revolution youth ministry handbook

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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A guide to the running to Revolution Youth Ministries.



Student Ministries Handbook

..............REVOLUTION YOUTH MINISTRY HANDBOOK 4..................................Scriptural Guidelines for the Ministry of Helps 4

.......................................................Scriptural Motivation for Ministry of Helps 5

...................................................................Rewarded According to Our Works 7

..........................................................................Do Your Work as Unto the Lord 7

..............................................................How to Properly Relate to Your Pastor 8

....................................REVOLUTION YOUTH MINISTRY OVERVIEW 10

............................Steps to Becoming a Revolution Youth Ministries Worker 10

...............................Qualifications of a Revolution Youth Ministry Volunteer 10

..........................................Revolution Youth Ministry Opportunities 11

.................................REVOLUTION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: 11


.................................................................................SERVICE COORDINATOR 11

............................................................ASSISTANT SERVICE COORDINATOR 13

....................................................................SECURITY TEAM COORDINATOR 13

.............................................................................OUTREACH COORDINATOR 14

................................................................FOLLOW-UP TEAM COORDINATOR 16

................................................................................GREETER COORDINATOR 17

.......................................................................PRAYER TEAM COORDINATOR 18

........................................................STUDENT LEADERSHIP COORDINATOR 19

....................................................................CREATIVE TEAM COORDINATOR 20

..........................................................................MEDIA TEAM COORDINATOR 21

...................................................................WHAT TO DO IN SERVICE 23

..............................................................KEYS TO GOOD COMMUNICATIONS 24


.......................................WORDS THAT EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO HEAR 24

.........................................................YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULES 24

........................................................................................................ABSENCES 24

.......................................................YOUTH MINISTRY NEWSLETTER 24

.............................................................................DISCIPLINE POLICY 25

.............................................................PERSONAL DISPLAY OF AFFECTION 25

............................................................................................SECURITY POLICY 25

........................................................................................DRESS CODE 25

..........................................................................HEALTH STANDARDS 25


.............................................................................Contact Information 27

.......................................................................................Victory Family Church 27

..........................................................................................................Revolution 27

.................................................................................Pastor Nathan and Laurie 27


REVOLUTION YOUTH MINISTRY HANDBOOKScriptural Guidelines for the Ministry of HelpsScriptural guidelines are helpful and necessary in the effective administration of Victory Family Church. Guidelines help communicate and direct us toward the same vision, so we will work together in unity and reach out to the people we serve. The Church has been called by God to be knit together as one body, and our success depends on unity. God will work and move supernaturally among His people when they are in harmony together.

Victory Family Church members give their time, energy and talents freely to the work of the ministry by being a part of the Ministry of Helps. The Ministry of Helps is a supernatural ministry set in place by God to help bring to pass the vision or goal of the local church. The simple definition of Helps is one who gives assistance. A very appropriate acronym is Having Enough Loving People Serving.

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him…And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of


Christ, and members in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teacher, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:18, 26-28

In verse 18, we see that every member is put in the Church for a purpose. Every believer has a job to do in helping to care for God’s people.

Verse 25 says…but that the members should have the same care for another. Caring for someone is not a mental attitude but an action whereby you watch out for the needs and welfare of others. Helps is a supernatural ministry with its own supernatural anointing to serve God by serving His pastors and His people.

…whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister: And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give his life a ransom for many. Matthew 20:26-28

…As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God; who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. II Corinthians 3:5,6

And He gave some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12

Scriptural Motivation for Ministry of Helps

In Numbers 11:10-17, we read how God set the Ministry of Helps into His people of that day – Israel. Moses could no longer help the people individually. There were too many of them with too many problems.

Moses cried out to God about the burden of all this people upon me (v.11), and God answered. The Lord told Moses to pick 70 elders of the people and bring them before Him. Then the Lord said He would take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them ( v.17) in order that the elders might share the burden of the people. The 70 elders were given a supernatural ability to share the load of caring for God’s people.


In Exodus 18:13-18 we read, And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people: and the people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening. And when Moses’ father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, he said, What is this thing that thou doest to the people? Why sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning unto evening? And Moses said unto his father-in-law, Because the people come unto me to inquire of God: When they have a matter, they come unto me; and I judge between one another, and I do make them know the statutes of God, and his laws. And Moses’ father-in-law said unto him, The thing that thou doest is not good. Thou wilt surely wear away, both thou, and this people that is with thee: for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it thyself alone.

