revealing the nature of the ulx and x-ray population of the spiral

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Revealing the nature of the ULX and X-ray populationof the spiral galaxy NGC4088

M. Mezcua1,2, G. Fabbiano3, J.C. Gladstone4, S.A. Farrell5, and R. Soria6

1Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias (IAC), E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain; mmezcua@iac.es2Universidad de La Laguna, Dept. Astrofısica, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain

3Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA); 60 Garden Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138USA

4Department of Physics, University of Alberta, 11322 - 89 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2G7, Canada5Sydney Institute for Astronomy (SIfA), School of Physics, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

6International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA6845, Australia


We present the first Chandra and Swift X-ray study of the spiral galaxy NGC 4088 and itsultraluminous X-ray source (ULX N4088–X1). We also report very long baseline interferometry(VLBI) observations at 1.6 and 5 GHz performed quasi-simultaneously with the Swift and Chan-dra observations, respectively. Fifteen X-ray sources are detected by Chandra within the D25ellipse of NGC 4088, from which we derive the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of this galaxy.We find the XLF is very similar to those of star-forming galaxies and estimate a star-formationrate of 4.5 M yr−1. The Chandra detection of the ULX yields its most accurate X-ray position,which is spatially coincident with compact radio emission at 1.6 GHz. The ULX Chandra X-rayluminosity, L0.2−10.0keV = 3.4 × 1039 erg s−1, indicates that N4088–X1 could be located at thehigh-luminosity end of the high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) population of NGC 4088. The es-timates of the black hole mass and ratio of radio to X-ray luminosity of N4088–X1 rule out asupermassive black hole nature. The Swift X-ray spectrum of N4088–X1 is best described by athermal Comptonization model and presents a statistically significant high-energy cut-off. Weconclude that N4088–X1 is most likely a stellar remnant black hole in a HMXB, probably fedby Roche lobe overflow, residing in a super-Eddington ultraluminous state. The 1.6 GHz VLBIsource is consistent with radio emission from possible ballistic jet ejections in this state.

Subject headings: accretion, accretion discs – black hole physics – ISM: jets and outflows – Radio con-tinuum: general – X-rays: binaries.

1. Introduction

Early X-ray observations of nearby galaxieswith the Einstein Observatory, and later withROSAT, ASCA, XMM-Newton, and Chandra, re-vealed the presence of a population of off-nuclearX-ray point sources with X-ray luminosities abovethe Eddington limit for a stellar-mass black hole(LX > 1039 erg s−1; Fabbiano 1989). These highluminosities imply black holes (BHs) of masses >10 M, if the accretion is sub-Eddington and the

radiation is isotropic. This suggested that ULXscould be intermediate mass BHs (IMBHs) with BHmasses in the range 100 ≤ MBH ≤ 105M (e.g.,Colbert & Mushotzky 1999). The alternative isstellar-remnant BHs (MBH < 100M) accretingat around or above the Eddington limit (e.g., Kinget al. 2001; Fabbiano 2005; Feng & Soria 2011).

Studies of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF)of the X-ray populations of these nearby galax-ies are a very useful tool for discerning betweendifferent types of X-ray populations and galaxy






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properties (e.g., morphological type, age of stellarpopulation) and investigating the nature of the X-ray sources that populate them (e.g., X-ray bina-ries -XRBs; see review by Fabbiano 2006). TheXLF of late-type star-forming galaxies is usuallydescribed by a straight power-law and is associ-ated with a population of high-mass X-ray bina-ries (HMXBs) located in regions of star formation(e.g., Zezas & Fabbiano 2002; Colbert et al. 2004;Zezas et al. 2007). Early-type galaxies are best de-scribed by an XLF with a broken power-law anda break at a few times 1038 erg s−1 (attributed tothe Eddington luminosity of neutron star XRBs;e.g., Sarazin et al. 2000, 2001), and are thought tobe dominated by a population of low-mass XRBs(LMXBs, e.g., Kim & Fabbiano 2004, 2010; Gil-fanov 2004). Studies to the XLF of different galax-ies can also be used to gain insight into the natureof ULXs.

ULX population studies have revealed thatmany ULXs are associated with young star-forming regions and star-forming galaxies (e.g.,Swartz et al. 2004, 2009). They also tend to befound in low-metallicity regions (e.g., Zampieri& Roberts 2009; Belczynski et al. 2010; Mapelliet al. 2010). Such low metallicities are requiredin order to make more massive BHs (e.g., Hegeret al. 2003), which shows that it would be possiblefor ULXs to be massive stellar remnant BHs. Yet,population studies of the HMXB population ofthe local universe has also revealed an unbrokenpower-law slope in the XLF up to ∼ 2 × 1040 ergs−1 (e.g., Grimm et al. 2003; Swartz et al. 2011;Mineo et al. 2012). This continuation indicatesthat the majority of ULXs with LX < 2×1040 ergs−1 are likely to be HMXBs with a stellar-massBH accreting at around or above the Eddingtonlimit.

Many studies have been undertaken to obtainthe mass of the putative BH contained in ULXs.Such methods include: studying the ULX opti-cal counterpart (e.g., Pakull et al. 2006; Kaaret& Corbel 2009; Cseh et al. 2011; Tao et al. 2011;Gladstone et al. 2013); from X-ray analysis, us-ing either spectral fitting (e.g., Miller et al. 2003;Gladstone & Roberts 2009; Caballero-Garcıa &Fabian 2010; Davis et al. 2011; Godet et al. 2012;Bachetti et al. 2013), the luminosity-temperaturerelation (e.g., Miller et al. 2003; Gladstone &Roberts 2009; Strateva & Komossa 2009; Servil-

