revisiting traditional time modeling and analysis techniques at the light of the “timing...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Revisiting traditional time modeling and analysis techniques at the light of the

“timing dimensions” (and not only)

Goals:• To state an homogeneous background• To build an “attitude” in the evaluation of

time models

1Revisiting traditional models

Dynamical systems

• Discrete systems• Continuous systems• The state-space representation• Dynamical systems as a model of computation• From continuous to discrete (and back)• Dynamical systems and the dimensions of

temporal modeling

2Revisiting traditional models

Discrete dynamical systems:the (well-known) Fibonacci’s rabbits (1)

a) A rabbit’s pregnancy lasts exactly one month;

b) A birth produces exactly two siblings, a male and a female;

c) A newborn rabbit becomes fertile when it turns one-month old and it remains fertile for its whole life;

d) A rabbit’s life is indefinitely long (within the time scales considered).

3Revisiting traditional models

Discrete dynamical systems:the (well-known) Fibonacci’s rabbits (2)

• R counts the number of rabbit couples• newR(t): newly born couples• R(t) = R(t 1) + newR(t). (*)• newR(t) = R(t 1) newR(t 1)• newR(t 1) = R(t 1) R(t 2)• R(t) = R(t 1) + R(t 1) newR(t 1)

• = R(t 1) + R(t 1) (R(t 1) R(t 2))• = R(t 1) + R(t 2).

• If R(0) = 1, …• If R(0) = 0, …• Incidentally:









Revisiting traditional models

Continuous dynamical systems:the (well-known) capacitor

• Q = C.V

• • i(t) = iR(t) + iC(t); V(t) = R·iR(t)

• V(0) = 1, i(t) = 0

5Revisiting traditional models




)()( titQdtd




The state-space representation of dynamical systems

• x = x1 x2 ... xn State

• u = u1 u2 ... Um Input

• y = y1 y2 ... yl, Output

• x(t + 1) = f(x(t), u(t), t) ($)• (t) = f(x(t), u(t), t) ($$), y = g(x, [u])

• Invariant versions:

x(t + 1) = f(x(t), u(t)) ($-ti)

(t) = f(x(t), u(t)) ($$-ti)

6Revisiting traditional models

Dynamical systems as models of computation

• State memory (register, array, …)• Next state: x(t+1) = f(memory, read input)• Output: write …• Example: cellular automata

• next state of a cell depends only on the state of the neighbor cells

• Rule 110:

• Have the computational power of Turing machines

7Revisiting traditional models

)t(s)t(s)t(s)t(s)t(s)t(s 2i1ii1i2i


if }001,010,011,101,110{)t(s)t(s)t(s


1)1t(s 1ii1i


From continuous to discrete … and back (1)

• Discretization for numerical computation (of continuous models):• Fixed point vs floating point …

8Revisiting traditional models














From continuous to discrete … and back (2)

9Revisiting traditional models

Continuous process


Dynamical systems and the dimensions of temporal modeling

• Discrete and continuous (time) domains• (already discussed)• Next state vs. continuous evolution

• Zeno (and other “pathological”) behaviors

• x(t) = tang(t)• x(t + 1) = r x(t) · (1 – x(t)), for constant r > 0,

• which defines highly irregular chaotic behavior difficult to predict

• Sometimes boundedness and/or continuity are required as a “guarantee” of regularity, but …

• b(t) = exp(–1 / t2)·sin(1 / t) if t0 and b(0)=0, …

10Revisiting traditional models

irrational is if

rational is if



Avoiding pathological behaviors

• Writing a differential/difference equation in time is no guarantee of formalizing a “good” dynamical system

• Avoiding pathological behviors “a priori”: by means of suitable (sufficient) conditions:

• Analitic functions have good regularity properties

• Verifying a posteriori whether the behavior implied by the given equations is “good” or not.

11Revisiting traditional models

A real-time exercise …

Consider the following types of irregular behavior: discontinuous, continuous with discontinuous derivative, Zeno, Berkeley, unbounded. For each of the following choices of state and time domain, which types of irregular behavior may occur?

