role of a comprehensive toxicity assessment and monitoring.pdf

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  • 7/24/2019 Role of a Comprehensive Toxicity Assessment and Monitoring.pdf


    Role of a Comprehensive Toxicity Assessment and MonitoringProgram in the Management and Ecological Recovery

    of a Wastewater Receiving Stream

    Mark S. Greeley Jr. Lynn A. Kszos

    Gail W. Morris John G. Smith Arthur J. Stewart

    Received: 7 October 2009/ Accepted: 7 April 2011 / Published online: 15 May 2011

    Springer Science+Business Media, LLC (outside the USA) 2011

    Abstract National Pollution Discharge Elimination Per-

    mit (NPDES)-driven effluent toxicity tests using Cerio-daphnia dubia and fathead minnows were conducted for

    more than 20 years to assess and monitor the effects of

    wastewaters at the United States (U.S.) Department of

    Energy Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12 Complex)

    in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Toxicity testing was also con-

    ducted on water samples from East Fork Poplar Creek

    (EFPC), the wastewater receiving stream, as part of a

    comprehensive biological monitoring and assessment pro-

    gram. In this paper, we evaluate the roles of this long-term

    toxicity assessment and monitoring program in the man-

    agement and ecological recovery of EFPC. Effluent toxicity

    testing, associated toxicant evaluation studies, and ambient

    toxicity monitoring were instrumental in identifying toxi-

    cant sources at the Y-12 Complex, guiding modifications to

    wastewater treatment procedures, and assessing the success

    of various pollution-abatement actions. The elimination of

    untreated wastewater discharges, the dechlorination of

    remaining wastewater streams, and the implementation of

    flow management at the stream headwaters were the pri-mary actions associated with significant reductions in the

    toxicity of stream water in the upper reaches of EFPC from

    the late 1980s through mid 1990s. Through time, as regu-

    latory requirements changed and water quality improved,

    emphasis shifted from comprehensive toxicity assessments

    to more focused toxicity monitoring efforts. Ambient tox-

    icity testing with C. dubia and fathead minnows was sup-

    plemented with less-standardized but more sensitive

    alternative laboratory toxicity tests and in situ bioassays.

    The Y-12 Complex biological monitoring experience

    demonstrates the value of toxicity studies to the manage-

    ment of a wastewater receiving stream.

    Keywords In situ bioassay Effluent toxicityLong-term

    monitoring Ambient toxicity Biomonitoring


    When the United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection

    Agency (USEPA) applied water quality-based limitations

    for toxic pollutants to National Pollutant Discharge Elimi-

    nation System (NPDES) permits in the 1980s, many indus-

    trial facilities and municipalities around the U.S. found they

    were unable to immediately meet strict chemical-based

    water quality criteria. One such industrial facility was the

    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Y-12 National Security

    Complex (formerly known as the Y-12 Plant and hereafter

    referred to as the Y-12 Complex) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

    The Y-12 Complex, a nuclear weapons component produc-

    tion facility constructed at the headwaters of East Fork

    Poplar Creek (EFPC) during the early 1940s as part of the

    U.S. Manhattan Project, was by the mid 1980s discharging

    The submitted manuscript has been authored by a contractor of the

    U.S. Government under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725. Accordingly,

    the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to

    publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow

    others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.

    M. S. Greeley Jr. (&) L. A. Kszos G. W. Morris

    J. G. Smith A. J. Stewart

    Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National

    Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA


    L. A. Kszos

    Neutron Sciences Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,

    Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

    A. J. Stewart

    Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA

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    Environmental Management (2011) 47:10331046

    DOI 10.1007/s00267-011-9679-3

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    both treated and untreated wastewaters to the stream from

    over 200 outfalls (Stewart and others 2011). The NPDES

    permit issued to the facility in May 1985 required the Y-12

    Complex to establish a Toxicity Control and Monitoring

    Program (TCMP) for the purpose of identifying and con-

    trolling the release of toxicants to EFPC from permitted

    discharges. This NPDES permit was also among the first in

    the nation to require the biological monitoring of thereceiving stream, resulting in the establishment of a Bio-

    logical Monitoring and Abatement Program (BMAP) to

    ensure and evaluate the effectiveness of the Y-12 Complex

    TCMP and associated water pollution control programs in

    protectingthe classified uses of EFPC (Loar and others 2011;

    Peterson2011; Peterson and others 2011; Stewart and others


    Whole effluent toxicity testing was the primary inves-

    tigative tool of the Y-12 Complex TCMP. Effluent toxicity

    testing conducted for the TCMP was used extensively

    beginning in 1985 to: (1) locate and prioritize sources of

    toxicants to EFPC; (2) identify and evaluate toxicants ofconcern; (3) guide changes in wastewater treatment oper-

    ations to facilitate reductions in toxicant loading to the

    receiving stream; (4) ensure the efficacy of treatment

    modifications; and (5) monitor the toxicity of remaining

    wastewaters following toxicant reduction efforts.

    Ambient toxicity testing was one of several compli-

    mentary bioassessment approachesincluding bioaccu-

    mulation monitoring, analyses of bioindicators in sentinel

    fish species, and surveys of stream communities

    employed in the multi-task BMAP to assess changes over

    time in water quality and the ecological health of EFPC as

    water pollution controls and associated remedial actions

    were implemented at the Y-12 Complex. Testing of EFPC

    waters for ambient toxicity was initiated in 1986 and con-

    tinued to the 2005 renewal of the facilitys NPDES permit.

    The diversity and long-term nature of the BMAP, com-

    bined with the intensive toxicity assessments conducted for

    the TCMP, provide a unique opportunity to examine the

    relationship between specific water pollution controls and

    remedial actions at a major industrial facility (Loar andothers

    2011) and resultant changes in ambient toxicity (this paper),

    water quality (Stewart and others 2011), pollutant bioaccu-

    mulation (Southworth and others 2011), and the health of

    aquatic organisms and communities (Hill and others2010;

    Adams andHam 2011; Ryon 2011; Smith andothers 2011) in

    a freshwater receiving stream. Elements of the aquatic tox-

    icity testing program for the Y-12 Complex have been dis-

    cussed previously (Stewart and others 1990; Stewart1996;

    Loar andothers 1992; Kszos andothers 1992; Hinzman 1993;

    Stewart 1996; Kszos andothers 1997; Hinzman 1998; Adams

    and others2002; Kszos and Stewart2003).