Verse 19…Be thou for the people to guard, that thou mayest bring the causes unto God. Moses’ first priority was to intercede for the people.

Verse 20…And thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws… Moses was to know God’s Word and teach it to the people.

Verse 20…Show them the way wherein they must walk…Then he was to live a Godly example and guide the people into the same lifestyle.

Verse 20…Show them…the work that they must do.Moses was then to show them their responsibilities and work concerning doing God’s work.

Verse 21…Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men… Finally, Moses was to delegate his work to others to complete the task. Counsel was then given to Moses that gave him his priorities and responsibilities.

These men who received delegated responsibilities were to administrate the details of the day-to-day tasks in meeting each other’s needs. Moses was only to handle the decisions that others were unable to deal with. That is the Ministry of Helps in action!

Of course, the best example of helps ministries in the Bible can be seen in the events of Jesus’ life. He came to earth to live a natural life before God in such a way that we could imitate and follow it.

In Matthew 10:5-8, Jesus sent out the twelve disciples. Like any other shepherd, Jesus was only one man. He could do only so much by Himself. God gave him the Ministry of Helps to expand His ability to minister to the people in all of the towns and villages to which He went.

When Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes in Matthew 14:15-21, He needed the Ministry of Helps to distribute the food.

In Matthew 8:23-26, the apostle wrote of an incident when Jesus was asleep in the boat during a storm at sea that threatened to sink them. Jesus was sleeping because He


was physically exhausted from preaching. The disciples were doing the rowing so that Jesus could get the rest He so badly needed.

The Ministry of Helps also handled the Last Supper for Jesus. (See Mark 14:12-16)

God’s men and women today have the same type of problems handling everything that needs to be done, just like Moses’ men and Jesus’ disciples. Doing the things that will benefit the pastor takes a supernatural anointing. Ask God for this anointing, and He will gladly answer.

Rewarded According to Our Works

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Matthew 16:27

It seems that there are angelic accountants following each Christian, carefully recording whatever they do for God. Every hour a person prays, reaches out to the lost, works in the nursery, or cleans the church building, they will be rewarded according to their works.

The apostle Paul wrote, For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. (II Corinthians 5:10) All of us will stand before Christ, be recognized, and given awards for a job well done. All the hours of service for God in this life will pay off at the judgment seat.

Paul also writes that every man’s work shall be analyzed and God will try every man’s work of what sort it is (I Corinthians 3:13). God not only cares about whether or not we work for Him, but He’s watching what our attitude is like as well. God insists that we serve Him joyfully!

Because thou servest not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart… Therefore, shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee… Deuteronomy 28:27,48

In all we do for God, we must maintain a positive attitude…giving thanks always for all things…submitting yourselves one to another… (Ephesians 5:20, 21)

Do Your Work as Unto the Lord

By now, you can see the value of working for the Lord with a positive attitude. It’s also important to continually remind yourself of who you are working for.

Servants, be obedient…in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God


from the heart; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord…Ephesians 6:5-8

Many people arrive promptly at work, knowing that tardiness leads to losing promotions and eventually termination. They’ll bend over backwards to please their boss, but this is not always the case when they work for the Lord. This is like standing before God and telling Him that His work ranks second in comparison to your secular job. Remember, what we do for the church is as unto the Lord, and whatsoever our hand findeth to do, we should do it with all of our might ( Ecclesiastes 9:10). Surely we should work for the Lord with great excellence, motivation, and energy.

How to Properly Relate to Your Pastor

The Bible declares that a pastor is a gift from Christ Jesus, the head of the Church.

…He led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men…and He gave some…pastors. Ephesians 4:8,11

The first Bible way to relate to your pastor is to receive him as a gift. It is not enough that God gave him, you must receive him as your pastor!

And we beseech you, brethren, to know them, which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord…And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves. 1 Thessalonians 5:12,13

Your pastor is a gift that you are to esteem…very highly…for their work’s sake. It is for the sake of his supernatural call that you are to submit to and honor the gift. There is something very special about his calling. If you esteem him highly, then there will be no place for criticism, backbiting of gossip about your pastor’s decisions.

