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Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Assembly Guide

Robokits India

Robokits World Page 2

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Overview : Robobox Pick & Place robot is a multipurpose pre-programmed microcontroller based

robot. This robot have a control board that is pre-programmed and easy to configure for using

in different modes. The default mode is remote controlled Pick & Place mode. In this mode the

robot is controlled by a wireless Play Station 2 analog controller with lots of switches and 4

joysticks. By putting the controller in analog mode allows the user to control the speed by

moving joystick in proportional movement. Just like a throttle robot has more than 100 speed

levels set by joystick. If the arm on the robot is not attached robot can be used as a remote

controlled 4wd robot.

The other modes are line follower mode, wall hugger mode and obstacle avoider mode.

These modes can be set by setting jumpers at start up. Details are in later chapters of this

document. In line follower mode the robot can follow a black line on white floor, in wall hugger

mode it can follow a wall while in obstacle avoider mode it can avoid obstacles coming in the

path of robot with 3 IR proximity sensors.

The body is made of high strength PVC alloy. This material is very rigid and its cut on

CNC machines. Its possible that there are burrs on the edges as the top and bottom surfaces of

the PVC sheet are specially treated. You can use a normal paper cutter to remove the burr. All

parts have 2 finishes on the surface, matt finish and glossy finish. You can have choice of

putting the matt or glossy surface on the top on most of parts but in some parts which are of

odd shape you have to use it in specific way.

Let’s start with the basic assembly of robot frame. Some basic tools like screw driver,

pliers, small spanners, soldering iron, wire cutter, nipper, stripper are required to complete the

assembly. Also a little soldering is required. The first robot is Pick & Place RC robot.

Step 1 : Take 2 motors and a motor mount plate. Attach motors to the mounting plate with 2 long 3 mm screws and nuts. Solder wires to motors as shown in picture. Page 3

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Both wires has to be crossed on the motors as motors are mounted in mirror to each other. Page 4

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 2 : Make 2 assemblies as above and attach 2 wheels on each assembly and secure them with given screw. Page 5

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 3 : Take the bottom plate and mount seven 30mm and four 10 mm studs with 3 mm small screws. Page 6

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 4 : Mount the circuit board on 4x 10 mm studs. Attach wires of motors to the circuit board as shown in picture. Don’t worry about polarity right now.

Now you can put the base on some object to give it some height. After the base gains

some height wheel-motor assemblies can be put on the base. Just check that the wheel-motor

assembly has a notch at each motors outer end. This notch should be downwards when you

place the assembly on base. This will ensure that you have sufficient ground clearance and the

motors are in correct place. If its reverse the robot will not have enough ground clearance to

accommodate the arm with gripper. Page 7

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

The above picture is for demo only. Check the motor connections. The stud at the back is

removed to show clear motor positions. When seen from top the left motors are connected to

right most screw header and right motors next to them on left side. Page 8

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Put the extra wires under the circuit board which will make the robot look neat and clean. Page 9

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Step 5 : Attach the battery with switch to the plate. Switch can be connected to back plate with 2 x 3 mm screws. After mounting the switch attach 2 wires to the main control board.

Make sure you put the correct polarity while connecting. The black wire should be at the GND

marked header. Page 10

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Now mount the battery to the base with 4 cable ties. A single cable tie is not of enough length

so extend it by a second cable tie and then mount the battery to base plate. Page 12

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Cut the extra cable ties with a wire cutter, nipper or paper cutter.

Put the extra wires under the circuit board to avoid mess and have a neat look. Page 13

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Step 6 : Find the PSX connector on the edge of the controller board. Now having the board switched off join the first and last pin of the 6 pin header with a jumper wire and switch on the

board. The GP Led on the board should blink 4 times. This will put the controller in RC Pick and

place mode.

