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Living with confidenceRNIB Northern Ireland Annual Review 2013/14

ContentsMaking every day better Our work in numbers About usBeing thereSupporting independent living Creating an inclusive societyStopping people losing their sight unnecessarily Your supportA brief look at our finances Thank youHow you can help

Making every day betterDavid Mann, Chair of RNIB NI and David Galloway, Director of RNIB NI said:

“This annual review marks the end of RNIB’s 2009/14 five-year plan. It would be impossible to list all of our successes over that period, but here are just some of our more recent achievements of which we, in Northern Ireland, are particularly proud.

This final year of the strategy period 2013/14 had many ‘firsts’ for Northern Ireland. Derry Central Library became the first library to receive the RNIB Northern Ireland Excellence Award through our Sensory Engagement Programme, and with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, we created the first social history of blindness in Northern Ireland entitled ‘A Sense of the Past’.

A new partnership with Shopmobility across the region led to the introduction of volunteer shopping sighted guides serving eight major retail centres. This initiative, along with ‘GoOnRNIB’, our first digital inclusion programme, has helped many people to increase their independence and confidence.

RNIB Northern Ireland – supporting people with sight lossRegistered charity numbers 226227, SC0393016 and 1109

Last year, our Eye Care Liaison Service delivered immediate support to several thousand people who had been diagnosed with sight loss. That support is essential to help overcome the immediate challenges and barriers faced by individuals who are losing their sight.

Our ‘Finding your Feet’ programmes have helped people face the practical and emotional challenges of sight loss. This two-day course focuses on confidence building and maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Over the last five years, these vital programmes have given hope to hundreds of people who are living with sight loss.

Reductions to public services and personal incomes continue to have a huge impact on the lives of many people with sight loss so it is more important than ever that we reach as many of them as possible.

Although the tough economic climate is having an impact on our resources, we are so proud that our hard work has led to many fantastic achievements this year. These are only possible thanks to our generous financial supporters, along with our dedicated staff and volunteers.

We know there is so much more to do, so we are tremendously excited to launch our new strategy for 2014/19 which cements our commitment to be there for even more people when they are losing their sight. When someone is losing their sight, we want them to receive the help and support they need to come to terms with this potentially devastating news and to face the future with confidence.

Together we’re making every day better for everyone affected by sight loss in Northern Ireland by: being there when people need us, supporting independent living, creating an inclusive society and preventing sight loss.”

Our work in numbers We identified £817,000 in unclaimed welfare benefits



Our employment service helped 27 people into work and supported another 51 people to retain their job while they were losing their sight.

218 blind and partially sighted people received digital technology training.

Over 3600 people with sight loss were supported by an Eye Care Liaison Officer.

800 people with sight loss were supported in clubs and societies.

We supported 744 families of blind and partially sighted children and young people.

244 blind and partially sighted children and young people aged 0 to 25 joined our children and youth programmes.

We provided advice about products and technology to 2500 people with sight loss.

Figures are correct at March 2014.

About usWe’re the Royal National Institute of Blind People Northern Ireland and we’re here for everyone affected by sight loss. Whether you’re losing your sight or you’re blind or partially sighted, our practical and emotional support can help you face the future with confidence.

Our ambition is to make every day better for everyone affected by sight loss: by being there when you are losing your sight, supporting independent living, creating an inclusive society and preventing sight loss.

We’re a charity, proud to be led by a strong and active membership of blind and partially sighted people, who along with our trustees give direction to our work.

Being thereWe will make sure we reach more people losing their sight.

Coming to terms with losing your sight is incredibly hard. We want everyone in this situation to have the best possible support, and for some this starts straight after diagnosis. Our newest priority is


being there, which will focus on making sure we reach more people as early as possible when they are losing their sight.

Eye Care Liaison ServiceRNIB Northern Ireland provides sight loss advice services at each of the hospital eye clinics in Northern Ireland. People often tell us that this vital intervention can be life-changing. We are there to help people address the emotional impact of sight loss on them and their family. We work closely with health and social care services to ensure patients have timely access to the support they need and provide access to a host of practical support through the RNIB group of charities and other community and voluntary services. Last year, our Eye Care Liaison Officers dealt with over 3600 people giving vital advice and support at the point of diagnosis.