lat et al. 2011), quasi-periodic oscillations (e.g.,Strohmayer & Mushotzky 2003; Strohmayer et al.2007; Caballero-Garcıa et al. 2013), or X-ray vari-ability (Soria et al. 2004; Heil et al. 2009; DeMarco et al. 2013). In those cases where candi-date radio counterparts have been identified, at-tempts have been made to obtain the BH mass us-ing the Fundamental Plane of accreting BHs (e.g.,Sanchez-Sutil et al. 2006; Cseh et al. 2011; Mezcua& Lobanov 2011; Webb et al. 2012; Mezcua et al.2013a; Mezcua et al. 2013c). The Fundamen-tal Plane is a correlation between 2–10 keV X-ray luminosity, 5 GHz radio luminosity, and BHmass that holds for sub-Eddington accreting BHsin the low/hard X-ray state and with steady jetemission (e.g., Merloni et al. 2003; Kording et al.2006; Gallo et al. 2012). The detection of compactcore radio emission is required in order to locatea ULX in the Fundamental Plane, which can beachieved only by means of very long baseline in-terferometry (VLBI) radio observations. Mezcua& Lobanov (2011) initiated a program with theEuropean VLBI Network (EVN1) aimed at detect-ing and studying the milliarcsecond-scale emissionof ULXs. Such investigations have indicated thatthose ULXs with radio counterparts may be pow-ered by IMBHs (e.g., Mezcua & Lobanov 2011;Mezcua et al. 2013a, 2013c). Here, we investigateone of these ULXs in NGC 4088.

NGC 4088 is an asymmetric spiral galaxy (DL

= 13 Mpc, redshift = 0.002524; Verheijen & San-cisi 2001) hosting a ULX (N4088–X1) offset ∼32arcsec from the nucleus. N4088–X1 was first de-tected with the ROSAT satellite by Liu & Breg-man (2005), who reported an X-ray luminosityL0.3−8.0keV ∼ 6 × 1039 erg s−1. The ULX is lo-cated within the spiral arm of NGC 4088, possiblywithin an HII region (e.g., Liu & Bregman 2005;Sanchez-Sutil et al. 2006). A cross-match of theVLA2 FIRST3 catalog with ROSAT ULX catalogs(e.g., Liu & Bregman 2005) revealed a 1.4 GHzVLA radio counterpart for the ULX of 1.87 mJy,with an offset between the ROSAT and the radioposition of 3.6 arcsec (Sanchez-Sutil et al. 2006).Later EVN observations at 1.6 GHz yielded thedetection of a compact, unresolved component of

1www.evlbi.org2Very Large Array of the National Radio Astronomy Obser-vatory (NRAO).

3Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-cm survey.


0.1 mJy centered at RA(J2000) = 12h05m31s.7110± 0s.0003, Dec.(J2000) = 5032′46′′.729 ± 0′′.002(Mezcua & Lobanov 2011). This provided an up-per limit on the 5 GHz luminosity (assuming a ra-dio spectral index α = 0.15), from which an upperlimit on the ULX BH mass of ∼ 105M was esti-mated using the Fundamental Plane of accretion(Mezcua & Lobanov 2011).

In this paper we present the first Chandra ob-servations of the galaxy NGC 4088 and the ULXN4088–X1, as well as quasi-simultaneous VLBIobservations with the EVN at 5 GHz. We alsoreport a reanalysis of the EVN data at 1.6 GHz,now imaged at the Chandra position reported inthis paper, and the analysis of 23 Swift observa-tions performed nearly at the same time (betweenApril and September 2009) as the 1.6 GHz EVNobservations (2009 June 1–2). With these datawe investigate the proposed association betweenthe X-ray and radio emission (for which a sub-arcsecond X-ray position is needed) of N4088–X1and attempt to estimate the BH mass with theaim of revealing the nature of this ULX.

The paper is organized as follows: the observa-tions and data analysis are presented in Section 2,while the main results obtained are shown in Sec-tion 3 and discussed in Section 4. Final conclu-sions are presented in Sect. 5.

Through this paper we assume a Λ CDM cos-mology with parameters H0 = 73 km s−1 Mpc−1,ΩΛ = 0.73, and Ωm = 0.27.

2. Observations and data analysis

2.1. Chandra X-ray observations

The ULX N4088–X1 was observed on 2012June 06 (Obs. ID: 14442; PI: Mezcua) withthe Chandra X-ray observatory (Weisskopf et al.2002). The observation was performed using theAdvanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer detector(Garmire 1997; ACIS-S) with an integration timeof 19.8 ks. The data were reprocessed using CIAOversion 4.5 and the corresponding calibration files,following the standard Chandra ACIS data anal-ysis threads4. The chandra repro reprocessingscript was used to reprocess the data and generatea new level=2 event file.


An image of the S3 chip (ccd id=7), a back-ground image, and a PSF map that provides thesize of the PSF at each pixel in the image werethen produced using the tools dmcopy, aconvolve,and mkpsfmap and given to wavdetect, which per-formed source detection and extracted source netcounts in the energy range 0.3–10 keV. The de-tected source count rates for all sources lyingwithin the D25 ellipse of NGC 4088 were con-verted to source fluxes by applying a conversionfactor calculated assuming a power-law spectrumof Γ = 1.8 and line-of-sight Galactic absorption5

NH = 2 × 1020 cm−2 using WebPIMMS6. A Γ= 1.4∼2 (e.g., Zezas & Fabbiano 2002) and Γ =1.4–1.8 (e.g., Boroson et al. 2011) was found forHMXBs and LMXBs, respectively. We note thatthe average value of Γ = 1.8 used here may not beapplicable to our case since those studies have adeeper detection limit that includes also XRBs inthe low/hard state (dominated by a hard power-law component), while we can only see those in thehigh/soft state (dominated by a disk blackbody).To make sure that we are using a plausible slope,we used the XSPEC task fakeit to simulate a dis-tribution of Chandra spectra for disk-blackbodymodels with column densities equal to the line-of-sight and twice the line-of-sight values, and inner-disk temperatures distributed between 0.6 and 1.0keV (typical disk temperatures in the high/softstate; e.g., McClintock & Remillard 2006). Wethen re-fitted the simulated spectra with a power-law model, fixing the column density to the line-of-sight value and leaving the photon index as afree parameter. We find that low signal-to-noisedisk-blackbody spectra in that temperature rangeare indeed approximated in the Chandra band (atleast for the purpose of converting from countrates to fluxes) by power-laws of photon index be-tween ∼1.5 (for Tin ∼ 1 keV) and ∼2 (for Tin ∼0.6 keV), with the most likely value Γ ∼ 1.8.

