ritual of the order of knighthood

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Ritual of the Order of Knighthood

Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay


General instructions

The Priory should have such furnishings and paraphernalia as are necessary for the full presentation of the ceremonies contained in this ritual. Crown of Youth: A crown with seven jewels should be on the northeast corner of the Altar at all times, except during the first part of the Installation Service.   Candlesticks: Seven candlesticks should be placed around the Altar in the shape of a shield. In the Order of Knighthood, these candlesticks take on new stature in that they become known as the Seven Great Lights. Every effort must be made to carry out this thought. The candlesticks should be made to appear more massive than those used in the Chapter. They should be not less than a foot taller. If Chapter candlesticks are used, each should be placed on a special platform which should be concealed by appropriate coverings.   Altar: The Altar should be made to appear as luxurious as possible with an unusually large scarlet Altar cloth which can be draped and folded at the base in great profusion. Cut flowers in bright colors should be richly used upon the Altar and around the base. Before the convocation is opened, the Sword of Chivalry (no sheath) should rest across the closed Bible with the hilt at the southwest corner and the point at the northeast corner. The Gilded Spurs should be on the southeast corner. The Knightly Robe should be on the center of the east side of the Altar in as decorative a manner as possible.   Flag: The nation’s flag should-be placed in a standard at the right of the Standard Bearer’s station.   Candelabrum: A candelabrum holding seven candles should be placed on a stand at the right of the Sacristan’s station. The candelabrum should be of such appearance and weight as to be easily carried by the Sacristan during the Ceremony of Investiture.   Two raps (**) call up officers. Three raps (***) call up all present. One rap (*) seats all standing. One knock, followed by two quick knocks, are given at the door by a member seeking admission, and the Junior Deacon returns the same. When a late-arriving Knight is admitted, he must go to the west side of Altar and give the sign. The Illustrious Knight Commander returns

the sign. The Sentinel should not allow an alarm to be sounded during the opening, closing, prayers, or the obligation. Knights desiring to leave the meeting should ask permission of the Illustrious Knight Commander, then go to the Altar and give the sign which is returned by the Illustrious Knight Commander, and then leave.   Except when this Ritual requires it, no one should pass between the Altar and the East when the Priory is open.   Prayers: The Preceptor should conduct the Prior to the Altar for all prayers, going to a point in front of the Page Commander, then north to a point west of the Altar. Returning, Preceptor conducts Prior to a point due north, then east to a point north of the Illustrious Knight Commander, then south to stations. During prayers, Prior kneels on both knees on Altar cushion, both hands placed on Bible and Sword, face lifted upward. Preceptor remains standing with head bowed, as do all Masons and Senior Knights. All other Knights kneel on left knee facing the Altar. For proper manner for Knights with swords to kneel. After Prior says, “Amen,’ all Knights respond, “To God and His dominion.”   All gatherings of Knights, whether public or private, require the giving of the Nine O’Clock Interpolation at the proper time with all lights dimmed, if possible, or with only candies lighted. The usual responses will follow the Interpolation, “God bless mother, God bless father, God bless the purposes of DeMolay. Amen.” The response, “To God and His dominion,” will not be used.   Forms of Adress: When referring to a Knight by name, it is proper to use his full name, thus: “Sir Knight Thomas Smith.” However, when directly addressing a Knight by name, only his first name should be used, thus: “Sir Knight Thomas.” During convocations, a Knight who is an officer should always be referred to and addressed by his title, which, except for the Illustrious Knight Commander, should be preceded by the words “Sir Knight.” When referred to, say: “the Squire Commander.” When addressing directly say: “Sir Knight Squire Commander.” Officers, Knights and others should always rise and face the Illustrious Knight Commander when addressed by him, but no sign or other response should be given. Unlike the Master Councilor of a Chapter, the illustrious Knight Commander remains seated when speaking, except when this Ritual expressly requires him to rise.   Visitors: A visiting Knight must show his current membership cards for the Order of DeMolay and the Order of Knighthood in order to be admitted. If he does not have both of them in his possession, a Knight or Knights may vouch for the visitor if they have sat with the visitor in open Chapter or Priory as the case may be. However, in all cases, the visitor must show a membership card or be vouched for with respect to both the Chapter and the Priory. When occasion requires the formal introduction of visitors, the Preceptor should escort the visitor to the Altar and say, “Illustrious Knight Commander, it gives me great pleasure to

introduce to you and through you to the Knights of ... Priory, Sir Knight ... a member of Priory, located at ... If the visitor is a Mason, the prefix “Mr.” should be used and his DeMolay arid Masonic titles, if any, should be given. The Illustrious Knight Commander should give a brief word of welcome and then instruct the Preceptor to escort the visitor to an appropriate seat.   Baldric: Knights who desire to wear a baldric may do so, provided that the baldric is of the following design: three inches wide overall, white with a red border one-quarter inch wide, with the two and one-half inch official Order of Knighthood Swiss emblem centered horizontally and vertically on the front. The baldric may not have a fringe or any other decoration. It is to be worn over the coat, with the top on the right shoulder and the bottom at the left side.  

Opening Ceremony   IKC: The officers will take their stations. This Priory will come to order. IKC: * (one rap) IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor (rises, faces IKC), you will ascertain if all present are Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. PRE, makes circuit of room and satisfies himself that all present are entitled to remain, stops directly in front of the IKC and says: Illustrious Knight Commander, all present are Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay or those who, through Masonic affiliation, are entitled to sit in this convocation. IKC: *. PRE returns to his station and sits. IKC: Sir Knight Junior Deacon, you will inform the Sentinel that a convocation of this Priory is about to be convened and direct him to see that no saracen intrudes upon deliberations and ceremonies. JD, goes to door, gives one knock followed by two quick ones, responded to by the SEN with the same. Opens door.: Sir Knight Sentinel, this Priory is about to be convened and the Illustrious Knight Commander directs you to see that no saracen intrudes upon our deliberations and ceremonies. SEN: On my knightly honor, the Illustrious Knight Commander’s orders will be obeyed. JD, closes door, gives two quick knocks, responded to by the SEN with same, and returns to his station: Illustrious Knight Commander, the Sentinel is on duty at the outer portal of this Priory and we are safe from interruption. IKC: Sir Knight Senior and Junior Deacons, you will pass right and left through this Priory and satisfy yourselves that all who are present are entitled to sit with us in this convocation. They rise, go to the Altar facing IKC. IKC: *. SD and JD leave Altar without giving sign, go to the East, SD on the North and JD on the South. Both face West for the vouching of Senior Knights and Master Masons. IKC: Will all Senior Knights and Master Masons who are not active Sir Knights please rise. (Done.) Dad (the Priory Advisor or an Advisory Council member), can you vouch for these gentlemen as Senior Knights or Master Masons? (When an affirmative reply is given, the IKC seats the Senior Knights and Masons and dismisses the Deacons)

