revolution and the early republic

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Revolution and the Early Republic. Colonial Resistance and Rebellion. England is in Debt. The French and Indian War cost way, way too much money. England started taxing the American Colonies to pay the debt back. They also started tightening control over the colonies. The Colonies get Upset!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Colonial Resistance and Rebellion

England is in DebtThe French and

Indian War cost way, way too much money.

England started taxing the American Colonies to pay the debt back.

They also started tightening control over the colonies.

The Colonies get Upset!Sugar Tax, Stamp

Tax (tax on all types of paper goods)

Colonies upset – they felt that it was unfair to be forced to pay a tax without having representation in Parliament.

The Colonies get Upset (cont.)Colonists began to protest

and boycott all the paper goods – it worked, England repealed the Stamp Tax.

Then, England passed the Townsend Acts – tax on glass, lead, tea and other goods.

Colonists boycotted again, it worked again, England repealed the taxes – except on tea.

Things Start to HappenBoston

Massacre – a bunch of colonists are killed while harassing British soldiers.

Boston Tea Party – in protest of the Tea Act, a bunch of colonists dump English tea in the harbor.

England Tightens ControlIntolerable Acts –

punishment for the Boston Tea PartyClosed Boston HarborQuartering Act –

forced people to let soldiers stay in their homes

Placed Boston under military control

Made some gun ownership illegal

Lexington and ConcordBritish troops march to

from Boston to Concord to capture a supply of rifles.

70 Colonists ambushed them in Lexington and open fire (only 1 British soldier died).

On the way back they are ambushed by over 3000 colonists (LOTS British soldiers die).

Colonies Raise an ArmySecond Continental

Congress (the group of colonial leaders) decide to raise a militia (army) and select George Washington as the commander.

More Trouble in BostonColonial Militia and

tries to free Boston.Battle of Bunker

Hill (over 1000 British soldiers die).

Colonials capture Boston.

British Navy blockades Boston Harbor.

Moving Toward IndependenceIdeas of John Locke –

Enlightenment PhilosopherBelieved that people were

born with natural rights (life, liberty, property).

It is the government’s responsibility to protect people’s rights.

If a government does not, then people have the right to rebel against that government!

…Toward Independence (cont.)Common Sense –

pamphlet/essay written by Thomas Paine.Written to promote

rebellion against English rule (chance to create a new society, better control over trade, etc.).

Declaration of IndependenceColonists finally

decide that they should fight to become a new nation (not just to earn better treatment from England).

Now all they had to do was win the war!

The War for Independence

Opposing SidesFor Independence For English Control

Patriots – colonists fighting for against England.

Help and money from the French, Dutch, Polish.

English SoldiersHessians (hired

mercenaries from Germany).

Loyalists – colonists who were loyal to the King.

The War Patriots lost many battles early on.

The first major battle we won was the Battle of Saratoga – which convinced France to help.

After five years of fighting, the British surrendered after the Battle of Yorktown (1781).

Why the Colonies WonColonial soldiers fought

hard to defend their homes.

Colonial soldiers knew the land better (used guerilla tactics).

The British made several mistakes.

The war was unpopular in England, cost too much money… so they decided to stop fighting.

Treaty of Paris (1783)Officially ended

the war.Confirmed that the

Colonies were independent.

Set the boundaries of the new nation.

Confederation and Constitution

Articles of ConfederationNow that they were

independent, the colonies had to make a government.

Articles of Confederation – created a WEAK central government with little cooperation among the states.

Weaknesses of the Articles of ConfederationCould not collect taxes

from the states.Each state had one vote

(regardless of size).9 out of 13 states had to

agree to pass laws.No executive branch.No national court

system.Could not regulate

interstate commerce (business).

Northwest Ordinance of 1787Plan for settling the

Northwest Territory.Would create 3-5 new

states (ignored the rights of Native Americans).

This was the only successful thing that was accomplished by the Articles of Confederation.

Shay’s RebellionMassachusetts farmers

protested increased state taxes.

Protests became a riot, state militia ended up killing some farmers.

Scared all of the colonies – people decided that a stronger government was needed to solve the county’s problems.

Constitutional ConventionMeeting of colonial leaders

to discuss a plan to fix the Articles of Confederation.

They ended up creating a whole new form of government:Federalism – system where

the central (federal) government shares power with the states.

Conflict over RepresentationLarge states wanted

representation in congress based on population.

Small states wanted each state to be represented equally.

Great Compromise – two houses of congress: one based on population (House of Representatives), one with equal representation (Senate).

Conflict over SlavesSouthern states wanted

slaves to be counted for representation.

Northern states did not want them counted.

Three-Fifths Compromise – they agreed that a slave would be counted as 3/5ths of a person for representation (and taxing).

Separation of PowersLegislative Branch –

makes the laws.Executive Branch –

enforces the laws.Judicial Branch –

interprets the laws and settles disputes.

Checks and balances – each branch can prevent the others from becoming too powerful.

Ratifying the ConstitutionFederalists – favored the

Constitution.Anti-federalists – against

the Constitution.Bill of Rights – first 10

Amendments that guaranteed people’ individual rights – protected against government becoming too powerful.

Launching the New Nation

Washington is PresidentJudiciary Act of 1789 –

created the Supreme Court (and other federal courts).

Cabinet – the president’s main advisors.Secretary of State – Thomas

JeffersonSecretary of War – Henry

KnoxSecretary of Treasury –

Alexander Hamilton

Political DifferencesAlexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson

Favored strong federal government

Favored business interests

Loose interpretation of the Constitution


Favored states having more power – “states rights”

Favored farming interestsStrict interpretation of

the Constitution


Problems Facing the NationFinancial problems (debt

from the Revolution) - Created the National

Bank.Protective Tariffs– taxes

on imported goods (designed to encourage local production).

Foreign Affairsstayed neutral in conflict

between England and France.

Conflict over the National BankFederalists felt that it

was necessary to manage the nation’s economy.

Anti-federalists felt that it was unconstitutional (the constitution didn’t give the federal government the right to do it).

John Adams is PresidentAdams was a FederalistAlien and Sedition Acts –

Extended the length it took for immigrants to become citizens to 14 years.

Made it illegal to make statements against the US government.

Nullification – principle that says that states can nullify/ignore any law that they believe is unconstitutional (it never became a law).Inspired by the Virginia and Kentucky


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