• Continuous and unbounded state space and time (say, R);• Continuous and bounded state space and time (say, the real interval [0,1]);• Dense state space and time (say, Q);• Continuous time (say, R) and discrete state space (say, Z);• Discrete time (say, Z) and continuous state space (say, R);• Discrete state space and time (say, Z).

• () Can you think of real systems where such irregular behaviors can arise?

12Revisiting traditional models

... and a non real-time oneA dynamical system has chaotic behavior when its dynamics is difficult to predict because of certain characteristics, including in particular sensitivity to initial conditions. Informally, sensitivity to initial conditions is a form of instability, where a tiny change in the initial value of the state variables may result in a conspicuous change in the evolution of the state. In terms of predictability, this means that if the initial state is known only with finite precision, the state dynamics becomes completely unpredictable after some time. The logistic map above (x(t + 1) = r x(t) · (1 – x(t))) is an example of discrete-time system with chaotic behavior.

Consider now the notion of undecidability applied to the dynamics of a class of discrete-time systems C: a property of C’s dynamics (e.g., “Does the state of every system in C ever become positive?”, “Does the state reach equilibrium?”) is undecidable if its yes/no answer cannot be computed by any algorithmic procedure.

• Is the dynamics of dynamical systems with chaotic behavior always undecidable?

• Conversely, are dynamical systems whose dynamics is undecidable always chaotic?

13Revisiting traditional models

Determinism in dynamical systems

• Traditional dynamical systems (those studied in classic control theory) are deterministic

• Stochastic systems too are deeply studied (e.g. in information and communication theory)

• No conceptual reasons not to exploit even nondeterministic ones in modern control and automation theory (Petri nets …, but why not nondeterministic continuous models?)

14Revisiting traditional models

Implicit vs. explicit time reference

• Time invariant system:• if the system reaches the same state at two different times t1, t2

(that is: x(t1) = x(t2)) and it is subject to the same input function in the future (that is: u(d + t1) = u(d + t2) for all positive d), then the future values of the state are the same at corresponding instants of time (x(d + t1) = x(d + t2) for all positive d).

• Time is still explicit in x(t) but is implicit in

15Revisiting traditional models



Concurrency and composition

16Revisiting traditional models

Notations and tools for dynamical system analysis

17Revisiting traditional models

• Inspired by numerical methods:• Matlab/Simulink• Modelica• …

• Towards models and tools that integrate equation-based formalisms with automata and logic-based ones:

• … next part of the course

Modeling time in hardware design(From continuous to discrete)

18Revisiting traditional models

• From transistors to sequential logic circuits• Raising the level of abstraction: finite state machines• From asynchronous to synchronous logic circuits• Raising again the level of abstraction: hardware

description languages• Methods and tools for hardware analysis

From transistors to sequential logic circuits (1)

19Revisiting traditional models

An NMOS transistor

A transistor implementing a NOT logical operation

A NAND circuitA NOR circuit

From transistors to sequential logic circuits (2)

20Revisiting traditional models


Vin Vout

0 1

1 0

But the table:

are more abstract …From a functional point of view

What about timing?

And the icon:

From transistors to sequential logic circuits (3)

Revisiting traditional models 21

What about timing?

Two NOT gates in series An input-output graph, where t2 – t1 = 2

Time is still continuous but trajectories are “rectified”Combinatorial circuits are memoryless (stateless) devices with a delay between input and output

From transistors to sequential logic circuits (4)

Revisiting traditional models 22

• From combinatorial to sequential logic circuits• Adding memory in logic circuitry by introducing feedback


0 0 forbidden

0 1 0

1 0 1

1 1 no change

A NAND latchR, Q




From two to many states: sequential machines

Revisiting traditional models 23

• 1 bit: 2 states n bits: 2n states

The general structure of a sequential machineQuestion: it is clearly an example of dynamical system:Time is discrete or continuous? What about the state?

Sequential machines

Revisiting traditional models 24

a behavior of the machine:initial output O1 = O2 = 1the two inputs R1 = R2 hold the value 1 while S1 switches to a value 0 for ε time units.