The source spectrum of N4088–X1 was ex-tracted using the specextract script and selectinga circular region of 2′′ around the target sourceand of 15′′ in a source-free area of the same chipfor the background. The extracted spectrum wasgrouped to 15 counts per energy bin to allow for

5NH calculated using the COLDEN tool:



χ2 fitting using the tool grppha.

2.2. Swift X-ray Observations

NGC 4088 was observed on 23 occasions in X-rays with the Swift X-ray Telescope (XRT) be-tween 2009 April 15 and 2009 September 21 aspart of a monitoring campaign targeting the su-pernova (SN) SN2009dd (see Table 1 for a logof the Swift observations). We generated images,light curves and spectra, including the backgroundand ancillary response files, with the online XRTdata product generator 7 (Evans et al. 2009). Wedownloaded suitable spectral response files for sin-gle and double events in photon-counting modefrom the latest calibration database. N4088–X1was clearly detected in all observations with anaverage XRT count rate of 0.0037 count s−1. Weextracted a light curve binned at the duration ofeach individual observation, finding evidence forsmall deviations from the average count rate in5 of the 23 observations, though no evidence forsignificant spectral variability could be seen in thestandard Swift hardness ratio ((1.5–10 keV)/(0.3–1.5 keV)). We next extracted a combined spec-trum from the Chandra position of N4088–X1, ex-cluding the 5 observations in which evidence forvariability was seen, giving a total exposure timeof 76 ks.

2.3. VLBI radio observations

N4088–X1 was observed with the EVN at 5GHz on 2012 June 01 (project code: EM095A;PI: Mezcua). Eight antennas participated in theobservations: Effelsberg (Germany), Westerbork(The Netherlands), Jodrell Bank (United King-dom), Onsala (Sweden), Medicina (Italy), Noto(Italy), Torun (Poland), and Yebes (Spain). Theobservations were performed using the phase-referencing technique, in which the target anda nearby, compact, bright source (the phase cali-brator) are observed interleaving scans. A target-phase calibrator cycle of four minutes (3 minuteson the target, 1 min on the phase calibrator) wasused. As a result, a total of 2.7 h was spent on thetarget source. The source J1203+4803 was usedas phase calibrator, while the bright and compactradio source 4C+39.25 was used as fringe finderand bandpass calibrator.

7 objects/

Table 1: Log of the Swift XRT observations ofN4088–X1. The observations used for producingthe combined spectrum are indicated in column 4.

Date Obsid Exp. time (s) Spectrum2009-04-15 00031401001 1996 Y2009-04-17 00031401002 830 Y2009-04-19 00031401003 3946 Y2009-04-21 00031401004 2670 Y2009-04-25 00031401005 2712 Y2009-05-10 00031401006 4306 Y2009-05-16 00031401007 6045 Y2009-07-04 00031401008 3824 Y2009-07-05 00031401009 5957 Y2009-07-15 00031401011 3930 N2009-07-16 00031401012 8963 N2009-07-19 00031401013 4863 Y2009-07-19 00031401014 6049 N2009-07-26 00031401015 4668 N2009-07-27 00031401016 5181 N2009-08-02 00031401017 5934 Y2009-08-03 00031401018 4647 Y2009-08-09 00031401019 6968 Y2009-09-13 00031401020 33 Y2009-09-14 00031401021 4593 Y2009-09-16 00031401022 4587 Y2009-09-20 00031401023 5858 Y2009-09-21 00031401024 6135 Y

The data were recorded in dual-circular polar-ization and at sample rate of 1024 megabit per sec-ond (Mbps). Eight intermediate frequency bands,each of 16 MHz each and 32 spectral channels,were used. The data correlation was performed atJIVE8 with an averaging time of 4 sec.

The calibration of the correlated data was per-formed using AIPS9. Amplitudes were calibratedusing the gains of the antennas and system tem-peratures. The data were then fringe-fitted usingthe phase calibrator. Delay, delay rate, and phasesolutions derived from the phase calibrator wereinterpolated and applied to the target. The imag-ing was performed using CLEAN deconvolutionwith the AIPS task IMAGR. Natural weightingimages were produced from non-channel-averageddata10 and imaging two fields of view (FOV) de-rived from the positional errors of the VLA andChandra ULX counterparts: one of ∼1 × 1 arcsec2

centered at the Chandra position, and anotherone of ∼5 × 5 arcsec2 centered at the VLA po-sition. The restoring beam size was 5.7 mas × 4.5mas. To enhance the sensitivity, we also repeated

8Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, Dwingeloo, the Nether-lands.

9Astronomical Image Processing Software of NRAO.10No channel averaging was applied to the calibrated data to

avoid degradation of the synthesized beam away from thephase center (bandwidth smearing).


the multi-field imaging without using the baselineslonger than 20 Mλ.

We did also recalibrate the 1.6 GHz EVN dataprevious analyzed by Mezcua & Lobanov (2011)and reimaged the data without averaging thechannels and using the same two FOVs as at 5GHz. The imaging was also performed using onlythe baselines shorter than 15 Mλ, which resultedin a beam size of 33 mas × 27 mas.

3. Results

A total of thirty-one X-ray sources are detectedby wavdetect in the 0.3–10 keV band, of which fif-teen lay within the D25 ellipse of the host galaxy.The location of the fifteen detected sources isshown in Fig. 1, and their position, observed flux,and 0.3–10 keV band luminosity are provided inTable 2.

Fig. 1.— Digitized Sky Survey (Lasker et al.1990) image of NGC 4088. The position of thefifteen sources detected by wavdetect in the 0.3–10 keV band within the D25 ellipse of NGC 4088are marked with orange circles of radius 3 arcsec.The position of the ULX is marked with a whitecircle.

