rodney hobson karate academygedan barai, gyaku tsuki downward block, reverse punch to stomach in...

Post on 14-May-2020






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Rodney Hobson


© RHKA November 2015


The Rodney Hobson Karate Academy Grading Syllabus


RHKA follows the principles of traditional Shotokan and its recognized forms of kumite, kihon and kata as taught O-Sensei Masami Tsuruoka, the father of Canadian Karate. The kata referred to in this syllabus are the 26 forms described by Masatoshi Nakayama. The system includes the principles of movement and creating power: body shifting, hip rotation, vibration, contraction and expansion, rising and falling. While many of the applications include defense against weapons, the practice of Shotokan is purely empty hand.


For the purposes of grading:

All students up to and including 12 years of age are considered children.

13 to 17 are youth.

18 and up is adult.

Students under the age of 18 cannot grade above junior shodan

A student may grade to nidan at 19 or older.

A student may grade to sandan at 21 or older.

All dan ranks under the age of 18 are considered junior ranks. A child or youth is not considered to have the full power of an adult.

At 18 a student must re-grade to receive adult dan ranks.


A student may register for grading as long as the class attendance is meeting minimum standard. A grading should be preceded by a period of regular training where the student has been studying under the guidance of a recognized dojo instructor. These time considerations must be balanced by the student’s ability to perform the required techniques.

9th Kyu - Red Belt – 24 Classes

8th Kyu - Yellow Belt – 32 Classes

7th Kyu - Orange Belt – 48 Classes

6th Kyu - Green Belt – 56 Classes

5th Kyu – Blue Belt – 64 Classes

4th Kyu – Purple Belt – 64 Classes

3rd Kyu – Brown/White Belt – 72 Classes

2nd Kyu – Brown Belt – 80 Classes

1st Kyu – Brown/Black Belt – 96 Classes

Shodan to nidan – two years

Nidan to sandan – three years

Sandan to yondan – four years

Yondan to godan – five years

After godan rank will be conferred upon the recommendation of Sensei Tsuruoka


Following a failed dan test, a student must wait a minimum of six months before retesting.


The grading consists of three parts: kihon, kumite and kata. All parts should be tested in one session save as noted under “B Grade.”

The techniques outlined here are a guideline for examiners. These are the basic requirements of RHKA. Note that:

for kihon, the examiner will generally ask for four repetitions of a technique,

for ippon and jiyu ippon kumite, the examiner may request that left side, right side or both sides be demonstrated, except where noted.

NB: You may be asked to perform any part of the kihon, kata or kumite from a preceding test.


One Step Sparring (kihon ippon kumite) and Five Step Sparring (Gohon kumite) will be included in all gradings from seventh kyu to fourth kyu. No contact is permitted, and all techniques must be performed at maximum speed and strength.

Free sparring (jiyu kumite) may be a requirement at the discretion of the examiner at all gradings from third kyu on. This is not competition sparring. The fight will not be stopped except to ensure the safety of the participants. All karate technique and targets are permissible including submission holds. All technique must have effectively incapacitated the opponent.


For various reasons, including age or infirmity, the examiner may request a self-defence demonstration in lieu of jiyu kumite upon the recommendation of the instructor.


If an examinee is unsuccessful at two parts of any grading, they must retest. If they do not pass one portion of the grading, they will receive a B grade. This is a pass, in that the rank tested for is given, but they must wait a period of 6 months to re-test. For example, if they receive a B grade on their fifth kyu test, they are not eligible to grade to fourth kyu for at least six months. If they wish to test prior to the set period, they may test for the failed part of their present rank and must pass it before grading for the next level.




Seiza formal kneeling position

Mokuso meditation

Mokuso Yame finish meditation

Rei bow

Yoi ready

Hajime start

Kamaete move into a stance

Mawatte turn

Yame finish

Naore relax


Shizentai natural stance

Zenkutsu dachi front stance

Gyaku zenkutsu dachi

reversed front stance

Kiba dachi horse riding stance

Kokutsu dachi back stance

Neko ashi dachi cat stance

Jiyu kamae freestyle stance

Shiko dachi square stance, like kiba dachi with feet at 25 - 45 degree outward angle

Fudo (Sochin) dachi

rooted stance

Moto dachi shin length, two fists wide, both knees slightly bent

Sanchin dachi hourglass (three battles) stance, inward focus

Seisan dachi shoulder width, back toes and front heel in line


Gedan barai downward block

Age uke rising block

Soto uke outside-in block

Uchi uke inside-out block

Shuto uke knife hand block

Osae uke pressing block

Otoshi uke downward forearm block (as in Jion)

