review of the contributions of ancient and classical civilizations to the development of western...

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Review of the contributions of Ancient and Classical Civilizations to the development of Western Civilizations.

AP EuropeanWestern Civilization to 1689

York Technical CollegeModules 1 and 2

Module 1 (Noble-Ch’s. 2-4)

1. Define the origins and major contributions of the Ancient Near East Civilizations.

2. Discuss the major factors in the rise and decline of Greek civilization.

3. Identify the major Greek philosophical contributions.

4. Discuss Greek contributions to drama and history.

5. Explain the significance of the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Define the origins and major contributions of the Ancient Near East Civilizations.

Israelites- between 1200 and 1000 B.C. they became a distinct group of people who established the kingdom of Israel. Spiritual heritage and Judeo-Christian values are one of the basic pillars of Western civilization (monotheism). Religion influenced economic, social, religious, and political life of the community. New concepts developed including universalism, social justice, and condemnation for social injustice.

Phoenicians- lived in Canaan along the Mediterranean coast. Great international sea-traders, they established colonies along the western Mediterranean. Their writing used 22 letters which would influence the Greeks and later the Romans.

Assyria- empire that developed and at its height included Mesopotamia, parts of Asia Minor, Syria, Canaan, and Egypt. They created an organized hierarchy of local officials who reported to the king and created an effective military that was able to deploy troops at a moment’s notice and used a variety of military and terror tactics.

Persia- empire that began by occupying the Iranian plateau south of the Caspian Sea and greatly expanded its territory under Cyrus the Great in 559 B.C. and was the largest empire the world had seen under Darius. The Persians created a great system of governorship with provinces called satraps with an effective system of collecting tributes. The religion of Zoroastrianism with its struggle between good and evil and individual judgment would later influence religions such as Christianity.

Discuss the major factors in the rise and decline of Greek civilization.

Geography-mountains and sea isolated Greeks from one another that allowed them to develop their own cultural way of life, fostered independence, created rivalries, and fostered trade and the development of colonies in the Mediterranean.

Polis (city-state)-not just a political institution but a community in which all political, economic, social, cultural, and religious activities were focused. People within have rights and responsibilities.

Hoplite phalanx Warring city-states

Identify the major Greek philosophical contributions.

Concerned with the development of critical thought. Sophists-5th century philosophical teachers who believed

it was important for individuals to improve themselves through the study of human behavior; used rhetoric for winning debates and persuading audiences; no right or wrong but true wisdom is the ability of one being able to focus on one’s self and pursuing one’s own good.

Socrates-Socratic method, goal of education to improve the individual

Plato-The Republic, needs of the community Aristotle-examined government and favored

constitutional government as best for most people. His political ideas greatly influenced the development of western thought.

Discuss Greek contributions to drama and history.

History-analysis of past events begun by Herodotus and means “research” or “investigation”. Herodotus wrote The Persian Wars which is regarded as the first historical work. Thucydides-considered the greatest historian of the ancient world; focused on long-range and immediate causes in his writing of the Peloponnesian War in an objective manner.

Drama-not just for entertainment but for education. First plays were tragedies-Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Comedy developed later and was used to satirize politicians and intellectuals.

Explain the significance of the conquests of Alexander the Great.

After his father, Phillip II of Macedon conquered the Greeks, Alexander went on to conquer the Persian empire. He died by the age of 32 in 323 B.C.

The significance is that his conquests created a new age—the Hellenistic Age—the spread of Greek language and ideals to the non-Greek world.

Alexander’s Empire

Alexander’s legacy, con’t. Political-unity based on monarchy Military-international forces with

militaristic monarchies. Autocratic power became a regular feature of the new monarchies in the Near East. The “empire” would influence the Romans.

Cultural-diffusion of Greek culture which included art, architecture, language, and literature.

Assignments-Module 1

Complete the 5 Module 1 questions.

Complete the online Interactive Map for Chapter 2.

Complete the Internet Exercise “Alexander by Plutarch”.

