revision exercise for science

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/29/2019 Revision Exercise for Science


    Form 2 1st term Integrated Science Revision Exercise

    Form 2 ___ Name: _________________________________ Class No. ____

    Total number of pages of question paper: 11 (including 3 answer sheets)

    Time allowed: 1 hour

    Instructions to students: All the answers should be written on the answer sheets. Hand in the

    question paper and the answer sheets separately.

    Section I

    For each of the following, choose the best answer, either A, B, C or D. You should mark all your

    answers on the multiple choice answer sheet. (30 marks)

    1. Which of the following statements is correct?

    (1) Breathed air contains more carbon dioxide than unbreathed air.

    (2) Breathed air contains more water vapour than unbreathed air.

    (3) The temperature of breathed air is the same as that of unbreathed air.

    A (1) and (2) only

    B (1) and (3) only

    C (2) and (3) only

    D (1), (2) and (3)

    2. Which of the following is not needed in photosynthesis?

    A light

    B oxygen

    C chlorophyll

    D carbon dioxide

    3. The unit for measuring the amount of energy in food is

    A calorie.

    B gram.

    C metre.

    D degree Celsius.

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  • 7/29/2019 Revision Exercise for Science


    4. Why is the Bunsen burner turned off when the leaf is heated in alcohol during the test for


    A We can save the amount of town gas used.

    B The water bath is hot enough.

    C The leaf may break if water keeps boiling.

    D Alcohol catches fire easily if there is a flame.

    5. Which of the following statements is/are true for both respiration and photosynthesis?

    (1) Oxygen is needed for both processes.

    (2) Both processes have energy changes.

    (3) Water is formed in both processes.

    A (1) only

    B (2) only

    C (1) and (3) only

    D (2) and (3) only

    6. Which of the following statements is/are true for both respiration and burning?

    (1) Both processes need oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.(2) Both processes release the same form(s) of energy.

    (3) There are flames in both processes.

    A (1) only

    B (3) only

    C (1) and (2) only

    D (2) and (3) only

    7. Which of the following can be used to test for nitrogen?

    (1) Glowing splint

    (2) Dry cobalt chloride paper

    (3) Lime water

    A (1) only

    B (2) only

    C (2) and (3) only

    D None of them

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    8. The following table shows the energy content of different kinds of food.

    Food Mass (g) Energy content (kJ)

    Wheat bread 25 272

    Cheese 20 419

    Pork 10 251

    Lettuce 10 5.3

    Which kind of food has the highest energy content per gram?

    A Wheat bread

    B Cheese

    C PorkD Lettuce

    9. Which part of a plant takes in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis?

    A leaf

    B flower

    C root

    D seed

    10. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

    A Nitrogen

    B Oxygen

    C Carbon dioxide

    D Chlorine

    11. Which of the following turns iodine solution blue?

    A blood

    B butterC potato

    D water

    12. Referring to the diagram below, what gas inside the jar will be used up when the candle

    goes out?

    A Nitrogen

    B Carbon dioxide

    C Water vapour

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    D Oxygen

    13. Which of the following does not have fixed volume and shape?

    A. Stone

    B. Water

    C. Wooden board

    D. Carbon dioxide

    14. When a crystal of copper sulphate is added to a beaker of water, some blue colour spreads

    through the water. This mainly shows that

    A. different substances are made up of different particles.

    B. the particles are tiny.

    C. the particles are moving all the time.

    D. there are spaces between particles.

    15. Why does a large balloon become smaller after a few days?

    A. The gas inside the balloon passes through its wall.

    B. The gas inside the balloon is compressed.

    C. The gas inside the balloon changes to liquid.

    D. The plastic material of the balloon absorbs the gas.


    Callys mother is cooking food in the kitchen. Cally can smell it even in the living room.

    Which point of the particle theory best explains this phenomenon?

    A. Particles are tiny.

    B. Particles of different substances are of different sizes.

    C. Particles are moving all the time.

    D. There are spaces between particles.

    Page 4

    After a few days

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    17. A substance expands when it is heated because

    (1) the number of particles in it increases.

    (2) its particles move more vigorously.

    (3) the spaces between its particles increase.

    A. (1) and (2) only

    B. (1) and (3) only

    C. (2) and (3) only

    D. (1), (2) and (3)

    18. The diagrams below show the gas particles in four containers. The volumes and

    temperatures of the containers are the same. Which of the following gases has the greatest

    gas pressure?

    A. B. C. D.

    19. When the temperature of a gas increases, which form of energy will the gas particles gain?

    A. Kinetic energy

    B. Electrical energy

    C. Light energy

    D. Sound energy

    20. If the two glass plates are removed, where will the brown gas move to?

    A. The brown gas will move upwards.

    B. The brown gas will move downwards.

    C. The brown gas will move both upwards and downwards.

    D. The brown gas will not move.

    Page 5

    glass platesbrown gas

    gas jar

  • 7/29/2019 Revision Exercise for Science


    Section II

    Answer all the questions below.

    1. Air pollutants coming out from factories and vehicles are shown in the diagram below.

    State one effect on human and the environment respectively. (2 marks)

    2. Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.

    (a) What did the driver do to the chemical wastes that were on fire? What was the result?

    ______________________________________________________________(1 mark)

    (b) What did the firemen use to put out the fire? (1 mark)


    (c) List the two substances for putting out fire mentioned in the article. Explain the

    principles behind.