    Radiological and non-radiological contaminants of his-

    torical concern in EFPC include elevated nutrients, chlorine

    in process waters, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and

    mercury, uranium, and various other metals from a variety

    of industrial process at the Y-12 Complex (Loar and others

    2011). Environmental contaminants originate from multiple

    point sources within the Y-12 Complex, including waste-

    water treatment facility outfalls and storm drains, and from

    non-point sources such as groundwater inputs and runoff

    from contaminated floodplain soils. Beginning in the 1980sand continuing to the present, the Y-12 Complex committed

    to a series of remedial actions and pollution abatement

    activities to reduce toxic wastewater discharges to EFPC.

    Table1summarizes some of the major actions taken by the

    Y-12 Complex which could have contributed in the ensuing

    decades to significant improvements in the water quality of

    EFPC. A more detailed description of these remedial

    actions and pollution abatement activities can be found in

    Loar and others (2011).

    Figure1 demonstrates the functional relationships

    between wastewater toxicity testing performed under the

    TCMP and ambient toxicity testing performed for theBMAP in establishing effluent limitations for new waste-

    water treatment facilities at the Y-12 Complex (adapted

    from Kingrea1986; Loar and others 1992). From the ini-

    tiation of these programs, the complimentary TCMP and

    BMAP toxicity testing programs acted in tandem to both

    guide and evaluate the success of the Y-12 Complexs

    toxicity control and pollution reduction efforts.

    The goals of the this paper are to: (1) reevaluate, from

    the perspective of more than 20 years of toxicity moni-

    toring experience in the EFPC watershed, the relationships

    between specific water pollution controls and remedial

    actions implemented by the Y-12 Complex and changes in

    the measured toxicity of effluent streams and ambient

    EFPC waters; (2) explore the relationships between effluent

    and ambient toxicity and changes over time in the condi-

    tions of stream communities; (3) examine the respective

    contributions of effluent toxicity assessments, routine

    ambient toxicity monitoring, and related special studies

    and toxicant evaluations to facilitating and monitoring of

    the ecological recovery of the receiving stream; and (4)

    discuss implications of the Y-12 Complex TCMP and

    BMAP toxicity assessment experience for the environ-

    mental management of receiving waters.

    Materials and Methods

    Study Sites

    For the purposes of orientation, the locations of the Y-12

    Complex and the primary BMAP monitoring sites along

    EFPC are shown in Fig.2 (for greater detail on BMAP

    sampling locations see Loar and others 2011). EFPC

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    originates within the Y-12 Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennes-see, where it receives wastewaterdischargesvia underground

    outfalls before emerging aboveground just upstream of a

    BMAP sampling location at EFPC kilometer 25 (EFK25).

    For several years, EFPC flowed through a retention basin

    (originally New Hope Pond, which was replaced in 1988 by

    Lake Reality) located near the border of the Y-12 Complex

    downstream of a BMAP sampling location at EFK24. The

    Lake Reality retention basin was permanently bypassed in

    1998 as part of the Y-12 Complex pollution control and

    management strategy, allowing subsequent free flow ofstream water from upper EFPC within the Y-12 Complex to

    lower EFPC downstream of the old retention basins. Upon

    exiting the Y-12 Complex just downstream of EFK23, EFPC

    flows through the City of Oak Ridge prior to merging with

    Poplar Creek approximately 25 km from the stream origin.

    The only additional significant wastewater discharge to

    EFPC is the municipal Oak Ridge Wastewater Treatment

    Facility located near EFK14 (Fig. 2), a facility which also

    receives some wastewaters from the Y-12 Complex.

    Table 1 Summary of selected pollution abatement and remedial actions at the Y-12 Complex from 1985 through 2000

    Dates Activity

    19861992 Source collection and elimination of untreated discharges

    1986 Completion of a central pollution control facility

    19861987 Relining of sanitary and storm sewers

    1988 Replacement of original retention basin (New Hope Pond) with a new lined basin, Lake Reality

    Late 1992 Dechlorination of major wastewater discharges (with minor discharges dechlorinatedduring 1993 1994)

    19962000 Additional relining of sanitary and storm sewers

    1996 Completion of central and east end mercury treatment systems

    1996 Implementation of flow management (temporary)

    Early 1997 Implementation of flow management (permanent)

    1996 Lake Reality bypass (temporary)

    1998 Lake Reality bypass (permanent)

    2000 Bank stabilization project

    Adapted from Loar and others (2011)

    BAT EffluentLimitations

    Modify EffluentLimitations

    Develop ToxicityControl Plan and/or

    Conduct TRE

    Final EffluentLimitations

    Is WastewaterToxic?(TCMP)

    Are Classified UsesBeing Maintained?


    Is WastewaterToxic?(TCMP)







    Fig. 1 Decision tree for

    establishing effluent limitations

    for wastewater treatment

    facilities at the Y-12 Complex.

    BAT = Best Available

    Technology (modified from

    Kingrea 1986, and presented

    originally in Loar and others


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    Initial ambient toxicity assessments conducted in 1986

    with standard aquatic test organismsCeriodaphnia dubia

    (C. dubia) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)

    evaluated water from 11 sites in lower EFPC downstream

    of the retention basin near the boundary of the Y-12

    Complex, and one site in upper EFPC immediately

    upstream of the retention basin. Because of a need to iso-

    late very specific point sources of potential toxicants, moresites along EFPC were eventually examined for ambient

    toxicity than the five routinely monitored by other BMAP

    tasks, and toxicity sampling locations were more specifi-

    cally delineated (for instance, EFK25.1 for an ambient

    toxicity site rather than the less-specific EFK25 designation

    used by other BMAP tasks: see Table 2 for EFPC locations

    monitored at least once for ambient toxicity). After the

    initial toxicity assessments had demonstrated that ambient

    toxicity was mainly restricted to upper EFPC, subsequent

    ambient tests with C. dubia and fathead minnows focused

    on a smaller subset of the originally tested locations within

    lower EFPC and added additional testing sites in upperEFPC (Table2).

