rosewood free school school self evaluation 2020-21 ... · school self evaluation 2020-21 updated:...

Post on 26-Sep-2020






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August 2020 Page 1


Updated: August 2020

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Context On 1 September 2017, Rosewood School converted from a Single Academy Trust (SAT) to a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and welcomed Great Oaks School, Southampton into the MAT as an academy converted school with effect from the 1st September

We have established a MAT with a vision for excellence for the education of learners with special educational needs, that celebrates and uses the individual strengths and characteristics of each school and who have a shared purpose to develop through research, excellent and innovative practices that ensure individual needs are met at all times

The development of the MAT also provides a vehicle to address the pressures on Special School places in Southampton City and Hampshire

In May 2018 Rosewood maintained its criteria as OUTSTANDING building on three previous judgements of the same category in 2014, 2012 1nd 2009

Previously a 30 place school conversion to a SAT allowed the school to double in size. A new build extension to the school was completed in August 2013

Rosewood now has 61 main school pupils at the start of the Autumn term with an additional 5 due to transition in during the first few weeks. The school then knows of two additional Nursey pupils. This would take the total to 68. We are at capacity at 70.

From the initial 61 the school has 24 girls and 37 boys (39.3% and 67.2%)

The majority of learners have Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD) 95.08% with the remaining being older leaners who join us at aged 16 with Severe Learning Disabilities with additional physical and/or sensory needs 4.92%


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Context continued..

Learners with PMLD also have complex medical needs and life limiting conditions, these pupils are working at early developmental levels previously described as between P1 (i) and P3 (ii). As a school we would assess our learners with PMLD as falling into three key developmental areas, Pre-Intentional, Intentional and Formal.

Those learners with Severe Learning Disabilities with additional complex health, physical and/or sensory impairments are typically working between P4 and P8, here again we would use three developmental stages and describe these learners as working as Concrete Learners, Emerging Concepts or as Generalisers

Pupils are placed in the school by Southampton LA and Hampshire LA. The school adopts a needs led admissions policy and the school currently has 67.2% Southampton learners and 32.8% Hampshire. We have actively been involved in the discussions and work of Southampton who will be consulting on the reconfiguration of Special Schools. Within all proposals Rosewood as a specialist PMLD provision is included but some look to reduce the age to 16 for leaving subject to a City development of a Post 16 placement

Percentage of pupils on Free School meals is 18% (11 pupils)


Asian and any other ethnic group- 1 = 1.6% Black – Somali 1=1.6% Indian-4 =6.7% Kurdish -1= 1.6% Other Asian-2=3.3% Other Pakistani-3=4.9% White + any other Asian Background- 1=1.6% White – English 38 =62.4% White Eastern European 2=3.3% White European 2=3.3% White Other 2=3.3% White Western European 1=1.6% White and Black Caribbean 1=1.6% White and Pakistani 1=1.6% White and any other ethnic group 1=1.6%

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The school have welcomed Southampton LA monitoring and are currently rated an A school by the City. This criteria means the City have acknowledged our quality of teaching and learning but also the positive working relationships we have with the LA. The most recent visit was December 2018 and the focus followed on from the Ofsted visit and looked at the management of recruitment and HR

The school works very closely with Southampton LA and is seen as part of the local provision. The head is a member of the Southampton Special Schools Head Teachers Conference and represents this group on the Southampton SEND Partnership Board. The Head also attends the School Education Leadership Forum (SELF) to ensure that the priorities of the City and wider community are understood and influence the practice and priorities of the school

The school actively participates and benefits from a Peer to peer system across the nine specialist provisions in the City.

To define what is an achievement or a success for learners with PMLD is challenging as it is as unique as the child. Our beliefs and aims call upon the staff to be Responsive, Reflective & Responsible to the learner. The ultimate aim for our learners is to establish a relationship and control their environment and it is through the quality of teaching and the learning environment that the potential for this will be enabled. The ultimate success is when a staff member can feedback to a child “I understand you".