    Substance Principle of putting out fire

    (2 marks)

    (d) State another method for putting out fire. (1 mark)

    Page 6

    A chemical leakage accident happened in Kwun Tong yesterday morning. As therewere fumes coming out from the chemical wastes in a rubbish truck suddenly, thedriver of the truck tried to splash water to the wastes. The chemicals reacted with thewater and caught a fire, producing much more fumes.

    Firemen used dry sand to absorb the water and examined the chemicals on arrival. Noone was hurt in the accident.

  • 7/29/2019 Revision Exercise for Science



    3. Angela wants to investigate whether carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis. She

    performed the following experiment and concluded that carbon dioxide was necessary for

    plants to carry out photosynthesis.

    Set-up A Set-up B

    (a) How should Angela destarch the plant before the experiment? (1 mark)


    (b) What is the use of the soda lime in the black case? (1 mark)


    (c) (i) At the end of the experiment, how could Angela confirm if photosynthesis had

    taken place? (1 mark)


    (ii) Write down the procedures of the test in c(i). (2 marks)


    (d) Was the experiment conducted by Angela a fair test? Briefly explain your answer.

    (1.5 marks)

    (e) How should Angela modify her set-up to come up to her conclusion? Draw the

    experimental set-up in the space provided on the answer sheet on Page 8. (2 marks)

    black case

    plastic bag

    soda lime




    up Bplastic bag

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    4. The following graph shows the rate of carbon dioxide released or absorbed by a green plant

    at different times of the day during an investigation on the plants respiration and


    (a) What process(es) was/were carried out by the green plant from time 0000 to 0500?

    (1 mark)

    (b) What process(es) was/were carried out by the green plant from time 0500 to 1500?

    (1 mark)

    (c) At what time of the day the rate of respiration and that of photosynthesis in the green

    plant is the same? Explain your answer. (1.5 marks)

    5. Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.

    (a) Why did the demonstrating party wear masks? (1 mark)

    (b) Which government department is responsible for measuring Air Pollution Index? (1 mark)

    Page 8

    An environmental protection group demonstrated against the deteriorating quality ofair in Hong Kong recently. The demonstrating party all wore masks to show theirdissatisfaction with the air quality.

    Environmentalists criticized the government for its slow introduction of LPG taxisand other measures of improving air quality. They said that this has deprived HongKong people of their right to breathe in fresh air.

  • 7/29/2019 Revision Exercise for Science


    (c) Suggest two ways of improving air quality. (2 marks)

    End of Paper

    Form 2 1st term Integrated Science Revision Exercise

    Answer Sheet

    Form 2 ___ Name: _________________________________ Class No. ____

    Section I For each of the following, choose the best answer, either A, B, C or D.

    (30 marks)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15





    16 17 18 19 20





    Section II Answer the questions.(40 marks)

    1. _____ _ _ __





    2. (a)



    (b) __ __


    Substance Principle of putting out fire

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    3. (a)


    (c) (i)


    (c) (ii)

    _________ _

    _________ _

    _________ _

    _________ _

    _________ _

    _________ _

    _________ _

    (d) _



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    4. (a)


    (c) _









    5. (a) _

    (b) __





    Page 11

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    Section I For each of the following, choose the best answer, either A, B, C or D.

    (30 marks)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15





    16 17 18 19 20A




    Section II Answer the questions.(40 marks)

    1. Effects on humans: irritating to lungs/causing diseases of the breathing system e.g. bronchitis and asthma (1)

    Effects on the environment: causing acid rain/causing poor visibility(1)

    2. (a) He tried to use water to put out the fire. Yet the chemicals reacted with the water and caught a fire, producing

    much more fumes. (1)

    (b) Dry sand. (1)


    Substance Principle of putting out fire

    Water(0.5) Lower the temperature(0.5)

    Sand(0.5) Cut the oxygen supply(0.5)

    (d) Using fire blankets, fire extinguishers, foam fire extinguishers, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (any one) (1)


    (a) Put the plant in darkness for 24 hours. (1)

    (b) To absorb carbon dioxide.(1)

    (c) (i) Carry out iodine test on the leaves to test for the formation of starch. (1)

    (ii) 1. Immerse the leaf in boiling water for 2 minutes. (0.5)

    2. Immerse the leaf in hot alcohol. (0.5)

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    3. Put the leaf in hot water. (0.5)

    4. Add a few drops of iodine solution on the leaf. (0.5)

    (d) No, it was not a fair test. (0.5)

    The variables in the two set-ups are different. In Set-up A, both sunlight and carbon dioxide are absent. (1)


    Set-up A set-up B

    2 set-up (0.5)

    Both with transparent cases (0.5)

    One is with soda lime and one is without soda lime. (0.5)

    Presence of sunlight(0.5)


    (a) Respiration.(1)

    (b) Respiration and photosynthesis.(1)

    (c) The rate of respiration and that of photosynthesis in the green plant are the same at time 1000. (0.5)

    The rate of respiration equals to that of photosynthesis, the amount of carbon dioxide produced by respiration

    is the same as that consumed by photosynthesis. (0.5)

    Thus, there would be no net intake or release of carbon dioxide when the two processes occur at the same rate

    at time 1000.(0.5)


    (a) To demonstrate against the deteriorating air quality in Hong Kong. (1)

    (b) The Environmental Protection Department.(1)

    (c) Reduce the number of vehicles on roads by encouraging people to use public transport.

    Plant more trees.

    Treat the exhaust gases from factories before discharging it into the atmosphere.

    (Any other reasonable answers) (2)

    Soda lime

    plastic bag

    transparent case



    up A

    plastic bag

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