roof fund the people of garner united methodist church

Post on 11-Jul-2022






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Church: 641-923-2191 Pastor Michael Shaffer (712)-298-1754

Email: Pastors office hours are: 10-1 Mon.—Thurs.

aben Ave., Garner, IA 50438

The People of Garner United Methodist Church

~ 150 Years, 150 Ways to Serve ~

Roof Fund Total Collected to Date: $11,608.09

Due to the pandemic you can worship with us by going to our Facebook page or our Youtube and subscribe. If you do not have Facebook,

you can go to the website: and click on

Videos, choose date of video you wish to watch, and it will redirect you to Facebook to

watch the video. (currently some have experienced having to open an account) it is

not necessary to do this and we are working on it so you may watch directly on our webpage

or Facebook without the issues. Thank you for your patience.

****************************** Members not attending our in-person worship may give their contributions electronically by going to our website:, scroll down to the donate button and enter the designation for your donation and the amount.

If you would like to donate to the Mission Fund, click on Mission and scroll down to

Missions on that page. You may also contact your financial institution to set up auto

withdrawal. Lastly, contributions can always be mailed to the church.

Garner United Methodist Worship Service November 29, 2020


Greetings from Us to You (if you are in the company of others, please give an offering of peace verbally).

L: The peace of Christ be with you.

P: And also with you.



Voice 1: Blessed be the God of Israel, who has come to set us free.

Voice 2: All around the world there are wars and rumors of wars. Peace appears to be a distant dream.

Voice 3: Through the prophets of old, God promised peace. Voice 1: Like the people of old, we too long for peace, not only as release from armed conflict, but as a way of living our lives

freed from fears and anxiety. Voice 2: Today, on this first Sunday of Advent, we light the

candle of PEACE. May we find God’s peace in our hearts, and be bearers of God’s peace in our world.

Voice 3: God’s light of Peace will shine on us this day, to guide our feet into the ways of peace.

THE CANDLE OF PEACE (The First Advent Candle is lighted)

OPENING HYMN: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” UMH #211

PRAYER Almighty God, as we begin this season of Advent remind us again that in the midst of our darkness you are bringing us

peace, to calm our anxious spirits and hectic lives. Turn our hearts again toward you. Make us ready to receive your Son our Savior. Slow our pace, and give us the blessing of feeling your peace in our spirits. For we ask this in Jesus’ precious Name.



feel free to email all joys and concerns before or after worship to or the Office at

PASTORAL PRAYER “The Lord’s Prayer”




Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 L: This is the word of the Lord.

P: Thanks be to God.

Message: “Getting By with a Little Help from Our Friend ”

Rev. Michael Shaffer


HYMN: “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” UMH #224 (verses 1&2)

BENEDICTION As we go out to meet a hungry world, know that God will give

us what we need. We go forth to make ready as we wait.

The Holy One, whose love turns fear aside, will show us what to do.

Keep watch! The risen Christ is on the way! Amen.

CLOSING HYMN: “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” UMH#224 (verse 3) POSTLUDE

Family Alliance for Veterans of America– FAVA (Forest City, Iowa)

November quarter mission will be FAVA (Family Alliance for Veterans of America.) FAVA provides information, edu-cation, advocacy and support to families of Veterans, and Veterans across America at a time of their critical need.

When Veterans and their families are suffering in any way from service-related issues and problems, FAVA provides

assistance to them. The donation will be sent to: FAVA,

Forest City, IA office in December.

December Birthdays Benjamin Furst 12/01 Bryan Rigsbee 12/01 Bret Bredlow 12/04 Kris Juenger 12/04 LeAnne Blanchard 12/05 Paul Nelson 12/05

SCRIPTURE: November 29, 2020 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

4 I thank my God always for you, because of God’s grace that was given to you in Christ Jesus. 5 That is, you were made rich through him in everything: in all your communication and every kind of knowledge, 6 in the same way that the testimony about Christ was confirmed with you. 7 The result is that you aren’t missing any spiritual gift while you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8 He will also confirm your testimony about Christ until the end so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 God is faithful, and you were called by him to partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


You are invited to join a 4-week Bible Study based on the birth of Jesus Christ. Beginning November 29th at 9 am in Fellowship Hall OR through Virtual means (TBA). Limited seating and please be prepared to wear a mask and practice safe distancing. Contact Lorene Dykstra for more information.

Advent Bible Study Beginning! _Virtual Only! Two seats left for the Advent Bible Study beginning on November 30th thru Dec. 20th, 7 pm on ZOOM. If interested, please contact Pastor Shaffer or contact the UMC office. “Turn your Holidays into Holy Days”

We are beginning a couple of new ministries at the Garner United Methodist Church and are looking for a couple more volunteers to assist. The goal of each of these is to help us all stay connected as a church family. While we cannot be together in the ways we would like, it doesn’t mean that we cannot find ways in which to continue supporting each other. The first new ministry is a lay visitation program. We have a number of people already in place who have volunteered to visit with members of our congregation on a regular basis. While conditions warrant, those visits will likely be phone calls. If conditions improve, these may also involve personal visits. If you really want to be involved in this particular ministry, please contact Robin Sweers directly: 641-860-1704 Our second ministry is a card ministry. We will have two cadres of volunteers in this one; a group who writes notes to shut-ins, and another group who helps keep up the spirits of our many essential workers. Cards, stamps, addresses; will all be supplied. If you would be interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Lorene Dykstra directly: 641-210-5619 Robin and Lorene will be happy to fill you in on the details and plans for either of these two plans. We are excited about the people who have already volunteered to be part of this connection and look forward to hearing from more of you willing to assist.

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