role of main stream columnist in zulfikar ali bhutto era

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Role Of Main Stream Columnist In Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Era


Role Of Main Stream Columnist In Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Era – A Study of Major Events From 1972 10 1974


Falak Naz Zobia Sherwani

In the partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Studies (B.S) in Mass Communication

Under the supervision of Madam Salma Khalique

Presented to

Jinnah University for Women


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I hereby declare that the thesis, which have to submit on the course The Thesis Report,

of program Bachelor in Studies (B.S) in Mass Communication. The whole work which

has been mention in this thesis is under my supervision and all text has not been taken

from any other’s work.


Falak Naz and Zobia Sherwani


Bachelor in Studies in Mass Communication (B.S)


The Role Of Mainstream Columnist In Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Era – A study of major events

from 1972 to 1974


Chairperson: Shahida Kazi

Supervisor: Salma Khalique


December 15, 2014



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An author Falak Naz dedicated this thesis to her father Farooq Raza Alteejani

An author Zobia Sherwani dedicated this thesis to her parents

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First and foremost thanks to Allah, under his mighty we are able to complete our thesis.

An author (Falak Naz) would like to thanks to my father Farooq Raza Alteejani. My all

credit goes to him. Without his tremendous support and guidance, I couldn’t fulfill my

task. His trust gives me the strength to work. An author (Zobia Sherwani) would like to

thanks to my father Javed Sherwani for his kind support. The Acknowledgment is also

the supervisor (Salma Khalique) to motivate us on every level of task. Her remarkable

appreciation is really valuable for the work of thesis.

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Media is a fourth pillar of state. While it can be a fifth column of enemy as well. Media in

Pakistan is not an easy to judge. A thesis is on the role of mainstream columnist in

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era. Researchers studied critically the major events from 1972 to

1974 that held in Bhutto era. Researchers figure out the role of columnist particularly on

selective events. A Daily Dawn newspaper has been selected to specify the research. To

measure how many columns has been published in Daily Dawn in Bhutto era about the

events. There are many secrets of history has unfold the role of Government and

Columnist regarding the events.

Although the Bhutto was the one who claimed the freedom of expression but in reality

the researcher find out totally opposite of it. Even in the core events in the era of Bhutto,

there was suppression on journalism. ‘Urdu controversy and Ahmadi’s declaration Non-

Muslim’ were the most prominent events of the 1973 and 1974. After the research

researcher found out that there is not even a single article published on these events on

the main stream newspaper of Pakistan, Daily Dawn.

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Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………………

1) Chapter # 1

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 1

2) Chapter # 2

Literature Review …………………………………………………………………. 52

3) Chapter # 3

Methodology ………………………………………………………………………... 72

4) Chapter # 4

Finding ………………………………………………………………………………… 78

5) Chapter # 5

Discussion …………………………………………………………………………….. 93

6) Chapter # 6

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………….. 103

7) Chapter # 7

References …………………………………………………………………………….. 105

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Chapter # 1



A journey was started from 1928 and ended to 1979. A visionary, born politician,

socialist, and torn democratic man Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. In the history of Pakistan,

the name of Z.A Bhutto always written in golden words. He served as fourth President of

Pakistan from 1971 to 1973 and ninth Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1973 to 1977.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto a son of Sir Shah Nawaz related with the noble Rajput line that had

converted to Islam. Mir Murtaza young son Shah Nawaz was a wealthy zamindar

(landlord), businessman and a well-known politician in Sindh. Sir Shahnawaz enjoyed

the powerful relationship with the officials of the British Raj and played a major role in

the provincial Muslim League.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto learned most of the political tricks from his father Shah Nawaz. He

was a brilliant, self educated, wise man. He taught his radiant son Z. A Bhutto and

shared a successful and bitter as well experiences with his son. Shah Nawaz gave a most

popular trick to his son is ‘Be friend with masses’.

It's not surprising and not unfortunate that Z.A Bhutto was a son from the second wife

of his father. Lakhi Bai, a beautiful dancing Hindu girl was a mother of Bhutto. Later on,

after the marriage with Shah Nawaz his mother changed her name to Khurshid when

she converted his religion from Hindu to Islam.

However, Bhutto’s mother belief in astrology was never gone. An astrologer predicted

his whole life. From birth to death everything was forecasted that marriage, success,

failure, death, power, achievements of him. His mother tried to stay with his son as long

as possible.

Bhutto first married with his oldest cousin Sheerin, after marriage Amir Begum. Beyond

any doubt his first marriage for the sake of property because after the death of his father

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in law the one third part of estates would be inherited to Bhutto. While his second

marriage with the Nusrat Ispahani after marriage Nusrat Bhutto – a daughter of great

businessman, soap industrialist. Her father was the industrialist and the owner of soap


A son of the blowing politician Shah Nawaz believed in successful leadership of Hazrat

Ali (R. A) in Islamic political history. He set the definite example of leadership so how

would his son not? His biggest achievement of life was to persuade Great Britain that

Sindh is separate province at the Round Table Conference. Shah Nawaz adviced his son

that an individual can change the destiny of masses. Hence Z.A Bhutto much learned

from his father about diplomacy, politics along with the provincial politics. Bhutto’s

father warned him that everything is just temporary until the Day of Judgment.

Z.A Bhutto and Student Life:

Mr. Bhutto was so passionate from the earlier student life. He attempted many vigorous

speeches for Muslims and Pakistan. As a young boy Bhutto moved to Bombay (Mumbai)

along his family. In 1973, he admitted in Catherdral High School – Bombay.

“At the age of 17 he wrote his first letter to Mohammad Ali Jinnah. On 26 April, 1945 he

wrote “Musalmans should realized that the Hindu can never and will never unite with

us, they are deadliest enemies of our Koran and Prophet” Moreover, “You sir, have

brought us under one platform and one flag and the cry of every Musalman should be

onwards to Pakistan. Our destiny is Pakistan, our aim is Pakistan… Nobody can stop

us, we are a Nation by ourselves and India is a sub-continent… You have inspired us

and we are proud of you. Being still in school I am unable to help the establishment of

our scared land. But the time will come when I will even sacrifice my life for Pakistan”


Away from any hesitation Bhutto observed a separate homeland for Muslims of

subcontinent. His deep thinking and vision brought many changes. It was very clear to

him that Muslims and Hindus can’t live together. A nations having different beliefs,

cultures, living style and even religion cannot live under the same governance with

justice. Muslims of subcontinent have to struggle a lot for a separate homeland. A

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country, where they can practice their religion freely, follow culture and tradition

without any hesitation and develop a justified society. It will not be easy for Muslims but

it’s possible.

His letter very inspired to Jinnah and soon he was invited along some other group

members to Jinnah’s Home. The meeting was about to placed a direct action in Bombay

(Mumbai). Bhutto was so activist in his student life. He protested in front of his

Elphinstone’s college with his friends and supporters. Very next day Jinnah was so

delighted to see his endeavors towards Pakistan.

Bhutto’s father Shah Nawaz was also active in the movement for Pakistan. He resigned

from his chair of Public service commission and joined the hands with Mohammad Ali

Jinnah. He played an vital role to achieve a power in the affairs of the state of Junagadh

(Gujarat) and protected an agreement for Pakistan, which was ultimately canceled by

Indian intervention.

Bhutto was admitted into the University of Southern California. He spent two years for

completing his bachelor’s degree from USC. In addition he chooses many courses of

political science and enrolled himself in debating team. He argued and spoke many

enthusiastic speeches.

There are many different peaceful thoughts, belief reflects through his speeches. Bhutto

believed that it is his serious responsibility to convince world that Muslims are a

separate nation which having different ideology, religion, culture even not a singular

thing that match with Hindus. So it has to be separate homeland. Dialogues are the best

piece of politics. Through this people can save from harm activities from World. The evil

you do remains with you is the best quote to set with Bhutto’s thoughts. He tried to

persuade from his different speeches that people should live together with kindness and

should get rid the evilness from society.

Moreover, he seeks to eliminate the prejudice thinking among people. He also

encouraged on the patience and removed the craziness among people. He thought that

tolerance is the best way to persuade anything from others. He strongly condemn on the

world’s weapon should not be atom bomb but it should be the weapon of patience,

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negotiations and kindness. He considered the negotiations and dialogues would be the

best manner of success for a nation.

Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, Z.A Bhutto’ uncle was so close like brother and was more self-

assured male friend revealed that Bhutto was a born politician, politics was in his veins,

there were no blood.

One of the Z.A Bhutto’s teachers, a Diplomatic Historian T. Walter Wallbank wrote in

his book that his student Z.A Bhutto was a great scholar and a brilliant category.

Another teacher, the Head of Political Science Department wrote about Bhutto that his

bigger potentials must appreciate. In 1950 he completed his honors degree in Political

Science from the University Of California Berkeley Campus.

On 5 January, 1949 at the accession of Bhutto’s twenty first birthday, he received a set of

books in the form of gifts. This gift was from his father Shah Nawaz. The one set of book

was the biography of William Sloane – Napoleon Bonaparte and the other book was the

Karl Marx’s Communist manifesto.

During his student days, Z.A Bhutto had acquired an anti-Imperialist view of the world.

He was a firm believer in economic self reliance and political independence themes he

expounded in his famous book "Myth of Independence".

It is very extensively clear that Z.A Bhutto was a pro Jinnah and pro Pakistan. It’s

beyond doubt that he had political mind from the earlier stage. He was extremely

enthusiastic and very concentrated towards his aim. For the period of summer vacation

he volunteered for the Pakistani embassy in United States. He was a first Asian student

that had been elected for student council at USC.

His passion and enthusiastic attitude did not sit him easily. Throughout his volunteering

days he wrote numbers of papers with the man he promised:

“Jinnah is solely responsible for the creation of a state for those whom he led is the

struggle for the emancipation of their lives… His dreams of creating a Pakistan has

been a great dream, the realization of his dream has been nothing short of a miracle,

for it has been an achievement carried out single handedly. He has led a people where

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thoroughly derelict and disunited and depressed. He has been a God-inspired Man, a

man of purity of heart, of an unbelievable audacity and a unique courage and


From his last days at Barkeley University, he called himself a ‘socialist’. Jawaharlal

Nehru was one of his early heroes from many aspects of political scenario. He was

always had a strong point of view and a aggressive advocate about those who criticized

Islam. He supported nationhood for Palestinian Arabs, liberty of Morocco, Tunisia and

Algeria from French ruler including the independence of Vietnam.

He tried over and over to teach and educate students and his fellows on contemporary

issues. He joined a forum by the name of Student Council, where he endeavors his


Z.A Bhutto and Early stage of Political Life:

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had feudal political background. He learnt politics from his father Sir

Shah Nawaz’s drawing room. As Z.A Bhutto called himself a socialist.

Bhutto himself has left a brief statement on the subject which deserves to be noted.

Speaking in the National Assembly of Pakistan on July 10, 1962, he observed:

“We suffered and continue to suffer from [the] petty mindedness of feudal rivalry in

our province. I too am a part of that society. Perhaps one reason why I am here today

as a minister is that I belongs to the privileged class… But, sir, spite of the advantages

that some of us have derived from the system, in spite of the fact that some of us would

fight to see it remain, it leads to victimization of the people, it leads to callousness

towards poverty, and it leads to lethargy. So when feudal rivals clashed with each

other the people remained exactly where they were. There was no development; no

factories, no roads, no communication; absolute darkness and miserable poverty

prevailed. Only the great ones, the chosen few, prospered. What issues were such

arrogant lords going to take to their chattel – the downtrodden people?” (3)

These were the Z.A Bhutto views about the feudal system. A competition in this system

was in the peak of jealousy. The class system was eagerly divided. The indifference

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towards poor people leaded the lack of interest in development of society and economic


Z.A Bhutto majorly worked on two main issues one was regional autonomy and the

second was democracy. He was tried to shown him a good leader on both these issues of

Pakistan. He started a campaign from 1966 to 1970 on mass mobilization. He thought

that through the campaign he would be more popular among people.

Bhutto published on the opposing of four West Pakistan provinces into a single unit in

1954. His thought that federalism is a divisor of sovereignty and political power.

“HE recalled Jinnah’s commitment to preserve the equality and autonomy of the

country’s component units. He invoked Islam in behalf of regional autonomy in a

federal system, saying that Islam would not sanction the leveling of culture of

coercion, and that the synthesis of Islam culture has been essentially a federal

process”. (4)

His political career formally started when he first time became a minister of commerce

by the President Iskandar Mirza. He was the youngest minister in Ayub Khan’s cabinet.

On his great ability and good performing he assigned with different roles and tasks.

After handle the responsibilities as a minister of commerce. He charged the ministry of

information in January, 1960. Moreover, he became a minister of fuel, power and

natural resources. In 1963 he became a Pakistan’s foreign minister after the death of

Mohammad Ali Bogra.

From Larkana he won for national Assembly in 1962 by the help of district

administration. But at the same year Supreme Court of Pakistan pass the rule that a

minister couldn’t be a member of assembly. According to the rule Bhutto no more be a

member of National Assembly. So he gave his designation to his relative Pir Bux Bhutto.

Abdul Hamid Jatoi was a opposing member of Pir Bux Bhutto.

Z.A Bhutto strongly tried to bring different aims. For instance people mobilization,

World’s communication as well he strongly condemned and support the arms control

and nuclear proliferation. He raised a voice of against inequality and injustice.

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In 1960 Z.A Bhutto supported Ayub Khan to involve in negotiation with India on Indus

Water Treaty. He signed an agreement with Soviet Union on oil exploration to give aid

to Pakistan in 1961. Bhutto helped Ayub Khan to negotiation with China on different

projects. He developed strong relationship with Chinese regime. According to the

agreement between China and Pakistan that trade and military helped on large number

of scale to Pakistan by China. On March2, 1963 an agreement was signed that 750

kilometer area from Pakistan to administered Kashmir and controlled by China. This

was the Sino-Pak Boundary Agreement by Bhutto.

A war of September 1965 with India was a horrific chapter of Pakistan’s history that was

many Pakistani’s thought on time. A theory that Pakistan has always two boarders

which could defend. If India attacks on East Pakistan so from the side of West boarder

of Pakistan they attack and imprison many areas of India from Punjab. But

unfortunately this theory has been knocking downed. The reason of demolished a theory

was a war of 1965. India had attacked on West Pakistan. Pakistan forces could not grab

an area of Indi. They just got a Rajasthan desert across from Sindh.

Many eye brows consider that Bhutto deceive Ayub Khan. A great politician along his

was a lawyer too. He responded on the claimed that Kashmir is a integral part of India

by Indian spokesman. Regarded to Kashmir is a undecided territory from United Nation

document’s and many of the government in the World.

On March 16, 1966 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto reasoned in the National Assembly and he said

“Pakistan had not started this war. It had reason and the right to support kashmir’s

quest for self determination. But it must be understood, he insisted, that in doing so, we

did not commit aggression against India. In support of his contention he pointed to the

fact that many governments in the world had judged India to have been the aggressor

and Pakistan the Victim” (5)

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as a Prime Minister developed many good, friendly and brotherhood

relationship with Arab States. In Lahore 1974, a grand conference was held named

Islamic Summit Conference. Bhutto along King of Saudia Arabia had described Islam on

the basis of the nationhood. The king described for the settlement on Kashmir issue and

MR. Bhutto demanded the removal of Israel from Arab States.

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On the time period of Zulfikar ali Bhutto as a Prime Minister, Pakistan had many

financial supports from Arab states.

Here are the following sources, assistance and purpose of financial support which has

been taken from Arab states.

Source: Saudi Arabia

Assistance: 1974: $100 million interest-free loan

Purpose: project aid for one fertilizer plant, two cement plants, one polyester plant.

Source: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Assistance: 1975-6: $30 million grant

Purpose: help balance of payment deficit

Source: Saudi Development Fund

Assistance: 1976: $30 million loan at 4% interest, $10 million donation and $20

million donation.

Purpose: fertilizer plant, build Islamic Center and Social Program

Source: Kuwait (funds for Arab Economic Development)

Assistance: 1977: $44.2 million pledged loan at 4% interest, $25 million pledged loan

at 4% interest

Purpose: improvement of Pakistan railways. (6)

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto leadership started from 1967 to 1971 but his ruler ship grown from

1971 to 1977. He was a Awami Leader, he went to the people as a leader. He called for

change and transformation. His refinery of new culture in Pakistan politics brought new

expectation of people of Pakistan.

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“He taught them that it was not God’s will that they remain wretched, that they were

entitled to dignity, that their aspiration deserved fulfillment, and that they could have

fulfillment by participating in politics. Thus, he gave them a sense of political efficacy.

Other had spoken of their poverty and deprivation, but none with his passion and

intensity.” (7)

In 1970 the voters ignored his biradari connection. Bhutto called himself a opponent of

upper classes, polarized and radicalized politics. He had done many promises in his

speeches with people about change and about revolution. But once when he had in the

power he broken up mobilization and became realistic. On the other hand his

supporters lost their faith and believe on him. On that time there was great chance for

the opponent of Bhutto to maintain a ground against him.

“In his public discourse Bhutto said a political leader in Pakistan must be truthful,

honest, patriotic, dedicated to the public interest, a man of the people, brave,

principled, and a keeper of his covenants. He advocated democracy and provincial

autonomy in a federal system. He likened democracy to the fragrance of a spring

flower but going beyond this poetic expression, he made his meaning quite clear. He

noted that democracy included free elections, fundamental right, freedom of the press

and association, legislative supremacy over the executive, public accountability of

officials, independence of the judiciary, and the dissident’s right to oppose the

government of the day. Without democracy, he reasoned, Pakistan would not have

come into being and without democracy it could not be preserved.” (8)

A scholarly issues for instance imperialism, colonialism, Islamic socialism, federalism,

the third world, bilateralism, feudalism, revolution, democracy and national integration

has been discussed by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. These issues were never been discuss and

even use these words by any other politicians before Mr. Bhutto.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto had achieved many goals in his regime. He tried to develop peaceful

relationship with India, strong and brotherhood relationship with Arab States and

friendly relationship with China.