IKC: *. They pass down the north and south and collect the Password from each Knight except the Squire Commander and Page Commander. Each Knight should rise to give the Password. The Deacons go to Altar and face IKC. SD: Illustrious Knight Commander, we have obeyed your command and have passed through the ranks of this Priory. We find all present to be true Knights or those who are entitled to sit with us in this convocation. IKC: Sir Knight Senior and Junior Deacons, what is the true word of a Chivalric Knight? SD & JD, together: Chivalry. IKC & Deacons give sign, returned by IKC, then return to stations. IKC: **. Sir Knight Squire Commander, are you a DeMolay? SC: I was consecrated in the presence of god to clean and manly living. IKC: To what were you dedicated? SC: To the virtues of Filial Love, Reverence for Sacred Things, Courtesy, Comradeship, Fidelity, Cleanness and Patriotism. IKC: Where stands the Sentinel? SC: At the outer portal of this Priory. IKC: Where is the station of the Junior Deacon? SC: At the inner portal, inside this Priory. IKC: Sir Knight Junior Deacon, hat duty do you perform? JD: I guard with my life the inner portal of this priory and allow no one to enter who is not vouched for by the sentinel. IKC: Where is the station of the Sacristan? JD: In the North. IKC: Sir Knight Sacristan, what do you perform? SAC: When Serving Brethren enter this Priory, it is my duty to cause the rays of the Seven Great Lights to shine upon them, that in their light they may rededicate themselves to the seven cardinal virtues of a DeMolay. IKC: Where is the station of the Senior Deacon? SAC: At your right. IKC: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, what is your duty? SD: I assist the Illustrious Knight Commander in opening and closing this Priory and conduct Serving Brethren through the Ceremony of Investiture. IKC: Where sits the Illustrious Knight Commander? SD: In the East IKC: Why does he sit in the East? SD: As the Master Councilor of a duly constituted Chapter of the Order of DeMolay sits in the East as a symbol of the rising sun and the morn of life, so the Illustrious Knight Commander of this Priory sits in the East to govern its convocations and maintain brotherly love and harmony among all Knights. IKC: Where sits the Page Commander? SD: In the South. IKC: Sir Knight Page Commander, what more did you learn as a DeMolay? PC: The lesson of loyalty and toleration. IKC: In what manner? PC: I beheld the trials of Jacques DeMolay.

IKC: Did you receive the word? PC: I did. IKC: Give me the first syllable, and I in turn will follow you to completion. After IKC gives last syllable, PC repeats the word. IKC: What sealed you to the fraternity? PC: My obligation. IKC: Sir Knight Page Commander, why do you sit in the South? PC: To symbolize the meridian sun and the noon of life and to inculcate, teach and practice the tenets of our Order as taught by the Preceptors in the Chapter. IKC: Where sits the Squire Commander? PC: In the West. IKC: Sir Knight Squire Commander, why do you sit in the West? SC: To symbolize the setting sun and the end of life, and attest the loyalty of Knights on every field of combat in preserving the cause of true chivalry and defending the right. IKC: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, will prepare the Altar. Sir Knight Sacristan, you will light the Seven Great Lights. SD lights the candles, starting with the one farthest North and West. As he does so, Sac lights his candles from West to East. SD then goes to side of Altar. SD, kneels, removes S word from top of Bible rid places it to right side, opens Bible, replaces Sword and rises: The Holy Bible is the Word of God and as followers of Jacques DeMolay, we open it on our Altar in acknowledgment that from its teachings we are given strength for all our needs. SD returns to station. IKC: Sir Knight Standard Bearer, will present the flag of out country at the Altar. Rises. ***. All rise. IKC: Sir Knights, you will stand attention. Standing at attention means that a Knight should and with head erect, shoulders thrown well back, and salute in accordance with accepted national procedure. SB keeps the flag. Carrying the flag in front of SD, IKC, P and PRE, he goes South to point South of the PRE, thence West to a point South of the SC, thence North to a point in front of the SC, thence East to Altar, leaving ample room, about 5 feet, for P to kneel. IKC: Sir Knights, join me in saluting and pledging allegiance to our flag. All repeat in unison a pledge to the flag as accepted by the national government. IKC: Sir Knights, let us sing our opening ode. The singing of the national anthem is optional. If done, one verse of the national anthem should be used. IKC: Sir Knight Prior, you will lead us in our devotions. Active Sir Knights will kneel on left knee; all others will remain standing. P goes to Altar conducted by the PRE. SB remains at Altar, standing throughout the prayer, until P has returned to his station, and should not kneel with the flag. P: Heavenly Father, grant us wisdom and understanding in all of our undertakings. May we, Thy sons, reflect Thy will in these morning years of our lives so that when the meridian years of manhood are upon us we shall glorify Thee. Create us leaders in Thy cause that we may bring to Thy Throne of Grace those who are a part of our daily lives and who come within our sphere of influence. Help us to be good sons, loyal to Thee, our home, and our country. Help us to live clean and reverent lives that in Thy sight we may prove worthy of Knighthood. Amen. Conducted by PRE, P returns to station by way of the North. SB leaves Altar, goes West to point in front of the SC, thence North to a point North of the SC, thence East to station, completing circuit of the room. Deposits flag. All stand at attention during the passing of the flag. IKC: In the name of, and under the authority of the International Supreme Council of the Order

of DeMolay whose See is at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, and by virtue of the power in me vested as Illustrious Knight ... Commander of Priory, sponsored by ..., I declare this Priory duly open for deliberation and ceremony. Together, Sir Knights, the sign of a Chivalric Knight. Sign is given in unison with IKC. Sir Knight Junior Deacon, inform the Sentinel that the Priory is duly open. IKC: *. JD, goes to door, gives one knock, followed by two quick ones, responded to by the SEN with the same. Opens door: Sir Knight Sentinel, ... Priory is open. JD closes door, gives two quick knocks, responded to by the SEN with same , and returns to his station. JD: Illustrious Knight Commander, the Sentinel informed. JD sits.  

