richmond dispatch.(richmond, va) 1884-08-09. · josephson, a kindly obi soul, sun tina* ......

Post on 22-Jan-2019






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_tt_tark*-N FaraUrl ta Brat I Mi. to Trtiwraaa Bertleal Btorr .rik* _*?.aa4*serr**-)af BesMk A rots**, Aa«e lat*), aa* PMII* BarA *>nn; Branch special to tbe Phlladet*

Rta Ttmet -*yi: Tbe bttlr village ofranporl. about two miles to thr north of

laOBg Branch. I* tbr sernr of ta txiraordl-B*rr realititlon of Tennyson's poem ofJCaoeh Arden. Tta *uTTo»»dlnir* are Inthorough tanno*y with tta story. Thewillare b rom|ios*ed of a few scatteredbouse*, lilli*) clap-uotrdeil structure*,rsttnted t sobrr brown »nd surrounded fortta most part by whip- paling*. lilies uponthe sandi, and th* surf dashes up >u thethings* »t Us door*. Although within a fewn.lrutos' ride of gay and worldly LongBranch, the villaim retain a aimplielty otmariner that ls rhsiiiilng. Thi* may bc ac¬

counted for by Ihe tact that thc onU vial-a tort from the outside world that they see

ar* those who go there from ititi place torat frc; li!y-c:ir_ ht 8th tnd clime. Even thettangrfUl life history, r. retied ont} up.>.> adrat libed, ha* nttltiiled its primitive atmos-

fberr bal Utile, tnd lo iniuiv ot the simpleotk thr ton.ucof go-alp hus not yet coo¬li yeti Ox stf.iy. The history bat to twcattai)d ty Idt*. Tta work wa* not ane*a*y one, since those who knrw it bestUiarilicrted a (il*r*-*itlon to talk the least.Bot ben I* thc *tory:

BaafT-arna bath da mit «_*.A rr*H.) gul lived near Mina-ipian Ihlrty

years ago. Bat Sanaa was Matilda Dulci¬mer Squire*. Those vho knew lu r thoaray thal ter eyetwerc«onderfiilly soft andI'ac. Int t.gute Mas trim and gractfii!, midbrr lu own long and lustrous. Beside*these j:;fis of beau"*, the had thc ii'ialltie*rii.iii.lfe f'.r a good housewife. S:io waitlc daughter (f a fisherman.*! thrifty,staid, and practical old dad. Two vonni;n»n paid ber (curt.Hiram Olive, whosetatlur bsd reeertly died and left hlma farmti ar the ottait.t old villa** or Brnaebbnrn,and San.uri lb.rion, vi!,... like Maiilda'sfather, wa* a tolltrof Hie .e.a. Hird luckInd conn- to Pbs Isa, sad he hid little tooffer hi* love tay*-- his henri and hand.Old man rijulrt"-*, with hi* tye always tothe main chance, w«* an advocate of lbsmit of Olive, anrieuitlv hinted lo Hartonthr.i be need not bop* te tn coin, ibe hus¬band of tb* jr* Hy Matilda. The prettyMatilda and BartOB, however, had notion'et their own on thal subject. Harton hut)BtleadT i'u laied till love, and Matilda tadtold hit.i tl at th* iva* ¦.fond" ol him.

lltr "rather"- "Pp" Brita t lit iti'Tca-id tb*Ir.fiH'ity f lu r att'irhment. They nut by.tetllb. nnd in Hu- end ware ni in i> d i:i

.reret. The truth nulli :,ot h< hidden Bbttl), au.I wi., ti. in the cure of lime, oldKi.uiic* di*co).ired it he v,rs furious, iletris tinnily thc man to forgive und hies*.As bis child hsd chosen, he sa<d, bc il untotar. Ile sn.! her BWay fm*B iii- bon e.and ile clari il that, ii. -bc had disobeyedbil)-, she 'rad (1SS| i-c.'l I.iin, and BBB* li"more think of him BS fatht r.

Bt-faaa. atJ_BBr_ nit ok.Thc ill luck thal utttndod Samuel Harton

I* a Inver lolloived hill) rt* a husbuud. No-thing ii" m. d I" prosper with bim. Threechildren raine. 1 hey, like their mo! Ik r,wer«bright and i ratty. Hut lb ywere not goldor .liver, lt was r.nlural tbat Matiltla. nu¬

lli r lluse circi'ii.tniice*. should souieliuieslevert lo lb* old days and thin); with rt-prct of what taVe bees. Hiram Olivev .¦ .MB in fortune's f ivor. Itu: lia neverlb rbi of a*.rrbge any mora, aod there wasno girl it IfanasquaB who could Irutbfullyy.i\ ll st his attentions to ber tur-iint anymore thea polite form. After MatildaSijuirrs'* tnarrbg* he lost mu'h of the gsybuoyancy that bsd rtaracicrlzcd bim be¬fore'. His ri i. ti.,n* with Matibli and Sam¬uel Itiricn, Ju wivcr, itlll remained |. reialrd of him t on one occas ion,whin Mit lida's elde*t child was ti_en sud-riilly vi liiilly ill, hr rude tis mil,-.throut'b t snow-storm to bring t ph) Brita.All this, low ever, did not alter thc factHint Matilda was dl-content. d. She ventedber feeling upon lit-r buibntid, n pro-"hedbim for I avltig, cs she put lt, w thicvd herInto **B**_ta*j his and chidedMm wah Ins poverty, Her husband onedsy iiifirinid aer that ta hsd got t chance,through n friend, ta go ns BBB* ea a retie]bound frrm Vern York to Clunti, mid haduna pud the efler.

iitr. ii'.sBAM)'* i<_rARTtr_:.

Tbe voyage, be said, would tike ah ni' r.

yinr. He raeetvtd tau his pay In advanceand gave it to her for thc rapport of li'-rselfa::d He little ott**. Ile sold his fl-hlng-I oat anil mvte hi r that inoni y. lon. Whenthey partid.he lo goon bis long lourney,aba lo patiently vail bis return in the lilliefiler's cottage.she fell In bis arm*, weep-Ing ss If sta nevir B*oal*f**8 him Btaln.Mj l_ae_ '..i up snd coldly sud: "Itl afb! thai you had got (!>.' or wm, Kg.tildy. I've I louttit you aa ,' noBOOtt | lit Beyta thi* ivl.'l b* a k'hansrc inmy fortune." Ten months arter that Ma¬too* received fotelhgenoe that tbereaee]nn v-li1''' her husband bsd sii'el ivtis

ivra.-*T"lh souiVin lea*. Tb* -vaattamill mr* Dint ly RDd s'.;e heard uot a

weird from the teena. Ju-t t, n viars afteract h-BMB- Ind siiibd av.iv lin marika .

otaln. The groom was Hiram Olive. Ma-jtilda'* lather lived long enough to witnesstl.e and total, ti.'- daughter bachlabel lu:ut. JItram olive -old bis farmand bought one near Ucaaniiorl and tooklils bride and Hie children ol blt old rivalwUh Mm and lived there.

TUE WAtDBBBBB** KKTIBB.Three wceki BBB) a wcrither-bcitcn old

man, in shabby eloihee,appeared In Ocean-port. Ill* elui'ks above ala gray, gnarledttnxd acre nab saa-ta. ll- aud thatLe bad mme down from New York. Ilegot a kilgin* in Ita boone ..| the widowJosephson, a Kindly obi soul, sun tina*eli. d in pleataatry " QnadflBothct "te*."The second morning after bli domicile tacould not rise from his bed."I.hall arter *v4 upsanrn,'" be said to

anxlou* firtindrnoiiier Joe] ..I'vegat b ¦-.¦¦

si.rn; tion had. 1 bar* -ranged bb] stllure to die; but don't fear, vv len I run

gone you nil! find BBoaey enough lB*beflan-!.nd nu Dui*! io pu' you ter all yourtrouble. I I1U117 on to tint, thoughthi:.g t lie let! me. Asl comedown herc 1heard the name of a eertlan woman. Itnos Matilda Dulcimer Olive, She wasom ethe wife of a BBh4B***BB vi ho lived OBtbe coast Bent tam, Hann d Sam Har!,m.f»he WU Hie dauchti 1 of oid limn Squires.Lo iou know lier f"


.. Will, iro tell tier to come here to setme. Tell tarataniitt coaie; only once.Tut will lr all. (io rlyht now."

wfffb* sir your".*t»be will know."The widow, full of M.rpn * and (url»*i-

tv. hurrier* away, having thc sick man Incharge sf her ¦.tea-halt***' maid oj :.H aortt,

% tSiitir. Wheo she mut iud, Matilda waswith lur. The two women entTCd thcliek-rooui logctber. The stringer wail>ing with In* ibiala* *>-es Ixod "msin theOfvorkvay. Matilda*! tye* met his. ForanInsUrit she stood st*rln< h»rd at him, ai iftait In doutt; then she started back andcried ah-ud.

i '.Yrs." said the sUanirer: "vi**. If*I Rna Larlon; noi dead, but dying "

ricten ar at ska.t, bc ixpUincd how he hid Leen

ricked up. after his ship hid gone down,ys vessel thal carried bim to Australis;

how be 'oilid and sutTer*i to make a for¬tune t!ier-e,8i>il how after ta had put ¦ lit-tl( Jogo'ber ilHuck tlwavs came and sweptlt away, until ta srinetlmes believed thatbe wa**ed. Itcmeml criag how bl*I v.rty hid goaded Mstilda tater* induikdt Lcr eniel ind Babappy, he r,fsolvednot to uriteto her. bal let h,r Hilnk bimdud. In tbe luttrretiing li-tr* be badtran lied round and round the world andts,-fred nothing hut eeougfa t" bur Lu_a acetBn cud -rave, arni VA* uioucv be Ixiundin a tait round hi* wiltt, and dcU rmltiedto »Urvr rather tuan touch lt. ll. 1, ar 1Ly cbtae*. only a few yeirt ago, of M ,-

tilda'e tecond marriage Diiease arlccdhim, and whet* the shadow of death en¬veloped bim be felt au Irresistible impulseto tee bis wife o*e* more, to dcelar* hi*ideotlly aod a»**rt bil rights for one t1,otii)B-motent.


Heaaked Ihatswhen be was dead hi* chil¬dren might ta brought to look upon histere, snd ssid tbat If they bad forgottenhim 10 ont should tell Htem wbo h* wss.Ibm if they itauld recall bis face no 00sshould deny Hit truth. He died. Ile ts**turi*- cu Tttur*dav of tatt week. liltchildren acre brought to look ujion hisWtiom face, as ta Iud asked. They weregrown up. tnd tbe eldo*!, tito nimed .Sim*ui-1, divined thc truth la an la*tanl. In¬deed, ta bore to mirvetloot a resemblanceto bl* father thal ci en a itraagtr couldant lbs! a 'lose rtbtioasblp must tartcxbstcd between tht m. LtUl* by Hub tbe1 lMorv bat come out, ind when tbe widow.Jcascpbton. wbo bad trfrn enjoined to con-Uitloral seirecy by Mi ti da. «aw tbat ttaaf-'ry would surely beeotm- known, sta be¬gan to tell B round In whisper* to startleneighbors. Matilda told Hiram Olive alltta truth, and, U li *afd, *b*t to satisfy theireoBKlrncra they will ta r**iu*rric,1. Olive«.* found test Blgbl at bit home. Un wittibiae_n*_ to tait, but by d.«ri*es loppedat txaffsntfoj** (hat Bad tacxitae «_-

grottrd ea tba tiny, ted %norra«>d tbeWstorr bera givea.

'imam -


attona* LtSs aaO Death sf rn CMawetteatPat Baal's Bar.

