richard dyer's star theory

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Richard dyer theory application


Richard dyers star theory

By Sophie Morris

Ariana Grande

Richard Dyers Star TheoryAriana Grande is represented as glamorous through the costume she is wearing and the make-up she is denoted wearing. For example, in many of her videos e.g. ‘The Way’ ‘Break Free’ and ‘Problem’ she isn’t seen once in the video without makeup or in a costume that makes her look like she isn’t glamorous. This makes Ariana voyeuristic for the audience in her music videos because of how she is represented in her videos. This links into Laura Mulvey’s male Gaze theory as she is represented in a voyeuristic way. Also, the technical codes used in this video connote that she is glamorous as well because the camera lingers on Ariana when she is in shot which connotes that she is desired by the camera and the majority of the audience watching the video.

Ariana Grande is also represented as talented as her body language connotes that she is confident I what she dies and that the end product is the best that it could possibly be. Also, in many of her songs e.g. ‘baby, I’ and ‘the way’ shows off Ariana’s vocal range through the use of the audio. The technical codes used regularly in her music video, connote her as being very talented as they show her in many low angle shots which connote that she is powerful and therefore meaning that her voice is powerful.

IntergalacticAriana’s ‘break free’ video constructs her to be intergalactic as she is denoted to be in another world from the iconography constructed in the music video. From the background there is an instant connection that she isnt on earth. This instantaneously makes the audience wonder where she actually is and where the video is set. This links into Barthes’ enigma theory as the audience would want to find the answer to their questions throughout the music video. Also, from the clothes and makeup she is wearing this also connotes that she is represented as intergalactic because on her face she has makeup that makes her look extra-ordinary.

Seductive. Ariana is represented as seductive in all her videos from the iconography as well as the technical codes denoted throughout all her videos. Ariana is always seen in her video’s wearing revealing clothes, this therefore creates a voyeuristic relationship between her and the male demographic. This also links in with the male gaze theory by Laura Mulvey as she is objectified. Also the camera, denotes a lot of close ups of Ariana and many of tem include a direct mode of address, which entices the male demographic and also could create a diversion in Blumler and Katz uses and gratifications theory. This all conforms to the hegemonic view of how women are represented in music videos

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