Sukui uke scooping block

Chudan barai middle level downward block

Nagashi uke flowing block

Haiwan nagashi uke

flowing block with outside of arm

Juji uke x-block



Tsuki basic punch

Oi tsuki stepping punch

Gyaku tsuki reverse punch

Kizami tsuki jab punch

San bon tsuki triple punch

Ura tsuki upper cut punch

Kagi tsuki hook punch


Shuto uchi knife hand strike

Empi uchi elbow strike

Mawashi empi uchi

roundhouse elbow strike

Uraken uchi back fist strike

Nukite spear hand thrust

Haito uchi ridge hand strike

Otoshi striking downward

Teisho uchi palm heel strike


Mae geri front snap kick

Yoko geri keage side snap kick

Yoko geri kekomi side thrust kick

Mawashi geri round house kick

Mikazuki geri crescent kick

Ushiro geri back thrust kick

Hiza geri knee kick

Ura mawashi geri reverse roundhouse kick

Ushiro mawashi geri

back roundhouse kick

Fumikomi stamping kick

Ren geri two kicks in a row


Sensei instructor

Sempai senior

Jodan head target area

Chudan chest target area

Gedan lower target area (below the belt)

Tate upright

Hikite pulling hand

Kyo Pause between consecutive techniques Kihon Basic techniques

Kumite basic techniques

Kata set movement patterns

Sen no sen Seizing the initiative earlier, e.g. attacking once opponent is in range.

Go no sen seizing the initiative later, e.g. block and counter

Kiai yell originating from diaphragm

Zanshin continued awareness


ichi one roku six

ni two shichi seven

san three hachi eight

shi four ku nine

go five ju ten



Heians (five)

Bassai Dai

Bassia Sho




Gojushiho Dai

Gojushiho Sho





Kanku Dai

Kanku Sho




Tekki Shodan

Tekki Nidan

Tekki Sandan



Belt Levels

Grade Colour Kata Required for Belt Level

9th kyu Red Kihon Kata (Taikyokyu Shodan)

8th kyu Yellow Heian Shodan

7th kyu Orange Heian Nidan

6th kyu Green Heian Sandan

5th kyu Blue Heian Yondan

4th kyu Purple Heian Godan

3rd kyu Brown/White Tekki Shodan

2nd kyu Brown Bassai Dai or Kanku Dai and Jion

1st kyu Brown/Black Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai or Jion Examiner’s choice of Tekki Shodan and Heian

Shodan Black Jion, Jitte, Empi or Hangetsu Examiner’s choice of Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion also Tekki Shodan and Heian


Red – 9th Kyu


Chudan oi tsuki in zenkutsu dachi forwards, lunge punch to middle in front stance

Age uke in zenkutsu dachi backwards, rising block in front stance

Soto uke in zenkutsu dachi forwards, outside-in block in front stance

Gedan barai in zenkutsu dachi backwards, down block in front stance back

Fists drop to sides then chudan mae geri forwards, front snap kick to stomach

Chudan mae geri stand in front stance, 5 times each leg in place

Choku tsuki stand in kiba dachi, basic punch to stomach 10 times, alternating hands


Taikyokyu Shodan kihon kata


Gohon Kumite – 5 attack sparring by count

Attack 5 times - jodan (head) attack, by the count, last one kiai

Defense 5 times - age uke. Gyaku tsuki counter and kiai on 5th one.


Demonstrate one bunkai from Taikyokyu shodan

e.g. Attack chudan oi tsuki, defend chudan barai, pull the front foot back switch feet and counter oi tsuki chudan.



kiai Strong kiais must be demonstrated on the last iteration of each technique.

front stance Strong front knee bend, feet hip width apart, and pressure applied by the back leg. Demonstrate focus with the shoulders down, eyes forwards, and the head back. kiba dachi Demonstrate proper width, bent knees, outward pressure and feet facing forwards. oi tsuki jodan Hips must be thrust forwards, demonstrating the correct focus with the shoulders down. Stance and punch must focus at the same instant.

blocks The correct preparation and finishing position must be demonstrated, as well as the use of wrist and hip rotation with each block.

mae geri Hips square to the front, knee raised, snapping action. Full extension and retraction, no scooping, and the ankle must be extended and focused on contact.

breathing Audible out breath on execution of techniques.

fist Closed and formed correctly.

hikite Show use of both arms in punching.

choku tsuki Show hip vibration and focus on punches.

gohon kumite

Strong kiais must be demonstrated by the defender on the counter attack technique. Show strong spirit and clear, effective technique. All attacks must be on target. Jodan attack to the point of the jaw. Chudan counter attack must be on target to the solar plexus, and focused 1.25 cm (½ inch) from contact. The defender must respond to the attackers move, and not move first. Properly executed, effective blocks.


