rory’s sport program

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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RORY’S SPORT PROGRAM . In This slideshow I am going to inform you on the importance of physical education and a balanced diet to a 14 year olds life. And the benefits of staying healthy. . Chapter one. Healthy Eating . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



In This slideshow I am going to inform you on the importance of physical education and a balanced diet to a 14 year olds life. And the benefits of staying healthy.

Chapter one. Healthy Eating

One of the most important aspect in a teenagers balanced lifestyle is healthy eating and eating the right things to fuel your body. An average teenage girl’s calorie requirements are between 1,800 and 2100 calories a day however these statistics vary just as they do for adults. An average boy needs between 2,200 calories and 2700 a day. This may seem a lot but remember a growing teens body needs a lot of energy to keep active throughout the day. As teenagers grow so does the appetite, they begin to eat whatever is available to them, it is unrealistic to think that your teenager will never eat junky, fatty foods, but I have researched a couple of ways how to keep the junk food intake to a minimal

• As a parent you should limit or eliminate the junk food that is available in the house, as a teenager if you see a packet of chips in the cupboard you would assume that your parents would allow you to eat it because they where the ones that bought it for you . So don't buy any junk food at all, stock up on fruits and healthy alternatives to provide your teen the best possible chance to eat the right foods

• Another tip is ‘lead by example’. If your child sees you eating an apple or peeling an orange they may follow your example, however if they see you eating a bag of lollies what do you think they would do? Eat an apple?

If you give your child the chance of a healthy diet, they well live a much happy and healthier lifestyle and hopefully they will encourage there future family the way you have taught them

Chapter Two: Nutrition

What ever age you child may be, toddler, teenager here are some ways on how to improve there nutrition and help them maintain smart eating habits.

• Have regular family meals. Family meals are very important to catch up and have a family chat about their day. As children grow older hopefully they will keep hold of these habits and will be able to talk to there parents on a daily basis, whenever, wherever and about whatever. Kids who take regular Family meals have the benefits of eating fruits, vegetables and grains, they are also less likely to snack on unhealthy foods and are less likely to get into bad habits of underage drinking and smoking. In addition family meals offer the chance to introduce there child/children to new foods and experience healthy eating

• Stocking up on healthy foods. Kids will eat whatever is at home so if you as parents stock up on the healthy foods this will lead to healthier eating and getting more nutrition into there diets here are some foods you may like to invite into your home.

Work fruits and vegetables into the daily routine, aiming for the goal of at least five servings a day. Be sure you serve fruit or vegetables at every meal or keep a fruit bowl in the middle of the table of on the kitchen counter

Make it easy for kids to choose healthy snacks by keeping fruits and vegetables on hand and ready to eat. Other good snacks include low-fat yogurt, peanut butter and celery, or whole-grain crackers and cheese.

Serve lean meats and other good sources of protein, such as fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Choose whole-grain breads and cereals so kids get more fibre Limit fat intake by avoiding deep-fried foods and choosing healthier cooking methods, such as broiling,

grilling, roasting, and steaming. Choose low-fat or non-fat dairy products. Limit fast food and low-nutrient snacks, such as chips and lollies. But don't completely ban favourite snacks

from your home. Instead, make them "once-in-a-while" foods, so kids don't feel that they never get any sugary foods and start eating behind your back

Limit sugary drinks, such as soda and fruit-flavoured drinks. Serve water and low-fat milk instead.


• Don't Battle Over Food. It is easy to start battling over food bribing you children to eat healthier in return on a sugary snack. A better strategy is to get kids involved. Kids should decide when they are hungry and what they should feed them selves and when they are full. Parents should control which foods are available. Moth at mealtime and snack here are some examples to follow

• Establish a predictable schedule of meals and snacks. It's OK to choose not to eat when both parents and kids know when to expect the next meal or snack.

• Don't force kids to clean their plates. Doing so teaches kids to dominate the feeling of fullness.• Don't bribe or reward kids with food. Avoid using dessert as the prize for eating or finishing their meal.• Don't use food as a way of showing love. When you want to show love, give kids a hug, some of your time, or

praise. Because if you start doing this, this could lead to overweight or obese children.

• Get Kids Involved. Most kids will enjoy deciding what to make for dinner or even help prepare the dinner make sure you talk to them about making the right choices and planning a balanced meal. Some might even want to help shop for ingredients at the store, teach kids to look at the food labels to begin understanding what to look for. And deciding what is healthy and what is certainly not


Many “sports” food and drinks such as energy bars are sold to athletes. However most of them do not need them to meet there energy needs. Many people can be tricked into buying these products but you shouldn't be, these products to not contain magic ‘performance’ ingredients. However, these products can be handy when kids to not have the time to have a healthy meal or snack and need food for the go. Kids who eat well-balanced meals are getting the nutrients they need to perform well in sports. Kids who perform in all-day competitions or long endurance sports (like rowing, cross-country running, or competitive swimming) often need to consume more energy to keep them going. On the next slide you well be able to view the healthy eating pyramid

Chapter three: Physical Education

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY As a young child or a teenagers there are a lot of distractions from getting involved in physical activity. This may be a team sport, individual or just getting outside and running around. The main distraction would be excessive use of computer games, whilst physical activity is overlooked.

