romeojuliet introduction

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Shakespeare Notes

William Shakespeare lived from 1564-1616 and made his home in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in England.

It is a beautiful town on a river with a very artistic and rustic feel about the place.


william shakespeare



his house

The Globe Theatre was built in London, England, in 1599. It was owned by Shakespeare’s acting company, The Lord Chamberlain’s Men.

Many of Shakespeare’s plays were originally performed here, all the way until the Puritans ordered the Globe to close its doors in 1642.

the globe theatre

the globe theatre

the globe theatre

The Pit

The ApronStage

the globe theatre

Groundlings – All the people who paid a penny to stand in the pit

Hazelnuts – the popcorn of choice at plays during Shakespeare’s time


38 Plays 154 Sonnets

2 Long Narrative Poems

Several Other Poems

his work

Green-eyed Monster

A method to my madnessA spotless reputation

For goodness sakeGood riddance

A wild goose chase

Knock knock…who’s there?

Kill all the lawyers.Too much of a good thing

Have seen better days

Wearing your heart on your sleeve

The world’s my oyster.

Put your best foot forward.Breaking the ice.

All’s well that ends well.As luck would have it

Breathed his lastRefused to budge an inch

Every dog will have his day.

The devil incarnateEating me out of house and home

Elbow room

famous sayings

A foregone conclusion

Heart of goldComing full circle

In a pickleKill with kindness

It was Greek to me. What’s done is done.Own flesh and blood

As obvious as the nose on your faceSeen better days

The long and short of itSet my teeth on edge

Laughing stock

Melted into thin airLove is blind

Couldn’t sleep a winkOut of the jaws of death

There’s no such thing.

Send someone packingA sorry sight

To thine own self be true.What the dickens?

famous sayings


assassination anchovy

bedroom bump


cold-blooded deafening disgraceful eyeball



lackluster impartial

leaky leapfrog


luggage manager moonbeam new-fangled perplex


roadway restoration

satisfying savagery


schoolboy silliness vulnerable watchdog worn out

words he first wrote

Elizabethan Language

• Elizabethan refers to anything that is from or related to the time period in which Queen Elizabeth I ruled over England.

Excerpt from p. 178 of textbook:an, and: if

anon: soon; right away

aught: anything

ere: before

hence: from here

hie: hurry

morrow: morning

prithee: pray thee, or please

Translate: An aught should happen ere the morrow, prithee hie to send a message anon hence. (2 min)

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