Ceremony of Investiture   Prior to the Ceremony, the Deacons will retire in the usual manner and see that the SRV B are ready at the door of the preparation room. The SD will then give one knock followed by two quick ones on the preparation room door. IKC: Sir Knight Registrar, what is the hour? REG, rises and faces IKC: Illustrious Knight Commander, it is the hour before dawn and there stand at the threshold of this Priory Serving Brethren who desire to be received and exalted to the Order of Knighthood among the Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. REG sits. IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will retire to the threshold of this Priory and make diligent inquiry concerning those who aspire to this Knightly station. PRE goes to the door of the preparation room. Lights dimmed. PRE gives one knock followed by two quick ones, opens door and addresses SRV B so that all in Priory room may hear him distinctly. PRE: My brothers, you are at the threshold of Priory as Serving Brethren in search of Knightly honors. Is this of your own volition? SRV B: It is. PRE: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, do you stand forth as host for their entrance here? SD: I do. PRE: What sesame do you possess that I may know that these Serving Brethren are worthy of being received and exalted to the rank and dignity of Knighthood? SD: I have the Password of a DeMolay. PRE: You will advance and communicate it. SD advances and whispers into the ear of the Preceptor the Password of a DeMolay. PRE: The word is correct. By what other tokens are they entitled to seek entrance into this Priory? SD: They have knelt at the Altar of the Seven Great Lights. They have worn the Crown of Youth, and have now in their keeping the Seven Symbolic Jewels that adorn it. They have practiced humility and bear a record of good report. They have been found to be Serving Brethren of worthy distinction, and now appear at the threshold of this Priory to be received and exalted to the rank and dignity of a Chivalric Knight of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. PRE: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, I shall convey your desire to the Illustrious Knight Commander. You will await his command and pleasure. PRE closes door, gives two knocks answered by SD

with same, returns to the Altar Illustrious Knight Commander, upon heeding the alarm at the threshold of this Priory, I found the Deacons acting as hosts to Serving Brethren who, of their own volition, desire to be received and exalted to the rank and dignity of Knighthood, They have knelt at the Altar of the Seven Great Lights. They have worn the Crown of Youth and have now in their keeping the Seven Symbolic Jewels that adorn it. They have practiced humility and bear a record of good report. They have been found to be Serving Brethren of worthy distinction. IKC: Sir Knights, you have heard what caused the alarm at the threshold of this Priory. If any Knight has just cause for denying protection and fellowship to those who await, let him here stand forth and proclaim his objection or forever remain silent. Pause. There being no objection, Sir Knight Preceptor, you will retire to the threshold and admit the Senior Deacon and the Junior Deacon together with the Serving Brethren. Sir Knight Sacristan, you will receive them under the rays of the Seven Great Lights. SAC rises, picks up candelabrum and holds it shoulder high, facing the preparation room door. PRE leaves Altar without giving sign, and returns to threshold. PRE, at threshold, gives one knock followed by two quick ones answered by the SD with the same. Opens door: The doors of our Priory open to welcome you. Enter, to the glory of God and His dominion! See, the Sacristan approaches to receive you. As PRE speaks last line, SAC starts to move slowly toward SRV B. At same time, PRE and Deacons bring SRV B inside, but not farther than Altar. V/hen all are inside, officers cause SRV B to face South. SAC steps in front of center of their line and stands facing them. PRE and SD stand at east end of line. ID stands at west end. SAC: Serving Brethren, I welcome you to this convocation of Chivalric Knights under the rays of the Seven Great Lights of our Order. It is well to pause here and reflect upon the truths which they symbolize. They cast their light upon you when you first knelt at the Altar of your Chapter. Like the beacons upon a thousand hilltops, they have guided you through the sunshine, dusk and darkness of daily living. You now present yourself as Serving Brethren in search of Knightly honors. Under these Great Lights, I ask if you have been faithful to the trust reposed in you by virtue of being wearers of the Crown of Youth? SRV B: I have. SAC: Do you confirm your allegiance to the precepts and ideals of the Order of DeMolay, and do you pledge anew your word of honor as DeMolays to continue in this path? SRV B: I do. SAC: Your answers being satisfactory, you will now be conducted to the Illustrious Knight Commander. SAC returns to station, replaces candelabrum on stand and is seated. Lights on full. PRE conducts SRV B to IKC in East. At the East, PRE and SD stand at south end of line and ID stands at north end. PRE: illustrious Knight Commander, I appear before you in company with the Senior and Junior Deacons to present these Serving Brethren who implore the Knights of this Priory to be received and exalted to Knighthood. They have been faithful to the trust reposed in them by virtue of being wearers of the Crown of Youth. IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, do these Serving Brethren confirm their allegiance and loyalty to the precepts and ideals of the Order of DeMolay, and do they pledge anew their word of honor as DeMolays to continue in this path? PRE: They do. IKC, rises: Serving Brethren, we pause here at the commencement of our ceremony that you may recall the past days of your youth, and look forward to a vision of the road that leads to new

frontiers. Already you know that life is a constant field of combat. Every moment teems with decisions to do right or to do wrong. There is constant warfare between good and evil, between right thinking arid wrong thinking, between the scrupulous and the unscrupulous. Truth, honesty and good citizenship are always arrayed against evil, deceit and despotism. This, then, is a moment of high decision for you. You come before us seeking the accolade of Knighthood. Like the Knights of old, we stand forth consecrated to protect the weak and the helpless, the oppressed and the suffering, and to build a bridge of chivalry that the peoples of the world might cross to more harmonious and kindly living. Do you desire to be consecrated to this high office of achievement? SRV B: I do. IKC sits. IKC: You will pay heed to the Prior. P steps in front of line of SRV B. P: Serving Brethren, the road is narrow indeed that leads into the setting sun. The success of your journey through life will in great measure depend upon your ability to get along with people. This world is filled with millions of human beings, no two alike. Each possesses different opinions, ideals, tastes, ambitions and traits of character. You will find each is different from the other by way of heredity, culture and will. Your task then as a true Knight is to venture forth with the avowed will and determination to appreciate everything beautiful and good, with a temper so buoyant that the frictions of everyday living will not wear upon your sensibilities. Let us as Knights so act and live that no disturbance shall agitate our equanimity and that out of a boundless charity we will seek to neutralize some portion of the world’s bitterness and evil. Do you promise so to live? SRV B: I do. P returns to station and sits down. IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct these Serving Brethren to the Squire and Page Commanders for further instruction and examination. PRE, assisted by the Deacons, conducts SRV B to South. PRE, at South: Sir Knight Page Commander, I present these Serving Brethren who are seeking to be exalted to the rank and dignity of Knighthood. Before they can advance further, it is the command of the Illustrious Knight Commander that you instruct and examine them. PC, rises: Serving Brethren, when you first knelt at the Altar of DeMolay, you became as a Page in Chivalry. Your task then was to practice the teachings of our Order as taught by the Preceptors. Today the same tradition still captures and animates each one of us. You will recall with fond recollection your avid desire to reflect in daily living the tenets of our Order. The motto of the Knights of the Round Table, ‘He who seeks to serve a brother best serves himself,’ became your own, a lodestar in the heavens of true Knighthood. Your presence here attests how well you have employed those spiritual qualities which are the particular attributes of a DeMolay. Do you promise to seek diligently that further light which this convocation of Chivalric Knights sheds upon those qualities? SRV B: I do. PC: You will now be conducted to the Squire Commander for further instruction and examination. PRE, assisted by the Deacons, conducts SRV B to West. PC sits after they leave his station. PRE, at West: Sir Knight Squire Commander, I present these Serving Brethren who are seeking to be exalted to the rank and dignity of Knighthood. Before they can advance further, it is the command of the Illustrious Knight Commander that you instruct and examine them. SC, rises: Serving Brethren, you now stand in the symbolic camp of the Squires. Here are