A Newtown. Conn., special says: One ofIbe stnwrest ot the msny strange charac¬ters which this " lend ol Measly tiBttlte "has alvin to the world was a neldrrif of.his delfahlful little town. In Fairfieldcounty. Hts name wat Kberman W. ristt.sail hi- wa* known throualiout tee Htate as.. The X*wlown hleeper." He wa* a «(itn-nimbulist of somnambulists, and the peru-Uar form which his took made himsn object of general curiosity, as well as

one ol siieclal fntereit. to tbe medical ex-rerts ot the eountv. Vonny I'latt livedvt Ith hi* fstber, a well-to-do farmer, In thclittle hamlet of Dodalntown, In the soutb-vicati i ii ppti ot tht* town. He was nevera r-arllcitlarlv brlliant child, hut he wa* byno means a'dullard, avcratine- In intelli¬gence about wltb Ihe ordinary New Eng-land fanner's boy.Ihe strange somnolent slates which

biought to him so unenvisliio notnrlctvwere tlrst noticeable soon after he passedInto hla " liens." and they continued near¬

ly up to ibe time of bis sudden end as yetunexplained death. When thedliease.forlt ii feudally considered i>'i> .iil-.n*that bc was the victim of some strange rindhitherto i.nknown Intermittent¬tacked I'latt he'd ko to lied sud lsr* at onceu raatH d tn the sounds*-t of iluniben. VA-I, ita tn thorough!) arouse bim by * skin/,di ni. ts- it im |.;,i|i* of sold waf'-r, lbs Bp.(1 ir'it,,-n of eleclricily, and treatment of asimilar nature vv. re always unavailing.He would rina n in lil* tninsellke condl-HeS taaaaibSOS for only a few days, butoftener Hie sleep would lengthen out Intowetkp. and some! I nus even Into months,bis "best ncord'' In any ono of thesemores according to a jrcnerslly n* ce*it."l ppport tun, bein*,'within s few (Lavs of lireitu nibs. During lids lon? pi rind lie teemedto bavc lost all power of int.Mcstu.-il cl,,rt,and winn bc recovered from such anattack Hie period of hil sleep wasall a blank to bini. Instinctively, lt seemedto (how* who witched him, he would ri*-.,fi om Ina couch at Irregular Interval* andpartake of tba food or drink that wss con¬

stant iy reatta bis room to supply his want*.Winn hunger and thirst were abate*! htwould i.t once nturn to ins bed and con-

Hi tu hat slumbers. When he arose at «ychIiiiiiB be would speak tn noone, would rm-

siver no tjBeBtM n«, pay r.o attention to anyInterfi-r. rid-, and waa saetAtastf absaloaiof the fact that** any one was near him. A¦iSftBlai fart in connection with thc case

w:« ti :i! Bt <'.i'l ii"f ttaSS ta lo«e citherhean t. or i-tniigth during Ibeee Bvoloniredslinilu r>. w hidi it was ii'iturrilly < \i>. ,¦'.-Ivv-'ii!d wi ar out his vit.sli'v. Physicianswho wire eailcd in, from Bridgeport firet.Ibm from New Haven, aad finally from\. vv Yolk, iou ld lita BO I \ plana! ion a.* tatba easaa of tba strange dfaaate, nor coullIbe] tBfseal aa] remedy that traatottBrdeatto elect n cure, though mutiy tried theirskill.

Al (-ut it vein nco, Parti having befraa t-ifii."lit<'ii his lian nts i,y taking *!n>r: wilksout of door* while in letnnamba littleitete, hi* faJber applied lo the ProbateCunt (.1 thia district, and Platt waa sent totr- ii-yii'iii f..r thc lanae -it Mtddtetewa,Application and cotnmitmenf war.- on thetin irv thal bli peculiar malady was momform of Insanity. Ile remained in thal in¬stitution, w beru lhere were n few I,ut thortreearreaert ol Mi somnolency, until thc.flth. ol Isa! irontli, abes BOSjosdltelssrfadnnd ri'turiKd to his boase here. Iles soi drases drprctaed in pints, ami his mladstemed to araadeT at ttatta. Ob tb. Moa*day follow inp his nturn be wanderedawayfrom bis lather'- bout, and BO traro of himcould be bad until the iBCeeedlBf Stttir-diiy. (tn that day blt body ww found bjout* of a party of searchers In Paiulford'*IkciI. Tl wit* iM-rfcctlv nude, and thissd.:, d to the ni*.rt.ry of hts death. Thetheory was advanced that he bad baasdrowned while hrthlSf, and viii. was verygenerally aeeepted at tirst a* the solution tothc tray ta ablet, ba sm t his death, a* thereWert no murks of viol, nco on his petaoa.hearth wa* made all alette tba banks of thepond for his clothintr. but it could not befound, aa it was ar*.md it certainly wouldhave brea lind lie ba. n balbina in the i* paattSlo that thc clothes had beenfound and appropriated bf tramps, whosom. timi I fri quent the shores of thc pond.It ta Ibs-rOBSt Bott that be committed aui-i iib . I (..'(.miiii" despondent because of theincurable ¦ with which be wassflllrlrd. This thenry is borne out hy thefact that some of the people livimr "'AT theload T. liieinbi-r hiving seen n man -ictingBoaoawbal itraauirely near there on tba dayadd Inti ui*..|.t i ;n.t; i..


Hit r.ttR-.nrknMf ITIcllicrt* and Ttiearlr* of a

"leiik'-lKin "Devil i/rUmier."Il lillvli l|,li'.vl'r,si,|

WoBf Chao FaB| a Carhsata aoctir, ar-riviti ir. Pbltadelafrta fro*-^ chicago Mst- r-daf. willi tbs l-iU-a*".,,., 0-' niakinjt,,i- rltjbl*, ui'Bic ai" lai-ittteting after his own pe--SJssV .uahioii to fabe ailments of his coot).tiviiiiii. Ile was so Bach disappointed lotiiid tbe Colaeae populatloa Masiall aad Itthealth eo nod that In- chanced his miud.ard aili this tooraloo-go to New ^ orkv

Viiij.'(boo Fun I* father a dbattrStlve.peela ia ol lae Mongolian r*<t, t.'inrr batBaa feet iu height ami iittlK-r delicatelyroopOsttlooed. His head rn srell ihaaed,aad bia animated couateaaaw lS(Utastoa i

degree ol Intelligence ratbw aWave that oftba ivtrafs Chtnaotaa. Tin doctor, or.. ii, vii deetroyer," a» be Lt bSowu ia tbeFlowery Uasjdtym, ipeaha very excellentKBritkB, aad ."!)«. med, when tpiestinned,ta explain a f, a "l i,i-, msny odd methodilor coin'iii-riii;-. dtaaaae. " (very stekneas,"be aald, "ti eaated by a Itoag T*too a¦disease ('ivir-si.d it la tbe work of thedoctor lo lind out where tba devil isind di ive him out. What yea eal!fi v. r.hut skin, dfajUpa, hi::!i pulse-.lltbe work f a little imp with eurht tn .'.th*,i k h itu uti. hat im.' a bot. eoorealnaj breath.l l.t. iinii salt- Into iLl j otlent'i stomach djflying down bl.* thro..*, stu! is usutllv In tbaair aa u damp day like thia. Thi* littledarli is aa taree a* ti grain of snnd, butWi in he p ta Into Hie human lietrriwila be nbout s* jaree a- t beaa. Be blowtii * bat brealhi latoeaery vein "f thc ale*tiin. and eaatoa ..itu ajreat dkstreai tadtl:ii-t ly drinking .'iii the water i*i hit

I sch. The way to cure the patient islo] itaaatba bari altk i powder icrapedhem tbe Inside ot a tree whicii froa Intbs I'lovinet* of Poo Chow."Tbs doctor i xbibited some of the iww-

.',' r. winch ii.,\cd to be assat quinine orcinehonlilii,

"Sinsiiis' or titi-." continued the Montro*lisn aiselpleof JEacabrptas, "eome Ironthe'eirtb devi!,' u creature that lives aad. rthc -.'lound ami sends a .bock late tba TtO>I'm ibSotJfh bi* laat Yon will rJnl tintmarly hi) pu*.rn* abes Ur»t taken with fitsfall Balle walkin!", but after awhile, whentba dev.I cd* Hu Tictim weakened, sun e.oii.ii.uiii iiti-d fruin the earth,HiioUKb tbe belate and into thc lied. It isv, ry hard to cure tin m. I cured i tns.ii in(anton who bsd been *ut,Jrct to (iii f,,r f"i-i< ca yeera, by rubi.inif the soles ol hi* feetwith fal stt,wi 1 nu! «i afroii's heart. , ipi¬li rn l« a very valuable help In such ca«etwhen taken Internally, because it inakctIbu patient's fret itch and preventstbe anils from paiuimr an intrmi;-.-.A vny sniall DISfBBMtSl of Chinvmr. die of cciiiumptlon. beesBM threelii;na.rvd yttn scu lt was ditcovoredb> TMnffLoo. a ivarned doctor, tbst peoplebi came ifflieted with tbe disease by brratb-lop through tbe mouth instead ot the nose.'1 h( re nre millions aud milions of imps fir¬ing in tbe bir al) tbe time.more iu coldwi-stber than in waim.and ta your eyesth.y appear like specks of dust. Tbev can¬ia! M tbroiigli the nose liecau«e the h.iincstch theta Mid they die, but they ko Intothe mouth, where lhere are no hairs, andCad t mt inp place in the lungs, Ina thc lunts ire elis; oul and e."UH'l.*<lup. The ot ly cure is to lay the patient onbl* back and heat bim over tUc-che-t with aswill li until tbe Imps arc frightened aad dyout Into the air stain. Then the fOttleotls starved for thiriy-ii.v. hour*, and has hismonth sealed up. Vert often he dies, butthat ls bi t-au.*a all the Imps were not drivenoul."Wong Cboo Fan talked carnestlv, and

evidently Ulievr.l that Ins t-ieo.-y sndtreatment were correct beyond any ques¬tion. Hf ctr, ried to look upon thc methodiof Logllsh and Amerlcun phvsi'lani withdisdain. He exhibited statistics to showthst the rote of mortality in Pekin. HongKong, and Canton was 3 per cent, lessthan In English cities of Hie same popula¬tion. Dr. Wong Thoo Fan oOsredtotrvhis skill on tbe Preta reporter, who wssn,ll. 11Uar with a cold, but the otter wat de-diced with tbsiiks.

.tOBBBjta!>).>{fiirta ft ont-nf tht*toughest of dii-

r»e* tu wrestle with. Many people have(ried such a variety of alleged remedies forit, without tureen, that they will hardlyt elli ve ci.:i be completed. Buttbe record ol Brown't Iron Kitten showsthousands of cures of this disease. Rev.Jtir-e* Mi-Cart v, of Fort {stevenson, Dakota,«h>f, ''BriWi Iron Bitten cured me ofsevere dyspepsia."


