revenue dept

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept



    FrontFrontofficeofficeUniformed servicesUniformed services


  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    RevenueRevenueThe amount of money that aThe amount of money that a

    company actually receives duringcompany actually receives duringa specific period, includinga specific period, including

    discounts and deductions fordiscounts and deductions forreturned merchandise .It is thereturned merchandise .It is thetop line or gross incometop line or gross incomeFigure from which costs areFigure from which costs are

    subtracted to determine netsubtracted to determine netincome.income.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    Two Major Revenue ProducingTwo Major Revenue ProducingDivisions:Divisions:

    AccommodationsAccommodations-- which is responsible for the sale rooms, drivenwhich is responsible for the sale rooms, driven

    by the Frontby the Front--Office department supported byOffice department supported bydepartments such as Housekeeping, Laundry,departments such as Housekeeping, Laundry,

    Telecommunications, Health Club andTelecommunications, Health Club and

    Engineering, who makes rooms saleable;Engineering, who makes rooms saleable;

    Food BeverageFood Beverage-- which is responsible for the sale of food andwhich is responsible for the sale of food andbeverage though food outlets like restaurants,beverage though food outlets like restaurants,room service, bars and banquets, supported byroom service, bars and banquets, supported by

    the kitchen and stewarding departments. Inthe kitchen and stewarding departments. Inaddition, there are minor revenueaddition, there are minor revenuedepartments that earn by using the synergy ofdepartments that earn by using the synergy of

    major revenue departments. Let us examinemajor revenue departments. Let us examineeach in details;each in details;

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    Basic Functions of the Front OfficeBasic Functions of the Front Office

    To Sell rooms.To Sell rooms.

    To Reserve rooms for guests before their arrival.To Reserve rooms for guests before their arrival.

    To Register guests into the hotelTo Register guests into the hotel

    To Assign rooms.To Assign rooms.

    To Coordinate with other services.To Coordinate with other services. To Control guest room keys.To Control guest room keys.

    To Provide in house and external information toTo Provide in house and external information toguest.guest.

    To Maintain accurate room status information.To Maintain accurate room status information.

    To Maintain guest accounts and settle their bills.To Maintain guest accounts and settle their bills.

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    ~~ The principal role of reservation is to bookThe principal role of reservation is to bookrooms in advance. This section is the hub of therooms in advance. This section is the hub of the

    department as it must maximize the sale ofdepartment as it must maximize the sale ofrooms. It is located at the back of the receptionrooms. It is located at the back of the receptiondesk and often called the backdesk and often called the back--office. Roomoffice. Room

    space is perishable as it is linked with is perishable as it is linked with time.


    ~~ The reception registersThe reception registers guestguest and assigns roomand assigns roomto them. The receptionists receive and welcometo them. The receptionists receive and welcomethe guests on behalf of the hotel. The mainthe guests on behalf of the hotel. The mainactivity is to complete registration formalities,activity is to complete registration formalities,

    especially the billing information, for theespecially the billing information, for thecashier to process during a guests stay andcashier to process during a guests stay and

    upon departure.upon departure.

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    Guest Relations Desk:Guest Relations Desk:The guest relations executive ensures that all theThe guest relations executive ensures that all the

    guests, especially the VIPs, are keptguests, especially the VIPs, are keptcomfortable during their stay. She is like thecomfortable during their stay. She is like the

    hostess in a home.hostess in a home.

    She solves their stay problems andShe solves their stay problems and

    coordinates with different departments to givecoordinates with different departments to giveprompt and efficient services.prompt and efficient services.

    The Guests relations Executive will provideThe Guests relations Executive will provideinternal PR to enhance the perception of theinternal PR to enhance the perception of thehotel in the guests eyes. Normally, a wellhotel in the guests eyes. Normally, a well--groomed and personable woman, the GREgroomed and personable woman, the GRE

    maintains guest history cards either manuallymaintains guest history cards either manuallyor electronically and is able to respond to theor electronically and is able to respond to theneeds and behavior of the guestsneeds and behavior of the guests due to a highdue to a high

    level of Person.level of Person.

