through the iterative pro-cess described in Section 5.2.2. As discussed in [9], bothare important, but the most significant factor is that theRLP takes the CSIT inaccuracy into account. RLP willavoid transmitting power over poorly predicted channels,

−40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 00






Different noise floors

Figure 4 Prediction performance sorted by noise floors. CDF ofNMSE sorted into groups of noise floor σ 2

n = −130 dBm (circles),σ 2

n = −120 dBm (diamonds) and σ 2n = −110 dBm (triangles).

Prediction horizons ϑ = 0 (black dotted lines), ϑ = 8 (purple solidlines) and ϑ = 18 (blue dashed lines).

−40 −35 −30 −25 −20 −15 −10 −5 00






Different SNR intervals

Figure 5 Prediction performance sorted by pilot SNR. CDF ofNMSE sorted into groups of RS SNR in the intervals [20, 30] dB(squares), [10, 20] dB (pluses) and [0, 10] dB (stars). Prediction horizonsϑ = 0 (black dotted lines), ϑ = 8 (purple solid lines) and ϑ = 18(blue dashed lines).

which usually coincide with the weak channels. Therefore,RLP will require a lower scaling constant c than ZF, evenwithout using the iterative power adjustment.

With RUG-RR, SC transmission outperforms RLP for34% of the groups. For 17% of the groups, the per-cell sumrate is more than 1 bps/Hz/cell higher for SC transmis-sion. With cellular user grouping combined with score-based scheduling (SB-CUG), these numbers decrease to7% and 0.6%, respectively. The improvement is due to bet-ter conditioned 3 × 3 channel matrices H resulting in theneed for on average smaller power scaling factors c in (10).These results indicate that even with few users to choosefrom in the system, local scheduling will provide gooduser groups for CoMP. This phenomenon will be furthervalidated in Section 7.

A clear benefit of using local scheduling algorithms suchas score-based scheduling is that we can get the benefits ofmultiuser diversity at low complexity. This is evident whenwe in Tables 3 and 4 compare the average sum rates whenM = 3 with those for M = 9. The results for RUG-RRremain almost unchanged, as expected. However the SB-CUG provides a multiuser diversity gain in the range of30% for the CoMP schemes and 15% for SC transmission.For SB-CUG with M = 9, the fraction of situations where

Table 3 Precoding performance for M = 3 and ϑ = 8

User grouping Precoder Sum rate (bps/Hz/cell)

Mean 5% percentile

RUG-RR SC 4.7 2.1

RLP 5.7 2.4

ZF 4.8 0.86

SB-CUG SC 4.8 2.7

RLP 6.3 3.0

ZF 6.4 2.9

Sum rate for M = 3 users evaluated at a prediction horizon of ϑ = 8 (10 ms at2.66 GHz).

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Table 4 Precoding performance for M = 9 and ϑ = 8

User grouping Precoder Sum rate (bps/Hz/cell)

Mean 5% percentile

RUG-RR SC 4.9 2.3

RLP 5.5 2.4

ZF 4.7 0.79

SB-CUG SC 5.5 3.5

RLP 8.5 5.1

ZF 8.5 4.8

Sum rate for M = 9 users evaluated at a prediction horizon of ϑ = 8.

SC outperforms CoMP with RLP is only 1%. The advan-tage of SC in sum rate is more than 1 bps/Hz in less than0.01% of the situations. Interestingly, both of these obser-vations indicate that the multiuser diversity gain is higherfor JT CoMP than for SC transmission when using SB-CUG. This is because the score-based scheduler selectsusers when they have their best channel quality, so theirprediction errors will also be the lowest. This increases theaccuracy of the CoMP precoder.

With SB-CUG for M = 9 users, CoMP improves theaverage sum rate by 54% as compared to SC transmis-sion. For the worst combinations of positions of scheduledusers (the 5% percentile), the sum rate improves by 47%.