New counselling serviceRNIB Northern Ireland was awarded £500,000 as part of the Big Lottery Fund Connecting Older People programme for a three year project entitled “Looking Forward”. This is the first time dedicated face to face counselling has been available to people with sight loss in Northern Ireland.

Looking Forward provides practical and emotional support to blind or partially sighted people (aged 60 plus) at greatest risk of isolation or exclusion. The programme is free to access and offers a minimum of six face to face counselling sessions and ongoing peer support to help people come to terms with losing their vision.

This service is available throughout Northern Ireland with trained volunteer counsellors based in Belfast, Lisburn, Newry, Armagh, Fermanagh, Omagh and Derry/Londonderry. The Looking Forward project works in partnership with the following key organisations: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, Western Health and Social Care Trust and Good Morning Northern Ireland Network.

Living with sight lossOur local community workers supported over 800 people in clubs and societies across Northern Ireland. The peer support network


that these groups provide is often a lifeline for people who are otherwise socially isolated.

Being able to cope with the financial impact of sight loss is a significant concern for families and individuals. During the last year, our local Welfare Rights Service was used by over 400 people with sight loss and secured over £817,000 in unclaimed entitlements.

Clare’s storyClare (aged 27) experienced sudden sight loss due to diabetic retinopathy in 2011. Susan Caskey, one of our Eye Care Liaison Officers, was on hand to offer practical and emotional support, right from the very beginning of Clare’s sight loss journey.

Clare said: “I can’t even begin to imagine where my life would be had it not been for her work and moral support helping me through, undoubtedly the most terrifying and traumatic experience, to date, in my life.

Nearly four years on, I am now supporting the work of RNIB Northern Ireland. Having recently completed the Eye Care Liaison Officer training course myself, this has empowered me to undertake volunteer work with Susan at the Royal Victoria’s eye clinic. This all comes down to seeing Susan’s passion for making a difference to the lives of people with sight loss and it has motivated me and my family to help make a difference too.”

Supporting independent living

We’re committed to helping people with sight loss remain independent and lead as full and enjoyable lives as possible.

Keeping you informedOur Helpline is a direct line to the support, advice and products you need from RNIB to remain independent. This year we responded to a record 500,000 customer enquiries covering everything from benefits, to eye health information, legal rights, reading services and product sales.


Insight Radio, RNIB’s award-winning radio station has gone from strength to strength. As well as Insight online and via Sky and Freesat, you can now also listen via Freeview channel 730. The service is now available to over 20 million homes across the UK.

Our Reading Services provided around 40,000 blind and partially sighted people with books in giant print, braille and our much-loved talking books.

Control of your moneyWe’re delighted that our influence in the financial sector is benefiting blind and partially sighted people. The number of talking cash machines (ATMs) continues to grow so that people with sight loss can manage their money independently.

Supporting people at workLosing your sight doesn’t mean you can’t work. We support employers to understand how they can retain staff when they are losing their sight, or employ people living with sight loss. We also work with individuals to raise their skill and confidence levels to the point where they can gain or retain employment. In Northern Ireland this year, we helped 27 people into work, and supported another 51 people to retain their job while they were losing their sight.

Achieving a better educationIn Northern Ireland today, there are 2,500 blind and partially sighted children and young people who require specialist education support. Half have additional disabilities as well as sight loss, and two thirds are educated in a mainstream setting. We work with education professionals to support blind and partially sighted children and young people, offering training courses for teaching staff, facilitating specialist professional networks and providing vital resources to improve teaching standards.

Load2Learn, a joint project with Dyslexia Action, provides free accessible curriculum resources to support learners who cannot use standard print materials. Load2Learn now has over 5,000 registered users from across the UK and 2,500 books available for download. We’re adding new resources all the time.


Shopping independentlyWe’ve enabled people with sight loss to shop more independently by working with industry and retailers to improve the accessibility of packaging and the services provided to blind and partially sighted shoppers.