    In situ bioassays, which place test organisms such as the

    fingernail clam into the stream for exposure purposes (test

    described elsewhere in this paper), lack the obvious con-

    trols of laboratory toxicity tests. Thus, three reference

    streams located off the Oak Ridge Reservation in nearby

    valleys were used in the in situ clam tests to provide

    comparisons with the conditions expected for EFPC if the

    Y-12 Complex had not been constructed. Located in

    watersheds with rural impacts but no industrial contami-

    nation, these reference streamsHinds Creek (HCK20),

    Cox Creek (CXK0.2) and Brushy Fork (BFK7)have

    similar physical and chemical characteristics to EFPC but

    are unaffected by Y-12 Complex discharges (Fig.2).

    Toxicity Tests

    Effluent Toxicity Testing

    Requirements for effluent toxicity testing were included in

    both the 1985 and subsequent 1995 NPDES permits issued

    to the Y-12 Complex. During the period covered by the

    1985 permit, cooling tower blowdown, storm drain dis-

    charges, and treatment facility effluents were tested peri-

    odically with chronic 3-brood C. dubia tests (initially by

    the methods of Horning and Weber 1985; current test

    method 1002.0 in USEPA2002a) and 7-day fathead min-

    now larvae growth and survival tests (initially by the

    methods of Horning and Weber1985; current test method1000.0 in USEPA 2002a). Following the 1995 renewal of

    the NPDES permit (which remained in effect through

    2005), acute 48-h effluent tests based solely on C. dubia

    survival (current test method 2002.0 in USEPA 2002b)

    replaced the previous chronic effluent testing as a permit


    By testing various dilutions of wastewater effluents, the

    standardized chronic toxicity tests determined a no-effect-

    concentration (NOEC) of effluent, with either survival and

    Fig. 2 Locations of biological

    monitoring sites on EFPC in

    relation to the Y-12 Complex.

    EFK= East Fork Poplar Creek

    kilometer. Note that only core

    BMAP monitoring sites are

    shown on the map as point

    references for more numerous

    toxicity testing sites along


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    reproduction (C. dubia) or survival and growth (fathead

    minnows) as test endpoints. Acute toxicity tests identified a

    concentration (the Lethal Concentration50 or LC50) of

    effluent which could be lethal to 50% of the test organisms

    over a given test period (usually 48 h). In the case of both

    the NOEC and the LC50, the lower the value the greater thetoxicity of the tested effluent. Additional details of sam-

    pling protocols, test methods, and data analysis procedures

    for the effluent toxicity tests can be found in Stewart and

    others (1990) and Stewart (1996).

    Toxicity Loading Analyses

    To evaluate the relative contributions to EFPC of toxins

    from the various Y-12 Complex waste streams, each

    wastewaters NOEC was compared to its expected final

    concentration in the receiving stream [the instream waste

    concentration (IWC)]. If the NOEC was less than the IWC,the wastewater could be expected to be harmful upon

    discharge to the receiving stream. To facilitate compari-

    sons across wastewater streams, the expected ambient

    toxicity from effluent discharges was characterized by

    instream Toxic Units (iTUc if derived from chronic test

    results; iTUa if derived from acute test results), with the

    iTUc o r a defined as the wastewaters calculated instream

    waste concentration (IWC) divided by the wastewaters

    NOEC. Thus an instream TUc[ 1 (where the NOEC is

    less than the IWC) indicates that discharges have the

    potential to be harmful to stream organisms possessing

    similar sensitivity to toxicants in the stream water as the

    C. dubia and fathead minnow larvae test organisms.

    Ambient Toxicity Testing with Standard Test Organisms

    Because the toxicity of ambient receiving waters is gen-

    erally much lower than the toxicity of effluents measured

    directly at a wastewater discharge, ambient toxicity testing

    was routinely performed with chronic 3-brood C. dubia

    tests and 7-day fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)

    (initially by the methods of Horning and Weber 1985;

    USEPA 2002a) with an emphasis on test organism

    responses to full-strength stream water (Stewart 1996).

    Ambient toxicity testing on EFPC waters began in 1986,

    when significant remedial actions at the Y-12 Complex

    were just underway, and continued at selected monitoringlocations through the 2005 renewal of the NPDES permit


    Supplemental Ambient Tests

    To supplement the standardized C. dubia and fathead

    minnow toxicity tests, the ambient toxicity testing program

    also employed less-standardized laboratory toxicity tests

    and in situ bioassays with additional test organisms. Tests

    Table 2 C. dubia and fathead minnow chronic toxicity tests conducted on ambient water samples from EFPC through 2005

    Sitea 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    Upper East Fork Poplar Creek

    EFK25.1 7 10 10 12 12 11 4

    OF 201 2 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

    EFK24.6 9 12 10 10 9 12 12 11 12 2

    EFK24.1 6 8 8 11 11 11 9 12 12 11 12 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Lower East Fork Poplar Creek

    EFK23.8 17 13 12 12 10 9 9 12 12 11 12 5 4

    EFK22.8 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK21.9 1 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK20.5 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK18.2 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK16.1 2

    EFK13.8 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK10.0 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 1

    EFK7.6 2

    EFK5.1 2

    EFK2.1 2

    With the exception of EFK 25.1, fathead minnow testing ceased in 1996 after four tests at each of the four upstream sites and one test each at

    downstream sitesa

    EFK= East Fork Poplar Creek kilometer; OF 201(Outfall 201) is an instream NPDES monitoring site approximately 10 m downstream of


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    conducted with species other than C. dubia and fathead

    minnows generally addressed specific toxicity-related

    issues that could not be studied readily with the standard

    toxicity tests, such as examining the potential for contin-

    uing low-level ambient toxicity in upper EFPC after

    C. dubia and fathead minnows had stopped responding in

    routine ambient tests.