It is seen from Figure 6 that the highest sum rate gainsfrom using CoMP are achieved when the noise floor is low.The system is then intracluster interference limited. The

performance for ZF with perfect CSIT has been addedfor comparison. As the noise floor decreases, the gapbetween ZF with perfect CSIT and ZF with predictedCSIT increases. For low noise floors, RLP does not out-perform ZF since RLP can only compensate for inaccurateCSIT by allocating transmit power over the more reliablechannels, but it cannot compensate for the actual phaseerrors in the CSIT. As the noise floor decreases, and thechannels become more accurate as a result (see Table 2),it therefore cannot perform better than ZF, even for thetough user groups.

We now in Figure 6 compare ZF, RLP and ZF with per-fect CSIT in the case with a noise floor of −110 dBm usingRUG-RR. ZF with perfect CSIT then performs worse thanRLP with predicted channels, which may seem surpris-ing. However, as mentioned, the regularizing third termin the inverse in (14) affects the power allocation suchthat more power is transmitted over accurate channelsthan over very inaccurate channels. Since generally themost accurate channels are also the strongest channels,the power allocation is automatically better than that ofthe ZF solution, even when ZF uses perfect CSIT.

Table 5 shows the results as the prediction horizonincreases to ϑ = 18 (23 ms at 2.66 GHz). The decreasein CSIT quality decreases the performance for CoMP,as coherent transmission is sensitive to phase errors.Interestingly, with SB-CUG, there is still a clear gainwith using CoMP as compared to using SC transmission.This is not the case with RUG-RR. The CoMP schemesin combination with SB-CUG is hence more robust to

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500



Sum−rate [bps/Hz]



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500



Sum−rate [bps/Hz]



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500



Sum−rate [bps/Hz]



Figure 6 Precoding performance. CDFs of the sum rate for all user group provided by RUG-RR (black solid lines) and SB-CUG (purple dashed lines).A comparison between ZF (circles), RLP (squares) and SC with RR (stars) transmit strategies. Noise floors of −110 dBm (top), −120 dBm (middle)and −130 dBm (bottom). Perfect interference suppression by ZF with perfect CSIT (diamonds) is added for comparison. ϑ = 8, M = 9.

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Table 5 Precoding performance for M = 9 and ϑ = 18

User grouping Precoder Sum rate (bps/Hz/cell)

Mean 5% percentile

RUG-RR SC 4.9 2.3

RLP 5.0 2.2

ZF 4.0 0.67

SB-CUG SC 5.5 3.5

RLP 7.6 4.7

ZF 7.6 4.5

Sum rate for M = 9 users evaluated at a prediction horizon of ϑ = 18 (23 ms at2.66 GHz).

channel prediction errors than in combination with RUG-RR. Even for these fairly long delays of 23 ms, we stillobtain significant CoMP gains, 38% increase in averagesum rate for users at pedestrian velocities in the 2.66 GHzband. Moreover, if the system could guarantee delays ofmaximum 10 or 5 ms, we could equivalently obtain signif-icant CoMP gains for users at vehicular velocities of about60 and 120 km/h respectively at a carrier frequency of 500MHz.

All investigated scenarios above suggest that using SB-CUG instead of RUG-RR is especially important for ZFprecoding. User grouping based on cellular schedulingincreases the average sum rate performance of ZF pre-coding so that it becomes equal to that of RLP. The 5%percentile sum rate is increased by up to a factor 6.7. Thisis because SB-CUG generates well-conditioned matrices.The channel errors from the weak base stations will thenhave less effect on the final solution. This is most evi-dent in the lowest percentiles, since these include the usergroups with the largest channel errors.

It is noticeable, from Table 3 and Figure 6, that withSB-CUG, ZF sometimes outperforms RLP. In our studies,we have seen that this is due to the approximations madewhen calculating E [�H∗V ∗V�H] in (14) by using (7),(15) and (16). This overestimates the variance of theprediction error as discussed in Section 3.2. RLP thenbecomes overly cautious, yielding a slightly worse solu-tion. However, these effects are small and only noticeableat the lowest noise floor.