In October 2013 a new sighted guide shopping service was officially launched at CastleCourt Shopping Centre, Belfast. This innovative project was developed through a partnership between RNIB Northern Ireland and Shopmobility.

The scheme allows blind or partially sighted shoppers to book time with a volunteer guide through Shopmobility schemes. We assisted in the recruitment of 28 volunteer guides and provided accredited Visual Awareness Training for retail centres across Belfast (Connswater, Kennedy Centre, Victoria Square and Castlecourt), Newry (Buttercrane), Cookstown, Carrickfergus and Derry/Londonderry (Foyleside).

VisionZone exhibition returns to BelfastWe were delighted to announce the return of VisionZone, a one day showcase of equipment, resources and services for people who are blind or partially sighted on 22 October 2013 at the Holiday Inn, Belfast.

The exhibition was a joint venture between Optelec UK and RNIB Northern Ireland, providing a unique opportunity for people living with sight loss to meet industry experts and experience displays and demonstrations of the very latest assistive technologies. Those who attended discovered how to use a computer using simple magnification software, or how they might read their favourite book by using the latest video magnifiers and text-to-speech readers.

This was a great opportunity for all the services or organisations that blind and partially sighted people want or need, to come together under one roof, to meet people, network and gather information.


Digital technology trainingIn October 2013 our Products and Technology team held the first of a series of digital technology taster sessions. These gave people with sight loss an introduction to using the iPad’s built-in voiceover and magnification.

By the end of November 2013, 45 blind and partially sighted people had taken advantage of the taster sessions. Everyone who attended these initial sessions felt that they were really valuable and the majority signed up for a formal training programme which started in January 2014.

These formal training sessions cover topics such as online shopping, how to access email on your phone or tablet, using Facebook and Twitter, and accessing music via the internet. This was a step toward filling a gap in provision that many service users felt existed in terms of IT training for personal use. The benefits of these programmes are seen in people’s ability to independently shop, conduct personal banking, make travel arrangements and stay in touch with friends and family.

Ryan’s storyRyan, 25, uses Shopmobility’s Sighted Guide Shopping Service, developed in partnership with RNIB Northern Ireland.

Ryan said: “The guides are extremely helpful, doing all you ask of them, but also letting you have your independence as well. They will meet you at an agreed location, then take you round the shops of your choice and read product information for you.

The service aims to get you the same guide who gets to know your shopping preferences and patterns and I find this a big help to me. It has also made shopping more of a social experience for me and I hope this service continues as it has really improved my self confidence as I am able to go out shopping without family or friends being with me.”

Creating an inclusive societyWe want the UK to be a better place to live for people who are blind or partially sighted.


Travel with confidenceFinding the confidence to travel when you lose your sight can be difficult. We want blind and partially sighted people to get around safely and independently. To achieve this, we supported blind and partially sighted people to challenge poor practice through our Campaigners Active Network and worked with transport providers to help make their services more accessible. During 2013 and 2014 audio visual messaging was piloted on the Belfast Metro Bus service.

New technologyMobile phones and the internet can be vital tools to support people with sight problems to live independently. RNIB worked with manufacturers and service providers to improve the accessibility of devices and online services.

We recommended some changes to the visual design of Apple’s latest mobile operating system. Apple have incorporated many of our recommendations, allowing people to enjoy all the benefits of integrated accessibility with better tonal contrast.

Our work with Amazon has made it possible for blind and partially sighted readers to have access to over 1.5 million books by using synthetic speech for the Kindle app, as well as assessing the new Kindle Fire tablets before their launch.

Television viewing has become easier for people with sight loss as manufacturers have started to include text-to-speech in their electronic programme guides that control digital televisions. Our work with Panasonic led to spoken menus and programme guides being available in their latest range of televisions.

Technology supportOur Technology Support Squad continued to change the lives of blind and partially sighted people this year. They helped to set up, fix problems and show people how to use their gadgets. We now have 14 dedicated volunteers in Northern Ireland providing support to people across the region.