Yellow – 8th Kyu


Chudan oi tsuki in zenkutsu dachi forwards, lunge punch to stomach, front stance

Age uke in zenkutsu dachi backwards, rising block, front stance

Soto uke in zenkutsu dachi forwards, outside-in block, front stance

Gedan barai in zenkutsu dachi backwards, down block, front stance

Shuto uke in kokutsu dachi forwards, knife block, back stance

Mawatte turn into front stance with downward block hands by sides

Chudan mae geri forwards, front snap kick stomach height

Mawatte in kiba dachi

Yoko geri keage cross-stepping in kiba dachi, side snap kick, 3 each direction

Chudan mae geri in zenkutsu dachi standing in place, front snap kick to stomach in front stance, 5 each leg

Gedan barai, gyaku tsuki downward block, reverse punch to stomach in front stance, 5 each side


Heian Shodan (Heian 1).


Gohon Kumite – 5 attack jodan and chudan by count

Attack 5 times - jodan (head) attack, by the count, last one kiai

Defense 5 times - age uke. Gyaku tsuki counter and kiai on 5th one.

Attack 5 times - chudan (stomach) attack by the count last one kiai

Defense 5 times - soto uke, Gyaku tsuki counter and kiai on the 5th one.



Demonstrate two applications from Heian Shodan.

e.g. 1: Attack jodan oi tsuki. Defend age uke, pull the front foot back switch feet and attack age uchi to the throat. (Instead of using the age uke as a block, turn it into an attack)

e.g. 2: Attack jodan oi tsuki. Defend shuto uke with tai sabaki (shift back 45 degrees with back foot into back stance), grab the attacking arm switch to opposite kokutsu dachi step in and attack with shuto uchi to the neck.


(review 9th kyu notes)

moving backward Must demonstrate an anchored back foot and use of the hips.

shuto uke Back hand should point at the front elbow.

kicks Toes must be pulled back. Mae geri must strike with the ball of the foot.

gedan barai, gyaku tsuki Show proper hip rotation on block and punch.


Orange – 7th Kyu


Sanbon tsuki forwards, 3 punch combination – jodan, chudan, chudan

Age uke backwards, rising block

Soto uke forwards, outside-in block

Gedan barai backwards, downward block

Uchi uke forward, inside-out block forwards

Shuto uke backwards knife block, back stance

Shuto uke, chudan nukite forward, knife hand block in back stance, spear hand thrust in front stance


Chudan mae geri hand by sides, front snap kick to mid-target

Mawatte in kiba dachi

Yoko geri keage cross–stepping in kiba dachi, side snap kick, 3 each direction

Yoko geri kekomi side thrust kick in kiba dachi, 3 each direction

Jodan kizami tsuki, chudan gyaku tsuki combination jab to face, reverse punch to stomach in front stance. Begin in gyaku tsuki position


Heian Nidan (Heian 2). Heian Shodan may also be required.


Gohon Kumite – 5 attack jodan and chudan no count.



Demonstrate two bunkai from Heian Nidan.

e.g. 1: Attack jodan oi tsuki. Defend tai sabaki to left 45 degrees in heisoku dachi (closed feet stance)

and block with and jodan age uke. Counter yoko geri keage.

e.g. 2: Attack chudan oi tsuki. Defend migi (right) chudan uchi uke in hidari hanmi (left leg forward) shift to the left to avoid the attack. Counter migi (right) mae geri - hidari (left) chudan gyaku tsuki.


(see 9th and 8th kyu notes)

sanbon tsuki Strong hikite and full, strong punches.

shuto uke - nukite Strong hands and clearly defined stances.

block and counter combinations Demonstrate full hip rotation back and forward.

focus At this level, correct technique and focus are more important than fast timing.

yoko geri keage Must show hip action at start, snap and retraction. Move sharply into a focused kiba dachi at end of kick.

yoko geri kekomi Cross step in front and turn heel of stepping foot forward to place hip in open position.

kizami tsuki - gyaku tsuki Each technique must be complete and show use of hips without moving the front knee.