Omeria* RaaMc* ef Blt** aa* rnttsrersIke Berra Man ria Dlaastads.

fTbe Pirti Gttfoii.]Just now. when tbe crown of diimom

of France are .Mitered, lt may be Inlerrsin* to know what psrts they have playetn Ita toilet of (jin, ns and emprrs»r*. Vihave, thm-forr, questioned Barra**! lad!.who formerly moved In court circle*, an

the Jewellers espeelallv attached to tlcourt, and the following li the resultthese Inquiries. According to lae** cnn

petcnt authorities, the isle will lie not on1a crme, but also a mistake, for BarBditf ne* hair ac(|irirrd a great value I.y theconnection with their fellow-gem!. Herls an « xampic of thia :The mtin historical stone* kno»n as th

"Minrin" diamonds, which Dre arnontbe first -toni* rut Into brilliant*, widewere bought In Italy by Mazarin an

formed part of thc ornaments of LouXV.'s crown, may be estimated t

worth, the whole sever, about I.'."').'*franc*. Our refined ruhr., have ,1c. ideto keen one " Mazarin " a* a sample rmi ttell thc others. Which one will thekeep J* Will lt bethe pink .. Mtztiin " e

tb****** putt that ear'.ng at lt stevlllfor a little wini) gives yon a sort of vert

i go* We do not knnw. What i* c, mintint the reserved .. Matarin " n ill b of n

historical value without it- brothers, am

tayside*, the six hitler will BM B*tl W*without lt.These consideration* are the mme fo

each lot lat* which the rtones may bc divi(.'(d. I'.ut l(t is passto Hie n ites and n

collection* of ihe court ladles, i^a"Bmie Antoinette wore th" crown (Iiin.or.d* only in big ta-sel-knots or In Tow¬

art roniifl or t-'iusre. which .lr formed Int,rvrklias nr bi'iio !¦ !> or wort aronui

tm wai«t. Thc wonderful lns-«l-krio!which stir f.-.ncied *lie u-i tl Be*-*t_BBa* ti :nu,ir I'* for brr corsa'.-c. BoatBBnaea i

fringe Hp*. Mir bid splendid sign't'*w bleh she wore in her hair, nnd magnifier- n

clcsps. More diainond jin* lo pin BP h*train and n large number of db-Bend !>"':(,ucts, wbi'-li Here sewn to her rob-,; on

rb*** latler ornaments, as abo th* mi:: ii iiicent eir-rinirs nbc always wore, were taown property, and a pottte* of them passed to the Darb ** d'AagO-bai ; lbs otheporlioti whs distributed as soaveall il dIi ellon and gratitude.The QtMCU did BOt Uh* 8h BbBBBOf

(li-idriii, .-.ini fnr|iuntly contiTited nortelw if li a coron, t.(hat is lo tay, the littterotrn which wrvrratgas spear "t. th* bariof tin ir bends. Kn.pris- Josephine refernd flated itotitSi 8ba aanatted tbsdi:,ri,,.n(ts dnikiiH-d ber coTipl' \inn. Aninny of the rcrcinoniet under thc Emptritt,olv pl*** in tba dav time, abe nor* m i-t!;sapphires aad rul.ii's. *'.ie used to sa]thal rnbirs were thc rouge l«f brastttesN'-vcrth' bss. tbs bead-drasi wbteh Bmpri te ,t, -i phitie oftener wot* vv i- r itt* atlal pearls OB her forehead, a ht-id-dri.-¦a Bte* Princess Borghese, Napoleon'! Inbuit.'iil ii ti r, -do -.kore, topnss MiniLenin', wbo had not the same tatton a

her u8*eVc***or, since ab* sr*s whitethinnedand a blonde la coin;.'., sion, co ir

eteously wore aaaoy dbBxmdi arv! sipI hires.

I Le intirjiiiil.T rd diadimof sapphire*Jusnow en exhihiiioii, and which eaaialaist..nts lncrirrtiMr.-i',;,' in *|ze and tl tl .¦

worn by Ktapress Marie Louise, andu*coronet wblcb complete* tta bead dress hofcxixt-slts workmanship. Empress Eugfide war, without txmt_ndlctlon,tta sotertlgi wbo moat fri qiiently urdtbecrowiJctrtto. a_e had completed thatstring of pearb nbich eontains uniqttipram. Tin* fourfold string f<rmt**l a migriicint trimming f r coraagi aad -'cir:.The Lu ros, wbo ter a long Bm* did aolwai i ornamenta nhl :h hithe forehead, bad thal pratt* Busslan dla-ibm made, whack i. eoatparatlvclv low,and wilebope*forans a channing net kbee,sf;e h.:d ;n arl anddbmond comba. lae olthat* combs coat-las aptak dbuoaadwhich, i! is said, has r. U it* io,Til.Mn- ifterwardsworc la hi r bair ti an nd

stirs and ercaees, and tinnily, viewing willifavor ornaments reared on thc forehead,she jut on the dlr*_**_*. to wbleh Bbnow look a definite liking. Bbs roos!freojaeatlj wore tba on.- of dtansondi andtarquo.irs, wlncti is on exhibition 'in¬

di r a ..baa care; often, il*a, a d'ldim of emt raid* ami brilliant-, watch, be¬ing I" r vv n private [iron, riv Iris bby her. ac |!*o thc *tii.i_- .".f penrb albdptgeon-cigpi, on mc rant of tb ir Be andwtr"eh wa* in uglit hy tia- lei* Mme rhParra.Bo in i nee, j. weis of Franc, since yot

are no wager aprrracbtcdl TouwUI boilind more uBuly. Irrara, pious, and charltn ll.VeniftBI liian Ui"M- whom v

tichum d.


Hie .kerri..* Ht- Dr. v. ant) tit- t'nlr.! BB

Matti Prurn I IL* Mai .

ipottbi 'i " .i.|.T. r. IB-art, tbe arti**, wh h

the 18th ter a trip to Mount .-.dam-, rc*

turn*-ycitrrv-a] rrcuUtj I* BTeiydlbpl.(irTid eOndltion. Bia Injuries W*t- TV-mired tn atramprteg to tilde down MountAdam*, r, bbb* err. nv, in Bopping,Mr. j*tn:,Tt w»s Bcoompanied ob tn- tri]bv Kr. II. P. Bnksdorf sud Mr. millaa8uksdt rf, botanist, am! tb ir trip, b nugIta unfottuiuii, accident, was one ..: thcroost pbatanl Imaginable. They roadtia i it -i halt at \\ bil Milieu., whena beautiful rtew ot Mount Hood ls tahe lind, Stuart employing himself Insketching and his mini unions la bantingand tubing, Tbej theo proceeded to Troutlake v. in re tht y ipent eight days. i'n--yttanweutonto Mount Adams, visit) I theIcc-cavct, ead Btmul ni. lc ik i

Mm'ii (lin nf. i.t wlt-lllver Gb*cier, and St Helen-' and Mount Hintertn,hi the baa* af Adm:-. Mu*. Suk*_orlcollected a number of plants, -'ii- twhich an ie fi. At6o'clock last MondayBtoral-tTthe] started b» aseend tbe noun*tain, arriving al tbe summit Bl a toa. Ttaysplit tWO lour-, lb.T'f. at* luUCBCOB, a".'!look a nop on the rcsski ia the warm ina.The summit of the imuinnun eontllti olfour bi n. lu-, om; ri-iru.' in all iboulore bnadred acres, and Stuart Rays lt i-the boldi it am ,i * thp..-.ks of ii-. *tj( rthwe* When ttay rotready to draertid, tta Messrs.started first aad slid down tomi¦lowly and cautiously, ai Hie descent wai:t .n eagle ot ilzty degrace. Stuart fol!. v-.t i', Fquatttngdownand gathering *!''. sdvs ii- went pasl i-.i* fn nd* like atliootinj!-ii. .* o greut w*< bi. rpeed that he wa*not able to ch,rn,c bit eaurae, an I. afteiproc, e linir a few hundred ):i7,' . foundhmiseif headla* ter a ledge ol rocks ri*i;i^through tbe snow, He roeetossteadlniposition snd endrarorad lo stop bb head-Bray ly tiigciug ins hath, but withoutava:1. He came np tnluBtth*nek*. 1I:<impi tn- wa. io great that he weatpranetn*t,\ cr Ibu r.-ick*. kc. ping Im fc-t for abouttwa til v-liv c ytrds, vv bru he mbsed hil teot-ing ind turiiel ;i eoapB af soiucrsatiHs,but, ir.stfad if bwdtng likes cit" i- tum¬bi r on one loe and kbslng bis hand to fbist.I.i'-,.. he baded all i:i a heap. II"!friend! picked hun up, with hi* rii-i-L wrietdislocated, a long cut on In* forehead, IpOtttefl of the Cuticle ot his BOM rem iv, 1.kims BkBused, and braised from head tfoot. They assisted him to thc loot nf thcmountain, wiierc they pn:ch*d him up a-

bist they could, and started rn xi _KMUlB|for Mr. r-uksilorrs place, at ('illus Pra¬rie, lhere a wagon was obtain",!. BadMuart, who was nil *!.!.. blor otf his horse, or lit BB et lidown, wa* placed "ii a ptM nf bay suicarted to Whi'.e Salmon where the pinylook tin- boat and arrived Ber* la*t evening.Dr, taylor spent an hour or two it * rorycoiigcnlsl manner la_B| ap Mr. S:uirt,who, with bis ann lu a | lag, i biii.lagirotind bis head, and t few yardi ol ptatteiidhi-ritif to vi'.nous part* of bb peraoo,preseats a very rocky appatrauec, .. bal I*nthcr r**p*at* i* doftac qnUe well." u«Bill b* all riirht in I few divs, and willpafM « panoraina of h:, anwnfall.


Btw Aral* arr Pauiihrd by Tnrliisb ratha.In I ... :.

il. Hilaire Gav, a Gem van gentleman,hr.* published a brochure, Ib which he rc

lain bb aipeflsaiiB of .torture in Egypt:" Th* sicond tittil' .ttat I prescnti il my-i llit lb* rr.*ftcture," he writes, " 1 w»s **%pelled to wini's., BBB**. :is,nlii*t my will,lb* MabtBBBsat cf the taatntado Imlicicdun Uirec uuforlunste Arah*, ando-) *or*T*lrataacjueat oee**l*_a 1 had lo undergo isimilar ordeal. I bni'itc to describy tbeeeborroit, wbieb lo us 1*111 lllBaili r. ali lbdkrkcit days of nii-'iayal Hm.-t; b_t HiMltig my duty as a faithful chroniclerto set forth the most striking facts tintcome under my observation, 1 BUM a«kmy reader* to overcome Hair rtsMg-n»nce aod accoiu|i_u> me to Hieplace of torture. Mts Excellency, OsmanBey, fi scated BB the div ui of a large roomof cold and sinlstet aspect, the floor cov¬ered with large slabs and lighted by hi.'iiwindows looking on tba street, lie weirsthe stramboulinc, or official cos'imi.-. aMack frock co*t with a straigut collar,abbe waistcoat, bbek trouser*, aud far-W'uche. Hi* bec, of a light olive tint, is.domed with a *cinty black beard anda bbker*: thc nose t* strong, thc Upi are:blck, the t yrs dark and deep. Thoughrstbir Hoot, be it well formed aaa above

a\a\JB1\Ji'1A\S uiu*. i**vj.t.

middle height. When Otana* B?y *mll*ihis counteniinrr. Iiecomet pkasln/ indamiible. bm nl,i*n thc «mlle li absent hUregard ls cold snd stern. Meir him, turtona lillie lable covered with |*reon baize,sin bli a,, n tn ry.

rna ntsFacr.Asl walk up the room a clock stiifer-i

the hour ol 2. The Prefeei ol-lara me his hand, snd st hts Invitit.m I

I false a seat by bli side. Then a Bjegr .. <l tdIn a long white roln* and wearliu" on bis

I head an ennnnoui yellow turban, brinesme a little cup of cfTee and a bundle ofcigarettes. A* I band lie<*k my cup to thisimposing servitor thiee Ard.*, BK u-ted bytn.i guards, stp I'd Isrfore tho I're-ft et. Tbota unfortunates teem ta lietosgto the pooreat of ttie people; ||, ,rfeet sre bare, their clothing ls w,,rnand ragged, their hands tremble I in-Villein ly, their eyes are h:u','anl, md

I their fsc(* twitch in apprehension as

they listen in motirnffil silence to thewords addressed to them Bf IBC tTefset,

) Hut thev answer his question* with f v-r-I l*h vivacity, nnd after the -xebange ,,f u

few words'two (sf tSS prl* mers are leafrom Ihe room. Then live men enter.These are the torturers, and tiotbin,' m >r.-fell or hatja^afaf than their l.Kik*. BBB lieImagined. Four of them tafat tba Aral,,w ho is still sf.'iiuiin'; the Prefeet*Mid tbs Boar wretch, a* he ls east on theground, throws nt him a glance alenjn otwith agony snd fear, th* -wrest m m'si. iii'cnance remains Hued anl IstpaoalvS,and be makes no ilgn of BBB kt,

th a vime.