quartered Serving Brethren who have attested on every field of combat their loyalty to the cause of true chivalry. Those of our number who abide here have never been content to follow. We accept into our ranks only those who, by practice and devotion to the cause of good, lead in every field of accomplishment and endeavor. If your goal here is only that of mediocrity, then those who have admitted you to our presence have failed in their determination to search out and bring to our attention those who possess the real qualities of consecrated leadership. Do you avouch here and now your untiring determination to lead those who come into your daily life, that the cause of good may always flourish and prosper? SRV B: I do. SC: You will now be conducted to the Illustrious Knight Commander for final instruction and examination. PRE, assisted by the Deacons, conducts SRV B to East by way of North. SC sits after they leave his station. PRE, at East: Illustrious Knight Commander, I return with these Serving Brethren having heeded your command that they be instructed and examined by the Squire and Page Commanders. They have answered in a satisfactory manner the questions propounded to them. They seek the accolade of Knighthood. IKC, rises: Serving Brethren, again you stand before me as suppliants for the coveted boon of Knighthood. Your preparation in mind and heart is now evident. It is not untimely to admonish you that your responsibilities to God, home and country increase, rather than diminish, in this hour of consecration. Your actions from this time forward, both in private and before the world, must attest your loyalty to the teachings, doctrines and tenets of our Order. You must feel at this moment as did the Apostle Paul when he stood on the threshold of Macedonia and said, ‘A great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries.’ The great privilege of serving God’s humanity is now yours that you might lead others in offering a cup of cold water to a thirsty and distraught world. Do you still desire to assume the vows of Knighthood? SRV B: I do. IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct these Serving Brethren to the Altar of the Seven Great Lights dedicated to the glory of Almighty God, that they may there assume the vows of Knighthood. PRE, assisted by the Deacons, conducts SRV B to Altar by way of South. IKC, ***: Sir Knight Squire Commander, Sir Knight Page Commander and retinue, you will attend me at the Altar of the Seven Great Lights. Lights dimmed, Officers assemble at the Altar. IKC, at Altar: Serving Brethren, you stand before the Altar of the Seven Great Lights, dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God. I must ask you to kneel upon both knees. Done. Place both hands upon the Holy Bible and Sword of Chivalry, or upon the shoulders of the Serving Brother nearest you. Done. Say ‘I,’ pronounce your name in full and repeat after me: ‘in the presence of Almighty God and these Knights here assembled, do solemnly promise, covenant, and vow that I here, now and forever re-consecrate myself to all of the promises and vows I have heretofore made as a member of the Order of DeMolay. I furthermore promise fealty and allegiance to every Knight of this Order and that I will always, even at peril, aid and defend a Knight in time of trouble and need. I furthermore promise that I will seek to be a leader for good in every cause in which I may enlist, and that I will always champion, defend, and protect the weak, the helpless, the oppressed and the suffering. I furthermore promise that I will never bring dishonor to my parents, family, or those who cherish and endorse me. I furthermore promise that I will henceforth strive to develop and increase every resource at my

command so that I may become a leader among the people to the Glory of Almighty God. I freely and voluntarily give my full promise, assurance, and assent to all of the duties, responsibilities and performances that are now mine, without any secret evasion or reservation whatsoever. Should I willfully violate any promise or obligation I have assumed at this Altar, I will consider myself unworthy of Knighthood and the good opinion of all right thinking men. May God help me faithfully to perform all of them, my vows, as a Chivalric Knight of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. You will detach your hands, rise, and kiss the Holy Bible. Lights on full Officers return to station. IKC, *, returns to point midway between East and Altar: It now becomes my privilege symbolically to present to you the visible decorations accorded a Chivalric Knight. They are the Robe attesting to your knightly state, the Sword of Chivalry, and the Gilded Spurs of Knighthood. PRE displays each item as IKC explains it. The Knightly Robe is Symbolic of all that was best in ancient chivalry and that lives now in the Order of DeMolay. May this mantle ever be a constant reminder to you of your promise to be a leader among and for the people. The Sword of Chivalry is a flaming memento of ancient Knighthood that has come down through the dim past as an emblem of power to be wielded in defense of honor and justice, and only against wrong, oppression, and tyranny. May you ever wield it as a true Chivalric Knight The Gilded Spurs are symbolic of those worn by every Knight on the field of combat. I symbolically present them to you and remind you that they should be worn only by leaders among the people who seek to glorify God, the sanctity of home, and the glorious heritage of our native land. May these emblems of your knightly station ever remind you of the great trust reposed in you by good and loyal Knights everywhere. The Deacons come to East of Altar, stand in front of IKC, and give sign and grip, as IKC explains them. The sign is made by placing the index finger of the right hand to your closed lips. The Password of a Chivalric Knight is ‘Chivalry.’ The grip of the Order is given by taking the hand in a natural and casual manner and pressing the index finger twice at the base of the wrist.” IKC returns to East. The Deacons return to place beside Knights-Elect while PRE picks up Sword of Chivalry from Altar. Sir Knight Preceptor, will present the Knights-Elect at the East. Knights-Elect are conducted to East by way of North. PRE: Illustrious Knight Commander, in accordance with your command, I present these Knights-Elect who have knelt at the Altar of the Seven Great Lights, dedicated to the glory of Almighty God, and who have assumed their Knightly Vows. IKC: Sir Knights-Elect, you have traveled to the North, the East, the South, and the West and have received instruction in the commendable virtues of this degree. We find you to be worthy of the honor we are about to confer. You will kneel on both knees. PRE presents Sword to IKC, who steps in front of Knight-Elect In the name of the International Supreme Council and by virtue of the power in me vested as Illustrious Knight Commander of Priory, I now dub touch right shoulder of Knight-Elect with flat of sword, consecrate left shoulder and dedicate top of head you a Chivalric Knight of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. Rise, Sir Knight Your boon has been granted. IKC offers sword hilt to Knight-Elect. For a large class it is recommended that the IKC be assisted in the knighting by the SC, PC, and PIKC, if necessary. IKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will afford our now Knights seats within this Priory. PRE conducts the new Knights to seats. PRE returns Sword to Altar. PRE, SD and JD return to their