The service has transformed life for many users. Glenda told us:“I’m now doing things on the computer I never dreamed I’d be able to. It gives me such peace of mind, knowing I can shop online if I need to or contact my daughter. I’m so grateful to Phil [the Technology Support Squad volunteer] who made it all possible.”

Our third annual Switch on to technology month raised awareness of the benefits of information technology for blind and partially sighted people. We launched user guides, video tutorials and organised hands-on taster events covering the latest on mobile phones, computers and the internet for people new to technology.

Realise ProjectThis year we launched the Realise Project, a four and a half year project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Realise is led by blind and partially sighted young people, parents, RNIB staff and members of key voluntary and statutory organisations in Northern Ireland.

The project supports children and young people aged 8 to 20 at key times of change in their lives, such as moving from primary to secondary education, and then to further or higher education or employment.

The project empowers young people at these key transition stages by providing access to technology training, skills building, and opportunities to increase knowledge and experience through placements.

Catherine McCaffery, parent said: “My daughter Pauline aged 8 is receiving one to one guitar lessons every week from the Omagh Music Academy. She loves going to her lessons and puts extra effort into practising at home. This has really increased her confidence.”

This IS working in Northern IrelandSupported by Standard Life, our Employment Service produced a booklet that tells the success stories of 11 blind or partially sighted men and women who overcame barriers and maintained positive attitudes working in a wide range of jobs throughout Northern Ireland.


“This IS working in Northern Ireland” shows how the challenges of sight loss can be overcome in the workplace. We hope it will act as a catalyst, stirring employers to play their part in providing equal opportunities in the job market, and in providing the support and resources to enable people to keep working.

Sensory Engagement Programme (SEP) Digital Training ToolkitThe launch of the Digital Training toolkit, www.sensoryengagement.com, represented the culmination of three years of work from an innovative cross-border partnership between the Royal National Institute of Blind People in Northern Ireland (RNIB NI), Action on Hearing Loss, National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI) and DeafHear.

The toolkit offers free training resources for service providers to increase the accessibility of their services. A series of short films focused on the personal experiences of local people with hearing or sight loss. The programme was funded by the EU INTERREG IVA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.

A Sense of the Past exhibition and book tourA Sense of the Past presents the first social history of blindness in Northern Ireland from 1800, through wartime, right up to present day. The project outputs include a fascinating book and interactive, accessible exhibition.

The publication and exhibition had a wealth of input from members of the blind and partially sighted community in Northern Ireland. The interactive, accessible exhibition utilises the “PenFriend” an accessible media tool, to allow blind and partially sighted visitors to listen to a narrative of information contained on six display panels covering chapters within the book.

David Mann, Chair of RNIB NI said: “A lot has changed for blind and partially sighted people over the last two hundred years. Once objects of pity, we now assert our rights to self-determination and full inclusion in society. Changes in legislation and in technology over the past century have opened up ever wider horizons, but


society still puts many unjustifiable barriers in our way. The historical perspective which this exhibition and book afford us should serve to strengthen the determination of RNIB and of blind and partially sighted individuals to continue the struggle for a more equal and inclusive society in which we can play a full role."

Campaigners Active NetworkThe official public launch of our Campaigners’ Network was held in Parliament Buildings, Stormont, on 2 December 2013.

RNIB has invested in the development of a user-led network of people who are blind or partially sighted, and their supporters. The network enables campaigning for real social change by addressing key local priorities and network members can participate in constructive personal development opportunities.

During the last year, the network led significant engagement with local politicians on accessible health information, access to public transport and safe and accessible streets. Network members are having a real impact on campaign issues by expressing their views and sharing their experiences with politicians and other decision makers.

Stephen’s storyMultimedia Computer Design graduate Stephen, was having difficulty finding a job. Our Eye Work Coordinator sourced a nine month placement with international software firm Liberty IT.

Stephen said: “Through the Eye Work project I developed my skills and gained invaluable practical experience. RNIB demonstrated JAWS screen reading software to Liberty IT to show how I would be able to carry out my duties. The company then went on to install the software on their systems.

