rise of internet in india and worldwide

Post on 06-Apr-2018






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  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    YEAR B2C (Amount in crore)

    1998-99 12

    1999-2000 15

    2000-01 100

    2001-02 110

    2002-03 130

    2003-04 255

    2004-05 570

    2005-06 1180

    2006-07 7080

    2007-08 9210*Sources: IAMI Note: *Estimated

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Websites % use on



    Increase over

    2006 (%)

    Ebay 34% -4%

    Rediff 25% -4%

    Google 8% 5%

    Yahoo 7% -0.50%

    Indiatimes 7% -4%

    Futurebazaar 6% 6%

    Sify 2% 0.6%

    Shopping 2% 0.40%

    Amazon 1% -0.1%

    India plaza 1% 0.6 %

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y DemographicCharacteristics

    y Product Type

    y Familiarity and Confidencey Consumer Attitude

    towards E-shopping

    y E-shopping Environmental


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Rapid growth of cybercafs across India

    y Access to Information

    y The increase in number of computer users

    y Reach to net services through broadband

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    y Shop any time of the dayy Shop abroady Save timey Easy to do comparison shopping between products, as well as, online

    storesy More easily you can find a product compared to brick-and-mortal

    storesy Have more options compared to brick-and-mortal stores

    y Easy to find real bargainsy Provided products are cheaper compared to brick-and-mortal storey

    The whole buying procedure is more easily compared to brick-and-mortal storesy Consumers can find products that there are not in brick-and-mortal


    y Have much more time to evaluate and select a product

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    y Online stores promise more than they can practicallyoffer

    y Consumers can not completely trust them

    y Online stores are not always official representatives oftheir offered products

    y Consumers find it difficult to confirm the reliability ofthe provided products

    y It is possible to have your credit card data interceptedy It is possible to buy a product that it would not value as

    much as you pay for it

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide



    Strengths Weaknesses

    Global reach of businessLow cost to maintain and enhance the site, notrestricted by foot printStock is recognized brandsPurchase price can be less than off line shopsStrong competition for warehousing anddistribution keeps costs downEasy to remain in touch and build relationshipswith customers (Email, SMS, e'zine)Use existing distribution networks (Postage)

    No shop front to accept returnsPeople need to find our site, there is no othermarketingLack of shop brand recognitionHard to scale up to respond to peaks and troughsin demandLimited financial capital to fund web siteoptimizationLarger or heavy toys have high delivery costdiminishing the online price advantage.Low web development skills in house we arereliant on outsourcing


    Opportunities Threats

    Established traffic and high number of repeat

    customers may enable increased sales through theaddition of complimentary product lines

    Increased use of the internet for shopping with the18 to 35 age group suggests that additional salesmay come from stocking toys for this age group

    Improve organic search ranking to reduceadvertising costs

    The internet has no barriers to entry which means a

    better financed business or an established retailbusiness may seek to compete in this niche.

    eBay and other online auction sites have tradersselling similar products

    Buyer reluctance to shop over the net (Diminishing) Quality issues from overseas suppliers damaging the

    reputation of brands we sell Lager business with greater buying power may

    undercut our prices to gain online market share

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Title of the study:

    y Consumer Perception toward Online Shopping in Ahmedabad city

    Statement of the Problem:

    y Many times we heard that Indian people have touch and feelkind of behavior before purchase the any goods and services. Hence this research is tostudy the perception of Indian people during online shopping. And find out reason

    behind to go through online shopping and vise a versa. Hence, through our projectConsumer Perception toward Online Shopping in Ahmedabad city (Drive inroad, Gurukul, Vastrapur) we will find out same.