Green – 6th Kyu


Sanbon tsuki forwards, 3 punch combination in front stance

Age uke – gyaku tsuki backwards, rising block – reverse punch

Soto uke – yoko empi forwards, outside-in block – changing into kiba dachi stance with elbow strike

Gedan barai – gyaku tsuki backwards, down block – reverse punch

Uchi uke – gyaku tsuki forwards, inside-out block – reverse punch - in seisan dachi

Shuto uke – chudan nukite backwards, knife hand block in back stance – spear hand thrust in front stance

Shuto uke – tetsui uchi forward shuto uke in kokutsu dachi – pivot on the front foot and spin to the back side – tetsui uchi in kiba dachi. Mawatte, gedan barai. 3 each direction.


Chudan mae geri – gyaku tsuki hands in kamae, front snap kick to stomach – reverse punch to stomach. Leave punch extended.


Mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki roundhouse kick – landing with reverse punch to stomach

Mawatte in kiba dachi

Yoko geri keage – yoko uraken uchi side snap kick in kiba dachi – landing with back fist strike to head, 3 each direction

Yoko geri kekomi side thrust kick in kiba dachi, 3 each direction

Kizami tsuki–gyaku tsuki jab – reverse punch combination 3 each side


Heian Sandan (Heian 3). Heian Shodan & Nidan may also be required.



Sanbon Kumite - three attack sparring

Stepping forward attack jodan - chudan – mae geri.

Defend by stepping back age uke - soto uke - tai sabaki gedan barai all in zenkutsu dachi.

Counter gyaku tsuki.

Kihon Ippon Kumite - basic one attack sparring

Jodan oi tsuki, chudan oi tsuki, and chudan mae geri. Blocks and counters are open. All attacks right side then all attacks left side.


Demonstrate two bunkai from Heian Sandan.

e.g. 1: Attack chudan oi tsuki or gyaku tsuki. Defend hidari osae uke (slide back and use a downward pressing block) - step in migi (right) chudan or jodan nukite.

e.g. 2: Attack chudan oi tsuki or gyaku tsuki. Defend migi or hidari (right or left) yoko empi. Counter uraken tate uraken (vertical back fist strike).


sanbon tsuki Demonstrate hip vibration, faster timing with short, sharp kime and strong hikite.

blocks Hips must move with arms.

empi uchi Must be delivered with strong lateral body movement into technique.

kekomi Show rotation of hips and pivoting foot. Hip rotation should start on cross step by turning the supporting foot to the back.

mae geri, gyaku tsuki

Full retraction of kick and full rotation of hips on the punch.

mawashi geri Knee must chamber to side with heel near buttocks. Full rotation of the hips and supporting foot must be shown. Strong retraction and return to floor.

stance Demonstrate upright posture and good form while performing.

targeting All technique must be directed to the correct location. e.g.: chudan punches aimed at the shoulder are not acceptable.

kumite Show hip rotation on blocks and counters. Realistic timing with little break between block and counter. Counters must show proper distance. Counters to body should touch gi. Attack must be on target and show proper distance i.e. If the target does not move, the attack would have made contact.

throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:

O-soto-gari Ko-soto-gari


Blue – 5th Kyu


Oi tsuki – gyaku tsuki forwards, jodan punch, chudan reverse punch. Basic stance but hands retract to kamae.

Age uke – yoko uraken uchi backwards, rising block – side back fist strike with the same arm

Soto uke – yoko empi – tate uraken uchi forwards, outside-in block – change stance to kiba dachi with elbow strike – upright back fist strike

Gedan barai – teisho uchi backwards, down block – palm heel strike to face front stance

Uchi uke – gyaku tsuki forwards, inside-out block – reverse punch in seisan dachi

Shuto uke – jodan shuto uchi backwards, knife hand block – knife hand strike, switching from back stance to front stance

Shuto uke – spin tetsui uchi – reverse spin tetsui uchi forwards, knife hand block in back stance – pivot on front foot and spin to backside, landing in kiba dachi with tetsui uchi – then pivot on front foot again and spin to the back side landing with tetsui uchi in kiba dachi. Mawate with gedan barai. 2 x each way


Chudan mae geri – jodan oi tsuki front snap kick moving forwards – landing with oi tsuki to head


Mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki roundhouse kick, reverse punch to stomach

Mawatte in kiba dachi

Yoko geri keage – yoko empi moving in kiba dachi, side snap kick landing with elbow strike, 3 each direction

Yoko geri kekomi moving in kiba dachi side thrust kick 3 each direction

Ushiro geri spinning back kick, 3 each direction

Kizami tsuki–gyaku tsuki jab – reverse punch combination from jiyu kamae stance, 3 each side.