I would like to say thank you to the Eye Work and Liberty IT teams. I am confident that this support, coupled with further study, will enable me to gain employment in the very near future.”


Stopping people losing their sight unnecessarily

Over 50 per cent of sight loss in the UK is avoidable. We work hard to make eyecare services and sight-saving treatments accessible to all.

We want to reduce the levels of unnecessary sight loss in Northern Ireland. We want people to be more aware of the causes and potential signs of sight loss. When they are diagnosed with an eye condition we want people to be able to access appropriate treatments, understand their eye condition and make informed choices. Sight-saving treatmentsWe continue to fight to save sight by ensuring the availability of vital treatments and supporting individuals to fight for their own personal treatments.

It’s been a busy year for new treatments. Normally one drug would be approved per year but we’ve helped six through the health regulator NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) and five through the SMC (Scottish Medical Consortium) this year. Patients now have access to a wealth of new treatments through the health service for their eye condition. One approval for the use of the drug Lucentis means that around 2,000 people a year will no longer lose their sight.

Parties look to the future of Northern Ireland’s Vision StrategyIn January 2014, the Northern Ireland Assembly All Party Group on Visual Impairment launched the Northern Ireland Vision Strategy for the period 2014– 2016. The Northern Ireland Vision Strategy is linked to the UK strategy and sets out a framework for change and the development of excellent services to build a society in which avoidable sight loss is eliminated and full inclusion becomes accepted practice.


Since its inception in 2009, the Vision Strategy has been endorsed by Northern Ireland Executive Ministers, leading to a clear programme of action for individual government departments, their agencies and sight loss sector organisations. Raising awarenessDuring the week of 7 October 2013, the RNIB Eyepod visited Belfast to urge councillors, public health professionals, and local people to make eye health a priority in their decision making.

The Eyepod was situated at a number of prime locations around Belfast including Parliament Buildings at Stormont, Belfast City Hall, Lanyon Place, and Queen’s University.We had over 200 members of the public through its doors and established positive links with Bombardier and BT to support future initiatives.

Improving eye healthRNIB carried out five pilot projects to help prevent sight loss in deprived areas and among black and minority ethnic people. These Community Engagement Projects (CEPs) were delivered in Bradford, Wales, Glasgow, Hackney and West Belfast.

The specific aims of the West Belfast CEP were to increase uptake of eye examinations, the level of knowledge and understanding of eye health and entitlements to care. In partnership with the Upper Springfield Development Trust, we implemented a community eye health campaign, developed a pilot intervention programme and offered support, particularly for those with glaucoma and their families.

Raymond Curran, Assistant Director, Head of Optometry at the Health and Social Care Board said:

“I would like to thank RNIB for their role in the remodelling of Regional Glaucoma Services, a move which will provide more patient-focused care, delivered in superbly equipped centres of excellence, and making meaningful contribution to reducing the numbers of blind and partially sighted residents across Northern Ireland.”


Paul’s storyAs a result of the Community Engagement Programme (CEP) people with glaucoma now have an opportunity to come together and share experiences, issues, and get advice on living with glaucoma through the Glaucoma Support Group in Shankill Health and Wellbeing Centre.

Paul says: “My job mainly involves driving I was nervous about the prospect of not being able to continue working if my eyesight deteriorated. A speaker came to the group one day and explained about the visual requirements to continue driving.

Thanks to timely treatment and good advice on how to best manage my glaucoma from RNIB and others with the condition, I am currently still employed as a driver which is just fantastic.”

Your support

Making musicRodney Beggs and John Carlton, from the Music Rooms Ballymena and Antrim, raised a fantastic £821 for our Children and Youth service. In November 2013 the new Rococo, Ballymena, was alive with the sound of music. Teachers from the Music Rooms, along with students and other musicians, entertained a packed house, with some young people with sight loss also performing on the night. In summer 2013 they ran a successful summer scheme for the children's team and are currently teaching blind and partially sighted children vocals, guitar, bass and drums.