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He fully tried to improve the quality of life in Pakistan but his believes and thoughts

were always not worked out.

In a note to his ministers he once observed:

“There are shortages everywhere . . . The Agriculture Development Bank has not come

out with ne schemes to assist the common man, the poor man . . . The rural works

program and the rural integrated program remain disintegrated. I have not seen the

face of a single Agroville of which we talked to a great deal. The low cost housing

schemes are coming up on a paper only. The drainage schemes have not seen the light

of day. Crime is rising without fear . . . in other words where is our revolution? There

is no change. We were supposed to be the harbingers of a new order, but where is the

new order? . . . The truth hurts and it hurts me the most.” (9)

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Pakistan People’s Party:

In the era of Mohammad Ayub Khan in 1958, Mr Bhutto became a minister of

commerce and many confined with many other posts of cabinet. In 1967 Bhutto had

found his own political party named Pakistan People’s Party. The basic reason of the

foundation of his own political party was the resignation from Ayub Khan’s cabinet.He

resigned after the war of 1965 with India on Kashmir issue. He worked freely and

independently in Ayub Khan’s regime.

After the resignation, Bhutto was interested to join National Awami Party (NAP). It was

a party on that time with full of the compilation of socialism, communist, socialist

democrats including Sindhi, Baloch, Pashtun and Bengali nationalist. These were the

supporter of independence.

But soon later he decided not to join NAP when he received an energetic and vigorous

response from the student of West Pakistan. Moreover, he also felt that The National

Awami Party can’t give him position so what he deserved.

Z.A Bhutto started his political campaign across the country. In June, 21 at Lahore he

arrived for his political speech. A huge crowd gathered to listen him. He declared that

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nation’s Islam is faith and called democracy is policy whereas, socialism is nation’s

economy in his speech in 1966.

Z.A Bhutto founded Pakistan People’s Party that was pro democratically started

movement across the country. His party established the idea of democracy. Through his

powerful, commanding and energetic speeches among people got him strong support.

He got strong political support in Punjab, Sindh and even Mahajur community.

It was a PPP’s movement to give a pressure on Ayub Khan to resign. He was arrested in

November, 1968 but soon he discharged. Bhutto attended Conference of Round Table

where he refused the Ayub Khan’s persistence as well the six points of Sheikh Mujeebur


Now Yahya’s regime has begun after the resignation of General Mohammad Ayub

Khan.General Yahya’s government was first to decide the general election in country.

Justice Abdus sattar was the first chief election commissioner. In this election there

were twenty four political parties participated. The campaigning was started from 1st

January, 1970. Awami League was a huge party in East Pakistan that is Bangladesh.

While on the other wing in West Pakistan Bhutto’s party PPP got many fame on the

socialist ideas and his famous slogan ROTTI KAPRA AUR MAKAN (FOOD CLOTHING


Bhutto's party won a large number of seats from constituencies in West Pakistan.

However, Sheikh Mujib's Awami League won an outright majority from the

constituencies located in East Pakistan. Bhutto refused to accept an Awami League

government and famously promised to "break the legs" of any elected PPP member

who dared to attend the inaugural session of the National Assembly of Pakistan. (1o)

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Effects Of Dhaka Fall

In the Bhutto era , we can see the effects of Dhaka fall. but before we discuss the after

affects of Dhaka down fall, we briefly discuss how the Dhaka fall?? What was the

circumstances because of which after the few years of PAKISTAN independence, it

divided into two parts?? What was the reason that people who scarified their lives for

struggle of Pakistan raised their voices against it? For the answers let’s take a little help

from the history.

Pakistan had a unique geographical feature. It consisted of two distinct blocks of

territory. East Pakistan was not only separated geographically from West Pakistan by

one thousand miles, but the departing land was India - a hostile neighbor, who from the

day one did not recognize Pakistan’s existence,.

The major causes of Dhaka down fall were:

Causes Of Dhaka Down Fall


At the time of partition, Hindu owned nearly 80% of the national wealth of East Bengal.

The majority of urban buildings and properties, in some cases more than 85% were

owned by the Hindus. 95% of 1,290 High schools and 47 colleges in East Bengal were

privately organized and financed by them. They dominated finance, commerce and

industries. They captured all the professions of medicines and teaching.

After the partition, the Hindus comprised not more than 25% of the East Bengal

population. These Hindus used to earn from here and sent to West Bengal and Calcutta

where their relations had settled. While commodities were smuggled to Calcutta, anti-

Pakistani literature was pouring from across the border. When most of the Hindus left,

there were very few people left in East Pakistan who possessed the kind of experience

that needed to administer the country. The Quaid-e-Azam appoint some westerners in

the administration of the East Pakistan but bengali's was not happy in this situation but

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fortunately, at that time, there were plenty of East Pakistanis who were proud of


Language Controversy:

The language controversy arose soon after partition and introduced bitterness between

two wings of Pakistan. After 3 months of Pakistan Independence, in 21st March 1948,

Quaid-e-Azam visited the East Pakistan and declared that "the Urdu is the only national

language for the Pakistan". It increased anger and feeling of injustice in Bengali people

because they thought "Bengali" is the language of 54% population of Pakistan. That was

the first time when students of "Dhaka University" start protest against this decision of

Quaid-e-Azam and called the strike on 11 March 1948. In this protest many students

were arrested and Sheikh Mujeeb-UR-Rehman included in arrested students.

In February, 1952 Khawaja Nazimuddin, the Governor General then PM of Pakistan,

addressed a public gathering in Dacca and declared that Urdu shall be the only state

language. The declaration led to increasing agitation and anger in Bengali people and

they start protest against it in Dhaka. 3 students and many people were killed and

arrested in this protest. Later Bengali people celebrated this day as 'Youm-e-Shoda' .

In 29febuary 1956, the constituent assembly decided that East and West Pakistan

should enjoy parity of presentation in future National Parliament and most important

point of this constituent was that the Bengali language ranked with the Urdu as a

national medium of communication. This collapsed in two years. Then followed Ayub

Khan who ruled for nearly eleven years, and in 1962 gave the country a quasi-unitary

Constitution. The language controversy sparked the first fire, and many followed.

Six Points Of Mujeeb-ur-Rehman:

In a democratic setup, political parties play a significant role in keeping the units united.

But political parties failed to keep the spirit of nationalism alive here in Pakistan. The

Muslim League being the vanguard of freedom movement, represented the ideology of

Pakistan and was a great unifying force.

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Muslim League was a national political party and unifying force. Her popularity graph

thus declined gradually and, therefore, it was miserably defeated in the general elections

of 1954. Its disappearance left a gap that was filled by Awami League. Awami League,

were playing on the passions of the peoples. They were regional oriented minds and

believed in nationalism of the region.

Awami League:

On February 1950, famous Bengali leader Abdul Hameed Bhashani, announced the new

party and named it "Awami Muslim League" in Dhaka. He has 3 assistant and Mujeeb-

ur-Rehman were one of them. Many young people of Bangladesh joined this party. After

few months all the "Muslim Leagues Party" immerged with 'Awami Muslim League' and

the new immerged party leader was the bangla leader 'Haseen Shaheed Sehwardi' who

was very famous and popular in Bengali people and named it 'All Pakistan Awami

Muslim League'.

The Awami League had a regional bias. It was in the forefront in Bengali language

movement. It was a secular party and hence had complete support of non-Muslims. For

its progressive leadership, demand of full autonomy and regional bias, the Awami

League became a popular party of the students and the communists who had always

been active in East Pakistan politics.

The war of 1965 had a deep impact on East Pakistan. During the war, the East Pakistanis

felt isolated and insecure. As Indian agents were active and openly indulged in anti-state

activities, they did not open front on that border. The war increased the insecurity in

East Pakistan.

Mujib filled this gap by bringing 6-point formula as a last nail in the coffin of united

Pakistan and the only ray of hope for Bengalis. It was presented by Sheikh Mujib in 1966

at Lahore, in collaboration with his party and demanded the Pakistan government to

accept them and to implement them the way they were. The central government of

Pakistan was showing detest for the formula for it would make the centre extremely

weak and make the provinces almost independent.

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The Six-Points formula is mentioned here under:

Point No. 1

The constitution should provide for a federation of Pakistan in its true sense on the

basis of the Lahore Resolution, and parliamentary form of government with

supremacy of legislature directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise.

Amended: The character of the government shall be federal and parliamentary, in

which the election to the federal legislature and to the legislatures of the federating

units shall be direct and on the basis of universal adult franchise. The representation in

the federal legislature shall be on the basis of population.

Point No. 2

Original Federal government shall deal with only two subjects, viz. Defence and

foreign affairs and all other residuary subjects shall vest in the federating states.

Amended: The federal government shall be responsible only for defense and foreign

affairs and, subject to the conditions provided in Point No. 3 below, currency.

Point No.3

Two separate but freely convertible currencies for two wings may be introduced, or

one currency for the whole country may be maintained. In this case effective

constitutional provisions are to be made to stop flight of capital from East to West

Pakistan. Separate banking reserve is to be made and separate fiscal and monetary

policy to be adopted for East Pakistan.

Amended: There shall be two separate currencies mutually or freely convertible in

each wing for each region, or in the alternative a single currency, subject to the

establishment of a federal reserve’s system in which there will be regional federal

reserve banks which shall devise measures to prevent the transfer of resources and

flight of capital from one region to another.

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Point No. 4

The power of taxation and revenue collection shall vest in the federating units and that

the federal center will have no such power. The federation will have a share in the

taxes for meeting their required expenditure. The consolidated federal fund shall come

out of a levy of certain percentage of all state taxes.

Amended: Fiscal policy shall be the responsibility of the federating units. The federal

government shall be provide with requisite revenue resources for meeting the

requirements of defense and foreign affairs, which revenue resources would be

automatically appropriable by the federal government in the manner provided and on

the basis of the ratio to be determined by the procedure laid down in the constitution.

Such constitutional provisions would ensure that the federal government’s revenue

requirements are met consistently with the objective of ensuring control over the fiscal

policy by the government of the federating units.

Point No. 5

(i) There shall be two separate accounts for foreign exchange earnings of the two


(ii) Earnings of East Pakistan shall be under the control of East Pakistan government

and that of West Pakistan under the control of West Pakistan government.

(iii) Foreign exchange requirement of the federal government shall be met by the two

wings either equally or in a ratio to be fixed.

(iv) Indigenous products shall move free of duty between two wings.

(v) The constitution shall empower the unit governments to establish trade and

commercial relations with set up trade missions in and enter into agreements with,

foreign countries.

Amended: Constitutional provisions shall be made by enable separate accounts to be

maintained of the foreign exchange earnings of each of the federating units, under the

control of the respective governments of the federal government shall be met by the

Page 22

governments of the federating units on the basis of a ratio to be determined in

accordance with the procedure laid down in the constitution. The regional

governments shall have power under the constitution to negotiate foreign trade and

aid within the framework of the foreign policy of the country, which shall be the

responsibility of the federal government.

Point No. 6

The setting up of a militia or a para-military force for East Pakistan.

Amended: The governments of the federating units shall be empowered to maintain

a militia or para-military force in order to contribute effectively towards national


Agar talla Conspiracy:

Sheikh Mujib discussed his plans at a meeting held a few months after his release from

prison following a prolonged trial in the Agartala conspiracy case in which then

Pakistan government had brought sedition charges against him and 34 others. They

were charged with conspiring to separate from then East Pakistan with help from

neighbour India. Agartala is the capital of Tripura state in northeastern India.(12)

Here I seek to give some salient features of the Agartala Conspiracy Case:

1. Pakistan government alleged that a conspiracy to secede East Pakistan from

Pakistan was hatched in Agartala on July 12, 1967 when Ayub Khan was then

president of Pakistan. The case was later withdrawn by Pakistani government on

February 22, 1968 following popular uprising in East Pakistan –now Bangladesh. The

plan was going on for two years before it got exposed.

2. Sheikh Mujibur Rehman (Bangabandhu) was not personally present in Agartala

conspiracy, though he was accused No 1.

Page 23

3. The conspiracy was, primarily, to launch ‘revolt’ against Pakistani rulers by

Bengali officials and soldiers in Pakistani military, Naval and Air force. The plan was

actually led by a Naval Commander Moazzem Hossain who was accused No 2.

4. Total 35 persons were accused (a total of 1509 were arrested) in the Chargesheet

including Sheikh Mujibur Rehman as No 1 accused. The case was tried in a tribunal

and there were altogether 227 witnesses including 11 approvers. Four approvers later

turned hostile. The Chargesheet had 100 paragraphs (**Names of the accused are

given below.)

5. Though Sheikh Mujibur Rehman (Bangabandhu) was not personally present in

Agartala, among the conspirator accused No 3 was also a ‘Mujibur Rehman’ who was

a ‘Bengali Steward in Pakistan Navy ( having no 066508’) and he had an active role in

the ‘conspiracy’. This Steward Mujibur was also later killed by unidentified assailants

on January 8, 1972, soon after Bangladesh Liberation.

6. Some documents indicate that Sheikh Mujibur though not personally involved, he

had, however, been well aware of entire plan and had several –at least four meetings -

with them in Karachi as well as in Bangladesh from 1964-66. He had full support for

them. However, Sheikh Mujibur was also known to have told the officers involved in

plan (conspiracy) not to take any decision in haste..

7. On Indian side P N Ojha, First Secretary to Indian High Commission in Dhaka was

reported to have played the key role in helping the ‘conspirators’. Though Commander

Moazzem Hossain was the key person and leader of the rebel group that planned

‘Revolt’ he was more involved in higher level planning and meetings with Bengali

political leadership spearheaded by Sheikh Mujibur and Indian officials. At field level

many important tasks were carried out on his behalf by Bhupati Bhusan Choudhury

alias Manik Choudhury, treasurer of Awami League in Chittagong. He was also,

besides Moazzem Hossain, a link between Ojha and the rebels. PN Ojha was declared

persona non grata by Pakistan following the expose.

Page 24

8) Though there were many who were part of the plan but it was actually two

persons- Steward Mujibur ( accused No 3) and Ali Reza (accused No 33)- who held

meeting with Indian officials (of IB Foreign deptt) in Agartala. THIS WAS AGARTALA

CONSPIRACY. Reza, a teacher by profession not a military man, was also the leader in

the meeting.

9) Some sources indicated, not confirmed though, that one Col Menon of IB’s Foreign

Department (which was later turned RAW) met them in Agartala and Col. Menon was

nom de guerre of K Sankaran Nair who later became RAW chief after R N Kao and

also headed ASIAD in Delhi. Nair later also became Indian Ambassador to


President Ayub formed a special tribunal to try the accused. The case caused a great

turbulence in East Pakistan. The student community started a united movement against

the Ayub regime. They defied the section 144 imposed by the police, broke the

barricades put by the East Pakistan Rifles and came out to the streets in thousands.

They chanted the slogans - “We’ll break the locks of the jail and free Sheikh Mujib”,

“Your leader, my leader, Sheikh Mujib, Sheikh Mujib’, etc. A mass-upsurge took place;

the Pakistani rulers ordered shooting in different places. Law and order situation

worsened to such an extent that the rebellious mob took control of all important points

in the Dhaka city.

During this movement, a lot of people were killed: Asad, a student leader of Dhaka

University, Dr. Shamsuzzoha, a teacher of Rajshahi University and Matiur, a school

student of Dhaka and Sgt Zahurul Huq, an accused of the Agartala Conspiracy Case were

among them. On February 22, Pakistan Government was forced to grant unconditional

release to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and withdraw the Agartala Conspiracy Case. Next

day, in a large public rally in the then Race Course Maidan of Dhaka, Mujib was was

accorded a grand reception and conferred the title ‘Bangabandhu’ (The Friend of


Page 25

On 25 March 1969, Ayub khan give his powers to Gen: Yahya khan. He declared Martial

law in the country. Crisis seemed deepening. Yahya Khan, whose incompetent rule made

situation worse. He declared the General election in the country on 1970, December 6 .

In the election in the East Pakistan Mujeeb-ur-Rehman won the election and in the

West Pakistan Bhutto got the majority. With the passage of time, crisis deepened further

and confrontation seemed inevitable. On 1971 March 14, Bhutto came out with a

demand of transfer of power to majority party in East Pakistan and the majority party in

West Pakistan.

Pakistan was moving close to the tragedy.

Operation Search Light:

The Bengalis started civil disobedience by Indian military intervention. Unfortunately,

on March 23, the Republic Day of Pakistan, the Awami League declared “Resistance

Day” and Bangladesh flags flew all over the Province. There was a great massacre.

East Pakistan had reached a point of no return. To quash the armed rebellion of

Awami League militants, the Pakistan Army struck its first blow on March 27, 1971.

Yahya Khan chose to use force to bring law and order in the country.(14)

In 25th March 1971, Pakistan army started operation “Operation Search Light” to

suppressed the Bengali nationalist movement in East Pakistan. The Operation was to

start on the night of March 25, 1971 in Dacca, and other garrisons were to be alerted via

phone about their zero hour to start their activities. General Farman Ali commanded the

forces in Dhaka, while the rest of the province was commanded by General Khadim. Lt.

General Tikka Khan and his staff were present in the 31st field command center, to

supervise and support the command staff of the 14th division.