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    Front Office CashierFront Office Cashier

    Though a member of the accountsThough a member of the accountsdepartment, he is a crucial teamdepartment, he is a crucial team

    member of the front office. The cashiermember of the front office. The cashiermaintains the guests accounts duringmaintains the guests accounts duringhis or her stay, monitors credit limitshis or her stay, monitors credit limits

    and settles bills as per instructions.and settles bills as per instructions.Being the only cash point in the lobby ofBeing the only cash point in the lobby of

    the hotel, s/he keeps a cash bank forthe hotel, s/he keeps a cash bank forhotel expenses and is licensed tohotel expenses and is licensed to

    receive and exchange foreign currency.receive and exchange foreign currency.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    Front officeFront officeThe Front Office is the heart of the hotel thatThe Front Office is the heart of the hotel that

    makes room reservations, registers guests intomakes room reservations, registers guests intothe hotel, provides them with informationthe hotel, provides them with information

    during their stay and maintains their masterduring their stay and maintains their masterbills. It is the most frequented and visiblebills. It is the most frequented and visible

    department than any other in the hotel and,department than any other in the hotel and,therefore, sets the lead in the guest experience.therefore, sets the lead in the guest experience.

    Their prime responsibility is to sell rooms,Their prime responsibility is to sell rooms,process room reservations, register guests,process room reservations, register guests,

    coordinate guest services, provide informationcoordinate guest services, provide information

    and ensure the collection of room revenues andand ensure the collection of room revenues andmeet budget .The front office is supported bymeet budget .The front office is supported byLobby services which include the concierge, bellLobby services which include the concierge, bell

    guest relations and transportation.guest relations and transportation.

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    niformed ServicesUniformed Services

    Uniformed services is theUniformed services is thecollective term for lobby services.collective term for lobby services.

    The porter service is the mainThe porter service is the mainservice of uniformed services.service of uniformed services.When considers the volume ofWhen considers the volume of

    baggage that is handled in a day,baggage that is handled in a day,one recognizes how busy are theone recognizes how busy are the

    bellboys in their shift. thebellboys in their shift. thebellboys also do errands for bothbellboys also do errands for both

    the hotel management andthe hotel management andresident guests.resident guests.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    Types of Uniformed ServicesTypes of Uniformed Services


    The lobby manager coordinates all guestThe lobby manager coordinates all guestservices from a central point. He is theservices from a central point. He is therepresentative of the general manager at allrepresentative of the general manager at all

    times during the day and night. He interpretstimes during the day and night. He interpretsand safeguards house policies with guests andand safeguards house policies with guests andcan evict undesirable guests from the premises.can evict undesirable guests from the premises.


    Provides personalized services and informationProvides personalized services and informationin large hotels to the guests, during their stayin large hotels to the guests, during their stayand also offers mail and messaging services.and also offers mail and messaging services.Traditionally, the concierge was a castleTraditionally, the concierge was a castledoorkeeper who was responsible to ensure thatdoorkeeper who was responsible to ensure thatall guests were properly roomed for the night.all guests were properly roomed for the night.

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    The desk coordinates the movementThe desk coordinates the movementof guest baggage during a single day isof guest baggage during a single day isvery large for a busy hotel. They alsovery large for a busy hotel. They alsocarry out errands for the guest and thecarry out errands for the guest and the

    management within the hotel within the hotel precincts.


    He is person who welcomes guests atHe is person who welcomes guests at

    the hotel portal. He also helps in offthe hotel portal. He also helps in off--loading and loading guest luggage.loading and loading guest luggage.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    UniformedservicesUniformedservices The countrysThe countrys armed servicesarmed services

    TheThe PolicePolice

    TheThe fire and rescue servicefire and rescue service


    In some countries the following may also be included:In some countries the following may also be included:

    tax or customs officialstax or customs officials

    immigration services officersimmigration services officers

    coastguard service personnelcoastguard service personnel

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    HousekeepingHousekeepingHousekeeping or housecleaning is theHousekeeping or housecleaning is thesystematic process of making a homesystematic process of making a homeneat and clean in approximately thatneat and clean in approximately that

    order. This may be applied moreorder. This may be applied more

    broadly than just to an individualbroadly than just to an individualhome, or as a metaphor for a similarhome, or as a metaphor for a similarCLEAN UPCLEAN UP process applied elsewhere process applied elsewheresuch as a procedural reform. It can alsosuch as a procedural reform. It can also


    which is the act of overseeing thewhich is the act of overseeing theorganizational ,financial, dayorganizational ,financial, day--toto--dayday

    operations of a house or state, and theoperations of a house or state, and themanaging of the other domesticmanaging of the other domestic


  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER:EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER:Is the head of housekeeping and is responsibleIs the head of housekeeping and is responsible

    for translating hotel policies, procedures andfor translating hotel policies, procedures andstandards into housekeeping operations. It isstandards into housekeeping operations. It isoften a womans role and is part of the middleoften a womans role and is part of the middle--management team.

    ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPERS:ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPERS:Heads a shift as the housekeeping providesHeads a shift as the housekeeping provides

    twentytwenty--four hour services. They supervise floorfour hour services. They supervise floorsupervisors who are given a set of floors withsupervisors who are given a set of floors withguestguest--rooms to manage with a team of roomrooms to manage with a team of roomattendants.attendants.

    FLOOR SUPERVISORS:FLOOR SUPERVISORS:Directs the cleaning of guestDirects the cleaning of guest--rooms on allottedrooms on allotted

    floors through a team of room attendants.floors through a team of room attendants.

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    HOUSEMEN:HOUSEMEN:They are male cleaning personnel allotted to roomsThey are male cleaning personnel allotted to rooms

    and public areas to manage heavy cleaning duties.and public areas to manage heavy cleaning duties.

    LINEN ROOM SUPERVISORS:LINEN ROOM SUPERVISORS:Coordinates the exchange of soiled linen for freshCoordinates the exchange of soiled linen for fresh

    ones with a team of linen attendants. She worksones with a team of linen attendants. She worksclosely with the laundry for the supply of clean linen.closely with the laundry for the supply of clean linen.

    UNIFORMED ROOM SUPERVISORS:UNIFORMED ROOM SUPERVISORS:Responsible for keeping uniforms in safe storageResponsible for keeping uniforms in safe storage

    conditions. Issues laundered uniforms to hotel staffconditions. Issues laundered uniforms to hotel staffagainst soiled ones, with a team of uniform roomagainst soiled ones, with a team of uniform room

    attendants and tailors.attendants and tailors.

    PUBLIC AREA SUPERVISORS:PUBLIC AREA SUPERVISORS:Ensures the cleanliness, maintenance and aestheticEnsures the cleanliness, maintenance and aesthetic

    upkeep of all public areas like lobbies, restaurants,upkeep of all public areas like lobbies, restaurants,banquets space.banquets space.

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    Who man the housekeeping control desk overWho man the housekeeping control desk over

    the three shifts, to ensure communicationthe three shifts, to ensure communicationbetween the various housekeeping personnelbetween the various housekeeping personnel

    and with other departments. They are the heartand with other departments. They are the heartof housekeeping operations. They also controlof housekeeping operations. They also control

    the lost and found activity as well as thethe lost and found activity as well as the

    housekeeping stores.housekeeping stores.


    Is responsible for the upkeep of all landscapes,Is responsible for the upkeep of all landscapes,

    gardens and nurseries. Large hotels will have agardens and nurseries. Large hotels will have aseparate florist responsible for flowerseparate florist responsible for flower

    arrangements and the sales of flowers from thearrangements and the sales of flowers from theflower shop.flower shop.

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    Term for the cleaning personnelTerm for the cleaning personnel

    some housekeeping is housecleaning andsome housekeeping is housecleaning andsome some housekeeping is homesome some housekeeping is homechores.chores.

    housekeeping includes the budget andhousekeeping includes the budget andcontrol of expenditures, preparingcontrol of expenditures, preparing

    meals and buying food, paying the heatmeals and buying food, paying the heatbill, and cleaning the house.bill, and cleaning the house.

    outdoor housecleaning chores includeoutdoor housecleaning chores includeremoving leaves from rain gutters,removing leaves from rain gutters,washing windows, sweeping doormats,washing windows, sweeping doormats,

    cleaning the pool, putting away lawncleaning the pool, putting away lawnfurniture, and taking out the, and taking out the trash.

    tools include the vacuum cleaner, broomtools include the vacuum cleaner, broomand mop. Supplies such as cleaningand mop. Supplies such as cleaningsolutions and sponges are sold insolutions and sponges are sold in

    grocery stores and stores and elsewhere.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    LAUNDRYLAUNDRYThis is a critical department thatThis is a critical department thatlaunders the volume of bed linen,launders the volume of bed linen,restaurants linen, staff uniforms andrestaurants linen, staff uniforms andguest garments. Large hotels find itguest garments. Large hotels find it

    prudent to have an inprudent to have an in--house laundry tohouse laundry tocontrol the movement of preciouscontrol the movement of preciousassets o the hotelassets o the hotel linen and uniforms.linen and uniforms.Smaller hotels may outsource thisSmaller hotels may outsource thisactivity to local laundries who may oractivity to local laundries who may or

    may not deliver linen and uniforms somay not deliver linen and uniforms socritical to the sale of rooms andcritical to the sale of rooms andrestaurant services on services on time.

