rico complaint

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 RICO Complaint



    I, William M. Windsor, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:

    1. Judges and judicial personnel in the United States istrict !ourt for the "orthern istrictof #eorgia and the United States !ourt of $ppeals for the %le&enth !ircuit, la' enforcement personnel,

    and others ha&e conspired to obstruct justice and deny my due process rights under the !onstitution of#eorgia and the United States by intentionally and (no'ingly committing many crimes. )heir efforts area &iolation of the *I!+ statute of the State of #eorgia, +.!.#.$. 1-1/1 et se0.

    . I charge +rinda . %&ans, William S. uffey, )homas Woodro' )hrash, $my )otenberg,Julie %. !arnes, Ste&e !. Jones, )imothy !. 2atten, !larence !ooper, J. +'en 3orrester, Willis 2. 4unt,4arold 5. Murphy, William !. +67elley, !harles $. 8annell, Mar&in 4. Shoob, *ichard W. Story, #. %rnest)id'ell, *obert 5. 9ining, 4orace ). Ward, Janet 3. 7ing, Susan S. !ole, $lan J. 2a&erman, #errilyn #.2rill, !. !hristopher 4agy, 5inda ). Wal(er, Walter %. Johnson, %. !layton Scofield, *ussell #. 9ineyard,Joel 3. ubina, %d !arnes, *osemary 2ar(ett, 3ran( M. 4ull, James 5arry %dmondson, Stanley Marcus,William 4. 8ryor, #erald 2ard )joflat, Susan 4. 2lac(, !harles *. Wilson, James !. 4ill, 2e&erly 2. Martin,

    8eter ). 3ay, 8hyllis $. 7ra&itch, *. 5anier $nderson, %mmett *ipley !o, James ". 4atten, $nni&aSanders, Joyce White, 2e&erly #utting, Margaret !allier, 2. #rutby, ouglas J. Mincher, Jessica 2irnbaum,9ic(i 4anna, John 5ey, !hristopher 4uber, Sally ;uillian 3*!8?@, the 5ocal *ules =>5.*.?@,and the 3ederal *ules of %&idence =>3*%?@B ignore the la'B ignore applicable case la'B cite erroneous casela'B commit perjury by ma(ing statements that they (no' to be false in their ordersB &iolate parties6 rights inany 'ay they canB deny access to the courtsB and trample the !onstitutional rights of litigants 'ithout athought. )hey manipulate the judicial system to depri&e parties such as me of our legal and !onstitutionalrights. )hey commit criminal acts 'ithout a thought.

    F. )he judicial system supports this dishonesty and illegality. )he >system? denies any form


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    of &alid recourse for an aggrie&ed citiCen. )he Judicial !ouncil and the !hief Judges of "..#a. and the11th !ircuit ignore &alid complaints and claims there is no proof 'hen there is plenty. $ggrie&ed citiCensha&e no recourse. Since the Supreme !ourt isn6t really in the business of correcting errors by the lo'ercourts, the "..#a. and the 11th !ircuit combine to ha&e tyrannical po'er o&er citiCens of #eorgia.

    G. I am a efendant in !i&il $ction "o. 1:H-!9HE1/+% in the "..#a =>MIS)1?@.%&ery statement of >fact? in the DHparagraph &erified complaint is false as to me. Judge +rinda . %&ans

    ignored the undeniable proof and ruled against me 'hile personally committing many acts ofrac(eteering.

    1H. Socalled judges of the 11th !ircuit issued many orders ruling against me in appealsrelated to MIS)1 and other ci&il actions 'hile personally committing a 'ide &ariety of acts ofrac(eteering and corruption.

    11. I am allegedly a efendant in a socalled !i&il $ction "o. 1:HG!9H1D/AWS in the"..#a =>2+#US $!)I+"?@. )he 3ederal *ules of !i&il 8rocedure =3*!8 *ule Aand 3*!8 *ule /@re0uire a petition and issuance and ser&ice of a summons to create a ci&il action, but there are neither inthe 2+#US $!)I+". "one of this 'as done in this >matter.? )he !ourt oc(et includes no complaint

    and no summons. $ true and correct copy of the !ourt oc(etsho's this. I ha&e been >hijac(ed? andforced to be a part of a proceeding that is in&alid, yet the federal courts 'ill not do anything about it.

    1. )here are many irregularities 'ith the 2+#US $!)I+". $cts of rac(eteering and'rongdoing ha&e been committed personally by efendants %&ans, uffey, MIS)?@, and action in 'hichJudge uffey has ta(en the term 7angaroo !ourt to a 'hole ne' le&el.

    1-. +bstruction of justice, perjury, subornation of perjury, and other acts of rac(eteering arealready pro&en 'ith the contents of the doc(ets in MIS)1, the 2+#US $!)I+", MIS), and allrelated appeals, referenced and incorporated herein as if attached hereto.