ε greater than the switching delay of the latch

Abstracting the “ramps”: 0-time transitions

Revisiting traditional models 25

The state Q of an latch set to 1 with zero-time transitions.( is the switching delay of the latch).But … what’s the state during the transition? Problems may arise …


Abstracting the logic circuitry: Finite state machines (FSM)

Revisiting traditional models 26

(Well known) Graphical representation of the finite-state machine for an latch

The state space is now obviously discrete; what about time?


FSMs with output: Moore and Mealy machines

Revisiting traditional models 27

A Mealy machine modeling an latch with outputε (empty string) = no output

Mealy: : Q I O Moore: : Q O


0 1


s/or/ε s/ε

From asynchronous to synchronous logic circuits:the clock

Revisiting traditional models 28

The clock as a square wave (dotted line) or as a sequence of impulses (solid line).

Revisiting traditional models 29

The latch synchronized with the clock

A synchronized reset transition of the flip-flop

Now time too is discrete

Revisiting traditional models 30

A FSM for a SR flip-flop with “no change” events:

The model now has a metric on time: one transition = one time unit = one clock period

The “same” FSM with discrete time:

From few to many states:Modular abstractions in hardware design

The clock –and therefore the time- is again implicit: one transition = one time unit

However: as the abstraction level increases … the clock tends to “disappear” …

Towards the SW “purely functional” view.

Revisiting traditional models 31

Methods and tools for hardware analysis

• Testing• Simulation• Formal verification• Synthesis


Revisiting traditional models 32

Time in the analysis of algorithms

• Introductory concepts• Computational complexity and automata models

• A brief but necessary digression on computability

• Back to (deterministic) automata-theoretic complexity

• The RAM (random access memory) machine and its complexity

• The complexity relations between different computational models

• The complexity of nondeterministic computations• Complexity hierarchies• Probabilistic computations and their complexity


Revisiting traditional models 33

The traditional way of modeling software• The functional abstraction:

• An algorithm computes a function f: I ---> O• The computation process is completely abstracted away

• But the algorithm is executed by an (abstract or physical) machine (operational model)

• The abstract machine uses resources –memory and time-

• Complexity as a measure of cost to achieve the desired result: typically separated by functional analysis (unlike typical analysis of dynamical systems)

• Complexity analysis based on some (abstract) operational model:• Given the abstraction introduced by hardware:• Discrete state and time domain • Normally deterministic.

Revisiting traditional models 34

Measures of computational complexity• (Most general remarks apply to both space and time

complexity, but we are interested in the latter one)• Given a computational model:

one –abstract- clock tick (execution of an elementary operation) =one time unit

• Complexity = number of time units elapsing from the beginning to the end of a computation

• Complexity depends on input data x: f(x)• A first basic abstraction: make it a function of the size of input data: n = |x|

• But in general ( |x1| = |x2| f(x1) = f(x2)

• Worst case and average case analysis:• For abstract machine A, worst case:

• Average case:

Revisiting traditional models 35

)x()n(T ATmaxnx


)alphabetthe input isIwhere(I


)n(T n



(The very simple) Complexity of FSMs

• Finite memory (does not depend on input)• For every input symbol one move = one time unit:

• TA(n) = n (in such cases we say the machine is a real-time machine)

Revisiting traditional models 36

Brief digression on computational power

• FSMs are rather limited in problem solving• E.g. problem = language recognition:

• L I*; x L ?• FSMs cannot recognize {anbn | n > 0} (have a finite memory!)