How do you know them which labour among you? After you receive your pastor as a gift, you should submit to and know him after the Spirit so that you’ll receive him supernaturally. If you merely submit to him naturally, then all you will ever gain is natural. You’ll find fault with him if you’re merely looking at his character and personality as opposed to his supernatural calling. If you are submitted to and know your pastor supernaturally, then you are seeing the office or “gift” of pastor and you’re looking at the God in him.

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you. II Thessalonians 3:1


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:18,19 Pray regularly for your pastor. It’s critical. If you as a believer have ever been tested, you can multiply those testings to understand the pressure that your pastor faces. He needs the believers to pray God’s word and pray in the spirit for him. Don’t pray your will or your assessment of what he should do. Instead, pray Ephesians 1:17-19, 3:14-0, and confess the Word of God over your pastor. Then pray in the spirit, which is the perfect will of God for your pastor. (See Romans 8:26,27)

Talents, energy, time, or money that you can give will help Victory Family Church and Pastor John and Michelle Nuzzo fulfill God’s vision for this ministry. Every good thing you have to share will help complete the tasks that God desires to be done. The role of the five ministry gifts follows the same priorities as that of Moses and the early apostles: to intercede, study, teach, and delegate the detailed work. There is no other way for pastors and others with ministry gifts to stand in the pulpit with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They must have time to pursue their first priority of study and prayer.

Ask not what your pastors will do for you, but ask what you can do for your pastors. In so doing, you will open the windows of heaven for yourself to receive. Galatians 6:7 says: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. So, let’s go forth and serve, remembering the works of the Lord Jesus, It is more blessed to give than to receive. ( Acts 20:35).


REVOLUTION YOUTH MINISTRY OVERVIEWThe Youth Ministry of Victory Family Church is a most exciting field of ministry. We can touch a generation, a community, or even the world by reaching our students. Young people have energy, they are spontaneous, they are genuine. They are looking for someone to love them, to teach them, and to inspire them. Most of all, they are looking for someone whom they can trust. We are committed to reaching the students of Victory Family Church with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Because our students have a need, we have a job to do.Because our students have a choice, we must be the better choice.Because our students have sensibilities, we must be considerate.

Because our students have an urgency, we must be quick.Because our students have high expectations, we must excel.

Because our students have influence, we have the hope of more students. Because of our students, we exist!

Steps to Becoming a Revolution Youth Ministries Worker

Fill out an application. (*Can be obtained from the church office or information booth in the foyer and Revolution Youth Center)

Call the church office at 724-453-6200 to set up an appointment with the Youth department.

Candidates must meet all qualifications for Revolution Youth Ministries volunteers. All applications, follow-up reports and records will be approved, and copies will be

kept on file in the Victory Family Church office. All workers, regardless of whom they are and how long they have attended Victory

Family Church, must fill out a Revolution Youth Ministry Worker’s Application and it must be reviewed and approved.

Qualifications of a Revolution Youth Ministry Volunteer

Be in agreement with the tenets of faith of Victory Family Church. Be a member of Victory Family Church.


Be able to make a minimum six-month commitment. Complete a Revolution Youth Ministries Worker’s Application. Be loyal to the pastors and leaders of Victory Family Church. Be faithful to your assigned position. Live a separated Christian life. Attend all volunteer meetings and workshops. Be faithful to regular youth and/or church services. Give at least three days notice if you know you will be absent. Be ready to receive students one hour before service start time. Be neat in your appearance.

Revolution Youth Ministry OpportunitiesThe Bible tells us that we are all part of Christ’s body. Just as our physical body has many parts, and each one has its own function, Jesus has given ministry gifts to the body of Christ. These unique gifts cause us to fit together for the work of the ministry. In the Youth Department of Victory Family Church, we have four regular weekly services where we minister to the needs of students, grades six to twelve. These ministry opportunities create many supervisory and help positions where adults can plug in and serve. The following is a list of the service opportunities available for volunteers in the Youth Department:

REVOLUTION VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES:Service CoordinatorAssist. Service CoordinatorSecurity Team CoordinatorOutreach CoordinatorFollow-Up Team CoordinatorGreeter CoordinatorPrayer Team CoordinatorStudent Leadership CoordinatorCreative Team CoordinatorMedia Team Coordinator


Purpose of position: Responsible for the flow of service.