£1 a tonneNorthern Ireland recycling provider, Bryson Recycling raised an amazing £6553 towards improving the lives of blind and partially sighted children and young people through its annual “£1 a tonne” campaign.This successful and innovative campaign, now in its ninth year, encourages local households to increase recycling through weekly kerbside box collections.


Tandeming togetherNorthern Ireland Electricity (NIE) Staff and Pensioners’ Fund donated £2,000 for blind and partially sighted people to purchase two tandem bikes and safety equipment. There are few liberating and inclusive sports that people with significant sight loss can truly participate in. Tandem cycling gives a certain sense of freedom that the majority of other sports cannot provide. This kind of donation means that four blind and partially sighted people on our waiting list now have an opportunity to take part in tandem cycling.

Wear dots and raise lotsEvery year in October we ask everyone to wear dots and raise lots. It’s a really fun and easy way to raise vital funds to make sure we can be there for the two million people with sight loss in the UK. Visit www.readforrnib.org.uk

A brief look at our finances

We spentThe RNIB group of charities focused expenditure on the following areas of work: Stopping people losing their sight £3,562,000Supporting independent living £89,913,000 Creating an inclusive society £9,741,000 Costs to generate funds £15,848,000 Governance costs £1,540,000 Total expenditure £120,604,000

Our expenditure in percentages We spent: 75 per cent on Supporting independent living 3 per cent on Stopping people losing their sight

unnecessarily 8 per cent on Creating an inclusive society

We raisedThe RNIB group of charities’ income came from the following sources:Donations and legacies £71,656,000


Investment income £1,056,000Merchandising and sponsorship £348,000Income from charitable activities £44,150,000Other incoming resources £1,437,000This gave a total income of £118,647,000And a planned operating deficit of £1,957,000

The RNIB group of charities’ resources at 31 March 2014 consisted of the following:Unrestricted funds £69,188,000Restricted funds £25,335,000Endowment funds £5,329,000Plus pension surplus £6,482,000This gives total net assets of £106,334,000

These figures are extracted from the full Trustees’ report and financial statement for the year ending 31 March 2014, as audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

If you would like a copy of the full report, available in print, audio, braille and by email, please contact our Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email helpline@rnib.org.uk

You helped us raise an amazing amount this year.

Thank you.

Thank youWe’re honoured to have the support of some remarkable individuals. We’re indebted to our Patron Her Majesty The Queen, and to our President Dame Gail Ronson DBE. We’re also indebted to our Vice- Presidents:

Sir John Beckwith CBE The Rt Hon David Blunkett MP Richard Brewster Professor Ian Bruce CBE Jeremy Bull Dr Haruhisa Handa Dr Euclid Herie


Lady Jarvis Penny Lancaster-Stewart Lord Low of Dalston CBE Trevor Pears CMG Sir Mike Rake Dr Dermot Smurfit Rod Stewart CBE The Rt Hon Earl of Stockton Sir Duncan Watson CBE His Grace The Duke of Westminster KG, CB, CVO, OBE, TD,


We’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to the many individuals, companies and trusts that have supported us this year. Without your support we couldn’t have achieved what we have. We can’t possibly name you all but here’s a list of those who have contributed significantly to our cause:

1st Castlederg Presbyterian Sunday School 1st Comber Scrabo Cub Pack 1st Randalstown Beaver Scout Colony 366th Girls’ Brigade Company Action on Hearing Loss Alan Gordon Albinism Fellowship (UK & Ireland) Allstate NI Andrea Begley Angel Eyes NI Arts & Disability Equality Charter Arts Council Northern Ireland ASDA Larne ASIDUA Ltd Atlas Communications NI Ltd Ballydown Primary School Ballmoney Fundraising Group Banagher Parish Church Beechvale Nursing Home Belfast Association for the Blind Belfast Fundraising Group Belfast Health and Social Care Trust