Since 2008, although regularly reviewed and rigorously scrutinised to ensure the recommendations following the Rochford review are met, we have had a comprehensive data collection system that allows the school to look at trends and expectations. For example we have supported pupils to move into other special schools catering for pupils with a higher level of ability and school data systems indicating both Ipsative learning and progress over time provided evidence to support these transitions. The indicators of progress are still related to the individual pupil and their personal percentage improvements are evaluated. This can then trigger additional support to class teams, families and involvement of the multi-professional team if the data indicates regression or point progress is less than previous rates. Detailed record keeping and media/film collection is then used as part of the extended evidence base to look at factors influencing pupil progress. We have also collated and analysed data to look at the rate of progress made for our Post 16 learners with Severe Learning Disabilities and are able to predict and expect rates of progress for each student. In Spring 19 we introduced an electronic platform to capture both assessment and evidence of learning data.

From September 2020 we will be reporting separately on the Cognitive Profile as this covers the Engagement Profile lines and will produce both an ipsative score for Cognition and overall development.

Following a successful pilot, we have been supporting the development of an adult day provision for our leavers and have

seconded a team as an interim measure while a more permanent solution in the City is developed. The Post 19 provision is funded from education, health and adult social services and considerable steps have been taken to achieve a more permanent solution to the educational needs for our leavers. We have also been able to develop an additional classroom provision to accommodate the learners and this again was jointly funded. The Avenues @Rose Road is a separate entity to the school but

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important to acknowledge as a destination for our leavers

We worked closely with a local day service provider and have supported and will continue to monitor the quality of education in a day service ran by Rose Road for learners in their final year of EHCP. This provision will be ran off site and not by the school team. Leadership will be commissioned to monitor standards.

Progress against previous inspection: Last inspection 17th May 2018

Areas to improve:


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Human Resources – improve procedures and record keeping particularly that relating to the appointment of staff

Pupil Premium – ensure the use of additional funding to diminish the difference between disadvantaged pupils and others

Chair completed Safer Recruitment training provided by LA

Skills audit completed and analysed covering Trustees and Governors

Appointment of new Office Manager with Human Resources brief from January 2019

Review of all HR procedures across the Trust instigated in January 2019

Safer Recruitment Policy has been implemented across the Trust which includes a more robust system for highlighting safeguarding answers, reference checking and identity checks

A new filing system is in place that includes electronic and backup paper evidence personnel files

Across the MAT investment on the improved use of SIMMS

Improved delegation of duties and responsibilities across the administration team with strong and positive management by the Office Manager

During COVID Lockdown HR processes were written and implemented at RWS

Initial meeting to move to a central HR system across the MAT

New systems were introduced in September 18 for tracking and monitoring impact and implementation of Pupil Premium

All Governors trained on Pupil premium and responsibilities they hold; Pupil premium is now a standing item on the LGB Agenda

Having narrowed the gap in July 18 and August 19 show the gap between disadvantaged learners and the rest of the school in July 20 analysis showed no difference between attainment of groups of learners

Deputy Head’s clear leadership ensured effective implementation of additional resources in the Autumn term 19 that we will be repeating for September 20220

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School improvement priorities Intent 1 – Quality of Education All learners will access a curriculum relevant to their needs and delivered by well trained and responsive adults

To ensure curriculum opportunities reflect Rosewood interpretation of the “Recovery Curriculum” and include wellbeing levels

To ensure data from assessment explicitly supports the Learning Journey for every learner

To integrate the principles of Conductive Education into the Rosewood Routine approach to maximise functional movement opportunities

To embed Conductive education into the Early Years and Upper school

To implement new RSE assessment and curriculum

To develop physical offer to all learners looking at the impact of hydro, rebound and conductive education

To review the development and encouragement of vocalisation across the curriculum

Intent 2 – Behaviour and Attitudes All learners involvement in the learning process will be challenged and supported

I To implement into planning, interoception as a sensory need

To add wellbeing indicators to the communication passport format

To develop training and support packages to maximise the use of the Eye gaze and other augmented communication aids

Continued identification of learning resources by teachers earlier in the planning cycle to have full year impact

Continued early identification and planning of effective spending to support pupil premium and LAC

Improved awareness and interventions for behaviour for communication

Improved awareness and interventions for sensory seeking behaviour

Revisit and skill all staff in the nature of Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) and the potential of colour focused teaching

Intent 3 – Personal Development The holistic needs of each learner, within the context of their family will be developed through a transdisciplinary approach

Wellbeing levels, based on Fere Leavers work, to be implemented across the whole school

To build on relationships and communication styles developed during Covid 19 to strengthen partnership working with families

To work with Family Link to develop areas where families could be supported to implement education and therapy principles into home life

To re-evaluate and seek professional services to improve our communication and education offer to learners and their families with English as an Additional Language (EAL)