Heian Yondan (Heian 4). Heian Shodan, Nidan & Sandan may also be required.


Sanbon Kumite - three attack sparring

Attack jodan - chudan - mae geri.

Defend by stepping back age uke - soto uke in zenkutsu dachi - tai sabaki gedan barai in shiko


Counter gyaku tsuki while switching to moto dachi.

Kihon Ippon Kumite - one attack sparring

2 times each, left and right sides. Jodan oi tsuki, chudan oi tsuki, chudan mae geri, and chudan yoko geri kekomi.

Blocks and counters are open. All attacks right side than all attacks left side.


Demonstrate two bunkai from Heian Yondan.

e.g. 1: Attack jodan oi tsuki. Defend with hidari or migi (left or right) uraken. Counter yoko geri keage - empi uchi (control the opponents attacking arm whilst applying the kick then step into the empi counter Gyaku mawashi empi in zenkutsu dachi).

e.g. 2: Attack migi (right) jodan oi tsuki. Defend hidari (left) sho jodan uke (block with a rising open handed left hand block) - control the attacking arm and strike with migi (right) shuto jodan mawashi (circular action) uchi.


shuto, shuto uchi

Must show proper stance width, foot placement and hip rotation. Clear transition between kokutsu dachi and zenkutsu dachi. Strong, round movement with shuto uchi. It should not look like nukite. Should chamber from behind the ear rather than from the hip.

mae geri, oi tsuki

Punch must be from the hip, with squared hips on impact. It is not kizami tsuki.

yoke geri keage, empi

Must show timing so that empi uchi is delivered with the full weight of the body behind it.

ushiro geri Must show proper targeting, balance and metsuke. A thrust kick, not a snap.

kizami tsuki, gyaku tsuki

Must show strong retraction to kamae and full use of hips on both techniques.


throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:

Uki-goshi Ashi-guruma


Purple – 4th Kyu


Oi tsuki – gyaku tsuki forwards, jodan punch, chudan reverse punch. In basic stance but retract hands to kamae.

Age uke – tate uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki backwards, rising block – back fist strike – reverse punch

Soto uke – yoko empi – uraken uchi forwards, outside-in block in front stance to elbow strike and back fist in kiba dachi

Gedan barai – haito uchi backwards, down block in fudo dachi – ridge hand strike

Uchi uke – kizami tsuki – gyaku tsuki forwards, inside-out block – jab, reverse punch in seisan dachi

Shuto uke – kizami mae geri – nukite backwards, knife hand block in back stance – front leg snap kick – spear hand thrust in front stance

Shuto uke – shuto uchi jodan forwards, knife hand block in back stance – knife hand strike in front stance


Mae geri – kizami tsuki – gyaku tsuki forwards, hands in kamae, front snap kick, jab, reverse punch, hands to kamae


Mae geri - mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki roundhouse kick, reverse punch. Punching hand should stay extended. 2 each direction


Yoko geri keage – yoko empi uchi – uraken uchi from kiba dachi, side snap kick – side elbow strike – back fist strike. 3 each direction

Uraken uchi – yoko geri kekomi from kiba dachi, cross step with uraken – middle side thrust kick. 3 each direction


Ushiro Geri back kick. 2 each direction

Kizami tsuki – gyaku tsuki – kizami tsuki off line jab – reverse punch – jab combination from kamae stance. Retract to kamae after third

technique, 3 each side


Gyaku tsuki – mawashi tsuki – uru tsuki reverse punch in zenkutsu dachi – shifting into moto dachi for hook punch - shifting forward in

moto dachi for uppercut punch


Heian Godan (Heian 5). Heian 1-4 may also be required.


Sanbon Kumite

Attack jodan - chudan - chudan.

Defend by stepping back age uke - soto uke in zenkutsu dachi - tai sabaki shuto uke in kokutsu dachi.

Counter gyaku tsuki switching to zenkutsu dachi.

Kihon Ippon Kumite - one attack sparring

2 times each, left and right sides. Jodan oi tsuki, chudan oi tsuki, chudan mae geri, and chudan yoko geri kekomi.

Blocks and counters are open.

All attacks right side than all attacks left side.