In all the above, we have assumed that the quantizationerror is small compared to the prediction error and there-fore negligible. As the prediction errors are mostly in theregions of over −20 dB, a feedback cost of 8 to 10 bits percomplex-valued scalar channel would ensure this. With anadaptive quantization scheme, the poor channels mightonly need 4 to 6 bits per complex-valued scalar channelfor the quantization error to be negligible compared withthe prediction error, so the feedback cost can then be low-ered. The overhead required to notify the base station on

how many bits each channel require is low, as this relatesto the shadow fading and only needs to be fed back on aslow varying time scale, related to the shadow fading.

An idea of how a nonnegligible adaptive quantizationerror would affect the results can be gained by study-ing the performance differences between different noisefloors. The higher noise floors lead to less accurate predic-tions, and quantization errors would amplify this effect.However, with a fixed quantization granularity, the sizeof the quantization error would be independent of thechannel prediction quality. Then, in the presence of non-negligible quantization errors, other effects might occur,which are not present in the results presented her. Thisis a topic of importance, which will be left for futurestudies.

7 Investigation of user grouping strategiesDue to the high computational complexity of some of theuser grouping schemes, all of them have not been evalu-ated on the extensive channel data of Section 6, but ratherin a simulation environment. Three cells supported byN = 3 omnidirectional single-antenna base stations ata distance R = 500 m serve M = 3, 6, . . . , 27 single-antenna users, with independently block-fading channels.The simulations use 140 block-fading resource blocks.The channel gains Hij for each set of user i and base sta-tion j are modeled as zero-mean and circular symmetriccomplex Gaussian variables. Their variance σ 2

hijis given

by the path loss model 128.1 + 37.6 log10(d) and log-normal shadow fading with 8-dB standard deviation. Thechannels are generated in two steps. First, channel pre-diction error variances σ 2

�hijare calculated through (6)

assuming that w = 4 flat fading subcarriers are pre-dicted jointly and that the fading statistics for all chan-nels Hij is perfectly represented by a known fourth-orderAR model with poles in 0.96±0.09i and 0.91±0.04i yield-ing a flat Doppler spectrum. Such a spectrum generallycauses channels that are harder to predict than those inthe measurements, where there is a mixture of differentDoppler spectra. Second, to ensure that the predictionand the prediction error are uncorrelated, each Hij is cal-culated through (2) with �Hquant = 0 and with �Hijand Hij modeled as uncorrelated circular symmetric com-plex Gaussian variables with variances σ 2

�hijand σ 2


σ 2�hij

, respectively. The parameters in the right-hand col-umn of Table 1 and a prediction horizon of ϑ = 8 areassumed.

Users are dropped randomly with equal probabilitywithin a circle of 360-m radius from the cluster cen-ter. This area corresponds well to the area in which auser would be allocated for overlapping network cen-tric cooperation clusters that are formed as described in[14,17,48].

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Performance is evaluated in terms of sum rate and indi-vidual user rate using ZF JT CoMP over 1,000 sets ofuser positions. The results from an exhaustive search ofwhich user groups give the best sum rate on each resourcehave been added. This is denoted as optimal best rate(opt. BR).

7.1 ResultsComparisons between all the user grouping and schedul-ing schemes described in Section 4, as well as RUG-RRare presented in terms of sum rate (Figure 7) and aver-age user rate (Figure 8) for M = 9 users. Note that theCUG scheme performs close to the much more com-plex GUG algorithm both for the near sum rate opti-mal groups, comparing GUG-BR with BR-CUG and forthe ‘fair’ user groups, comparing GUG-PF with SB-CUG.Both GUG-BR and BR-CUG also perform close to thesum rate optimal user grouping obtained by exhaustivesearch. In terms of the lowest percentiles of the aver-age user rates for the fair algorithms, GUG-PF is morefair than SB-CUG. This can be explained by the SB-CUGbeing restricted to allocating resources fair amongst usersin the same cell. Therefore, when the users are unevenlydistributed, e.g. when 80% of the users belong to the samemaster base station, then these users will be allocated toless resources than the other 20% of the users. The lowpercentiles of SB-CUG are still much better than thoseobtained with RUG-RR and with the sum rate optimaluser grouping algorithms. In Figure 9, we see that themultiuser scheduling gain for the BR-CUG algorithm ison level with that of the sum rate optimal algorithm. Forthe more fair SB-CUG, the gain in terms of sum rate isless.