As outlined by the Pakistani planners, the operation aimed to eliminate the Awami

League apparatus and any civilians and personnel of the armed forces supporting the

Awami League movement in defiance of martial law.

Page 26

Cunning, surprise, deception and speed were emphasized as crucial for success. Use of

free and greater force was authorized. Search and assault of civilian areas and Hindu

areas also were authorized.

So, they have some requirements for their success. The requirements are given below:

1. Operation to be launched simultaneously all across East Pakistan.

2. Maximum number of political and student leaders and those among cultural

organizations and teaching staff to be arrested or fired.

3. Operation must achieve 100% success in Dhaka. (Dhaka University would be

occupied and searched).

4. Free and greater use of fire authorized for securing cantonments.

5. All internal and international communications to be cut off, including telephone,

television, radio and telegraph.

6. All Bengali (East Pakistani) troops to be neutralized by seizing weapons and


Pakistani planners assumed that if the political leadership was captured, the Bengali

armed units disarmed, and the civilians sufficiently terrorized, after a month no

organized resistance would remain in East Pakistan. Their assumptions were proven

wrong in the long run. The political leadership escaped to organize the resistance and

lobby for international support, Bengali soldiers formed the core of the armed

resistance, and civilians, despite the terror campaign, supported the insurgency with

logistics, intelligence and volunteers for the irregular warfare.

Operation Searchlight included no follow-up plan. Anticipating a relatively quick

success, Pakistani planners did not plan for a long irregular war or the eventual

involvement of India. Pakistan had no regular troops to spare after stationing 4

divisions in Bangladesh by November 1971 since they needed to maintain parity with the

Indian army in the west.

With the EPR and police defecting, a large number of para military units were needed to

police the country. Siddique Salik estimated that Pakistan needed at least 250,000 to

300,000 troops, but even after organizing the Razakars (estimated strength 40,000),

Page 27

Pakistan could field only 150,000 (45,000 regular army, rest paramilitary units) soldiers

in Bangladesh.

The eventual strain of combating the insurgency caused Pakistan to attack India on

the December 3, 1971, with the objective to stop Indian support for the Mukti


India demoralized Pakistan’s problem to the full. It wanted to compress full propaganda

and strategic value for itself out of the Bengali suffering and misery. India launched an

attack on East Pakistan on November 22, 1971. The use of modern Soviet missiles,

geographical separation by a thousand miles lying across the hostile Indian territory,

and the involvement of Mukti Bahini and the Indian Army, made Pakistan’s military

defeat in the East almost certain.

On December 10, 1971, the first feeler for surrender in East Pakistan was conveyed to

the United Nations. On December 17, 1971, a formal surrender was submitted and

accepted. Forty five thousand troops and an almost equal number of civilians of West

Pakistan were taken as prisoners of war.(17)

The surrender lead to the breakup of East and West Pakistan and the establishment of

Bangladesh. After 25 years of Pakistan independence, the East Pakistanis declared them

selves independent and renamed their Province as Bangladesh. Pakistan finally

recognized Bangladesh at the Islamic Conference in Lahore on February 22, 1974.

After Effects Of Dhaka Down Fall

In the after effect of Dhaka Down fall we have to mentioned the hamood-ur-rehman

commission report:

Hamood - ur - Rehman Comission Report:

In December 1971, after Dhaka Down Fall, within a week of replacing General Yahya as

the President, Bhutto on the Public demand for an inquiry led to the instituting of the

judicial Commission under Hamoodur Rehman to investigate the political and military

causes of the defeat. Hamoodur Rehman, who hailed from East Pakistan was the then

Page 28

chief justice of the Supreme Court. The other members of the Commission were Justice

Shaikh Anwar-ul-Haq of the Punjab High Court and Justice Tufail Ali Abdul Rehman of

the Sindh High Court.

The Commission’s responsibility was to ascertain the facts of the 1971 debacle. The

commission interviewed 213 persons including General Yahya, Z. A. Bhutto, Chief of Air

Force, Chief of Navy, senior commanders, and various political leaders. It submitted its

first report in July 1972. This commission report is known as “Hamood -UR-

Rehman Comission Report”. The Commission took just over two years to prepare

its report, but Bhutto and military authorities in Pakistan suppressed its publication

because of the sensitivity of the subject.

The report recommended public trials of the concerned officers responsible for the 1971

debacle. The inquiry was reopened in 1974. The Commission again interviewed 73

bureaucrats and top military officers and submitted its supplementary report in

November 1974.

It was maintained in the Report that the defeat suffered by the armed forces was not a

result of military factors alone, but had been brought about as the cumulative result of

political, international, moral and military factors. The political developments that took

place between 1947 and 1971, including the effects of the two Martial Law periods,

hastened the process of political and emotional isolation of East Pakistan from West


The dismemberment of Pakistan was also accelerated by the role played by the two

major political parties, Awami League and the Pakistan Peoples Party, in bringing about

a situation that resulted in postponement of the National Assembly session, scheduled

to be held at Dhaka on the March 3, 1971. The events occurring between March 1 and 25,

1971, when the Awami League had seized power from the Government, resulting in the

military action of March 25, 1971, were terrible.

While the Commission is harsh on the military high command, undivided Pakistan’s

civilian leadership also comes in for its share of criticism. The report identifies Zulfikar

Page 29

Ali Bhutto as one of the main culprits responsible for the upheaval of 1971. It is

particularly critical of his demand that the inaugural session of the National Assembly

be postponed, which was what started the unravelling process. This assembly was

constituted by the 1970 elections which brought Bhutto a majority in West Pakistan and

won Sheikh Mujibur Rahman a majority in East Pakistan. It was this divided mandate

which precipitated the political crisis and the break with Dhaka.

Bhutto’s insistence that Mujib soften his Six-Point Programme (SPP), which demanded

autonomy for East Pakistan in various matters, before Parliament could be convened,

finds adverse mention in the document: “It has to be remembered that, rightly or

wrongly, the Awami League had won a mandate from the people in East Pakistan in

favour of SPP, and could not be expected to announce a deviation therefrom without

discussion and give and take on the floor of the House.”(18)

Originally there were 12 copies of the Report. These were all destroyed expect the one

that was handed over to Z. A. Bhutto. Neither Bhutto, nor the Army which took over in

1977, made the Report public.

Bhutto did not allowed the transfer of power after December 1970, elections. It was its

hunger of power that he joined hands with the military to refuse the Awami League its

right to form the government. His threat to “break the legs” of any member who went to

Dhaka for the National Assembly session called in early March provided the excuse for

Yahya to postpone the session. Many historians feel that this was the decision that let

loose the chain of events that culminated in the surrender at Dhaka on 16 December and

the ceasefire on the western front on 17 December 1971.

The Hamood-ur-Rahman Commission Report is a important document. It was prepared

with the clear purpose of not repeating the different mistakes committed by the Army,

General Yahya Khan and Z. A. Bhutto, which resulted in the separation of East Pakistan.


Page 30

“Urdu-Sindhi Language Controversy”

It is a famous fact that the integrity of any nation depends upon its people and how

much they unite themselves to their country. When that integrity gets broken or the

people refrain from associating themselves with the country, it’s just a matter of time

before the boundaries shift.

Urdu is the language that always be in the controversy from the start of its birth. Before

going on the issue of Urdu-Sindhi (1972). We briefly describe you the history of

controversies regarding Urdu.

Urdu-Hindhi Controversy:

(before the independence of Pakistan)

The language Urdu had originally born out of the socio-administrative requirement of

Muslim Mughal conquerors who settled down in regions around Delhi. The use of Urdu

grew widespread with Muslims in northern India. However political and religious

leaders such as Syed Ahmed Khan, Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulkand , Maulvi Abdul Haq had

worked to set up Urdu as the lingua franca of Indian Muslims.

The Hindus and Muslims wrote and spoke two different languages. The language of the

earlier was Urdu and it was written in Arabic Script .On the other hand ,the Hindi

language was spoken by Hindus and it was written in Sanskrit .Urdu and Hindi

language had the difference in writing, thoughts of poetry, arts, painting and words of

music. Even this small difference led to a moving conflict between the two nations.

The Urdu-Hindhi controversy raised when the British government agreed to accept the

demand of the hindu Communities of United Province and Bihar to change the Persian-

Arabic Script of the official language to Devanagari and adopt Hindhi as the second

official language on demand of Hindu activist.

Page 31

Sir Syed Ahmed khan (who was the pioneer of two nation theory) became the most

significant opponent of this change. He saw Urdu as the lingua franca of Muslims. In the

Mughal era, Urdu was used as a secondary language to Persian, the official language of

the Mughal court. Since the decline of the Mughal empire, Sir Syed promoted the use of

Urdu through his own writings. He translates western work into Urdu in Scientific

Society of Aligarh. The schools established by Sir Syed imparted education in the Urdu-


The demand for Hindhi, led largely by Hindus, was to Sir Syed erosion of the centuries

old Muslim cultural domination of India. Testifying before the British-appointed

education commission, Sir Syed controversially exclaimed that:

“Urdu was the language of gentry and of people of high social standing, whereas

Hindhi was to be the vulgar.”

His remarks provoked a hostile response from Hindu leaders and advocates of


The Hindus united across the region to demand the recognition of Hindi. The success of

the Hindi movement led Sir Syed to further promote Urdu as the symbol of Muslim

heritage and as the language of the Muslim intellectual and political class. His

educational and political work grew increasingly centered around and solely for Muslim

interests. He also wanted to persuade the British to give it extensive official use and


After Urdu-Hindhi controversy Sir Syed Ahmed khan realized that the Hindu and

Muslims will no longer live together as one single nation. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan did his

best to make the Muslims realize their differences with the Hindus with regard to

religions, social and language, national and international identity and for this purpose

he diverted attention of the Indian Muslims towards a new idea of “Two Nation” or

“Two Entites”. He said in the meeting of Indian association:

Page 32

"I look to both Hindus and Muslims with the same eyes and consider them as my own

eyes. By the word 'Nation' I mean only Hindus and Muslims and nothing else. We,

Hindus and Muslims live together on the same soil under the same government. Our

interests and problems are common, and therefore, I consider the two factions as one


He also said that:

" I am convinced now that Hindus and Muslims could never become one nation as

their religion and way of life was quite distinct from each other.”(21)

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan call for the demand of Urdu as the language of Indian Muslims

won wide support from the Aligarh Movement and Muslim religious Activists. Muslim

political and religious leaders Mohsin-ul-Mulk and Maulvi Abdul Haq developed

organization (Urdu Defence Association and the Anjuman Taraqqi-i-Urdu) for

promoting the Urdu.

Urdu became an important part of political identity and communal separatism. The

division over the use of Hindi or Urdu would further increase communal conflict

between Muslims and Hindus in India.

Muslim politicians like Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal, Liaquat

Ali Khan described the Urdu as symbol of Muslim heritage and political identity. They

understand that the urdu became a core issue at the heart of Two-Nation Theory. In

Pakistan Movement Urdu became key argument to prominent difference with India

Hindu majority population.

So, the Hindhi-Urdu controversy sowed the seeds for Muslim separation and the result

of independence country named Pakistan.

After the independence of Pakistan another controversy raised on the basis of language.

Page 33

Urdu-Bengali Controversy:

Pakistan is neither based on language nor on geographic characteristics. It is based on

only one factor and that is the religion of Islam. At the time of creation the local

Muslims of Pakistan were Punjabis from the province of Punjab, Sindhis from the

province of Sindh, Pushtoons from the province of N.W.F.P (now Khayber

Pakhtoonkhwa), Balochis from the province of Balochistan and Bangalis that comprised

of the whole East Pakistan. The languages mostly spoken at that time were Bengali,

Punjabi, Sindhi, Pushto, Balochi and Saraiki.

In the Pakistan language controversy is as old as Pakistan itself. On February 25, 1948,

Urdu was declared as the national language of Pakistan. The move was part of an effort

to unite the nation, which had so many regional languages. The Quaid-e-Azam thought

that a uniform language would make people forget some of their differences.

First time language controversy issue raised when Quaid-e-Azam clearly stated that

Urdu as our national language in his speech. Speech at a public meeting attended by

over three lakhs of people at Dhaka on march 21, 1948. He stated that regarding

language issue:

“as I have already said, this is in order to create disruption amongst the Mussalmans.

Your Prime Minister has rightly pointed this out in a recent statement and I am glad

that his Government has decided to put down firmly any attempt to disturb the peace

of this province by political saboteurs, their agents. Whether Bengali shall be official

language of this province is a matter for the elected representatives of the people of

this province to decide. I have no doubt that this question shall be decided solely in

accordance with the wishes of the inhabitants ‘of this province at the appropriate time.

Let me tell you in the clearest language that there is no truth that your normal life is

going to be touched or disturbed so far as your Bengali language is concerned. But

ultimately it is for you, the people of this province, to decide what shall be the language

of your province. But let me make it very clear to you that the State language of

Pakistan is going to be Urdu and no other language. Anyone who tries to mislead you

Page 34

is really the enemy of Pakistan. Without one State language, no Nation can remain

tied up solidly together and function. Look at the history of other countries. Therefore,

so far as the State Language is concerned, Pakistani language shall be Urdu. But, as I

have said, it will come in time.”(22)

Every federating part had its own words to speak and write but there was a obvious

problem with the Bengalis who were in a majority than the West Pakistanis. They felt

that Urdu was being imposed on them and their language Bengali should be the national

language as more people spoke it as compared to Urdu, which according to them, should

only be limited to West Pakistan.

Its rumored that once the Quaid-e-Azam was speaking to Bengali students in East

Pakistan where he said that Urdu will be the national language on which a student

stood up from the crowd and said that Bengali should be the national language. The

Quaid was miffed and told his personal staff that this boy would break up Pakistan.

That boy was Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman. Many blame Urdu to be cause of breakup of

Pakistan but it’s really unfortunate how the Quaid-e-Azam miscalculated his decision

of abrupt declaration of Urdu as the national language. Only if Bengali would have

been added along with Urdu at that time, maybe things would have been different


Again Urdu-Bengali language controversy became one of the strongest reasons to the

separation of East and West Pakistan division. If Government declared both languages

as national language then there would be the chanced that East Pakistan did not

separated from Pakistan.

Urdu-Sindhi Controversy:

Immediately after the separation of East Pakistan another language controversy raised.

In 1972 , the Urdu-Sindhi controversy raised in Sindh.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s (leader of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) ) ruled the remaining

Pakistan as president of Pakistan in 1971 till Martial Law. Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, (Zulfikar’s

Page 35

brother) became Chief Minister of Sindh and presented himself as the champion of the

Sindhi cause. The Sindh (teaching, promotion, and use of Sindhi language) Bill of 1972

was submitted to the Legislative Assembly on July 3, 1972. Few points of this act are

mentioned below:

Its an act to prescribe measures of teaching, promotion and use of Sindhi language.

Whereas the Sindhi language is used in the offices and departments of

Government .

And whereas the Sindhi language is compulsory subject of study in educational

institutions .

And whereas the it is the natural aspiration and desire of the province of Sindh

to promote the teaching and use of Sindhi language.(24)

The bill was discussed on 5 July at the house of Dr Ishtiaq Husain Qureshi, a former

Vice Chancellor of Karachi University. The Urdu Speaking feared that if Urdu was not

introduced as an official language of the province along with Sindhi, they would suffer

discrimination. Thus, they recommended an amendment, making Urdu as well as

Sindhi the official languages of Sindh. .

On 8 July, the Urdu newspaper Jang put headlines proclaiming the death of Urdu.

The following line from the poet Rais Amrohvi, was splashed across the page.

Urdu ka janaza hae zara dhoom say niklay

(This is the funeral procession of Urdu; let it go out with fanfare)

Soon the whole of Sindh was on fire and the bloodiest language riots witnessed in Pakistan followed.

On July 7, people mobilize against this act and violence started in many parts of Sindh.

In parts of Karachi, people were attacked and injured. The day after, large-scale

language-related riots broke out in Karachi and Hyderabad, University of Karachi was

burnt. Crowds defied Section 144 and police vehicles were damaged in Karachi and Hyderabad.

Curfew was imposed in Karachi and Hyderabad, but the continuous incidents of violence and

arson were reported.

Page 36

Law and order were restored on July 16 through a compromise solution stating that

both Sindhi and Urdu were to be the official languages of the province.

1973 Constitution of Pakistan

Constitution definition

Pakistan became independent on 14 August 1947. Under Section 8 of the Indian

Independence Act 1947, the Government of India Act 1935, became with some changes,

the working constitution of Pakistan. But the need of a constitution to be framed by the

elected representatives of the people was all the more necessary for the free citizens of a

sovereign state. There were three constitutions beginning by 1956 constitution, then

1962 constitution and then the last was 1973 constitution.

If we looked at the history of Pakistan’s constitution, its making was begins with the

Lahore Resolution of 1940, which first outlined the idea of a separate homeland for the

Muslims of India, to be called Pakistan. It came to be called the Pakistan Resolution.

On June 3, 1947, the British Government accepted the principal of partition of India in

order to create two independent countries as Pakistan and India. The British Parliament

passed the Indian Independence Act on July 18, 1947. Accordingly, the new state of

Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947.

Establishment of a truly Islamic society was the aim of Quaid-e-Azam. The first

Constituent Assembly was formed under the ‘Independence Act’ and was entrusted with

the task to formulate a constitution for Pakistan.. The Constituent Assembly had a

double purpose, to make a constitution for Pakistan and also to act as a legislative body

till the new constitution is passed and imposed.