To build on the foundations made in the role of Family Link to support all families to navigate support services effectively

Continued awareness of signs and symptoms of poor mental health in staff and learners

Strategies for developing resilience for staff and learners refined to link with wellbeing indicators

Continued review of the EHCP Review processes to engage families and other professionals and use of Data to support families to challenge progress

Maintaining high standards of Health and Safety for learners and staff, implementing new learning achieved during lockdown

Intent 4 –Leadership and Management The wellbeing and personal development opportunities of all staff will be prioritised Continued focus on reviewing teacher workload and wellbeing of all staff; development of wellbeing champions across the school

Implementation of HR improvement plan, including recruitment, DBS, contracts and payroll procedures Implementation of extended HLTA use across the school

Embedding use of Rosewood Teaching Standards and Learning Assistant Standards Updating all Safeguarding Leads and staff training including Governors with responsibility for Safeguarding

To develop leadership supervision plan across SLT and aspiring middle leaders

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Strengths Intent:

The school has constructed an assessment and curriculum approach that is bespoke to the needs of the learners in the school

The ImPACTS Approach is a continually evolving approach that is responsive to new external research; school based research; changing needs and populations

The philosophy and approach is consistently applied across the whole school with a clear focus on individuality leading the curriculum design and implementation

The assessment and curriculum is used across other schools across the country, Rosewood provides the training and material and then a network of schools inform future developments

The curriculum is developmentally designed and ensures the holistic needs of each learner is planned for

Recent developments to produce the Extended ImPACTS reflects both our Post 16 learners and two groups of learners who are emerging in the school as cognitively more able

The emphasis within the extended is towards functional use of skills across a range of curriculum opportunities

The Schemes of Work designed by the teaching team ensure consistency and quality of teaching and learning

The coverage plans, both of the Schemes of Work and for individual learners ensure a breadth of curriculum within a personalised approach

Pupils make progress against their previous personal best at the expected rates and where this is not the case rigorous monitoring and Multi-disciplinary systems are in place to support

Key Skill leaders act as advocates and champions of their subject area but work to ensure all teachers have a detailed understanding of all aspects of the curriculum and the whole team is involved in evaluating and developing all aspects of the curriculum

The School Improvement Plan highlights areas of the curriculum for review and development and supports this by ensuring well planned and high quality INSET

The school ensures the use of Enrichment opportunities, themed sensory approaches and particularly the use of the arts ensures high levels of engagement and involvement in the curriculum

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The school leadership has worked with the teaching team to look at and understand what high quality teaching and learning looks like for our learners

The school has developed a bespoke and challenging Teaching Standards document that exemplifies expectations at Rosewood Free School The school has also acknowledge the considerable impact Learning Assistants have on the quality of teaching and learning and professional standards have also been devised in collaboration with the team

The schools teaching team have received training and time to develop a collective understanding of the responsibility of being “the leader of learning”. All teachers, including NQTs are immediately responsible for a team of staff and are required to supervise and support their professional development within the classroom

The use of Key Skill leaders as subject advocates and the expectation to lead the development of the subject area has ensured all the team are confident in all aspects of the curriculum having actively contributed to evaluating and developing the assessments as well as the curriculum content

The quality of teaching and learning is monitored by the Senior Leadership team at least three times a year by formal observation, in addition subject based Learning walks take place with the Key Skill leader and Governors/Trustee also attend

The school has been monitored on an annual basis by the Local Authority, an independent advisor and through a process of Peer to Peer Monitoring amongst the local Special School heads

Teachers use each other’s expertise, the expertise of the leadership and the wider professional team around the learners to challenge the quality of their own delivery

The balanced implementation of each learners Individual Education Plan ensures teachers constantly reflect on learning and embedding across the whole day

An exceptional finely graded, developmental assessment is part of the overall ImPACTS approach devised by the school and all teachers use this highly effectively

Teachers gather data towards the assessment from regular recordings by themselves and their team; other professionals involved and where appropriate the family

The detailed information gathered from the assessment process is used to create bespoke learning pathways for each child

All of the classrooms are designed to be learner friendly and allow for the holistic needs of each individual to be met

All staff are trained to evaluate their own engagement levels with learners and to evaluate the impact this has on the learner’s involvement in the learning process

Carefully considered resources are available to allow access for individual learners this includes investment in bespoke positioning equipment to ensure postural management matches cognitive load and demand of tasks