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant


Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Media Team Coordinator and Assistant Service Coordinator

Responsible for: Facilitating Revolution Youth service

Continuing Responsibilities:

Before Service:

Be at Revolution one hour before service startsMake sure all scheduled workers have arrivedGet last minute workers if neededEnsure Media Coordinator has all necessary media for service (i.e. Scripture references, announcement slides, commercials, etc.)Communicate any necessary information from the Youth Pastor to the volunteersCommunicate any information pertaining to the service for which you are responsible forSupervise and coach volunteers throughout the eveningAnnounce start of service

During Service:

Ensure there are no interruptions in service flowEnsure that all speakers are aware of service flow and keep on scheduleEnsure that speaker has everything neededProblem solve any situations that arise in service flow

After Service:

Ensure all props or equipment is returned to its placeProblem solve any problems or potential problems in service with appropriate leaders

Outside of Services:

Communicate and evaluate with Youth Department Assistant Attend all Coordinator Team Meetings and TrainingBe a recruiter

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required: OrganizedWorks well with volunteersExcellent communication skills Able to deal well with confrontationTimely

Authority Limits: Under direct authority of the Youth Pastor / Youth Department Assistant



Purpose of position: Responsible for assisting Service Coordinator with the flow of service.

Reports to: Service Coordinator

Relates closely with: Service Coordinator

Responsible for: Assisting Service Coordinating in facilitating Revolution Youth service

Continuing Responsibilities:

Be at Revolution one hour before service startsLearn responsibilities of Service Coordinator Fill in if Service Coordinator is absent

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required: OrganizedWorks well with volunteersExcellent communication skills Able to deal well with confrontationTimely

Authority Limits: Under direct authority of Service Coordinator


Purpose of position: Responsible for the safety, secure atmosphere, and accountability of every student, focusing on internal and external security before, during and after service.

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Service Coordinator and Assistant Service Coordinator

Responsible for: Youth Center (Inside and Out) Security / Adult Security Team Recruitment and Development / Developing Teams and Schedules for all Youth Services / Student Usher Team

Continuing Responsibilities:

Before Service:

Be at Revolution one hour before service startsHave a team meeting with security workers and give them their assignments


Oversee all outside and youth center security personnelSupervise and coach security team throughout the evening Distribute radios and flashlights as needed Ensure all outside and inside areas are monitored Check students as they enter sanctuary to make sure they have checked in electronically Ensure the cleanliness of the youth center during the youth service

During Service:

Ensure there are minimal interruptions by students (Break up conversations, distracting students, etc.)Ensure a group of student leaders pass the offering buckets during offering Direct leaders to sit with students and not on the back rowLimit traffic leaving during service

After Service:Fill out and submit incident reports for any unique situationLog incidents in the security log bookEnsure all outside and inside areas are monitored

Outside of Services:Communicate and evaluate with Youth Department Assistant Attend all Coordinator Team Meetings and TrainingSchedule Security / Usher Volunteers one month in advance (Schedules due to Youth Department Assistant by the 15th of the preceding month)

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required: OrganizedWorks well with volunteersExcellent communication skills Able to deal well with confrontation

Authority Limits: Under direct authority of the Youth Pastor / Youth Department Assistant


Purpose of position: To create an outreach program enabling the youth to serve the community locally, nationally, and internationally

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Student Leadership Coordinator


Responsible for: Planning and Scheduling outreach projects for the youth / Recruit volunteers for outreach endeavors / Working with Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant in the planning process / Preferring scheduled outreaches / Organizing and setting up outreaches

Continuing Responsibilities:

Before Event:

Be at outreach event one hour before service startsHave a team meeting with workers and give them their assignments Brief students on the event and on the purpose of servingBrief students/leaders on the agenda for the event

During Event:

Have leaders break students into groups and be responsible for 4-5 students eachTake attendance and keep track of students Supervise and coach outreach team throughout the event

After Event:

Follow-up with the group we served thanking them for the opportunityEvaluate the event with your teamBrainstorm with your team to figure out how the event could be better next time

Outside of Events:

Develop an assistantCommunicate and evaluate with Youth Department AssistantPlan one outreach event a quarterDevelop event plan at least 3 months prior to the eventMake sure youth staff has all of the details to promote event Attend all Coordinator Team Meetings and TrainingFill out the proper forms for event planning from Victory Family ChurchCreate event checklists / formats for outreach teamSchedule Outreach team workers one-month in advance to the event (Schedules due to the Youth Department by the 15th of the preceding month)

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:

OrganizedExcellent written and communication skillsAbility to work well with volunteers

Time Requirements:Must attend at least one Revolution service a week


Must have team meetings on a monthly basis

Authority Limits: Reports to Youth Pastor and Youth Assistant and has direct oversight and authority over items listed above.