The Parliament first passed the objective resolution on which objectives the future

constitution of Pakistan based:

Page 37

Objectives Resolution:

Objectives Resolution is one of the most illuminating documents in the constitutional

history of Pakistan. It was passed by the first Constituent Assembly on 12th March

1949 under the leadership of Liaquat Ali Khan. At the time it was passed, Mr. Liaquat

Ali Khan called it

"the most important occasion in the life of this country, next in importance, only to the

achievement of independence."(25)

Objective Resolution based on the objectives in which the future constitution of the

country was to be laid down and it proved to be the foundational stone of the

constitutional development in Pakistan. The most considerable thing was that it

contained the basic principles of both Islamic political system and Western Democracy.

Objectives Resolution, which is called to be the "Magna Carta" in Pakistan’s

constitutional history, based on the following principles:

1. Sovereignty belongs to Allah alone; but he has delegated it to the State of Pakistan

through it’s people for being exercised within the limits prescribed by Him as a sacred


2. The State shall exercise it’s powers and authority through the chosen representatives

of the people;

3. The principles of Democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as

enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed;

4. The Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective

spheres in accordance with the teachings of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and


5. Adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practice

their religions and develop their cultures;

Page 38

6. Pakistan shall be a Federation;

7. Fundamental Rights shall be guaranteed;

8. Judiciary shall be independent.(26)

The objective resolution was opposed by the Hindu leaders in the parliament. They feel

fear that if this resolution based the constitution than their rights would not be fully

delivered to them. Chandra Mandal, Sris Chandra Chattopadhyaya, kumar Dutta and

other Hindu leaders opposed the resolution and Mian Muhammad Iftikharudin was the

only Muslim leader who opposed the resolution.

After the great debate the resolution was passed by the parliament on 12 March 1949 on

the assurance of Liaqat Ali Khan to the minorities that they will get their all

fundamentals rights in Pakistan.

In 1954, when Muhammad Ali took charge as Prime Minister of Pakistan, he worked

hard for making the constitution of Pakistan and because of his effort the first

constitution was enforced in Pakistan on 23 March, 1956.

Pakistan’s status as a dominion ended and the Pakistan declared as an Islamic Republic

of Pakistan. Thereupon the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan became the temporary

National Assembly and Governor General Iskander Mirza was took charge as the first

President of Pakistan.

The salient features of constitution 1956 were:

1. Name of The country:

The country was named as "Islamic republic of Pakistan" in the constitution of


2. Emergency powers of the president:

Page 39

In the constitution of 1956 it was the discretion of the president to declare the


3. Official Language:

Urdu and Bangla were made official languages of Pakistan. It was also

declared English to remain as office language for a maximum period 25 years.

4. Islamic provisions:

The objectives resolution was included as a preamble of the constitution. Islam

was the state's religion.

5. Uni-Cameral Legislature:

The central legislature consisted on one house only which was called the

national assembly. No second house was there.

6. Federal system:

According to the constitution of the federal system was introduced in the


7. Parliamentary system:

The constitution of 1956 provided parliamentary form of Govt. the prime

minister enjoyed more powers than president.

8. Freedom of judiciary:

The constitution of 1956 recognized the independence of judiciary. The supreme

court of Pakistan was entitled to explain and interpret the constitution.

9. Fundamental Rights:

Page 40

Fundamental rights of the people were guaranteed in the constitution and these

were to be protected by the courts of law.

10. Rights of Minorities:

The constitution of 1956 protects the rights of minorities so that they may

perform their religious obligation freely.

11. Supremacy of Islamic laws:

In the constitution of 1956, Sharia was declared the basis for legislative system

of Pakistan.

12. Presidential form:

The constitution of 1956 adopted certain features of presidential from of


The 1956 constitution was dismissed after the short term of two years by the President

Iskandar Mirza and he imposed the Martial Law in the country and appointed Ayub

khan as the chief Martial law administrator.

After the constitution of 1956, the constitution of 1962 passed in assembly. The making

of this constitution done by Ayub khan appointed team. All work done secretly and the

sudden this constitution with the approval of Ayub khan were enforced in country. The

salient features of this constitution were:

1. Federal System

A federal system was introduced in the country. It consisted of a central government

and two provincial government comprising East and West Pakistan.

2. Presidential forum of Government:

Page 41

President was the head Executive of the nation. He was empowered to nominate the

ministers of his cabinet.

3. Unicameral Legislature(One Unit):

Parity of representation between West and East Pakistan was secured within uni-

cameralism, whereas seats in each of the provinces were allocated according to the

ratio of population.

4. Indirect Method of Election:

The President was elected by an Electoral College comprising 80,000 Basic

Democrats, equally distributed between the two provinces.

5. Provincial Governments:

There were two provincial governments. Each of them was headed by a governor. He

enjoyed powers in the province which the President enjoyed in the center. The

Governor was empowered to appoint provincial ministers with the sanction of the

President of Pakistan.

6. Provincial Legislature:

Each province was provided with a legislature. It originally consisted of 150 members.

However, later on this number was increased to 218.

7. Powers of President:

According to the 1962 Constitution the President should be a Muslim with the term of 5

years. He was eligible to promulgate Ordinances and veto against legislated laws only

override-able by two/thirds of the National Assembly. However, the President was not

empowered to dissolve the Assembly except the cost of his office also.

8. Islamic Law:

Page 42

No Law would be passed against the teaching of Quran and Sunnah and the existing

laws would be made Islamic in character.

9. Fundamental Rights:

The constitution of 1962 laid down fundamental rights of speech and expression,

freedom to choose profession and freedom to profess religion. With Regards to civil

rights, familiar right such as the rights of life, livery and property were granted.

10. Role of Judiciary:

The Judiciary was responsible for the interpretation of laws and executive orders in

the light of the principles embodied in a written constitution.

11. Language:

Urdu and Bengali were recognized as National Languages.(28)

The constitution of 1962 was the one man show. It provided Ayub khan the dictatorial

power and made him the most power full president. This constitution like the

constitution of 1956 did not satisfied the people of Pakistan and nor fulfill their rights.

The one unit formula was not accepted by the three provinces except Punjab and many

political parties also demanded to demolish it. This was became the one of most strong

reason that all the political parties raised against the government. The situation getting

worse day by day and in the end this political instability leads to another martial law.

Martial law imposed by Yahya khan in 1968 and he abrogated the constitution of 1962.

The constitution 1956 and 1962 failure, only lead the political stability to the country.

Both proved short lived and were replaced with the martial laws in the country. But the

subsequent years after imposition of martial law were heavily paid by Pakistan by losing

its east wing.

After losing the east wing of Pakistan, the political government replaced the Martial

law. The Bhutto took over as president of Pakistan in December, 1971. The biggest

Page 43

achievement of his regime is gave the constitution of Pakistan. The most prominent

characteristic of this constitution is that it is passed with the approval of government as

well as all the opposition parties.

The national assembly approved the constitution on 10th April, 1973. The salient features

of this constitution are:

1. Introductory and the Objectives Resolution:

It commences with an introductory which slates the Islam shall be state religion. The

principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution have been made

substantive part of the constitution.

2. Islamic System

The inclusion of Islamic Provisions has given the 1973 Constitution an unprecedented

Islamic character. It ensures an Islamic system in the country.

3. Federal System

The Constitution of 1973 has introduced a Federal system in the country. The

federation of Pakistan consists of a Central Government and four Provincial

Governments. The Federal Government is headed by a President elected by members

of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)

4. Parliamentary form of Government

The 1973 Constitution proposes a Parliamentary form of Government in the country.

Prime minister is the head of the Parliamentary system. He is leader of the Majlis-e-

Shoora (Parliamentary). According to 1973 Constitution the Prime Minister enjoys

wide powers.

5. Bicameral Legislature

Page 44

The Constitution provides for the establishment of a bicameral legislature in Pakistan.

The Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) consists of two Houses named Senate and National

Assembly. The Senate or the Upper House consists of 63 members (the 8th Amendment

has raised this number to 87). The National Assembly consists of 200 members (Now

this number has been raised to 207). The Majlis-e-Shoora enjoys wide powers of


6. Direct Method of Election

The Constitution of 1973 gives a direct method of election. The members of the National

Assembly, the Provincial Assemblies are directly elected by the people.

7. Fundamental Rights

The 1973 Constitution ensures the following fundamental rights to the citizens of


Security of person

Safeguard against unlawful arrest and detention

Prohibition of slavery and forced labor

Freedom of movement

Freedom of assembly

Freedom of association

Freedom of business

Freedom of speech

Freedom of profess religion

Right to hold property

Equality before law

Right to preserve language, script and culture

Safeguard against discrimination in services.

8. Principles of Policy

The Constitution of 1973 has set the following principles of policy:

Page 45

Local electoral bodies will be set up for solving local problems.

The parochial and other prejudices shall be discouraged.

The women shall be given full representation in all spheres of national life.

Social justice shall be promoted.

Bonds with Muslim world shall be strenghened.

9. Independence of Judiciary

The Constitution of 1973 stresses upon the establishment of an independent judiciary.

Full job security has been provided. The judges are appointed by the President. They

cannot be removed from service before the end of their term except on the

recommendation of the Supreme Judicial Council. In addition the Judges are paid

respectable salaries.

10. National Language

The 1973 Constitution has declared Urdu as the national language of Pakistan.

However English has been retained as the official language for 15 years. Similarly

regional languages have been provided full protection.

11. Single Citizenship

The Constitution of 1973 has established the principles of single citizenship. According

to this principle the rights and duties of the citizens are determined by the Federal

Constitution only. Thus the people throughout Pakistan are citizens of Pakistan.

12. Rule of Law

The 1973 Constitution establishes rule of law in Pakistan. According to rule of law no

person can be deprived of his fundamental rights. All the citizens of Pakistan are equal

before law.(29)

After the constitution enforced in the country, Bhutto took over as the Prime Minister of

Pakistan and Fazal Elahi as the President. This constitution considered to be the biggest

Page 46

achievement of Bhutto government. It was dismissed by Zia-ul-Haq, after imposing

Martial law in 5 July, 1979.

This constitution is still run in the country but with lots amendments. These

amendments done by many times in martial law as well as democratic time period and

because of these amendments constitution of 1973 lost its original spirit.

“Ahmadi’s Declared Non-Muslims In Pakistan (1974)”

After constitution were passed in the national assembly in 1973 and it enforced in the

country, the Ullema of Pakistan started demand to declared Ahmadi’s Non-Muslim in

Pakistan and started movement for this.

Many Political Parties and Ullema were against of Ahmadi’s in Pakistan. Their beliefs

and thoughts are totally change and unconventional. There were many riots took place

in Punjab and Karachi on Ahmadis. An organization Majlis-Ahrar-i-Islam has made

after the independence of Pakistan. It was first found in 1913. It was an opponent

organization of Ahmadis.

Many other Jamiat-i-Islami, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam Pakistan (Jamiat Ulema-i-Pakistan),

was so active against Ahmadis. They all were fully tried to declare Ahmadis as Non


There has always been a big controversy for Ahmadis as Non Muslim. In the history of

Pakistan mostly the religious parties demanded to declare Ahmadis as Non Muslim.

In 1974, first time in the history Ahmadis were declared as Non Muslim by the

Parliament of Pakistan. The amendment in the Constitution of 1973 and term Muslim a

person who believes in the finality of Mohammad Prophet (S.A.W).

If we look in the history of Pakistan, this issue did not issue raised first time in the 1974.

It was first time raised after the few years of independence of Pakistan. In the Province

Page 47

of Punjab, the Anti-Ahmadi’s began in February 1953, started by Ahraris and Jamat-i-

Islami, Ulema and other politicians demanding the immediate removal of Zafarullah

Khan(Ahmadi) from his post as Foreign Minister and to dismiss all Ahmadis on high

ranking posts and to declare Ahmadis as Non-Muslim community. Due to disorder

Martial law was imposed in Punjab, many Protestants of the disorder were arrested and

a number of religious political groups were banned.

The Governor of Punjab passed an ordinance on June 19, which set up a court to inquire

into the circumstances leading up to the declaration of Martial law, the responsibility for

the disturbances, and the sufficiency of measures taken by the government authorities

to prevent the civil disturbances. Justice Munir probed into the situation and found that

different factors were responsible including Ahmadi’s.

After the Munir Report, some of two decades this issue did not raised as such. The

reason may be the political instability and the situation of country, which faced war in

twice in 1965 and 1971. But as soon the stability and peace in country recovered, we saw

that this issue again rise with more agitation.

The movement against Ahmadi’s started with an incident in rabwah. On 22 May 1974, a

train full of students from Nishtar Medical College passed through Rabwah, the

headquarters of the Ahmadis, when Ahamdi’s distributed their religious lectures

through pamphlet and book in the train, the students start shouting slogans Anti-

Ahmadi’s. A week later, when the students came on their way back, a mob of Ahmadis

were waiting for them with arms. Ahmadis beat up the students and injured the

students but no deaths happened.

When news reached to the other province of Punjab, people started protest against

Ahmadi’s. Injured students reached to the next station people gave them a warm

welcome and shouting slogan against Ahmadi’s.

After all that the petition was submitted in the High Court of Punjab. As well police

arrested the rioters who attack on the medical students at Rabwah station. But the story

is not end here, the fire provoked in whole country. The leader of Jamiat e Islami

Page 48

demanded that it should to declare Ahmmadis as Non Muslim. Later on, opposition

parties have joined the JI.

At first Bhutto was fully condemned a issue and strictly refused to discuss in National

Assembly. He got the mouth shut of the opposition parties in National Assembly. As well

Bhutto accused the opposition that they tried to paralyze a country to provoking the


This incident sparked the people emotions against Ahmadi’s. It ignited violent protests

across the country, and resulted in the issue coming before the Pakistan Parliament later

the same year.

A delegation of Ahmadi’s scholars, including their head, Mirza Nasir Ahmad, and

leading clerics of the time like Mufti Mahmood Ahmed, Shah Ahmad Noorani, Professor

Ghafoor Ahmed and many others participated in the 15-day debate in the Pakistan

parliament. The government’s case was prosecuted by the secular Attorney-General,

Yahya Bakhtiar of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

Some members of Parliament were initially doubtful, but in the end, voted unanimously

to pass the Second Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan in December 1974. This

amendment declares Ahmadis ’non-Muslim’ for the purposes of the Constitution as

Pakistan’s President and Prime Minister must be of the Muslim faith.

The 2nd amendment which declared Ahmadi’s non-muslim is :

In the Constitution and all enactments and other legal instruments, unless there is

anything repugnant in the subject or context

(a) “Muslim” means a person who believes in the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah,

in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be

upon him), the last of the prophets, and does not believe in, or recognize as a prophet

or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a prophet, in any sense

of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad (peace be upon him);

(b) “non-Muslim” means a person who is not a Muslim and includes a person

Page 49

belonging to the Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist or Parsi community, a person of the

Quadiani Group or the Lahori Group who call themselves ‘Ahmadis’ or by any other

name or a Bahai, and a person belonging to any of the Scheduled Castes.(30)

More than 142 people injured and died in the riots against Ahmadi’s. Pakistan has

roughly 4 million Ahmadis and is the only state to have officially declared the Ahmadis

to be non-Muslims as they do not regard the Prophet Muhammad to be the final

prophet here their freedom of religion has been shortened by a series of ordinances, acts

and constitutional amendments.

Some of the Pages Of History Of Pakistani Media

The era of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the democratic era. Every thing was democratically

run. Media is the fourth pillar of any state. Media is a powerful tool that can change a

mind of masses at a time. Media is a magical stick that controls mind. From the 1947 to

2014 there are many different roles of media has been seen. In era’s media has been

compressed by government while media got independence.

General Musharraf was the fourth martial law imposer or dictator. But there is no doubt

that General and former President Musharraf was the first man who introduce private

channels in his era first time in Pakistan. Many different channels have been opened of

television. Whereas many newspaper also been published in his era. Basically his era

was the revolutionary period of media in a state.

But many eye brows consider that before General President Musharraf there was a man

who tried his self fully to give freedom of expression to media. Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

was a democratic man and as his era of democracy he gave freedom of press. His vision,

policy, ideas reflects on his era.

The question is raised that truly media independently worked in his era? Was there no

any suppression faced by any journalist? Was he fulfilled his promises for media? Were

there no banned on newspaper? Was freedom just a part of peace of writing or did it

implemented? There are many question rises about his era.

Page 50

General Mohammad Ayub Khan was the chief of martial who imposed martial law in

1958. During his dictatorship media faced hard suppression. Many journalist,

newspaper were banned. There was no freedom of expression for journalist. Even any

citizen couldn’t give his views and couldn’t speak about any issue freely.

Ayub Khan’s era considered the dark days of dictatorship. Much censorship was

imposed on media. The majority of the journalist couldn’t work freely. There was no soft

and free environment for working journalist to report any issue. Many kind of harsh and

strong activities were held on his regime.

Media in Pakistan is a critical theory. It’s not easy to analyze the media of state. The

reason is behind everyone is use media for his benefits. Most of its role seems that it

uses for the personal beneficial rather an informative tool. While worldwide media play

its role as an informative instrument.

Pakistan ruled under dictatorship mostly. The democracy is a weaken governance

proved in a state. Whereas dictatorship stayed in a long time period. That’s why as per

the different phases of government in states, media faced different activities. Sometimes

it was good and sometimes it was bad.

Newspaper is a powerful medium in Pakistan. It always played its potential role in every

era. In the early years the press was divided by two different groups. The one was

Pakistan Newspapers Editors Conference (PNEC) and the second one was The Council

of Pakistan Editors (CPE). Altaf Hussain was the chief of PNEC while Hamid Nizami

was the head of CPE.

These both organizations claimed that they worked under suitable condition. Generally

all editors and journalist worked. The in the reality the condition was not tremendous.

