roman slaves by stephanie.n sophie 1

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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Roman Slaves


•Slaves were either men, woman, boys or girls. Most slaves were prisoners that had been captured in battle.

What were the slave's jobs?

•Most of the slave's jobs included such things as washing and drying the family, preparing meals, serving food and drink and cleaning the villa. They also had other jobs like working in mines, doing hair and shopping for the family needs.

•What did they wear?

•Every year slaves received 2 linen shirts, 2 pairs of trousers, 1 jacket, 1 pair of socks, a pair of shoes (yes they did where shoes) , an

overcoat and a wool hat.

What did they eat?

•Some slaves had no break for dinner they ate porridge and vegetables. If the wanted fish they had to save up and buy it themselves .

How many slaves does a wealthy family have?

•A wealthy family had 400 to 500 slaves. The price of a slave depended on what they could do for their master . A slave was more expensive if they had skills.

Could a slave be set free?

Many slaves were fortunate to be freed after about 30 years. A slave who was freed was called a freedman or freedwoman. Also they could ask the government or their master to set them free or the could buy themselves out of slavery.


•Overall slaves were prisoners that had been captured in battle. They received clothes every year and had many jobs around the villa.



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