Ihe vict.t.i Brat tata pJtjeed ..n oas .'thc rials, with bl* chest re-ling r,itoae. ba whets, poefttaa be wa« held bytwo of tbe exeeottooee*, smoothen aaslruisid his legs uhtil bb feat we.. in a lei-zotital |>os|tion-a positi-m la whieh theywere r. taincd by meat.* of a cori fastenedtn either (lld of ,1 s'irk. Rich mm ;,. I,|thc -iii' wltb BBS ll nd, Sbttt 'T1C1 fl,other he kept f i«l hold o( one of t!i An.i'¬ll-.'-. In Hie -.'rip of theta f .-tr

powerful and rs pi ri BttS lt viss ba*laossililc l«r him to ni ive i id al-ti'.'t in.j., sail.le f,r I.un i, v*ri''n. (lgtbi-the fi ft ri torturer, who bad taken DOI art in the preliminary tXiaeedltlga,

forward, botdlag m his baad a sort of bubct naisi.n»: of five straadt ot twi-i-.i arrrt >rbide. The face of thin ib.ii wj* Biae*alari*Jliilrous ind ri'ptil-ive the veil nv andtaway skin, thc low forehead, the rooadv.*, ili.ll and fixed, the thi li. !,i.i I

trows, tbeaabeefded ebba tatreaiing fromrouse, thiel, ups. t;,e created aad furrow edchecks, Imparted to the eoeati n ince ot ti,.-chief ea eutlnoer sn air of f-r 11* andbestial stupidity.

Till! I-OBBBBTUB.Tie tonnentor rtdaed bbl in ai .and

itroek with the regularity ol i pendulumtbe tiptiirti,-i I' et of blt b. Iplesi v

At tue fourth <tri!; the Ara', utterc iof pain, and at ever] fresh stroke tbe er*.ros ri pelted, l'.ircrcara, the flagellated fle-di vlslbSv thud*dered, and il..- ioh t wen Ith r, Isnd livid streaks, sittin:r iHeniry na nycushion, ehtwins* ntecbanl ally the to-baeco of my ixttBgnHlicd cigarette, icould not help iblvertng with ', - -

:.t H:e light of 10 Dill a -itr.rin.'. Ifall a-* tllw. r,- ando] Un Inti 'nreot * imterrible nightmare. Osman Bey, his srerc*irv. ii,< fjvi ti. uti. nen, atth their stern

and sinister featores, looking unmoved ona,, erne! a sight, teemed for i.lentrather the rrt .ti.,ns ol i <',\ .rd 'red Imagi*nattoB tbaa bctnga of flesh ind Mool: linttbe beary thad "f r,seri ant of thc v I.-ail realltj which I ¦. ¦

ii -. 'I ra the puQishrni ni c ... I, andlin Ai il-. vi Uh ghastly faa.shaken will, a fererlsh trembling, bad 11ii .-line himself teepee fn be ma-.

by vv I... order M fa td bc. n so ¦r

nh i. ii' Ipi I bi a ffOard. f blimalfltedand iii e.hug lett flu* l t-j iup*port bim, bi I !- ,l. -till motningv.-ith agonr, fros, the loriTat two other Aral.* were afterward pun*libed .n like min-,!!'r. I: was n 'iv pi*t .;

¦.. <- d bu Bi ll racy, put:log on bi*Oiuol pleasaBl annie. -pye BM Iii- ..ri*;-.

rvice of the p tirilated aba aad burri. .1 awaj from

the t Ieee wh. re I had teen th..i ol a arbarous |m Lspm

Wlm-hter by .Swarm os* rtun.\ bert bate, agi d ehrr. n * ara, wt*

criving ri niowii-.e-nis. hine on '

farm near Fanniaftoa, Penn, ib 1 as>dey. Dorie*, tbe absence of ti* fad irfrora tbe Held ihe bortea wa ike thia _v ci low-;.,eli d'* in xt. Tlieatlnringnfthe

nee to madness, an '. th jnm away. Tba bees ab ttaag tba boybadly, bal be clung lo tbe Un Min- atbal if be loaped from th* raachifle hewonld mere than Ilk. ly fall In fr .nt ol fim.iv * an ! be eal to pl.-. (lek -pt bis

I, md Bianaged lo gulda tbe bind "lound tba Held In the uncutTherms wildly aroundthem iI-tt, i

¦-, yeral tim. *. and tl) ti tbe b »y lost a'1 ,-.->.-,-trol ..f them. They deseed, toward iclump .f u.' * ii' -. .' the fi sid.i tit; ti"..i. Lilli* uric I afr. and the hoy si.

thrown to ile ground, and be only ntr-

r.iw Ij i -i ipi il the kalv. . Tbeover b!a hodv al tbe hips, Sfotblng

w known of the accident until the branboy dragged bin if Into tb hon te, a

., :iv*:,y. He I- I'i liv huinot fatall] burt, and terribly iwollenthe Stings Of til :> .. ec h ,r-,-a l.eej::,..

.1 in the tiand were stopped. Thea were badly pois¬on* il by Lu- bees, ind ten Ibly

li.'.*n* and Tlier-*.\ Fr. neb physician bas Ilse, vcred

ir *" The tn ul

nounccd ivi H-. ,. -. o -.

int rollie aveisl 11of bed i.) lb. nc.ruing.The new divorc law In Fram i. *

v :.- annoum ed lo oa ie i-'..ii the -'¦ on I arti-le,

the makins ol any report ol thli rs, i penah] nol sci beingImposed.Af ttl :: '. ;'. N. '.. I p. ir-'n e ll Still

bearing trait that vras brought In*a r!pol from England in 1897 bj i

I Harrison and plantt I in hit* gard ti.father a is pnl ,1 ath

a- on f ihe rt giddi i during tb,,' ( arlen ll.

'. be bite Slr I, n p< '. wh dd .1 :.(Ventnor two weeki ago, bad reached bit

i. [1 ala to thtgreat Slr Robert Peel, ol whombewrot, v

Much of hi* ll .--..., .;;u India,when he liecame Cblef *fattlee of til SuI icu,I .'. ai:.

A bakery on I IToik, andcr tbe management ot tho C>m-missl.a of snd Dorre -tibakes ill tbe bn ad itted by the diInstitution! ol Bern Tort ritr. Pour th 11-aiiu.l srreii ,,f flour are used every tiswc, ia 'I*,,, -:. prop latlon tot il cir 'next

|lM,f>00,An-niling to California law a Baan i. ..

vagraat, bo niatter what bli Income, ,r baconsorts with criminals and si* mia biltime iu Idles, ta, alfred Mlguer ta, wh n

ia tHO :,ninthly, wai lately .- im*mitted as a vasrraat for a bearing at a hlgkereoart, ami t&OO ball, wblcb ti vv.t. wuilosjto put np, vt:- refuaed.

T"K! I' VEB8U8 1 AI..-I: I.. ONOMY.

**n is M'T wmrTH mflLi TO PLkSlI ill I vin !: DOE <>F A BABB fl OOB" I- v

PB. v : RS 1 I-, fO (Ul Bl .." BSO-I.ami WAI BB, v\.i wm. it EXrSiis it..mi iv rasas l (.i.ssi'ii. liti'iit.

sci sThsb Arri .iso in ramosob a Dir*i riiFNT NATtr.i: it ia jt >t a*. Arr to SSMU V1TI.lilli A.- SOT. lOSII \.T <>\ Tills irem lars ix hiyim, sitna-s, rtinv

>-uv. i... 11 ;it! -;i:,;r ta iiitMir.v

Bl IHS PSI '. ah I¦>'<¦ l'AMiln** IBTSSTB.-.liKUl I. li;: IU1 L0W1 M-riiit !;n *iti:tTV\-l\M;« A- H Kl I. kl Tllil Illi.llK'sT-Ay.vl.M. BSASOstiBO. As ITEBaOIXSHOWUPI IT AMI MOOS WITH gq\ IXtBBaUMn( ..-'IS as Ml li T'i MkKM rt* nu: WBUTSBlkX a I iiif BSST, ami rail BS. BS>sai.ii.t imi'I.iks ,v !¦'.rn rt is th:, in

iii.i";t MiiiiT at ?..>iiKvr:vi poorrinII kl Ul li* M'.'lr il!*i!..U' BIZ,01 ur.

A P-AIUA-I'TIIM. BHUtl T? Vi'i'ir. VS-< (lai'UltTAIil.ETHAV Anil Of -IMU.AH(HAitAiTFU; MKMCafi SSH IBUKBsTAMOSOF A liOOll X* IT i'i lS-fllK 1 Vt AMMirV(ii mimi, as is thu os\fl >.r rut. karnlieut:. IlAVlKii BJUfSBBXO TO TIlfK

FCdMlMY, ll 1« I KM't Ia* Viii TO. ADI!AsyTHiN.; liKvoMi TSTSawtUaSalSSOf(.(Xii* WI *R AMI 0000 riT. ASll THATHAM!! I \ it V- \ ITAlVKIllV MT 'INK !k> .iit.n.iiai-k .sim: is. thliii-; is no-IIIINO 'TUN TO SXCBXi THKSl IS |SBBB|rAKTICLXAKS.

a. -vhs ,t ort*¦IBI n-itNisiiiN'as,1019 Mai*. stirnT,

Ol. | Kl-in prvfi-ofBie.lau 7j

X_ klkjlt

DTRAMITCy TON MAILS.Aa laretnal Marbi., vn.~. . ,,.,.. ,.

.ba Yrrk.I**'* Vurk Wert*

. T^fv«T.,,r,,^',v':',,' *" " "" "! "¦ Mintarrastreet F/-*.' when it *,. i,,irnP(, trmt ,

HE i. in T'v '", -"''"-viv s-pcl.** ___£ '',n ,,.T"¦"",," i"'"»'-'< ««-r___\_^SrhW "'U r'CeiW** '"" '"" "'them thtough the mill_*£___ r."'"''"* "* ¦'na».oblonc pvc'i-tfe, almiit tv - f-,. ord marv cirvi-

____¦"!_- u'*kl»lwao/tlg5ut:,:*,'f,l,r.rrJ /':' M "'»"r-carri.-r«oJtofa Csrrafa. .f N , ,,, V|1.)(.rrv %fr^

._2_f! mrZn "'¦'-'. " bad barama.lcd in WillBrntbiu*,. f -,rrifil ;in , .,,r****"*¦"¦"* ."q"0*- biwtnet*. atoan-b Pal-[.idint.,,i ..,.,. nttarareeL rn-dernraib tbe wnppi-r was a w.toibn bree,pasted over With f ...,.,. r,,, Pr(.dently to make lt look attractive, and at thcend ne*-s p.-.-. r,| wood Witb B SOUllta*Mknot, lu the Braire _-,<.., ,..,..,,,,:,handle ot i drawer. r. cover wm Bab I*, cur. ly. Cnrrafi caught h I of tbe braalknob .-.nd sra* i.t pull U eat wbaa bapirti cr said

'.Doti'i i>nU. Tt star cootah***** rhi _wiiic.. and you may break it."Then Hie .- rot thc I, \ tts* prFortunately the ho* «-,, resting on tbt