All of them tried to impose their superiority on other. They strove and show their

domination on other organization. Their believed that this organization was the great

plat form for working journalist though there were no such condition.

As the in Pakistan there is so easy game to change their political party to one and move

from another one. As same as it happens in journalism. The editor changes his loyalty,

Page 51

sincerity and honesty easily moves from one organization to another organization. The

press and the government is the direct proportional to each other.

It is authentic pace that if a government is dirty of a state so automatically the press of

the state is definitely unclean. And if the governments is corruption less and clean so its

press is also clean and genuine. It’s not necessary that under the bad governance the

press can be clean and without any hypocrisy and do its work fairly.

The first attack on press freedom was seized in 1948. Just right the next year after the

independent. Savera, Naqoosh, and Adabe Latif. The reason of the ban of Naqoosh was

the publishing the story “Khol Do”. It’s a short story that has been written by Sadat

Hussain Manto. The ban imposed by the Muslim League Government of Punjab.

Here is the start of the story that means after some time Khurshid and Al-Islam was also

ban. These weeklies were published from Quetta. Their editors were arrested and the

newspaper was closed. There are many stories in the history of press that explains the

unusual sort of narrative.

The hard and strongly annoying editorial was published in Imroze newspaper by the

name of Faiz Ahmed faiz. This was the first and last editorial in the history of PPL. The

reason was the arrest warrant issued for Faiz Ahmed Faiz. The news has published in

Imroze, Lahore. Atlast he respectfully free from the court. After all this happening the

editorial was published.

The first news agency OPI for Muslim newspaper was found in 1942. The founder of the

news agency was Syed Mohammad. The astonishing thing is that the founder of the first

news agency was not a journalist by profession. He was the barrister. He practiced in

Culcutta and the High Court of Patna.

Moreover, he continued his news agency after the independence. But an unfortunately

he have to close down his news agency because of the less support by the government.

Fortunately many well known eminent and courageous journalists has started their

career from OPI.

Page 52

The following list has mentioned the name of famous journalist who started career from

the platform of OPI:

I . H. Burney (editor of the defunet prestigious weekly outlook)

Sultan Ahmed (editor of The Leader, Morning News, and The Sun)

Shamim Ahmed (editor of The Daily News and The Sun)

Z.A Suleri (editor of The Evening Times, The Times of Karachi and Pakistan


Hamid Nizami (editor Nawa I Waqat)

Salim Alvi (APP)

Hamid Zuberi (Dawn)

M.A Shakoor (Dawn)

Mian Manzoor ul Haq (correspondent of The Times of India in Karachi)

Zahoor Alam Shaheed (Nawa I Waqat)

A.M.A Qayyum (Morning News) (31)

They were those who started journalism from OPI but in the early years of

independence they disappeared.

At the passage of time the ban has been imposed on different newspaper. Sometimes the

ban was temporary as in 1951 Nawa I Waqat was ban just before the election but lifted

on March 25. But on the other hand the ban was permanent.

In 1952 Abdus Salam was arrested along the owner and printer of newspaper Pakistan

Observer. This paper published an editorial that highly criticized the Prime Minister of

that time Nazimuddin. They claimed the reason of arrest that for the Public Safety Act.

This was strongly unacceptable to bear the criticism on the higher designated


Same as the activity was happened in 1952 again when the editorial and the cartoon was

criticizing the government. This act has done in The Evening Times newspaper. After

this activity Z.A Suleri, printer, publisher Khurshid Alam and the cartoonist N.M Katpal

was arrested.

Page 53

It was the first time in the history of Pakistan when seventeen (17) editors from Karachi

and Lahore were arrested by the government. On that time the PFUJ and its union

highly raised their voices and condemn. They set the strong protest against the

government ruthless activity.

“On Jan 9th, the entire Press observed a 24-hours strike in protest against the

Government’s Press Policy. According to Suleri:

It was a remarkable demonstration of public feeling that in protest … the entire

national Press closed for one day, including Dawn, which was the foremost opponent

of Evening Times”. (32)

A cruel act of government towards press was that warned by the President of the

Assembly. To formulate the principles for the upcoming future situation the constituent

Assembly was chosen the Basic Principle Committee. On that time Maulvi Tamizuddin,

was harshly warn that he couldn’t publish anything until it was presented in Assembly.

Further, the Government appeal to the Official Secrets Act that Press was avoiding the

Act. The controlled on Press was not the big challenge. This action was the brutal

activity of Government. On that Pakistan Times newspaper sturdily criticizes the

Government on his act. Afterwards Nawa e Waqat newspaper was also did criticism on

the Government.

While Dawn was also condemn against Government through their newspaper. Whereas

Karachi Union of Journalist (KUJ) previous to Sindh Union of Journalist (SUJ) was also

criticizing the Government act and explained that it was the harsh behavior of

Government for Press. Their act was fully tried to suppress the freedom of expression.

“On May 29, 1952, the Government of Punjab issued two notices, one to the printer and

the publisher of Imroze newspaper, Lahore. Mazhar Ali Khan and the other to the

keeper of the Pakistan Times stating that they had fortified the security of Rs 3.000


Page 54

This action was taken against the paper for an article published on May 2, 1952.

Under the headline AGAR TU BURA NA MANE (If you would not take it ill). A

humorous piece of writing by Iconoclast (Tufail Ahmed Jamali). (33)

Tufail Ahmed Jamli was continuously criticizing the Security Act of Government. The

same sort of criticism has been done by Imroze firstly. But the providentially the Central

Government did not noticed that and did not take any action against newspaper of any


There were many bulk of stories has been stored in the Press history of Pakistan. Every

Government tried to suppress the freedom of expression and journalist. Journalism

suffered a lot in almost every era. No matter what the regime was democratic or the


According to the constitution of 1956 of Article 8 every one has freedom of expression.

Every citizen of the state have right to express their views. The freedom of expression

has defined in term of freedom of press.

During the first 11 years of Pakistan Press has enjoyed the fully freedom which has not

seen ever. Government always imposed their power and controlled openly and closely.

The lacking is shown on both sides some where the irresponsibility of Press itself and

some where the more reaction and interference of Government.

The period of Martial Law has always been seen the harder and toughest time period for

Press. In Ayub Khan’s era the editor Syed Sibte Hasan of weekly Lailo has arrested

beneath Safety Act. In addition an editor Ahmed Nadim Qasmi has arrested of Imroze.

Many newspapers have faced many hurdles in his regime.

Moreover the new system has been introduced in Ayub Khan’s regime that was Advisory

Syatem. Under this system Government advisor was used to advice and in term of order

to working journalist. While on other hand in Ayub Khan’s regime firstly pre censorship

was imposed on PPL papers but after some time they set free them.

The Ayub Government was still not satisfied. It dealt the final blow on April 18, 1959, by

taking over all the PPL papers. Tariq Ali, son of Mazhar Ali Khan, write;

Page 55

“I recall vividly one morning many years ago in April 1959, my father was then editor

of the Pakistan Times owned by Mian Iftikaruddin and as Time magazine sourly

noted, “the best edited left wing daily in Asia…..’ In Pctober 1958, General Ayub Khan

took over Pakistan. His advisor soon reported that all was well except the existence of

the PPL. When every other daily had published editorials welcoming Martial Law,

Mazhar Ali Khan had written the main leader on Soil erosion ……. This brings me to

that pleaseant (April 18) morning in 1959. It was about 6:30 a.m and I was getting

ready for school, when a large limousine drove up flying a flag and bearing a cabinet

minister. It was zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Ayub’s Minister of Commerce. He asked for my

father was shown in and disappeared into his room. I left for the school. When I

returned, my mother told me that Bhutto had dropped in out of courtesy to tell my

father that the military Government was taking over the PPL papers” (34)

In the early days of independent journals the only PPL papers were stood against the

unjustifiable powers. This was the first and alone that protest for the freedom of Press.

And the side by side the PPL papers were also against of C&MG in the era of 1949. PPL

was a party to the joint editorial.

Under the supervision of Mian Iftikharuddin the spirit of journalist was clear headed.

The Pakistan Times and Imroze were worked free and fearless journalism. These

newspapers were not bearing any sort of control on them. On that time Lahore and

Karachi was the only big cities for journalism to work freely.

After the regime of General Ayub Khan when he and his Martial Law was elevated from

the Presidential election in the era of 1962. On the time Press has shortly enjoyed a

freedom of expression. They worked somehow relax after another Martial Law by Ayub

Khan and contributed their ability and skills for the state and journalism.

Zuhair Siddiqi, the editor of C&MG , who had the witnessed the seizure of the PPL

papers from the close quarters. On the first death anniversary of Mian Iftikharuddin

wrote an article under the headline “Stranger in the House”

On the seventh day of June last year (1962), the newspaper announced the death of

Mian Iftikharuddin – feudal lord turned into leftist, noted political leader and

Page 56

expropriated newspaper magnate. The news was belated. Main Iftikharuddin had died

not on June 6th 1962. But three years earlier on april 18, 1959. On that day the chain of

newspapers founded by him had turned a new leaf – a leaf that was to prove the

opening of the darkest and most lamentable chapter of their life…. For more than a

decade he had devoted most of the time and prodigious energies and a great deal of his

money to the newspaper he had brought into existence. And with the help of a

dedicated band of journalist he had succeeded in making each of those periodicals a

leasder in its own field. (35)

In 1964 The National Press Trust was formed. It is somehow not clear that who to make

an idea for NPT. Some eye brows considered that it was first pet project of Khawaja

Shahabuddin. When he met to Ayub Khan in Cairo. But on the other side the Minister

Abdul Wahid Khan of Information Ministry said that Altaf Gauhar set this idea of NPT.

After the formation of NPT the first and harsh reaction came into being by PFUJ. And

afterward the political parties, editors, publishers were not satisfied and agree for NPT.

They all were tried by hook and by cook for the dissolution of NPT by Government. But

it didn’t happened and through NPT many newspapers were on Governments control.

Basically the trust NPT was formed to give freedom of expression along the good places

for journalist to work. The institution was also set the good environment for journalist

to express and can write any sort of information or news. Nobody have right to accuse,

blame and suppress them.

But unfortunately Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan have the somehow the same sight of

vision. All the newspapers were worked under the source of NPT. All kind of points was

only the piece of paper or mouth promises. That’s not actually happened in reality. NPT

only was used for their advantages in different regimes.

Page 57

Chapter # 2

Literature Review

Title Of Thesis

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto as First Prime Minister


Abdul Rehman Khan, Farrukh Hanif and Talal Raza


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the first leader who introduced democracy in Pakistan. His

believed was so strong on the. He was a man of socialism. He was fully tried to get rid

from the system of feudalism while he was the Feudal Lord in Larkana. In his era of

governance he tried to bring state in a new dimension. PPP had given a two strong

power to the nation and state. Following are the names of programs that was the started

in his regime

Nuclear Program

Constitution Of 1973.

Both the agendas were happened by the endeavors of PPP and Chairperson of PPP

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in his era. Whereas the role of PPP was not ended after the execution

of Mr Bhutto. The series of sacrifices is continuing still from the family of Bhutto.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has reforms in his regime. Bhutto got important place in the history

of Pakistan. His revelry lost a appealing leader but still, Bhutto lies in the heart of every

political worker of PPP. He had given two important things to Pakistan.

Page 58

Title Of Thesis

Print Media On Coverage Of Political Parties In Pakistan



Mirza Jan1, Muhammad Riaz Raza2, Muhammad Siddiq3 & Noshina Saleem




The role of the press research has showed that was to provide us with views of “the

world outside” from which we can figure out “pictures in our heads.” Only through

media the information we can get about world issues global and local. As well the

changes happen away from our eyes. Since the audiences are dependent on media for

news and information about latest events the role of media has been critical in

prioritizing and re-arranging the agenda of news. In this way media have the power to

influence the people who are media dependent. A study shows that media controller can

control the mind of masses. A political parties use media for their purpose. Sometimes

media is a tool of communication with public from politicians. A research has coated an

example of era 1970. The Government of PPP or the starting period of Z.A Bhutto. In

1970 the PPP launched the daily Masawat. Established in the wake of the political

campaign leading to the 1970 general elections, today the newspaper can be considered

a “dummy” newspaper, due to its verylimited circulation about 400. Whereas a media

set their own agenda through making a policies.

Page 59

Title Of Thesis

The Consequences of Fundamentalism on Pakistani Media


Imran Munir


The research was about the impact of social issue on Pakistani media. There is no any

doubt that media in Pakistan from the early days of independence has suffered a lot.

Many journalists harshly threaten, suppress, torture and kidnapped. But for all the

hardship by journalist they were not lay down impulse and continue their working.

Meanwhile the Government forced newspapers for their own purpose.

While the society was divided in two classes Pro Islam and Anti Islam. The mentality

was set up in society that Urdu newspapers were Pro Islam while the English

newspapers were Anti Islam. There were no any kind of difference between dictatorship

and democracy for media. The reason is behind that in every era media has suppressed

by self compensations. Respected and courageous journalist were forced into exile and

newspaper management were asked to sack professionals editors. That was what tha

happened in the history of Press in Pakistan.

Page 60

Title Of Thesis

Parliament and Democracy in the 21st Century

The Media and Parliament


Murray, Susan



Journalism and politics is direct proportional to each other. They have their relationship

like corresponding and complementary to each other. Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta

has defined a five Cs of media in criticizing way. The five Cs are conflict, controversy,

confusion, chaos, and confrontation. In his thought that reporters are trying to

exaggerate the situation. Whereas, a politician can use journalist for their benefits.

There is no doubt in the power of media more than the individual politician.

The role of political journalists is to wait in place to bring to light facts that those in

power would prefer to leave in shadow. They help the public make informed decisions in

their own lives, a key constituent for a energetic democracy. Their motivation can be

summed up in an old saw that reporters try to comfort the badly affect and cause

problems the comfortable.

Page 61

Title Of Thesis

The role of the media in a democracy

Unraveling the politics between the media, the state and the ANC in South Africa.


Glenda Daniels



The research explains the positive role of democracy. A journalist contributes his/her

ability in a society to cover an issue. There are many roles of media in every era but in

focus on democratic era the role of media could be high for the freedom of expression.

Media plays a watchdog in a society. While media itself regulates by the Government. A

researcher did argument that the free and self-determining media is an atheist but the

reality is dependent on the Government designed rules. It is widely held view by media

academics that essential to the expand of any democratic project is a free press. While

researcher wants to study the traditional media, in particular the print media role in a

democracy, other forms of media via new technology have emerged in the last decade to

make positive inroads in decentralizing the control of information. The aim of this thesis

then is to develop interconnect hypothetical concepts to connect the complex

relationship between an independent media and a democracy in South Africa. This

means an imaginative and creative make an effort at going beyond the enormous

contribution of the approaches of other media and democratic theorists.

Page 62

Title Of Thesis

Politics, Media and Journalism in Greece


Antonis Skamnakis


After the end of the eighteenth century the nature of the World has changed. All the

politics system, social and economic environment has changed. the research based on

the shape of media that has been changed and the policies made to whom on which

bases and on which interest. Whereas the Anglo Saxon Law that based on the

independence of media. Basically the researcher tried to define the policies of

censorship made for media under the supervision of Government. The media and the

politics have the direct relationship with each other.

This thesis supports that in Greece historically, there was developed a relationships of

interdependence between the political power and the media, which reproduce

disobedient characteristics at different historical periods. Even nowadays this

interdependence continues to exist, taking the .Form of Media. Governments control

and regulates broadcasting systems and the press in ways that reveal attitudes towards

economic organization, the rights of individuals, political traditions.

Page 63

Title Of Thesis Roles, Responsibilities, and Responses: The Intersection of Journalism and Public Relations.


Amber Lee Hutchins



Journalist has its own worth. A journalist has a valued and different position in a

society. If you are a blogger so that’s not mean you are a journalist. In the history that’s

thirty years back if you were a column writer or columnist so you are fully employed in

any newspaper. But now days the trend is changing continuously. The mind set of

masses frequently change and adopt media as a different tool. In the past every

profession have their own worth. A research explains the difference between journalism

and public relation. Thirty years back a journalist had not wore different masks like if he

was a journalist so he worked under his field. And as the same way a man in public

relation had not got him as a journalist. To understand the ethical, social responsibility,

and the consequences on any unethical work. If a profession will not clear so it will be

hard to take legal step and set policies. As the ethical decision will be tough to take in

unusual condition. A code of ethics should follow by both a journalist and public

relation. That both can enjoy their truly based profession.

Page 64

Title Of Thesis

Critical Analysis Of Press Freedom In Pakistan


Syed Abdul Siraj


Media in Pakistan is not an easy task. Mostly it’s a tool to gratify to the audience and

readers. However the participation of media is not powerful. In the early days of print

media provided authentic news and have large readership country wide. However today

media in Pakistan is a sort of distraction. And the information is not worthy or core

which sharing every day and night. Most of the media houses is directly and indirectly

related to politicians or dominant people of society. By just a part of spoken words is so

kind and soft for the freedom of Press. But in reality it doesn’t happened anything. On

any informative or core news mostly it happened that restricted by the Government


Press in Pakistan is very tough subject. In the sixty years of Pakistan there is no any

situation has seen in the history of Press that fully enjoy the freedom. Mostly in Pakistan

there were always military governments rather the civilian. Everyone tried to suppress

Press and seize the freedom of Press. To snatch the freedom and to control the Press

through violence, threat the journalist, critical working environment, economical bad

conditions. Through that journalist could not work easily and to cover any event.