As the LED blinks for 4 times the setting is saved. Now switch off the board and connect

PS2 Wireless receiver to the board as shown in picture. Make sure that black wire should be at

GND marked pin. Page 14

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

If the robot is to be used in RC mode without pick and place, you can close the top cover and

use the robot, otherwise follow the next few steps to make a pick and place arm. Page 15

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 8 : There are 2 servo motors in package. 1 servo is modified for back support. First take the normal servo. This servo should have nothing on the opposite side of the shaft. This is a

gripper servo. But before its attached to gripper it should be put in the maximum position so

that we can get the full griper movement.

Attach the servo to servo 1 header. The orange wire should toward inside the board and

brown wire should be towards edge. Switch off and switch on the controller board. Don’t put

on the remote now.

Now when you switch on the board you should hear a small noise of servo movement for

a very little time. This means your servo is in maximum position of gripper. Now take the

gripper and open it manually to maximum. Don’t open too much. Just that much that it seems

maximum open. Now keep the board powered on and put the servo inside the gripper from

down. Page 16

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Once you attach gripper to servo secure it with a screw which is available in servo

accessories pack. It should fix on the servo shaft’s centre hole. Now having the board on,

switch on the remote control. Pressing D and O buttons on the right side should show you

gripper open and close movement. Now after checking this, switch off the board. Page 17

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 9 : Now having the gripper ready with servo we can move the further assembly.

Take the T shaped plate and 2 right angle clamps for servo. Mount the clamps on the T

shaped plate as shown in figure. Check that one top end of the T plate is longer than the other

one. This plate is not symmetrical and should be used in the same manner as shown below. If

its used the other sided (mirror) the gripper will not come in centre of robot. Page 18

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Note sides of T plate and clamps. This part is not symmetrical. Page 19

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Now attach gripper to the T shaped plate with 4 medium sized 3 mm screws and 4 nuts. Page 20

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Mount the second servo to clamps with plastic rivets. Note the shaft position of servo, it

should be towards gripper otherwise the arm will touch ground when lowered. Fix the servo

cables with cable ties which will make them organised. Page 21

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Now take cables of 2 servos at the start and put them down to the shoulder servo. After

putting it down use 2 cable ties to secure them with T plate. This will ensure that they wont

get out and create problem in shoulder movement of arm. Cut the excess cable ties with cutter. Page 22

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Now take the arm plate and mount 4x 50 mm studs on them with 3 mm small screws.

Take the other plate of arm and mount it with a servo round horn available in servo

accessory pack. You must check that on which side of the plate are you mounting the horn.

Check it before starting mounting the screws. Take the reference of upcoming pictures and the

other part of arm. The horn should be towards the studs mounted on other arm part. Page 23

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Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Now attach the shoulder servo motor to servo 2 connector. Power off and power on the

board. The servo should now be in minimum lower position. Page 25

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Now keep the board powered on and Mount the arm part with servo horn to servo as

shown in picture above. Make the arm closest to right angle to gripper. If its not perfect right

angle don’t worry, make it to closest. Page 27

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Secure arm with shoulder servo with a screw from servo accessory pack. Page 28

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Fix the front and back part with 4x3 mm small screws. The arm assembly is now complete.

Remove the wires from board. Page 29

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 10 : Now take the top plate and mount 4 x 30 mm studs over it.

Take the prepared arm, pass the wires from the centre square hole of the top plate and

fix the top plate over body. Page 30

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Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Fix the top plate to body with 7x 3 mm small size screws. Now place the arm assembly in

the slots around 4 studs. Page 32

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Put the top arm mounting plate over arm and fix it with 4 x 3 mm small sized screws.

The robot assembly is now finish. Page 33

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

ROBOT 2 : The Line Follower

Step 2-1 : The Line Follower Robot uses 3 line sensors to sense the line below robot. The board is programmed to follow a black line on white surface. The black line can be easily made

by sticking an electrical insulation tape on the white floor.

Now for the assembly of line follower, we actually have to disassemble the robot which

we have made. We need to take out the pick-place arm and add a line sensor.