    Objective of the Study:

    y 1 To study the risk of online shopping,

    y 2. To study the past experience with online shopping,

    y 3. To study the benefits of online shopping,

    y 4. To study the ease of online shopping, and

    y 5. To study the level of uncertainty of online shopping.

    y 6. To study reasons for using online shopping (adopters only)

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Population: Citizens of Ahmedabad cityy Sampling Area: Taken from Vastrapur, Gurukul area, Drive in

    Roady Sample Size : 203 Consumers= Approx. 200 consumers

    Here, consumers refer any person who ever done shopping whetherfrom internet or brick and mortal store.= (.95)*(.05)*(1.96)^2/(.03)^2

    Where p= probability of respondents 95%=0.95q= probability of non- respondents 5%= 0.05E= 0.03=p^-p=error of estimation

    Z=98% confidence level value is= 1.96(from the Z-table)y Sampling Technique: Non probabilistic sampling and

    Convenience Sampling

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Research Design: Descriptive study

    y Age Group: 18 and above

    Statistical techniques

    y Bar Diagramsy Pie-Chart

    Data collection:


    Primary datay Secondary data

    Limitations of the study:

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  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide







    No Formal Education High School

    Graduate Post Graduate

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide




    No. ofRespondents

    Yes No

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  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Majority of the young people are at least graduate, so education in todays scenario is

    increases very rapidly.y Todays era is internet era; in our survey we find that all people are aware about internet.

    y We find that majorityof people are aware about online shopping.

    y Wide variety of product, time saving, lower price, quicker delivery, full productinformation are the main reasons Which attracts consumer to do online shopping

    y Almost people buy online only1 or 2 times in quarter.

    y Travelling tickets, CD AND DVDS, computer software and hardware, and books are mostselling items in online shopping.

    y Majority people feel that security and trust, poor site design, price differentiation,difference between ordered quantities are the biggest reason which resists them to repeatpurchase.

    y Majority of the people shops by debit card .

    y Non-adopters of online company feel that security and trust, touch and feel experience,prefer from brick and mortal store are crucial reason for not doing online shopping.

    y Around 60% people ready to keep shopping.

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Majority of the people of not doing online shopping just

    because of security and trust problem so, company has toensure them (consumers) authentication of system(website) from they are purchasing or planning topurchase.

    y Almost male people are doing online shopping, female areless interested in online shopping, so company has to dopromotional activity which attracts more female to doonline shopping

    y As we know majority of people are simply graduate, socompany has to provide language options to make easyonline shopping

    y Time saving, quicker delivery & wide variety of goods arevery crucial in online shopping, so company has to improvetheir site design so consumer do not get confuse. Andimprove the distribution network to reduce delivery time

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y To sustain in competitive market increase the frequency rate of onlineShopping.

    y Company has to increase traffic on his website by providing salespromotion, various discount offers, promotional activities, rebate etc.


    Many of the consumers complaint that delivered quantity are differentfrom the ordered quantity. So company has to take care of it.

    y 30% of people do not recommend to others to do online shopping, socompany has to satisfy them so they can increase positive word ofmouth.


    If possible for online website than they provide proper video for theproducts regarding how to use the product, what are the feature of theproduct so consumer feel some touch and feel kind of experience.

    y The retailers must make sure that their website is out of malwares andvirus attacks.

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Todays era is internet era, majority of the people areaware about internet as well as online shopping. Butvery few people are doing online shopping becauseIndian typical mentality to touch and feel kind ofexperience before purchase. Indian people are verydifferent from other country people they believe infirst buy product and then pay. Time saving is the mostimportant factor which leads to do online shopping.

    Security is also crucial factor which resist doing onlineshopping


  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Philip Kotler, Keller, Koshy, Jha, Marketing Management, 13th edition

    Schiffman and Kanuk, ConsumerBehavior, IX edition

    Naresh Malhotra and Dash S., Marketing Research, V edition


    www.iamai.in Bhatnagar, A., Misra, S. and Rao, H. R. (2000) On risk, convenience, and

    internet shopping behaviour - why some consumers are online shoppers whileothers are not, Communications of the ACM, 43 (11), 98-105.

    Baker, C. R. (1999) An analysis of fraud on the Internet, Internet Research:Electronic Networking Applications and Policy, 9 (5), 348-359.

    Alba, J., Lynch, J., Weitz, B., Janizszewski, C., Lutz, R., Sawyer, A. and Wood, S.(1997) Interactive home shopping: consumer, retailer, andmanufacturerincentives to participate in electronic marketplaces, Journal of Marketing, 61(3), 38-53.