Page 65

Title Of Thesis

Media as a Catalyst for Structural Change in Pakistan


Ayaz Siddiqui



A research that investigates the structural changes in Pakistan. After the privatization of

media the thinking, observation is changed now in Pakistan of almost every citizen. A

research is based on qualitative paradigm. After the independence of Pakistan media is

used most of the time for purpose. Before 2000, there was print media. A print media

had their own worth and power. But after the revolution of private media all changed

the trend and shape of society.

This is the principle of this investigation. To this effect problems of a royally past

exceptional to Pakistan and indeed South Asia are put side by side with the nature and

development of Journalism in Pakistan before and after Independence in 1947 with

particular importance on the political economy of newspaper and television media after

circulation and broadcast of PEMRA Ordinance 2002.

Page 66

Title of Thesis

Pakistan's Media Policy: A Normative Approach


Sajjad Ahmad Paracha


Policy plays a major part in any organization. Every organization plays their role either

good or negative aspect but it’s all around the policies. Research is about the media

policies and its role in public issues. Any act of media affected on a society. From the

early days till now in 21st century media plays its role according to its policy. What to

publish? How to publish?, why to publish? Any sort of corner decides according to

policy. It may or may not be a part of any agenda but its activities reflected in a society.

To design a policy is not a work of any single person. Or not a one day story. Policies

makes by different Practitioners, Parliamentarian, Public Servants, Politicians, Public

and Pressure groups. Many authorities tried to make and work for Press in Pakistan but

it is an easy task.

According to the News Agencies and Book Registration Ordinance 2002, for the

publication of any newspaper should be declared and its authentication shall be

necessary. After the permission the publication of newspapers should be start within

three months. Every newspaper should follow the code of ethics. A study is about the

perception and awareness of Pakistani media’s policy.

Page 67

Title Of Thesis

The Relationship between the Public and Print Media Agendas on National Issues in


(A Study of the Agenda Setting Role of Print Media in Pakistan)




A research was about the agenda setting on issues in society. As a part of fourth pillar in

a society its role is very vital. Whatever the issue is basically media give an image good

or bad. But sometimes its agenda don’t work out on public. There is between a barrier a

public and media. A research is basically the difference between the Daily Dawn and

Jung. The coverage of any issue by these newspapers. According to the thesis that Daily

Dawn has elite class, diplomats, foreigner, official of high status read.

The research tells the importance of newspaper in a society. Still newspaper considered

as a core source of information. The daily Dawn have the heavily source for the coverage

of an issue. Hence the media agenda works in many places as well. When a reader read

any sort of information so it discusses with family, friends, formal gatherings. Somehow

our mind making and point of view make by the coverage of media. After the use of

media for information we will decide whether the news is right or authentic or not. This

is what the readers are dependent on the information from the newspapers.

Page 68

Title of Thesis

Political Communication And Democratic Process in Pakistan A Case Study of Leading

English Newspapers


Muhammad Rashid Khan


A research is about the communication path between the politicians and the media

person. Essentially media and politics cannot separate with each others. These both

institutions have deeply connection. The realization for human rights is a freedom to

express, freedom to say anything, freedom of speech and as well. Research also explains

the worth of democracy and dictatorship. A dictatorship is one man show whereas a

democracy is elected from masses.

A study has showed the political development and issues in democratic process. The

seven main categories have been divided in a state free and fair election,

constitutionalism, freedom of expression, civil and political rights, independence of

judiciary, central province relations and the role of military. Many experts unfolded the

events in a report that has mentioned. Whatever the issue is happened in politics media

has covered according to their policies. Some politicians understand the power of media

that’s why they suppress the media for their own purpose.

Page 69

Title Of Thesis

Media Laws In Pakistan Through Different Regimes Media Essay



Due to the political instability in Pakistan media has suffered a lot. There were asserted

countless in the history for the freedom of press. But on the other side of picture it was

just written piece of paper or just falls promises. In reality the picture explains the

horror story means that there were no any implementation has been seen for the

freedom of Press. According to the Press and Publication Ordinance they were set the

hardest and rigid rules for Press. Due to PPO forcefully suppress the progressive work of

journalist. Press Advice was the toughest rule for working journalist. In 1964 National

Press Trust was played the ruthless role and controlled the Press. The so called

democratic era of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was proved another Press controller. His false

promises proved in his regime. The condition of Press was still the same as before the

past year of his regime. He continued Press Advice as well suppress the journalist who

raised or wrote and got objection on him. He confidently introduced the freedom of

expression, the freedom of human rights, the freedom of speech but it was not the part

of reality. His political party came into power with new dimension that was democracy

but the laws and regulation for media was as same as the old ruling era.

Page 70

Title Of Thesis

Portrayal of Minorities in Elite English Press of Pakistan

A Study of Daily Dawn and the Nation


Shahzad Ali, Jalaluddin


Any newspaper plays a vital role in society. A good readership enhance the best

circulation of newspapers. Every class that existed in society reads newspapers. A study

shows that the role of English newspapers on the coverage. The political system has

itself a important role with media. If the Government allows the freedom of expression

and the freedom of speech so newspapers easy covered any issues.

In this research observed the two main leading newspapers is playing its vital on society

issues. A researcher evaluated almost all news stories that covered by Daily Dawn and

The Nation. Strongly the four hypotheses have been made. The tested and judge the

prediction of these hypotheses. The importance of the news of Daily Dawn and The

Nation in a society regarding to the readers. The research based on analysis of front,

last, also included the inside page along with the editorials, columns and the features.

The effect of news on society is strong. The everyday readers can judge the worthiness of

news that has been published in newspapers.

Page 71

Title of Thesis

Role Of Print Media In The Dissemination Of Agricultural

Information Among Farmers


Shahid Farooq, Sher Muhammad, Khalid M. Chauhdary and Ijaz Ashraf


Pakistani media is active in every field to cover any issue. From rural to urban even from

any place to every place is always present or active to cover any sort of issue. A study has

observed that how print media is active in the field of agriculture in Pakistan. The

education and awareness for the farmers through media is an old trend. Through media

many farmers educated and gets information through the role of media.

There is no doubt that in early days of Pakistan and still now Print media is playing its

important and vital role. A study figure out that majority of the farmer gets information

through print media. From the early days of Pakistan print media is more active and is

more dynamic in a society. The most used form of print media for agricultural

information was pamphlets with a mean value of 1.93 followed by posters, newspapers,

book/booklets, magazines and journals with mean values of 1.58, 1.07, 0.82, 0.36 and

0.02 respectively. Thus pamphlets were reported for highest use while journals being

the lowest.

Page 72

Title of Thesis


justice, equal chances and lotteries.




There many way of governance to rule a country. But democracy is the best way to

consider in a state. Democracy is rightful as a solution to solve any problems to all if it

gives each at least a chance of getting at least some of what they want. These arguments

do not show that majority rule is always illegal, but they do suggest that there are some

conditions such as when there is a permanent minority where it is unsuitable.

A study shows that if democracy is understood as citizen sovereignty and political

equality, then the possibility of lottery voting shows that it does not logically require

majority rule. Whether the members of society should prefer risk voting to majority rule

or seems to rest on the conditions that they face (e.g., whether there are stable

minorities), but the mere option of an alternative dishonor and disgrace some point of

view for majority rule and shows that we need to defend that course of action

unconnectedly from democracy.

Page 73

Title Of Thesis

Political institutions and their effect on democracy in the Dominican Republic

A critical assessment


Leiv Marsteintredet


A study is about the political rules and their condition and the effect of democracy. c.

The new institutional theories argue that political institutions affect democracy,

democratic stability and scenario for democratic consolidation. Under this study the two

main objectives has been discuss. The one is the concepts and social phenomena

democracy, democratic regime stability, consolidation of democracy and breakdown of

democracy. Whereas the another one is political institutions affect these phenomena.

A researcher observed that democracy is best ruling governance for state. Under the

democracy everyone have right of freedom of expression and freedom of speech.

Through vote citizen has chose their political member. By from the justifiable part of

democracy can rule free and fair ruling the society. Every institutions have fully enjoys

the feedom of expression under true democracy.

Page 74

Title Of Thesis

Intellectual In The Australian Press


Craig Murray


These are not the only studies which have looked at intellectuals in the media, but they

are among the few that have managed to stand out in Australian literature. This is not to

say they managed to spark a great deal of debate within intellectual circles, however.

Media and cultural scholars, at least in Australia, have been noticeably uninterested in

this topic. This is in place of the periodic appearance of intellectuals as discussion point

within the humanities. Accordingly, there are few studies which have looked directly and

thoroughly at what role, if any, intellectual carry out in the Press.

Overall the research is based on the role of Press and public interest. It demonstration

that though few of those who contribute to the Press are public on interest that writes

for the nation in newspapers. Eventually the political column has shown that what will

be the public interest on which that best idea to address the nation. They contribute

more powerfully through columns on public interest.

Page 75

Title Of Thesis

Democracy In The Middle East


Brigadier General Abdelfattah


A research shows the effect or impact of democratizing in the Middle East. The political

conditions and situations in the Middle East. A study also discusses the different

challenges that provided from the democractic government. There are also disuses

about the advantages as well the risk for the society by Government. A researcher

observes that how any Governmant give impact on the poverty, lack of education, the

people psychologically through the risk of new democracies.

A study projected that democracy is like impossible system for ruling the nation or state

in the Middle East. There is big difference between in Western and the culture of Middle

East. But the hope of true democracy in the Middle East a researcher has mentioned.

Under the democracy faced different challenges for Government even for the nation as

well. Democracy in the Middle East explanation for the extensive disagreement of

Government types and it must find a combine theme that describes the Middle East into

a incorporated state.

Page 76

Title Of Thesis

The Economic Effects of Democracy and



Carl Henrik Knutsen


A study has shown the impact of democracy and dictatorship on economy. A thesis is

basically the investigation on the system of governance that what is the effect of

democracy and dictatorship on outcome of economy. Economy is the back bone of every

state. If the political condition is good so automatically the economical condition will be

good and stable. While the political instability effect the economical growth in a country.

Researcher observes that how much economy is important for any institute to run

directly. If authorities want to control any institute so first they attack or suppress the

economical growth of organization. As like media has suppressed a lot by controlling the

economical growth. In every era whether the democratic or the dictatorship Press has

suffered a lot.

Page 77

Chapter # 3


According to the topic of research researcher observed that it would be best to do

research historically. A type of research is a “Historical Research”. A study exposed

many secret of events that occurred in history. There were many events took place in

Pakistan political history. But how media fulfilled its role and responsibility in some

major events that occurred in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era.

Definition Of Historical Research

Historical research is a procedure supplementary to observation in which the

researcher seek to test the authenticity of the reports or observation made by

others. (1)

Wierman (1986) defines historical research in this way; it is a process of critical

inquiry into past events, in order to produce an accurate description and

interpretation of those events. (2)

The Purpose OF Historical Research

There are many several purposes to conduct a historical research. As following has

mentioned points explains the reason of this research.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was a socialist man. He commonly called the “Awami Leader”.

A leader of the nation. His era was the first democratic era in the history of

Pakistan. He fully declared the freedom of Press. On that case to observed that

how much media got freedom in his era

There were many famous newspapers had played a vital role in every measures

that happened in the history of Pakistan. The daily Dawn is the leading

newspaper in Pakistan. It has been publishing as a daily newspaper since 1942.

On the behalf choose the Daily Dawn for the historical research.

Page 78

To more specify the research a researchers only observed the role of main stream

columnist of Daily Dawn newspaper on major events that occurred in Zulfikar

Alli Bhutto era.

Today media is fully independent. Many journalists are working under fine

environment. But the early days of independence in Pakistan media had suffered

a lot. The reason is to find out the role of columnist on that era.

There were many procedures happened in Bhutto era but the most influential

events that change the history of Pakistan. Researchers choose the following

major events:

After effects the Fall Of Dhaka

Language Controversy

The Constitution of 1973

Ahmadis Declared Non Muslim By Parliament of Pakistan.

Researchers observed the role of columnist on the mentioned above events.

A study find out that what situation has placed with the columnist? To get

awareness from the history according to the role of columnist.

To analysis the scenario of major events of first democratic era.

To unfold the situation that about the freedom of Press.

Page 79

Limitation Of Events

A study has covered only major events that occurred in Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era. A

mention table is showing the limitation of events.




01 After Effects Fall

Of Dhaka


02 Language



03 The Democratic



04 Ahmadis Declared

Non Muslim


Page 80


On the basis of historical research interview is the best part that has played an

important role. Many hidden stories have unfolded through the interviews. An interview

with the high dignitary’s personalities has been conducted for the research.

There is no doubt some underground secrets that nobody commonly knows but through

the interviews all the hidden coverts has disclosed. It is a useful method to know about

more detailed information of history. Through interviews researchers got help to

investigate issues.

Although interview is the best way to know the opinion of an individual. To analyze that

what an individual consider and what he believe about the event. Along to judge that

why the opinion an interviewee hold the definite opinion.

This is the way that assures the reliable path for the interviewee who feels

uncomfortable and being sensitive about an issue. Through discussion it may open the

covered points about any happening that occurred in the past.

A way that allows many ways of questions during an interview. This is a useful method

to get hold of information from interviewee along his/her personal feeling, perceptions

and opinions. During an interview it might be possible to get unconstructive response

but interviewer should technically handle the situation.

According to a study there are many concern personalities and dignitaries for interview.

But for the short period of time only few interviews has been taken for the research.

Some interviews obtained face to face while some interviews taken through phone.

Beyond all, there was some different practice has experienced by researchers. Some of

the personalities were not agree to talk about the topic. They were strictly avoid and

didn’t response for the interview. For that reason many interviews couldn’t mention in

the thesis.

Page 81

Researchers judge a columnist on the basis of Biased, Unbiased and Neutral


Definition Of Biased:

A columnist who was in favor of an issue and Government that occurred in Bhutto era.

Researchers considered him as a biased.

Definition Of Unbiased:

A columnist who was fully condemned an issue and the role of Government regarding

the issue. Researchers considered him as an unbiased.

Definition Of Neutral:

A columnist has played his role in a neutral way regarding the issue and the role of

Government. Researchers considered him as a neutral.


There were so many difficulties have occurred during the research. As the research is

historical so the data of newspaper has found not easily. To find out the data there are

two sources to use by researchers. The one is Liaquat Library and the second one is

Dawn archive (Dawn newspaper library).

Researchers found data from 1972 to 1974 of Daily Dawn newspaper from Liaquat

Library. Where some of the newspapers were not found. Mostly, newspapers were

destroyed and vanished.

While researchers fully tried to approach the Dawn Archive but they straightforwardly

denied accessing the old newspapers of Bhutto era. A librarian has demanded for the

reference to use to Dawn Archive as well. But according to the policy of Dawn Archive

they are not allow the students to use it.

Page 82

For the interview purpose many dignitaries has avoid and didn’t respond to interview.

While some have not time due to busy schedule and unusual condition of Country. Here

the names have been mentioned of that researchers wants to collect an interviews.

Barrister Shahida Jamil (didn’t response)

Syed Zaid Hamid (busy schedule)

Tauqeer Fatima Bhutto (busy schedule)

Deputy speaker of Sindh Assembly Shehla Raza (didn’t response)

Orya Maqbool Jan (didn’t response)

Page 83

Chapter # 4






01 1,August,1972 - - - 02 2,August,1972 - - - 03 3,August,1972 - - - 04 4,August,1972 - - - 05 5,August,1972 - - - 06 6,August,1972 - - - 07 7,August,1972 - - - 08 8,August,1972 - - - 09 9,August,1972 - - - 10 10,August,1972 - - - 11 11,August,1972 - - - 12 12,August,1972 Between The

Line Mazhar Ali Khan Unbiased

13 13,August,1972 - - - 14 14,August,1972 The New

Factor M.B Naqvi Unbiased

15 15,August,1972 - - - 16 16,August,1972 - - - 17 17,August,1972 Not By History J.R Ghauri Unbiased 18 18,August,1972 - - - 19 19,August,1972 - - - 20 20,August,1972 - - - 21 21,August,1972 - - - 22 22,August,1972 - - - 23 23,August,1972 - - - 24 24,August,1972 - - - 25 25,August,1972 - - - 26 26,August,1972 - - - 27 27,August,1972 - - - 28 28,August,1972 - - - 29 29,August,1972 - - - 30 30,August,1972 - - -

Page 84




01 1,September,1972 - - - 02 2,September,1972 - - - 03 3,September,1972 - - - 04 4,September,1972 The Banglia

issue Syed Najiullah Unbiased

05 5,September,1972 - - - 06 6,September,1972 - - - 07 7,September,1972 - - - 08 8,September,1972 - - - 09 9,September,1972 - - - 10 10,September,1972 - - - 11 11,September,1972 - - - 12 12,September,1972 - - - 13 13,September,1972 - - - 14 14,September,1972 - - - 15 15,September,1972 - - - 16 16,September,1972 - - - 17 17,September,1972 - - - 18 18,September,1972 - - - 19 19,September,1972 - - - 20 20,September,1972 - - - 21 21,September,1972 - - - 22 22,September,1972 - - - 23 23,September,1972 - - - 24 24,September,1972 - - - 25 25,September,1972 - - - 26 26,September,1972 - - - 27 27,September,1972 - - - 28 28,September,1972 - - - 29 29,September,1972 - - - 30 30,September,1972 - - - 31 31,September,1972 - - -

Page 85





01 1,July,1972 - - - 02 2,July,1972 A review of

sindhi press Nisar Brohi Biased

03 3,July,1972 Mirza Khalij Baig (Sindhi pinor 1853 – 1929)