Installation Service

NOTES: A closed Bible should be on the Altar. A sword should be laid across the Bible from Southwest to Northeast. Seven unlighted candies should be arranged about the Altar in the shape of a shield. A seven-branched, unlighted candelabrum should be at the Sacristan’s station. Eleven chairs should be reserved in the Northwest for the new officers. The Knightly Robe, Golden Spurs and Crown of Youth should be on pedestals located at the foot of the East, A long-stemmed candle-lighter with snuffer attached should be placed beside the Senior Deacon’s station and another beside the Junior Deacon’s station. If properly handled, swords can add greatly to the impressiveness of the service. However, the use of swords is entirely optional. If used, eighteen swords with sheaths, belts and carriers will be needed for the installing team and all new officers except the IKC. Proper handling of the swords will be explained at rehearsals. During prayers, Knights who are not armed with a sword will kneel in the usual manner. Knights with sword will place the point of the sword on the floor, kneel on left knee, hands on the sword hilt, back straight, and head bowed low. The order in which the officers are installed shall be at the discretion of the Executive Officer. IHER, sword at carry, enters. He proceeds along south to head candle where he stands, facing West. FANFARE! IHER: Sir Knights, fellow DeMolays, and all friends of chivalry and the chivalrous, we invite you to give heed as the Illustrious Knight Commander and the officers of Priory, Order of Knighthood, are installed by the Illustrious Knights who are even now approaching the portal of this Priory. Except for IIKC, team, with swords at carry, enter in two lines and proceed to Altar. Team faces in. IIKC enters immediately and comes to position between lines. As he approaches, team comes to present swords. When he stops, he and team kneel in silent prayer. IIKC: Amen Team: To God and His dominion. All rise. Team, except IIKC and IHER, at present swords; IIKC and IHER at carry swords. IHER comes around south side of Altar and escorts IIKC to East by way of North. As IIKC passes Altar, team comes to carry swords and faces East. IIKC: *. Team disperses to stations by most direct route. When all are in place team sheaths swords, taking cue from IPC. IIKC, *: Friends, Sir Knights and Brethren, the doors of this Priory open wide to you in hearty welcome. In the character of Chivalric Knights of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay we assemble here for the purpose of installing our officers and to that duty we now dedicate ourselves. The age of chivalry will always hold for us the glory and pomp of mediaeval pageantry. The noblest precepts of Knighthood’s Code are legacies from earlier ages that will survive all transitory human institutions and be a part of the eternal heritage of the race. We of today find it difficult to explain the introduction and growth of Knighthood. It is obscure in so many details. To us the words ‘Knight’ and ‘Knighthood’ are modern forms of old English and of these the primary signification of the first was a boy or youth, and of the second the

period of life between childhood and manhood - but before the middle of the Twelfth Century they had the meaning of a ‘Chevalier’ of France. We of this Order trace our lineage back to Jacques DeMolay, a Frenchman, the last Grand Master of the Templars, who was burned to death in 1314 on a small isle in the River Seine in front of the Cathedral of Notre Darns at Paris. DeMolay was one of the ten Templars who survived the Battle of Acre in 1291. We might fitly call the days that marked his passing as the Autumn of Chivalry. The Medieval Crusades are now laden with the dust of antiquity and we of this generation catch only a backward glimpse of the spirit of a knight-errantry that existed only while Knighthood was in Flower. The Knights of this Order are dedicated to Love of God, Love of Home, and Love of Country. We accept into our ranks only those who by practice and devotion to the cause of good, lead in the fields of accomplishment and endeavor. Like the Knights of old we stand forth consecrated to protecting the weak and the helpless the oppressed and suffering - and to build a bridge of chivalry that the peoples of the world might cross to more kindly and successful living. Distinguished guests who are to be seated in the East should be received at this time. IHER should be used to announce them, and IPRE to escort them. After the last guest has been received, or, if there are none, then immediately after the IIKC’s opening speech, IHER rises IHER: Illustrious Knight Commander, there are assembled at the outer portal those Knights whom the members of this Priory have selected to serve as officers for the ensuing term. They are escorting the illustrious Knight Commander-Elect. IIKC: Sir Knight Junior Deacon, you will bid them enter. IJD, at door: Sir Knights, you may enter. Officers enter and proceed to Altar. All have swords at carry, except the IKC-Elect, who has no sword. At the Altar, officers come to present swords. As each officer is introduced in turn by the IHER, he returns sword to carry. When IKC is introduced, bows slightly. IHER, at his station: Illustrious Knight Commander, I have a honor to present Sir Knight ... who has been appointed Sentinel, Sir Knight ... who has been appointed Sacristan ... and so on through SB, JD, SD, PRE, F, REG, PC & Squire Commander, making the necessary change in wording for those who are elected rather than appointed. It is also my distinct honor to present Sir Knight who has been elected by the Knights of this Priory to serve as Illustrious Knight Commander. IIKC: Sir Knights, the portal of this Priory has opened wide to in congratulation and welcome. It is our happy duty to assist to begin the work of your respective offices. First, however, must prepare the Altar so that we may receive you according the required forms of our Order. I urge you to pay close attention as the landmarks of Knighthood are explained. You ay be seated. Officers about face on cue from IPRE, then proceed to sideline seats, north line first, then south line, then IKC. PRE, carrying Crown of Youth, goes to east side of Altar. At the same time, IJD goes to ISAC's candelabrum and SDD goes to candle farthest North and West. SD and JD carry candlelighters. IPRE: As it is the Preceptor who first greets a DeMolay who appears at our threshold seeking further knowledge of the principles of our Order, I bring the Crown of Youth to the Altar of Knighthood. Places Crown on northeast corner of Altar. It reminds us that we are first and foremost DeMolays who are dedicated to the seven cardinal virtues of Filial Love, Reverence for Sacred Things, Courtesy, Comradeship, Fidelity, Cleanness and Patriotism. ISD and IJD light candles simultaneously as PRE names each virtue. I solemnly enjoin the members of this Priory

