rootless garden pitch

Post on 20-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine



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  1. 1. The typical care home resident spends 81% of their waking hours doing nothing whatsoever. Half of all old people (over 5 million) consider the TV as their main form of company Loneliness is as harmful for the health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day
  2. 2. grow for sense grow for nurture grow for mood
  3. 3. there is a shortage of staff in over 43% of nursing homes night workers can wind up caring for up to 17 residents during one shift alone a recent Royal College of Nursing survey indicates but whos going to do it?
  4. 4. We are three people in a van, who travel to elderly services to transform public and private rooms into indoor gardens. Using our plants, we lead activities to engage the senses and help the elderly reconnect to nature. we want to help
  5. 5. what we do
  6. 6. + how it works focus on impact and sustainability
  7. 7. active elderly beneficiary contracts with care providers sponsorship grants investment who pays?
  8. 8. how we know it works Meadow Court Bradbury Age Concern Kingston Successful prototypes at:
  9. 9. core care home service core care home service core care home service pop-up sensory garden + partnership with cafs pop-up sensory garden + partnership with cafs indoor garden caf + elderly members club STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 6 months 18 months 2 to 3 years growth
  10. 10. active elderly beneficiary contracts with care providers pop up sensory garden customers indoor garden caf customers + elderly membership holders who pays?
  11. 11. what we have plants shed van
  12. 12. what we need rent nursery space for our plants design + produce initial equipment deliver scaled prototype in care homes with 5000 we will next we want 10,000 for We are happy to accept draw down funding and work to KPIs marketing and brand development administrative costs relationship building with elderly services
  13. 13. advisors (voluntary) our inspiration supporters Jo Farish | Gin Garden Amy Cooper | Secret Seed Society Cynthia Shanmugalingam | Kitchenette Suthan Emma Southgate | Participle Richard Louv | The Nature Principle Wheelers Garden Centre Cold Black Ltd. Hackney Pirates Nature Project Garden | Freedom from Torture Men in Sheds John Zeisel

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