reshape tsm business school

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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de parabel van de Ui

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

De excuses voorbij.

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Lucien Engelen (@lucienengelen)

Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands

Head Regional Emergency NetworkDirector Radboud REshape & Innovation CenterAdvisory to the Executive Committee

NOT a doctor, but extremely IMpatient ;-)

Innovatie is dat

de ánder

moet veranderen.

How many of you are here because they are :

doctors ?

How many of you are here because they are :

doctors ?

management ?

How many of you are here because they are :

doctors ?

management ?

policymakers ?

How many of you are here because they are :

doctors ?

management ?

policymakers ?

health IT ?

How many of you are here because they are :

doctors ?

management ?

policymakers ?

health IT ?

patients ?

How many of you are here because they are :

Medicine X Stanford

Medicine 2.0 Harvard


Doctors 2.0 Paris


World PD conference

National Health Debate


Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Health 1.0

Health 2.0

Participatory Medicine

Participatory Healthcare

from Health1 . 0 to Participatory Healthcare

Health 1.0

Health 2.0

Participatory Medicine

Participatory Healthcare

from Health1 . 0 to Participatory Healthcare

found 46 definitions of Health 2.0

Keuzes makenRadboud REshape & Innovation Center

400.000 te weinig

minder budget

patienten die terugpraten

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

So, we often THINK we

know what our patients

need, want or looking

for, but we DON’T !

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center



Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Use of SoMe by hospitals in Europe and USA (%)

Youtube Twitter Facebook Linkedin

Preliminary results EUPeriod: Sep 2010 - Feb 2011 *NL FB = HyvesUSA: Data of Ed Bennet

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Use of SoMe by hospitals in Europe and USA (%)








Germany Switzerland Austria Sweden Norway UK Netherlands USA

Youtube Twitter Facebook Linkedin

Preliminary results EUPeriod: Sep 2010 - Feb 2011 *NL FB = HyvesUSA: Data of Ed Bennet

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Crowdsourcing = outsourcing

Crowdsourcing = outsourcing

patients are the least utilized

Crowdsourcing = outsourcing

patients are the least utilizedresource in HC

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Passed 100.000 downloads

17.5000 AED’s in Database

Soon blind spots and geo-send to dispatch

Run by UMC, in-dependent non-commercial

Worldwide coverage

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Dr Roni Zeiger MDa.k.a.

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Dr Roni Zeiger MDa.k.a.

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Dr Roni Zeiger MDa.k.a.

Radboud REshape : dare to dream ... dare to do ... dare to fail ...

Empower patients

Disrupt healthcare

Worldwide first Secure SAAS

No additional hardware

Use Case 1: Multiple Sclerose


optionRelative at work

option Physiotherapist other clinicThe Patient is offered virtual hospital visit and or group consult from Multi Disciplinary MS Team

Patient at home

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center900 people , 3500 waitinglist, 35 locations worldwide

Building a kind of Swiss Army knife

REshape Healthcubator

REshape Healthcubator

short to market (6 months) Patient as Partner

University Medical Center Program

Everybody wants to innovate

nobody wants to change

REshape : Dare to dream .. Dare to do ... Dare to fail ...

REshape : Dare to dream .. Dare to do ... Dare to fail ...

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center


Radboud REshape & Innovation Center



Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

De parabel van de Ui :

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

De parabel van de Ui :

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

door laag voor laag te pellen kom je steeds beter tot de kern

De parabel van de Ui :

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

door laag voor laag te pellen kom je steeds beter tot de kern

positioneer innovatie ON-afhankelijk

De parabel van de Ui :

Radboud REshape & Innovation Center

door laag voor laag te pellen kom je steeds beter tot de kern

positioneer innovatie ON-afhankelijk

als falen niet mag of kan; niet doen

This is whereall the

magic happens

This is whereall the

magic happensYour


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