(¦otitiier, ft**, otb riv .. i-, (bril rtinalth-men!' , bay* drop.ped lt on th.- Boor, ind in all rsrotxtbttlly itwould have BeeomplUhed it* dead!] o>j. ct. Lfiaa ¦-'. to the ad ol th* ta* onwhich vv- Ihi kBOb wai | -tn, lat -I I r-r*lvar, fatly e<Kki*d.toitatrtg**erof whichwasaBaehcilacord that nm ted with tbeIrneb wttbouL 8s*atter*dabout tta tnuukof Hie rei..;-., r an! *bout ball a,.f gani awd r and a anmh rr di iltu idnail*, while faelag than isl sad at [tesl lewera three targe rartridgc* of bltstlng dy¬namite, i a-li ave In bet lon* and twa Inchesin dfaaarttr, ami c mtalniag ^

tb* les*i thoek to be exploded. Th nhid evldi nily I. Bane wll ealwas Btroogty fastened together, rta i>-rntrer v ..- ti -,;., rusty, ttlv*cpo';, with :¦ rt af its tandieartrragci vrere I* Mow* pap r, rei

BB '- If thi'Tbad liena kef* annul lor aome time, addUne * part'y-o'".lit. rif.'d loratgntorrita :¦ i the b ,\ lo tlAn invt.ti ratio- v, *« ordered, an I Imp .--

tm* W. A. I'.iovkti It-irii'-.l that -. ! Lilian had desiri .\ t,, bal tba p tit****rte;.', rt I al v. UH unil uv -. u hI'-ld (tal thi clo* 1. II

ft, taking the | tea ie a ith hi n,Monday M wat brought baok ht hoi * 11paid rt bile It cl * Brownwat tin re yest, rday ba found s min * bombc thou ullty party, bot oabrinkin.' Ii Itu Kef,,re th* ri. thbiter ;¦!¦ ntjfv him. 'i'i, lerkbsd r ''¦-- j 'V-.k. ;i the I ,,

¦.' rj -

:. t strang! that letterlld on in h ickage,

ind ii is ¦ a ni.' !¦ thal the thing did n 't'. ibi ii ai '1 tb ri Thc cl flss ,.f the

face lld n t ra mb r tta app * ¦(ihe person leaving thc package. .Mr.Hr...' tl :« Itill working upon tbe ease.A* Insrsrrtor Brown tooti up one of tta

caitrl rt - lld " lt I. a ur-it',ii thipg. wi i, Moi-e ik n ¦,:¦

w up thts 'v ¦.

flee building. Tta slightest pull onthe Vuoti Would !, I Ute re-v'.iv- r. and thc ibo) s would b

Carrsfi b r-ctor thatif tlll. xplodi wb Q be rn eivi j: n vt ,i

bivi c. ,r ttabillilli!. he liv-,1 .ri | withItalia] , Ile did nol

-.i Wiliianuburg, iiof did( trrafa wai oul o tb city j

slaving ro nil lr. i. Be

bas ii.' I ri Moll...iv -.r,!*. b.r ,.v*r s

J ar. lt I DJ iii- Btlgb.Hilt...I.¦,-

tat* WoMthaOW lleptirl.-;.

WisnixtTTOB, D. ( .. Augusl 8.11 I;/. Fi r '!.. Belair AtbnUe Ma--.

wi Btbi r. nutt*)) r!> v. in B,slight temperature, b


fair weather, I by I calrate on S rth it, rarbbbvinni la-

i'.r. aa! "a rasr-BPtr wmekmt ead.

TUBBBt BBTBB YBFTBBBAT; '! A. M. 7'':0 Aa M.. 7*' ii" B. 83; 8 P. I'... 81; d i'¬la'.. BO; midoii:,', -si.Brm Urmpi latura, T9f.

D Ysri:r i ...

lu v -. ,,,'t -tann lo el It'll I'i M

Hdrirtl urn.

l ilk -l-r.l--

.¦ ii relied upon fnUi Hu


', ii >- -II.!,-u.

v : i-::.i.-

Li alt tilI'l -1 '¦


.- iv >. liri, lln'lr li ll a«e


kVI ''

rio**' '-.ii-.

-i Iii tri

ali ic..' i' ll li-

ll.a hi v i..In ly com

nc,i v l-lrioter. Atlanta. I -.

¦- ir v lc , :'. ...

I. 1.1.v!'i.'-ciMi'!. ttvr, tira¬

pi 1*1 v. V! 1 RAD) IA br lil. 1**1 twenty.o',' I'll.I. . I'.-

/. '.n l-."-/. T.

\\ i l.'r- lil.!.-, prepared DB. J.U. A( ... -i ii MHold by all aa-ri aa*

snn BKVT.


l,')!!.' It!.M. THAT LABT.E \M>*«*iAV i\ I IiAl.1.1 -int AT,Ti DWKLT.ISGK-

r .-«,, n-ii au* lin.¦ B -

dow e-*l asa Brat-class Imardlaa-liei - -.

, lt. bs* la", nf on .'a-r, nf * ,n«r. If i)»-.¦.,,1 ... J...,. -.

N'o. Cl', .--.., tlajtll '.ir!-*ir iBThSl_rjH)B i:i:nt. FOB ulm.

TWTOBAC*. (V'ACTlini ir: i ,'...a.. e. i.r*,,,mc. unlit reernl .> ne I'

I.) air. ,;,.ia*i c. it-i.-iri..-. Apply il Uir'', h. i. j- Ijp. .-/, Vi >i r» barp. Va. I* I

-i'd: itl.M.M.'A -TOBKHoU*ie,f_B)JT 86-8* lori. I :.--r .ut, Biolil vi. ti, liol convBiiitiu.'-.iuai-1 atBtaaaklB. srrentaea nil

i.i, inrifvrmyr_-_t_.two«__UmfoattWB_*)-v rv. .

1 r f_ I'a r ii,f-iru.ati a a.',!ri-»-»J. T. M CK 'I*leland Poet-,

ta .'i*v» ,.i.

l'.i" lili.M. AN KV Kl.l.l N'tVr-r i *:A:t!.i*i(MKM rmi <nvin.-i_1! IM \< Al an* . lo lt nev,, in a>ir ic-vvw, rks, i-rn,r ot I atv ar"l Stxtii itrtrt* liv t.lej >| ne :its». oirr (H.I) \\ nttK*. ir, tb*,,i .,',, *..-.u-Hank, will la-*Bi- fer reu».Tin b'i. i- BO t>> fi,' Btu..-d nctami I

rnn.t willi two tv.rlc. alsivc, ail hlarh-pllch-1.It,s pn IH.T4T baa larc- a it.-r - .iii ,,-f. .ii- ati'l afie. CvJ»UO,*f Jil itel viJiii.e ) f ¦ l-iil, .-,v vi .-. te,

'I'liiu.'savtrvi.t aa an Bdei Tb-- t- «i,l -.ri ifesretl liti».l i.i Anoly at

valkvilm'.'s sa>:~n k :: wokkk..arW. lu icu- "f sta'. !:.

WOOS AltO 4 O&l..

I I.I | 'Al. TO BILL K-Hlvu .1 lu-tat Brtera DoBstaayajAOf-i

kUtlu-at tl fbf *r.H!it when v,.,i can sivei . min* n, mr. Il-si Codlb.r* «i>lint,

.1 lt tofl nip < 'Ul. *3.T.^, CirCall at l'jcj I-ry tirect, an.l rt! ptrf-cl

,u, u. < ft. i*a(; H

_iAMIL- (('ALf.r *1 Pr-l'OB ANTIlkl'ITK (dkl.,

ito,. *i-.\K, a.-i ( !iv*r\ii use*;i ih.wv mi.!, -ibis r xi ki. i

BLKtit) "li- I'Toiaai irntavucl. willi Ult- assurance ni* baal

CO vi and i-t!oct pn-panU -n."" (*.!.. i.lTIIKor A d'..

BstrnteeiiU, itix^t, al draw-li-: I.e.T. li I ti.vne No rt.|y ll

(I MltLKLAM) COAL..I am prepared.,, ti>l orders for lani iiuallly liKfiKfiDS

( hi ii < 1'MHHII.A.Mi COAL lu the earguorin Int* tn rn len lo fifiT leas it imrv .o, IlitorinKiWii <>ti.-4JB1 l..ii-v. AM UK kill r', I'OAI., .j-. Wisr Villi,IMA -l-l.(NI t.i.irl....v , l. i.lla. LUMP COAL iarnl*ra*ii al lowe*!,, ,! r raltrs Willi' ItilHCRTI.lines sinl yard rnrnrr SiirnUrt-ula ninl Cary

.buts. 'lt:t-i--i.ucNu,168, ly lo-lui

1ST 3, loo**.

At'C-Tls-W, BaLBB-TBlM t»ay.

TIH ILMOM' BA/AAIt, ijv^Jae*. IIB* AXD lttO EBAfK-Ol ST.aiW.

TO-DAYSt 10 nVlo*t W* Will OflVr 1 ra.H.trr or

rmsT-cxAsn* hob*!* tut tawan,¦ ll.iil-l*. PHAETONS, and WAOON*.


til NTs..mli *"!lkKI((i*tVS.WIIIRI.IIABBOW,I'lHI'lHIa.o*e-hoR*ie ( )'. r. Ac.

A small 1-t i-f DABA<.Kt) HAY.nn9 E. B.l (Mk Auctioneer.

AI4TIOB ntt.ra«i-r-t-r*»ir_y*.Hy IV. 11. lyne* Do,

Real Estate Anent* aa* AB*_*SB«*f),1119 Bala strt-su

TEH DaM-_-B-*_r_kin> wrr.L-L')-. Aim lit'H.IHSTi LOTS "V KkSr BIO*

UK TlVLMV-i I..HTIIStHr>:r BETWEEN V»M... s,i:, ir- roliALBBY ai <Tl..VHr r-uu<»t ..f ihe owner we shill KlI hy pr,'I-sushi.h. on Hir ;,

TIH'f *Dk\ Bl XT. 14Tfi instant.

u**-larkP. B..TBB Arr'tAcnvi: kcilii.Mi I T*'."*'¦ 1*« shove, fronllnif i._--:',-r .rn

ihc cast -ni, ..r r».tir y-ri*hi!i -in-t-r batween V

nd (I Hreete.«IX lairs ef SBalSJ trt-n. an 1I'll!: LOTSStxl I* I- t each, willi an alley lall,s r-ar tixtscn f,,-'. Oneihird sash; hilans- be ref Ulihlr

tole* at alt snd iw«|v* mo.,iii., wlih Inter,.t .ul I-,rl. and Hsuri-I by a deed nf trn.t.

ki. ii. o, Ait'-'l

y 1. H. ( ,».-.. .'lurtionc r,¦J I Mnlli strcr.

r AJb-l VtOi k OF TEAS. coFFlai:*.li sPICKP, KIMI flB.sfXBtr.*),'-.STA Ki ll. AVIl STOHK-ftXTUBB*.. Cl'.VU*,r HA( co. he.. A"' Al (TleV.-lln

HOBDAY, Uni lan v .r.

!, rt I Wilt Hil ftt HM proprietor, wbo l«rliaiifli -it \". I.T - 'i'h Th Mt,

Bala t'.'i Orr inert*, the WHOLE O*ci K. iiir-t.if wlilrti lu m ,n.k-

lulof¦ii ts.corn f*),»I*1( _*,- VI -. ,*l Alli lt. '

itu i. l:in :T(irs.( llilli't lu '.!:*. TOBACCO. Ar-.;(til ST) US. *H! bk IM,. *'' VI,l's. .!-.

fi.-h. iad«1Bh|-SI«*-_S*,1 i, nit ira :.¦ ni iv m..

r tani I¦K. P. COOK. A ll-fiona r.

|!y IV. H. lin. k c.

| ] .-,..,;- tii'l _*_tBSBM*a1113 Bain street.

