rewriting the playbook: updating traffic engineering and...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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Rewriting the Playbook: Updating Traffic Engineering and Planning Manuals to Reflect Livability Principles

Reid EwingDepartment of City and Metropolitan

PlanningUniversity of Utah

Probably Not the Right SpeakerSeveral widely-used traffic engineering

reference manuals (several ITE manuals, Highway Capacity Manual, Highway Safety Manual, etc.) have recently been updated to reflect current best practices in livable communities. This presentation would provide an overview of these updates, how they were initiated and accomplished, and what research is needed for standard practice manuals that still require major updates.

ITE’s Major Thoroughfares

AASHTO’s Guide for Achieving Flexibility

Three “Bibles” of Transportation

• AASHTO’s Green Book

• TRB’s Highway Capacity Manual

• ITE’s Trip Generation Report

Faster Isn’t Necessarily Better

Faster Isn’t Necessarily Better

Faster Isn’t Necessarily Better

Faster Isn’t Necessarily Better

AASHTO Green Book

Wider, Straighter, Longer, Faster

“every effort should be made to use as high a design speed as practical to attain a desired degree of safety”

One Cross-Section Presently

Different Approaches to Context Sensitivity

Flexible Design (“Smart” Use of Green Book)



Maryland’s Approach

Reconstruct within Existing Footprint

VAOT’s Approach















Lane Width vs. Speed

Rural vs. Urban Sections

North Carolina’s TND Streets

New Urbanist Cross Section

Missouri’s Complete Street Cross Section

TRB’s Highway Capacity Manual

Research Projects• NCHRP Project 03-60, "Capacity and Quality of Service of

Interchange Ramp Terminals“• NCHRP Project 03-64, "Highway Capacity Manual Applications

Guide“• NCHRP Project 03-65, "Applying Roundabouts in the United

States“• NCHRP Project 03-70, "Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for

Urban Streets“• NCHRP Project 03-75, "Analysis of Freeway Weaving Sections”• NCHRP Project 03-79, "Measuring and Predicting the

Performance of Automobile Traffic on Urban Streets”• NCHRP Project 03-82, "Default Values for Capacity and Quality

of Service Analyses“• NCHRP Project 03-85, "Guidance for the Use of Alternative Traffic

Analysis Tools in Highway Capacity Analyses".

Old Speed Paradigm -> Roadway LOS

Wide Lanes

Make Room for Traffic Calming

Operationalizing Livability

New Paradigms

Florida’s Multimodal LOS

What Really Matters

Best Performance Measures

(Portland, Oregon 2035 Targets)

Safety Crash rates (-50%)

Congestion Hours of delay (-10%)

Climate change CO2 emissions (-40% )

Active Travel Trips (+300%)

VMT Per person (-10%)

Affordability Cost per household (-25%)

Access Destinations (+50%)

17.419.3 18.5







1990 1995 2007 2030 2050

Daily VMT per person (to meet climate goals)

ITE’s Trip Generation Report

More Land Uses

• 12 new land use classifications are included, for a total of 162 land uses. Several land uses were expanded significantly with the addition of new data. These include: High- Cube Warehouse (152); Free-Standing Discount Superstore (813); Home Improvement Superstore (862); Discount Home Furnishing Superstore (869); and Drive-in Bank (912).

Still Suburban Single-Use Categories

• “Data were primarily collected at suburban localities with little or no transit service, nearby pedestrian amenities, or travel demand management (TDM) programs.”

Still Trip Generation, Not Traffic Generation

• At specific sites, the user may want to modify the trip generation rates presented in this document to reflect the presence of public transportation service, ridesharing or other TDM measures, enhanced pedestrian and bicycle trip-making opportunities, or other special characteristics of the site or surrounding area.”

ITE’s Trip Generation Handbook

Two Efforts to Reward Smart Growth• NCHRP Project 8-51, Enhancing Internal Trip

Capture Estimation for Mixed Use Developments.

• Adding four sites to the three that currently form the basis for internal capture calculations in ITE’s Trip Generation Handbook, the project has developed an estimation procedure that includes a proximity adjustment to account for project size and layout.

Our Effort

• EPA’s Mixed-use Development and Vehicle Trips: Improving the Standard Estimation Methodology

• The purpose of this study is to create new methodology for more accurately predicting the traffic impacts of MXDs. Uses household travel records for 36,000 trips to/from/within 239 MXDs in six regions

Internal Capture

Home-Based Work Home-Based Other Non-Home Based

Coeff t P coeff t p Coeff t p

Constant -2.17 -2.84 -5.78

EMP – – – – – – 0.208 3.28 0.002

AREA – – – 0.486 3.61 0.001 0.468 4.58 <0.001

JOBPOP 0.389 2.62 0.010 0.399 4.55 <0.001 – – –

INTDEN – – – 0.385 1.92 0.055 0.638 4.95 <0.001

HHSIZE -1.33 -6.03 <0.001 -0.867 -13.0 <0.001 -0.237 -4.54 <0.001

VEHCAP -0.990 -4.15 <0.001 -0.590 -8.19 <0.001 -0.163 -3.00 0.003

External WalkingHome-Based Work Home-Based Other Non-Home Based

Coeff t p Coeff t p Coeff t p

Constant -6.46 -11.23 -15.34

AREA -0.415 -4.27 <0.001

ACTDEN 0.370 2.74 0.007 0.377 3.12 0.003

JOBPOP 0.226 2.46 0.015 0.219 3.83 <0.001

INTDEN 0.803 5.05 <0.001

EMPMILE 0.385 3.12 0.002 0.450 5.05 <0.001 0.440 5.09 <0.001

HHSIZE -1.57 -6.29 <0.001 -0.486 -5.05 <0.001 -0.281 -2.59 0.010

VEHCAP -1.84 -7.00 <0.001 -0.768 -7.62 <0.001 -0.242 -2.13 0.033

pseudo R2 0 19 0 51 0 64

External Transit Use

Home-Based Work Home-Based Other Non-Home Based

Coeff t p Coeff t p Coeff t p

Constant -11.88 -7.07 -5.32

ACTDEN 0.324 2.89 0.005

INTDEN 1.12 4.55 <0.001

EMP30T 0.238 3.38 0.001 0.136 3.33 0.001

HHSIZE -1.14 -6.30 <0.001 -0.958 -8.48 <0.001

VEHCAP -1.67 -8.56 <0.001 -1.09 -8.91 <0.001 -0.340 -3.73 <0.001

BUSSTOP 0.336 1.99 0.046 0.467 4.04 <0.001

pseudo-R2 0.48 NA NA

External Auto Trip LengthHome-Based Work Home-Based Other Non-Home Based

Coeff t p Coeff t p Coeff t p

Constant 6.40 4.65 9.28

AREA 1.07 2.92 0.004

JOBPOP -0.298 -1.88 0.061 -0.356 -2.38 0.018 -0.282 -2.05 0.041

INTDEN -0.832 -2.06 0.041

EMP20A -0.697 -4.79 <0.001 -0.823 -5.69 <0.001

EMP30A -1.19 -6.05 <0.001

HHSIZE 2.76 8.08 <0.001 0.772 5.06 <0.001 0.520 2.58 0.010

VEHCAP 2.76 7.26 <0.001 1.48 9.22 <0.001 1.06 5.12 <0.001

d R2 0 11 0 03 0 05

Am I being too negative?

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