• If we want to formalize and analyze any generic computation (algorithm) we need much more computational power

Revisiting traditional models 37

The famous and fundamental Turing machine (TM)

Revisiting traditional models 38

The model can formalize language recognition (without output tape) as well as language translation ( function computation):Any formalization of the generic notion of problem

A little example of TM

Revisiting traditional models 39

A 1-tape Turing machine Msucc that computes the successor of a binary number

The notation is imported and extended from that of FSMs(not by chance)

q2 q3q0

0, _ / _ , _ / R,S,S


_ , _ / _ , _ / L,S,S

1, _ / _ , 0 / L,R,S1, _ / _ , _ / R,S,S

0, _ / _ , 1 / L,R,S_ , _ / _ , 1 / S,R,S

1 , _ / _ , 1 / L,R,S0, _ / _ , 0 / L,R,S

_ , _ / _ , _ / S,L,S

_ , 1 / 1 , 1 / S,L,R_ , 0 / 0 , 0 / S,L,R

The computational power of TMs

Revisiting traditional models 40

• The fundamental Church-Turing thesis:• “every implementable computational process

can be computed by a Turing machine”• There are problems (languages, functions, …) that

cannot be solved by any TM• Therefore they are not “algorithmically solvable”

• The most classical and fundamental case:• The (computation) termination problem

(the time complexity of a TM computation can be )

Let’s go back to complexity issues in the context of the general (?) and powerful TM

Revisiting traditional models 41

• Even if a problem can be solved for any input datum (TM(x) x), TM(x) (TM(n) ) can be a highly variable (and high) function:

what about TM(n) = 2222n! ?

• The linear speed-up theorem:• Given any Turing machine M solving a problem with time

complexity TM(n) and any rational number c > 0, it is possible to build another Turing machine M’ that, after reading the whole input string, solves the same problem as M with time complexity c·TM(n), i.e., TM’(n) = max (n, c·TM(n)).

• The theorem is general and does not really depend on the chosen model: it deals with the issue of spending more resources to solve problems.

Revisiting traditional models 42

• The linear speed-up theorem suggests to focus complexity analysis –at least at first approximation- on the order of magnitude of (complexity) function:

• f is O(g) (“big oh of g”) if there exist positive constants c, k (k integer) such that: f(n) ≤ c·g(n) for all n > k;

• f is Ω(g) (“big omega of g”) if there exist positive constants c, k (k integer) such that: f(n) ≥ c·g(n) for all n > k;

• f is Θ(g) (“big theta of g”) if f is O(g) and Ω(g).

• By changing algorithm to solve a problem we may change the order of magnitude of the complexity of problem solution; by changing machine (instance) we can only change complexity linearly, i.e., without affecting its order of magnitude:• A (n.log(n)) sorting algorithm will run on a modest PC faster

than a (n2) running on a very expensive supercomputer (for high values of n).

Complexity classes

• It is quite natural to classify problems according to the complexity of their solution: • The more effort I apply to solve problems, the more

problems I will be able to solve• TIME(f(n)): the class of problems that can be solved (with

the “best algorithm” with time complexity O(f(n))• f O(g) TIME(f(n)) TIME(g(n))• Also, normally, (f) > (g) TIME(f(n)) TIME(g(n))• E.g. sorting (through comparisons) TIME(n) • Complexity lower-bounds

Revisiting traditional models 43

However …

• The definition of computational complexity is bound to the computational model:

• What if we change model?• Church thesis guarantees that if a problem can be

solved by any “machine”, it can be solved by a TM• Does the same hold for complexity evaluation?

• Intuitively the set of “elementary operations” of a real computer is quite different from TM transitions

• Maybe every hw operation can be simulated by a bounded sequence of TM operations? (linear speed up)?

Revisiting traditional models 44

…as a matter of fact …

• Even without comparing (the complexity of) TMs with that of real computers (to be done next)

• Just moving from the k-tape TM to the (original) single tape one (not 1-tape!):

• … the “mirror” or palindrome language L = {wwR |w I*}cannot be recognized by any single-tape TM in less than (n2)

Revisiting traditional models 45

Control unit

• It’s time to consider a more realistic (?) computational model: the RAM, clearly inspired to the von Neumann architecture.

Revisiting traditional models 46

Every cell contains a character or an integer

The RAM instruction repertoir (1)

Revisiting traditional models 47

Instruction Semantics Comments

READ x M[x] current input value;

Input head advances by one position.

Copy the value in the current input cell to the

memory at address x.

READ@ x M[M[x]] current input value;

Input head advances by one position.

@ denotes indirect addressing: copy the input to the

memory cell whose address is stored in memory at

address x.