TRUSTEE'S AI'i'TlON BAL-OF TUTUDI -!',- v ll E m Itu v-. LOTH, FRON I'-

ISO ri '.-'¦ 41 K ''-" I ll FEET. \r -t it; rn-v. i:v: v--n.'iT ' v\i.

iiMi.'f'r l-.-l.' 1 "ii 'fri ,|»r«l cf (ru.! lo in" a. A. I). Menrli ,'iriic date Um BBlti "f

ibtr. 1*81. et rr ...-.lin I), il. I IH H. ni.'et*i. iii,Ton,'ml Chancery Cuan. I -brill ali i.y

-. ,.,

TUURSDAT. \> ni -r lt. 1384,lett I'. M.. LAND I.srr.iasl in .,11

. . .' -I fr.ctt.i ,'. ci ci aliryln

ir.'I ruc t red ley I .. i

. in I,-, each, a

-t redil i- lo a*.«V) im *

tari ,1884; a credit tt Wi till Mn1-lfiO. .ndacrrdi , »: r

rm. m. j- le; auk-I slr.jP. ll. - III *

tv: a> ro.. Aiisil.iiiw.r-.

Hy Jno, 1- i.i l-l.' -ii. .!.- . Am ta. it-r.

\ T'l'Ii'V- ',l.'.'"TrTi!i: PEHSOVAL^\ r.-tT. T- nt- THE LATE DR. I*. WILKIE

liKORI! I 1 .BROU S.I - ne reran** .-

Ur I'. Btlkla Brnwllaadl I(..- tte !.. Bros a, ,.n all il wc__i,(jo

MO-BAT. kn.i "i' i!.i-\. "

', nfirUi l'!i,r-lv .... ., |,

o',rel a r m t

All ol thi HOI -' HUI. I I'ltM i I KE.r -i Ren ii. is-1 itt' -i ¦.

k I Vin,!' Mill' Al, AM) MI**CKI.LASI >l '*

Milli vin .

..';.¦ SI) CARRI )'.!¦:INVALID ' Hilt!-,

LtllttARI IBsOIL-I'AIN ns,,- in V'.uw-

IS,.- ..if mt r i,i t: i'i. vt or es.v i I S'.l.l-,i HALL ' I.-" n

ol', H., r v li -i Lo..-,' ,ni.,i'-i i.f MI-CELL A-SinI - ki. I'll I - .WK ANTIQUE)) vet ll ._*>

nf Iii. pill.Ile.J NO. E. I. Vt UHTON, -'r--

_Aiiei.nnrrr.liv firiiinii Topper,

Real Estate tarni itt Aa IB r. *

1. 18 -alu -tri.t.

r,,-;,-,-,-,.,-.. njjSaTOf VALUABLE1 pill i -. '.I V l '. li UV KEVEN-

li <TREE1 !i*TM El '. MA'N \ on -nu siiriiiKA*r ctittviit

.. -.! kl.I.EV -lit ,.f.riui,c ii :. cr-,.f (rn-1. Stn ,,!' Jone,

r \n ir-ldi faull at In* i«- n nad In Ih

lu ~ ,-i, i,-. by Hie din.,,. «::i by a p a-

!.'.- "ii

v. I'.si j.- v. vsn -r .. ,. i ..«... I-. H.. H. tl.-v.-l.-sri',-! I'll ?-

PERTI (rnntlii-r I 11" t (I iiivli-s.iii ss,vii( .'nthline nf Walinu all- ! . I-

la ft! I ''¦!:. . an aflry R f- lnt, venal- of j ill.'Ks-

*....:) IIB II h -in:, vs it DWELL!N'o, withI. subject i..

in ii DI. f '.' '', btu ii !- or wis' BnAcirnl In ¦-.', t-i iu>- expense* <.f

¦,:,¦: i in,.mli-. par-it at iii "li unb fm Irferrtrl tv ai ai ¦¦

t ,¦--un i.v ii tmit- In i.,,l lld il ll l-HNOI vl'KIt,HOWABD -WINI '.fullli.

Trav Tit "tn. V' lb -, rr, an M

by .1 ba 'bi..,!-!..-Rial f-'-J.iii' Ale Bl ati'l A-i a "c.e.r,

N... 1 lei;,*--. Main sturt.

CTORE. '-villi nwiii.f.iM; au ive»~ wiru niir' i: .."... m rn1' wirril-

l)RNl ll Ol I'-'lvIl: trritEEr '.NHPIH ..'.. vi,!.I- V x OOO!) I '?' VT!. .S' KOB,v (lit.. EKV- "i: URI li-s,TOItl -AND \\rn v- 'i Btrn Duiiis aid oste v \caxilac ,i !.iv, ron *ki.K at

ii tba ir, u,la_.

1 IT siik\ kl i.- 1 18. 1** .. , oVIorfc H. M.. ,": IPI '. .". -ie -

rp d..' .MS li. IIODOIV,

iir.< liver's * M.t: ni-' i*rVo fib rr-I\ <SS IIOItH-s TWO ORAVH A VII HAsr kST'tilk. I'll M ..- IND HAHN

id I, r ll . -.

III ,T A. I.. Wi¦. ¦! ,,-.!¦ r f -1..

et !¦ .' 11--;. -,

« RDNF8DAV, 18TM I" tl v-r.ti" :. clunootl r ii,..r. i

,!> I- I.i-* DRAY-HOliSllit.-1 i I.ASM I. Hiv.- H.: ., ,i

liil.iSt. lins. I .I ...

es: I'llA-TOM ... UAR* !--. ai u l a< w, -.i,l

TWu i.i.'.k).* and HABNE**, In tx illonl ,r-

W. H.

.i',.: -I'* SALE OF A i- isl l».V-J HM,' V -HI) FARM V M IV CAI-

IV KINO WILLIAM)-. ll. 'I nilli, Tr..

..,; i.t<f tbi ui

FRIDAY, tirol Bi !".. 1 ',... tl ll. T '¦ .¦

1 M.. an SHIV I,') li hst in: it il is-is lilAi v ai.I SULK AS > im.II-

', -IMl'I.'O l> 1 AliM CALLEDIII. 1 kl. I! i.Hi-.- :¦ 1 ; k- RI --. ncr. -1 '... .1-, .an,Hs


of th*ci . Uko

ii Hir day,

.ii. .1 *1 un, and ko pt: i :4. willi Int, r,

rr-B-iadrr lu twa. ,_! ,1 ,-. 'isi

." iii, i.

(trvl u| .,,-,,. ir,..: "i:..t i" mw.

_Tra«->a.Uv Mamilu/ .'. Sttplt* ,t

Beal te Areal aa* A ¦".. I ,

11041, Mil!

T'i:i -ii:1:'- * mi: OF h FABM inniEcorxTToi iv."*.-) -iw kilo. v_.

r fa ceri itu Sued of ira-: i th* ii-tVrr-J a. ! lite -ii. ¦'.< ,,: I) ¦. in'.-r.

l*-..f, I.I., l Itirrrlt anl Wrlliim T. lUr-rrtt. I sill . tli '.. 'in ri .ju'red so i" ,1 hy t.Tcie i. !i mr .'*-ti m*I^ ia Use piy-l.i, ni ,,f tl

BOXDAT, An.i'sT il, l-* I, hi Bm ell] ut K hm n I, \'i., l-i

.. Bs al, f ti !-,:.' |-|-*4i li .1-lld d*»*d. a- l',,!!.,ws: A (t.H IVIS

rB ). I "1 LAND, Hn*1 rd in I'm. - Edwari.eai,iv. \,. u,1 |,r \V. II.

.an. i ii rv, or. l.i-i ai ii .

.tts) ts. : . .-.-.- -t, ir,.-., OranIUT. Tl'inli.iii *¦: 1 ic-'vh 'a et»h in ruy f ,r i

i'i true-and to tm v iff and rr.vharrr a nain nf8*00. Witt) Inlafeei fi.-ni r,f tl ,-,. I*af.

I. ld, ,:-l ti !,,: ii -,-. ir in.l. aril W. T. Barren nie direct,

tad la ead r.fthrlr I'.i'lun-t,, pivcsiKli dlr -iou,linux.!,..

B. < -TAI'l.t's. Tni.ttr.M.-. *s i m. c. BT_n__ * a., Au -ii ,,.,.!.-

^__________anoHy.I. I'.tenid-.ii llBoaraa ' '".¦

lasU-anseaun Bala -tr.t.

/i.i.MMI -lu.NKHS BALK OF TWO"4. VU vsl LU* ns Tlllf.TIKril BE-I'l.-. S 1 N !. ii I il.KT*-.-liv urns- ,,f :i

Secret '" tn- ir a 1 ai'. ,f H.,n'.,r,| cunt-.-, lu:i,;._i:ivi' rd, guardl. -cu, _.-.,

I *ali| -.11, IIIHIlAV. Alli -Tl*, lgfil,

I. li, H. M..

TWO VACANT LOTB, tr,,!itlii)f cn tatt brrcif'!, slieci'JS fret rarli, willi a (K'lith ..f t.lvj

Itel »¦. aa all' v 18 b-c. ubi-Ulai' ,,? *.k..r.: Our third cast), anl iii.- baja

mir.- .r tin' pto Baa* ¦nm i ta ¦ eredll >.f->i-.Iwn.iu-a tli re ] ar-, BMBl IikUIiiMM* .Hie pur¬due-!* to*lV* .'¦, wi.b irvssl is'i-t.iial Msnrlty

«.u vcr >.f lc 'iir-v.-et. \ -iiiitl'ii. ,.i mull iii Um ptireliasr-ni ni-v i.iwlil. B ORliri*.* omnil-iliuer.J.TIlOMesos-I'.uuv, s ,t h.. \u-.....meer*.


ai 7


Wc Iistt just rrcelyr.1 from alcaruer a

rut sn LnTor this cklehrated oliv_-1)11..

Wr ban -old thin OIL fur many yean pail, andIta utilf.iriii sud suprrtnr i|ualliy han rc<*uuiukir_<ledII tu all «liu have used lt.

A.* f.r0OL'HBi:T*M

tor tale by .Irnjrri-t, aud r.**r*rs.I'L'KC-LL. l..*DD«r<),BB 18WUoM-al* Dro*_itUs

k tun:, tn vimo.

BCSsi:. ._..__

pBEUAPEAKF, AM) OHM RAlL-vi8MVAY_s'ilrovtt '* srraxT-WBSsst

LKAVK I'I. 'IIMONOSiaOA.M. I rS,*..rt-. s.w si ill Point roia-*

f rt.»,.is ,rr«iit. l*Miiy «-»**»-¦I.v. lah il-irc* Ir-ur* nnd fairly

.«.«. ..'''C...I'.« Surf ilk. ..lOsiO A. M. rm .latina* anti l.rsltiirt»n. Ky-' ilaWlla, ans Cincinnati. Mal' trs*

et **ii,i,lay.liarli.tiesiillr arrommmlBtlon ******rxeeH tsaaSky. Ittoa IS tSTkak*

4:16 P.M. r.'r'v.wiK,.'"* News.OM Point.aad' rf-ik. tprr « ri'-rpl Sunda*.

6:40P. ll. K,.r |...|.,|||, ,..1 t-liiflnruitl. "*****».. lin* fer all |-,ln'a W.-4. N '***.'< ant! s.,,iiliwrst. Em* .sp****"tall*/. a, ra not ,|.p fer rl*-**JJmtS-"--¦ I'littinaa at«-|i!(ir-<:sr*- BISBS*

ni "ie! t..( le li...,:! arel Waaliiiit"*"ii ( !i i-l tte.lill' lu LnaUrt'lr.