    Alternative model organisms used in laboratory testsincluded the medaka (Oryzias latipes), a small aquarium

    fish widely employed in basic research into early vertebrate

    development and in studies of the effects of pollutants on

    developmental processes. In these tests, newly-fertilized

    medaka embryos were individually exposed in 7-ml glass

    vials or plastic 24-well plates to water from various loca-

    tions along EFPC by methods adapted from USEPA

    guidelines for a fish developmental toxicity test (Benoit

    and others1991). In this test, survival and the incidences of

    developmental abnormalities were assessed daily and test

    solutions were renewed every other day.

    In situ bioassays conducted in EFPC and nearby streamsemployed native species such as the fingernail clam,

    Sphaerium fabale (Smith and Beauchamp2000). In the in

    situ fingernail clam test, clams were placed in individual

    clear Plexiglas tubes anchored to the bottom of the stream,

    and left in situ for up to 85 days. Further details of the

    experimental procedures can be found in Smith and

    Beauchamp (2000).

    Statistical Analyses

    Statistical procedures used to estimate a wastewaters

    NOEC or LC50in C. dubiaand fathead minnow tests were

    performed according to USEPA test guidelines (currently

    USEPA 2002a, 2002b). Various alternative statistical

    methods for evaluating the results of ambient tests using

    these test organisms, including ANOVA, were also used as

    described in Stewart (1996). Individual-based medaka test

    results were statistically analyzed with Chi-square tests.

    Clam bioassays were statistically evaluated by ANOVA

    and associated tests as detailed in Smith and Beauchamp



    Toxicity of Wastewater Discharges from the Y-12


    From 1986 through 1992, 72 chronic toxicity tests with

    C. dubia and fathead minnows were conducted to charac-

    terize the toxicity of cooling tower blowdown discharges,

    various untreated waste streams, and effluents from several

    Y-12 Complex wastewater treatment systems. The relative

    toxicities of wastewater streams before and after untreated

    discharges to EFPC were eliminated in the early 1990s are

    presented in Table 3. The average total toxicant loading to

    upper EFPC from Y-12 Complex wastewaters before theseuntreated discharges were eliminated exceeded 4 iTUc, a

    value far greater than the 1 iTUc threshold for expected

    instream chronic toxicity. Following the elimination of

    these untreated discharges, the average toxicity loading to

    the stream was reduced substantially to a relatively low

    0.24 iTUc.

    Routine toxicity monitoring with C. dubia, and less

    frequently with fathead minnows, continued on selected

    effluents from Y-12 Complex wastewater treatment facili-

    ties, storm drains and cooling towers through 2005 as

    specified in the facilitys NPDES permit. Consideration of

    the annual worst-case results of quarterly C. dubia tox-

    icity tests performed from 1986 through 2005 on effluents

    from the three main wastewater treatment facilities at the

    Y-12 Complex (Fig.3) demonstrated that even these

    treated wastewaters occasionally exceeded the threshold

    for expected instream toxicity. For example, effluent from

    Table 3 Comparison of toxicity loading analyses to East Fork Poplar Creek using results of chronicC. dubiaand fathead minnow toxicity tests

    conducted from 1986 through 1992 on cooling tower blowdown and various treated and untreated waste streams at the Y-12 Complex before and

    after the elimination of untreated waste discharges

    Toxicity loading of wastewater discharges

    Before elimination of untreated discharges After elimination of untreated discharges

    Wastewater source Annual flow


    Instream chronic

    toxic units (iTUc)a

    Annual flow


    Instream chronic

    toxic units (iTUc)a

    Cooling towers 556 9 106

    0.12 354 9 106


    Untreated waste streams 113 9 106 3.82 0 0

    Treated waste streams 138 9 106

    0.23 447 9 106


    Total 807 9 106

    4.07 801 9 106


    aInstream chronic toxic units (iTUc) = Instream waste concentration (IWC)/No-Observed-Effect-Concentration (NOEC)

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    the Groundwater Treatment Facility alone contributed[4

    iTUc of toxicants to the upper reaches of EFPC on twoseparate occasions during chronic tests conducted in 1993

    and 1995.

    Following the replacement of chronic toxicity testing

    requirements with acute testing requirements in the 1995

    renewal of the Y-12 Complex NPDES Permit, the mea-

    sured toxicity of individual wastewaters in these routine

    effluent tests never again exceeded an instream toxicity

    threshold of iTU[1 (Fig. 3). The implications of this

    change in test methods to the toxicity testing programs

    ability to predict the effects of wastewater discharges on

    the biotic communities in EFPC are discussed in the fol-

    lowing section of this paper.

    Ambient Toxicity of the Receiving Stream

    Fathead Minnow and C. dubia Tests

    Routine toxicity testing of ambient water samples from

    EFPC was begun in 1986 as part of comprehensive BMAP

    efforts to characterize stream conditions prior to the initi-

    ation of extensive remedial actions and pollution abatement

    activities planned by the Y-12 Complex in the EFPC

    watershed (Table1). Early ambient toxicity tests (Table2)

    initially focused on the waters of lower EFPC downstream

    of the retention basin near the boundary of the Y-12

    Complex (Fig.2). In these early ambient tests, no con-

    clusive evidence was found of toxicity to eitherC. dubiaor

    fathead minnows (Table4), although occasional reductions

    in fathead minnow survival or growth (as shown in Table 4

    for ambient samples from EFK22.8 and EFK18.2) spo-

    radically occurred in some ambient water samples.