Module 2 (Ch’s 5-8)1. Discuss the evolution of the Roman

Republic.2. Describe the major Roman contributions

to Western Civilization.3. Identify the major causes of the decline

and collapse of the Roman Empire.4. Explain the evolution of Christianity.5. Discuss the origins and impact of Islam.6. Discuss the major developments of the

Early Middle Ages (we will continue).

Discuss the evolution of the Roman Republic.

Continuation of Greek culture; initially developed by the Etruscans; by the 6th c. B.C. Rome emerged as a city with a fusion of the cultures (509 B.C.); the Romans overthrew the Etruscans and established the Roman Republic.

Originally, they were surrounded by rivals and had to fight continuous wars. By 264 Rome conquered all of Italy except the extreme north. In order to rule, Rome devised the Roman Confederation which allowed many to have citizenship; they encouraged alliances and crushed rebellions. In addition, Rome colonized many outlying areas.

The death of the Republic was a result of civil wars, political competitions, and the Empire began under Augustus Caesar in 31 BC.


Describe the major Roman contributions to Western Civilization.

Art, Literature, Politics, Sports (arenas), Architecture

“Golden Age” under Augustus Latin literature: Ovid, Livy (History of

Rome), Virgil (The Aeneid); spread the Roman ideals of duty, piety, and faithfulness

Roman laws: natural rights, standards of justice, innocent until proven guilty

Architecture-road systems, aqueduct, Coliseum, Pantheon

Trade-silk road

Identify the major causes of the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire.

3rd century-political, military, social, economic

A decrease and the devaluation of money led to the beginning of bartering. The military couldn’t be paid and so recruitment fell…this led to the hiring of mercenaries who didn’t care about Roman laws or values. Civil wars began, plague spread, and this increased a decline in the economy. Trade and manufacturing halted and farm production decreased. The invasion of barbarians ultimately crushed the Empire in 476 AD (fall of Rome).

Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

Explain the evolution of Christianity.

Began with the religion of Judaism (believed that a savior would arrive).

Jesus of Nazareth (6BC-30AD) Peter-noted for founding the Christian Church in Rome, but

Paul of Tarsus is credited for reaching out to non-Jews and transforming the Christian Church from a Jewish sect into a broader religion. He founded Christian communities throughout Asia Minor and taught that Jesus was the “son of God”.

Churches appeared and became independent after the destruction of Jerusalem. By 100, churches arrived in major cities.

*2nd/3rd c. Latin translation of the Greek New Testament-aided in the process of spreading the religion and Rome began to feel threatened—persecutions began. This actually strengthened the church and it became more centralized and hierarchical.

4th c. Constantine became the 1st Christian emperor. As the empire declined, the bishops and the papacy slowly

increased their authority.

The Christian Martyrs' Last

Prayer by Jean-Léon Gérôme

Constantine the Great-mosaic in the Hagia Sophia

Discuss the origins and impact of Islam.

Muhammad (c.570-632)-visions from Gabriel Qur’an-guidelines of Allah; teachings formed

the basis of Islam Fled from Mecca to Medina-converted and

returned to Mecca and conquered the city in 630; created religious and political unification

Qur’an-code of ethics and laws; law code is called the Shari’a.

Jihad-spread of Islam (struggle) Schism-Sunni and Shi’a (dispute over caliph) Islam spread quickly throughout the Middle

East, Africa, and into Europe (which was halted at the Battle of Tours in 732)

Discuss the major developments of the Early Middle Ages.

Early Middle Ages (decline of the Roman Empire—time of barbarians—beginning of the “Dark Ages”)

Western empire fell when Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor in 476 AD

German kingdoms ruled western Europe; Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Anglo/Saxons, etc. It was the German barbarian kings that eventually became accepted as the rulers over western Europe. (Clovis, king of the Franks, began the Merovingian dynasty in what would become France—5th c.)

Assignments-Module 2

Complete the Module 2 Questions (1-5)

Chapter 5, 6, and 7.2, 7.4, and 7.7 Interactive Maps

Internet exercise Chapter 7 “The Fall of the Roman Empire.”

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