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    Types of LaundryTypes of Laundry


    Translates into reality the hotels policies andTranslates into reality the hotels policies and

    standards in his department.standards in his department.


    Oversees a shift, as most busy laundriesOversees a shift, as most busy laundries

    maintain at least two shifts if not three. Hemaintain at least two shifts if not three. Heensures that systems and procedures are metensures that systems and procedures are metand that the staff is coached to meetand that the staff is coached to meetstandards.standards.

    WASHERMAN:WASHERMAN:Washes the tons laundry in industrial washingWashes the tons laundry in industrial washing

    machines. His challenge is to use the rightmachines. His challenge is to use the rightcleaning formulas to get the maximum cleaningcleaning formulas to get the maximum cleaningeffect from them.effect from them.

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    DRYDRY--CLEANERS: Use industrial dry cleaningCLEANERS: Use industrial dry cleaningmachines to meet the demands on a daily basis.machines to meet the demands on a daily basis.The demand for dryThe demand for dry--cleaning is mostly forcleaning is mostly for

    uniforms and guest garments.uniforms and guest garments. PRESSMEN: Use various presses to iron both linenPRESSMEN: Use various presses to iron both linen

    and garments. Presses include the flatwork ironand garments. Presses include the flatwork ironwhich irons large sheets and table linen;which irons large sheets and table linen;

    SPOTTERS: Remove spots and stains. He is aSPOTTERS: Remove spots and stains. He is a

    specialist who must have an understanding ofspecialist who must have an understanding offabrics and the qualities of various stains. Hefabrics and the qualities of various stains. Heuses an array of detergents to get the desireduses an array of detergents to get the desiredeffect.effect.

    SORTER/MARKER/PACKER: Receive, sort and packSORTER/MARKER/PACKER: Receive, sort and packguest laundry in a manner you keep an accurateguest laundry in a manner you keep an accurate

    account of guest garments as also to return theaccount of guest garments as also to return theexact ones to their owners.exact ones to their owners.

    VALET: Is the person who collects and returnsVALET: Is the person who collects and returnsguest laundry from guest rooms. He must haveguest laundry from guest rooms. He must havegood communication and guest handling skills asgood communication and guest handling skills as

    he interacts with the guests directly.he interacts with the guests directly.

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    LaundryLaundryLaundryLaundryis a noun that refers to the actis a noun that refers to the act

    ofof washingwashing,, clothingclothing, and, and lineslines, the, theplace where the washing is done, andplace where the washing is done, and

    that which needs to be, is beingthat which needs to be, is beinglaundered. Laundry was first done inlaundered. Laundry was first done in

    watercourses, letting the water carrywatercourses, letting the water carryaway the materials which could causeaway the materials which could cause

    stainsstains andand smellssmells..

    LaundryLaundryis still done this way in some lessis still done this way in some less

    industrialized areas and rural regions.industrialized areas and rural regions.Agitation helps remove the dirt, so theAgitation helps remove the dirt, so thelaundry is often rubbed, twisted, orlaundry is often rubbed, twisted, or

    slapped against flat rocks.slapped against flat rocks.

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    SoapSoap----- a compoundmadefrom lye (from wooda compoundmadefrom lye (from wood--



    ------ is an ancientandverycommon laundryis an ancientandverycommon laundry

    aid.aid.However,modernHowever,modern washingmachineswashingmachinestypicallyusepowderedor liquidtypicallyusepowderedor liquidlaundrylaundrydetergentdetergent intheplaceofmore Traditionalintheplaceofmore Traditionalsoap.soap.

    the clothes where wrung outthe clothes where wrung out twistedtwistedto remove most of the water. Thento remove most of the water. Then

    they were hung up on poles orthey were hung up on poles or

    clotheslines to air dry, or sometimesclotheslines to air dry, or sometimes

  • 8/6/2019 Revenue Dept


    Thank you!!Thank you!!AndAnd

    Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas&&

    Happy New YearHappy New Year

    By: Group 2By: Group 2

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