We have reviewed and have plans to revisit on an annual basis the workload demands the personalised delivery has on the teaching team

Expectations of pace and challenge have been discussed and supported by Level descriptors exemplifying six distinct ability ranges covered across the school population

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Data Analysis and Development – 87% of learners achieved their expected rate or exceeded rate of progress

The 13%( 7 learners) who did not meet expected, with the exception of one learner, can all be explained:

A: poor health and subsequently low attendance B: Complex safeguarding situation, inconsistent placement and prolonged stays in hospital C: changing body due to age and mood/hormones altered D: fluctuating health and seizures E: just below expected but overall positive year, does need additional challenge on communication F: concerns over regression but this will be reviewed in the Autumn Term G: child with aggressive regressive condition

The expected rate of progress for vulnerable learners is in line with overall progress. The measures to target individual needs using

planned intervention with Pupil Premium spending need to be continued and prioritised

There is no statistical difference between the progress and meeting expected rates between girls and boys

Post 19 learners with PMLD are following the same expected rates of progress as the whole school

Learners with SLD make steadier progress and are not working in a three year cycle.

Main influence impacting learner’s progress is medical intervention and deterioration in health and wellbeing

The school individually and as part of the MAT has worked with the LA, health and Social to look at destinations for learners Post 19

with complex learning and /or health needs

The appointment of a Deputy Head across both schools is further strengthening the work on destinations and pathways into adult

living ( see Post 16 section)

We have actively worked with families and adult services to look at functionality of communication, literacy, numeracy and life skills

for learners Post 16 - 25

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Actions from previous year:

All current assessments are on the Earwig platform

All learners have been assessed using Earing platform

Training on evidence collection via Earwig has been undertaken by all the team

Conductive Education principles are in place in four classes

CE training undertaken and time for lead to visit, plan and deliver programmes implemented

Extended ECT assessment completed and curriculum to follow

RSE assessment completed and reviewed, curriculum in draft format

Fine Motor lead has had time to write and will introduce amendments early next academic year

Reworked Annual Review dates and content amended with teaching team

Impact of actions:

All learners are taught by staff who are responsive to individual needs

Lesson observations evidence use of Intensive Interaction consistently throughout the school

All learners have been assessed using Earwig platform

Training and development of staff confidence for evidence collection

Conductive Education evident in four classes, training across the whole school

Lead for CE given time out of class to support and develop programmes for individual learners

Lockdown time facilitated rewriting of Extended ECT Assessment and blueprint for a new curriculum

RSE completed and ready for launch with families

Fine Motor review completed and will be implemented from Autumn 2020

Adapted Annual reviews to accommodate virtual meetings

Next steps

To introduce Wellbeing Indicators across the whole school

To extend physical activities across the school using Rebound, CE and hydro

To develop the content of the assessment and write a curriculum for Extended Communication

Trial and embed new Fine Motor assessment

To implement Extended ECT assessment and complete curriculum

RSE assessment and curriculum to be implemented

To introduce learning journeys via Earwig, with sharing permissions with families at each learners EHC Annual Review

To ensure all teachers understand the Data findings for individual learners and their curriculum responsibilities

Review the Assessment and Curriculum for Interaction Strand

Review the Assessment and Curriculum for Vocalisation Strand

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Strengths The school has a high regard for providing a respectful learning environment

All staff are fully aware of the philosophy and ethos we hold as a school

Staff actively seek to provide responsive learning environments that are playfully engaging to the learners

The development of Individual Involvement Indicators ensures all staff understand what effective learning looks like for each learner and the motivations and approaches that will support these

A changing population both in lower school and our learner who are more able in post 16 means individual behaviour plans are used to ensure a consistent approach to each learners needs

The changing population has encouraged the school to look at behaviour , both those related to communication and the impact of sensory seeking behaviours on a an individual’s access to learning

Whole school training on sensory behaviour and approaches to behaviour is a key feature in the schools School improvement Plan supported by plans for high quality and relevant INSET

The school has ensured the Governors fully understand their responsibility to monitor the attendance of pupils and the school actively works with families and other professionals to ensure individual attendance matters

Where any concerns on attendance have been raised these have been swiftly actioned and resolved with the wider professional team

Relationships between learners and staff is always respectful and staff recognise the key responsibility they hold to be who the learner needs them to be so the learner can flourish

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Actions from previous year:

Monitored and found Involvement Indicators to be embedded, disseminated best practice across the school