3.1. X-ray properties of the ULX

For the ULX N4088–X1, we obtain an X-rayluminosity of L0.3−10keV = 2.2 × 1039 erg s−1

using the observed Chandra fluxes derived from

the count rates assuming the power-law modeldescribed in Sect. 2.1. The Chandra detectionof N4088–X1 shows that the source is located atRA(J2000) = 12h05m32s.33 ± 0s.01, Dec.(J2000)= 5032′45′′.9 ± 0′′.1. The positional 1σ-errorscorrespond to the statistical uncertainties affect-ing the wavdetect centroid algorithm and the dis-persion of photons due to the PSF. In addition,the Chandra absolute astrometry can be shiftedby up to 0.6 arcsec due to pointing uncertainties.

3.1.1. Chandra ULX spectral modeling

We fitted the Chandra spectrum using the X-ray spectral fitting package XSPEC (Arnaud 1996)v12.7.1 in the 0.2 to 10.0 keV energy range. Twomodels were used: an absorbed multicolor disk-blackbody model (wabs*diskbb) and a power-lawmodel (wabs*pow). The fits were performed us-ing the minimum χ2 method (i.e. Gehrels Chisqstatistics). The fitting results of each model areshown in Table 3, while a plot of the power-lawspectral fit is shown in Fig. 2.

Both the pow and the diskbb model provide ac-ceptable statistical fits (i.e. null-hypothesis prob-ability > 5%, so rejection likelihood < 95%), withvalues of NH ∼ 10–15 times larger than the Galac-tic column density (i.e. NH = 2 × 1020 cm−2,Kalberla 2003). The data are insufficient to sta-tistically distinguish between models. The disk-blackbody model provides an inner disk tempera-ture kTin = 2.5 keV, too high for a standard disk.The power-law fit provides a very hard photon in-dex Γ = 1.1 and unabsorbed flux = 1.7 ×10−13

erg s−1 cm2, from which we derive an X-ray lumi-nosity L0.2−10.0keV = 3.4 × 1039 erg s−1.

3.1.2. Swift ULX spectral modeling

We fitted the co-added Swift spectrum usingXSPEC again, with an absorbed power-law modelwith absorption accounted for using the wabsmodel and the NH column set to be greater thanthe Galactic absorption in the direction of N4088–X1 (i.e. 2 × 1020 atoms cm−2). The fit obtained,with a hard photon index of 1.3 (see Table 4),does not satisfactorily describe the observed spec-trum, as two data points above 5 keV fall belowthe power-law fit (see Fig. 3, top). We thus at-tempted to fit this spectrum with wabs*diskbb aswith our Chandra data and an exponential cut-off


Table 2: Point-like Chandra X-ray sources detected in the 0.3–10 keV band inside the D25 ellipse of NGC 4088.Fluxes and luminosities are unabsorbed, derived assuming Γ = 1.8 and line-of-sight Galactic column densityNH = 2 × 1020 cm−2. The positional 1σ-errors reported correspond to the statistical uncertainties fromthe PSF fitting performed by wavdetect. A systematic pointing error of up to 0.6 arcsec can also affectthe Chandra absolute astrometry. a Src. 4 is the most probable nucleus of NGC 4088. b Not detected bywavdetect, counts obtained from CIAO Statistics.

Source RA Dec. Net counts L0.3−10keV

(J2000) (J2000) (×1038 erg s−1 )N4088–X1 12 05 32.33 ± 0.01 50 32 45.9 ± 0.1 221.2 ± 15.3 21.9 ± 1.5Src. 2 12 05 29.73 ± 0.01 50 32 28.3 ± 0.1 89.1 ± 9.8 8.8 ± 1.0Src. 3 12 05 31.92 ± 0.01 50 32 16.9 ± 0.2 60.5 ± 8.3 6.0 ± 0.8Src. 4a 12 05 34.36 ± 0.02 50 32 19.9 ± 0.2 49.3 ± 7.8 4.9 ± 0.8Src. 5 12 05 35.41 ± 0.01 50 31 59.7 ± 0.1 49.3 ± 7.4 4.9 ± 0.7Src. 6 12 05 30.70 ± 0.02 50 32 24.9 ± 0.2 47.3 ± 7.4 4.7 ± 0.7Src. 7 12 05 34.18 ± 0.01 50 32 24.3 ± 0.1 27.6 ± 6.1 2.7 ± 0.6Src. 8 12 05 35.34 ± 0.00 50 31 47.6 ± 0.1 22.8 ± 5.1 2.3 ± 0.5Src. 9 12 05 30.83 ± 0.02 50 33 10.8 ± 0.2 20.3 ± 4.8 2.0 ± 0.5Src. 10 12 05 38.40 ± 0.01 50 32 43.2 ± 0.1 17.1 ± 4.5 1.7 ± 0.4Src. 11 12 05 37.29 ± 0.02 50 31 09.4 ± 0.4 15.1 ± 4.4 1.5 ± 0.4Src. 12 12 05 40.92 ± 0.05 50 32 58.6 ± 0.3 13.9 ± 4.4 1.4 ± 0.4Src. 13 12 05 35.80 ± 0.03 50 32 31.4 ± 0.3 11.6 ± 4.1 1.2 ± 0.4Src. 14 12 05 34.02 ± 0.01 50 32 12.9 ± 0.2 8.2 ± 3.5 0.8 ± 0.3Src. 15 12 05 30.13 ± 0.04 50 31 21.0 ± 0.2 8.0 ± 3.2 0.8 ± 0.3SN2009ddb 12 05 34.10 50 32 19.4 8.0 ± 3.2 0.8 ± 0.3

Table 3: Spectral parameters obtained by fitting the Chandra spectrum with an absorbed power-law andabsorbed disk-blackbody model. The quoted flux is the observed flux in the 0.2 to 10 keV energy range. Theerrors provided are at 90% confidence level.