Purpose of position: To provide follow-up for Revolution students making them feel as special as possible through phone calls, cards, etc..

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant ,Greeter Coordinator

Responsible for: Developing a team for Monday,Wednesday, and Thursday follow-up calling / Developing follow-up for 1st time guests, salvations, birthdays, absentees, etc.

Continuing Responsibilities:

Before Service: Wednesday calling until 5 p.m. After Service:Make sure every first time visitor receives a phone call the day after service (Monday or Thursday)Make sure first time guests also receive a hand-written postcard from the Revolution StaffPrior to big events, schedule a calling session inviting students to the eventMake sure every student receives a hand-written postcard for his or her birthday

Outside of Services:Communicate and evaluate with Youth Department Assistant Attend all Coordinator Team Meetings and Training Develop a system for student leaders to be a part of the follow-up teamSchedule follow-up workers one-month in advance (Schedules due to the Youth Ministry Department by the 15th of the preceding month)

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:Organized Excellent written and oral communication skillsAbility to work well with volunteers


Time Requirements: Must be at all scheduled calling events to oversee volunteer teamMust attend at least one Revolution service a week

Authority Limits: Reports to Youth Pastor and Youth Assistant and has direct oversight and authority over items listed above.


Purpose of position: Recruit and oversee a team of adult and student leaders who make every person feel welcomed and valued.

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Service Coordinator, Assistant Service Coordinator

Responsible for: Developing an adult and student led greeting team / Scheduling of Greeter Team / Staffing all four services

Continuing Responsibilities:

Before Service:

Be at service one hour before start timeHave a team meeting with workers and give them their assignments Oversee all outside and youth center personnelSupervise and coach greeter team throughout the eveningEnsure all outside and inside areas are monitored (Including main church lobby)Staff check-in center with team members who are able to answer questions & provide excellent customer serviceTo ensure that all students and leaders that attend the service are checked in at the check-in station and all first time guests have registered.Have greeters at the door as students enter the auditoriumHave 1-2 leaders remain at the check-in station for ten minutes after service start timeGreeters should remain in positions until you release them to go to service

During Service: Ensure leaders / students are sitting with studentsEnsure there are no students sitting by themselves

Outside of Services:Communicate and evaluate with the Assistant Service Coordinator and Service Coordinator Attend all Coordinator Team Meetings and Training


Develop a system for student leaders to be a part of the follow-up teamSchedule Greeter team volunteer one month in advance (Schedules due to the Youth Department by the 15th of the preceding month)

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:

OrganizedExcellent Communication SkillsAbility to work well with volunteers

Authority Limits: Reports to Youth Pastor and Youth Assistant, has direct oversight and authority over items listed above.


Purpose of position: to provide support in the form of prayer for Revolution and the students who attend

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Service Coordinator, Assistant Service Coordinator, Student Leadership Coordinator

Responsible for: praying for all students who request prayer as well as leading pre-service prayer

Continuing Responsibilities:Maintain a monthly scheduleSchedule a prayer team of five or six students (the sexes should be split evenly) for services; this number will likely vary from service to serviceMaintain list of all active volunteers who are part of the prayer teamMeet with team before service and pray as a teamHold pre-service prayer 30 minutes before service starts (all members required to attend; open to all students)Come forward to be available for prayer during the appropriate time of the service (this will be communicated through the Service Coordinator or Assistant Service Coordinator)Create a required Prayer Team Training Program which students must undergo to be part of the teamEnsure any and all adults involved in the Prayer Team have completed the Healing Team Training before they are used in the serviceScheduling any prayer-centered events for the Youth Department

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:Deeply grounded in the Bible


Exemplary walk with God (above reproach)Team player/works well with othersPeople-oriented/friendlyCompleted Healing Team Training