8.40 P.M. ir v,n,a,"t*. V.w. »..! Ol. Pol"*xis-aa* a ith Pnllmaa car*)

.lil'y rs.rpt "ittirvfay. .»**.."I".,,1, Itiei.m.iuj an.1 >("»-

tort*. Nen*. NoeouiM-rt'on tnt not-

IC:*) P. M. lor Ashland.B>. Mint exprmmt ta*..I *,. el ,v. 0. asst O. al«a-pl-lsf-<t»»

t"( tn.,ii trtirftsaHt-tlVE III. flMOND:

8:tOA. M. lr.,ni i.Matid. Kv.. 'S-**P* <,,*B,**-f;10:45 A. «1. Inn, Norfolk. OM Point. .«.! .'?..."

\, .... r-irepl Kundi*. ..4:i 3 I*. M. I ,iii I. ,i,|stUls-.«!n.*li,,i»lUsn''»"

._l"«*l la.liui. i'srrpl!-ii*|i*sv.

0-SfiP.M. i'i,in v.,f.l«.ex.,'Pl.iiin.lay. From"'.I P. Im an-l Ni.*»|»>rf*%.*.»-*»]\\'I',Hlmar.. »r raerpt on Suiid i* temi .».

8:30 I*. M. I r,.n, I,,,,.',.MU.* io.l riu'lntiala.I xi,r,-sa. tlaltT. ,

10:10 P. M. Ir. rn Norfolk. OM Point, and NetV\. « .. Mil* tntept ^''nilsy*

Sondiy Uv ,.,.;.. .,, m-m-ti* Strwi ..i'll.I ,, i A. II. and arrive ia

l.t. I-i.,' fl III |*. \|. r.'-.r.ilt.a.Pepf.t: *. .. ii.ntti ami Unod strar-ls.Tl-k.i ie'.,. 1000 Main atnel and (*T**j*a-

t.nk. ..,:,i, bte i:iiiw,T.i.i-..u w vvUjr.n.OtBSSsI 'i's***iiiis'r *fP1lj

C. W. -mi ru. t;. iir'.il llauarer. lr-*

ttl I'A UTI BK «r BTr-A»aT»«S. ^

OI.I)l>(i.MlNI<»NSTEAMSllll'^"*Sbit oMI*WV. sasaabSSa.Full NH Vt YORK.

This -. mpany aili <ll**a*teb t*tt*oftl»flrs-i**sBd. ..i V AMK.l'lK. ROANOKE.. "*".

ll ATI VV.."I !i IK'MINION.and BIOHBJOWP-IA ! Iiy ll >|i.V, FRlDAV. BJ i Bl SPAT;

Vcr hour-nf s.,ll,er tee » 'V''".'-''',,I'':,V,«. i7sjcr', ,t, .*...* Verk Tl 1 *d>A*i i.Tlfl It**-

DAYS.andSATI KU ty ia! H P.M. fr-m PlcJ*h. rn nainlM>i \..rth river. f.«>t "' Bsneo otrnn:i.\ li., -plrmSId saloon*, sUU-n* sm!

balh-rooaiaa . . .,

.ii,,- eua, »r.ei,ii,i,'.!»iioti.v and atksssoaaa »¦*.

"AftttraMn fsrr IS New r.n-k (liirln.llnir ..*--il»sad berth), 110; r.,'iu.l-tru> ll.-l.»t*.tls ; -i a**

07: Ttflo'lt -.lal. lie-. »'>.

I ii isle- Lr i»-iiiioi bemud Be** Vork rnrtf ir-n-

«tllidl*;si(i h. and nu lUiKi' BBBSt SBBBS" BSBBBBHXtta-nar* l-i.-urrni.

Irt-tv-lit received until fl o'clock P. M. daily.|,i lurtli. r infortuntlon l"

GEORGE w. ai.i.VTn SdOa, katata.I* 20 nfl . i wbarvea. Itocartta.

j ¦( IB NEW roBK.-The Oet^UUm.I:,i -., i,i|> r..i..i>.iiiy ijBsa»*ata..rei./,*... v..,|ii.-r»f. rtlH-work i'ii,|.i«»lti(t»r':W VANuKr. ('st.tain IK illina. MtlUATi

An-.'11-t Wh. al 3 ...I... I. F.TM..__ _

itoAMiKi.;, (taiiuin ..'I', ii. IUBuAT, ne*i-ii-i n ...c,--!. A. M. _...,..

III.U I...MIM.IV. I apt*.,I \VV!.K-:ia. Tt n*>II V ,. A ti* ti-1 lit:!,, at il «,'.-|.**U I*. M.

I ¦' . .,..,.. t mitti fl .i clock P- M. Fii-f. M. citurday, and to I " <*¦«* l .

rbrowrbVilli .f Isdlnf Bte*****, .ind BM la Bsa.alli ilapatrh In all potatl n itti. *r)Uim

a-i and w.-^ -tl .>. In forclirn i».rt*.I. .. ulna lui. "i* ii ¦¦.nirp.i'av'l., :t.tii far* Hi N"» Vol* itiKlndliif tnfah ii

round-trip ticket*, alis. Biwraoe,altk tie,. *7 «Kh.,'il -eM-dni'''. ?"¦Paurn-s ... Blcbniond ly tn.- ( h.**.»-¦

i,| .H., u'.-i-) it f.JU A. M. and l 13\\v ¦.,!! make ..,ii,.ti,,i it ¦a'liRroi.i. *.'.'

«i.....r Iwstna MONDAYS, >Tr:-l'*V-. .''jWI UNI -DAV.-, mi it *.t WI",,Ul.'.* BEVifl«lt!, -I. ii-i.r iMtTlHK .v-v MinilHV.

u al Vdt!¦ <> ". .heHI, nti.l IX. rsl .rr riUrwd. Imrlnmi idaiiii-JOA. U.eTtn v..i.i.iy. rut tay, was>

iel >.itur«!,y.I ii Ik-Iii or .i -..-¦' tpply t"

t.K.clK.K VV. 11.1.1 \ AC'.. Vi/ -if"-*

mi ti( vimnany . vv .ii. ii' I

/ »m.\ cm. I't'i.i.Ai: ¦fir'TiaJnew ponrs K< -a -..'-i'.o puin r,":..s.

' Mi PORTeMOI'TH,AMI .'M.V Illili;. I ICU ll " lilt"."!

lllA\*ii-.l! OH ( ll\N(.K Lt- ANV KIMI.

OBLV B1O0TOVtBGIBIA BBACU.Il. un.I Trip ta "l .

v" MSBBkI'M.V |'J I'i VV Vr-UINCTON. D.C.1

vim,(Mt « rOMPABTB,iMiK-.'ivi l:

roH MU Poll l - M vv *. POINT. S'.laVK..I K. I'l'lt'l -Mn! III. \M> .I.VMi:**-




Ill- A. II.AM) Al MW !>..!: ¦> NI- VV - WUTI *TK.Otfll

A. ( omac rofeBBUTHPlELD.only i:>ii ti: vvrrHorT TRANarES, ABD



BATES Mt « ll LKSrt 1 han ll vii OHABOBOuv wv OTHER itni'i'i:.

PARE I" NolJFiil.K. *l ;l a,. . ihi-iKAItK ROI Ml IKIi*. fl < >U l'lTllt'

FAItl Li W vallis.,KIN. ll. C.. OJ .

KARE l(("t NH i lal I'. VUV,'.WAV-I.AMMM. KAREB 23 I, '»«.

Or-AI.-, 'td .IVIS KAI il.

Tin- U--rsii!ty-ri*t,iiUt .md f-i^t *'(-aii**rAltlKL.

learrylnc t nitad State* M.iii.i/.. ( (itrrOBOi < oiiiiiiaiulir,

leaves I! i,-iiii,on.| lillTCK-HVV .lill UllAV . ANII-A riT:iis>"

»17 A.M.ISTRI I l-( V.RS CONNI"- T IN tr l.t.IIMI- Li .l..\. ti.iiii.l t.l.i..-. I:, [.iriiinjr. tinsteamer leave* Norfolk, r..-1-i.i..'illi. Old Point,mei 'veiiimi'. N.,, -,.,, alternate dava, arr'.vin-- tlI,';,! ai-.iit 4 P. M.

ll r md it i. ir

N r- v^i ni j. im ii M tie. tr,. I. lin/K-'i" elarssaalHip Lill.STATE-BOOMS ENGAGED Foll DAV HU


F.X< I l.'-IONi..¦.¦m. 11- ,ii m.,* bc made rot M'.'.'T-

l.'l.ll I ni ll V V \. I If-Kl.N- I Hut. ., liaOld I'.,tm, " V ii.-inia Bnaeb," i '.-. iu VI. *. N,,r

il I r\ jos rah - to ll ...--. vi.*, mi)it..t > r ntksi. rgsi liatlotu.

FREIGHT.i-r*l dally for Nnrfolk, Poitsrn.itith, ,:. ami url m, li. < .;.- s.i .. ind t,l

iii Ni rill Par, linn .ii...ureof Virfrlnli.aud ill rr-yulartandinai mrln r. al Ll Vi i-i' ll VI -J*, md llir- -..-i,

.Ui-d. I.. Il, .". vi.Iv 1 I Will


1 V V| a|| | I' ( O II PA M V.

-.rv ni iriAY an Ilt ieV, VA M.. ;,.,! ei,-r> StNOAl Bl ¦"> v.VI.

lr'- i. i ie r- ril v. vi.; fur Sand its' -t> ii r till

6 P. .vt. Hali I received d .ny tai 5

trial 'vt..'. VV. Ml 1' vl.'til, \

(;. nen -. -..!., rn >.

W.P. IV li' \ i.'_

poi. UALTIJJ IBE. x^thol'I'n'.vi! v: v, i.iNi -DISCI I ITSAMI B,


v". Ito, u !*., r. I'.mnli au ii.,-:.

lliroiurii Ml '.!¦ bJ| I'.r-warsted with ¦, .,,,...!, io i-.lnt- \-,nli ituIre.flit r.e. !...| dally H.i'il B I*. M.

r'.,r fui'tli-r li.l'.riiiall. ... uinly\v. ,,. I, M.ur. v.- .. -.

Ii I. 'Jit' tnt, - lldUna Aavnl.

I>.\i:ru.*- i'.»u El K.'i'i; 8HufJLbTABS t ri'l BSB1CS BEBTB,

in na, eaolaaktatraa SssINMAN STUAtlSUlP t.INl-

I: .*». I....:! a keep BerkreUy laval uni. r ali sass.di,imii ,.f .tether, aSnetllBO inrfct real Badr,,mf..r1 it tn*!.!, tc ii. tl. .nm awn* wi:!, rnal'. i-, r~.iiitriv.-l. INMANhTKAM*Mill* (i)MI>SN*i ll.In.|..-,!,. \.,. l li,..iv.,.Kaw Toe*, or A. W. GABBBB, a-tmi. v.l njMail, atlast. au .'-"a.i WM

KAMI, III INI.N. IliMIHs. Oe.? **ss»»V/'a* a*N'w S*' *.SSxS /\>N.- j- *-V--^ v*k^V* *>

"Vv'lllTt:iH K-T « OWLS, MAST-TT VA. Tl UKI.*-ni ..ta||.lt|.|NI>*t.lKMlK*a.Mut l.l.lNi,-. KRAI SETH. SC.. 11.VI ll SMIli*. l:|i -1 Kr IT-. ..'ix n»w fii t..rv, enan nam il111 HtTIUiM, ul anti r*|Rl|iin.-T.t ny any li. linroantry.Mbow ta faB aussMtisa. aasl sr* an .tl., ninia i.rdsr* f ,r fir-lev. Ia» *.., 1 al b ;¦

oat jin.-. jv jri-:ttu

ariMarS**, tunuusit,


wk BaooBtaoaa«llt'L'KK>- I.liillT i-PA lira I.I N(, PALP AM


BOTT I.El ta


nifVllSS AN Al'PKTIZlN'i; T'.VIG,

wini.¦ >i.i..HT!.v **rr\tu-


BAST OK l>ti.FSlT-,N.

i DWABsTJ k ioiin ut kKF,DtiMIn and Liverpool,




OAVF.NPollT S MORBIS'Aty UKIrn Rirhmomt. Va.

ww-vs.^WT*. «.«... rtRKS.