Model NH Γ/Tin Norm. Flux χ2/dof p-value(1022 cm−2) ( /keV) (erg cm−2 s−1)

pow 0.3+0.5−0.3 1.1+0.6

−0.5 (1.6+2−0.7) × 10−5 (1.7+0.6

−1.5) × 10−13 16.9/10 0.08diskbb 0.2+0.3

−0.2 2.5+4−0.9 2.1 × 10−4 (1.4+0.2

−1.4) × 10−13 15.62/10 0.11

wabs*pow*highe. Using the wabs*diskbb model, afit with χ2/dof=39.97/34 and an inner disk tem-perature of 2.1 keV (see Table 4) is obtained.This temperature is again too high for opticallythick emission from a typical optically thin ac-cretion disk. A good fit (χ2/dof=36.89/32) isalso obtained with the exponential cut-off model.The high-energy cut-off has been also observed inother ULXs (e.g., Dewangan et al. 2006, 2010; Sto-bbart et al. 2006; Roberts 2007; Gladstone et al.2009; Sutton et al. 2013) and is well describedby thermal Comptonization of hot coronal elec-trons by soft photons (e.g., Titarchuk 1994; Hua& Titarchuk 1995). We thus test if a Comptoniza-

tion model (wabs*comptt) is able to fit the data(Fig. 3, bottom). We find that the Swift spec-trum is well described (χ2/dof=35.01/32) with aComptonization model of input soft photon tem-perature T0 < 0.1 keV and plasma temperaturekTe=1.2 keV (see Table 4). The S/N is insufficientfor us to detect any contribution from the disk,although the disk should still be present.

Both the diskbb, pow*highe, and comptt mod-els provide significant improved statistics withrespect to the pow model, as indicated by theχ2/dof. The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC;Schwarz 1978; Raftery 1995) can be also usedas a further indicator of the statistical improve-








ns c


2 s

−1 k



1 2 5





Energy (keV)

Fig. 2.— Power-law fit to the Chandra spectrumof N4088–X1.

ment of one model over another. The BIC valuecan be calculated as BIC = 2log(L1) - 2log(L2) -(k1−k2)log(n), where L = exp(−χ2/2) for models1 and 2, respectively, k = number of parameters inmodel, and n = number of data points. We obtainBIC values in the range 2–6 for the three modelscompared to the pow one, which is a ‘positive’ re-sult11. When comparing the comptt to the diskbband pow*highe models we obtain BIC numbers be-tween 0 and 2, which indicate that the comptt is‘preferred’ over these models.

To quantify the significance of the spectral cut-off, we also try to fit a broken power-law with thetwo slopes tied together and then thaw one of themand use the F-test to compare the fits. The F-test assesses whether the improvement of the χ2

is due to chance or to the new component beingsignificant (e.g., Barlow 1989). We obtain a breakenergy of 4.7+0.6

−0.9 keV, an F-statistic value of 6.04,and a probability of 0.006, which is <<1 and thusindicates that the cut-off is significantly there.

3.2. Radio counterpart of the ULX

A 1.6 GHz radio counterpart to N4088–X1 con-sistent with the ROSAT X-ray detection was re-ported by Mezcua & Lobanov (2011). The Chan-dra position of N4088–X1 obtained here revealsan offset of 6 arcsec between the X-ray positionand the 1.6 GHz EVN radio source of Mezcua &

11The significance of a model over another is ‘preferred’ forBIC values between 0–2, ‘positive’ for BIC values between2–6, ‘strong’ for values 6–10, and ‘very’ strong for BIC >10

Fig. 3.— Fit to a power-law (top) and a thermalComptonization model (bottom) to the Swift XRTcombined spectrum of N4088–X1.

Lobanov (2011), which can now be ruled out as acandidate counterpart of the ULX.

The reanalysis of the 1.6 GHz using a FOV of1 arcsec around the Chandra position yields thedetection of compact radio emission consistent,within 0.3 arcsec, with the Chandra positional er-ror (component A in Fig. 4). This compact com-ponent A is detected at a 5.2σ level and is cen-tered at RA(J2000) = 12h05m32s.3048 ± 0.0004s,Dec.(J2000) = 5032′46′′.140 ± 0.004′′. It has anintegrated flux density of 49 µJy, from which wederive a 1.6 GHz luminosity L1.6GHz = 1.6× 1034

erg s−1. The AIPS task JMFIT is used to fit anelliptical Gaussian to this peak of emission, whichyields a lower limit on the brightness temperatureTB > 3 × 104 K.

A second component (labeled B in Fig. 4) isdetected at 5.4σ level offset 0.6 arcsec from the


Table 4: Spectral parameters obtained by fitting the Swift XRT combined spectrum of N4088–X1 withan absorbed power-law, power-law with exponential cut-off, disk-blackbody, and thermal Comptonizationmodel. The quoted flux is the observed flux in the 0.2 to 10.0 keV energy range. The errors provided are at90% confidence level.

Model NH Γ/Tin Cut-off T0 kTe τ Norm. Flux χ2/dof

(1022 cm−2) ( /keV) (keV) (keV) (keV) (erg cm−2 s−1)

pow 0.05+0.06−0.05 1.3+0.2

−0.2 – – – – (3.4+0.8−0.6) × 10−5 3.7+0.4

−0.3 × 10−13 51.06/34

pow*highe 0.02+0.03−0.02 0.9+0.2

−0.3 3+2−1 – – – (2.9+0.4

−0.3) × 10−5 (3.0+0.4−0.4) × 10−13 36.89/32

diskbb 0.02+0.02−0.02 2.1+0.3

−0.4 – – – – (8+7−3) × 10−4 (3.0+0.4

−0.3) × 10−13 39.97/34

comptt 0.02+0.03−0.02 – – 0.03+0.1

−0.03 1.2+0.2−0.2 17+3

−3 (1.3+1.0−0.5) × 10−4 (2.9+0.3

−0.3) × 10−13 35.01/32

Chandra X-ray position. Component B is cen-tered at RA(J2000) = 12h05m32s.2983 ± 0.0003s,Dec.(J2000) = 5032′45′′.398 ± 0.003′′, and has anintegrated flux density of 55 µJy, from which wederive a 1.6 GHz luminosity L1.6GHz = 1.8× 1034

erg s−1 assuming it is in NGC 4088. The fit of anelliptical Gaussian to this peak of emission yieldsa lower limit on the brightness temperature TB >3 × 104 K.