0 10 20 30 40 500






Sum−rate [bps/Hz]



Figure 7 User grouping performance by sum rate. CDF of the sumrate with the different user grouping schemes. Note that the optimaland GUG curves for the best rate almost overlap and are hard toseparate. M = 9.

0 2 4 6 80






Average rate (over all subcarriers) [bps/Hz/user]



Figure 8 User grouping performance by user rate. CDF of theaverage rate each user receives with the different user groupingschemes. Note that the optimal and GUG curves for the best ratealmost overlap and are hard to separate. M = 9. Lines as in Figure 7.

8 Discussions and conclusionsThe paper has investigated the sum rate performancegains by coordinated joint linear transmission (JT CoMP)from several sites, relative to conventional cellular trans-mission with frequency reuse 1.

We have taken several types of constraints into accountto obtain a reasonably realistic setting. Measured chan-nel sounding data were used to obtain fading channelsfrom multiple transmitter sites for a large set of termi-nal positions. We focused on cooperation between threesingle-antenna (macro) sites, to model a scenario with rea-sonable demands on feedback and on backhaul in a smallcooperation cluster. All users furthermore had pedestrianvelocities and we predicted their channels by Kalmanalgorithms. This setting produced significant CSIT errors

5 10 15 20 2510







Number of users





te [b



Figure 9 Multi-user diversity gains. Average sum rate as a functionof users in the system. Lines as in Figure 7.

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and allowed us to investigate the limits of performancedue to channel outdating. To obtain reasonable compu-tational complexity, we furthermore restricted focus tolinear precoders that were designed jointly for the wholecluster based on the inaccurate CSIT.

Our results take delays over the backhaul links intoaccount, via the required prediction horizon, but backhaulcapacity within clusters is not constrained. Such con-straints would reduce performance markedly [43]. Fur-thermore, quantization errors of the channel predictionfeedback over uplinks in FDD systems have been assumedsmall, relative to the prediction errors. This assumptionwould, e.g. be fulfilled by using 10-bit quantization ofcomplex channel components. (For the considered case ofthree base station antennas per cooperating cluster, theresulting feedback load over the uplink would then be 30bits per scheduled user for each scheduled block. Thisassumes feedback of predictions only by the scheduledusers and only for scheduled resource blocks, as proposedin Section 4. Methods that further reduce the feedbackoverhead are under current investigation).

The first main conclusion that stands out from theseresults is the crucial importance of a good user grouping.Joint transmission to a group of users with a badly condi-tioned channel matrix would lead to scaling problems in alinear precoder that is designed under per-antenna powerconstraints. With random user positions, such problemsoccur frequently, with the result that the advantages ofCoMP relative to cellular transmission are lost.

A second main conclusion is that with reasonably gooduser grouping, JT CoMP combined with fair opportunis-tic scheduling provides significant performance gains forpractically all of the sets of investigated user positions.This holds also at quite large CSIT error levels, e.g. atNMSE -9 dB on average over all positions at 0.28 wave-lengths or 23 ms prediction horizons (Tables 2 and 5).However, for still longer prediction distances in space,the performance starts to deteriorate and the gains ofusing coherent joint transmission vanish [10]. A special-ized ‘predictor antenna’ system for vehicles has recentlybeen proposed to obtain accurate CSI also at very highvelocities [49].

A third highlight is that these gains can be obtainedby using a simple user grouping scheme that we haveproposed and evaluated here. Its essence is ‘Perform mul-tiuser scheduling with respect to frequency locally foreach cell. Then, for each frequency resource block, designjoint transmission precoders for the terminals that havethereby been allocated to use that resource block.’ Thefirst step can be executed locally in the base stationsas opposed to in the central control unit, providing lessstrain on the backhaul links. Multiuser scheduling gainsover frequency-selective channels are then preserved andeven amplified (comparing Tables 3 and 4) by using JT

CoMP relative to single-cell transmission that uses thesame schedulers. By enabling the use of a two-stagefeedback approach, the proposed user grouping schemealso reduces the CSI feedback overhead in FDD systemsdrastically.