Schools have now got physical education (P.E) classes in place to help with the lifestyle of kids around Australia. These lessons are trying to increase social development, reduce rates of life-threatening diseases, promote lifelong health

IN DETAIL Social Development: physical education includes a lot of different team sports these sports require the team to work towards a specific goal. This promotes social bonding across racial and economic barriers because the kids focus of the game rather than focusing on differences. Being involved in physical activity teaches children about there bodies to further their knowledge on this health classes have been put in place to educate the physical and emotional changes during adolescence.

Promotes Lifelong Health: making physical education a daily routine in humans life's provides a healthy and positive lifestyle. Studies have been taken place and discovered that adult physical activity patterns and aerobic fitness can often be traced back to childhood. This shows the importance to lead active lifestyle so they can carry these positive habits into there adulthood and live a healthy lifestyle.

Reduce Rates of Life-Threatening Diseases: Physical activities have been proved to aid the management of chronic diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis and diabetes in overweight children

My Exercise program involves healthy eating and frequent exercise. Healthy eating I have already included in my PowerPoint and frequent exercise. Team, individual or just running around at lunch. Something that really annoys me is that at the teenage age kids manly girls just sit around eat and talk. Feel free to talk to your friends but walk around to get fitness and exercise. Especially if you a overweight if you eat your school lunch and sit down your not losing any of the sandwich you ate. Another good way to get fitness at school is playing throwing balls with your friends or kicking the footy, what a great way to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have done some research and found out a good exercise program to tone up and put some muscle on and you don’t need any fancy gym equipment. I appreciate how fittnessforkids has helped me. Follow this link and find out what to do. and remember balance is the key, take recovery days for maximum results.



Here is a recommended daily intake table for children and teenagers, women and men so have a look and check out your RDI.


Balance in your healthy living is a must, there is no point starving your body from nice foods such as chips, chocolates, fast-food etc. However there is a problem when these treats come a daily need, you need to balance it out. Maybe have fast food once every two week and maybe have one serving of delectable's a day. Also if you plan to start getting fit and in shape there's is no point training your body overtime this will just lead to injuries and you getting sick and tired of exercise. Once again you need to balance your workload. An example. If you wanna start going to the gym go every second day this gives your body a break to recover so the next time you go the gym you won’t be tired and you will be able to work harder and get more results. So if you want to start living a healthier lifestyle the key is balance. Eat healthy foods but reward yourself with a little treat now and then.


This chaps name is called Alain Robert “Spiderman” he free climbs buildings this shows he has amazing balance. No ropes, no harnesses

MY SPORTS SURVEY RESPONSES1-2 times a week 1 4%

3-4 times a week 13 54%

5-6 times a week 6 25%

7+ times a week 4 17%

How many times a week do you do physical activities?

what is your favourite sports? Australian Rules Football.AFL

8 33%

Athletics 4 17%

Cricket 4 17%

BasketBall 4 17%

Netball 4 17%

Athletics 4 17%

Gridiron 2 8%

Hockey 1 4%

Soccer 3 13%

Other 8 33%

How often do you have take away/ fastfood a week?once a week 8 33%

twice a week 0 0%

three times a week 0 0%

four or more times a week

0 0%

Never 4 17%

Other 12 50%

What Activities do you participate regularly

Walking 17 71%

Golf 2 8%

Fishing 0 0%

Swimming 7 29%

Bicycle Riding 11 46%

Hiking/Camping 1 4%

Baseball/Softball 2 8%

Running/Jogging 11 46%

Motorcycle Riding 1 4%

Soccer 6 25%

Hockey 1 4%

Ice Skating 0 0%

Basketball 5 21%

Other 12 50%

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.

What activity would you most likely do in your spare time.

Read 0 0%

Go on the computer 11 46%

Eat 2 8%

Watch T.V 5 21%

Physical Activity 4 17%

Other 2 8%

How much junk food do you eat on a daily basis

1-2 servings a day 13 54%

3-4 servings a day 5 21%

5-6 servings a day 1 4%

7-8 servings a day 0 0%

9-10 servings a day 0 0%

11-12 servings a day 0 0%

12+ servings a day 0 0%

No servings 5 21%

not important at all crucial

How important do you think physical activity affects your health? 1 -

not important at all

0 0%

2 0 0%

3 0 0%

4 0 0%

5 0 0%

6 1 4%

7 2 8%

8 9 38%

9 4 17%

10 - crucial 8 33%

I sent my survey out to 24 people responses as shown

As you have now learned from reading my PowerPoint healthy lifestyle is very important to a humans life. Hopefully you will take this in and life to the fullest, if you want to change your life for the better, never give in

‘‘Nobody trips over mountains.  It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.  Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain’’. 



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