Outdoor learning area opened and resourced

Resources to enhance learning were purchased earlier in the year impact on outcomes noted in data summary

Focused spending on individual learners during Covid to support home learning

INSET introduced Interoception positively received needs embedding and further development

Communication INSET positively influenced practice as evidenced via lesson observations and learning walks

New technology purchased and introduced to learners during covid period

Specialist behaviour support sought for one learners and training needs identified

Impact of actions:

Shared language of learning and staff focusing on the process of learning not just planning and/or outcomes

Outdoor learning opportunities have been planned and additional resources purchased

No statistical difference in the achievement of disadvantaged learners and the rest of the school population

Families reported they felt well supported during Covid and effective communication established

Improved working relationships with MDT to ensure all families and learners were being supported

Positive INSET that had direct impact evidenced via Learning walks and lesson observations

Additional, younger pupils accessing augmentative communication aids

Bespoke training plan to be implemented in Autumn 2020 for one pupil

Next steps

Monitor and develop outdoor learning opportunities

Continue intervention strategy to target initial Pupil Premium spending in the Autumn Term

To further develop what Interoception means for PMLD/SLD learners

To undertake bespoke training for learners identified as needing additional behaviour support

To use the ECT assessment to identify further augmentative communication training required across the school

To implement wellbeing indicators and activities across the whole school community

To continue to develop staff understanding of Sensory Engagement for mental wellbeing via external training provider

To ensure all staff have a basic understanding of CVI and the implications for effective teaching and learning


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Strengths The holistic nature of our curriculum ensures the learners’ broader needs are met

We provide high quality support to individual learners and their families

We proactively work with members of the wider professional team and aim to achieve a transdisciplinary approach to meeting the learners needs

The overall health and wellbeing is a key feature of the school and is encapsulated in one of our shared school mantras, “ Good education is caring and Good care is educational”

Respect as a key value of British values underpins and is exemplified in all aspects of our work as a school community with the learners, their families, as a team and with the wider professional community

The positive development of relationships for cognitive, communicative and emotional development is a key feature of our PSEWB Self advocacy work and is extended for our more able learners through a well-researched and relevant Sexuality and Relationships Education key Skill

We engage with colleagues from Social care and health and are very aware of the mental health and wellbeing of our learners and particularly their families

Pupil mental health and well-being

Pupil voice is advocated with learners as appropriate in an explicit way but also permeates across all learners through Intensive Interaction providing opportunities for the learners themselves to lead their own learning

We actively work with young people and their families at points of transition and significant work and raising od standards around Pupil centred Planning has been introduced for all Post 16 Annual reviews

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Actions from previous year:

Developed an effective family link approach, with activities, engagement, communication and support meetings

Early Years music project completed

New project identified with Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment with Great oaks involvement

Metal health first aiders trained and supervisor trained

Teachers using professional email post reviews to ensure good communication

Communication with MDT strengthened during Covid lockdown

Improved communication and range of communication strategies with families during Covid period

Continued support for respite services to support learners and their families

Continue to refine Review meetings, looking at data and learning journeys

To ensure Transition reviews signpost families and support start of journey to adult services

Two staff have completed health and Safety training and have begun reviewing Risk assessments used across the school

Impact of actions:

Family link has directly supported families to get additional support, acted as an advocate and visited families during Covid

All EY staff are more confident in the use of music and how to initiate and wait for responses

MH First Aiders trained and available to the team

Positive communication sharing across the MDT, supported and developed further during pandemic

Reviewed data collection, linked to earwig but also how teachers use data to improve all aspects of teaching and learning

Improved Risk assessment formats and training to be introduced

Next steps

Strengthen further the work of the Family Link

Continue to develop signposting for support services

Continued focus for staff to be aware of own mental wellbeing and how to be kind to self and others

Focus on wellbeing for learners and their families

Via implementing involvement indicators be more aware of motivators and supportive learning strategies for each learner

Continue Work with LA to support review process to make more family friendly and encourage a learning focus

Continued development of Manual handling competencies

Review annually content of PEEPS to reflect learner population

Continued emphasis on the value of music across the whole school community

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Strengths Our school meets all the criteria for good in leadership and management securely and consistently

Leadership and management in the school is a strength and combine principled leadership with a determination for ongoing improvement

The leadership has worked to develop opportunities for teachers to be fully versed in the high professional standards expected in the school