Faiz M.Soomro Biased

04 4,July,1972 - - - 05 5,July,1972 - - - 06 6,July,1972 - - - 07 7,July,1972 - - - 08 8,July,1972 - - - 09 9,July,1972 - - - 10 10,July,1972 - - - 11 11,July,1972 - - - 12 12,July,1972 - - - 13 13,July,1972 - - - 14 14,July,1972 - - - 15 15,July,1972 - - - 16 16,July,1972 - - - 17 17,July,1972 - - - 18 18,July,1972 - - - 19 19,July,1972 - - - 20 20,July,1972 - - - 21 21,July,1972 - - - 22 22,July,1972 - - - 23 23,July,1972 - - - 24 24,July,1972 - - - 25 25,July,1972 - - - 26 26,July,1972 - - - 27 27,July,1972 - - - 28 28,July,1972 - - - 29 29,July,1972 - - - 30 30,July,1972 - - - 31 31,July,1972 From the

sublime to ridiculous

M B Naqvi Neutral

Page 86




01 1,August,1972 - - - 02 2,August,1972 - - - 03 3,August,1972 - - - 04 4,August,1972 - - - 05 5,August,1972 - - - 06 6,August,1972 - - - 07 7,August,1972 - - - 08 8,August,1972 - - - 09 9,August,1972 - - - 10 10,August,1972 - - - 11 11,August,1972 - - - 12 12,August,1972 - - - 13 13,August,1972 - - - 14 14,August,1972 - - - 15 15,August,1972 - - - 16 16,August,1972 - - - 17 17,August,1972 - - - 18 18,August,1972 - - - 19 19,August,1972 - - - 20 20,August,1972 - - - 21 21,August,1972 - - - 22 22,August,1972 - - - 23 23,August,1972 - - - 24 24,August,1972 - - - 25 25,August,1972 - - - 26 26,August,1972 Between the

line Mazhar Ali Khan Unbiased

27 27,August,1972 - - - 28 28,August,1972 - - - 29 29,August,1972 - - - 30 30,August,1972 - - -

Page 87




01 1,September,1972 - - - 02 2,September,1972 - - - 03 3,September,1972 - - - 04 4,September,1972 - - - 05 5,September,1972 - - - 06 6,September,1972 - - - 07 7,September,1972 - - - 08 8,September,1972 - - - 09 9,September,1972 - - - 10 10,September,1972 - - - 11 11,September,1972 - - - 12 12,September,1972 - - - 13 13,September,1972 - - - 14 14,September,1972 - - - 15 15,September,1972 - - - 16 16,September,1972 - - - 17 17,September,1972 - - - 18 18,September,1972 - - - 19 19,September,1972 - - - 20 20,September,1972 - - - 21 21,September,1972 - - - 22 22,September,1972 - - - 23 23,September,1972 Between the

line Mazhar Ali Khan


24 24,September,1972 - - - 25 25,September,1972 - - - 26 26,September,1972 - - - 27 27,September,1972 - - - 28 28,September,1972 - - - 29 29,September,1972 - - - 30 30,September,1972 - - - 31 31,September,1972 - - -

Page 88


There were only four (4) columns have been published in 180 days.












00 4

Days Columns Intensity

Page 89


There were only five (5) columns have been published in 180 days.













Days Columns Intensity

Page 90


There were no any columns has been published in 125 days.











Days Columns Intensity

Page 91


There were no any columns has been published in 125 days.











Days Columns Intensity

Page 92


Taj Haider


Pakistan People’s Party

A media of any state restricted if any objection against the interest of state. A country

was suffering from terrible situation due to the separation of West Pakistan that is

Bangladesh. On the behalf on freedom of speech of media was trying to criticize that

would be effect on state.

Interviewee said that there were two aspects the one was working journalist and the

other was media owners. If we see today’s scenario many media owners trying to fight

between two parties on screen. So as like there were some media owners who just their

personal advantages was damaging the state. So that was obviously some restriction

imposed on media but that was not mean couldn’t criticize on Government or Shaheed

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s personality.

There were some important measures like maintained the position of state

internationally, passed the constitution for that emotionally reaction couldn’t bear. A

restriction has imposed on newspapers was just about to save and secure the state.

Hamood ur Reham Commission report was not publically published there is true. But

there was a reason behind that was a matter of Pakistan Army. Around ninety thousand

Military was under arrested and first they have to release. So it might be the report itself

a proof against Army. On the other hand to accept or not accept Bangladesh. So on that

time it would be unsafe to publish report publically. Bhutto had very politically said that

a report is incomplete due to some interviews should be include of Army who was under

arrested. So first they have to release then report would be complete. That was the prime

Page 93

objective of Bhutto that Pakistani Military first discharged this was the believe of


There is no doubt that according to Article 19, the freedom of media but there were

some scenario different. Today Article 19 exists but journalist is not free. It was the first

democratic era but that was starting of democracy. Due to some differences on views

PJUF were going against Bhutto. We have to move from emotionalism to rationalism

and Bhutto was a emotional man.

He said, In 1972, a day was celebrated for freedom of Press but some journalists were

under arrest so that was true and on that could be criticizing on Bhutto. But should keep

some other challenges that faced by Bhutto.

Altaf Gauhar wrote the six points of Sheikh Mujeeb and as well the secretary

information in Ayub Khan’s cabinet. Later the owner of Dawn made him editor of Daily

Dawn newspaper. So he tried to destabilize the Government through his writing.

There were some lobbies in a state to work for dictatorship and demoralized the

democracy. And atlast the result was the terrible martial law that imposed by General

Zia ul Haq.

Dr Tauseef Ahmed

Columnist In Express Newspaper

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s era was a first democratic era that is true. Article number 19 of

Constitution of 1973 was an achievement of Bhutto Governance. But there was no

freedom of Press in Bhutto era in the point of view of interviewee.

Interviewee told that he promised in Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) manifesto that to

cancel the Press and Publication Ordinance (PPO) that is Black Law, to terminate the

Page 94

NPT, any tool that control the Press Advice and advertisements of newspapers will be

ceased. But the truth is all promises had proved wrong.

It was a very dark era for freedom of Press. Many newspapers have closed down. Many

journalists have arrested. Through Press Advice, Advertisements and quota system to

controlled newspapers.

Hamood ur Rehman Commission report was not publically published due to the

pressure of Pakistani Army. Pakistani Army didn’t want to publish their loss and

failures. So to obey the decision of the GHQ, Bhutto didn’t get this report publically.

Many journalists have raised their voice but not as such positive result out.

Dawn had played a positive role that Sindhi language is prehistoric than Urdu, so bill

should be pass in Assembly. Sindh Assembly should made this Law because there is a

majority if Sindhi in Sindh. On that issue Mumtaz Bhutto had imposed censor.

Moreover he told that the Press Advice has been continuing since Bhutto period. The

Department of Information frequently passed the order which news should be published

or which news should not be published.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto controlled the policies of newspapers through the followings major


Press Advice


Quota System

He gave to those more quota or space that was in favor of Bhutto while strictly

controlled to those who were not in favor in Bhutto. Moreover, around twenty three (23)

laws have been imposed on newspapers by Bhutto.

To declare Ahmadis non Muslim by Government of Pakistan was a worst decision in a

history. By this decision to trampling the democratic system. This decision made

difference in citizen of Pakistan. No one have right to made judgment about any religion

in Pakistan. But there was no role of journalist because it was not an issue of journalist.

Page 95

Dr Tahir Masood

Chairman and Professor Of

Mass Communication Department – Karachi University

In the point of view of interviewee that Hamood ur Rehman Commission report has not

published due to Z.A Bhutto. There were many aspects that Bhutto has made mistakes

behind the reason of Fall of Dhaka. It was the responsibility of Bhutto to publish this


Interviewee fully condemned the language issue had raised in 1972. He said in 1972

Mumtaz Bhutto was a Chief Minister he presented bill in National Assembly that Sindhi

would be an official language in Sindh.

On that issue many agitation has occurred in Sindh. On that time Raees Amrovhi worte

a poem in Jang newspapers named “Urdu ka Janaza Hai Zara Dhoom Se Nikale”. Hence

urdu speaking were emotionally hacked and argue to learn Sindhi.

Interviewee told that there was no any immorality to learn Sindhi. He said Urdu is a

language of neediness and a language of communication. Whereas people made Urdu a

language of conflict unintentionally. It was just a bill that presented in Assembly. But

some elements of society made it violence and made it issue.

On the another question interviewee said there is no doubt that in whole era on Bhutto

restriction has been made on newspapers. Press advices have also continued in his era.

Page 96

Bhutto has restored the judiciary but controlled the Press. Many newspapers have been

banned. Many journalists have been arrested. Many pressure techniques have been

applied to control the newspapers. He fully tried to dictated newspapers.

He told on a question that Daily Dawn got banned in his era. It was a detailed history

behind. But the main reason of ban was its editor Altaf Guhar. Bhutto has conflicts with

Altaf Gauhar from the era of Ayub Khan.

An amazing part from history unfolded by interviewee that he fully denied that Altaf

Guhar was not the writer of six points of Sheikh Mujeeb. On that time two newspapers

Daily News and Star has wrote and alleged on Altaf Guhar a founder of six point of

Shiekh Mujeeb. Then Altaf Guhar has charged the case on these newspapers.

It was interviewee personal experience that he was eye witness because he did court

reporting on that time so he told that Altaf Guhar won the case. Both newspapers had

paid the compensation to him. The reason of case was he didn’t want his name to be

supposed as a founder of Mujeeb’s six points.

Further the interviewee said about the issue of Ahmadis that the issue was resolved in

National Assembly. A huge protest had started against Ahmadis country wide. This issue

had discussed in National Assembly and after all proceeding N.A has passed a bill to

declared Ahmadis as Non Muslim. He said it was a good step in Bhutto era.

Khursheed Tanveer

Assistant Editor Dawn newspaper (retired)

The Hamood ur Rehman Commission report has not been publically that is true but

what is the absolute reason of this is no one can easily says. It was the mistake of Bhutto

and Military as well. Both were involve mutually destroying the HRC report. Most

probably the full flash flaws came out in front of public through this report.

Page 97

Interviewee further said that it’s a question itself that how could the some modules of

HRC report leaked and Indian Press published in 2000 firstly. After that the Pakistani

Press get it published publically. It’s clear that the western interest involve behind the

HRC report.

On the other question interviewee expressed his thoughts that the issue language

controversy was not the positively come within reach of nation. He believed that the

some elements of society disturb the peace of society always. These violent elements just

wants to breakdown and weak a country and nation. People of a country don’t believe

together. It was not big issue itself but it made a issue to disturb the peace and serenity

of society. Moreover, interviewee said that was confrontation on the censor has been

imposed by the Chief Minister Mumtaz Bhutto on newspapers.

Furthermore, interviewee shared that on his point of view Pakistan is state have four

provinces. Every province has their own language. The national language should be the

language of majority. He told that one of the major causes of Fall of Dhaka was language

too. In interviewee point of view Bangali should be the national language as they were in


Press Advice has been continuously followed in Bhutto era. On a question interviewee

added that the freedom Of Press day celebrates on International level. So this is

unfortunately that our politicians are not willing to give the support to the media.

Even the Constitution of 1973 fully permits the journalist to express the freedom of

speech. According to the Article # 19 the freedom of expression for Press. In point of

fact, the freedom of Press has came into being two hundred years ago. There is a direct

relation of democracy and media.

This is the fact the as society as Press. Bhutto was a part of dictatorship. He scared about

the power of press. He believed that the Press got vibrant so he couldn’t fight with the

nation or masses.

Interviewee said only the best thing in Bhutto era was that he gave the democratically

consent to every one for protest. He did legislation very well.

Page 98

Further he expressed his views to interviewer that the confrontation between the Bhutto

and Dawn started from the earlier. Basically the reason of differences was that the Daily

Dawn owned by the Mehmood Haroon and Yousuf Haroon from Muslim League. This

was the major reason that the political clashes.

That what Daily Dawn didn’t publish column. Along gave exposure as on the worth on

the achievement of Constitution 1973. The second amendment was the good step by the

Government. This was the decision of majority. And that is true that Daily Dawn didn’t

gave support from Government side on this issue due o some previous confrontations.

Page 99

Chapter # 5


Media is powerful tool in every society. It can control a mind of mass at a time. Whoever

controls a media is actually controls a mind of masses? There has been around sixty

eight years of independence of Pakistan. There are many up and downs happened in a

state in every institute of Pakistan.

The major institute which suffered a lot in a state is media. Media from early days bear

different sorts of up and downs. Everyone has used media to their own purpose. Some

imposed allegation on media. Whereas, some set free media from charges. Media is a

game that plays every man for their own advantage not for the benefit for society.

In the past thirty years the role of Press was too strong and powerful. Newspapers were

the keen and devoted source of information. The value of newspaper verify by the

readers. On that time, Nation believed only the information passed from the

newspapers. A large number of readers of newspapers were existed in early days of


According to the first speech of founder of Pakistan Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali

Jinnah that media have fully rights to work independently. In his first press release

declared media have freedom of expression and freedom of speech. No one have right to

impose any kind of ruthless action on media. No have right to control media as well.

Media should serve for the society.

But when researcher observed the part from Z.A Bhutto (first democratic era), while

addressing a mammoth public meeting in Karachi’s Nashtar Park. On Jan 4, 1972 said

amidst thunderous applause that “all the restriction and controls imposed on the Press

have been lifted and the Press is completely free”. Turning his face towards the Press

enclosure, he said “The Press is free to say whatever it wants to say. It is free to write

anything. Forgive us for any mistake we might have made. He perhaps forgets to say a

word about the future of NPT.

Page 100

The era of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the first democratic era of Pakistan and according to

the term and conditions of democratic era media had played its role very virtual. On that

point, researchers chose a topic that “Role of mainstream Columnist in Z.A Bhutto era –

A study of major events 1972 to 1974”. The purpose is to evaluate the role of media in

Bhutto era.

Many questions raise that how much media was fully free to work on any issue? Which

news had covered and hide in newspapers. And the major part of columnist in

newspapers. Had they played their role or they suppressed to play their role in major

issues during the period from 1972 to 1974.

In the era of so called democratic of Z.A Bhutto, there were many issues raised. But the

researchers have specified some major issues which was the major part of his regime.

And to see the specific role of columnist in the Dawn newspaper. The following list has

mentioned the names of specific issues:

Newspaper: The Daily Dawn

Name Of Major Events:

After effect of fall of Dhaka

Language Controversy

The constitution of 1973

Qadian’s declared non Muslims in 1974

The foundation newspaper of PPP was formulated and approved in 1968. They were too

very against for NPT and demanded for the dissolution of this institution. But soon after

to be in Power in 1972, they completely changed their mood in a second. Under the law

of MLO-53 all the trustees and all the directors were suspended by Board.

While they appointed all new members of trustees and directors in Board. The reason

has been defined that this act was not actually for the dissolution or control on

newspaper. Although this happened of the betterment for newspapers. All working

journalist would work beneath the friendly environment. But in reality it was just a

spoken dialogue and this act was so far from reality.

Page 101

It was so confusing period for the people of Pakistan. Either the PPP’s Government

support the working journalist or not. What they had kept promises which has not been

fulfilled in Z.A Bhutto regime. The working condition, financial support and the most

important the freedom of expression was so disorder during his regime.

It was a big chaos created in a state and at last the period of Martial Law has started in

1977 which never been forgettable. Mostly it said those who writes in the favor of PPP’s

Government got many successful path in journalism while it was opposite like if anyone

raised any question against him or his party so journalist faced the suppression on it.

Press advice was used from the long period in history. It was first started after the World

War II. This system basically gives the hypocritical environment in journalism. Its set

was fundamentally like the Board of Press Advice set up their centers in all provinces

with chief of Press Advice.

In Pakistan it was first started in Ayub Khan’s era and followed in the Bhutto era which

was so called democratic era of Pakistan. It was not so shocking that during the era of

democracy these kinds of activities were involved which directly and indirectly strike the

journalist and journalism. It followed in Z.A Bhutto’s era and strongly favors the Press

Advice by Government.

It was a dreadful and unbearable example when East Wing were going to separate so

every medium that was newspapers, television channel and the most powerful medium

on that time radio was lying to the people of states that condition was under control and

nothing would happened. Mostly said that the news of the separation of East Pakistan

that is now Bangladesh first broadcast through the foreign media.

It was the Black Lie ever told in the history of Pakistani Media. The news of separation

didn’t published until the nation received it from another media. On that time nation

was so in pain of the lost of the half country. It was not easy to accept this bitter truth. It

was really heart broken news that has never been seen.

During the Z.A Bhutto regime the PNA movement against the Bhutto on the issue that

all news which concern to the expression of mess were black out. It was so hard to bear

Page 102

that all those activities were happened in so called democratic era. In fact some activities

happened that a simple mind can’t accept that.

In the news room especially the time of overnight was so terrible. Journalist was so

under pressure about the publishing a news. Sometimes people felt a victim itself

because of the rude behavior from the APP. It was so hard time of journalism or

journalist even in the democratic era of Pakistan.

APP passed the order to the working journalist that which news should go or which

news should not to go. How much sentences were edited or deleted from the news. Even

they hardly allow the news or speech of any opposing party to publish in newspaper.

Some time mind didn’t accept the all ruthless activity in democratic era.

In Bhutto regime it was not allowed to publish the speeches of the member of National

Assembly. The issue was raised when Business Recorder has published the speech on its

front page. It was not bearable to the government and after that they passed out the very

stick rule that without any permission no one have right to publish any sort of news.

Due to this so rigidness from Government there was many speeches lifted which made

on the floor of National Assembly on the major issue of Language Controversy on

July12, 1972. It was so hard to accept the rude attitude of Government towards the Press

or media.