Role preference: Coordinate all prayer team efforts for the Youth Departments

General Information: Duties and responsibilities may vary somewhat based on the needs of a particular service and are subject to change as needed

Authority limits: Reports directly to Youth Department Assistant. Works with Service Coordinator/Assistant Service Coordinator concerning when to come forward for prayer


Purpose of position: to organize, direct, and oversee Student Leadership activities as well as recruit student leaders to serve in the Youth Department

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Youth Department Administrative Assistant, Creative Team Coordinator, Prayer Team Coordinator, Media Team Coordinator, Greeter/Check-In Coordinator, Follow-Up Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Security Team Coordinator

Responsible for: recruiting and allocating student leaders to their desired ministries of service as well as working with coordinators to ensure all guidelines and requirements are being followed in all student ministries

Continuing Responsibilities:

Recruit leaders to serve in Revolution Student MinistriesCreate approval process for applicantsCreate a process for funneling applicants to their respective ministries of service if approvedMonthly check-ups on all “in-service” ministries (through coordinators) to ensure all procedures are being followed, no major issues/conflicts, etc.Ministries include: Creative Team, Media Team, Prayer Team, Greeters/Check-In, Worship Team, and Security TeamQuarterly check-ups on all other ministries (through coordinators) to ensure all procedures are being followed, no major issues/conflicts, etc.Ministries include: Follow-Up, Outreach, Security TeamMaintain list of all active volunteers in Revolution Student Ministries and their ministry/ministries of service


Organize any and all Student Leadership events (example: Student Leadership weekends / training)

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:OrganizedHighly-structuredDelegatorPeople-oriented

Role preference: Student Leadership Coordinator

General Information: Duties and responsibilities may change as needed

Authority limits: Oversight, but not control of the various ministries of the Youth Department. Directly reports to Youth Department Assistant.


Purpose of position: to produce skits, videos, and other forms of entertainment for the purposes of humor and/or spiritual edification

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Department Assistant, Youth Pastor, Service Coordinator, Media Team Coordinator, Student Leadership Coordinator

Responsible for: producing and directing in-house videos, skits, or any other presentation for use during Revolution services (whether original or borrowed)

Continuing Responsibilities:Create high-quality videos, skits, or any other means of performance entertainment for Revolution on a weekly basisDevelop teams to perform/produce creative elementsMaintain list of all active volunteers who are part of the creative teamMonthly meeting with Youth Department Assistant to discuss needed creative elements for following the monthMonthly meeting with team to organize and plan all creative activities for the monthSchedule practices, filming sessions, meetings, etc. as needed to complete the necessary creative elements for each monthComplete required creative elements one week ahead of time for approvalKeep all elements appropriate in nature; use good judgment

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:Creativity


Acting abilityTeam playerDirectorVideo editingCamera operationPrompt concerning deadlines

Role preference: Coordinate all creative endeavors of Revolution

General Information: Duties and responsibilities may vary somewhat based on the needs of a particular service and are subject to change as needed or requested; creative elements may range from humorous to serious in nature and may include: announcements, service openers, message aid, dramas, etc.

Authority limits: Communicates directly with Youth Department for approval of elements; may work in conjunction with Media Team Coordinator concerning technical needs; works with Service Coordinator/Assistant Service Coordinator concerning positioning of elements within the service


Purpose of position: to organize, direct, and conduct all technical needs including lighting, sound, MediaShout, video, and any other audio / visual needs

Reports to: Youth Department Assistant

Relates closely with: Youth Pastor, Youth Department Assistant, Service Coordinator, Assistant Service Coordinator, and Student Leadership Coordinator

Responsible for: the usage, setting up, shutting off, and organization of all lighting, MediaShout, sound, video, and any other audio / visual elements associated with a Revolution service

Continuing Responsibilities: Schedule volunteers for all media positions (audio, lighting, MediaShout, camera(s), video, and any other necessary audio/visual positions) for all Revolution servicesDevelop training process for all volunteersAttend all worship team practices for audio and lighting practiceTurn on all lighting (this includes the breakers for the intelligent lights, all lights located on the stage itself, the house lights, and the lighting board); turn off at the conclusion of the Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday 11a.m. servicesIf being used, turn on the hazer / fogger and maintain it on an appropriate setting for the room in which it is being used; turn off at the conclusion of service (clean if necessary)


