robert lee orthodontics at the london, 1911-2008

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Orthodontics at The London, 1911-2008

British Society for Study of Orthodontia- 1907

Founded by : George Northcroft and Harold Chapman,

Joined by : J H Badcock, J Sim Wallace, and M Hopson

Invitation Letter

London Dental School 1911

Founded by Orthodontists!6 founder members- J. Sim Wallace, George Northcroft, Harold

Chapman (BSSO founders) and F M Farmer, J Pollitt,E Sprawson

George Northcroft OBE (L.H 1911-1920)

G Northcroft LH 1911-1920

DDS, Ann Arbour, MichiganLecturer in operative dentistry L.HPresident BSSO 1909, 1929.President European Orthodontic Society192715 papers 1911-1917Growth masks of his son

J Sim Wallace

James Sim Wallace LH 1911- 1912

Founder BSSO 1907Founder L.H 19111st lecture BSSO :Scientific empiricism in


6 papers 1911Founder Kings Dental School 1923

Harold Chapman L.H 1911- 1951

Harold Chapman

DDS PennsylvaniaAngle School of OrthodonticsJoined George NorthcroftFounded BSSO,1907 (aged 26)Secretary BSSO 1910-1924President BSSO 1925President European Orthodontic Society 19381st Dip Orth 1954Demonstrator Crown and Bridge at Guys

Harold Chapman LH 1911-1951

FounderLecturer in Odonto-prosopic Orthopaedics

1911Council of Dental School LHMC 1911-( G

Northcrofts Practice)

1st lecture LHMC on Dentistry :Prophylaxispost-graduate courses 1931-193890 papers

Chapman Prize : Essay ; L.H winners

1969 Tim Bass1970 David Di Biase1974 Patrick Sullivan1984 Robert Kirschen1999 Nick Turnbull2000 Anne Marie Smith2005 Ama Johal

Harold Chapmam Retired 1951

Herbert Wilson (LH 1948-1979)President BAO 1975

Jack Beresford LH 1948-1975; President BSSO 1968

Jeffery Rose L.H 1951-1991

Jeffery Rose

Demonstrator 1951,then Senior Lecturer, then Consultant

Replaced Harold ChapmanPresident BSSO 1972Chairman BSSO (1st 1981)President B A O 1992President BOS (1st) 1st 1994Treasurer EOS 1987-1991

1st President BOS : Jeff Rose

London Hospital Orthodontics 1980

Consultant Jeff Rose PTReader Pat SullivanLecturer Joanna BattagelPart –timers- David Lawton,Brain Selwyn

Barnett, Peter GriffithsSenior Registrar -Steven Hunter, locum


Post graduate Course 1984

2 Part funded : Roy Abrahams, Jeremy Moore

2 years Dip Orth course

3rd year MSc course

Annual intake 2 home ,1 overseas

Maurice Berman L.H. 1985-1990

Maurice Berman

Trained USA

Demonstrator Eastman Hospital -1984

Straight wire course 1985 with John Bennett

Straight wire team at The London with David Lawton ,Brian Selwyn Barnett ,Bob Lee 1985

President B O S 1987

David Lawton L.H 1967-2002

President Lawton

David Lawton

Senior Clinical Lecturer -2002

Chairman BAO 1989-1991

Chairman BOS 1996-1999

President BOS 2002

Brian Selwyn Barnett L.H 1971- 2001

David Di Biase

David Di Biase L.H 1989- 2000

Consultant Southend 1972Chapman Prize 1970Chairman BOC 1986Chairman BSSO 1988-1990President BSSO 1990Functional Course 1994-2001Merged Societies Chairman Jeff Rose; BAO

David Lawton; BSSO David Di Biase

UCH Orthodontics 1990

Closure of School

Orthodontics merged with Royal London

Transfer of 2 Registrar posts

Attracted Jim Moss

Jim Moss U.C.H

Jim Moss

Consultant UCH 1967

Professor 1975 U Lond

President European Begg Society 1981

President BSSO 1979

Sec EOS 1983- 2001

President EOS 1996

Jim Moss : RLH 1990- 2000

Eur.Orthodontic Conference 1998

Functional Courses : Neville Bass

Consultants at The London

Trainees at The London

78 completed 2007

30 now NHS consultants

16 currently

39 females,39 males!

Off duty

M.Orth 2000

Peter Huntley: Alumni Founder

A Friendly Department !

Old Clinic

Last but not least


Same individuals founded Orthodontic Society and L.H Dental School

Harold Chapman and Jeff Rose taught Orthodontics for 80 years

L.H staff major influence in BSSO,BAO, EOSL.H staff unified UK orthodontic societies5 Presidents, 3 Chairmen BOS since 19941st UK Orthodontic Alumni, Thanks.

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