Fig. 4.— 1.6 GHz EVN image at the Chandra po-sition of N4088–X1. The contours are (3, 4, 5)times the off-source rms noise of 11 µJy beam−1.Two compact components labelled A and B aredetected. A circle of radius 0.3 arcsec centered atthe Chandra position is plotted to ease the visual-ization of the distance between the ULX and theradio components. The beam size shown at thebottom left corner is 33 mas × 27 mas oriented ata position angle of 86.4.

In the 5 GHz EVN observations, no radio emis-sion is detected above a 5σ level for N4088–X1within 1 arcsec of the Chandra position nor withina FOV of 5 arcsec around the VLA position. Anupper limit on the flux density of the ULX of0.30 mJy beam−1 is obtained by estimating therms at the Chandra position, from which we de-rive an upper limit on the brightness temperatureTB < 6×105 K. Adopting a distance to NGC 4088of 13 Mpc, we derive an upper limit on the 5 GHzradio luminosity of L5GHz < 3.1× 1035 erg s−1.

Combined with the 1.6 GHz detection, the up-per limit on the flux density at 5 GHz can beused to constrain the spectral index of the source.Defining Fν ∝ να, we obtain α ≤ 1.6, whichis trivially satisfied by any physical class of ra-dio spectra. It should be noted that this spectralindex is derived from non-simultaneous observa-tions and can thus be affected by variability ef-fects (unless changes in the radio emission occur ontimescales longer than years). Therefore, deeper 5GHz observations simultaneous with new 1.6 GHzones are needed before we can determine the na-ture of the radio emission.

3.3. X-ray luminosity function

3.3.1. AGN fraction

In order to estimate the level of AGN contam-ination, we compared the flux distribution of theChandra sources with the expected AGN flux dis-tribution (Lehmer et al. 2012). We estimate thatabout 2/3 of the thirty-one Chandra sources de-tected inside the full S3 chip (area = 0.0196 deg2)are likely to be AGN. However, for the fifteensources inside the D25 ellipse (area = 0.0028 deg2),the AGN fraction is only ∼19% (i.e. ≤ 3 AGN).In particular, the probability of finding an AGNinside the D25 with the flux measured for the ULX


is ∼15%. Although the probability of detecting abackground AGN inside the D25 of NGC 4088 isnot very low, other considerations argue againstthis possibility for the ULX (see Section 4).

3.3.2. XLF fitting

The XLF of the X-ray source population ofNGC 4088 is constructed considering those sourcesinside the D25 ellipse of the galaxy. An apparentflattening of the XLF is observed at the low lumi-nosities (see Fig. 5), which may be caused by in-completeness effects. To correct for this, we elim-inate the three lower points of the XLF that maybe affected by incompleteness (it should be notedthat the purpose of this paper is not to study thelow-luminosity XLF of NGC 4088). As a result,the XLF flattening disappears.

Since the errors in the cumulative XLF are notindependent, from now on we use the differen-tial XLF. This allows us to take into account thestatistical uncertainties, which are large given thevery small number of sources. These errors do nottake into account the possibility that ≤ 3 sourcesinside the D25 are AGN.

We fit the differential XLF with a power-law ofthe form dN/dLX = BL−βX normalized to 1037 ergs−1, where β = α + 1 (Fig. 6). The Cash statis-tic (Cash 1979) is used instead of the minimumχ2 method due to insufficient data points for theerrors to be described by Gaussian statistics. Thefit gives a slope of β = 1.5 ± 0.8 (1σ error), andthus α = 0.5 ± 0.8, which is similar to the slopefound in other spiral galaxies (e.g., α ∼ 0.4− 0.5;the Antennae galaxies, Zezas & Fabbiano 2002;M82, Zezas et al. 2007; M81, Tennant et al. 2001).In these galaxies, the X-ray source population ismostly dominated by HMXBs. The ULX N4088–X1, with a luminosity L0.2−10.0keV = 3.4 × 1039

erg s−1, could thus be located at the high endof the HMXB distribution of NGC 4088, whichis consistent with the association of ULXs withyoung stellar populations (e.g., Zezas & Fabbiano2002; Swartz et al. 2004). However, the possibilitythat the ULX is a LMXB (e.g., Middleton et al.2012; Soria et al. 2012) cannot be ruled out.

To further study the star-formation rate (SFR)of NGC 4088, we overplot the XLF of star-forminggalaxies from Mineo et al. (2012), fig. 4, black line,on the XLF of NGC 4088. These authors normal-

ize their XLF to 1 M yr−1. By rescaling thisvalue to fit our data (see Fig. 6), it is possibleto obtain an estimate on the SFR for NGC 4088.This provides an estimated rate of 4.5 M yr−1,in good agreement with the range of SFRs 1.7–7.8M yr−1 obtained by Schmitt et al. (2006) in theHα, IR, and radio bands.

3.4. The supernova SN2009dd

Based on Swift XRT observations, Inserraet al. (2013) reported the X-ray detection ofa recent type II supernova (SN2009dd) in thegalaxy NGC 4088 at RA(J2000) = 12h05m34s.10,Dec.(J2000) = 5032′19′′.4. SN2009dd brightenedfrom 8 × 1038 erg s−1 to 1.7 × 1039 erg s−1 in the0.2–10 keV energy range. While XMM-Newtondoes not have enough resolution to resolve theSN from the nucleus, the Chandra observationsof NGC 4088 here presented can provide the mostaccurate X-ray position of SN2009dd.

