resurrection catholic primary school 10... · palm branches -any parishioner who is able to supply...

Post on 26-Oct-2019






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Resurrection Catholic Primary School 51 Gum Road, Kings Park 3021 Telephone: (03) 8312 6312 Absence Line: (03) 8312 6333 website: email:

At Resurrection Catholic Primary School,

we learn passionately, we serve joyfully, we care.

UPCOMING EVENTS Term 1 - Week 10 – Fri 5 April 2019

First day of Term 2 Tues 23 April School starts at 8:50am

ANZAC Day Thurs 25 April Public Holiday – no school

Resurrection Day Fri 26 April 9:10am Mass and activities

Cross Country Wed 1 May District Cross Country Carnival

First Communion Meeting Wed 1 May 7pm – Compulsory meeting for communion students

AFL tournament Fri 3 May District AFL Tournament

Last words from the Principal As this is the last newsletter I will be contributing to, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts in making Resurrection Catholic Primary School the community that it is. My time here has only been short, but I know we have achieved great things. On my very first day, I asked the staff to ensure that they made it known to each and every student that they are loved; we have embraced the school motto “We Care” in our thoughts and actions and developed a Vision Statement that includes and reflects the motto - we learn passionately, we serve joyfully, we care. Teachers now know so much about the students’ learning; where they are at, what they need next and the best way to approach it. This has been a real shift here at Resurrection over the past couple of years and you, as parents, should be proud of what we have been able to achieve in this area. I shared with the students at Assembly on Monday, that I have been getting up each morning to go to school for 53 years. They agreed with me that it is time to do something different! When I first went to school, my bus fare was tuppence and televisions were all black and white. When I was in Grade 3, I was allowed to walk with my friend, David, to his house to watch astronaut Neil Armstrong walk on the moon - of course, we had to head back to school once the telecast was over! The world has changed dramatically since then, and not always for the better, but we all need to discover ways of dealing with what life brings. I’ll leave you with a couple of thoughts from Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: *I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. *So long and thanks for all the fish. May God bless you, John Connors PRINCIPAL

“I had a great time at my first Inter-school swimming competition. At the District

swimming event, my friend Ameilia and I felt nervous and excited at the same time.

I never expected to get through to the District finals, then after that

I felt very surprised to get to the Regional Championships in Geelong.

Thank you to the sport teachers Mrs Shields and Ms Grech for their

encouragement. Thank you to my family for all their support.

I’d like to encourage all squad swimmers

to participate and have a go next year along with me.”

From Jennilyn Rm 21

From Jennilyn Rm 21

Message from Father Gerard

This week we say farewell to Mr John Connors and thank him for his leadership at Resurrection Catholic Primary School. Whist we go through the process of appointing a new Principal, I have appointed Mr Tony Freeman as the Acting Principal. I am sure you will be most supportive of Tony in this time of transition. Father Gerard

Physical Education and Sport News

We have had a very busy term to start our year. Our Friday Inter-school Sports finished last Friday 29th March with Resurrection playing in the finals for Basketball against Deer Park West. They returned as winners and will continue on to the Division Finals in Term 4. (Put basketball photos here please)

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, our School Cross Country trials were not held as a seperate event but were conducted in the students lessons. We now have a team of 49 students to take with us to the District event being held in week 2 of next term. Our Senior School Athletics Carnival is being held on the Friday of Week 4 in Term 2. Permission notes will go home in week 1. If you are able to set aside this day to come and help, that would be greatly appreciated. Finally, Amelia T & Jennilyn M represented Resurrection and the Deer Park District at the Western Metropolitan Regional Swimming Finals on Tuesday of this week, competing in the Breaststroke event. Jennilyn finished 9th in the Region, which is a fantastic result! Well Done!

Easter Raffle

A very big thank you to all the lovely parents who helped during the week to sort out the Easter Raffle tickets, prepare hampers, draw the raffle and deliver prizes to classrooms. 1st Prize - Amelia Muscat Rm 16 2nd Prize - Aaron Radolovic Rm 15 3rd Prize - Mayen T Rm 14 4th Prize - Sienna Rm 14 5th Prize - Michaela Rm 20 Congratulations to all students who won a prize. A big thank you to all the families that bought raffle tickets. We raised $1,188 for our school. Wishing all families and staff a very Happy Easter and safe and enjoyable school break. Thank you Lisa Naoum (P&F President)

Parents & Friends Lunch

A big thank you to all the beautiful families who attended the P&F lunch at the Deer Park Club last month.

Notes sent home this week:

Class Subject

Gr 1 Gr 1 lead mass Sat 11 May 2019 at 6pm

Gr 4 Communion Students compulsory meeting

Staff First Aid/CPR refresher

All staff completed the annual CPR refresher training last week. As serious as the subject is we always find a bit of time to smile.

Parents & Friends Farewell Gift for Mr John Connors Thank you to the families who contributed towards Mr Connors farewell gift. Your generosity has allowed us to purchase John 2 gift packages which we are sure he will love.