Big Lottery Fund Blind Sports Network (NI) Boots Opticians PLC BT Northern Ireland Buick Memorial Primary School Business in the Community Campaigners Active Network Camping and Caravanning Club Children & Young People’s Strategic Partnership Citizens Advice Bureau Clare Presbyterian Sunday School Dalriada Schools Mr David Boyle MBE Deafblind NI DeafHear Department for Employment and Learning Department for Regional Development Department for Social Development Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Department of Education Department of Environment Department of Finance and Personnel Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety Derry/Londonderry Model Primary School Diabetes UK Disability Employment Services Disability Sport NI Divis Ladies Bowling Club Donaghadee Parish Church Donegal Vocational Education Committee Drumcree Parish Church Education and Library Boards Education and Training Inspectorate European Regional Development Fund European Social Fund Federation of Women’s Institutes of Northern Ireland First Newry Presbyterian Church Sabbath Foyle Fundraising Group Garvaghy Parish Church Guide Dogs NI


Health & Social Care Board Howden UK Ltd Inclusive Mobility and Transport Advisory Committee INTERREG IVA John Atcheson Foundation Jordanstown School Killowen Parish Church Killyman Good Companions Club Kilskeery Queen Elizabeth II Primary School Libraries NI Limestone Trust Macan Trust for the Blind Macular Society Manx Blind Welfare Society Music Rooms National Council for the Blind of Ireland NI Museums Council NI Screen NIE Staff and Pensioners Fund North West Regional College Northern Health & Social Care Trust Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister Optometry NI Portadown Integrated Primary School Public Health Agency Ramoan Presbyterian Church Regent House School Regional Vision Resource Base Ringsend Trotting Club RP Fighting Blindness Rotary Club of Ballymoney Royal Naval Association Sacred Heart College Sense Shields of Donaghadee South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust Southern Health & Social Care Trust Southern Regional College Special EU Programmes Body Sport NI


Springhill Primary School St Columba’s Parish Church St Mark’s Church Lisburn St Mary's Primary School St Thomas’ Rainbows IOM Tandragee Royal Black District Chapter Temple Church Community Club Torch Trust for the Blind Translink Tyrone’s Ditches Presbyterian Church Western Health & Social Care Trust Woods Parish Church Youth Council for Northern Ireland Youth in Action

How you can helpEvery day 100 people in Northern Ireland start to lose their sight. We need your help to provide vital services for blind and partially sighted people. Do something today and make a difference.

A brighter futureAbout a third of our work is supported by gifts in Wills so we are hugely grateful to those people who have supported us in this way. Every penny we are left is used wisely to provide a brighter future and help blind and partially sighted people live their lives with confidence. You don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference; legacies of all sizes are vital to our work. If you’d like to know how you can help in this way please call 0845 600 0313 or visit www.rnib.org.uk/legacy

CampaignWithout active campaigners we’d never get changes made to health, social care, employment and benefits. Join our campaigns on issues that matter to blind and partially sighted people. Visit www.rnib.org.uk/campaign

VolunteerWithout volunteers we couldn’t run our services. There are over 100 volunteering opportunities across the UK where you could


make a real difference in your local community. Visit www.rnib.org.uk/volunteer

FundraiseWithout financial support from donations and legacies we simply couldn’t provide many of the products and services that help people find their lives again. There are many ways you can show your support, such as getting involved in RNIB Read, taking on a challenge or making a one-off donation. Visit www.rnib.org.uk/fundraise

Call today on 028 9032 9373 to find out more or email rnibni@rnib.org.uk

RNIB HelplineIf you, or someone you know, is living with sight loss, we’re here to help. Call 0303 123 9999 from Monday to Friday between 8.45am and 5.30pm or email helpline@rnib.org.uk

You can order more copies of this review in print, audio and braille as well as our range of products and publications.

RNIB Northern Ireland, Victoria House, 15-17 Gloucester Street, Belfast, BT1 4LS

028 9032 9373 rnibni@rnib.org.uk www.rnib.org.uk/northernireland

www.facebook.com/RNIBNorthernIreland www.twitter.com/RNIBNI www.youtube.com/RNIBUK

Copyright RNIB January 2015

RNIB registered charity number 1156629 (England and Wales), 1109 (Isle of Man) and SC044876 (Scotland)



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