WRITE x M[x] current output cell;

Output head advances by one position.


WRITE@ x M[M[x]] current output cell;

Output head advances by one position.


WRITE= x x current output cell;

Output head advances by one position.

= denotes immediate addressing: write the operand’s

value x.

LOAD x ACC M[x] Copy the content of memory at address x to the


LOAD@ x ACC M[M[x]]  

LOAD= x ACC x  

STORE x ACC M[x]  

STORE@ x ACC M[M[x]]  

The RAM instruction repertoir (2)

Revisiting traditional models 48

Instruction Semantics Comments

ADD x ACC [ACC] + M[x] Add the contents of the accumulator to memory

content at address x and store the result back in the


ADD@ x ACC [ACC] + M[M[x]]  

ADD= x ACC [ACC] + x  





[...] Subtraction, multiplication, and division arithmetic

operations are defined similarly to ADD.

JUMP lab PC instruction(lab) Set the program counter to the address of the

instruction with label ‘lab’; this instruction is

executed next.

JZ lab if [ACC] = 0 then

PC instruction(lab)


PC [PC] +1


Conditional jump: jump to ‘lab’ if the accumulator

stores 0, otherwise continue sequentially.

HALT   Execution stops.

Then, complexity analysis proceeds as usual:

Revisiting traditional models 49

• One elementary operation = one time unit• Apparently striking differences w.r.t. TM-based analysis:

• ADD x in O(1) time vs. O(log(|x|)• Binary search in O(log(n)) time vs.

O(n) –or O(n.log(n))- time if …?... For TM• …

• BUT ….

Revisiting traditional models 50

• x = 2• for x = 1 to n

• x = x*x

• Computes 22n

in O(n)

• Is this realistic?• It needs 2n bits only

to store the result

Label Instruction Comment

  READ 1 Store the input n into M[1].

  LOAD= 2 Initialize M[2] to 2.

  STORE 2  

  LOAD= 1 M[3] is used as counter,

  STORE 3 initialized to the value 1.

LOOP: LOAD 1 When the counter reaches n,

  SUB 3 M[2] contains the result,



Print it and stop.

  LOAD 2 Square M[2], that is

  MULT 2 M[2] receives

  STORE 2 M[2]*M[2].

  LOAD 3 Increment the counter.

  ADD= 1  

  STORE 3  




• Are RAMs operations really elementary?(independent on the data)?– Do ADD, LOAD, STORE, require O(1)?

• RAM is a little “too abstract” to properly capture the notion of elementary datum and operation so that they can be associated with the (memory and) time unit:– A RAM cell stores an integer, but a real

computer cell has k (32, 64,128, …) bits …

Revisiting traditional models 51

The logarithmic cost criterion

Instruction Cost

READ x l(current input value) + l(x)

READ@ x l(current input value) + l(x) + l(M[x])

WRITE x l(x) + l(M[x])

WRITE@ x l(x) + l(M[x]) + l(M[M[x]])

WRITE= x l(x)

LOAD x l(x) + l(M[x])

LOAD@ x l(x) + l(M[x]) + l(M[M[x]])

LOAD= x l(x)

STORE x l([ACC]) + l(x)

STORE@ x l([ACC]) + l(x) + l(M[x])

ADD x l([ACC]) + l(x) + l(M[x])

ADD@ x l([ACC]) + l(x) + l(M[x]) + l(M[M[x]])

ADD= x l([ACC]) + l(x)

JUMP lab 1

JZ lab l([ACC])


Revisiting traditional models 52

Minor difference w.r.tRASPRandom access stored programmachine

• Now that we have a more realistic cost evaluation (for high values of data)– There are still important differences between RAM’s

and TMs complexity (e.g.: bubble sort) but not that striking

– But is RAM always more efficient than TM?• L = {w.c.wR | w {a,b}* } can be recoginzed by a TM in O(n)

but a RAM takes at least O(n.log(n)) under logarithmic cost• RAM “champs” direct access to memory addresses but direct

access is not always as efficient as sequential access

– More generally:

Revisiting traditional models 53

– An algorithm coded in RAM language that has TR(n) time complexity can be simulated by a TM with TR(n)2 complexity

– An algorithm coded as TM that has TM(n) time complexity can be simulated by a RAM with TM(n).log(TM(n)) complexity

• More generally:• The polynomial correlation thesis (Strong version of

Church-Turing thesis):• Under “reasonable” cost criterion any “realistic”

computation model can be simulated by any other one in such a way that their complexity functions are polynomially related: TM1(n) = P1(TM2(n)) and TM2(n) = P2(TM1(n))

Revisiting traditional models 54

• We can now synthesize a few typical complexity classes:– O(1)– Linear (or sublinear) time – Up to O(n.log(n)): data intensive applications– (Depend on computation model: normally RAM)– Polynomial complexity (fairly tipical of numerical applications)

• P: the class of problems that can be solved with polynomial complexity:• Does not depend on the computational model

– Above polynomial: typical of combinatorics; considered intractable but …

• All above about deterministic computation: what about …

Revisiting traditional models 55

… nondeterministic and probabilistic computation

• (Almost) all operational computation models have their nodeterministic counterpart: essentially

• : Q I (Q)

• Practically holds for every family of automata: – FSM, TM, Pushdown, …– With different consequences in their formal properties

(computational power, closure properites, …)

• In some cases abstract machines are originally defined as nondeterministic devices (Petri nets,…)

• In some cases even programming languages have nondeterministic constructs

Revisiting traditional models 56




• Besides the impact on computational power and other properties:

• What’s the impact of nondeterminism on complexity?• First of all: what do we mean by nondeterministic

complexity?– The longest computation among all possible ones?– The shortest one?– According to the normal interpretation of nondeterminisim as

blind or parallel search (but there is also a symmetric interpretation as whichever choice):

• Existential vs universal nodeterminism• Here we focus on the existential one

– The shortest computation that leads to success, if any:

Revisiting traditional models 57

• In the traditional literature of abstract complexity/formal languages:

– A nondeterministic (ND) Turing machine N runs in #N steps for an input x if the shortest sequence of steps that is allowed by the nondeterministic choices and correctly computes the result for input x has length #N.

– A nondeterministic Turing machine has time complexity T(n) if the longest computation with input of size n runs in T(n) steps.

– A time complexity measure T(n) defines the complexity class NTIME(T(n)) of all problems that can be solved by some nondeterministic Turing machine with time complexity in O(T(n)).

Revisiting traditional models 58

• Plenty of problems admit an “obvious” ND solution, typically:– “Guess” a potential solution– Verify whether indeed it is a solution– Both actions can be done in a “short” time (linear or low-degree

polynomial), but the number of guesses, ND generated can grow often exponentially or more.

• Classical examples:– SAT– HC (Hamiltonian circuit problem in graph theory)– Clique– …

• This leads to define the fundamental class

• NP (or NPTIME): kN NTIME(nk)

• and to the extremely challenging hierachy:

Revisiting traditional models 59


• Some inclusions must be strict, but … which ones?– Conjecture: (almost) all of them

• The fundamental notion of (NP)-completeness:– For a problem p, P(x) denotes the solution of p for input x;

M(x) denotes the (unique) output of the deterministic Turing machine M with input x. Then, a problem c in NP is NP-complete if, for any other problem p in NP, there exist two deterministic Turing machines Rpc, Rcp with polynomial time complexities, such that Rcp(C(Rpc(x))) = P(x) holds for every input x.

– All above examples of problems in NP –and many more- are also NP-complete

Revisiting traditional models 60

• Traditionally and “reasonably” the P/NP frontier has been considered as the borderline between tractable and intractable problems

• However modern tools are able to manage in practice “most” instances of NP-complete problems in a satisfactory way even if the theory of worst-case analysis states that, with the present knowledge about simulating ND computations by a deterministic device should take at least exponential time(this is considered as a great challange for the theory of abstract complexity).

• Thus, pretty much interest is now focused on the “above NP-completeness” hierarchy.