    Other ambient tests conducted in the mid to late 1980s

    specifically compared the toxicity of water from EFK24.1

    in upper EFPC with the toxicity of water from EFK23.8 in

    lower EFPC. Water from EFK23.8 sampled downstream of

    the New Hope Pond retention basin had no adverse effect

    on either C. dubia or fathead minnows in the two 1986

    Fig. 3 Annual worst-case C. dubia toxicity test results for

    effluents from the three main wastewater treatment facilities at the

    Y-12 Complex. Resultsexpressed as instream Toxic Unitswere

    derived from chronic 3-brood tests through 1995 and from acute 48-h

    tests after 1995; tests were typically conducted quarterly

    Table 4 Results of chronic Ceriodaphnia dubiaand fathead minnow

    toxicity tests of ambient water samples collected daily from 10 sites in

    lower EFPC in early 1986 prior to the initiation of major remedial

    actions by the Y-12 Complex

    Ceriodaphnia Fathead minnow





    (offspring per







    EFK23.8 100 27.6 90.0 0.564

    EFK22.8 100 28.9 92.5 0.382a

    EFK21.9 100 30.3 95.0 0.515

    EFK20.5 100 30.6 92.5 0.536

    EFK18.2 100 29.8 92.5 0.425b

    EFK16.1 90 37.0 87.5 0.481

    EFK13.8 90 34.5 90.0 0.583

    EFK10.0 100 23.3 90.0 0.468

    EFK7.6 100 30.2 80.0 0.495

    EFK5.1 90 28.6 85.0 0.479

    EFK2.1 100 28.6 87.5 0.639Control 100 28.6 100.0 0.571

    Adapted from technical report by Loar and others (1992)a

    EFK= East Fork kilometerb Test endpoints that differed significantly from controls (ANOVA,


    Table 5 Comparison of chronic toxicity to C. dubia and fathead

    minnows in tests of different ambient water samples collected in 1986

    from upper EFPC (EFK 24.1) and lower EFPC (EFK 23.8) conducted

    just prior to the initiation of major remedial actions by the Y-12


    August 1986 September 1986

    Sitea Survival




    (mean, SD)





    (mean, SD)

    C. dubia

    Control 100.0 13.2 (3.3) 100.0 20.4 (5.5)

    EFK24.1 90.0 4.4 (4.5)b

    80.0 11.7 (4.6)b

    EFK23.8 100.0 14.8 (2.6) 100.0 18.0 (3.5)

    Fathead minnows

    Control 92.5 0.53 (0.05) 92.5 0.36 (0.07)

    EFK24.1 90.0 0.41 (0.07) 92.5 0.26 (0.08)

    EFK23.8 97.5 0.50 (0.06) 75.0 0.26 (0.07)

    Adapted from technical report by Loar and others (1992)a

    EFK= East Fork kilometerb Test endpoints that differed significantly from controls (ANOVA,


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    ambient toxicity tests shown in Table 5; in contrast, water

    sampled from EFK24.1 upstream of the retention basin

    significantly reducedC. dubiareproduction in both of these

    early tests (ANOVA, P\ 0.001).

    Table6 summarizes the results of a subsequent series of

    ambient toxicity tests initiated in 1988 and 1990, respec-

    tively, for two additional sites in upper EFPC at EFK24.6

    and EFK25.1 within the Y-12 Complex. In tests conductedprior to 1992, the frequencies ofC. dubia test failures due

    to reductions in either survival or reproduction were 60%

    or greater for both sampling locations. By 1992, the fre-

    quencies of test failures for both sites had decreased sig-

    nificantlyto 0% for EFK 24.6 and to 30% for EFK

    25.1following the elimination of untreated wastewater

    streams in Y-12 Complex discharges. The annual fre-

    quencies of test failures for both sites then fluctuated from

    0 to 33% before testing was eventually discontinued at

    EFK25.1 in 1996 and at EFK24.6 in 1997 (Table 2).

    Routine ambient toxicity testing was also conducted

    from 1994 through 2005 at a fourth site in upper EFPCa

    newer instream NPDES monitoring station (Outfall 201)located just downstream of EFK25.1 (Table 2and Fig. 4).

    Similar to the situation for the other testing sites in upper

    EFPC, toxicity test failures (as indicated in Fig. 4 by

    NOEC values\100%) involving water from Outfall 201

    were relatively common prior to 1996, particularly in the

    case of C. dubia tests. Following the implementation of

    flow management in EFPC in 1996, there was only a single

    subsequent test failure with either C. dubia or fathead

    minnows at this ambient sampling site through 2005


    Supplemental Ambient Tests with Alternative Test


    To supplement the standardized C. dubia and fathead

    minnow tests, studies of ambient toxicity in EFPC were

    also conducted with other native and non-native test

    organisms. Results of laboratory tests of water samples

    from EFPC using newly-fertilized embryos of the medaka,

    a small non-native fish commonly employed as a model for

    vertebrate development, are shown in Fig.5. In tests begun

    in 1997, survival of medaka embryos and larvae through

    2 days post-hatch was significantly reduced compared to

    laboratory controls in water samples from various sites in

    both lower and upper EFPC (Chi square tests of individual-

    based results, P\ 0.01). Embryo survival in these tests

    Table 6 Changes over time in the frequency of chronicC. dubiatests

    demonstrating significant decreases in either survival or reproduction

    in ambient water from two sites in upper EFPC

    EFK24.6 EFK25.1


    n Frequency of testfailures (%)

    n Frequency of testfailures (%)

    Pre-1992 41 60 17 76

    Elimination of untreated discharges completed

    1992 9 0 10 30

    Late 1992: dechlorination of major discharges begun

    1993 12 8 12 17

    1994 12 0 12 33

    1995 11 27 11 9

    Early 1996: initial implementation of flow management

    1996 12 0 4a


    1997 2



    EFK= East Fork kilometera

    Toxicity monitoring at site discontinued

    Fig. 4 Results of chronic

    C. dubia and fathead minnow

    toxicity tests of ambient water

    sampled from East Fork Poplar

    Creek at Outfall 201, an

    instream NPDES monitoring

    site located just downstream of

    EFK 25.1 within the Y-12

    Complex (NOEC =



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    gradually increased over time for all tested locations in

    EFPC, and by 2003 had approached the levels of laboratory

    controls in water samples from monitoring sites in lower

    EFPC (EFK13.8 and EFK18.2). However, significant

    decreases in embryo survival (P\0.05) continued through

    2005 in ambient water samples from tested sites in upper

    EFPC (EFK24.6 and EFK25.1).