Turn on all video switchers, monitors, and projectors; turn off at the conclusion of serviceTurn on all necessary computers / monitors (MediaShout) and the sound board; turn off at the conclusion of serviceMake sure all microphones needed by the worship team, MCs, and speaker(s) are given to them before sound check and mock service; make sure they are all turned off at the conclusion of serviceMake sure all microphones have adequate battery supply before service beginsEnsure all necessary slides including song lyrics, message notes, announcements, etc. are in the MediaShout script for the service; a new script titled with the date of the service should be created and saved before importing these items Sign out video camera(s) needed for live feed in the service and set up before mock serviceRecord the message given during the service onto CD or onto the computerBe present at sound check for worship team and adjust audio/monitors as necessary or upon request and prepare/simulate all lighting settings to be used for the worship setBe present at mock service and go through all video, lighting, MediaShout, and all other audio / visual cues for the serviceExecute in the service all video, lighting, MediaShout, and any other audio/visual cues as practiced during the mock service and sound checkMeet with Service Coordinator and Assistant Service Coordinator to evaluate the media team’s service performance following its conclusionClean the sound booth by putting everything into its proper place in an organized fashion before leavingClean / organize all lighting cords on the stage in a presentable fashionReturn all borrowed or “signed-out” equipment, including hazers/foggers, lights, cameras, etc., at the conclusion of service

Primary strengths, gifts, and talents required:Audio/mixingPerformance lightingComputer / MediaShoutCamera operation/directionOrganizedProblem-solverTeam player; works well with others

Role preference: Coordinate all media endeavors of Revolution

General Information: Duties and responsibilities may vary somewhat based on the needs of a particular service and are subject to change as needed

Authority limits: Under the supervision of the Service Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator in service. Reports directly to Youth Department Assistant.


WHAT TO DO IN SERVICE The Youth Pastor will have the full authority of the service. He/she will make the plan

of service and delegate tasks to other leaders in the service. Other Assistants are to watch and flow with the Youth Pastor. The Assistant’s job is to

see that things flow smoothly, so the Word can be ministered effectively. Wear appropriate clothing for interacting with the youth. Volunteers should help to encourage the youth to participate in all activities. The

students are in service to worship and receive the Word, salvation and prayer. Always speak positively about and to the youth. Let them see God’s love in action. If you should have to evacuate the building in the event of an emergency, please leave

through the nearest exit. Make sure that students stay in a single file line and do not run. Take the students 100 feet from the building. Never re-enter the building without permission.

Treat your work with the students as a ministry. Pray and seek the Lord for love and patience. Your ministry role is very important to the success of Victory Family Church.

All workers need to have their assignments prepared before the youth begin to arrive 30 minutes prior to service. Loving the students and meeting their needs are the reasons why we are involved in Youth Ministry. That is why we ask you to help accomplish the following goals.

Always make the youth feel welcome and important. Be friendly. Talk to them before and after service. It is not the time to visit with other

volunteers. Be sure to communicate needs or potential problems to the Youth Pastor. Many

times students will reveal to you problems at home, needs and prayer requests. Be sure to pass this information on to the Youth Pastor’s assistant who is responsible to report it to the Revolution Youth Ministries Pastor.

Always keep a controlled environment in the classroom, including before and after class.

No running in Revolution Youth Facility at anytime. No fighting or rough play. Be an example of a worshipper during the service. Always participate with the students. Get involved with what is going on in the

service. Keep an eye out for potential problems. Pray for the service. Your sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit can make a

difference in the service. Don’t hesitate to pray for not only the Youth Pastor, but also for the other

volunteers and students. All workers are required to attend at least one adult service every other week.


KEYS TO GOOD COMMUNICATIONS Stop, look and listen. Choose your words carefully and speak them clearly. Be involved with the students. Show Respect for the students. Use your manners so that the students will use theirs. Watch your tone of voice.

WORDS THAT EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO HEARI love you!I like you very much!I’m glad to see you!I am glad that you are my friend!You are so smart!You are a great listener!Good Job!

YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULESSchedules are mailed out monthly, approximately one week before the new month starts. If you know you are going to miss regularly schedules services, please contact the Revolution Youth Ministries Assistant or Pastor by the 15th of the month and you will not be scheduled for that service. Schedules are also posted in the youth facility for the current month. If you lose your schedule, contact the Revolution Youth Ministries office and another one will be sent to you.