    1E. efendants &iolate the 5ocal !i&il *ules for the "..#a and 11th!ircuit, the 3ederal *ulesof !i&il 8rocedure =>3*!8?@, the 3ederal *ules of $ppellate 8rocedure =>3*$8?@, the !ode of Judicial!onduct =>!J!?@, and ci&il and criminal statutes routinely.

    1F. Upon information and belief, the !ler(s of the !ourts of the "..#a and 11th!ircuit andtheir staffs function according to many of the rules 'ith most clients represented by attorneys. 2ut the!ler(s of the !ourts of the "..#a and 11th!ircuit and their staffs also operate a criminal enterprisepersonally from their legitimate federal offices in any matter pertaining to me and other pro se parties.

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    1G. )he judges of the 11th!ircuit ha&e been personally shielding Judge %&ans for years andruling against me 'hen the facts and the la' meant that I should ha&e pre&ailed at the appellate court.

    H. )he personal criminal acts and improper acts of &arious efendants are mind boggling.)he proof is all in the record.

    1. +n June 1-, H1H, efendant 4atten, or someone 'or(ing 'ith him, illegally issued a Writof %ecution in the 2+#US $!)I+". efendants 4atten, 5ey, and their staffs operate personally inregard to me and other designated pro se parties in an illegal, unethical, unbelie&able manner for thepurpose of damaging me and others for the benefit of the rac(eteering enterprise.

    . efendants ha&e directed judicial employees to personally &iolate the la' and the rules forthe purpose of damaging me and others. ocuments presented for filing ha&e disappeared. "otices of$ppeals ha&e ne&er been filed. I ha&e proof of all types of illegal acti&ities regarding the court doc(ets,ci&il actions presented for filing, documents presented for filing, changes to the doc(ets, bac(dating ofdoc(et entries, and more. I ha&e as proof of personal collusion bet'een the office of the cler( and"..#a efendant judges.

    A. Judges uffey and %&ans are pathological liars 'ho personally ha&e committed massi&eperjury.

    /. efendants 4atten and 5ey simply ignore letters from me about their 'rongdoing and the'rongdoing of their staffs.

    D. !hief Judges Julie !arnes and Joel ubina ignore criminal acts of the federal judges in$tlanta as has e&ery federal judge 'ho has considered undeniable judicial misconduct charges filed by meagainst Judge %&ans.

    -. I ha&e presented criminal charges against federal judges in 3ulton !ounty to the 3ulton!ounty istrict $ttorney, Mr. 4o'ard, and he did nothing and has aided the rac(eteering enterprise. Ipresented similar information to efendants

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    AH. Since HH-, federal court employees in 3ulton !ounty, #eorgia ha&e conspired to damageme, and a number of criminal &iolations ha&e been committed.

    A1. efendants ha&e committed numerous &iolations of predicate acts as part of the pattern ofrac(eteering acti&ity. efendants ha&e denied my !onstitutional rights so as to obstruct justice.efendants ha&e ignored the facts, ignored the la', cited erroneous case la', cited case la' that does not

    support the subject of the citation. +rders ha&e been issued that contained false statements and perjury.efendants acting as judges ha&e sanctioned and suborned perjury by the 8laintiffs in MIS)1 and theirattorneys. )his has been done to obstruct justice. efendants ha&e denied my access to the courts toobstruct justice. efendants ubina and Julie !arnes ignored the 'rongdoing of efendant Judges %&ansand uffey to sanction obstruction of justice. )he 2+#US $!)I+" 'as manufactured to obstructjustice and damage me. ocuments and e&idence presented to efendants 4atten and 5ey6s offices ha&eintentionally disappeared tampering 'ith e&idence. Upon information and belief, documents ande&idence ha&e been tampered 'ith. Upon information and belief, doc(et entries ha&e been entered andchanged to obstruct justice. $ judgment and 'rit of eecution 'ere entered to obstruct justice anddamage me. I ha&e been repeatedly denied subpoenas to obstruct justice. I ha&e been denied the abilityto obtain testimony from others so as to obstruct justice. efendants 4atten and 5ey ha&e ignored

    communications from me so as to obstruct justice. I ha&e been denied copies of my court records so as toobstruct justice. $ &ariety of actions ha&e been ta(en by defendants to obstruct justice and shieldefendants %&ans and uffey from potential indictment and impeachment. Judges ha&e committedperjury. ocuments ha&e been concealed to obstruct justice. 5a's and rules ha&e been &iolated toobstruct justice. +rders ha&e been issued to obstruct justice. 9alid motions ha&e been denied to obstructjustice. )he right to file motions has been denied to obstruct justice. I ha&e been denied the ability toser&e as an agent for my 'ife pursuant to a po'er of attorney to obstruct justice. I ha&e been libeled toobstruct justice. Judges ha&e refused to recuse themsel&es to obstruct justice. efendant uffey falselyclaimed documents 'ere not pro&ided to him so he could obstruct justice and damage me. Judges ha&eclaimed my appeals ha&e been fri&olous to obstruct justice. Judges ha&e not properly handled &ariousfilings to obstruct justice. Judges ignore emergency motions to obstruct justice. )he appeals of my 'ife