Demonstrate two bunkai from Heian Godan.

e.g. 1: Attack chudan oi tsuki. Defend tai sabaki (slip back 45 degrees) uchi uke in kokutsu dachi. Counter chudan gyaku tsuki (sliding in towards the opponent).

e.g. 2: Attack migi (right) chudan mae geri - migi jodan oi tsuki. Defend gedan juji uke (downward X block) whilst sliding the front foot in towards the opponent to jam the kick prior to it reaching maximum power) – jodan juji uke (withdraw the front foot to move away from the attack) pull attacking arm down and apply wrist twist/arm bar.


age uke, uraken, gyaku tsuki

Uraken uchi may be either tate or yoko but must show strong hip vibration.

kizami mae geri Proper chamber and retraction required. Weight should not shift excessively onto the back leg.

uraken, kekomi Uraken uchi should be delivered at the point the feet come together. May cross step in front, behind or bring feet together but must remain low with no rising up. Leave uraken extended until kick, then pull strongly to hip. kizami, gyaku, kizami Must show strong hips on all techniques and strong retraction after final kizami tsuki. Last kizami tsuki should be made by moving the back foot off line to between 45 and 90 degrees. Return to original position.


gyaku tsuki, mawashi tsuki, uru tsuki

All techniques must show strong hip movement and focus.

mawashi tsuki Round, hook punch. More open than kagi tsuki.

throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:

O-uchi-gari Yoko-wakare


Brown/White – 3rd Kyu


*All techniques in basic stance unless not otherwise

Oi tsuki – gyaku tsuki – kizami tsuki in jiyu kamae

Age uke – tate uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki rising block in zenkutsu dachi – back fist in moto dachi – reverse punch in zenkutsu dachi

Soto uke – yoko empi – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki

outside-in block in front stance – side elbow strike in kiba dachi – back fist, reverse punch moving

smoothly into front stance

Uchi uke in neko ashi dachi – gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi full step back into cat stance – reverse punch in front stance

Gedan barai – haito uchi – teisho uchi downward block in fudo dachi – ridge hand strike in front stance – palm heel strike in moto dachi. Leave extended.

Shuto uke – kizami mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki knife hand block – front leg roundhouse kick – reverse punch

Shuto uke – jodan shuto uchi – shuto palm down knife hand block -– knife hand strike to head – opposite hand knife hand strike palm down from opposite shoulder


Kizami mae geri – mae geri


Kizami mae geri – mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki front leg front snap kick – full step mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki.


Ushiro geri – gyaku tsuki

Mawatte in kiba dachi

Yoko geri keage – yoko geri kekomi from kiba dachi. 2 each direction

Uraken – kekomi in kiba dachi, cross step back fist – side thrust kick. 3 each direction

Mawate in zenkutsu dachi


Mae geri – mawashi geri – ushiro geri – gyaku tsuki 2 each direction

Mae geri – yoko geri kekomi from zenkutsu dachi, putting the foot down after each pair of kicks. 3 each


Tekki Shodan plus examiners choice of Heian kata.


Static Jiyu Ippon Kumite - basic one attack sparring from kamae.

Defenses against one each of jodan oi tsuki, jodan kizami tsuki, chudan gyaku tsuki, chudan mae geri.

Kizami tsuki and gyaku tsuki attacks should retract to kamae.

Must show a variety of counters, including kicks.

Shifting to kamae wherever final counter takes place.

Kiai on attack and defense.

Attacks and defenses are of equal importance.

Body touch required on counters.

Jiyu Kumite

Must demonstrate spirit and control in sparring.

Jiyu Kumite is NOT tournament sparring. Any targets may be included.


Demonstrate two bunkai from Tekki Shodan.

e.g. 1: Attack chudan oi tsuki. Slip back 45 degrees to the inside and block chudan kake uke (back of the open hand) in kiba dachi, controlling the attacking arm. Then slide back into opponent and strike with gyaku mawashi empi uchi.

e.g. 2: Continuing the above. Keep hold with the left hand and after the empi uchi strike grab the attacking arm by the wrist, pull down to the side then over to the right with your right hand to create a wrist lock. Counter with kagi tsuki (left hook punch).


stance All techniques are done in basic stance. Hands are in jiyu kamae position where noted.

shuto uke, shuto uchi, shuto uchi palm down

Hips must be used on the final shuto uchi and the stance may end up shortened. The retracted strike may be held as the final kamae position.

mawashi ren geri Must show different heights. Gedan and chudan may be used but must be delivered with force.

keage, kekomi Cross step in front but angle support foot with heel to front on cross step. Must show full rotation of the hips and power in the kekomi.


moving kicks There may be a pause after the first gyaku tsuki but seme must be maintained.

seme The concept of maintaining a threat or dominance over the opponent.

standing kicks Must show full use of hips and strong retraction between kicks.

throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:

Seio-nage Kosi-guruma


Brown – 2nd Kyu


Oi tsuki – gyaku tsuki – uraken uchi in basic stance, hands to kamae. Back fist is in moto dachi.