Mount the line sensor with 2 mid sized 3 mm screws and nuts to base plate. Connect 5

female-female jumper wires. Twist the wires to make the assembly clean. Page 34

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 2-2 : Now its time to configure the board for line follower use. In step 1-6 we configured the board for RC use. Every time we need to change behaviour of robot this step is

important. To enter the configuration mode short first and last pin of 6 pin PS2 Connector and

reset the robot (switch off and on). For shorting servo connector you need to short first and

last pin of 3 pin header with a jumper wire. Following is the table for jumper setting for each

type of robot possible.

Servo 1 Servo 2 Led Blink

Mode 1 – Line

Follower Robot

Shorted Open One Blink

Mode 2 – Obstacle

Avoider Robot

Open Shorted Two Blinks

Mode 3 – Wall Hugger


Shorted Shorted Three Blinks

Mode 4 – RC Pick &

Place Robot

Open Open Four Blinks

For line follower we need to get mode 1. So we have to use a jumper to short first and

last pin of PS2 connector and second jumper to short first and last pin of servo 1 connector. Page 35

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

After this power off and power on the robot the LED should blink once confirming that

the board is in line follower mode. Now remove both the jumper wires and reset the robot.

Step 2-3 : On the Line Sensor, if its oriented as the pin-outs on top, right most pin is ground and next to that is VCC(+5V). Connect GND to any Sensor connector on the edge side of board

and VCC next to that.

Warning : Doing wrong connections here will damage the Line Sensor permanently. Study the image carefully before connecting. Page 36

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 2-4 : Now connect next 3 pins to the inner most pins of Sensor1, Sensor2 & Sensor3. Page 37

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 2-4 : Now fix and pack everything and the robot is ready. Make a line path on light coloured floor with black insulation tape and robot will follow that path as you keep the robot

on it. Page 38

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

ROBOT 3 : Obstacle Avoider Robot Step 3-1 : Configure the robot for mode 2 (See section 2-2).

Power off the robot. Short first & last pin of PSX connector and first & last pin of Servo 2

connector. Keep Servo1 open.

Power on and check that LED blinks for 2 times. Reset robot. Page 39

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 3-2 : Prepare the Obstacle Sensors. Mount 3 jumper wires on each and twist the wires so that the can be managed easily. Page 40

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 3-3 : Connect 3 sensors to circuit, make sure the GND marked pin connects to the edge side pin of Sensor1, Sensor2 and Sensor3 on control board. VCC pin should be at center and

signal pin on inner side pin.

Each sensor has potentiometer setting and a led on it. Set the sensors correctly so that they

respond to obstacles. LED indicate the sensing. Power on the robot and also check that when

each sensor senses obstacle motors move accordingly.

After checking all things working correctly switch off the robot. Page 41

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 3-4 : Take the top plate and screw 20mm stud on it. Keep in mind that now the back part of top plate has become front part so that we can mount the sensors properly in front. Page 42

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Step 3-5 : Take all 3 sensors out from the center hole and mount the top plate 2x20 mm studs which have extention on 1 side. Page 43

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Step 3-6 : Mount 3 sensors on top of studs and set them properly. Power on robot and it will start moving and avoiding obstacles in path. Page 44

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

ROBOT 4 : Wall Hugger Robot Step 4-1 : Configure the robot for mode 3 (See section 2-2). Power off the robot. Short first & last pin of PSX connector and first & last pin of Servo1

connector and also the First & last pin of Servo2 connector.

Power on and check that LED blinks for 3 times. Reset robot.

Follow steps 3-2 to 3-6 but with only 1 sensor. Sensor should be connected to Sensor1. Robot

will follow right wall. Page 45

Robobox Pick & Place Robot

Service and Support Service and support for this product are available from Robokits India. The Robokits Web site

( maintains current contact information for all Robokits products.

Disclaimer Copyright © Robokits India, 2011 Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this manual, may be adapted or reproduced in any material or electronic form without the prior written consent of the copyright holder. This product and its documentation are supplied on an as-is basis and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or implied. This document provides preliminary information that may be subject to change without notice.

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