    and myself ha&e not been processed promptly or at all to obstruct justice. efendant uffey issued anorder to compel to obstruct justice and damage me. efendants ha&e failed to file ci&il actions presentedby me for filing in order to obstruct justice. efendant 4atten6s staff has gi&en false information to me toobstruct justice. Judges ha&e issued &arious orders to obstruct justice. efendant Judges %&ans, uffey,)hrash, and )otenberg ha&e refused to honor case la' that established binding precedents on 'hathappens 'hen an appeal is filedB this has been done to obstruct justice. efendant 4atten andKor his staffha&e ta(en money from my 'ife and me for ser&ices and ha&e failed to pro&ide the ser&ices. efendantuffey is accusing me of &iolating court orders, committing forgery, and committing the unauthoriCedpractice of la' for the purpose of damaging me and to obstruct justice. It is possible that one or more ofthe efendants may be attempting to ha&e me (illed to obstruct justice. Someone has directed efendant4atten and his staff and efendant 5ey and his staff to commit &arious acts that &iolate my rights and

    obstruct justice. efendants

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    Inc. Upon information and belief, the acts of rac(eteering acti&ity ha&e affected others 'ho ha&e beenparties to ci&il actions in the "..#a. and the %le&enth !ircuit, including, upon information and belief,James Stegeman, Janet Mconald, Jeff #oolsby, a&id %nterprise.?

    =See Chancey v. State. Jordan v. State. Cagle, A/G S.%.d E1E, D- #a. /1D =1K1AKF-@.@ =See alsoUnited States v. Elliott, DE1 3.d FFH=Dth !ir. 1GEF@.@

    /D. +.!.#.$. 1-1/A also pro&ides:


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    =F@ L8attern of rac(eteering acti&ityL means engaging in at least t'o acts of rac(eteering acti&ityinfurtherance of one or more incidents, schemes, or transactions that ha&e the same or similarintents, results, accomplices, &ictims, or methods of commissionor other'ise are interrelated bydistinguishing characteristics and are not isolated incidents, pro&ided at least one of such actsoccurred after July 1, 1GFH, and that the last of such acts occurred 'ithin four years, ecluding anyperiods of imprisonment, after the commissionof a prior act of rac(eteering acti&ity.

    /-. $s eplained abo&e, there has been a >pattern of rac(eteering acti&ity? as re0uired underthe *I!+ statute. =Emrich v. Winsor, /H1 S.%.d E-, E- =#a. !t. $pp. 1GG1@.@

    /E. )he >acti&ity engaged in by efendants consists of t'o or more predicate acts ofrac(eteering acti&ity.? )his is highlighted abo&e and is detailed in separate charges that ha&e beenpresented to you.

    /F. efendants (no'ingly de&ised or participated in a scheme to defraud me.

    /G. )he acti&ity engaged in by efendants had the same or similar purposes, results,participants, &ictims, or methods of commission, or is other'ise interrelated by distinguishingcharacteristics and are not isolated e&ents.

    DH. )he acts of rac(eteering acti&ity committed by efendants ha&e the same or similarmethods of commission in that they in&ol&e the &arious aspects of committing fraud in legal matters,including obstruction of justice, perjury, false statements in orders, improper claims of la' and case la',and more.

    D1. )he acts of rac(eteering acti&ity committed by efendants ha&e the same or similarobjecti&e: commit fraud upon the courts and upon my 'ife and me.

    D. )he last of such acts occurred 'ithin the last four years. In fact, such acts are stilloccurring.

    DA. +.!.#.$. 1-1/A also pro&ides:

    =G@=$@ L*ac(eteering acti&ityL means to commit, to attempt to commit, or to solicit, coerce, orintimidate anotherpersonto commit any crime'hich is chargeable by indictment under thefollo'ingla'sof this state:

    =i&@ !odeSection 1-1HGA, relating to influencing 'itnessesB=&@ $rticle/ of !hapter 1H of this title and !odeSections 1-1HH, 1-1HA, 1-1HG1,and 1-1HGD, relating to perjury and other falsificationsB

    =&i@ !odeSection 1-1HG/, relating to tampering 'ith e&idenceB=i@ $ny conduct defined as Lrac(eteering acti&ityL under 1F U.S.!. Section 1G-1 =1@=$@, =2@, =!@, and =@B=iii@ !odeSection 1-1HA, relating to tampering 'ith 'itnesses, &ictims, orinformantsB=i&@ !odeSection 1-1HGE, relating to intimidation of grand or petit juror or courtofficerB or


  • 8/13/2019 RICO Complaint


    =2@ L*ac(eteering acti&ityL shall also mean any act or threat in&ol&ing murder, (idnapping,gambling, arson, robbery, theft, receiptof stolenproperty, bribery, etortion, obstruction ofjustice, dealing in narcotic or dangerous drugs, or dealing in securities 'hich is chargeable underthe la'sof the United States or any of the se&eral states and 'hich is punishable by imprisonmentfor more than one year.