In our Chandra observations, wavdetect failsto detect the SN2009dd. However, the sourcecan be dimly seen in the 0.3–10 keV and 1.5–7.0 keV bands. Using CIAO Statistics, we ob-tain ∼8 counts in the 0.3–10 keV backgroundsubtracted image, which corresponds to an unab-sorbed flux F0.3−10keV = 4.2 × 10−15 erg cm−2

s−1 and luminosity L0.3−10keV = 8.4 × 1037 ergs−1 assuming Γ = 1.8 and Galactic column densityNH = 2×1020 cm−2. From the detected number ofsource counts and background counts in the sourceextraction area, we can estimate the 90% confi-dence limit to the true number of counts comingfrom SN2009dd from Poisson statistics (e.g., Kraftet al. 1991). We obtain a 90%–confidence levellower limit ∼3 and upper limit ∼13, which indi-cates that the source is real and not a backgroundfluctuation. The chance probability of detecting ≥8 counts for the given background is ∼ 10−5. TheChandra location of SN2009dd is RA(J2000) =12h05m34s.08, Dec.(J2000) = 5032′19′′.0, whichis consistent with the Swift position within the∼0.6 arcsec Chandra absolute astrometry.

No radio emission was detected at the positionof SN2009dd above a 3σ upper limit of 0.35 mJyat 1.3 cm and of 0.15 mJy at 3.5 cm accordingto Stockdale et al. (2009), and there are no otherrecent observations of NGC 4088 apart from theones reported in 2009. The VLBI observationspresented in this paper are centered too far from


log (Lx/1037

; erg s−1

; 0.3−10.0 keV)

10 100





Fig. 5.— Cumulative XLF of NGC 4088. The ver-tical dotted red line shows the cut performed inthe XLF to correct for incompleteness.


; erg s−1

; 0.3−10.0 keV1 10







Fig. 6.— Fit of the differential XLF inside theD25 ellipse of NGC 4088 to a single power-law (redsolid line). The best-fit slope is α = 0.5±0.8. Theblue dotted line denotes the XLF of star-forminggalaxies from Mineo et al. (2012) scaled by a factor4.5.

the position of SN2009dd; hence, no further upperlimits to the radio flux density can be provided.

4. Discussion

The nature of N4088–X1

The results of the XLF fitting (Section 3.3.2)show that the XLF of NGC 4088 is well describedby a power-law of α=0.5, which resembles the typ-ical fits of HMXB XLFs and indicates that N4088–X1 could be located at the high-luminosity exten-sion of the BH XRB distribution. These resultsare in agreement with studies of the XLF of star-forming galaxies (e.g., Grimm et al. 2003; Mineoet al. 2012) and of the location of ULXs in stellarclusters (e.g., Poutanen et al. 2013), which con-clude that ULXs are a high-luminosity end of theXRB population harboring most possibly stellar-mass BHs rather than IMBHs.

When analyzing the Chandra X-ray spectrumof N4088–X1 (Section 3.1), we find that it isacceptably fitted both by a simple absorbedpower-law continuum of Γ=1.1+0.6

−0.5 and by a disk-blackbody model with kTin=2.5 keV. The hardpower-law slope is consistent with the classifica-tion of N4088–X1 as a “hard ULX” (Soria 2011;Sutton et al. 2013). The physical interpreta-tion of hard ULXs is still unclear: some authors(e.g., Winter et al. 2006) suggested that they areIMBHs in the low/hard state; others (e.g., Glad-stone et al. 2009; Soria 2011; Sutton et al. 2013)explain them instead as one possible variety ofsuper-Eddington accretion (e.g., Poutanen et al.2007; King 2009). The photon index is muchharder than the value of Γ ∼1.7 that is typicalof the low/hard state (e.g., Remillard & McClin-tock 2006) but consistent with it within the 90%margin of error, which does thus not rule out theinterpretation of N4088–X1 as an IMBH. A disktemperature > 1 keV is however not consistentwith an IMBH but favors the nature of N4088–X1as an XRB with super-Eddington accretion. Thelow number of detected counts are insufficient tostatistically distinguish between the models.

In the spectral fitting performed on the Swiftdata, a disk-blackbody model with kTin ∼2 keVprovided a better fit than the power-law model.A hint of a spectral cut-off at ∼5 keV seems to beobserved in the residuals of the power-law model.This feature is similar to that observed in other


ULXs (e.g., Dewangan et al. 2006, 2010; Stobbartet al. 2006; Kajava et al. 2012; Sutton et al. 2013),suggesting that N4088–X1 could be in the ultralu-minous state (e.g., Roberts 2007; Gladstone et al.2009; Kajava & Poutanen 2009; Sutton et al. 2013)with a thermal spectrum described by Comptonscattering of soft photons (e.g., Middleton et al.2012; Soria et al. 2012; Straub et al. 2013). Thegood fit provided by the thermal Comptonizationmodel together with the statistically significantcut-off indicated by the F-test support this pos-sibility, although the Swift data are not of highenough S/N to confirm it. Therefore, whilst thespectrum is merely quasi-thermal in shape, we areunable to confirm the accretion state at this timeusing the X-ray data at hand. However, we canplace constraints on the nature of N4088–X1 whencombining these fits with information from otherwavebands.

In Section 3.2 we have reported the 1.6 GHzEVN detection of two compact components withinthe Chandra error circle of 0.6 arcsec. These couldbe either compact HII regions (e.g., see review byChurchwell 2002), compact SNRs, or an accret-ing BH. Compact HII regions have typical sizesof 1–7 pc, a thermal X-ray spectrum with tem-peratures > 2 keV, an inverted radio spectrum ofspectral index ∼1, and TB < 104 K (e.g., Johnsonet al. 2001; McDonald et al. 2002; Tsujimoto et al.2006; Hoare et al. 2007). Compact SNRs have alsotypical sizes of a few pc and a steep radio spec-trum (e.g., Lacey et al. 2007; Mezcua et al. 2013b).The limits on the brightness temperatures derivedfrom the 1.6 GHz detections and the 5 GHz non-detection (3×104 < TB < 6×105 K) together withthe high X-ray luminosity of N4088–X1 make thepresence of compact HII regions quite improba-ble and are more indicative of the presence of ei-ther compact SNRs or an accreting BH. The EVNbeam size of ∼30 mas (which corresponds to ∼2pc at the distance of the galaxy) is consistent withboth a compact HII region, a compact SNR, andan accreting BH. Unfortunately, the non-detectionat 5 GHz and the upper limit on the radio spec-tral index (α ≤1.6) estimated for N4088–X1 doesnot clarify whether the radio counterpart of thisULX is steep, flat, inverted, or variable. We planto obtain deeper radio observations to determinethe spectral index and variability properties of thissource and therefore constrain the physical inter-