Age uke – soto uke – gyaku tsuki both blocks with same arm

Soto uke – gyaku mawashi empi – age empi first two techniques in zenkutsu dachi. Age empi in moto dachi.

Uchi uke – kizami tsuki – chudan mawashi tsuki inside-out block in fudo dachi – jab in front stance – slip forward round punch in fudo dachi

Gedan barai – haito uchi – shuto uchi downward block in fudo dachi, second two in zenkutsu dachi. Haito uchi then shuto uchi with opposite hand, palm down, from opposite shoulder

Shuto uke – kizami mawashi geri – jodan shuto uchi knife hand block – front leg roundhouse kick – knife hand strike to head

Slip up kizami mawashi geri – mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki 3 times. Retract to kamae at end.


Ushiro geri – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki retract to kamae at end

Mawatte in kamae

Slip up uraken uchi – yoko geri kekomi – gyaku tsuki from front stance, slip up so feet are close together and back fist – front leg side thrust kick –

reverse punch. Retract to kamae at end.


Mae geri – yoko geri kekomi – gyaku tsuki, kiai – mawashi geri –ushiro geri – gyaku tsuki, kiai slight pause with zanshin after each gyaku tsuki. 1 time each way

Mae geri – yoko geri kekomi – ushiro geri from zenkutsu dachi, putting the foot down after three kicks, 3 each side

8 Step


Choose Bassai Dai or Kanku Dai

Plus, examiners choice of Tekki Shodan and Heian kata.



Jiyu Ippon Kumite – basic one attack sparring from kamae.

Moving in kamae and shifting to kamae after each counter. Defenses against jodan oi tsuki, jodan kizami tsuki, chudan gyaku tsuki, chudan mae geri, yoko geri

kekomi. kizami tsuki and gyaku tsuki attacks should retract to kamae. Must show a variety of counters including kicks and at least one effective sweep or takedown. Kiai on attack and defense and show strong spirit and zanshin. Attacks and defenses are of equal importance. Do all attacks right side then all attacks left side.

Jiyu Kumite

Must demonstrate grasp of effective defensive tactics and limited range of offensive techniques.

Must demonstrate spirit and control in sparring. Jiyu Kumite is NOT tournament sparring. Any targets may be included.


Demonstrate two bunkai from either Bassai Dai or Kanku Dai.


shuto uchi When performed from the opposite shoulder with the palm down, must show strong retraction and use of the hips and shortening of stance.

8 step Oi tsuki in zenkutsu dachi, turn 270, yoko empi in kiba dachi, turn 90, shuto uke in kokutsu dachi, turn 270, gedan barai in shiko dachi, turn 90, uchi uke in neko ashi dachi.

zanshin Continuous awareness of the opponent and being prepared to react.

throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:

Okuri-ashi-barai Sukui-nage


Brown/Black – 1st Kyu


*All techniques are in free–style stance and retract to kamae except where noted

Oi tsuki – gyaku tsuki – uraken uchi back fist is in moto dachi shifting forward

Age uke – soto uke – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki

Soto uke – yoko empi – spin tetsui uchi – gyaku tsuki soto uke in zenkutsu dachi - yoko empi in kiba dachi – 180 spin tetsui uchi in kiba dachi – gyaku tsuki in zenkutsu dachi. 2 times.

Uchi uke – gyaku mawashi empi – age empi uchi uke in fudo dachi – mawashi empi in zenkutsu dachi – age empi in moto dachi. No retraction.

Gedan barai – haito uchi – shuto uchi gedan barai in fudo dachi then switch to zenkutsu dachi. Shuto uchi, palm down, with same hand to haito from the opposite shoulder. Retraction position from shuto uchi can be the kamae.

Shuto uke – full step back uchi uke in neko ashi dachi – kizami mae geri - oi tsuki pause and kime after uchi uke to show focus and balance.

Slip up kizami mawashi geri – mawashi geri – gyaku tsuki


Ushiro geri – gedan barai – gyaku tsuki


Mae geri – yoko geri kekomi – gyaku tsuki – kiai– mawashi geri – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki mikazuki geri may be used instead of ura mawashi geri at discretion of examiner. 1 each way.

