romeo and juliet william shakespeare. born in stratford upon avon, england in 1564 currently, it is...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Romeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Born in Stratford upon Avon, England in 1564

Currently, it is believed that Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets in his lifetime

He is also responsible for inventing over 1,700 of our common words

Elizabethan EraA period in England when Queen Elizabeth, a Tudor ruled the country

People began watching plays in public theaters for the first time

Shakespeare is the most well known playwrite from this time

Playwrites wrote plays to make a living. They would sell their manuscripts to be acted out- Not read

The TheaterBefore the Elizabethan Era, plays were usually Biblically based

Elizabethan playwrites, like Shakespeare introduced audiences to horror, the supernatural, and GORE

Plays were performed in private homes for the wealthy, or in the backyards of inns for the public

Shakespeare’s Theater Career

Shakespeare worked as a member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. Later he was part owner of this company.

Wealthy people sponsored companies of actors to perform play, the companies were named after the wealthy sponsors

The theaters in London were closed from 1593-1594 due to the Black Plague and opened up again after this time period

Romeo and JulietTragedy

One of Shakespeare’s most popular and performed plays

About 2 young star-crossed lovers from 2 feuding families, who fall in love, and their untimely and unnecessary deaths ultimately end their families’ feud

Features: Love, Humor, Violence

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