In order to test if the two radio components areassociated with the ULX, we derive the probabil-ity of a chance alignment between the Chandracounterpart and any compact radio source in the5 arcsec field (positional error of the VLA) in thatregion of the galaxy. We use the number of sourcesdetected above 5σ in the imaged VLA field (seeSection 2.3) and the Chandra error circle of 0.6arcsec following the same approach as in Mezcuaet al. (2013a). This gives a probability of chancealignment P(CA)=0.4, which is quite high and in-dicates that one or the two detected compact radiocomponents (A and B, Fig. 4) could correspond toa random source (i.e. a compact SNR or BH) notassociated with the ULX. Given the 0.6 arcsec off-set between component B and the Chandra posi-tion, component B is most plausibly not related toN4088–X1 while the radio emission of componentA (consistent with the Chandra position within0.3 arcsec) could be coming from a BH associatedwith the ULX. In this case, the emission of com-ponent A could be due to flaring radio emissionfrom a ballistic jet (e.g., Webb et al. 2012; Mid-dleton et al. 2013) or compact core emission if thesource is in a low/hard state (albeit, as mentionedabove, with a flatter photon spectral index thantypical). The results of the X-ray spectral anal-ysis suggest that N4088–X1 is in a thermal (i.e.Comptonized) ultraluminous state. Therefore, ifthe radio emission is associated with the ULX thenthe compact radio component is most likely asso-ciated with ballistic jet emission.

If we assume for a moment that the source isresiding in the low/hard state accreting at L <10% Eddington (e.g., Done & Gierlinski 2003), weare able to invoke the fundamental plane of accret-ing BHs (e.g., Merloni et al. 2003; Kording et al.2006; Gallo et al. 2012) and estimate a BH mass.For this, we use the 2–10 keV X-ray flux obtainedfrom the Chandra spectral fitting and scale the 1.6GHz flux density to 5 GHz using a radio spectralindex α = 0.15 (a typical spectral index for flatcores used to estimate the BH mass from the Fun-damental Plane, e.g., Falcke et al. 2004). Usingthe Fundamental Plane of Kording et al. (2006)that presents the least scatter, an upper limit onthe BH mass of 3 × 105M is obtained. This isconsistent with this source being either an IMBHor an XRB, and rules out the nature of N4088–X1


as a SMBH.

We also derive the ratio RX of 5 GHz radioemission to 2–10 keV X-ray emission defined byTerashima & Wilson (2003). Typical values ofthis ratio for XRBs are RX < −5.3 (e.g., Reineset al. 2011), while values of RX = −2.7 to −2 havebeen estimated in SNRs (e.g., Neff et al. 2003;Mezcua et al. 2013b). For low-luminosity AGN(LLAGN), Ho (2008) reports a range of values−3.8 < RX < −2.8 (see also Mezcua et al. 2013a,table 3). For N4088–X1, we obtain RX < −4.7using the 2–10 keV X-ray flux obtained from theChandra spectral fitting and the 5 GHz- scaledradio luminosity. This is in agreement with theprevious results, ruling out both a SMBH and aSNR nature for this ULX.

The location of N4088–X1 in the spiral armof the host galaxy, possibly within an HII region(e.g., Sanchez-Sutil et al. 2006), and the low X-ray absorption seen in the Chandra and Swift dataalso argue very strongly against a LLAGN back-ground scenario. On the other hand, the lack ofa bright counterpart to N4088–X1 in the opticalimage makes it very unlikely to be a foregroundstar.

5. Conclusions

We have presented the first Chandra and SwiftX-ray observations of the galaxy NGC 4088 andthe ULX N4088–X1 that it hosts. EVN obser-vations at 1.6 and 5 GHz of the ULX were per-formed almost simultaneously to the Swift andChandra observations, respectively, which have al-lowed us to investigate the compact radio emissionof a ULX radio counterpart previously proposedwith the VLA.

The X-ray spectral analysis of N4088–X1 seemsto favor a thermally Comptonized spectrum forthis source, although the possibility that it is ahard ULX cannot be ruled out. The disk tem-perature (kTin ∼2 keV) obtained from the disk-blackbody model and the presence of a statisti-cally significant spectral break at ∼5 keV are notconsistent with N4088–X1 being an IMBH butsuggest that the source could be an XRB in asuper-Eddington ultraluminous state. Unfortu-nately, this cannot be confirmed with the presentdata due to the low S/N. If the source is in an ul-traluminous state, the detection of compact radio

emission at 1.6 GHz coincident with the Chan-dra counterpart could then correspond to ballisticjet emission from an accreting BH. Multi-epochmulti-wavelength observations are required to con-firm this.

Finally, the detection of fifteen sources withinthe D25 ellipse of NGC 4088 has allowed us to fitthe XLF of this galaxy and estimate a SFR of 4.5M yr−1. We find that the XLF resembles thatof typical star-forming galaxies, where the ULXN4088–X1 could be at the high-luminosity endof the XRB population. We thus conclude thatN4088–X1 is possibly a HMXB with a thermallyComptonized spectrum and either approachingthe Eddington limit or in the ultraluminous state.

6. Acknowledgements

This work was partially supported by the Chan-dra X-Ray Center (CXC), which is operatedby the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory(SAO) under NASA contract NAS8-03060, andby Chandra Director Discretionary Time grantDD2-13063X. MM acknowledges finantial supportby PAYA2o11-25527

J.C.G. would like to acknowledge Avadh Bha-tia Fellowship, the Alberta Ingenuity New FacultyAward, and the financial support from NSERCDiscovery Grants. SAF is the recipient of an Aus-tralian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship,funded by grant DP110102889. RS acknowledgessupport from the Australian Research CouncilsDiscovery Projects funding scheme (project num-ber DP120102393).


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