    In addition to laboratory tests using alternative test

    organisms such as the medaka, in situ bioassays with

    species such as the native fingernail clam (Smith and

    Beauchamp 2000) were conducted as early as 1988 at

    various locations in EFPC and other streams in the OakRidge area. Results of clam bioassays conducted annually

    from 1998 through 2005 at three locations in EFPC and

    three nearby reference streams unaffected by industrial

    discharges are shown in Fig. 6. Clam survival in these

    bioassays was consistently high at all three reference

    streams; similar to survival in the reference streams at

    EFK13.8 in lower EFPC; and significantly reduced at

    EFK23.4 and EFK24.4 (ANOVA, P\ 0.05). Clam growth

    was also relatively high in the reference streamsalthough

    more variable from year-to-year than the survival end-

    pointbut was again significantly reduced (P\ 0.05) at

    all three of the tested EFPC locations.


    The toxicity assessment and monitoring program described

    in this paper is but one facet of the extensive water pollution

    controls and biological monitoring efforts conducted at the

    Y-12 Complex since the mid 1980s. The relationships

    between toxicity testing and receiving-water impacts have

    been previously examined in relatively short-term studies

    (examples include Eagleson and others1990; Dickson and

    others1992; Kosmala and others 1999). However, relativelyfew long-term studies have examined how toxicity assess-

    ments, as implemented through NPDES permitting

    requirements in the mid-1980s and continuing to the present,

    have been used in conjunction with other approaches such as

    bioaccumulation studies and biological surveys to success-

    fully assess the effects of aquatic pollution and monitor the

    ecological recovery of receiving waters following an

    extensive and prolonged implementation of water pollution
























    Fig. 5 Survival of medaka embryos during toxicity tests of ambient

    water from EFPC. EFK= EFPC kilometer














































    Fig. 6 Growth and survival of fingernail clams during in situ

    bioassays in EFPC and reference sites. Reference sites were Hinds

    Creek (HCK20), Cox Creek (CXK0.2), and Brushy Fork (BFK7) (see

    Smith and Beauchamp2000). Data are not presented for Cox Creek in

    2002 due to loss of bioassay units from vandalism. Test durations

    varied from 80 to 85 days

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    Whole effluent toxicity testing isalong with chemical

    analyses and biological surveysa significant component

    of the USEPA integrative approach for controlling toxics in

    surface waters (USEPA1991). Considered to be predictive

    of the health of receiving waters (Eagleson and others

    1990; Grothe and others 1996; DeVlaming and Norberg-

    King 1999; Maltby and others 2000), effluent toxicity

    testing requirements have been routinely included for manyyears in NPDES permits issued for industrial facilities and

    municipalities under the U.S. Clean Water Act, and have

    been specifically included in the Y-12 Complexs NPDES

    permits since the mid 1980s. Since effluent toxicity limits

    began to be applied to NPDES permits in the 1980s,

    compliance of wastewater discharges with toxicity limits

    has improved significantly at the Y-12 Complex and

    nationwide as well (Ausley 2000).

    Chronic effluent toxicity testing conducted for the Y-12

    Complex TCMP using the standard aquatic test organisms

    C. dubia and fathead minnows conclusively demonstrated

    that wastewaters discharged from the facility were suffi-ciently toxic in the mid 1980swith a calculated total

    iTUc[ 4 at expected instream waste concentrationsto

    provide a likely explanation for both the observed ambient

    toxicity of stream water from upper EFPC and measured

    impairments of stream communities (Ryon 2011; Smith

    and others 2011). Intensive toxicity testing of numerous

    effluent streams throughout the Y-12 Complex over the

    period 19861992 was instrumental in identifying two

    untreated process wastewaters as the most significant

    sources of toxicity to the receiving stream. Before redi-

    rection to treatment facilities, these particular discharges

    were estimated to be responsible for approximately 94% of

    the total toxicity loading to the stream from Y-12 Complex

    wastewaters, in only 14% of total discharges. By 1992

    once these particular discharges had been rerouted to

    wastewater treatment facilities, all other untreated dis-

    charges eliminated, and the toxicity of remaining waste-

    water discharges such as cooling tower and wastewater

    treatment facility effluents significantly decreased through

    chemical substitutions and process modificationsthe

    average releases of toxicants to EFPC from the Y-12

    Complex had been reduced nearly twenty-fold to a value

    (total iTUc = 0.24) well below the chronic threshold for

    expected instream toxicity. However, monitoring of the

    chronic toxicity of various wastewater treatment facilities

    continued to demonstrate the occasional presence of

    detectable toxicants in these effluent streams through at

    least 1996 that undoubtedly contributed to the continuing

    impairment of stream communities in upper EFPC during

    this period of time. Whether this episodic chronic toxicity

    of wastewater effluents persisted after 1996 will never be

    known, as the mandated change from chronic toxicity

    testing of effluents to less sensitive acute toxicity testing in

    the 1995 renewal of the NPDES permit for all practical

    purposes negated the ability of the effluent testing program

    to effectively monitor such intermittent releases of toxi-

    cants to the stream that were not actually acutely lethal to

    the test organisms.

    In addition to routine monitoring of effluent toxicity,

    special toxicant identification studies were also conducted

    for the Y-12 TCMP whenever new sources of significanttoxicity were discovered during routine effluent or ambient

    toxicity tests. Examples of such studies based on the ulti-

    mate chemicals of concern included investigations focused

    on nickel (Kszos and others 1992), chlorine (Stewart and

    others1996), uranium (Taylor and others 1987), and lith-

    ium (Kszos and others2003). Whenever sources of toxicity

    were identified, environmental management strategies

    (typically, best management practices) were invoked to

    mitigate the problem (Taylor and others 1987). Specific

    examples of remedial actions taken to reduce pollutants

    identified through the ambient toxicity testing program

    included: (1) installation of a post-treatment carbon filter atthe West End Treatment Facility to lower the effluents

    toxic concentrations of nickel; (2) whole-stream dechlori-

    nation in upper EFPC by use of sodium metabisulfite; (3)

    the removal and containment of urea, used as a deicer, from

    an open storage site that was found to be draining to EFPC;

    and (4) rerouting from upper EFPC to the Oak Ridge

    Wastewater Treatment Facility of sulfate-rich effluent from

    a coal-fired boiler unit.