The simulations provided in Section 7 have shown thatthis extremely simple algorithm performs very close to themuch more complex, feedback and backhaul demandinggreedy user grouping algorithm. It also performs close torate-optimal. Its effectiveness in avoiding bad user groupsis illustrated most strikingly by the resulting increase ofthe 5% percentile sum rate performance, relative to ran-dom user grouping, when using zero-forcing precoding(Tables 3, 4 and 5). This user grouping scheme couldbe improved further, by introducing a second schedulinground that eliminates the few remaining cases with chan-nel matrices with large singular value spread. That wouldhowever increase both the delay and the computationalcomplexity.

A similar user grouping scheme can also be used withmultiantenna base stations, where we in a first stepdesign (multiuser) MIMO beamformers for each cell.Joint CoMP precoders (beamformers for the whole clus-ter) are then designed in a second step and are addedto the signal chains before the cellular beamformers[17,50].

Robust precoding that takes the channel inaccuracy intoaccount is an important safeguard against remaining caseswith problematic channel matrices. We have studied theuse of the iterative RLP design of linear precoders forthis purpose. When provided a ‘tough’ user group, with abadly conditioned channel matrix, then robust precoderdesigned by using the RLP scheme outperforms standardzero-forcing by a factor of 3 in terms of 5% percentile sumrate (Tables 3, 4 and 5, for RUG-RR). However when usergroups are chosen that mostly ensure diagonal-dominantchannel matrices, then RLP does not have a great advan-tage over ZF.

We have furthermore found interesting interactionsbetween channel estimation and the properties of RLPprecoders. A question posed in the introduction was onthe effects of large differences in estimation accuracy forstrong and weak channels. Would the larger inaccuracyof estimates in weak channels spoil the precoder design?When the RLP design is used, the opposite happens. Largeinaccuracies of weak channels lead to these transmittersbeing less used by the precoder. This leads to less needfor rescaling of the solution to satisfy the transmit powerconstraint.

With good precoder design and user grouping schemes,the limits of performance for linear downlink JT CoMPwill mainly be due to the CSIT quality and the out-of-cluster interference and noise level (see Figure 6, SB-CUG). Cooperation cluster design is therefore crucial

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for improving the attainable performance. This includesreducing intercluster interference for pilots and for pay-load data by semi-static transmission resource plan-ning, power control and antenna beamforming [48] andschemes that increase the probability that users willfind all of their strongest transmitters within one of theclusters [17].

Appendix 1Kalman filterEach Kalman filter at user i is assumed to use measure-ments ϒ(t) =


i (t), . . . , y(q+1)w−1i (t)

]Tat groups of w

RS-bearing subcarriers. From (1) and (4), we get

ϒ(t) = h(t) + ℵ(t). (21)

Here, the measurement noise ℵ(t) =[nqw

i (t), · · · ,

n(q+1)w−1i (t)

]Tis assumed zero mean with known covari-

ance matrix Rℵ and the matrix ∈ Cw×w·N contains

only known reference symbols and zeros. Reference sym-bols may be transmitted at orthogonal time-frequencyresources by different transmitters. Alternatively, toreduce the RS overhead or to increase the RS patterndensity in time and/or frequency, we may use quasi-orthogonal RS. Such ‘overlapping’ or ‘code orthogonal’pilots, have, e.g. been proposed in [23] and evaluatedin [9,17]. One benefit from using the later technique is thatthe addition of transmit antennas would not necessarycause an increase in overhead. However, whenever jointlyestimated subchannels are not perfectly flat fading, codeorthogonality is lost in the receiver. In [17], it was shownthat this leads to a large degradation of prediction qual-ity for the weakest channels when these are much weaker(e.g. by more than 10 dB) than the strongest channels.The energy leaking from the RS transmitted over strongchannels will then be large in comparison to the energyof the received RS transmitted over weak channels. Thisleaked energy can be regarded as an extra noise term inthe measurement, thus causing a noticeably lower expe-rienced SNR for the weak channels. Since channels fromantennas located at different base stations will generallyhave large gain differences while those located at the samebase station will not, we here assume the use of orthogo-nal RS for antennas located at different base stations whilequasi-orthogonal RS may be used for those located at thesame base station. As an example, with two transmittersthat use overlapping RS with BPSK symbols {1, −1}, twousers and four jointly estimated subcarriers, w = 4, thematrices in (21) could be given by = [ I, I ] for useri = 1 and = [

diag {1, −1, 1, −1} , diag {1, −1, 1, −1} ]for user i = 2, while for KCRS = K , h(t) =[H0

i1, H1i1, H2

i1, H3i1, H0

i2, H1i2, H2

i2, H3i2]T , i = 1, 2.