ever to be mindful of the lessons learned in the camps of the Pages and Squires and of our duty as Knights to continue our labors there, so that our younger brothers may not suffer for want of our companionship and assistance. WRE, ISD and IJD return to station. PI goes to west side of Altar, lays Sword to right side, opens Bible, steps back. IP: We open the Holy Bible on the Altar of Knighthood as a reminder of that faith in the everlasting God which is the foundation of our heritage as DeMolays and Knights. No matter what creed or form of worship we may individually adopt, we can all unite around this sacred record of the mighty acts of God as Knights dedicated to His glory and to His ultimate dominion in the hearts of men. IP returns to station. IJD goes to west side of Altar, places Sword across open Bible, steps back. IJD: We place this Sword across the Holy Bible as a symbol of the vigilance which we, like the Knights of ages past, must ever maintain to protect our freedoms until, in God’s good time, all men come to acknowledge the value of the liberties with which He has blessed us. Here on this sacred spot, the Sword of Chivalry, the unmistakable adornment of a Knight, remains ready to consecrate as Knights those DeMolays who appear at the threshold of this Priory prompted by a genuine desire to seek further light concerning the precepts of our Order. IJD returns to station. SD, carrying Gilded Spurs, goes to east side of Altar. ISD: These Gilded Spurs which we place on the Altar of Knighthood, remind us of valiant steeds and courageous warriors and their many acts of valor on battlefields from Acre to Hastings. Places Spurs on southeast corner of Altar. Let these Spurs also remind the Knights of this Priory that there are battles yet to be fought in our lives, for there is constant warfare between good and evil, between right thinking and wrong thinking, between the scrupulous and the unscrupulous. May the memory of the valor of the Knights of old spur us on in every contest of life which we shall enter. ISD returns to station. IHER, carrying the Knightly Robe, goes to east side of Altar. IHER: This is the Knightly Robe which was presented symbolically to each Knight of this Priory as he renewed his obligations as a DeMolay and consecrated himself to new endeavors at the Altar of Knighthood. The Knightly Robe reminds us of the terrible trials which Jacques DeMolay endured without compromising his principles or betraying his fellow Knights. May his example of unfaltering fidelity be a constant inspiration to the Knights here assembled that they may be equally faithful to the principles of Knighthood and to their fellow Knights no matter what the cost may be. Place Robe at center of east side of Altar. IHER returns to station. IIKC: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, you will present the colors. IIKC: ***. Taking cue from IPC, all team members and all new officers unsheathe swords and come to present swords as ISD picks p the flag. ISD carries flag south, west and to a point on the west side of the Altar, in the usual manner. When SD grounds flag, all return swords to carry, taking cue from IPC. IIKC: Sir Knights, brethren and friends, join me in singing the first verse of our national anthem. Done. Join me in saluting and pledging allegiance to our flag. Taking cue from IPC, officers and team members immediately come to present swords which they hold during pledge to the flag. Because they are at present swords, officers and team members DO NOT repeat the pledge. At conclusion of pledge, all return swords to carry, taking cue from IPC. IIKC: Sir Knight Prior, you will assist us in prayer. Sir Knights and DeMolays to your left knee. All others remain standing. IP sheathes sword. IPRE escorts IP to Altar in usual fashion. IIKC, ISC, and IPC come down to level. When IPRE and IP reach Altar, IPRE takes one step back. All team members (except IPRE and ISD) and all officers kneel as IP kneels. IPRE remains

standing, sword point on ground, head and shoulders bowed. ISD continues to hold flag. IP: Almighty God, Creator of all that ever was, and is, and ever shall be: we ask Thy blessing upon these Thy servants here assembled. Especially, O Lord, we seek Thy favor for the Knights who will be consecrated to tasks of leadership this evening. Inspire their hearts, sharpen their minds, guide their hands so that all that they say and do may be worthy of a valiant Knight of this Order. O Father of all Men, help us to take Thy word into our daily lives so that we may be molded into better sons, worthy parents of the future, responsible citizens of this great land, and honorable sewing Knights in this house which Thou best built. Amen. All: To God and His dominion. All rise. IPRE and IP return to stations. ISD picks up flag. Officers and team members present swords, taking cue from IPC. ISD about faces, returns to West, and then to East by way of North in the usual manner. After ISD grounds flag, all sheathe swords, taking cue from IPC. IIKC: *. IIKC: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will present the officers of Priory for installation, commencing with the Sentinel. IIKC leaves East and goes to east side of Altar. Simultaneously, ISC and IPC leave their stations and go to east side of Altar where they stand at the IIKC’s right and left respectively. IPRE conducts SEN to the west side of the Altar. When his title is announced, SEN rises, unsheathes sword and brings to carry. At Altar he comes briefly to present sword and then back to carry sword. Each officer will follow these instructions as he is installed. PRE: Sir Knight Squire Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Sentinel of this Priory for the ensuing term. SC: Sir Knight , your station is at the outer portal of this Priory. It is your duty to see that no one gathers there except the true Knights of this Order and their guests. Be faithful in your attention to that task so that the Illustrious Knight Commander and your fellow Knights may be sure that the profane will not interrupt our deliberations and ceremonies. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Sentinel to his station, after which you will present the Sacristan for installation. SEN again comes briefly to present sword and then back to carry sword. IPRE conducts SEN to his station and then presents SAC at Altar. PRE: Illustrious Knight Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Sacristan of this Priory for the ensuing term. IKC: Sir Knight , to you falls the stewardship of the Seven Great Lights. Those lights represent the seven cardinal virtues which were impressed upon us in the camps of the Pages and Squires and they are symbolic of the greater meaning which those virtues have for us as Knights. As the guardian of the Seven Great Lights, it will be your important duty to remind us of the special bonds of brotherhood which continue to unite us to our DeMolay chapters and of the claim for assistance and service which our younger brothers still have upon us. Lot us never forget that we owe our Knighthood to DeMolay and to those who assisted and served us when first we knelt at the DeMolay Altar. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will cow duct the Sacristan to his station, after which you will present the Standard Bearer for installation. IPRE conducts SAC to station and then presents SB at Altar. PRE: Sir Knight Page Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Standard Bearer of this Priory for the ensuing term. PC: Sir Knight ..., you are to be the official guardian of that beloved flag which is the protector of our civil, religious, and intellectual liberties - the three sources of our country’s greatness. it is your privilege to remind us that, even as a Knight of old rose to the defense of his lord’s banner, so the Knights of this Priory must constantly stand ready to defend that flag, not only on the

fields of battle, but also on the perpetual battlefield where good citizenship wages war with bad. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Standard Bearer to his station, after which you will present the Junior Deacon for installations IPRE conducts SB to station, escorts IHER to one of the sideline seats vacated by officers, and then presents JD at Altar. PRE: Sir Knight Squire Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Junior Deacon of this Priory for the ensuing term. SC: Sir Knight ..., it will be your duty to see that no one is admitted to our deliberations and ceremonies until he has been properly vouched for by the Sentinel. Your station is therefore at the inner portal of our Priory. I admonish you to exercise the strictest carefulness in the discharge of this important trust. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Junior Deacon to his station, after which you will present the Senior Deacon for installation. IPRE conducts JD to station, conducts IJD to seat on sidelines, IJD takes candlelighter with him, then presents SD at Altar. PRE: Illustrious Knight Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Senior Deacon of this Priory for the ensuing term. IKC: Sir Knight ..., the station of the Senior Deacon is one of honor and dignity, for to you has been entrusted the welfare of those Serving Brethren who approach the threshold of this Priory for exaltation to the ranks of Knighthood. I enjoin you to serve them well to that their first impression of this Order may accurately reflect its high purpose and ideals. Sir Knight Installing Preceptor, you will conduct the Senior Deacon to his station, after which you will present the Preceptor for installation. IPRE conducts SD to station, escorts ISD to sideline seat, ISD takes candlelighter with him, then presents PRE at Altar. PRE: Sir Knight Page Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Preceptor of this Priory for the ensuing term. PC: Sir Knight ..., it is your duty to examine the Serving Brethren who present themselves at the threshold of this Priory and, if they be found worthy, to guide them through the Ceremony of Investiture. You will also conduct such other processions as our rites prescribe. I remind you that your demeanor will set the example for the conduct of all Knights who attend our convocations. Sir Knight Installing Preceptor, you will conduct the Preceptor to his station, after which you will present the Prior for installation. IPRE conducts PRE to station and then presents P at Altar.