    Ambient toxicity testing, although not as commonly

    used as effluent toxicity testing, has been suggested to be

    possibly a more accurate and relevant predictor of receiv-

    ing-waters effects (Birge and others 1989; Stewart and

    others 1990; Dickson and others 1992). Just as effluent

    toxicity indicated the presence of toxicants in discharges

    sampled at the pipes, ambient toxicity testing provided

    direct evidence of the presence of toxicants in upper EFPC

    downstream of the Y-12 Complex outfalls. Ambient tox-

    icity testing initially focused on numerous sampling sites in

    lower EFPC downstream of the retention basins and only a

    single site in upper EFPC at EFK 24.1, located just

    upstream of the basins. In these early ambient toxicity tests

    conducted before the first retention basinNew Hope

    Pondwas closed in late 1988 and replaced by Lake

    Reality, the average reproduction ofC. dubiaover a total of

    nine such tests was 44% lower in water samples from the

    upstream EFK24.1 site than in water samples from the

    downstream EFK23.8 site (complete results not shown).

    These early tests led to several preliminary conclusions

    regarding the ambient toxicity of EFPC waters: (1) ambient

    toxicity, if present in the lower reaches of EFPC, was

    unable to be conclusively detected through the use of

    C. dubia and fathead minnow testing [the infrequent and

    sporadic reductions in fathead minnow growth or survival

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    occasionally observed in ambient tests of samples from

    lower EFPC were attributed to pathogens in the water

    samples (Kszos and others 1997)]; (2) the ambient waters

    of upper EFPC were persistently toxic to C. dubia but not

    to fathead minnows; and (3) passage through the retention

    basin was apparently beneficial in reducing the ambient

    toxicity of EFPC waters.

    Once it became obvious from the results of these earlyambient tests that neither C. dubia nor fathead minnow

    tests could reliably detect toxicity in the waters of lower

    EFPC, the focus of further ambient toxicity investigations

    quickly shifted to upper EFPC. Routine ambient toxicity

    monitoring was conducted on at least a quarterly basis

    beginning initially at EFK24.1 during 1986, then further

    upstream at EFK24.6 in 1988, and at EFK25.1 in 1990. The

    latter two sampling sites were eventually replaced for

    routine ambient toxicity testing purposes by a new instream

    NPDES monitoring location located just downstream of

    EFK25.1 at Outfall 201.

    By 1992, with the elimination of untreated dischargesand other measures taken to improve EFPC water quality,

    water samples collected from upper EFPC at EFK24.1 had

    become consistently non-toxic to bothC. dubiaand fathead

    minnows (Adams and others 2002). However, ambient

    toxicity to C.dubia continued to be detected well into the

    1990s in water samples from sites further upstream within

    the Y-12 Complex. Much of this remaining ambient tox-

    icity in upper EFPC was attributed to the presence of total

    residual chlorine (TRC) from discharges of cooling tower

    blowdown and chlorinated process water (Stewart and

    others1996). The dechlorination of major outfalls to EFPC

    began in late 1992 and continued for the next several years

    as additional discharges were subsequently treated. How-

    ever, occasional failures of the dechlorination systems

    contributed to fish kills in upper EFPC even after this time

    (Etnier and others 1996) and probably also to the contin-

    uing ambient toxicity observed at some EFPC locations

    through the mid 1990s. With the implementation of flow

    management in 1996, which significantly increased the

    flow of EFPC at the stream headwaters to volumes similar

    to those present before extensive water pollution controls

    began in the mid 1980s, ambient toxicity to C. dubia and

    fathead minnows largely disappeared from EFPC ambient


    Similar to the toxicant identification studies conducted

    for the TCMP, routine monitoring of ambient toxicity for

    the BMAP was supplemented by special studies designed

    to address specific toxicological concerns. For example,

    several of the toxicant evaluations performed for the

    TCMP also had associated BMAP special studies that

    examined the potential effects of toxicants of concern on

    ambient toxicity or specific EFPC biota. Special toxicity-

    related studies conducted in support of both the ambient

    and effluent toxicity testing programs included: (1) inves-

    tigations of the production, export, and ecological effects

    of bioparticles in the Lake Reality retention basin (Cice-

    rone and others 1999); (2) a demonstration that in-stream

    toxicological problems due to chlorine were modified

    substantially by environmental conditions (e.g., sunlight

    and algal biomass; Stewart and others1996); and (3) both

    in situ and laboratory investigations into the acclimation ofminnows to TRC in EFPC (Lotts and Stewart 1995).

    Other tests employing longer exposure durations or

    more sensitive test organisms or life stages were also used

    in the BMAP program to help monitor the later stages of

    stream recovery after C. dubia and fathead minnows had

    stopped responding in ambient tests. Among the alternative

    tests used for this purpose were a 21-days medaka embryo

    development test and an in situ fingernail clam bioassay of

    8085-days duration (Smith and Beauchamp 2000). Both

    test organisms were affected at locations whereor at

    times whenneither C. dubia nor fathead minnow tests

    detected ambient toxicity, for example at sites in lowerEFPC throughout the study period and at sites in upper

    EFPC following the implementation of flow management.

    Another special study involved the use of full life-cycle C.

    dubia tests to determine specifically if longer exposure

    durations with this standard test organism could reveal

    toxicant effects not seen in the shorter 3-brood tests

    (Stewart and Konetsky1998).