The Kalman filter for updating the estimated state vec-tors for user i are given by

x(t|t − 1) = Ax(t − 1|t − 1),P(t|t − 1) = AP(t − 1|t − 1)A∗ + BQB∗,

K(t) = P(t|t − 1) ( C)∗ (Rℵ + CP(t|t − 1) ( C)∗)−1,x(t|t) = x(t|t − 1) + K(t)(ϒ(t) − Cx(t|t − 1)),P(t|t) = (I − K(t) C)P(t|t − 1),


where x(t1|t2) is an estimate of the state space vectorin (3) at time t1 based on measurements up to timet2, P(t1|t2) = E

[(x(t1) − x(t1|t2)

) (x(t1) − x(t1|t2)

)∗] andK(t) is the Kalman filter gain. These recursively com-puted estimates are based on a set of past measurementsϒ(t), ϒ(t−1), . . . that grows in time, without requiring anincreasing memory size to store the measurements.

Appendix 2Iterative adjustment of the penalty matrix SThe criterion (18) can be optimized by adjusting thetransmit powers with a step-by-step Greedy algorithm toreduce power normalization loss problems due to the scal-ing of (1/c) in (10). We outline this procedure below forsingle-antenna base stations.

First, calculate the optimal precoder from (14) with V =I and S = εI. Here, ε 1 is a small real-valued numberensuring that S is positive definite. The resulting precoderminimizes the intracluster interference which might notbe optimal w.r.t. (18). This precoder is then used as theinitial value for a sequence of iterative, one-dimensionalsearches where we sequentially adjust the penalties on thetransmit powers used by each base station.

Now, calculate u using (10) under the per-base stationpower constraint (11) and set

Sρ,1 = εI + diag{ρ1 · 1jmax,


Here, 1jmax denotes a vector with a 1 if the correspondingbase station has the highest transmit power and zeros oth-erwise. For example, assume a system with N = 3, M = 2and


R =[

1 2 0.50 3 1


Then, the transmit powers at base station 1, 2 and 3 are[ 1 13 1.25 ], so jmax = 2 and 1jmax = [ 0 1 0 ]. Theparameter ρ1 is iteratively optimized w.r.t. (18) over aninterval

]0, ρ1,max

[where ρ1,max is the smallest value that

will cause jmax to change. This procedure can be repeatedfor the second strongest base station, denoted jmax 2, with

Sρ,2 = diag{ρ1 · 1jmax

}+ diag{ρ2 · 1jmax 2

}. (24)

Similarly, as for ρ1, the parameter ρ2 is now optimizedover

]ε, ρ2,max

[, while ρ1 is held fixed, where ρ2,max is the

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smallest value that will cause the value of jmax or jmax 2 tochange. In the above example, jmax 2 = 3 and 1jmax 2 =[ 0 0 1 ]. Again, the procedure can be repeated for allremaining base station in the order of decreasing transmitpower until the final matrix is

Sρ = εI +N∑


{ρj · 1j

}. (25)

For clusters with few base stations, it is often suffi-cient to adjust only one scalar parameter in S related tothe strongest base station as for (23). For clusters withmany base stations, further improvements are obtained byadjusting additional diagonal elements in S starting withthat associated with the second strongest base station.

For multiantenna base stations, all the co-located trans-mit antennas of one cell have average channel gains ofthe same order of magnitude. They should therefore bepenalized using the same order of magnitude. Then, onepenalty parameter value ρj can be adjusted simultaneouslyfor all antennas at one base station j at a time as for thesingle-antenna base station example above.