PRE: Sir Knight Squire Commander, I am pleased to present Sir Knight ..., who has been appointed Prior of this Priory for the ensuing term. SC: Sir Knight ..., it will be your privilege to lead the Knights of this Priory in their devotions. Let it never be forgotten that the primary dedication of all Knights is to the service of God and to the day when His dominion will be achieved in the life of every man. With that dedication, we must turn in prayer to our Heavenly Father for guidance in all our endeavors. Therefore, I enjoin you to govern your every word and deed by the knowledge that to you has been entrusted the most sacred of the offices of this Priory. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Prior to his station, after which you will present the Registrar for installation. IPRE conducts P to his station, escorts IP to sideline seat, then presents REG at Altar. PRE: Illustrious Knight Commander, it is my privilege to present Sir Knight ..., who has been selected to serve as Registrar for the ensuing term. IKC: Sir Knight ..., it is fitting that your station is adjacent to thin of the Illustrious Knight Commander, for you are to assist him in every way possible as he conducts the business of this Priory. It will be your duty to keep the records of that business and of the finances of the Priory. We require of you a proper regard for the virtues of efficiency, meticulous attention to detail,

punctuality, and above all, consideration for the needs of others. The high degree of trust which we place in you is reflected in the high rank which is accorded to the office of Registrar. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Registrar to his station, after which you will present the Page Commander for installations. IPRE conducts REG to station, then presents PC at Altar. PRE: Sir Knight Page Commander, it is my privilege to present Sir Knight ..., who has been elected by the members of this Priory to serve as Page Commander for the ensuing term. PC: Sir Knight your station is in the South from which you are to govern the symbolic camp of the Pages. It is your special duty to maintain instruction and education among the Knights of this Priory. By electing you to this high office, your brethren have expressed their great confidence in your abilities. I charge you to see that their confidence has not been misplaced. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Page Commander to his station, after which you will present the Squire Commander for installation. IPRE conducts PC to his station, then presents SC at Altar. PRE: Sir Knight Squire Commander, it is my privilege to present Sir Knight ..., who has been elected by the members of this Priory to serve as Squire Commander for the ensuing term. SC: Sir Knight your station is in the West from which you are to govern the symbolic camp of the Squires. Like the Page Commander, you are to assist the Illustrious Knight Commander in the general government of this Priory. It is also your special responsibility to stand ready at all times to assume the post of your superior officer should necessity require it. I charge you to prepare yourself well for that office so that the Knights of this Priory may not suffer for want of leadership at any time. Sir Knight Preceptor, you will conduct the Squire Commander to his station after which you will present Sir Knight IKC-Elect at the Altar. IPRE conducts SC to his station. Simultaneously, IIKC returns to East and ISC and IPC go to sideline seats unescorted. IPRE conducts IKC-Elect to a point immediately west of the Altar. PRE: Illustrious Knight Commander, here stands Sir Knight .... IIKC: Sir Knight Registrar rises there stands Sir Knight.... Has he been duly elected to the office of Illustrious Knight Commander of this Priory? REG: Illustrious Knight Commander, he has. IIKC: Sir Knight Squire Commander rises, there stands Sir Knight .... It is reported that he is the choice of the Knights of this Priory to serve as Illustrious Knight Commander. What say you in the camp of the Squires? SC: Illustrious Knight Commander, we have chosen him. IIKC: Sir Knight Page Commander rises, there stands Sir Knight .... It is reported that he is the choice of the Knights of this Priory to serve as Illustrious Knight Commander. What say you in the camp of the Pages? PC: Illustrious Knight Commander, we have chosen him. IIKC: The Knights of Priory will please rise. Sir Knights, there stands Sir Knight .... It is reported that he is your choice to serve as Illustrious Knight Commander. What say you? All: We have chosen him. All Knights of the Priory remain standing throughout the service of reconsecration. IIKC: Sir Knight ..., you have heard the voice of your fellow Knights. They say that they have chosen you to be their Illustrious Knight Commander. Will you now accept the highest trust which they have in their power to bestow? IKC: Installing Illustrious Knight Commander, I will accept their trust. Installing IKC goes to east side of Altar. IIKC: The office of Illustrious Knight Commander demands the highest dedication to the

principles of Knighthood and the ideals of chivalry. Are you now willing to be reconsecreted to those ideals and principles? IKC: I am willing to be so reconsecrated. IIKC: Then you will kneel on both knees done, and place both hands upon the Holy Bible and the Sword of Chivalry done. Lights off, leaving only candies and Altar spot. IIKC kneels on east side of Altar and places his hands on top of IKC ‘s hands. Do you humbly and with good intent promise to govern this Priory with impartiality and kindness? IKC: I do so promise. IIKC: Do you promise upon your honor as a Knight that you will demand of each Knight of this Priory clean living, high respect for parents, and deference to womanhood? IKC: I do so promise. IIKC: Do you promise to practice true chivalry by aiding the distressed and weary and never permitting a Knight to go in need? IKC: I do so promise. IIKC: Do you promise that you will at all times obey the constitution, statutes and regulations of the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay? IKC: I do so promise. IIKC: Lastly, do you promise, Sir Knight , to emulate the heroism and fidelity of Jacques DeMolay should duty demand it? IKC: I do so promise. IKC rises, Lights on full. IIKC: You will detach your hands done and rise done. IIKC: (This paragraph is to be used only if officers are armed with swords. If not, then IIKC begins with next paragraph below.) Illustrious Knight Commander, you will have noted that each of your fellow officers is armed with a sword which is the chief symbol of the power and of the responsibility of Knighthood. Yet you have no sword. I assure you that this is not because your power and responsibility are less than theirs. On the contrary, to you now falls the highest privilege and greatest obligation, that of leadership. Rather, the fact that you alone bear no sword is to remind you in the most solemn manner possible that, although you are the chosen leader of these Knights, you must in the final analysis depend upon them for support and protection. During the coming months, Illustrious Knight Commander, your sword will rest where it now lies, upon the Altar of Knighthood. This is to remind you that you have assumed the awesome responsibility of creating and dedicating now Knights. Thus, to you has been entrusted the very heart of this Priory, not just for your term of office, but for the months and years beyond. Therefore, I charge you to see that no man unworthy of the title of Knight shall ever feel the weight of that sword when wielded by your hand. Even as your fellow Knights protect you, so must you protect them, and this Priory, and the very existence of Knighthood. IIKC goes around south side of Altar and stands on IKC’s right, IPRE already being on IKC’s left. The three about face. As they do so, all officers unsheathe swords and bring to present swords, taking cue from PC. The three go directly to West, then up north side to East. As they pass each officer, that officer returns to carry sword. When they reach the East, officers sheathe swords, taking cue from PC. IPRE remains standing at foot of East. IIKC, ***: Sir Knights, brethren and friends, here stands the Illustrious Knight Commander. You will greet him with a hearty welcome. IIKC, *: Sir Knight Preceptor, you will proclaim the Illustrious Knight Commander and the officers of this Priory duly and regularly installed. PRE goes to west side of Altar, places right