Swim with the dolphins/seals, a Yarra Valley Segway Lunch Tour for 2 as well as a $100 gift voucher

Thank you St Aloysius College for

sending us a letter from a past


Lost Property We have a lot of lost property currently waiting to be claimed. Some items have names and some do not. Please collect your items because at the end of term (next Friday) lost property will be cleared out and unclaimed items will be donated to the 2nd hand uniform shop. We have had multiple reports of items with names going missing and this is disappointing. Any items that your child may bring home that are not yours, please return to school immediately. There is also lost property from the Gr 5/6 camp waiting to be collected in the Gr 5/6 learning lane – please claim these items or they will be disposed of next Friday at the end of term.


2020 Prep Enrolments

Enrolments for Prep 2020 are now open. To be eligible to commence school next year, children will need to be five years of age by 30 April, 2020. Enrolments are also being accepted for other year levels. Please come to the office to pick up an “Application for Enrolment” form and return the completed form by Fri 10 May 2019 Please note that an information night for all parents will be held on Tues 30 April 2019 at 7pm. All parents are strongly advised to attend this meeting (including current school parents) as there will be valuable information provided. Key dates: 30 April 2019 Parent Information Session 10 May 2019 Application for Enrolment forms due 7 June 2019 1st offers will be mailed including Enrolment form 14 June 2019 Enrolment forms due


The Lord is near to broken hearts – Psalm 33(34):16, 18-21, 23.

‘I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.’

Jesus didn’t plan to appear at the Festival of Booths. His aim was not to

attract fans or gain popularity and he won’t even be persuaded by close

friends and relatives that attending is a good idea. Indeed, he knows his life

is threatened and that it would be dangerous to return to Judea.

So why go after all? The decision seems reckless, even foolish – to enter

the lion’s den with an imminent threat of torture and death. Jesus arrives

quietly, unnoticed, after discerning ultimately what God the Father is asking

of him.

As he teaches, the unease and questioning of the people provokes Jesus to speak of his relationship with God – ’I know him . . . I

am from him . . . he sent me.’ Jesus’ conviction invites us to risk derision and affirm belief with courage. We pray for the grace to

hear him speaking words of truth, words which fan into flame our desire to follow.

Wisdom 2:1, 12-22. Psalm 33(34):16, 18-21, 23. John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30


ACTING PRINCIPAL This week we say farewell to John Connors and thank him for his leadership at Resurrection Catholic Primary School. Whilst we go through the process of appointing a new Principal, I have appointed Tony Freeman as the Acting Principal.

CHANGE OF 9AM MASS TIMES Please note that for both Palm Sunday (14th April) and Easter Sunday (21st April) our 9am Mass will commence 30 minutes earlier than usual. Mass for both these days will commence at 8.30am.

PROJECT COMPASSION - You may remember Salma, who featured in Project Compassion 2013. At the time she was pregnant with her first child, sick and terribly frightened. In distress, she sought the help of a midwife trained by Caritas’ Safe Motherhood Program. Six years on, she’s now a healthy mother of two strong, happy children. Salma is committed to giving her children the education they need to provide them with the future she hoped for. Please donate to Project Compassion 2019 and help reduce infant mortality rates in countries like Bangladesh and provide hope to pregnant women in remote communities for happy and healthy families.

PALM BRANCHES - Any parishioner who is able to supply palm (large or small) branches this year for Palm (Passion) Sunday 13th & 14th April is asked to contact the parish office.

55 PLUS - 55 Plus group cordially invites you to a movie screening "Norman Wisdom" and morning tea on the following dates:

8th April, 15th April, 23rd April. The cost $5.00, please express your interest to Elizabeth by calling 0435 791 390.


Passion (Palm) Sunday Rehearsal for Overseers, Proclaimers of the Word , Choir Leaders and Liturgy Group.


Holy Thursday 9.30am

Good Friday 10am

Holy Saturday Vigil 10.30am

For all those involved in the Celebrations Overseers, Proclaimers of the Word , Choir Leaders, Washing of the feet, Liturgy Group everyone involved.

With the exception of Hospitality, Car park attendants and Special Ministers of Communion.

Please note if you do not come to rehearsal you may be replaced.

PREP ENROLMENTS 2020 Enrolments for Prep 2020 are now open. To be eligible to commence school next year, children will need to be five years of age by 30 April, 2020. Enrolments are also being accepted for other year levels.

Please come to the office to pick up an “Application for Enrolment” form and return the completed form by Fri 10 May 2019.

Last month, while speaking about modern slavery Pope Francis said that, faced with the tragic reality of modern slavery, “no one can wash their hands of it, without being in some way, an accomplice to this crime against humanity”.

Thinking of buying Easter eggs? Use your money justly – please.

What Easter eggs will you enjoy this Easter? There is now a wide range of slavery-free chocolate and Easter eggs available, including a budget-priced range of UTZ certified products in ALDI, Coles and a wide selection at Haighs and OXFAM shops; Chocolatier also produces FAIRTRADE Easter chocolate. Good news: The Sydney Archdiocese is reviewing and revising all relevant contractual and business practices as part of its commitment to eradicating human trafficking. They are joining a powerful movement that will change, forever, the lives of enslaved children – God’s children.

Action: Tell three people about the importance of buying only slavery-free chocolate this Easter and beyond. Try some and tell them how good it tastes. Join this global fight against modern slavery. for information and resources.

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