Appendix 3Assuming no quantization errors, E


= δij,E [�H] =0 and E [nn∗] = σ 2I in (1), (2) and (10), the expectedvalues of the power for the received message PS,i, the intr-acluster interference PI,i and the noise PN ,i at the ith userare given by

E[E[PS,i]] = E




= 1c2 E



E[E[PI,i]] = E



m �=i


(HR)im sm

∣∣∣∣∣∣2⎤⎥⎦ = 1


M∑m �=i



E[E[PN ,i

]] = σ 2,(26)


E[|HR| 2

im] = E



HijRjm +N∑


∣∣∣∣∣∣2⎤⎥⎦ .

Assuming that E[H�H∗

]= 0,

E[|HR| 2

im] =



∣∣∣ 2 +N∑






where E[�Hij�H∗


is element(j, n)

of the covariancesubmatrix (CP (t + ϑ |t) C∗)k of user i.

Appendix 4Proof of Theorem 1We will here prove that (14) minimizes the cost func-tion (13). If S has full rank, then the inverse in (14) exists,so RRLP by (14) exists and is unique. Assume that RRLPby (14) does not minimize (13). Since the signal vector s in(10) is assumed white, any alternative potentially superiorlinear precoder can then be expressed as a linear functionof s at time t only. Then there must exist a matrix

R = RRLP + εT , (27)

with a complex matrix T and a real number ε with whichwe can decrease the value of J. We can then write the errorsignal ε and the vector of transmitted signals u as

ε = εo + εεT = 1c

(HRRLP − D) s + ε1c


u = u0 + εuT = 1c

RRLPs + ε1c


Using these notations and that ‖v‖2 = tr (vv∗) for avector v, we can rewrite (13) as

J = J0 + 2εRe (J1) + ε2J2, (29)


J0 = E[E[tr((Vε0) (Vε0)

∗)]+ E[tr((Su0) (Su0)

∗)]] ,J1 = E

[E[tr((Vε0) (VεT )∗

)]+ E[tr((Su0) (SuT )∗


J2 = E[E[tr((VεT ) (VεT )∗

)]+ E[tr((SuT ) (SuT )∗


First, note that J0 is not affected by the choice of T. Sec-ond, we note that J2 ≥ 0, so the only way to decrease J isby choosing T such that J1 < 0. Using E [ss∗] = I we canexpand J1 into

J1 = 1c2 E

[tr(V (HRRLP − D) T∗H∗V ∗ + SRRLPT∗S∗)] .


Through the trace rotation rule, tr (AB) = tr (BA), weget

J1 = 1c2 tr

(((E[H∗V ∗VH

]+ S∗S)


])T∗) .


Assuming that E [�H] = E[�Hquant

] = 0 and E =[�H∗V ∗V�Hquant

] = 0 and inserting (2) and (14)into (31) we get J1 = 0 for all T. Hence, we cannot choose amatrix T that will decrease the cost function, J = J0+ε2J2.The minimum J = J0 is attained only by setting ε = 0, soR = RRLP minimizes the cost function.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

AcknowledgementsThe research leading up to these results has received funding from theEuropean Commission’s Seventh Framework Program FP7-ICT-2009 under

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grant of arrangement no. 247223 also referred to as ARTIST4G. We thankfullyacknowledge the contributions and insights of our colleagues within theproject, in particular Wolfgang Zirwas from NSN, Tommy Svensson, Jingya Liand Tilak Lakshmana from Chalmers, Michael Grieger, Fabian Diehm andRichard Fritzsche from TU Dresden, Valeria D’Amico from Telecom Italia andDaniel Aronsson, now at Mathworks, Sweden. The research was also partiallyfunded by the Swedish Research Council via the framework program DynamicMultipoint Wireless Transmission. We thank Ericsson Research for providingthe channel measurements.

Received: 5 December 2013 Accepted: 26 May 2014Published: 18 June 2014

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doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2014-100Cite this article as: Apelfröjd and Sternad: Design and measurement-basedevaluations of coherent JT CoMP: a study of precoding, user grouping andresource allocation using predicted CSI. EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking 2014 2014:100.

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