TTili ls no I tim'..'*-. E«r lnformsitm. fr,** ien-ir-n*. vrrlir to L. II. s.' *.ir**i.,r,.,( ..un,


INO liol SE.


]?3SSn||Srf.'4,l-Lr*v* -

Blrh*!.**-1;-Arri!!*'-a«"(*T,_'' '"

rivet**!**-' *.*?»..Mtr.rHias..-.Dann***- ..;.¦, barl*Mt_..*St-rtlib/.,, ^ .ri!le.Atlsnis.


¦W-fel-ao F* .*

*r*l* .. JJ-*:i V. ff.

lal* A- H.

fi1! i*B_4.1- A- _-*:<!<> *.Al* A.f-i(, A..iVt A-

ri.HU A. Jj,.T.g.

, VI A.M.

m ... "j'flt (: fl«;i* p- jjwi .

_Dil* « . -".

KtVaTll.'*' V>t,rr-..-"-.- .!____.-.-,*".'".- --V^'^^a-rrrlii'iP****''I***-'''Tm ,-hT'-4'. ¦" __!j^_-a_- I-"* *<

J.'^Silr and 4 liarH'l'''-»" 7llP.-l-- .<

3__aVte«i-^__£'_a".till »Brn*"» .* |_|f:i>ilC " |P mmT _-*_¦ tik.i i*, .il

ftiMllil'"' *'(h _B_l_ AlUCJ*****- i****11''

iSB«t^^A^",,OBAB«M^V'r.H S*KT.CX

B°li,d-..y rari-t- BB_*B»J


Biran^t-sntaBB. .8a»r.8»HniAlfaga**.-. . 8:17 8. U¦ ,.ia, iiBar.s. K-rrniur****

...B-fl* ». *?.

...*. l* A- Vi.atar*.tva!*-+__K. i. AlrBB**.-.Arru. . Ml * '«

¦.SaWi^snnawan-Bs*^ ¦. ¦*».-.

,.«i...MA***rAB*-ntv.«r.(.nTj;.-NrwY.,k.»«AtU i-i

I,w&^^i,aatr^^.Sl^'^t-Vali*.akiisllrr .ml B***» -

minB**.**- _,..!, t-antl). - ."'bs vaTickets a..ld lo "''J",."H\«(<tlt,r .

-ctn***- *".' £«_*£_?£ ri-l iHoi.,..ivif e"-**ta*""^ h.bLAI t;|I| ,,|(

Otansnl Ka* a*** An .

got. ___*,Ti*ak BBaaate.A.L. Kivr.s.t-ieril BaMSt* _


Ilkl.TDa'.UB.MrMce-ee-itl.hiBn. leaas Ytat BS_B*ta

linen _».!>. et-cpl Muetnk*,

*i,i.A'i» rV-rt*-* l_Hliis.tMe-ss.-s_. . .1

Lr.Ava y


_AII._.'AW VtBlBBIA-CrraattT DBK-tlVUAH.) ixcirr fi'M'ir

AT :*:!_ V. M.aaaira

IT ll M.TIM'.'.h. sr - )¦»'..

niBBitHBa wUh Barty -ral -* * '-


h_B,*i iittp| a* ut

h,!:;;?,*:;-,!1 nap.*, mba *. -. ip.».¦!' td 8:8* A- M



PtsM-rierr irvin- . ¦*t *i We Poll-ninia)) will

llK,.Nisi.t''trati.s I. isla* Kw"**.¦ ,'*.f",,,i:-t,l.t.:,i-l a _Bwill btv. lau -i

., io A ll. I,.*-*, nf. I ll- I ».¦

ta***8* P. B. Ifni*-!JKrrTTck.t...T1iii.-T*' si,i on a. vt...a;:nu: a co- Iimmj b-J

indlsdkrtAtw-tal Bm BB am "'- tlt '"

M-te-Rts tua vet HrrUi- --nr.-l ..". .I'l '"

»t mu ."VS***1 ".

I.eie-t .i I'Ko. 7 ft ""'

But Hits ii,-"., ktiiciircr »B ^


«t HI !HT.I OT TBAIX*Ih t i ntl mw ii. |SSL

THU-* DAILY Tl'kiss i S< il -l suv.i vt cr*'

BKTIMt'Mi AMD TX' HUI RU..1 I Al .'. eae S

Bail, 1 a* In it i. «s., 1.1



kfiUH A.M

|*4f CMan. cm.C tl.


ll 1-. M

7 .''J C )(10;i)U C M


r vi,v vtV M.Lexlnsloii

iifn ly,Ai'l.ll K III. IIBi'S,

8*00 1' M MAU. .I.H1V ., I, \1 A. tl. A< oMMi'iliATI l*_

Sllll'il7:i0 A.M.M..|IT'l.Xl'Lt*.* -It tc pl IB i-

Kt XDAY ACCOMBOOA1 IOV - imond ib* *. lUrlllt in !.' -w

rtternliiar. .-irrlvi- m iii, but, nd 7 4 , I', vt.i ,iNSI i Tl ,S*.

At Rbi,,,:,,,,,I altataeoeUlti r..'... f r ,11ml.,and Rt,I

i- ¦. k Hr, rall pulu s Il'i:rif With \ .>n I.t lt.,',. "i r..1'aav i,.r til p 'inlsN,,iili and s ii ... i w i. ¦,,, rail

i. a- i-r.i, Cl nebl.iieli, BaabTllit I. ... vide. B-ni|^i!-. s.eau., in,l all points In Ui, ttoath. soutlia'Iniu.. .*i.. ,. l. .. Kew .-¦¦

I Ii.illal, .... I ,n-t "ii alIrali -. lr un V. 1 Mlake!Bi c.i' nU)w_** rn polaev, ral hour v- v,i >. I liatiaie-tzi Bl I tlflon

... ubi.. iar'w»*..u!t.a.-r. Si.nb ve, t, ind Vk-st; . iv un UalTInoir, a 11! rilli*, ad.rt,narelli k Harper*! I'rrr) lu and fr ,.,, P Ile-

.' vi t, Kort-, ind t a r.-se S>

./.i Tari.

Tli ¦: - bi all ,-' Uif, .'Tt

M ii Malu, ai ,t si Rb hmond mid Ak-

J. lt. MICMt IU*".Dil I'1 I,ell. ra! i'asst Itu-r .

l: K!l Mos D. FREDEBICKSBLULrAM) I*< ¦.«: vt l: klLBOAD.

'lill.'"! t.n vi RAIL I v-T-Kl:i H ||TO AMI M'HM Uki IMORI PHIPl iv. si ,v YORK, ash v-i

ash WESTERN inn-.

sl.V v \ DOl'BH I'.l m EEX I 1HUM. ANu li kl.l'IM¦.;.-

|HS... .-

4 TLANTir «.>..*: LISE.hlCBBOBD asi, I'l "-: i:..




\ M ,i.i.M. .

12:1'al 1' ki r'i:3u !. '.'. .1 Mail.True |», .. .

10:43 1.MU P. M - a', -., *

TBAIM8 Ni iK I ll\\ kl.

s*rpo A. M.J7.4" A. \4.

ttl BO ». *1..8:1* r',' A ll.4... r si

r.i- a. m.* t A

>... Il I- »lni -. A. M.

I'a-l Mall.A »tnnA. ,' ,'tu.i.-l.t(*,,i,

V v

6:^'' P. kl *u l.'v -

. _-ti**_ flM.1) ,, isa.1 SiaatavlfTtippis,. r__kC-_,

^..-40 and 41 iiii_rnui*i p.. Bs,.!*f. put M.iK*.st. i. Ur-wrv's Bl_3.- . ..( li.-j'rr. N.e. MO. ii. -_7, Va*.'-, lt. 1 I,Badnt all rl__,,ii_ N... 0 alait-. _i all ."-I't MASAI.' <'AR*_|Tl, .)..

lin tntfna Nae.'7 _-,._,, B-BBbB Ml* !s-:w,s,a.S- - r, rt ami S-,*,^),. vj-raiuB'.. 4¦..r- Meei, A __,_i,.-i..u aa-I I'Uar'.e.t. a. Ini

Bli oe-, ais l_»uu \t __,!.__ a _.

-. ni ni., r_wm <'MY AL_-U_*_ UtTtll t*. I .Ti .BrulJl

1*sAri». ABKtVlt.ltli-l fu..u.l .11 A. M. I S. rr 1 |Mil IV M.*i:a i.e.. i..l.. *:.a C. »1. S rlslk w 4.'. I' M.rNt ir., k. l-.:Ki A.M. I RirtiBuud t_AS P, M.!S ri :k. ttr.MP. B.i Bi.-hn.etid Silo P. Ml j

i rata* ktO S_4 8* aaa_.- .-!._. -_BtH:u.f.-. in 1 _r i-i1'l... Ly a.',.I,tra. anl .jil; .»..*!. ruKinta, »i.,IW4/-#t_li__i<,ulna \^tf,,i_ ». i A ...i rn i.ii:r._.._

I.B. B!--1.T,fiiit_e-1ut.-i.|e ,|»I. ai )_i_w.*.) -, trriKXt! P*_rj^cr ._>. cv,

_iu I

KIClIBiiND. llU-DCRirjKSBI B4kSI) Ttl,,M VI UAH.BO M.. * ,.l_Ui- Jl I. I J^. ll*v4-__-.Til ...

BettiOH'k) A. BU Ina* Dynl-Hlrrr* aSatl.-, .tm* ;

si. i->, div al Ashlan-.!ia-nt.,|i. M.l-ferd, Bini l-r,.lcrifk-!»,r>r. -

fr. in tT..irl,sn..n b> *A'a.hbut..t..11:CJ A. M , Itais, Btrd-renct »ta_.)u Li'.v i

C. 1,| M.l..|»v«).titO 8». BL. {ea*** livrd-fjtrsr! e«_t1. n du!v.

rilt-Ta-r fr>.ui Vfaj*r,.a»*|i,«)5 A. BL, ai-nv.* at tiyrd-frrrei .ut!.':, I. :.

s...-t( t~,a s, a l ,rki ..

*;J») if. Mt. arr v.-»at liyni^itrieiiutii l,sieua al Iird..rtt-kiteir... Mill r Iand Jun.ii.iu. Mwurr fr-.iu kV ..-u-

. *__ _ _, .nt-t-'Ulol larlr.i.n10(00 B. Un arnvt-a ai Byrd Bural *u_,_i tltily


I'Aii.*) t \ ii r rliMiiTl:15:35 A. M., Uait» KBMkl airltt. at Aaiiland ru

7 1- A. M. Mtii>a at lluuaiury auXttt.v.

4*00 P. BL, ai'C. Illlluslil!!..,:. I,-IV,iUUou; arrivta al Aabi-ud al 5 L*.

0*0* T. _U.le.-i-M» Hha; arrtTvt* tl Aatilaitd a-

rj'l P. M.B:30 A. B4 arr,na ai r-ba: star*. A-alaul it

61.14 A.M.%:&t A. M., ..-,-..inn,.slafloti. arrlvra at lion-

Mnvi kUlb.u; !t-aie. A .bu.. I al ftA. M.

5.57 P. M., aime, at Elba; Wave* A.I.U.. I aS la p. m.

C. A. I \) I (ii:.i.,i,rnl 1. k . v. ci,LTD. Bl tils, Ui-Uktal 5U-M'. iU.-itvlv._k

top related