Revisiting traditional models 61

Randomized models of computation

• In principle all (deterministic) operational models can be “randomized” in much the same way as they are made ND

• The mathematical machinery to manage them, however, is pretty much different (but well established in the literature)

• Also the “applications” of the models (analysis) are rather different in nature:– Det & ND:

• Can we guarantee that we will achieve our goal (within a given time)?• Is there a way to achieve our goal?

– Probabilistic:• Which are the chances (probability) to achieve our goal within a given time?• How long should I wait in the average to achieve my goal? With which

standard deviation from the average?

Revisiting traditional models 62

Randomized models of computation:

• Probabilistic finite-state automata (Markov chains)

• Probabilistic Turing machines and complexity classes

Revisiting traditional models 63

Probabilistic finite-state automata

• Discrete time Markov chains• Markov decision processes• Continuous-time Markov chains

Revisiting traditional models 64

Discrete time Markov chains

• A probabilistic finite-state automaton is a finite-state automaton without input alphabet, extended with a probability function : Q × Q [0,1] which determines which transitions are taken. The probability function is normalized:

• Discrete-time Markov chains generalize discrete-time probabilistic finite-state automata to any countable set Q of states.

Revisiting traditional models 65



• A student that takes a series of exams: when the student passes an exam (state P), there is a 90% chance that she will pass the next exam as well (transition to P); when the student fails an exam (state F), there is a 60% chance that she will fail the next exam (transition to F).

Revisiting traditional models 66


0.1 0.9



A few“natural” consequences of probability theory• Decrease of probability of every specific behavior as the length of the

behavior increases: whereas in nondeterministic models every nondeterministic choice is possible and must be considered, assigning probabilities to different choices entails that the long-term behavior is more and more likely to asymptotically approach the average behavior.

• The steady-state probability gives the likelihood that an automaton will be in a certain finite state after an arbitrarily long number of steps:

• The probability function is a |Q|×|Q| probability matrix M, whose element [i, j] is the probability of transitioning from the i-th to the j-th state.

• The steady-state probability is independent of the initial and current state: a row vector p = [p1 … p|Q|] of nonnegative elements, whose i-th element denotes the probability of being in the i-th state, is the steady state probability if it satisfies pM = p (it does not change after one iteration) and  

Revisiting traditional models 67


i 1p

• In previous example:• probability matrix M =

• [p1 p2] = [0.8 0.2] :

• In the long term, the student passes 80% of the exams she attempts.

Revisiting traditional models 68

0,9 0,1

0,4 0,6

Adding input: Markov decision processes

• A probabilistic finite-state automaton with input is a probabilistic finite-state automaton with probability function : Q × I × Q [0,1] over transitions. The probability function is normalized with respect to the next states. When the automaton is in state q Q and inputs an event i I, it can make a transition to any state q’ Q with probability (q, i, q’).

• Discrete-time Markov decision processes generalize discrete-time probabilistic finite-state automata with input to any countable sets Q and I of states and input events.

Revisiting traditional models 69

• The main difference between Discrete-time Markov chains and Discrete-time Markov decision processes (and corresponding finite state versions) is the input, which models the external environment, which is also named in the literature scheduler, controller, adversary, or policydepending on the application context.

• Remark (holding in general for any operational model)• Decision processes are described as OPEN systems, to which an

external abstract entity supplies input. The composition of a decision process with its environment is a CLOSED system that characterizes an embedded process operating in specific conditions.

Revisiting traditional models 70

• (Summarizing) Remark:• Time is DISCRETE, SYNCHRONOUS, and

METRIC in finite-state automata regardless of whether in their deterministic, nondeterministic, or probabilistic version.

Revisiting traditional models 71

• (Simple) exercise:• Consider the following generalization of previous example:

– While preparing for an exam, the student may attend classes on the exam’s topic (event a) or skip them (event s). While attending classes is no guarantee of passing, it significantly affects the probability of success: after the student has passed an exam (state P), there is a 90% chance that she will also pass the next one if she attends classes; if she has not, the probability shrinks to only 20%. Conversely, after the student has failed an exam (state F), there is a 70% chance that she will pass the next one if she attends, but only 10% if she skips them.