    Results of the Y-12 Complex toxicity studies, consid-

    ered together, suggest that effluent and ambient toxicity

    testing with C. dubia and fathead minnows, alternative

    laboratory toxicity tests with other organisms, and in situ

    bioassays were all predictive to some degree of observed

    biological impacts in EFPC. For instance, fish community

    (Ryon 2011) and benthic invertebrate (Smith and others

    2011) surveys conducted in the mid to late 1980s demon-

    strated impairment of instream aquatic communities at a

    time when C. dubia and fathead minnow effluent and

    ambient toxicity tests indicated there should be toxic

    effects on stream communities. In addition, observed

    reductions in the measured toxicity toC. dubiaand fathead

    minnows of both effluents and the ambient waters of upper

    EFPC through the mid 1990s were accompanied by gradual

    improvements in EFPC fish and benthic invertebrate

    communities. Taken together, this evidence suggests a

    certain degree of predictive and causal association between

    effluent and ambient toxicity and the ecological condition

    of EFPCbut with some caveats. For instance, neither

    C. dubia nor fathead minnow ambient tests were suffi-

    ciently sensitive even in the early stages of the BMAP in

    the mid 1980s to detect toxicity in the waters of lower

    EFPC, when the absence of pollution-sensitive fish and

    benthic invertebrate species from these communities was

    strongly suggestive of toxic impacts in the stream.

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    Furthermore, C. dubia and fathead minnow ambient tests

    were also incapable of detecting the apparent continuing

    low-level toxicity of stream water from both lower and

    upper EFPC following flow management as implied by the

    results of alternative ambient tests with medaka and fin-

    gernail clams and the continuingalthough also dimin-

    ishingimpairments of stream communities during this

    period. Based on the Y-12 Complex BMAP experience, therelative sensitivities of the various testing approaches to

    assessing ambient toxicity in EFPC were as follows: in situ

    tests (clam test/most sensitive)[ alternative laboratory

    tests (in this case, the medaka test focused on fish devel-

    opment)[ chronic C. dubia tests[ acute C. dubia tests

    and chronic and acute fathead minnow tests (least


    With the significant reductions in the toxicity of both

    Y-12 Complex wastewaters and EFPC ambient waters that

    have occurred over time, additional factors such as habitat

    degradation and the continuing presence of excessive

    nutrients in Y-12 Complex wastewater may be assumingincreasingly greater significance to the further recovery of

    stream communities in EFPC. For example, excessive

    nutrients in wastewater effluents, which stimulate periph-

    yton production and thus foster an overabundance of

    grazers in both fish and benthic invertebrate communities

    (Hill and others2010; Ryon2011; Smith and others2011),

    may now be exerting greater influence on the composition

    of these communities in the upper reaches of EFPC than

    any remaining low-level ambient toxicity, although this

    hypothesis remains to be conclusively proven. This

    example illustrates the potential difficulties of interpreting

    monitoring results from a single line of evidence (for

    instance, from only ambient toxicity test results), especially

    in the later stages in the recovery of a receiving body of

    water, and emphasizes the importance of taking a weight

    of evidence or multi-criteria approach (La Point and

    Waller 2000) to the implementation of a successful bio-

    monitoring program.

    Summary and Environmental Management


    The Y-12 Complex case-study demonstrates the value of a

    long-term and diverse toxicity assessment and monitoring

    program to a large industrial facility seeking to reduce or

    eliminate toxic impacts to receiving waters. Effluent tox-

    icity testing conducted for the Y-12 Complex TCMP

    helped identify sources of toxicants and facilitate signifi-

    cant reductions in toxicity loading to the upper reaches of

    EFPC in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Decreases in

    effluent toxicity documented by the testing program in turn

    led to measurable decreases in the ambient toxicity of

    stream water and marked improvements in the biological

    health of the stream (Ryon 2011; Smith and others2011).

    Ambient toxicity testing conducted for the Y-12 Complex

    BMAP was particularly useful in evaluating the effective-

    ness of pollution abatement actions and, in conjunction

    with other BMAP activities such as instream biological

    surveys, in directly assessing and monitoring the ecological

    recovery of the receiving stream.With some exceptions, such as the problematic switch

    from chronic to acute testing of wastewater effluents in the

    1995 renewal of the NPDES permit, the Y-12 Complex

    toxicity assessment and monitoring program is a prime

    example of the successful implementation of adaptive

    environmental management principles. The program was

    diverse, with multiple species used and a variety of sites

    tested as appropriate, and generally very adaptable (except

    when specifically mandated otherwise by regulatory deci-

    sions), with test methods and scope evolving as the situa-

    tion and information needs changed over time. As the

    toxicity of effluents and the receiving stream decreased dueto the success of remedial actions or pollution abatement

    measures, testing became more focused, sites were drop-

    ped, and more sensitive tests and bioassays were developed

    and applied as needed to further evaluate and monitor

    wastewater toxicity and subsequent improvements in

    stream water quality.

    In summary, the Y-12 Complex TCMP and BMAP case-

    studies show the utility of effluent and ambient toxicity

    assessments as environmental management tools. Effluent

    and ambient toxicity testing, special toxicological studies,

    and toxicity identification studies have been particularly

    useful to environmental managers and regulators in

    evaluating causal and mechanistic relationships between

    environmental contamination, pollution control and envi-

    ronmental remediation activities, and subsequent effects on

    the ecological condition of receiving waters. The Y-12

    Complex example further illustrates the importance of

    combining toxicity studies with other assessment tech-

    niques such as chemical analyses, bioaccumulation

    assessments, and instream biological surveys in an inte-

    grated weight of evidence approach for successfully

    assessing and monitoring the ecological health of a

    receiving body of water.

    Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the many individuals

    who made significant contributions to this project, including Kitty

    McCracken, Belinda Konetsky, Linda Wicker, W. Kelley Roy, Peggy

    Braden, G. Jayne Haynes, Richard D. Bailey, and numerous intern

    students. Logan Elmore provided assistance with figures. The work

    was funded by the Environmental Compliance Department of the

    Y-12 National Security Complex, which is managed by BWXT Y-12,

    LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number

    DE-AC05-00OR22800. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed

    by the University of Tennessee-Battelle LLC for the U.S. Department

    of Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.

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