roseland proposal

Post on 24-Jan-2015






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Marketing ProposalPrepared for:Roseland Property ManagementOctober 6, 2011

Status Roseland Management, through a confluence of events and contemporary issues, is confronted with an opportunity to examine its marketing platform:

a) Roseland Management has received an investment and an assignment to manage a portfolio of more than 1000 units from Hartz Mountain Industries, which provided a branding platform for it to be recognized as the leading provider of high-end management services. b) Roseland Management is the economic bookend for upscale rental properties in New Jersey, concluding the last cycle with Monaco in 2008 and now set to announce Harbor Village, the next significant project to deliver in 2013.c) Roseland Management has invented not only a new standard for renters by choice in New Jersey, but a new paradigm for downtown revitalization.d) Roseland Management has a critical mass of rental and marketing requirements that it has addressed as individual components, but advancements in Internet marketing and other considerations call for an examination of whether a systemic approach would be more advantageous.

OpportunityThe purpose of this document is to provide a vision for how Roseland Management can exploit its current circumstances to:

1) cultivate its branding franchise with an institutional audience of elected and appointed officials, providing an advantage in downtown and revitalization and redevelopment scenarios2) establish a branding franchise around its performance leadership directly to its target audience of tenants, allowing pricing leverage3) evolve its marketing programming and efficiency through sustained online presence to drive leasing


StrategyCreating sustained, dynamic reference assets where audience

are influenced1. media relations => Axiom Communications 2. leadership reference => Case Studies Website

Module3. online presence => Axiom Media Model4. marketing => branding support and conventional


Institutions Resients OfficialsVehicle

Case study web site

exemplary results special places planning is a premium

Online Marketing

powerful tools assure high performance

great lifestyle, highly amenitized

endorses municipaliites

Publicity active and perfectly positioned

esteemed service & assets positive association

Marketing active and perfectly positioned

community leadership community leadership


Message Matrix

Program Element 1: Case Study Web SiteTone:Roseland Management is:

- the custodian of beneficial downtown development strategy in NJ

- the standard bearer for hospitality-level management services in highly-amenitized environments

- the preferred resource for property owners seeking an association with a branded, premium-generating management resource

Navigation:- Featured Cases as Web-borne documentaries (urban highrise,

urban mid-rise, suburban downtown luxury, third-party managed)

- New from Roseland (branded content)- News Stream (media-sourced and integrating facilitated


Program Element 2: Sustained Publicity Program

Targetsfinancial institutionslocal officials and opinion leadersprospective residents

Story Idea Developmentconcept-based feature development trend story opportunities from mind-


Online Residential Marketing Service

Program Element 3: Activated Axiom Media Service





Enhanced Listings

Continual Posting

Social Media

Axiom Media Channel

• News Clips• Press Releases• Conventional Marketing Materials

• Web Site

• Reference Sites

• Marketing Sites

• Social Networking Sites

and Blogs

• Video

Leverage Search Engine Value of Existing Content

Axiom Media ChannelLeverage Search Engine Value of Existing Content


QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and a decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Increased Web Traffic

Increased Occupancy

Decreased MarketingExpenses


- specialized, expert services from an integrated resource

- consistent, dedicated service - contact matrix organized by function

Business Arrangement

Monthly or per-unit pricingPlatform and tool development

includedNew building burst includedBranding and collateral non-exclusiveKill fee disaster insurance

top related