A culture of research lead work as meant risk taking to improve and develop is embraced allowing new initiatives to be trialled and evolve in the school

Regular teacher conversations and challenge regarding aspects of teaching and learning are encouraged

The leadership has lead on reviewing work load and expectations and continues to prioritise further work in this area both through self-reflection and from feedback for the teaching team

The leadership actively promotes professional development, supporting trainee teachers, NQTs and encouraging the development of middle leaders

The leadership has reviewed professional development opportunities for Learning assistants and has introduced the grade of HLTA but also is now working with a provider to ensure the qualification reflects the standards we hold as a school

The school leadership recognises the responsibility it holds for the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and have invested in training to support staff and enable leadership to fully deliver on these responsibilities

We have a culture of Safeguarding that supports effective arrangements to: Identify-pupils who need early help or who are at risk: Help-reduce the risk by securing support or referring on to those who have expertise to help and Manage safer recruitment and allegations about adults who may be a risk to learners

The school has a proactive and high regard Health and safety, particularly in the management of learners but including equipment and premises

Those responsible for governance understand their role and carry this out effectively; the trustees and LGB have a clear vision and understanding of their delegated responsibilities and ensure that leaders are held to account for the quality of education and financial management

The School improvement plan reflects the ambition and expectations the leadership has for the school as a place of continual reflection and improvement

The school actively works with families and this is a key feature of the ethos that underpins the school, from September 19 we have appointed a Family Link position to further strengthen this work but also to recognise the demise in support services available to families within our school community

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Actions from previous year:

Class teachers are completing supervisions for team

Completed work on content of Rosewood teaching standards

Reviewed teacher workload by looking at impact on outcomes for learners compared to teacher time

Two staff, Jenny Swain and Nora Peto have begun middle leadership training

Two staff were awarded the qualification and since given HLTA posts

Four new applications for training reviewed for next academic year for HLTA

Governor and Trustee skills analysis completed

Appointment of Safeguarding Governor and completion of Governor safeguarding visits to school

Joint Trustee and LGB training completed

New schools have joined ImPACTS and the format is now being put onto an electronic format

Newly appointed permanent clerk to LGB and Trust meetings

New DHT completed probation and making a positive impact on the school

DHT Post 16 post is positively impacting the joint working of the two schools and ( see additional plan) positively challenging and developing pathways into adulthood

HT participated in numerous workshops working positively with LA and local Special Heads to introduce new funding/ banding system

HT engaged with Health commissioners and LA to look at linking needs of learners to commissioned services

Peer to Peer was not achieved due to paired school’s circumstances but did initiate a review and proposal for joint working next academic year

Impact of actions:

Pace of development and change continues to ensure high expectations are set across the whole school

Investment in future leaders and development of future work force

Professional development opportunities for Learning assistants

Trustees and Governors are all clear in divisions of responsibilities and skills held by both reflect the differing expectations

Post 16 provision is strengthening and influencing a City wide development of a secure future provision

Fairer funding system has been developed that should positively impact learners across the City

Positive dialogue and challenge to commissioners from health and social care beginning to impact how services may be commissioned in the future

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Next steps

Strengthen further the work of the Family Link

Continue to develop signposting for support services

Continued focus for staff to be aware of own mental wellbeing and how to be kind to self and others

Focus on wellbeing for learners and their families

Via implementing involvement indicators be more aware of motivators and supportive learning strategies for each learner

Continue Work with LA to support review process to make more family friendly and encourage a learning focus

Continued development of Manual handling competencies

Review annually content of PEEPS to reflect learner population

Continued emphasis on the value of music across the whole school community

Delete if not applicable QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN EARLY YEARS – Insert your SEF grade

Strengths Insert:




Actions from previous year:

Impact of actions:

Next steps

Delete if not applicable QUALITY OF SIXTH-FORM PROVISION – Insert your SEF grade

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Strengths Insert:



Implementation: include teaching and learning, assessment, SEN and/or disabilities

Impact: include year 13 assessment and progress data

Attitudes to learning

Personal development: include preparation for future education, employment or training

Actions from previous year:

Impact of actions:

Next steps



Actions from previous year:

Impact of actions:

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Next steps


Ofsted inspection report:

Quality of education:

Behaviour and attitudes:

Personal development:

Leadership and management:

Quality of education in early years (if applicable):

Quality of sixth-form provision (if applicable):

Overall effectiveness:

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