hand on Bible and Sword, raises left hand. IPRE: In the name of the International Supreme Council, and at the direction of the Installing Illustrious Knight Commander, I now proclaim the Illustrious Knight Commander and the officers of ... Priory, sponsored by ..., duly and regularly installed. May God protect and guide them and the Knights of this Priory. PRE goes to seat on sidelines. IIKC to the IKC: This is the gavel of this Priory. I charge you to wield it, not only as the authority of your office requires, but also as your Knightly conscience dictates. It is now your right to govern ... Priory and, on behalf of your fellow Knights, I now yield to you the chair of leadership. IKC may now proceed with the program for the evening. At the end of the program, he should request the IIKC to close the ceremonies. IIKC, ***: Sir Knight Installing Prior, you will assist us once more in prayer. Sir Knights and brethren, to your left knee. All others remain standing. IPRE conducts Installing P to Altar. All, except IPRE, kneel as IP kneels. IP: Almighty God, we approach Thy heavenly throne with that humility which is the true shield of all Knights. Bless our good intentions and guide us in all our undertakings. Inspire our minds with Knightly thoughts and our hearts with chivalrous virtues. Bless the cause in which we labor and, if it be Thy will, may this Order become a power for good in all the world. Amen. All: To God and His dominion. All rise as Installing P rises. Installing PRE conducts Installing P to sidelines. *. IIKC: Sir Knight Herald, Sir Knight installing Senior Deacon, and Sir Knight Installing Junior Deacon, you will attend the Altar. IHER goes to west side of Altar. Carrying candlesnuffers, lJD goes to SAC’s candelabrum and ISD goes to candle farthest South and West. IHER removes sword from Bible, places it to right side, closes Bible; and then replaces Sword across Bible. Then ISD and IJD extinguish candies moving simultaneously. ISD then joins IJD at candelabrum where they deposit snuffers. IHER moves around south side of Altar to southeast corner. IJD goes to center of east side of Altar. ISD goes to northeast corner of Altar. Simultaneously, ISD picks up Crown of Youth IJD picks up Knightly Robe, and IHER picks up Gilded Spurs. They then face East and carry the emblems to the pedestals where they were first obtained. Then they return to sideline seats. IIKC: This concludes our service of installation. I heartily thank all of you for your presence and hope that we may greet you often in the future as brothers and friends of Knighthood and the Order of DeMolay. Illustrious Knight Commander returning gavel, with your permission, we will now retire. Team rises and unsheathes swords, taking cue from IHER. IHER then goes to East as team reforms at Altar in same lines as when it entered. IHER then escorts IIKC down south side. As they approach the lines, team faces in and comes to present swords on cue IPRE. Team then kneels in silent prayer. IIKC: Amen. Team: To God and His Dominion. Team rises and returns to present swords. IHER and IIKC about face and leave. As they leave lines, team returns to carry swords and faces West, taking cue from IPRE. Team then leaves. IKC: The Officers of Priory will now retire. Officers form at Altar, kneel in prayer, and then retire - all in usual manner.  

Closing Ceremony

  IKC: Sir Knights, this convocation nears its close. If any Knight has cause to be heard, let him d forth and speak in charity and humility. PC: Sir Knights, you have heard the word at comes from the East. If any Knight has cause to be heard, a floor of this Priory is tendered him for this purpose, but member the injunction of the Illustrious Knight Commander at it must be in charity and humility. Pause. PC, after all Knights have spoken: Illustrious Knight Commander, silence prevails in the camp of the Pages. SC: Sir Knights, you have heard the word that comes from the East If any Knight has cause to be heard, he floor of this Priory is tendered him for this purpose, but remember the injunction of the Illustrious Knight Commander at it must be in charity and humility. Pause. SC, after all Knights have spoken: Illustrious Knight Commander, silence prevails in the camp of the Squires. IKC: No further business coming before this Priory, I shall proceed to close. From the station in the East, symbol of the rising sun and the morn of life, I enjoin ach of you to be faithful to the trust reposed in you as a chivalric Knight of the Holy Order of the Fellow Soldiers of Jacques DeMolay. Sir Knight Page Commander, what say you? PC: As the Junior Councilor of a DeMolay chapter sits in the South with his eyes on the meridian sun, so its the Page Commander in the South to direct the camp of the s with the firm conviction that there are untold opportunities do good and to be better. IKC: Sir Knight Squire Commander, what say you? SC: As the Senior Councilor of a DeMolay Chapter sits in the West with his eyes on the setting sun, so sits the Squire Commander in the West, to direct the camp of the Squires and to admonish every true Knight to be faithful to his vows, that when his final days draw nigh, he may hear the welcome words, well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy Lord. IKC: Sir Knight Prior, you will lead us in our devotions. IKC: ***. All rise. IKC: Active Sir Knights will kneel on left knee, all others remain standing. After being conducted to the Altar by PRE. If the meeting ends before Nine O’Clock, the P will give the Nine O’Clock Interpolation in lieu of the following prayer. Heavenly Father, we who are about to depart from this place ask Thee to give strength to our resolutions for good and temper our decisions with the infinitude of Thy love. Count each one of us as defenders of Thy cause and bring us at last to Thy throne in peace and glory. Amen. P, conducted by PRE, returns to station by way of the North. IKC: Sir Knight Senior Deacon, you will attend at the Altar. Sir Knight Sacristan, you will extinguish the Seven Great Lights. SD goes to Altar, places Sword to right side, closes Bible, replaces Sword, extinguishes candies in reverse order. SAC extinguishes his candles at same time. SD returns to station. IKC: Sir Knights, let us prove worthy of the martyred hero whose name we have taken on our lips. May we exemplify to the world a leadership that upholds the lessons learned in the sacred precincts of Knighthood. I now declare this Priory dosed. IKC, *: Sir Knight Junior Deacon, you will so inform the Sentinel. JD goes to door, gives one knock, followed by two quick ones, responded to by SEN with the same. Opens door: Sir Knight Sentinel, ... Priory is closed. Leaves door open and returns to

station. Illustrious Knight Commander, the Sentinel is informed. IKC: **.

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