You are important to the students at Victory Family Church and you are missed when you cannot be there. After the schedules have been printed, you are required to find a replacement for your scheduled service. If you work two to three times a month, please make an effort to switch with someone to the opposite weeks. After you have made arrangements for your absence, please call the supervising coordinator or the Service Coordinator and let him/her know who is taking your place. If an emergency arises, please call the Youth Ministry Offices.

YOUTH MINISTRY NEWSLETTERThe Revolution Youth Ministry Newsletter is a Monthly publication for the parents of the Revolution Youth Ministry Department. This newsletter will update you on all training and fellowship opportunities available, as well as information, policies, and procedures


to assist in maintaining this ministry. It is mailed to each family to keep them informed of news and events happening within all the ministries of Victory Family Church.

DISCIPLINE POLICYAll students in Revolution Youth Ministry are required to act respectfully to the staff, volunteers and facility. If a student is not acting respectfully they will be escorted to main service, where security will then walk them to their parents and they will be required to stay there until the service concludes. Should this become a regular occurrence, a meeting will be scheduled with the youth pastor, student and parents regarding further discipline.


All students attending Revolution Youth Ministry are prohibited from showing any personal display of affection with a member of the opposite sex or same sex. If a student is showing PDA, they will first get a warning and if the action persists they will be escorted to the main service with their parents. Should this become a regular occurrence, a meeting will be scheduled with the youth pastor, students involved and parents regarding further discipline.


After students arrive, they are required to stay in the Revolution Youth Facilities until all services are completed. Students cannot wander the property of Victory Family Church at anytime. If there is an event that arises with a student in which security is needed please notify Security or the Youth Department.

DRESS CODERevolution Youth Ministry volunteers should wear appropriate, comfortable dress in the services. Dress should be modest and in good taste. Shoes must be worn at all times. Workers should be clean and neat in appearance. Good hygiene is a must! Remember, you are a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ and Victory Family Church. You may be the first impression a visitor has of this ministry.

HEALTH STANDARDSTo maintain a healthy, safe environment for our students, we cannot receive a student who is visibly sick. God wants us healthy, yet He expects us to operate within the parameters of common knowledge and wisdom.


No student is to be accepted into Youth Service if he or she displays any symptoms of the following:

Diarrhea and/or vomitingAny communicable disease (often manifested by a rash)Mumps (communicable as long as swelling persists)Impetigo (runny cluster of blisters that are transferred by scratching or touching other parts of the body and other people)Pink eyeLice

We pray that all of our students remain in good health at all times. However, if a student comes and is obviously ill or has any of the above symptoms, please suggest that the parent keep the student with them and have Pastor pray for him/her.


Our desire at Victory Family Church is to create and maintain a safe and secure atmosphere for our Students. Below is a list of guidelines that all leaders and workers should follow if there is a reason to believe that a student attending Victory Family Church has been physically or sexually abused.

It is your responsibility to report any suspicions to the Pastors. Do not attempt to handle these situations alone or discuss the suspicions with anyone else. If a student offers information, listen to what they are saying, but do not examine them or further question them. Write down what the student said to you immediately so details will not be forgotten. Do not investigate by questioning the student. This is the responsibility of a professional. A parent or guardian should not be approached, questioned, accused, or intimidated by a worker, leader, or other staff members concerning this matter. Do not flirt in any way with a student. Do not touch them in an inappropriate manner that could be misinterpreted. Students may report it as a sexual encounter. All volunteers should avoid ever being alone with a student, including the restrooms. If you have reason to suspect another volunteer of unusual behavior with a student, report it immediately to the Pastor. Do not discuss the matter with anyone else.


Contact InformationVictory Family ChurchPhone:(724) 453-6200 Fax:(724) 453-6220WebSite:http://lifeatvictory.comAddress:21150 Route 19Cranberry Twp., PA 16066

RevolutionPhone:(724) 453-6200 Ext.204Fax:(724) 453-6220WebSite:iamrevolution.tvAddress:21150 Route 19Cranberry Twp., PA 16066

Pastor Nathan and LaurieOffice Phone:(724) 453-6200 Ext.254Office Fax:(724) 453-6220Cell Phones:Pastor Nathan (502) 386-5755Laurie (502)


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