retail micro-moments: capturing your buyers

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Mobile technology has allowed consumers to make decisions on the spot, where users’ access to products or notifications on mobile devices can drive sales in an instant. These instances of on-the-go access are known as micro-moments.

Google’s definition of Micro-Moment1:

An intent-rich moment when a person turns to a device to act on a need – to know, go, do or buy.

These moments are the moments consumers want what they want, exactly when they want it and will flock to brands that can deliver on their requests.

When a person performs a preliminary search, but is not looking to buy at that


When a person is considering buying from a

nearby store and performs a search for one

When a person needs help to complete a task or function or is simply

looking for something new

When a person is ready to make a purchase but needs

help deciding what to buy or how to buy something

To capture these significant moments, businesses should1:

Anticipate the moment – Be prepared to provide for select target audiences and offer the right assistance

Be useful – Provide an easy, enjoyable experience and quickly connect people to the answers and solutions they need

Hold themselves accountable – Analyze customer experiences and improve functionality across all channels to provide seamless experiences and processes

Approaching the right moment requires agencies to identify must-win moments and implement strategies to effectively capture them2. Ask your team:

So many moments exist, which one is the right one? Focus on what matters to your brand and place priority on intent-rich moments where audiences make decisions and set preferences.

How do we approach intentcentered marketing?

Strong businesses need to identify customer desires and evaluate how value shapes customer’s intent.

Should we focus on intent or transactions?Businesses should focus on all micro-moments, not just the I-want-to-buy moments. Take creative approaches to reach your customers long before the I-want-to-buy moments to increase your helpfulness and drive customer to the I-want-to-buy moment when the time is right.

How do we approach intent-centered marketing?

Research and document past successes to form your micro-moment plan. Determine how your business delivered on customer intent and employ proven tactics.

Analyzing top searches, trending searches and top questions in Google searches are a few of the ways you can determine consumer intent.

Context is a layer to intent and can help determine customers’ needs by taking into account timeliness, location and other factors within their current situation. The combination of intent and context can combine to determine what defines a particular micro-moment and what strategies should apply to ensure micro-moments are seized successfully.

“I-want-to-know” moments are just like they sound; consumers asking questions or submitting inquiries. Common “I want-to-know” moments:

• How can I eat healthier?• What is my credit score?• Which cars have the best

safety ratings?

An estimated 90 % of smartphone users say they’ve used their phone to make progress on a long-term goal or multiple step purchase.3 Consumers love quick snippets of educational content and studies have shown that consumers who encounter this type of content from a business are more likely to buy from them.4 An estimated 69% of consumers are more likely to buy from a business that provides quick, easily accessible information through a mobile platform while they’re on-the-go.

Common “I-want-to-go” moments are when customers look for a connection to the physical world, meaning they prefer companies that customize information according to where they are in the real world at that exact moment. This could be as simple as sending consumers information that a store near their location has highly sought-after products.

Studies have shown 61% of consumers say they’re more likely to buy from businesses or companies whose mobile sites or applications customize information to match their real world location. Giving customers what they need by using GPS to spotlight locations relevant to their intents, combined with store inventories and driving directions in ads, mobile sites and content can spur sales.

The key to capturing the “I-want-to-go,” moments?


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