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    y Choi, J. and Lee, K. H. (2003) Risk perception and e-shopping: a cross-cultural study, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 7 (1),49-64.

    y Ernst and Young (2000), Global Online Retailing, [Online], [RetrievedJanuary 27, 2003], http://www.ey.com

    y Cronin, J.J, J.r & S.A Taylor factors to be considered in onlineshopping Main source Journal of Applied Business Research FourthQuarter 2006 Volume 22, Number 4

    y Wolfinbarger, Mary and MaryGilly, (2001). Shopping Online forfreedom control and fun, Vol. 43 (2): 34-55

    y Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A. and Malhotra, A. (2005) E-S-Qual: amultipleitem scale for assessing electronic service quality, Journal ofService Research, 7 (3), 213-233.

    y Retail Merchandiser (2003) Online spending jumps 18 per cent, RetailMerchandiser. [Online], [Retrieved December 22, 2003],

    http://web.lexisnexis.com/universe/documenty Dellaert, B., Monsuw, T.P., & Ruyter, K. (2004). What drives

    consumers to shop online? A literature review. International Journal ofService Industry Management, 15(1), 102-121.

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    y Gefen, D(2000) E-commerce: the role of familiarity andtrust, Available:http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=569910

    y Belanger, F., Van Slyke, C., & Comunale, C. (2002). Gender

    differences in perceptions of web-based shopping.Communication of the ACM, 45, 82-86.

    y Dr. A. Sajeevan Rao, Mokhalles Mohd. Mehdi, Onlineuser behavior in Delhi-a factor analysis (2007), Indianjournal of marketing, July, 2010

    y Dr. Muthamizh Vendan Murugavel, E-Tailing marketscenario in India (2008), Indian journal of marketing,August, 2010

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    y Age

    18-25 years 26-30 years 31-35 years 36-40 years >40 years

    y Marital Status

    y Single / Married

    y Gender

    y Male / Femaley What is your education level?

    No Formal Education High School Graduate Post Graduate

    y Profession ____________

    y Q.1 Are you familiar with internet?

    Ans. Yes No

    y Q.2 Do you have internet availability?

    Ans. . Yes No

    y Q.3 Are you aware about online shopping?

    Ans. Yes No

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Q.4 Have you done ever online shopping? Ans. . Yes No(If your answer is 'No', please jump to question 13.)

    Q.5 facts regarding online purchase.

    Reasons Strongly




    neither Slightly disagree Strongly disagree

    Wide variety of products

    Easy buying procedure

    Time savings

    Lower prices

    various mode of


    After sales service

    Quicker delivery

    Qualitative product

    Good Satisfaction level

    Desire to keep shopping

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Q.6 Nos. of online purchase per quarter (3 month)?Ans. 1 time 2 times 3 times more than 3 timesQ.7 Which kinds of product do you buy through online shopping? Ans. Computer hard ware and software travelling tickets CDs and DVDs Consumerelectronics books Any others than specify..

    Q.8 which are the most effective drivers which resist you to repeat purchase?

    Most effective drivers Strongly




    neither Slightly disagree Strongly disagree

    Security and trust problem

    poor site design

    price differentiation

    Inadequate information

    regarding product

    Shipping delays

    Difference between orderedquantity and delivered


    Difference between ordered

    quality and delivered quality

    Any other reason..

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


    Q.9 which instruments you use to buy? Ans. Debit card credit cardQ.10 Buying patterns of online shopping?Ans. Search online but buy & pay at stores

    Search and buy online but pay in cash on deliveryS

    earch, buy and pay onlineQ.11 You Recommendations to non online buyers for online shopping?Recommend Not Recommend

    Only for non-adoptersReason for not using online buying.





    neither Slightly




    Touch and feel kind of experience

    Not having any credit card or debit card

    Promotion and advertisement

    Customers review availability

    Unaware of buying procedure through internet

    Prefer to buy from brick and mortal stores

    Security and trust problem

    Sign of respondent

  • 8/3/2019 Rise of Internet in India and Worldwide


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