There are no doubts that in era of Bhutto pre censorship were imposed on Press. A Press

was strictly controlled by the Government. Many newspaper faced hurdles while many

were ban in Bhutto’s regime. It was hard reality that has been seen in the history of


Due to the language riots in Karachi. The declaration of Daily Sun newspaper has been

cancelled on July 17, 1972. Under the Section 7 of the Press and Publication Ordinance

of West Pakistan and Defence of Pakistan Rules, Sindh Government took the action and

noticed against the Daily Sun newspaper.

In addition on that time the remarkable protest against the Government brutal activity

to ban on Daily Sun. It was a protest of around 24 hours to call a strike against the Z.A

Page 103

Bhutto. But at last the management of Daily Sun looses their hope because of the threat

received from the Government.

It was really unbearable to accept the terrible and dreadful reality that in era of

democracy there were no such freedom of expression, freedom of speech. No one

journalist even could write or express his views freely and without any fear. A Press was

only used for the personal purpose in every era.

There is no unusual thing that during the period of Martial Law that imposed by Ayub

Khan and Yahyah Khan media has faced many hurdles and allegations. During the

period of Martial Law media suppresses a lot in those days. Many newspapers banned

for the progressive for. Many ordinance and Laws has been passed for the suppression

of media.

After the period of Martial Law the sun shined on a state and first time the democratic

era began in Pakistan. An era of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, it was the first time in Pakistan to

enjoy the full democracy in a state. Z.A Bhutto was a socialist man. He was a first man

who introduced democracy in Pakistan.

After the critical of first event that has been happened in Bhutto period that was “After

effects of Fall of Dhaka”. Researchers observed that although it was democratic era so

why media had no fully independent to write any column on the separation of West

Pakistan that was Dhaka Fall.

There were many columnists on that era but researchers found that the leading

newspapers had not published columns on daily basis, whereas the issue was so core.

Many eyebrows consider that whoever wrote in favor of Z.A Bhutto he promoted them.

But on the other hand if any journalist wrote against Bhutto so he tried to suppress


These activities reflected on the Hamood ur Rehman commission because this

commission had been hidden by the Z.A Bhutto. There were around 12 copies of the

hamood ur rehman commission has been hidden from the media. Bhutto fully tried to

hide this issue.

Page 104

This was really unacceptable that if any journalist asked about the result or finding of

commission report so that was a Mr.Bhutto suppresses those journalist. That is really

hard to believe that a man who promises about the freedom but in reality all promises

has proved falls.

As researches observed that any column has not been published in the era of Yahya but

in Bhutto era he declared many times for the freedom of media. After that no much

columns has published about the fall of Dhaka in Dawn newspapers. There is no doubt

that columns has published but in a very limited quantity.

In era of Z.A Bhutto many editors and journalist suppresses a lot. The editor of Dawn

newspapers Altaf Gauhar has arrested in his time. Whereas, the Dawn newspaper is a

neutral newspaper. After all many hurdles has been faced to cover an issues. Mazhar Ali

Khan was a progressive columnist in Dawn newspaper in the era of Z.A Bhutto.

After the fall of Dhaka there were many headlines of news has published in Dawn

newspaper. But no even columns have been published. Even the criticism on Simla

agreement has also been covered by Dawn newspaper but no any column has published.

Researchers observed that columns just in a limited quantity have been published but

not that much importantly covered.

Senator Of Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Taj Haider totally agreed with the situation

that happened with the journalist. He was the eye witness on that time. He accepted the

ruthless activity of Bhutto with journalist. There is no doubt that many journalists have

been badly suppressed in his time.

Press Advice was a tool of Government that used for journalist for allegation. It was first

introduced in Martial Law period of Ayub Khan. Government used Press Advice on any

news which don’t want to published in newspaper. So Government ordered Press about

a news that should not be publish.

This cruel activity in term of Press Advice is continuing in Z.A Bhutto era. Many

journalist threaten through Press advice. After many speeches on freedom of expression

and freedom of speech for Press this unkind and cruel activity has done by Bhutto.

Page 105

According to the point of view of Tauseef Ahmed (Columnist in Express newspaper)

strongly condemn the Z.A Bhtto era and every action that has been taken by in his

regime. He totally attempt the negative point of view about Bhutto. He claimed that

Bhutto’s promises proved fales for media. There was no freedom of media in his era.

That was the totally so called democratic era. Moverover, Bhutto didn’t dismiss the

Press and Publication Ordinance (PPP).

After the finding by researchers there are many controversies about Hamood ur

Rehman Commission report. There are so differences in perspective of senior journalist

and politicians. Many eyebrows considered that the Hamood ur Rehman Commission

report was not published publically because Bhutto obey the order passed by Military.

While on the other side of coin many people believe that Bhutto tried first to release the

Military man from Indian jail.

There are so many diversities about Hamood ur Rehman Commission Report. Press was

fully tried to play their role but due to the suppression of many journalist the result

didn’t find out publically.

Even though “INDIA TODAY” has published some parts of Hamood ur Rehman Report

in August, 2000. After that Pakistani publisher has published that report officially.

Originally the HRC was on 4000 pages while after publishing a book is on only 545

pages. Still the original version has not been appeared.

Now a day’s many people claimed that media is fully independent but media still cannot

access the original report of Hamood ur Rehman Commission.

Researcher observed that the HRC report had not published and the reason behind

there were many controversies connected with HRC. But in 1972, as well there was no

key role of columnist in language controversy. It was a fully Bhutto era in which Karachi

and main areas of Sindh were burned. There were a lot agitation on language.

Page 106

The thought reflected that why linguistic and ethnical riots did happen? From it get

starts? Every time Karachi suffered a lot from agitation and blood shedding of innocent

people. Karachi is a backbone of Pakistan economy. If it will paralyzed for the time or

forever? The loss will affect all over the country. The riots that happened in 1972 were

the wrong interference of parties, institute and mischievous elements of society.

Karachi, Hyderabad and sakkhar were the cities that against the Pakistan People’s Party.

They always campaigned against PPP till 1977. Due to this citizens of these cities got

many persecution, harassment and discrimination.

To figure out on the basis of linguistic and ethnic group showed that Urdu speaking is

more in quantity than other language speaking. From 1961 to 1971, there was half of the

city clustered by Urdu speaking language. Mostly, people from other cities migrated

Karachi for job purpose. Karachiites considered more educationalists, powerful,

managerial, and awakened in politics and karachiites also proved that.

Karachi campaigned against General Ayub Khan in two times. The first was in 1964

when karachiites strongly gave support to Mohtrama Fatima Jinnah in Presidential

Election. In the reaction they got highly restriction and controlled by Ayub Khan. In

1969, this was the second time when karachiites against of Ayub Khan therefore at last

General Ayub Khan have to resign with his designation. Karachiites were also against to

General Yahyah khan and Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

There were many agitations have been occurred in Sindh due to language controversy.

But researcher fined out that the Mumtaz Bhutto has imposed censor on the Press and

working journalist. The influential debates in National Assembly on language issue were

also not published in newspapers due to the strict order.

Mazhar Ali Khan has mentioned in his column that there were a lot agitation occurred

in Sindh on language controversy. Whereas, Nisar Brohi and Faiz M. Soomro was in

fully favor on language issue towards Government . While M B Naqvi wrote a column


It was an achievement of Government that all parties have approved the Constitution of

1973. It is not only that media just to raise objection on Government. Media should to

Page 107

appreciate any good work of Government. But there were no any single column has

published in 1973 about Constitution in Daily Dawn.

According to the Article # 19 of Constitution of 1973 that media have freedom of

expression. But that was so far from reality. Bhutto continued the emergency in his

whole era which was imposed in 1971. He did withdraw the Article 19 due to some


After the declaration of Constitution in 1973 of Pakistan, the second amendment has

done in 1974. According to the second amendment in Constitution of 1973 one sector of

minority in Pakistan has been declared Non Muslim that is Ahmadis.

The Ahmadis issue has came forward from the 50’s era even from the independence of

Pakistan. But after the huge campaign against the Ahmadis country wide, forced the

Government to take a decision and resolve the issue.

After a gigantic debate in Assembly, finally Ahmadis declared as Non Muslim in the

state. The incident took place in Rabwah railway station. Bhutto was aware from the

situation. Many religious political parties including Jamat e Islami, Jamiat e Ulema

Pakistan and Majlis e Ahrarul Islam raise the issue and started the campaign strongly

against Ahmaids.

According to the finding of data the role of columnist has not been found. This was a big

issue took place in a country. Daily Dawn has not such the coverage about it. During the

research many pages of history has opened. Some eyebrows considered that it was not

the Bhutto’s personally decision. While some believe that it was only the great step had

taken by Bhutto.

According to the second amendment of Constitution 1973 that Ahamdis declared as Non

Muslim. It was powerful step by the Government. There was no important role of Press

has been seen in the history by Daily Dawn.

Taken as a whole, researchers observed the role of columnist according to the limitation

of events. There is beyond doubt that the Bhutto era was first democratic era in

Pakistan. But it is free of doubt that Press suffered a lot in his era as well.

Page 108

A study showed that the Press in Pakistan is not any easy duty. According to the

research specifically Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era was so controversial regarding the role of

columnist on limited events.

There are many secrets of history has opened out. It was so critical era for journalist to

do work. The reason is behind that the Bhutto promises has proved wrong. It was so

miserable for the journalist.

The working condition and the financial problems brought them in critical situation. In

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto era, there were many major and important events had occurred but

the role of Press and specifically the role of columnist of Daily Dawn has not been

flourished on the floor.

There is no any doubt that Daily Dawn has become the foremost newspaper from the

1942. But it was so miserable to observe the role of columnist in Bhutto era on the

events that has been selected for the research.

Page 109

Chapter # 6


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was a first democratic era in Pakistan. There were a lot ups and

down occurred in his era. There is beyond doubt that Bhutto introduced democracy in

Pakistan but his strategy has failed because democracy didn’t stable in a country.

Many eye brows considered that Bhutto gave freedom to media but reality shows some

differences. On the issues that have been taken in this research for instance After Effects

Fall of Dhaka (Hamood ur Rehman), Language Controversy, Constitution of 1973,

Ahmmadis as Non Muslim. Media has not been fully free to cover all these issues in

Bhuto era.

From 1971 to 9172 the after the Dhaka Fall, nation was in a big shocked from the

separation of West Pakistan (Bangladesh). Bhutto himself found a commission under

the supervision of Justice Hamood ur Rehman. The report Hamood ur Rehman was an

investigated report to find out the faults and causes of separation of West Pakistan


Unfortunately the Hamood ur Rehman Commission report was not public. There were

many reasons behind. During the research many chapters of history has unfolded. Some

believed that Bhutto had obeyed the order of GHQ. While other considered that it was

Bhutto who didn’t want to public this report due to some political aspects.

Researchers observed the role of columnist on HRC report. Bhutto strictly suppressed a

Press on that issue. If any journalist asks on the HRC report so he suppressed. From the

side of findings many interviewees considered that West Pakistan (Bangladesh) was a

failure of politics. And it would be more chance to release the political faults. That why

Bhutto didn’t want to cover HRC report politically.

In Bhutto era Press Advices has also been followed. It was properly order passed to the

Press that what news should publish and what should not. Press was fully under the

ruling of Government. There were many promises had proved false by Bhutto towards


Page 110

The second event that covered in this research was the Language Controversy. A stidy

showed that the issue was not so tough but it made an issue to create the violence in a

society. On that time Mumtaz Bhutto want to pass a bill on Sindhi made a compulsory to

everyone in Sindh. Everyone have to learn Sindhi in Sindh. But on this many agitation

has occurred in society.

On that time one of the famous couplet Urdu ka Janaza hai Zara Dhoom Se Nikale by

Raees Amrohvi. This has made provoked many Urdu Speakings. Hence, a agitation

placed in a society with a great deal. While Mumtaz Bhutto has imposed a censor on

newspapers. A columnist Mazhar Ali Khan and M.B Naqvi fully condemned the issue of

Language Controversy.

Constitution of 1973 was an achievement of Bhutto and its Government. This was the

first constitution has been approved by opposition party too. The article #19 of the

Constitution of 1973 gives freedom of speech to Press. According to this article Press and

Media have free to work. Media have freedom of expression and independent. The role

of journalist has not seen as such on that episode of history.

In 1974 the second amendment in Constitution of 1973 has made. According to the

second amendment the Ahmadis have been declared as Non Muslim. The decision has

made after the conflict raised in a country. Anti Qadiyyani Movement started country

wide as its peak.

Some eyebrows considered that it was a good decision while some other beliefs that

Government has no right to decide about religion. There was not an important role

about this issue by columnist of Daily Dawn. Researchers followed the newspapers there

were no far a role of columnist. A study showed that due to the suppression on Press,

terrible working condition and financially instability to the journalist became hard to

cover an issue.

Page 111



Chapter # 1:

1. Stanley Wolpert, 1993.Zulfi Bhutto Of Pakistan, Oxford University Press,


2. Stanley Wolpert, 1993.Zulfi Bhutto Of Pakistan, Oxford University Press,


3. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto.St. Martin's Press, pg.68

4. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto. St. Martin's Press, pg.18

5. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto. St. Martin's Press, pg.50

6. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto, St. Martin's Press, pg.163- 164

7. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto. St. Martin's Press,pg.252

8. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto. St. Martin's Press,pg.253

9. Syed,Anwar Hussain,1992,The Discourse and Politics of Zulfikar Ali

Bhutto. St. Martin's Press,pg.255 – 256

15 Salik, Siddiq, March 1979, Witness to Surrender. Lahore. Pakistan. Quomi

publisher – rana chambers – purani anarkali, p. 225 15

31 Zamir Niazi, 1986, the Press in Chain. Karachi. Pakistan. Royal Book

Company, pg. 52

32 Zamir Niazi, 1986, the Press in Chain. Karachi. Pakistan. Royal Book

Company, pg.58

33 Zamir Niazi, 1986, the Press in Chain. Karachi. Pakistan. Royal Book

Company, pg.59

34 Zamir Niazi, 1986, the Press in Chain. Karachi. Pakistan. Royal Book

Company, pg.79-80

Page 112

35 Zamir Niazi, 1986, the Press in Chain. Karachi. Pakistan. Royal Book

Company, pg.86


10 Candidate 4-9-2014

11 Six points of sheikh Mujhib ur Rehman 9-4-2014

12 Pakistan ka khuda hafiz 9-9-2014



13 Archives 10-9-2914

14 Operation search dark night 10-9-2014


16 Separation of East Pakistan 15-9-2014


17 Separation of East Pakistan 15-9-2014


18 Pakistani defence 15-9-2014

19 Urdu Movement 18-9-2014


20 Two Nation Theory 18-9-2014


21 Two Nation Theory 18-9-2014

22 National Consolidation March 20-9-2014 http://m-a-


23 The diminishing character of a national language 22-9-2014


24 Law department 22-9-2014


25 Objective resolution 22-9-2014

Page 113

26 Objective resolution passed 22-9-2014


27 Constitution of Pakistan 23-9-2014


28 Constitution of Pakistan 23-9-2014


29 Salient features of the constitution of 1973 30-9-2014


30 Pakistan proceedings that declared Ahmadis as Non Muslims is to be

made public 4-10-2014



Chapter # 2:


1. 9-10-2014

2. 10-10-2014


3. 12-10-2014

4. 13-10-2014


5. 15-10-2014


6. 17-10-2014

7. 18-10-2014


8. 20-10-2014

9. 22-10-2014


Page 114

10. 24-10-2014

11. 26-10-2014

12. 28-10-2014

13. 1-11-2014



14. 3-11-2014

15. 4-11-2014

16. 6-11-2014

17. 7-11-2014

18. 9-11-2014

19. 10-10-2014

20. 12-11-2014

Chapter # 3:


1. 21-11-2014


2. 21-11-2014


Page 115

Questionnaires for Interview

Q1: Why Hamood ur Rehman Commission report has not been published publically?

Mostly consider that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto has destroyed its 12 copies. What was the

reason behind?

Q2: In 1972 Language Controversy issue has raised, Columnist Mazhar Ali Khan wrote

in his column that due to linguistic riots there was a big agitation in a city Karachi. What

was the role of Government?

Q3: Has Mumtaz Ali Bhutto imposed censor on newspapers for language controversy

issue? What was the reason behind?

Q4: In 1972 Freedom of Press day has been celebrated. Give your point of view on this

day? But many journalists have arrested. So what was the reason of the celebration of

Freedom of Press day?

Q6: Why Bhutto didn’t dismiss the Press and Publication Ordinance (PPO)?

Q7: Bhutto’s era was a first democratic era but Press Advice had been continued. Why

Press Advice followed in Bhutto era?

Q8: PFUJ claimed that many promises of Government have proved wrong for the better

working condition and financial support. Why Government not fulfilled his promises?

Q9: According to the Article #19 of Constitution 1973 there is a freedom of Press. But

many newspapers were ban in Bhutto era. And many journalists were suppressed. Why?

Q10: Why Government controlled newspapers through quota system? How many

newspapers were controlled through this system?

Q11: Daily Dawn newspaper has been controlled since Bhutto era through

advertisement? What was the reason behind? How much Government got benefit in

policies to control daily Dawn?

Q12: Constitution of 1973 was an achievement of Bhutto Government. Why even single

column has not been published in Dawn newspaper?

Q13: In 1974 Parliament of Pakistan has declared Ahmadis non Muslim. It was a big

step by Government of Pakistan. What was the role of columnist of Dawn news paper?

Q14: There was not a single column has been published in Daily Dawn in 1974 on

Ahmadis issue. What was a reason behind?

Page 116

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