Gyaku mawashi tsuki chudan in sanchin dachi 3x each way. Turn in sanchin dachi with gedan barai.

Mae geri – yoko geri kekomi – ushiro geri from jiyu kamae dachi, putting the foot down after three kicks, 3 each side

8 Step


Choose Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai or Jion

Plus, examiners choice of Tekki Shodan and Heian Kata.


Jiyu Ippon Kumite – semi-free one attack sparring


Moving in kamae and shifting to kamae after each counter. Faking and drawing timing.

Defenses against jodan oi tsuki, jodan kizami tsuki, chudan gyaku tsuki, chudan mae geri, yoko geri. kekomi and mawashi geri. Kizami tsuki and gyaku tsuki attacks should retract to kamae.

Must show a variety of counters including kicks and at least one effective sweep or takedown. Kiai on attack and defense and show strong spirit and zanshin. Attacks and defenses are of equal importance. Do all attacks right side then all attacks left side

Jiyu Kumite

Must demonstrate grasp of limited range of effective defensive and attacking techniques.


Demonstrate two bunkai from either Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai or Jion.


throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in the following throws and subsequent break-falls:






*All techniques are in free–style stance and retract sharply to kamae except where noted

Slip forward kizami tsuki/gyaku tsuki – step forward oi tsuki/gyaku tsuki

Age uke – soto uke – kizami tsuki – gyaku tsuki first three techniques all with the same hand

Soto uke – yoko empi – spin tetsui uchi – oi tsuki 3x

Uchi uke – gyaku uchi uke – kizami tsuki moving off line Maai is important. Kizami tsuki must be delivered strongly moving into the target

Gedan barai in fudo dachi – haito uchi – teisho uchi chudan in shiko dachi kamae should be made slowly but with strong seme.

Shuto uke – step back uchi uke in neko ashi dachi – kizami mae geri – oi tsuki 3 x. Neko ashi dachi must be made strongly to set the hip up for the turn.

Mae geri – step back gedan barai in fudo dachi – jodan gyaku tsuki – mawashi geri – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki


Slip up kizami mawashi geri – mawashi geri – uraken uchi – gyaku tsuki 3x. Ensure the rear foot is planted solidly on the last two techniques.


Jodan gyaku tsuki – yoko geri kekomi – gyaku tsuki


Ushiro geri – gedan barai – gyaku tsuki with kiai – step back gedan barai – forward mae geri – gyaku tsuki with kiai


Five Empi combination age empi, gyaku mawashi empi, yoko empi, ushiro empi, otoshi empi, 2 each direction

Mawashi uke in sanchin dachi 3x each way. Turn in sanchin dachi with gedan barai. Done slowly with dynamic tension.

Standing kicks – mae geri, kekomi, mawashi, ushiro 3 each side


Choose Jion, Jitte, Empi or Hangetsu.


Examiners choice of Bassai Dai, Kanku Dai, Jion also Tekki Shodan and Heian.


Jiyu Ippon Kumite – semi-free one attack sparring.

Moving in kamae and shifting to kamae after each counter. Faking and drawing timing.

Defenses against two jodan oi tsuki, jodan kizami tsuki, chudan gyaku tsuki, chudan mae geri, yoko geri kekomi, mawashi geri and ushiro geri. Attacks may be right or left or all same side.

Must show a variety of counters including kicks and at least two effective sweeps or takedowns.

Must demonstrate go no sen and sen no sen timing. Sensen no sen may also be used.

Kiai on attack and defense and show strong spirit and zanshin.

Attacks and defenses are of equal importance.

Jiyu Kumite or Self-Defence

Jiyu Kumite

Demonstrate grasp of limited range of effective defensive and attacking techniques. Show spirit and no hesitation. Use a combination of basic techniques and tactics to show a repertoire. Must engage the opponent. All targets may be used except joints.


Self-defence must demonstrate effective, realistic escapes and counters from a variety of grabs, holds and

common attacks. Three scenarios will be selected by the examiners.


Demonstrate two bunkai from Jitte, Jion, Enpi or Hangetsu. Two bunkai of examiners choice from Heian kata or Tekki Shodan.


mawashi uke as in the final block in Nijushiho. Lower hand on the leading leg side.

go no sen counter attack after the opponent has attacked

sen no sen attack at the exact moment the opponent attacks

sen attack when the opponent has mentally committed to the attack

throws and break-falls

Students must display proficiency in all of the throws for the previous kyu levels and their subsequent break-falls











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