    D/. I ha&e identified many acts of obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury, perjury,

    tampering 'ith e&idence, and more.

    DD. +.!.#.$. 1-1//pro&ides:

    =a@ It is unla'ful for anyperson, through a pattern of rac(eteering acti&ity orproceedsderi&edtherefrom, to ac0uire or maintain, directly or indirectly, any interestin or controlof any enterprise,real property, orpersonal propertyof any nature, including money. =b@ It is unla'ful for anypersonemployed by or associated 'ith any enterpriseto conduct or participate in, directly orindirectly, such enterprisethrough apattern of rac(eteering acti&ity. =c@ It is unla'ful for anypersonto conspire or endea&or to &iolate any of the pro&isions of subsection =a@ or =b@ of this !odesection.

    D-. I ha&e identified the &iolations of +.!.#.$. 1-1//. =SeeMarkowitz v. Wieland, /A#a. $pp. 1D1, 1D/ =@ =DA S%d EHD@ =HHH@.@

    DE. +.!.#.$. 1-1/Fpro&ides:

    "ot'ithstanding any other pro&ision of la', a criminal or ci&il actionorproceeding under thischapter maybe commenced up until fi&e years after the conduct in&iolation of a pro&ision of thischapter terminates or the cause of action accrues.

    DF. )here is no issue 'ith limitations as #eorgia *I!+ is fi&e years. In fact, crimes are stilloccurring.

    DG. My injuries flo'ed from the predicate acts. =See, e.g.,Infocure, HHD U.S. ist. 5%NIS/-E/D, at O-E.@

    -H. I ha&e been injured as the result of more than t'o predicate acts.

    =SeeState eorgia et al. v. Shearson !ehman" Court of #$$eals of eorgia, AE S.%.d E-, 1FF#a. $pp. 1H =HEK11KFF@.@

    >)he re0uisite predicate acts for a sho'ing of a Lpattern of rac(eteering acti&ityL under +!#$ 1-1/A =@ and 1-1/A =A@ are also set forth in detail in the complaint. )he complaint furtheralleges that these offenses 'ere not committed as an occasional practice, but 'ere a part of asystematic and ongoing pattern o&er a number of years concealed by a scheme of subterfuge andintimidation. )he complaint also charges the defendants 'ith criminally operating $nee'a(ee forpecuniary gain by fraud and misrepresentation, con&ersion of funds pro&ided by the patients andthe ac0uisition of real estate 'ith the proceeds. )his complaint alleges precisely the conductprohibited by the #eorgia statute and the trial court acted in accordance 'ith legislati&e intent by


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    denying appellantPs motion for judgment on the pleadings or for summary judgment.? =!arson v.Smith et al., AG1 S.%.d -F-, 1G/ #a. $pp. -GFb =HAKHDKGH@.@

    -1. )he predicate acts are related and in&ol&e a distinct threat of longterm rac(eteeringacti&ity. =See%elletier v. &weifel, G1 3.d 1/-D, 1D1A =11th !ircuit 1GG1@.@

    -. Some of the efendants are guilty of a substanti&e *I!+ offense by aiding and abettingunder 1F U.S.!. . $s there is an alleged conspiracy to commit the *I!+ offense, a efendant need notpersonally commit all the elements of the offenseB some or all of the elements may be committed by a coconspirator.

    -A. $fter documents and 'itnesses are subpoenaed, I 'ill ha&e much more e&idence. I ha&econtacted former employees of the federal courts in $tlanta 'ho 'ill testify about the corruption. I ha&ebeen contacted by many &ictims of these same people in 3ulton !ounty 'ho 'ould li(e to testify.

    -/. etailed proof of this 'rongdoing is a&ailable in copies of the documents presented forfiling, co&er letters listing the documents, proof of receipt by the +ffice of the !ler( of the !ourt, doc(etprintouts sho'ing the documents 'ere not doc(eted, affida&its from the couriers 'ho deli&ered thedocuments and obtained signed deli&ery receipt, and my affida&it. $ separate $ffida&it is a&ailable 'ithmore detail, and rele&ant documents are on !*+M.


    In accordance 'ith F U.S.!. 1E/-, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true andcorrect based upon my personal (no'ledge.

    %ecuted this 1Fth day of $ugust H11.




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