– Model the new system specification by means of a decision process.– Compute:

• The probability that the student passes the first k consecutive exams when she always attends classes

• The probability that she passes the first 2k consecutive exams when she attends classes of every other exam

• The probability passk that the student passes the first k consecutive exams as a function of the input sequence i1, i2, …, ik.

Revisiting traditional models 72

Continuous-time Markov chains• Now:

– Time is continuous– Behavior is asynchronous since there is a probability

distribution to the residence (also, sojourn) time in every state

– Main constraint: • the probability of remaining in the current state for the next t

time units does not depend on the previous states traversed by the automaton, but only on the current one, in the same way as the probability of making a transition only depends on the current state in discrete-time probabilistic automata (that is, the Markov property)

• The only probability distribution that satisfies the Markov property is the exponential one: the probability that an automaton waits for t time units decreases exponentially with t.

Revisiting traditional models 73

• Formally:• A continuous-time probabilistic finite-state automaton extends a

(discrete-time) probabilistic finite-state automaton with a rate function ρ: Q R>0. Whenever the automaton enters state q Q, it waits a time given by an exponential distribution with parameter ρ(q) and probability density function p(t)

• correspondingly the distribution function P(t) is

• When it leaves q, the next state is determined as in the underlying discrete-time probabilistic finite-state automaton.

• Continuous-time Markov chains generalize continuous-time probabilistic finite-state automata to any countable set Q of states.

Revisiting traditional models 74






• A lamp with a lightbulb can be in one of three states: on, off, and broken. When it is off, it is turned on after 100 seconds on average; while turning on, the lightbulb breaks in 1% of the cases. When the lamp is on, it is turned off after 60 seconds on average; while turning off, the lightbulb breaks in 5% of the cases. It takes 500 seconds on average before a broken lightbulb  is replaced with a new one.

Revisiting traditional models 75

Continuous-time probabilistic finite-state automaton with transition rates

• Continuous-time probabilistic automata augmented with input are the continuous-time counterpart of Markov decision processes, where input determines the transition rates of states or transitions:

• Exercise

Revisiting traditional models 76

Probabilistic Turing machines and complexity classes

• (Similarly to the various types of Markov chains)• A probabilistic Turing machine can randomly choose

which transition to take among those offered by the transition function.

• Randomness does not increase expressive power, as it does not ND.

• The basic idea/hope is to obtain a trade-off between a –small- error probability and a –robust- complexity improvement.

Revisiting traditional models 77

• A bounded-error probabilistic Turing machine is a probabilistic Turing machine M that computes a function F(x) of the input. For all inputs x, M halts; upon termination, it outputs the correct value F(x) with probability greater than or equal to 2/3 (or any fraction > ½).

• Thus, after n runs on the same input data the probability that the majority of them is incorrect is:

• The average running time over input x:

• avg(T(x)) = • T(n) defined as usual

Revisiting traditional models 78


)x(T)x(T)x(T j21

• A time complexity measure T(n) defines the complexity class BPTIME(T(n)) of all problems that can be solved by some bounded-error probabilistic Turing machine with time complexity in O(T(n)).

• BPP (Bounded-error Probabilistic Polynomial) is the class of problems that can be solved in polynomial time (and unlimited space) by a bounded-error probabilistic Turing machine: BPP =

• The traditional question: P = BPP ?• Unlike P = NP, the prevailing conjecture now is YES

In this case using randomness would not produce a breakthrough in tractable problems.

• However:– Polynomial-time probabilistic algorithms for PRIME have been

known since the 1970’s, but only about thirty years later was the first deterministic polynomial-time algorithm developed.

Revisiting traditional models 79

Probabilistic complexity classes

Conclusionand hint to future development

• Computational complexity to be used:– When systems to be analyzed are modeled

by abstract machines (derived from) the basic ones considered in this chapter

– But also when we need to evaluate analysis tools associated with various models: we will see that most analysis (decidable) problems for non-trivial models/systems are NP-complete or worse.

Revisiting traditional models 80

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